Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1901, p. 5

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• - I ani MnM BmT Vedl riartSMi Hm U " ** d "•I" • i ; Pealtry ~ iSltttf MK SiHSi^e uiwuwuuu vinjKff «M a'Woodstock visitor PotoeMaininK ie< working for I farahnoet anything Rtohardsoo,we aregtad to wets Visiting at Geo. at the school house next Sundayevening. All oeme. Mr. Hobart purchased * new setof sleighs at Woodstock 8aturday. - Ray and Callie Thomae attended the deooeat Ringwood .firfday. evening. B. lL .Riehard8(m aBd B. Harrison Tbsw: Life's w „ AilU (Nllili' tBtwl iap August Wldton da y. J E Cristy transacted business in the city on Tuesday. was a visitor at McHenry - Illinois r: SwCrfi E,1 ai. • - rv t * -:r»-s .̂ Vt. - '̂rV*' ' 4M4' wind mill* Steel and Olood emu • •£*?*, P«n« KtacWiiiV A fall Hue In every department' We are prepared to do Work ff «H , Give as aoatl lilli^pFay ^ Rajney Ringwood, 111#' gj A^stractsof X'tie. Mclienry County WOODSTOCK, ILL. ' - I it. M. Patrick, MfreB; #&Ksaete» j John J. M f F. F. Axtell, Harvard. rick, Marengo. lurphy, Woodstock. 1 W. C. Eichelberger, Woodstock IGeo. L. Murphy, Woodstock Rsal Estate BmieM and Seld. taWMCtaiMI ̂ AMncU «f TtitteaaS Cnwywclm. »«« 4rt»aiS lid bit F. WATTLES . « (Successor to K. R. Howard) gHII kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand Vegetables and Canned Goods. n- ery Qoods a SpeclaKy All Kinds of Salt Fish. iv ̂ . - f „ Highest market Prices Isl-U"-^t.-taid for Hogs, Cattle, SheepiU. ' . r;v.. Bides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and M" Fruits received fresh daily. driers from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me t*W$H do the right thing With you. WATTLES, • West McHenry, HL " ^' '^4-4$ - hong distance telephone,! -- " 'telephone 17 I'M' mm ftf , &/: <?*/ *" I* BARBlAN BROS. Makers of F"n» Ciga.8. "Our Monogram . - lO cent Cigar '*ffi Leads Them AH. g Oar Leading gc Brands: ••Olivette" "Barblan Bros. Beet* Jjy««fcvef" - "Bee Hhf fx, - ' "Empire Cuban** ̂ -Geo. Meyers- Chan. Jeck's sale went off wall; every thing was in good shape and sold high. Mr. and Mrs. EL 8. French were Woodstock visitors Saturday and Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Eton Harrison, of Ring- wood, were visitors at Jas. McDonald's Monday. Bert McCannon Mad Edith Matthews, of Ringwood, were Sunday visitors at Ed. Pierce's. E. E. Basset*, Chae. Jecka, B. Harri­ son and Henry Hobart drove riodie cattle to Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Peter Martin is feeling some better at this writing. We hope she will recover completely. H. N. Thompson has sold his farm opposite Warren Francisco's to Mrs. Kaiser and son. They will take posses­ sion soon. A large number of friends and rela­ tives assembled at the home of Francis Abbott last Friday evening and played progressive cinch. The evening rolled away merrily. Refreshments were served to which all did ample justice. The first prize was captured by Cbas. Davis and Mrs. Wm. Thomas. Frank Francisco got the other. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely di­ gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di­ gests what you eat. As it is the only combination of all the natural digest- ants ever devised the demand for it has become enormous. It has never failed to cue the very worst cases of indigest­ ion wad it always gives instant relief. Julia A. Story. We called attention two weeks ago to a mistake in the statement of the Ring* wood Butter Co., for December. We call attention this week to a mistake in the statement for January, which gives $.995 as theprice paid per 100 lbs. of milk. This should be $.99063 or $.991 I suppose our hot-headed friend will be offended at this and say that he thought it ought to read thus, and so pat it down. He spoke last week in the Senti nel about the net prfoe per 100 bis. of milk being the bases for dividend. Well he is either green or ignorant, as every­ body knows that the dividends are all figured from the net price of butter. We trust our friend will not fiy off the handle, but acknowledge his mistake like a man. WAUCONDA. Theron Oaks visited relatives ifi Chi­ cago the first of the week. Chester Sowles is recovering from a recent attaqjk of la grippe. John Hodge, of Rockefeller, was a caller in Wauoonda Saturday. T. V. £locum held mi auction sale at Wauoonda Saturday afternoon. ̂ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hill, of Wanke- gM», are visiting relatives in Wauconda. M. W. Marvin, of Waukegan, con­ ducted the teacher1* meeting here Satur­ day. The Wauconda W. R. C. entertained 81 members of the Barrington W. R. C. at dinner in their hall Saturday. A sleigh-load of Waocondaites at­ tended the masquerade ball at Stoffel's hall, McHenry, Monday evening. John Hironainus, who injured his foot while working on the ioe at Lake Zurich is now able to be ftbont with the aid of crutches Persons who can not take ordinary pills find it a pleasure to take DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are the best little pills ever made. Julia A. Story. Norman Ladu has just returned from Diamond Luke where he has been help­ ing his uncle, John Ansley, who lacer­ ated his hand in buss-saw a short time ago. . Elmer Duers entertained several of his boy friends at his home on Saturday evening last Carrora jand parched were the order of theeveu&g. Refresh mente were served. When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica­ tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and its early use pre­ vents consumption. Jnlj^A* Story. V = GENERAL TEAMING •fall kinds. ^Excavating and Grading. IIMaofe mm fide sfgaataie to on every box of the gwmtae Lazttive Bromo-Quiiiiiic the Talk is cheap--specially when you make of your neighbor's telephone. For Infcata ahd Children. Tk IS4 Y« Bin Ataflx B«gM Bears the on' lead the T. evening. :at P. C. the home^l^a. A. Dwrtly. J. S. Iliowt A^Beat"are imewintnii; their customers with a ealender Mas. H. M#Stoyhemon was *tMe- Henry caller Tfefttisday afternoon. K and yMtjkhm b«a of What is CASTORIA OMkttla la a harmless snhatthrte iby 4Sutor Oil« PaMa jgertB# Hnf inl WOfiiHif gyntpa. BhtkMni K contains naitlier Optom* Mm^lne nor other # o o o < > . o o io o o o ited Telall vee at Rifriunond on' Tuesday. Mr. sad Mrs. *d Bell entertained a company of friends on Tuesday evening, Mrs. J. W. Criety his been entertain ing her sister, Ifrs. Knight, of Wood­ stock. Mrs. P. K. Allen, of Chicago, spont part of last week a* the heme of H. CL Allen. Mrs. Warren ffasra&d daughter have been spending a few days with grandma Goates. Rev. Wm. Nickle addressed the W. C, T. U. at Wpodman hall on Monday evening. ̂ Mrs. M.>Y?JS. 8pwWnf wtOfaei the Ladies Aid sorfety last Thunday afternoon. W. W. Waterman, of Minnesota, has been speeding a fsw days #ith relativee and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Francisco, enter­ tained relatives from Woodstock on Sat­ urday and Sunday. Remember the school entertainment to be given next week at Woodman hall, by the pupils of Mr. Oole's room. The dinner given by the Willing Workers last Wednesday was a grand success both socially and-financially. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cristy and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradley and KartSerib- ner attended the Meyers--May wedding on Wednesday. ;£vV - J Had to Conquer or Die* 'I was just about gone," writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C., "I had Consumption so bad that tiie best doctors said I could, not live more than a month, but I began to use Dr. King's Mew Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well." It's an unrivaled We- saver in Consumption, Pneumonia. La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. Guaran­ teed bottles 50c and $1.00. TrialbeWIm free at Julia A. Story's drug Btore. SPRING GROVK. Will Shaw, of Belvidere, was * Visitor here last week. Mies L. Laurance has beeaviid Ung her sister, Mrs. Bush. ' Silas Pierce is erecting a blacksmith and repairingshop. Anna Hanke, of Channel Lain, is now at Andrew Neish's. John Baker is visiting his baether Henry, at Galva, I1L Selim Pierce will move iato Oosrt Hasting's house March 1st. The Ladies society will meet at Mrs. Bell's next Friday afternoon. Ren Johonnott, of Antioch, was a caller ih this vicinity Friday. Mrs. Isabelle NeiBh will return lo Spring Grove to live next week. Richard Oxtoby has rented the Shot- liff farm for the next two years. Mr. Bush is now at Pranklyn; isn where he expects to move shortly. Miss Stone, of Hebron, spent*flctar- day and Sunday with her sister heore. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, of Antidefc, spent part of last week at John Carr's. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hasse are enter­ taining their aunt from Burlington, Wis. Miss Mary Mcllwain retaraedto her datiesat Mrs. Lewis Hatch's tftds week. Antone Gaides will move to Mrs. Martin Adam'a farm on German Prairie soon. Mrs. Kate Shotliff will move to Mrs. Laura James' house in this village March 1st Miss Bessie Stone is ill and has been obliged to give np her school duties for a short time. Mrs. Etta Esh and three soaa are now visiting at Richmond with her brother, Joseph Richardson. A Valentine social was given last week at Mrs. Wm. James for the benefit of the Ladies Aid society. John Bell is soon to move to the John B Bell farm asaar Bingweod. Bernard Bell will occupy the farm he leaves. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Huff is dangerously ill and its recovery hardly expected at this writing. Walter Carey, of Wilnot, has a new saw mill in operation and many of the farmers hereabouts are fanily at work getting out logs. Chas. Harnish and cousin, Mina, of Walworth, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oveiton spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jaa Oxtoby. A Fireman's Close Call. ' 'I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo­ comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., "I was weak and pale, without any ap­ petite and all run* down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle offKlec-, trie Bitters and, after taking it, I felt atff well ss I ever did in my life." Weak/> siekly, run down people always? gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaran­ teed by Julia A. Story. Price 50 cents. Xtt cnres Diarrhoea and Wind KTOhlkliig aomd Gmnt̂ stton and Flatataaey. It aMttokflntes the Food, regulates the ALWAYS Ifl1 Use For 'Over 3̂0 Years. •BRHta Fish J Fish! We have all kinds of Fish :*-.wpfor thi Tiwitiwi fifaflfifTTir - * Salt, Smoked ^ • 'i- - 'i- * • Prlees are the Lowest. ̂ I-. ' r!;V " ; V': "f; j Table Syrup . . . V , i I Qrahatn, »Buck wheat. " ^Corn Meal. fli lEVttly, " ̂s ,_. . .^ar. . ' J* 1 a':'- h * S ; • aiw hVnt< m * r Thaabove cat represents a strong lino, i A k ing carried right here in stock. The si " KsMriMMMlClotktu Muabctnivn. ' itiOBttttuaowaiwofi la Kftwgnt Hm» ftnnt IMh KsptriwuMl tiotktst MuabctDNn. The goods are laid before jroc 1 ̂ try on the garments, and take them home with you. We Sod, tram exper *•" that way of buying to be by far the most satisfactory to the wearer. : in year feet and have' them dressed. We Itave all A sorts or winter foot wear, and our lines are unbroken. t g w Heme Blankets, Far Robes, Plush Robes, Duck Cents, naddusw; Coats, Mittens, Caps, Etc. ̂ . YlNtn lor winter trad®, ̂ J JOHN J.IttlLLER; 'iVf-i. ,i* U-' I h>' ' | - ' i" ' ' M us not, Lite is biit ID eapty irein. But, for that cold feeling let us sell «ome warm value Groceries and Meats lit pricesthat will make our Fire Sale Ceil j>etitors reel that selling S?s! (ut price" Groceries is i" #littraction, for with on^priees > - y: f Ve guarantee quality. ~c ' '*#We haw* adopted for the following proverb: y r v M -PricwitlwlltqiM]itT I.. uQ^ Olie" The CYCLONE QROCERY; R. O. TWEED, Pn* .t ^ | Wwt McHenry ^35^®^"""' • (Mi IMIwwtWiayll/. •; M > • iii ^n, ^ i hh I'^ii ulsMmfX 3^3' im m. J. WALSH. ,Vj f . vv A $ ; : k < M i . - v/. ,,-ri ̂ s ' * '. tli m * •' * 1 kf ft " V*»-' ' SHi ' ̂ VI ; to buy furniture. There is always a fv '.vsV' ̂ ew weeks after the holidays and ^the furniture dealer has time to look ; I ̂ over his stock. We *till have an un- li' broken-lot and as v ^many bargains in 4 * 4 4-4 i r'" PAKLOR SUITS > W; CHAMRRB SETS' . A •'&. »f ' EASY ROCKERS JffOmG TABLBS' ̂ ' i V,. - BUGS, CARPETS CH^IXSSB-f ̂ BUBS We have a nice llna of Picture Pram*# |f:'; ̂' <*K VF~ JACOB JUSTEN ̂v? McHenry, III. 5s* j-k ̂ ; v; 'A ;t,l< Want Column. OEED OATS. We have 1,000 bushels choice ^ white seed Oats for sale. Free from foul " Call seed, sweet and all right, early. 83-tf Selling fast. Wilbur Lumber Co, "GV>K SALE--a good two story, eight room s house, in good location. Price $1,8)0. 33-tf. Apply to John Nimsgren, McHt . IU KUUU 1UWUUU. * « Apply to John Nimsgren, McHenry TJMDK SALE--100 Barred Plymouth Fowls, 50 •*? cockerels, 50 pullets. Choice birds. Price 75c. to fl each. AdSress or inquire ofJ. V. Buck land, Kingwood, 111. ' >6-10t. XJOU8E TO KENT--The •H house. AnnW tn N. J. : . Chris. Apply to N. J. Justen. ffichels 2»-tf 17VAEM FOE BENT^One-half mile south of J McHenry, 123 acres nearly all under cul- Aooa boose containing tiTatioa. Auoa boose con nearly six acraa'of land. iael Cleary, McHenry. 111. ten rooms Apply to Mrs 31t "DtOB EENT---A fana consisting of l2B acres J?' on the Nunda road will be rented reason­ able,to good parties. Apply to The Plalndea- St̂ S^1»k^SS? West McHenry, Ml brown head, y A. Anners, D. T. 8MIIJ5Y, Solicitor. MASTER'S SALE OF REAL (SBTATE Statjb or iLi-iNOis L McHbhbt Codktt f # In the Circuit Court of McHenry OHmty. Jacob Justen I B;11 to Forcloae. John Krause et al 1 „™s master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of A D 1901, at tbe hoar of one o clock In the af­ ternoon. at the East door of the Court House , î th^c^of Woodstock, county of Mciigry saaaasawtoeaa or so much thereof as will nj«M*aai« decree situated in the towe <rf *of «i»y, County of McHenry and State M Illinois, to-^rit: Lot number three 0) in Block numSer three (3) in the Village of West McHenry and Origi- D!Datled St^Mdstock, III., Feb. 11, A. D., 1901. Oao. w. Fiklo, 3aofc Maater in Cfcanoecy. t-, ̂ V , tM *•« I ' ' 1 ' / t'< K' |v"*v' ̂ - ^> i* + *• * s I " ^ A great lot on sale--odds and ends. lining--65c for the $1.00 kind. Some are a little out #1 date, in the way of pointed toes, at $1.25 for $3.00 kinds. ̂ Also a very complete line oi up to date shoes v > !? > r; ^ perhaps you would look in when convenient • :iiKa ' 1 'yV 4 'tl "f .J £ i- , ' • * #'5 t t: ^ TrL Wi>: !$ novp ou. rjf ffci Currants for.. .*25c pks Salaratus for.... .v> .25c oz Baking Powder lbs California Prunes. *... 25c. 0 bars Soap lor • e ^e;»e **• 256^ P . sVw'̂ ., Si > "1 West McHfi&ry, 111 • - W. C. EVANSON here to get it I !K*>i • >: The time of year is at hand wfaA you must « w give the above words your attention. 4'What to V: *•>*» wear?" Wear a tailor-made suit by all means. ;v ! "Where to get it?" Let me tell you: I have X- '< '»! 1,200 patterns of spring and summer styles, in- Sl|eluding all the novelties in imported and do- >T" mestic woolens, an assortment from which any man on earth could make a selection. In the Workmanship I guarantee to give satifaction.' It is nice to ;?. ji have a Suit or Overcoat that looks well, but it i» still better to have one that fits well, that la trimmed weU, and that wears well. All gar- v ' ments strictly hand made. I will compete with " " : a n y h o u s e . p o i n t e m e n t i o o e d One Price to All. And that price is always consistent. JOHN D. LODTZ TAILOR and D A McHenry, HI. Us KM Y« Kwjteys Boqtft ( ^ _ ' * / % f t * . * }\ ; 1

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