%:r* • V,: PQMUSHEI> KVWRT THtnteDAY BY ffl mwKm wmtiam CONPARY. *.K.G*AW«R, W.4.OW8XT, J.RP****, iuOBW BBL, k&ns ®. J. HAW- Manager Ofltoe Is Juatao Block, two duo Owen Ik ChapeU's store. fun Umt OMnot» Mo. we; of 1*. No. 1 TERMS or •OMCmFTlOlt: °R£iWiv 'received (for thine if si* Months in the same proportion. rtarch 15* <901 Thursday NOTICE. The figures on the label after your name tell the date to which your subscription Is paid. For Instance, if the label on your paper reads 8ept. 1,'TO, it means your subscription Is paid to Sept. 1, '99. If you do not understand that the figures on your paper represent the date to which you think you are paid, notify us, giving date and amount of your last payment, and we will try and adjust the same. •«HENB¥ BEl'l'BLlCAN CAUCUS. The Republican legal voters of the township of McHenry are requested to meet in caucus in the city hall, Mc Henry, on Saturday afternoon, March 18, at 2 o'clock for the purpose of plac ing in nomination candidates for super visor, town clerk, assessor, collector, highway commissioner, two justices of the peace, two constables and the trans acting of any other business that may properly come before said caucus. W. A. Crist v, Ghaltmttt Republican Township Com. • Auditors' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Auditors for the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, will meet at the town clerk's office on Tuesday, the 26th day of March. 1901, at two o'clock p. m. to audit any and all accounts against said town. Dated this 5th day of March, A. D., 1901. Chas. B. Harmsen, Town Clerk. > r;JL MAN has been declared insane at "ttenver stmply because he insisted that he hated all women. And he must have been insane if he felt that way. New Mexico seems to be qualified lor statehood. It has taken a step in ad vance of most of the states by providing the death penalty for train robbery. trial and when found guilty shall be puriisbie^with a severity commensurate with the outrageous character of their fonaes. Only thus can South Carolina convince the nation that her laws apply to the rich as well as to the poor and that herform of government is really repoblican. , *"x-< EXPORTS TO RUSSIA, Some Interesting developments have grown out of the ruling of the secre tary of the treasury, imposing a coun tervailing duty on Russian sugar be cause Russia exacts an export duty on sugar. Few persons were aware that Russia produced sugar for export, and especially in such quantity that she would ever be concerned whether or not the United States government im posed a countervailing duty against it. It seems that the revenue laws now in force in this country require the imposi tion of countervailing duties upon com modities coming from other countries which have oeen compelled to pay an export duty. Russia makes some sugar and exports some of it to this country, exacting an export duty. Being advised of this, Secretary Gage, in compliant with the law, imposed a countervailing duty on the Russian sugar imports, whereupon Russia retaliated by impos ing a duty on American goods imported into that country. This action has aroused the manufacturers of agricul tural implements, who are endeavoring to get the order rescinded requiring a duty on Russian sugar. Very little Russian sugar reaohes this oountry, but the controveisy which has arisen over Secretory Gage's ruling has brought out the fact that agricultural implements in large quantities, manufactured in this country, are finding a market in Russia. A representative of the McCormick Harvesting Machine company of Chica go, in protesting to Secretary Gage against the enforcement of his ruling, made the significant statement that in the single item of mowers shipped by his company to Russia this season the duty will be $8,000 if the Russian gov ernment insists on demanding it, and that this item represented only one- fourth of his company's total shipments to Russia this season. This incident enables the public to more clearly com prehend the immensity and importance of the export trade that this country has enjoyed during the past two years. , ' f < . * -A'i » After all the "smashing" she has in flicted on others, it comes with bad grace from Mrs. Nation, of all others, to object because her copy was "cut" by Peoria editors. IT seems impossible for the Boers to win Independence, but they certainly have won lasting renown as wonderful fight ers by their desperate resistance against overwhelming odds. When Governor Yates announced that there should be no prize fighting in Illinois if he could prevent it, the fistic fraternity evidently concluded that he meant what he said and had the power to enforce his determination. Captain Streeter threatens to se cede from the United States unless the "independence" of his dump-heap re public is recognized. This ancient mar iner is evidently anxious to go down in history as the Aguinaldo of the unsalted It is Former Governor Altgeld's pre diction that Mayor Harrison of Chicago will be beaten for re-election by 50,000 votes. The Republicans of Chicago can verify that prediction by giving Judge Hanecy their united support, and he is worthy of it In many respects Kentucky enjoys a fame which no other state in the Union envies, but when it comes to making a •bowing of colonels Illinois asks no odds of Kentucky or any other common wealth. Governor Yates' staff will out shine any aggregation of colonels that this country has ever produced or is ever likely to. It was a great disappointment to the Democratic newspapers when the Re publicans in the congress that just has adjourned redeemed the campaign pled ges of their party by effecting a sub stantial reduction in the special war taxes. This was just what the Demo cratic newspapers had been demanding, still they are not pleased. They never Literature is receiving more atten tion in this country than ever before, and this is a wholesome sign of a general improvement in moral conditions. Last year the total number of new books pub lished reached 6,856 or 658 more than in any previous year. There were 662 new editions of old fiction and 616 new novels, showing a decided reaction to ward novel of established reputation. The Montana legislature finally suc ceeded in electing a senator and to that extent has improved on the record made by Delaware and Nebraska. He is Democrat, it is true, but a pretty cred itable sort of a man. Had he remained in New England, where he was born and educated, quite likely he would be a Republican. There will be worse Dem ocrats in the senate than Paris Gibson. PROBA TE NEWS territifc, imported, 101b keg". . . . .95c Smoked Herring, per box..».I; .i.!20l ? Spiced Herring, per pound...... .. .100 Spiced Herring, fine, 10ft» pall. .8!k> White Fish, per lb. 9c; 3 lbs. for,, 23c White Fish, per 10tt> pail ....70e Boneless Codfish, per 1 ft brick. 9e Boneless Codfish, per 2 ft box 18<y Salted Mackerel, f ft each, per pound 10c < » t. .1 Otr!fc«TOCK IS COMPLETE: CON SISTING OB4 THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES AT PRICES THAT WILL SURELY MEET YOUR FAVOR WALL PAPER AGAIN WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR LINE OF WALL PAPER. COME AND SEE IT NOW, WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE. mmm jMiMijiiiMj REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C R Radloff by Exr to H Dunker, ne H and se'i sec 7, Grafton $780000 J P Kroeger & w to H Uteg, Its 1 St 2, blk 2, Broeger's dddn Crystal kake... 800 00 Mary Schneider et al to J Diedrlck, e fl nwit (ex pes) St nH nej< sec 25, He- Henry 7800 00 J Diedrick & w to P Diedrlck, nwH" 8W H & 58 a in H swM sec 19, McHenry... 5500 00 J S Bean & w et al to Sophia E Bennett It 81, assr plat sw'4 sec 36, Marengo... 850 00 E W Waterman to F Marten, e 10 a of w 21 a nwH neX and 112 a in nV4 sec 11, Coral 710000 A J Bennett & w to J J Fleming, w!4 nw X & w% sw!4 sec 20 and e% ne!4 sec 30. Marengo. 13500 00 S C Wernham & w to F Ritz. 00a In sees 34 St 35, Marengo 5000 00 J H Conley & w to A Hahn, eH seM sec 34 & n 20H a swX sec 35, Marengo 6532 50 T H Clute & w to A F Oehrke, eH swM & sw'4 swK sec 21 & pt sH seH sec30, Seneca 4036 00 Ann H Searles to Wm Pullman, swX sec 27 & se!* neM sec 28, Riley 5780 00 H J Kapus & w to G W Redpath, sub It 5 of It 32, assrplat sec 35, Marengo 1900 00 F Leonard & w to C Zeckur, w% nwk[ St ne** nwJi sec 33 & nek neJt sec 32, Se neca 810000 W S Coon to P Hanson. Its 1 & 2, blk 20, Union 8750 Wilhelmina Abraham 4h toO H Pol- now, 30 a In wH seM Sec 20, Seneca 2850 00 B L Thomas to Anna E Walters, nwX ne^ sec 25, Hebron 1250 00 H Diercks & w et al to H Wilkius, 1.20 a in swH sec H, Coral 700 00 F P Kroeger & w to J L Conover, Its 15, 16 & 17, blk 5, Walkup's add Nunda... 160000 J Dellenbacli & w to Frank & G A Gehrke, wYt swl-4 sec 25 & e% sel-4 sec 26. Seneca 9000 00 G W Lemmers & vtoTH Clute, 1141-4 a in nel-4 sec 15, Seneca 8283 00 Mary L Talbott to Ransler Osborne et al, pt It 1, blk 12, Spencer's 2nd addn Marengo l 00 L B Compton et al to Francis M Bacon, 190 acres in sees 8 & 17. Dorr 10450 00 Richmond Cemetery ascn to B C Mar- • tin et al. It 51, n'/4 in Purdy's addn Richmond cemetery v .... 15 00 Wm Devino & w to C J Miller eH of aft sV4, blk 4, Huntley 425 00 Heirs of Ilenry Sinnett deed to Patrick Keating 24A acres in sec 27, Grafton...17500 00 Same to Anna B Hadley, Its 6, 7, 8, 9 St 10, blk 5, Huiitley 2250 00 Fredk G Mayes to Philip S Mayes, It 6, blk 15, McHenry, wside Fox river 100000 Anna F Sucrow & h to Ann Thompson, It 11, Arkill's adn Richmond 100000 Wm H Lambrecht per admr to Henry D Kahle, 10 a in nel-4 nel-4 sec 28, Coral 120250 Minnie Lambrecht to same, 5 acres in sec 28, Coral 23125 Julia Shales & h to Martha 8 Butler, It 2, blk 5, Paddock's adn C Lake 100 00 John Marshall & w to R A Nugent, It 4, blk 20, Hart's 3rd adn. Harvard 200 00 Same to 11 li Jerome, It 1, blk 20, same adn 32500 Stephen F Smith & w to Wm Coates, e H nel-4 sec 4, McHenry...: 3800 00 Heirs of Wesley Ladd to Wm Beck, se 1-4 swl-4. nvfl-4 swl-4 & strip in nel-4 swl-4 sec 3, McHenry 5000 00 Louesa Tabor & h to Mabel T) Beck. 16 a * 45 rods in sec 10, McHenry 1730 00 Dexter Barrows & w to Adelbert A Bar rows et al, 1 acre in sec 9, Dunham.... 6500 Same to Adelbert A Barrows, sel-4 sw 1-4 & sel-4 sel-4 sec 9, Dunham M00 00 Andrew W Thomas per Exr to August Kambolz, laud in sees 4 & 5, Coral.... 425000 G L Stedman & w to Eliza T Mead, n% it 2, H W Mead's adn Hebron 1050 00 Seymour J Stoneall & w to J H Wilson, 120 acres in sec 8, Hebron... 6800 00 H T) Crumb et al to Elizabeth Dewey. it 8 in blk 8. E E Ayer's adn :..... to vacate final order stricken off with leave to reinstate. Estate of John P. Scliaefer. Final re port approved and executor discharged. Estate of Wm. B. Austin. Petition to sell real estate stricken off. Estate of Peter Wiedrich. Final re port approved and administrator dis charged. Estate of John McGuire, same. Estate of T. Howard Fellows. Report approved. Estate of Zebulon E. Goodrich, same. Estate of Peter Fitzgerald. Inventory and appraisement bill approved. Estate of Mons Peterson. Proof of death made. Lonis and Gust Peterson appointed administrators. Bond $1000, filed and approved. Appraisers ap pointed. Estate of Michael F. Fitzgerald, minor. Joanna Fitzgerald appointed guardian. Bond $1000. Estate of Wm. Henry Lambrecht- Proof of heirship filed. Estate of Abram Dygert. Report filed and approved and distribution or dered. Estate of John Connelly. Petition for sale of real estate to pay debts and report of condition of estate filed. Estate of Andrew Bonrne. Widow's relinquishment and selection filed. Estate of Dwight Smith. Inventory and appraisement bill filed and approved. Leave given to sell personal property at private sale. Estate of Thomas C, Nolan. Final report filed. Estate of A. W. Hart. Report of sale of real estate filed and approved and deed ordered to be delivered. Estate of Vera McLean, minor. Leave given to cancel Mortgage and take new security. M ARULAGE-LICENSES. Fred E. Pinne .Harmony Mary R. Walter...; Harmony John Gisin..., ..Harmony Dora Tyler. Harmony John H. Breed...: .. .. v .garden Prairie Eliza J. Merchant. Woodstock - , A BIG indemnity may be demanded of "China, but, as her treasury ie bankrupt and she has no credit which will enable her to borrow money, about the only course left open to her to raise the cash With which to pay the indemnity will be to impose heavy import duties on the goods shipped into her dominions by the nations demanding the indemnity. It will be a case of robbing Peter to pay BmL ____________ '. The process of purging South Caro- Ifafta from her shame has begun. Judge Benet of the Anderson Connty court has ordered the arrest of the planters accused by the grand jury of reducing their negro employes to virtual slavery. 8o«th Carolina owes it to herself that shall speedily be brought to -•t Peter Hanson & w to Joseph H Shearer lot In Woodstock Wm Jess & w to Wm Hubert, It 3 in blk 4, Paddock's adn C Lake W C Cole to T F W illiams, lot In Rich mond The Unity Church asscn to Frank Moore, It B, Unity,church cemetery.. Emma M Brainard to Frank W Moore n 99 ft of its 1 & 2. blk 13, Brainard's adn to Harvard.. . C T Hawver & w to C H Hawver sV4 Its 1 &2, blk 4, Blackman's addn Harvard 10000 Andrew Neish & w to Kate Shotliff, lot in Spring Grove 10000 500 00 85000 137500 600 50000 1000 00 100 00 1100 00 40000 Laura M J ames et al to same 53.55 acres In sec 30, Burton Thos. Coffey & w to Maggie Clarlssy It 4, blk4, Emily H Hutchlns 1st Idn Woodstock. Fred A Hart et al to J C Blake, Und 4-5 lnt in eV4 Its 1 & 4 & Its 5 & 8, blk 28 & u ^ li? 5 & Its 1 & 3, blk 25, Hart s 4th adn Harvard Julia McCarthy et al per master to John J O Brien, 19.*0 acres in sees 8 & 9, Hartland 586 86 PROBATE MEWS *\ Estate of Violet Birdet Venard. Final report approved and administrator dis charged. of Eugene O'Connor. Motion A Good Cough Medicine for Children. "I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says F. P. Moran, a well-known and po pular baker, of Petersburg. Va. "We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it has always given per fect satisfaction. It was recommended to me by a druggist as the best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or other harmful drag." Sold by Julia A. Story. Finest assortment of calicos and ging hams in town, all new patterns,at Chap- ells. A Horrible Outbreak "Of large sores on my little daughter's head developed into a case of scald head" writes C. D. Isbill of Morganton, Tenn., but Rncklen's Arnica Salve completely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 25 cents at Julia A. Story's. New shirting, calicoes, ginghams, per spring dress goods, at ChapeU's. Est a Whole Cabbage if yon want to. It won't hurt you. People used to think cabbage hnng heavy in their stomachs. After each meal, no matter what you eat, take a dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. You will never suffer from Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache or Stomach Troubles. Julia A. Story and G}. W. Besley. * The whole stock of spring and sum mer dress goods is new at ChapeU's. Very Low Rates to California, Portland Seattle, X acorn a and Puget Sound, Via the North-Western Line. Tickets on sale each Tuesday until April 80, in clusive. Shortest time en route. Finest scenery. Daily and Personally Con ducted Tourist Car Excursions. For tickets and full information), apply to nearest ticket agent, Chicago & North- Western R'y. 84-7t Chapell will deliver your goods on short notice and on small profit. Horse* for Sato. Great chance for farmers. We have on hand horses and mares bought from various breweries and Express compan ies all in fine condition for farm work. Will sell them at a bargain. Will pay one way railroad fare to Chicago to any purchaser. Have your station agent give yon receipt for ticket money. Abe Klee & Son, 273 North Center Ave., Chicago, 111. (Take Milwaukee avenue cable car.) 36-9t C A S T O R I A For Infants and Children. Tin Kind Yn Have Always BNfM B«ars the Signature of Want Column. CEED OATS. ^ white seed Oats for sale. We have 1,000 bushels choice lats for sale. Free from foul seed, sweet and all right. Selling fast. Call early. 33-tf Wilbur Lumber Co. TXOII8E TO RENT--The Chris. Nichels AA house. Apply to N. J- Justen. 2»-tf "EM3R SALE--A good house and two lots will A will be sold cheap. House one of the !>est built In McHenry. Apply to Peter J. Freund 35tf TjV)K &ALE CHEAP--One 300 egg incubator a and a 200 chick brooder; beside some Choice W. P. Bock ckls. Warranted to be up to the standard In even? respect. For terms apply to H. E. Cbistt, 37-tf. W. McHenry, 111. "DV)R SALE--The choicest building lots in -1- McHenry and West McHenry for business and residences. All centrally located. Prices reasonable. Inquire of O. N. Owen, at the bank. 37-tf. "Cj^OR SALE--Choice Jersey cow,also one part x Jersey. Inquire of Thos. Thompson. The stomach controls the situation. Those who are hearty and strong are those who can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and allows you to eat all the good food you want. If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, belching or any other stomach trouble, this prepara tion can't help but do you good. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. A nice li 'e of hats at popular prices just arrived at M. J. Walsh's. Agency, Ia., Oct. 17, 1899. ^ Pepsin Syrup Co., Monticello, HL Gents:--I have used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin with marked success. I unhesitatingly recommend it to those suffering with Stomach Trouble or Con stipation. It's oertainly a blessing to humanity. You are at liberty to use my testimonial. Very respectfully, F. M. WiLcoxapN. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. . The latest patterns in spring and sum mer dress goods at Chapell's. Prof. Ivison, of Lonaconing, Md., suf fered terrible from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen years and after the doctors failed to cure him they fed him on morphine. A friend advised the use of Kodol Dyspep sia Cure and alter taking a few bottles of it he says, "It has cured me entirely. I can't say too much for Kodol Dyspep sia Cure." It digests what you eat. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. OASTORIA. Bean the j* The Kind You Haw Always Bo^tt C o m m ti n i 6 a t i o n is an element that enters largely into MODERN M E T H O D S It is this which makes t h e T E L E P H O N E an lndispensible adjunct Business or residence service 5 to 16 cents per day of 24 hours (hiutjo Telephone (onpiy SIMON STOfFEL, McHenry, III. (HAS. L PEITIS & (0. * t f C A S H - ' P r o d u c e B u y e r s Dressed Poultry, Game, Fur», ^ Eggs and Butter* s 304 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Write (or present paying prices. DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA A good looking horse and poor look-" tug harness Is the worst kind of * oom- fs binution. