Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1901, p. 4

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KVKBY THURSDAY BT PUKMAim COMPANY. W. A.Oaxsrr, BUzEbfiCBUkcer. J. B. PKRRT, Treas. nmnmmnwmmMIMMNM PROBATE NEWS Block, tiro doom aovUi of :*t store* nmt •. CltUwas', Wo.' TCRMS or •UMCMIPTIOW4 iptloDS "iebelTOfl for tbxa* the same proportion. •«£ Thnnday, fttnuiy J, W« NOTICE. ' Tin fig-ore* on the label after your name tell > date to which your subscription is paid. Ifor instance, if the label on your paper reads Sept. 1, '09, It means your subscription Is paid to Sept. 1, *90. If yon do not understand that the figures on your paper represent the date to which you think you are paid, notify us, giving date and amount of your last payment, <tpd we will try and adjust the same. t ̂ . &S4JL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Reuben B Turner to Lee E Turner, lota Same to Amelia J Turner, Its 38, 40, 41,. < St. 53 & 54, Turners 1st add to Solon, 'Mills: Same to l>ee 15 Turner, lots 44, 45, tt i?, 48 & 49, Turner's 1st add to Solon Mills Albert OftTnm et- to Fr»«'5» U Jack* man. w'4 nel-4 sec 11, sei-4 »wt-4»ee 11, land In nwl-4 sel-4 n of road sec li Grafton -- Louise Salisbury to Emma Melton, It 1, blk 3, E I Smith's addn to Woodstock Minnie A Conokiln & h to Thomas B Merwln, 44.100 a-in nel-4 swl-4 sec 5, Dorr ! Anne M Audrus to ClaretHSe H Pains, w K it l. blk 1, Walkup's add Nunda.... Advertisers, At*»ntt«n! _:J'\ •Those desiring their adschanj?ed must have oopy in this office not lifter than Monday night r4v> we positively canuot make changes after tfcatttmti. •' (riTfyiWin -) i i-iBgi"... n yniinil '[ll»>i|n I i.|i. .VI 'i.'« i* AFRICA IS fuming up""IS 'sTwfieal- fjnowing country. Last year it pro- i 44.000,000 bushels ot the cereal of tqutHy. =«• ; IT may fairly be assnmect that those ^Ifbo aspire to the office of governor in •erroont are not inspired principally by tfee salary attached to the office. This li $1,500 a year, which is less than the of the governor of any other LOT us hope that practically all of 90,000 letters of indorsement of for appointments which Gov- Yates ha? undertaken to read are typewritten. His task will be gigantic «nough without deciphering Illegible handwriting. t GOVERNOR YATES' military staff has Sfceen selected with care and can be de­ pended upon to make a good showing lb behalf of Illinois in the inaugural parade at Washington when President XcKinley again takes office. There are not many persons who can spare the time and the means to represent the •tate at their own expense at public functions, and those who are able and frilling to uphold the honor of the state ch occasions should receive $be i of the people for doing mm* IN whatever action the members of the general assembly take toward sup- Pressing the nuisance of indiscriminate shooting by trespassing hunters, and thereby protecting game from deetruc- . Hon, they will have the hearty support <rf residents of the fanning communi­ ties, where the practice has become al­ most unbearable. The general opinion aeema to be that a total prohibition of discharging fixe arms on the public high­ ways, and the imposition of an annual special tax on guns are features that most be embodied in any measure whose object is to abate the nuisance. P&.jQtnBBir VICTORIA'S LAST WISH. ^>1-'; That Is ft very pretty story which is . told about the prince of Wales and the 1 emperor of Germany Queen Victoria s ?"