Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1901, p. 5

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?>*> • ' . lam 1MB* Market . Far esef 1 ^ 'tT v«d mM PMttrjr Oln«l ->• * ^: * * Wholesale and ' dealer In ^ :r"ll Nests, Sitis4|e McHenry - Illinois >/>? < /•. SUM Fittings $T and ^ v llhid mills Steel and Wood taaki and 'Mi Farm machinery J, ' Atull line in every department< •n'-'T': rrA- s&S to do "\X Well Work of all KMl - '>Vj».s-v ih« ws.aeaD ,'•%$ Conway & Rainey Ringwood, III. Abstracts of Title. ^ McHenry County M WOODSTOCK, ILL. ! F. F. Axtell, Harvard. R. M. Patrick, Marengo. John J. Murphy. Woodstock. _ y W. C. Eichelberger, Woodstock h Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock (Real Estate Beufht and Sold. Insurance and jpfiWT Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. For 14 Cwts S SMA SMRMM,Stfea 1 M i »• n-hrw - * -i •• ui kut Worth $1.00 «bri«c££ ltw*H|Mki|a m mwIIIii «• wiQ •M0 jtm ftw, l«f lh»r with Mr <ml fiiwimeA Sw4 Owriog, tolllag all abeaS KrssasyjRajWSa,®BT.«. tifto «M ttmula »f Mriimt >«•• ttMM Hi ttrm H«a«. IfM MMipt •flu. yHMi»HlM. wimwrHiw fclMrTflMd* fHrilMW dtlttkM. in MI m mm F. WATTLES f-M-: ^Successor to B. R. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and Leats always on band Vegetables and > Canned Goods. gakery Qoods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Fish, i 'fr~? ^ ft'* /. Highest market Prices : paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, ^ipdee and Tallow. Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh Otders from Pistakee Bay will reoeive i 7' ncpmpt and careful attention, n Call on me ' " will do the right thing with yon. V F. WATTLES, West HcHeuy, XU. ;*»= BARB1AN BROS. Makers of ?. Fine Cigar*, . ir Monogram lO cent Cigar Leads Them All. Leading ;c Brands: ••Olivette" "Barblan Bros. Best? "Sliver" - *«Bee Hive" I "Empire Cuban" , ^ ,44x0 • > \ ' J GENERAL' TEAMINO of all kindjp is' •* \si (Excavating and Z ' Grading, lit -'AT-! ly are specie are baalsem toM**- . BIHON 8TOFFEL, Manager. luriBRerDr. A. K. r 221 Owen O W r ' -- ~ ™ - 314 Owen & .hotel Bosedale €lu fohn F Rack J J *11 Qhapetl SSr 381 Ohapeil t: O r 1 Cttk»go Tel <Jo Chicago iDermom m Boss Dr F € 282 Boss Dr F C i»« . SttSowmers Geoi**'-.? 381 Spnrllntr I >r A e r 864 Sherman M r. r tMrsShotel 372 Stoffel S r 304 Stolfel s postofflce 6 Stoffel Simon store 273 Story J 1 r 401 Story Julia A r S71 Stalford R W 341 Snyder Bros 9BB Tweed R G 831 Village of McHenry pumpln? station KB Village of Mi-Henry public school ^BnSeln M,1,/0n Mt^«r ii'coruish ai^r^ 3H Herte DLr M Helmer Jos M Holtc & Stilling Ml Howe A L r Howell M A r H M Jacob r NJ re O. E, r Wm r _ 844 McHenry Cre'm'iy 842 Whiting W E r Company. 811 Wells Dr D T- 361 McOmber F L 7 Western U Tei Co 87*Mead HCr 378 Wightiuaa Uaggy, 388Owen LHr TOLL STATIONS. German "Village p. Jaeger, Mo» >v Johnsburg ...JohnFLAy. ' y^;j- McHenry Gilbert BrotheipiW Mineral Springs H. Ericsson. \ri Pistakee Bay Ben Stilling. Solon Mills W H Davis, 30c. ° 1 Spring Grove A Neish. 30c. 30B Wattles F H 384 Walsh Jack r ! W h e e l e r E S f California The Gateway To the Orient Numerous profitable business openings in California. Make money in orange and lemon groves, vineyards, wineries, orchards. Hake money in cattle and sheep ranches, wheat fields, beet sugar culture, , varied farm products.. Make money in mine!; wells, manufacturing, trading The California Limited daily, Chicago to Los Angeles and San Francisco. General Passenger Ofltoe The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Pa R'y CHICAGO A Complete . printing <r. v Plant Consisting of ^ v J ^ > Cylinder Press ,*, , v ^ ^ Job Press „• • (t;>' • Paper Cutteif ? v Gasoline Engine t}"/. Job and Display Type • -^odyTyj* / s fj. \ v8i80S ' 1 Stones r Stands . •• And everything with whic^ to print a paper or do Job Work. Will be sold seperately or a ve ,̂ low price given on the entire plant. Apply at once to TOE; PLAIN DEALER CO. McHenry, Illinois. WE GUARANTEE Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin to cur' any caae of Constipation, ̂ lndigeetior Sick Headache or Stomach Troubl according to direodOBE im OR. W. B. CALDWELL. 4 after taking two-thirds of a fifty ient or one dollar bottle, it fklls to lo as represented* we will refund tbe purchase price. PEPSIN SYRUP COMPANY, AMERICAS MOST POPUUAR RAILWAY 1 II CHICAGO ALTON PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE BKTWKXIf < H ' ( \< < i f l i c M , 0 I > I ; O K 1 \ - [ ) i ; s \ 1 k t i n v 1 " i * \ u . t » K t: ( . ( > \ 1» *eu ami ooimwumia a T*ir, Ainr vob- •taw or vnci car n made ovbk thk c*icaoo AAX.TOH, IT WILL PAT TOU TO WHITK TO TBI CIBU- •hnm«M iaim, maps, -TI«TI aae,:: - NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS m^ W>RRESPONPENm -R. V: RINGWOOD. THE MONTH OF MARC; Despite the windy breath of Marcl The alders o'er the rivers arch, AntS shake their gfrfders tresses fsUHs, - • - What tliougii the woods are Urown a»A bare, The willows ope their ermine tips. And pink is fair Arbutus* lips. The maple's ruddy blooms unfold. The crocus lifts its cup ot gold. While snow-drops nestling in the breaae, ^ Now ring their bells for wandering bees. The snow may linger by some wall; The sight does not disturb at all; For opening buds and greening graK Proclaim that winter now must pass. And hylas, as they joyous sing, * Announce the advent of the spring! Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson spent Tues­ day at Elgin. Adelbert Bacon ha& been spending a few days in the city. Simon Stoffel, of McHenry, was here on business Wednesday, H. Christian and wife, of Solos, were callers Wednesday afternoon. A. Swan, of Elgin, transacted busi­ ness here Friday and Saturday. Miss Edith Wright, of McHenry, vis­ ited friends here Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Claxton visited at the home^ qf A L. Francisco on Satur­ day. Mrs. Hv D, Stevens entertained Mrs. E. Bassett and Mrs. E. French, of Os- tend, Tuesday. Mrs. A. Stephenson and children, of Woodstock, have spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dodge entertained their many friends at a dancing party on Wednesday evening. The entertainment given by the school on Friday evening proved successful. About $16 was added to the organ fund, for which these entertainments are given. On Friday evening March 15 they will give a stocking social. Watch for your invitation. The Pink Tea that the ladies of the M. E. church gave last week at the home of Mrs. Julia Bishop was a great success both socially and financially. The ladies will meet next week, March 14, at the home of Mrs. G. B. Read. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Supper will be served. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month of February at the Ringwood schools are as follows: Higher room.--Fred Small, Mae Cristy, Chaunoey Harrison. Agnes Carey, Glynn Francisco, Anna Carey, Carroll Cristy. Primary room.--Harold Bennett, Mar­ garet Bennett, Clyde Francisco, Agnes Dodge, Earl Hess, Ethel Harrison, Charlie Malsch, Zillah Stevens, Willie Lawre»ce, Mildred Waterman, El win Waterman, Vera Adams, Anna Pint, Evelyn Carey. In the issue of the Chicago American for Feb. 26, was given the names of the 200 Chicago school pupils who were se­ lected, first by ballot of their school fel­ lows, and secondly by competitive ex­ amination, as members of the Ameri­ can's school children's excursion party to Washington, D. C. In the list of names we find that of Harris D. Harri son, of 358 Park Ave., River Forest, a grandson of Mrs. Mary E. Harrison, of this place. He graduated in June 1899 from the River Forest public school and in September of the same year entered the Austin high school and now has the honor of being one of the three repre­ sentatives of that school at Washington. The special train left Chicago Saturday March 2. They visited all points of in­ terest in and around the city of Wash­ ington and attended inauguration. The party were the guests of the Chicago American and were accompanied by ten teachers two physicians and two nurses who were with them throughout the trip. • A Horrible Outbreak "Of large sores on my little daughter's head developed into a case of scald head" writes C. D. Isbill of Morgan ton, Tenn., but Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles* at Julia A. Story's. «. A. B. Jecks is visiting at Elgin. Ed. Pierce was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Mrs. C. Grimoldby is visiting at Solon with relatives. Wm. Thomas was a McHenry visitor last Saturday. F. E. Martin was calling on E. B. Bassett Sunday. John Miller and family were Wood­ stock visitors Saturday. Heniy Hobart and family were Mc­ Henry visitors Saturday. E. E. Bassett is husking corn for S. H. Richardson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomas and daugh­ ter, Ella, were McHenry visitors Satur­ day. Miss Emma Shearer spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend, Miss Ethel Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Martin and Belle Harnish were visiting at Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Stewart GivenB and daughter spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. H. N. Thompson. Rose Coatee, who has been working for Mrs. P. Martin, is attending her sick brother at home. Miss Irene Thompson visited over Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Thompson. A few from here attended the dance at Artie Whiting's Friday evening. They report a pleasant time. A sleigh load of young folks from here and Woodstock attended the party at Alva Hoag's Friday evening. What caused the tip-over Bay? Did the horse become unmanageable or was it on account of the bad roads? Miss Anna Harrison did not return to her school duties Monday morning on account of the funeral of her aunt> Mrs. SPRING GROVK. Clark Teft is now able to be out after # severe sicicness. Pferxia and Nulk are kapt busy in their new blacksmith shop. Walter Hart well is assisting his brother in his store here. Mr. and Mrs. Martain will man into the rooms over A. Neish's store. Mrs. Bertha Hartwell is visiting her parents at Greenwood at present. John Smith and family now occupy the Addrew Steven's tenant house. Mr. Gould is getting the lumber ready to built a large machine depository. Jas. Westlake, Mrs. Kate Shotliff and Mrs. Laura James attended to business at Woodstock Monday. Stone is being drawn for the founda­ tion for the Catholic priest's house to be built just west of the church. Mrs. Kate Shotliff has purchased the house recently built by Andrew Neish and wiil take possession next week. Robert Westlake and wife spent part of last week here. Their little daugh­ ter who lately had a fore finger ampu­ tated in a seperator is doing nicely. * Strikes a Rich Find. was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debil­ ity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H., "No remedy helped me until 1 began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine carii take it^plyje in our family." Try thetn. Only 50c. - -Satisfaction guaran­ teed by Jnlia A Story. BABBXTIUK. Chas. Knaack's father, of Nnnda, is visiting him. Mrs. Ross Robinson was a visitor at school Monday. E. F. Matthews transacted business in McHenry Saturday. Bruce Starritt, of Chicago, called oft friends Sunday evening. Paul Reiger and Richard Flatting were in McHenry Saturday. John Krouse had a brother from Chi­ cago visiting him recently. Mrs. Ross Robinson and children spent Monday night at John Hunter's. George Lanack sprained his ankle quite seriously Sunday while at play in the barn. Ross Robinson started on his trip to Louisiana on Tuesday. His family will follow later. Chas. Gibbs and John Fleming hauled household goods to Nnnda for Boss Robinson Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby sad daughter, Edna, visited relatives at Hol- combville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby and daughter, Edna, visited relatives in Nunda Wednesday. Clarence Hill and Miss LaNette Uovalt of Nunda. spent Thursday evening with Miss Clara Thompson. Mrs. Thos. Thompson and daughter, Clara, attended the funeral of Mrs. Wallace Colby at McHenry Monday. Wm. Van Natta and family moved to the Ford place over the river last week. Floyd and Robert Thompson will spend the winter with their grand parents hers. Working 34 Hours a Day. There's no rest for those tireless little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills, Millions are always busy, curing Torpid liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive oat Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won­ ders. Try them. 20c at Jalia A Story's. . JOHKgBUBGB. Peter Freund bought two horses last week. John P. Lay transacted business in Chicago Friday. C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago W edneeday. Henry Duginer, of Chicago was a Johnsbnrgh caller Sunday. Sister M. Emmanuel, of Johnsbnrgh, is ((one for a few days visit. Mr. Muehrke and friend, of Fox Lake, were Johnsbnrgh callers Friday. A young child of Peter Schaefer died Tuesday and the funeral was held Thursday morning. Miss Mary Althoff visited with friends a couple of weeks at Wilnaot and re­ turned home Saturday. John P. Lay has been hauling lumber to his farm Thursday, where he will erect a house and barn. T O H I A Tks Kind You Haw Always NORTH NUNDA. For Sale---A fine pacer. Apply to W. J.Walsh. Dr. Wells, McHemy> was here Thursday. John J. Flusfey, of Chicago, i» visiting friends here. Thos. and Leo Cleary, of McHenry, were visitors here Sunday. Miss Lola Aylward spent last week with friends at Terra Cotta. M C. Purcello has secured a lucrative position with the C. & N. W. R'y. The many friends of Mrs. W. Bolgsr will be glad to learn she is convalescent Bernie and Miss Anna Frisby spent Wednesday evening with Barreville friends. Mrs. M. Knox, of McHenry, was here Saturday the guest of her daughter, Mrs. • MS: ' " .••'Wrfcps ----'< IMa afgaatara la on everybox of the giftttfaa Laxative Bromo-Quurine ww. ha HMdi that mrcs a esM tm easts? O10. J. Ceabltoj, PA»B£NQ*B AG Illinois >F~ 4'. ,*m.. i" •J5«• • ^ V-,*k \ * WAUOONDA. Nina relatives ta 4ldsvicinity. Frank Harrison, of Chicago, Sundayed with friends at Wauconda. Mrs. Arthur Graham was on the sick list the latter part of last week. Clyde Golding, of Davenport, Iowa, spent Sunday with his parents at Wau­ conda. > Dr. Hardin will give a lecture on "Life in the Army," Thursday evening, Feb. 14., at the M. E. church. Everyone in* vited. j Will Gilbert sprat Sunday at home, returning Monday morning to Chicagcf where he is learning the undertaking business. N. B. Duers was quite ill several da; last week. Frank Hammond drove th< stage until Monday when Mr. Duers wsi' able to resume his duties. The Epworth League held its monthly business meeting and literary society at the Parsonage Monday evening. A good program was rendered and a pleasant evening passed. V On Wednesday of last week Waucon* da's enterprising butcher, Walter Hel| muth, was united in marriage with Misqt Fisher, of Freemont. We wish the young couple a long and prosperous voy­ age through life. Wednesday evening the Rip Via' Winkle Club gave another of its popu­ lar four hour dances. About forty couples were in attendance and the usu-, al good time resulted. Friday evening the young ladies of of W. G. & S. C. entertained their gen« tlemen friends in their club-rooms. Car- rum and euchre were the features of the evening. Light refreshments were served and all returned to their homes about the midnight hour. Mrs. Arthur Kirwin died Saturday morning at her home in this village: The funeral services were held in the Baptist church, Monday at 10:80 a. m. The deceased leaves two small children, a husband and a mother besides a host of friends to mourn her early death. ; Twiee Proven. From the Vindicator, Rutherfordtoh, N . C . The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber­ lain's Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from w h i c h h e s u f f e r e d e x c r u c i a t i n g p a i n f o r ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief in a very short time. Second, in xheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with se­ vere pain, which wets relieved by two applications, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by Julia A. Story. VIDGEFIELD. ewitt was in Nnnda Monday, dwallader was in Nunda Satur- J. C. Button was hi Woodstock Tues­ day. W. Levey, of Woodstock, was here Friday. E. W. Merchant was in Woodstock Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Hfll, Thurs­ day, Feb. 28, a son. A Briggs, of Crystal Lake, called on friends here Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westermsavisited in Greenwood Friday. Rev. Steele was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. J Garrison Sunday. Miss Blanche Lynch, of Harvard, vis­ ited her parents over Sunday. Miss Myrtle Robinson, of Elgin, vis­ ited friends here over Sunday. Geo. Truax and son, of Chicago, vis* ited at Father Truax's the last of the week. Mrs. E. Noble returned to Genoa Junction Friday, where she will remain for a few days. Miss Nellie Gibson returned Sunday , evening from an extended visit with relatives and friends in Chicago. G. H. Thayer visited his parents Sun­ day, his better half returning to Chica-: go with him after a week's visit Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield and Boy and Arthur Skinner attended the wed­ ding Thursday at Elgin of Mr. Dellmar Dufield to Miss Lizzie James. Tht* many friends here wish the happy oonple a prosperous matrimonial voyage. Counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt's upon the box and wrapper. It is a harmless and healing salve for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley Mr. and Mrs. Get). Wheeler were very pleasantly surprised last Thursday even­ ing by a party of friends and neighbors. The host and hostess entertained ail to their very best ability, all enjoying themselves until a very late hour when they partook of a delightful oyster sup­ per that was awaiting them in the din­ ing room. The guests departed with the break of another day before them. ; An Honest Medicine for L> Grippe. George W. Waitt, of South Gardiner. Mo., says: "I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no aocount but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have all left me. I congratu­ late the manufacturers of an honest medicine." For sale by Julia A. Story . Pearls Fpund in Veridoat EhrerroiJe is talking abo * Gmin Mountain Pearls. w that they cure liver troubl constipation, bad digestion, nausea* lull headache, dizziness and foul lireath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and gen they d6n't gripe one bit. is aiwe ask--we know wl suit m he. JULIA A. STORY. jwv • .^isgir E AST I -The Kind Tod Hare Always Bought* and In use for over SO yean, has borne the and has been made nnderbbifWB •onal supervision since its Allow no one to deceive yonlp tU ̂ All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-good" are toot Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health at In&nts and Children--Experience What is CASTORIA Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pate* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Hareotte substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Warns and allays Feverish uess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coewttpsttoil $. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural fliMpb The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* is CASTORIA alwayr Bears the Signature of The Kind Ton Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. VM* OMTIM 4 Fish! We have all kinds of Pish |or tiie Lenten Season. Salt, S and Spiced* Our Prices are the | Table Syrup for I $uck wheat, Meat. mure Oaads DaUvaratf Piasifptly. Long dlitaoc* 'phoaa No. 363. f fit tffJiftfi'ftffa iMitf I'll in ii&i mm M. J. WALSH •m The dry goods merchant has taken up jirour time and money during the past Jew months--it is now my time to ,||ay a word. When you clean house ind find that new Carpets, Matting or Rugs are needed just bear in min<| that I can fit you out at as low a fig* ure aud as satisfactorily as any dealer er in the country. Come and look at $pew designs. If you need new furni* ; ture it will be to your interest to call ' ijt this store. New, up to date goods on hand and more arriving every day^ 4 w > 4"*?' • "fygpyt. / „ 1»*r * -• . • • i- :• • ' . it; *•». ,'A R ED • RIVER • VALLEY • FARM • LOANS • FOR • SAL An absolutely safeinvestment paying 0 percent interest. A full description of the security with location, value and amouut of loan, will be sent upon reqaert. If you wisl) a choice investment of aiiv amount. I will esteem it a favor to bear from you with a request for detailed information. E Warraa, Minnesota LAflBERSON, Cashier Bank of Warren, Rkfkbkkcks:--Eirst Nat. Bank, St. Paul, RED RIVER VALLEY FARMS BOUCHT AND SOLD Duas JOS. H. HUEHANN, Joinisburffh, ! I Illinois. Appleton Corn Shelters Corn Shelters and Tread Oneial Bucksaw*! Prices ifwiyS mmm &L*. afcrV ..'t i . Dnplex Grinding Mills. Rock Island Plow* Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, WindMffls , WeU Supplies- Harness Oil, Paint OO --d - I? flachine Oils 1 J--sSEtfeir.-.j m,.r

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