*' ' eon and grandson--kneeling at the bed- ., «|de of the dying sovereign and taking | an oath, at her request, to do all in their power to reign in peace and never to al­ low England and Germany to clash. The Minneapolis Tribune expresses an earnest hope that this story is true, say­ ing that the emperor is a very religious man, and the prince--now King Edward VIL--is a man of honor, and the pre sumption is that if they took such an oath in the august presence of death they would keep it. If England and Germany are pledged to keep the peaoe of Europe, and will faithfully live up to that pledge, the peace will be kept. Great Britain is all- powerful on the sea, and Germany is ir­ resistible on the land. The two. by throwing their combined weight into the scale, could compel any other two belligerent powers to come to an agree­ ment. And united with the United States, England and Germany could enforce the peace of the world. No other com­ bination of powere would dare to fire gun if these three great military and naval nations should command arbitra­ tion. If the queen, in her dying moments, effected an alliance of Great Britain and Germany for the abolition of war, her final service to mankind was the most important of all her many good actions, Of course the command of the queen did not apply to war waged by a nation to bring its rebellious subjects into sub­ jection, but to war between independent nations. The right of self-preservation is involved in the right to put down an insurrection. No modern state could hold together if its different political or geographical divisions were permitted to cast off the central authority at will Nor will it be possible to avoid war with the barbarous and uncivilized na­ tions until they are brought up to the higher standard. In China, for in­ stance, a nerveless and irresponsible government has shown itself powerless to protect either its own citizens or for aign residents, and has violated sacred international obligations. Such a "t tion of people needs to be disciplined, and if the work is taken in hand by the combined civilized powers, the reform and reg?n««ion can be accomplished more expeditiously and with the mini mum loss of life and waste of resources Queen Victoria's most earnest aspira- jlton was for peace, and yet she was des- , tin#d to go down to her grave grieved to tike heart over the regrettable war in which her country was engaged. It is IM*«jrprieing that with her last breath her powerful descendants to k t Received Direct From mm Wll- M IB* "Js Pants that usually sell at $2.00, goat.. .$1.50 Pants feature cheap a $2.75, at. v, .*<*$3.25 Pant worth $2.50 now going at...«*.;V IIllS&'OO (->//' 3 i W-'J, : fV -4 i • ,?•)" .• R < S» W#-.. - Si i, - > -r •i ; i3t "k* V *'£»> , RpjiSef K ** '\ t '• tt West flcHenry West ircHenrv (IAS. i. nm & (0. C AS JttUa A Thompson et al per master to James I Thompson. eH Its 1 & 8 nvM NC 2, nH swt sec %. e 30 acres of nei< sek sec 3, Coral, also 1% acres in se oor sw5< sec 35, Seneca «H8W| James I Thompson & w to Henry P Sul­ livan, same < Lee Grover to Clement V Grover et al tie1* sec 9. nw!i ne>4 sec 10 eH neX nw H sec 10 A18 a off s side neM nejtf sec K, Marengo ! Ida A Burke & h to Lawrence Lusk, pt nW4 sec 18. Xunda e of Fox River also pt ne^i sec 18 & pt neM neX sec 13. e of Fox river, Nunda (MOO 001 Marion J Hamilton to L D Lowell, Jr, part It 5, blk 6. Walkup's add Nunaa 100000, Nellie Wall et al to Andrew J McCarthy; eH It 1 uwM, eH It 2 nwM, e« & neji • of swl-4 all in sec 1, Hartland, alsoeH , .. swl-4, sec 36, Alden 1WM Mart in Sackett & w to John Haas et al pt n H nel-4 sec 21 & 80 a of sel-4 nel-4 31, Alden 480000 John Breins & w to Edgar S Smith, pt e Vi swl-4 sel-4 & pt wH sel-4 sec 13 s of road, also strip off vr side e% sel-4 sec 13, Alden 700088 Beaton Piper & w to Crest Reiher, pt It 1 nwl-4 sec 7 A pt It 1 of w frl H sec 0, - Chemnng.. 800000 John L Weed & h to Bryant Weed, 1-6 Int in nwl:4 nwl-4 & uel-4nwl-4sec 11 also 10 acres In s\Vi-4 sec S & nel-4 ne 1-4 sec 10 ex & c Seneca 00000 Joseph Peacock & w to Henry O Dauchy It 6, blk 1, H W Mead's 4th add to He­ bron Jonathans Brown & w toSemour Whis- ton, nwl-4 sec 25, Hebron 80000 Mary L Qulnlan et al to Joanna Fits- « raid, pt sel-4 sec 27, & swl-4 sec 87, den 100 Elmarinda R Norton per admr to Ly- sander B Compton, Its 1,8 A13, blk 1, . 8000 00 Bradley B Marble & w to Mary Mans­ field, It 12 assrs plat swl-4 sec 11, Greenwood 100000 Same to George M Mansfield, It 8, assrs plat swl-4 sec 11. also water and gravel prMleges, Greenwood... 879000 PROBATE NEWS Estate of Arthur W., Ella V. and Alta M. Hag&r, minora. Request of minors. Petition for letters of guar­ dianship filed. Robert E. Haeger ap­ pointed guardian. Bond $8000, filed and approved. Estate of Andrew Bourne. Appraisers appointed. Estate of Dwight Smith. Proof of death made. Charles R. Smith and Frank E. Thayer appointed administra­ tors. Bond $4000, filed and approved. Appraisers appointed. Estate of William B. Austin. Leave given to withdraw report of sale. Widow's relinquishment and selection filed and approved. Estate of Joachim Freese. Proof of heirship made. Estate of A, W. Hart Report of con­ dition of estate approved. Theo. Hamer appointed guardian ad litem for minors. Decree. Estate of John A, Robinson. Proof of heirship made. Final report ap­ proved. Estate declared settled and executor discharged. Estate of Henry Diekman. Proof of death made. Will proven and ad­ mitted to probate. Mary Deikman ap­ pointed executor. Bond waived. Estate of Charles Radloff. Report of condition of estate approved. EL H. Walt appointed guardian ad litem for minors. Decree. Estate of Richard W. Overton. Widow's relinquishment and selection approved. Estate of Lyman S. Page. Inventory approved. Estate of Hazel N. Westerman, minor. Report approved. Estate of Naomi Jenkins. Final re­ port approved. Estate settled exe­ cutor discharged. Estate of Neil Bum Sale bill ap­ proved. Estate of Robert W. Haeger. Proof of death. Petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. Hearing set for Feb. 26, 1901. Estate of Sullivan S. Shepard. Final report filed and approved. Estate de­ clared settled. Administrator dis­ charged. Estate of Peter Weidrich. Final re­ port filed. Estate of William J. Chestnut. Ap* praisement bill filed and approved. Estate of John McGuire. Final re­ port filed. Receipts exhibited. Estate of Harrison C. Smith. Inven­ tory and appraisement bill filed and ap­ proved. Estate of William Goodhand. Inven­ tory filed and approved. Estate of James L. Hartwell. E. C. Jewett appointed administrator de ***"<• non. Bond $1000, filed and approved. Estate of John Dunn. Leave given to pay tax of 1900. Estate of Ann Y. Palmer. Citation ordered to upoe returnable on 1st day of next Term. Estate of James J. Nolan. Appraise­ ment bill and widow's selection filed and approved. Claim day was had in the following estates: William Gka$4tond, Harrison C. Smith, Andrew - 0. H&der Patrick McDonnell. BARKBmLK E. F. Matthews was a Chicago pftMen- ger Monday. Miss Ruth Van Natta went to Wau- conda Friday. Miss Anna Behen called at Jno. Hun­ ter's Thursday last Thos. Thompson and J. Julian were in Nunda Thursday. Miss Myrtle Back was a caller at school Friday afternoon. Mrs. S. Hanson who has been quite sick is again reported better. Ed. Behen was a caller in oor neigh* borhood Friday of last week. Mrs. Chaa Huffman, of Elgin, spent part of last week with iriends here. Miss Clara Thompson entertained a small party of friends Wednesday even­ ing. Miss .La-Nette Covalt, of Terra Ootta, spent Thursday night with Miss Clara Thompson. Thos. Thompson and John Hnnter at* tended to business matters in Wood­ stock Monday. Mr. Eastman and wife are tobeofthe number who have decided to make their home in Louisiana. Bernie Frisby and Miss Annie Flem­ ing attended the masquerade at Wau- conda Friday evening. Wm. Van Natta attended to business matters at the Ford farm Wednesday, where he expects to move in the spring. Henry, Fred and Arthur Wilmington were among those who attended the masquerade at Wauconda Friday night. Miss Bertha Wi agate entertained a score or more of her friends in a very pleasant manner on Thursday evening. Messrs. Floyd a*>d Robert Thompson, Johnnie Hunter and Misses Isa Matth­ ews and Edna. Hunter comprised a party of young people who attended the •uasquerade in Wauconda Friday even­ ing; OASVORXAi Beanth* ^TkKiud Ytn Hiw Ahajs BwiM Signatm of How to Cmre the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as dir­ ected and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result in pneu­ monia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used it for the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not recover. For sale by Julia A. Story. There's no reflection so dainty, no light so charming as the mellow glow that conies from trsssss-vsir ranndton is dio tints •or- xr„^T£5i.'ds" Twhar*. Mad* faf STANDARD OH. CO. Ben Telephone. The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West McHenry exchanges of the Chicago Telephone Co. Residences only are specified. AJ! others are business houses. SIMON STOFFEL, Manager. 224 Aurin g e r D r . A . E . r 2 2 1 O w e n O W r 343 Besley G.W.drug 314 Owen & Ohapell . . 252O'Neill Rev.P Mr 241 PageC L r 312 Plaindcater Co. 362 Kosedale Club 284 Ross Dr F C 202 Ross Dr F C r 342 Sommers Geo r Besley G.W.hotel Barbian Bros 838 253 Barbian N E r 304 Boley G F 801 Brand Joha 818 Bach J J ' 811 Chapell 8 Br 381 Chapell C 0 r 11 Chicago Tel Co 321 Spurling Dr A O r herman 804 DermontMrsShotet 372 Stoffel 8 r Mr. VOLO. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boeing, January 31, a son. Dr. Rossdeutcher and Mr. Dryer are still on the sick list. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miohoila January 30, a daughter. Miss Abbie Converse visited in Mo- Henry a few days last week. Elijah Richardson is able tobe around again after his serious illness. Miss Alice Cramer visited Jennie Walton Saturday and Sunday. There will be a masquerade dance in Peter Stadtfield's hall Feb. 8. Messrs. Holland and Earl Townaend were Volo callers Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Jack Raymond and Joseph Miller have been filling thair hnnsm tnis week. The oottage meeting held at the home of John Walton Friday evening was well attended. ** Mrs. Gill and Mrs. Kirwin attended the cemetery meeting Friday, which was held at the home of Douglas Wait. The Pasture Stock Food Co. ,8B4 Times building, Chicago, offers $15 per week and 10 per cent on all sale* for a man with horse and buggy to sell Pasture Stock Food. 89-aot. Ml aignatui* Is on every box of the geaalas Laxative Bromo-Quiaiiie the iMMdy can* 281 Egfeeln Anton 883 Engeln M ' 833 Fegera Dr C H 854 Frett Chaa G 301 Fisher & Cornish 843 Hanly Geo 803 Hazel E J r 353HertzH Lt 834 Heimer Jos 803 Holts & Stilling 8 0 4 H o w e A L r 358Howell M A r 263 Jensen H M 313 Justen JacOb r S44 Justen N J 883 Lamphere C. E. r 851 Lorimer Wm r 304 Stoffel 8 postoffloe 5 Stoffel 8imon store 273St*»ryJIr 401 Story Julia A r 371 Stafford B W 341 Snyder Bros 303 Tweed B G 831 Village of McHenry pumping station 382 Tillage of McHenry public school 888 Village of McHenry Marshall's res 308 VanSlyke J 302 Wattles F H 3*4 Walsh Jack r 222 Wheeler E 8 r < r 844 McHenry Ore'm'ry 843 Whiting W E Compani, . ; 311 Wells Dr D 361 McOmber Ft 7 Western U Tel Oo 374 Mead HCt •• 373 Wight man Harry 383 Owen L H r - TOU, STATIONS. German Village P. Jaeger, 10b. Johnsbarg. John P Layr McHenry .......Gilbert Brc Mineral Springs H. Ericsson Pistakee Bay Solon Mills Spring Grove. .. Ben Stilling. W H Davis. SftB. A Neish, 80c. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest discovered digest* ant and tonic. No other preparation en approach it In efficiency. It In- - •• es STATEMENT BY THE WIFE OF BOON& COUNTY'S TREASURER. fielvidere, Have been an invalid for tho past eight years. I suffered a great deal of pain Mid a little over two years ago my nerves gave out and I could neither eat nor sleep. Medicine seemed to have no effect, although I tried different phy­ sicians and tonics. Finally some ad­ vised me to try Dr. Tallerday's Pain Tablets, to see if they would ease the pain and thus enable me to sleep. I tried them and from the first they helped me, and have taken them for the past two years, always being benefitted and never feeling any ill effects from. Have always taken the tablets for severe headache, to which I am subject and have been greatly helped, besides exper­ iencing no bad effect after, so apt to fol­ low the use of powerful headache reme­ dies. I feel that too much can not he said in favor of the Tablets. MRS. GBO. VICKKBS, 423 E. Madison St., Belvidere, 111. _ Ney, HL, Nov. 5, 1900. Dr. Tallerday, Dear Sir:--I had been ailing and all run down for some time and had no appetite. Was advised by a friend to try your Tonic and did so. Bought one bottle. It helped me so much I got five more and can safely say that it did me more good than three years of doctoring had. Yours truly, Mas. L. D. KJELXIOG. Manufactured by TBI TALIKBOAT MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, 111. For sftle by JUUA A. STORY, - . MeHenry OfeO. W. BBSIJEY. - WettMeHenry This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a tfRERJU. BARKIH6 NISRtSl We endeavor to do aU busi­ ness entrusted to oor care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage.............. Honey to Loan on teal estate and other firat class se­ curity. Speo- ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. ̂ NO. 1 ea, Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 60c. and SI. Lasge slse contains SH times small stte. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free Prepared by E. C. DeWITT a CO. Chicago. JULIA A. STORY. Taney Ualentines We have an elegant display of fancy Iftlffen- tines which all the young men and ladies should see. You can surely make at selection that will please your friend. IHasques !W MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles Stover Capron Lizzie Schuls Harvard Frank H. Gehrke... .Marengo Minnie C. Feabeant.. . Marengo j Amel Nowak Union Annie Steinke Union Ray J. Schermerhorn. Sharon, Wis. Myrtle Vroman Sharon, wis. West McHenry A large assortment to select from, now, while the stock is complete. v GEO. W. BESLEY nam A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomach; neither can^ve stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you eat ftn(i it simply can't help but do you good. Julia A. PT- - . • t is-. fhii i i ip mm • General Commission Itlercbant ' CbicaM, nHMft' Special attention glveii to the sale of Dressed Beat, rtutton Veal, Poultry ~ .:!4;H°gSt ;v:f Hides, Etc. Butter and Eg î-- This is the «ddest honse on the street Tags and price lists , furnished on application' COLD STORAGE FREE WONDERFUL WASHM8TM «tHE EVCR-GRKSN STATE** offers TO-DAY wonderful appor-% tunities for ftmners, manufacturers, cpmiiaixts ̂ miners and investors. OPPOiflUNITY KNOCKS ONCE AT EVERY DOOft. if you would take advantage of YOUR opportunity, writeTO-DAY for information about the oppor­ tunities in Wonderful Washington, and-about'fJLV SETTLE© LOW RATES OVBR THft Great Northera Ry. •V- MAX BASS, 9m. to. Agt., 88oa Ctai* F. I. WHITNEY, e. P. a T. at. pi . ^ Prod uce Buyers Dnied Fonltry, Chine, Fa**, Eggs and Batter. 304 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Write for fRSMt vM prices. NMtl Ex#Mses . . a capable woman. Penna­ nt posltioa. Experience •naecessary. Write once CorpartiAlftrs. (%>ABK 4 Oo., SfiioathTith 8t« Phlladelpkla, Pa. cafe be neat at Don't Be FaoLcni HOCKV MOUNTAIN TCA INni tiiji ym mtLjom ' sMufe Art* mi mm ps PI«m, M em**. Km ia iwCv Annt ja --isi tat». Agk C o i f f l u a i c a t i o n is an element that enters largely into MODERN M B T H O D S It is this which makes the TELEPHONE an indispensible adjunct Business service 5 per day or to of residence 16 cents 24 hours (Hugo TMphne (onpny SIMON STOfffl McHenry, III. v A. M Do you like Olives?! • t \i '* I • !S- . 1^1 We have the finest stock ordered that haa ever been seen in this town. If you want a small olive, or a large olive in a large bottle or small bottle, tre have them in all grades and at all prices. Also some nice stuffed olives. -.j,,,, Do you want an Apple?! ' - 1 ' - r ui»iiW]i)HjSniii - ' i '• i i • ̂ We have several barrels of choice Ben Davis, .>* Baldwins, Greenings, etc. which are being tfold at i * right price, by the peck, bushel or barrel. BROS, McHenry GIL-BERT fir?- J\ MILD LAXATIVE. SU^ECLBAD? A MUD LAXATIVE VELLJ CuEKlib. icitd yoaaooryer bo IrriUok we&K.ftrxJ [U>»o^od "v '4 iSt#* • TO oci WELL? WELL.1 GIESS NO ! i TKEH OOIO so^e DRUO 3TOR£ AND SECURETHI^/nooeKN^rrrcn IN TIMCT : Coco-Cektirr-CouA, POO MERV&,VITAUTY, /AE^TAW 5 * • GREAT NORTHERN TICKETS ON SALE February 19th, 19th. SOtfc; March ftth, 19fth, 10th, SOth ; April 9d, Oth, 16th, 984, 80th, THTMOWRNPCMEDYCO. 4 JULIA A. STORY, - Druggist. fmmt >sossMosBoseeo P U R I T Y Is a Tsry essen­ tial thing- in a drag store and ia baling drugs |i^d patent med­ icines we bear this in mind. We guarantee oor stock to be ot the purest on the market.... i« A COHPLE1E STOCK Not only is oor stock complete--it is fresh and new |n every department. We have secured the services of H. A. Qoddard, a competent pharmacist, which i n n m r m m f u H d y m , , . . Fancy Goods, Notions, Toilet Articles, School Supplies, Wall Paper, Faints and C»ls Druggist's Sundries j. s. BROWN & SON, R TD. RIVER • VALLEY . FARM • LOANS An absolutely safe investment paying 6 per c«mt Interest the security with location, nine a»d } If you wish a choice Investment of an v aroount^I from you with a request for detailed tofformawO®. fOR A full description of mine and amount of loan, will be sent upon request. " anv amount, I will esteem it a favor to hear - " " e L. LAT1BER50N, Cashier Bank of Warren, p Warrei -Eirst Nat. Bank, St. Paul, Bradstreets or Duns RED RIVER VAUET FARMS BOUCHT AND SOU) Baramncas:- ••• JOS. H. HUEnANN, J»h»lsbu'*l,' • ^ • Mlinoi*. r SiS .frk, tieitnt BiKksaitltat Mts HwiyS Appleton Corn Shelters Corn Shelters and Tread Powef* ̂Ibplex Grinding MILLA, ROCK ' Carriages, Buggies, WmTI - : ?* €*<->• t r •*%. .. - Wind Jffllgr Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint CHI and ̂ riachlne Oils a Special 2 P<'iY-.-r- it>swirii - rr..

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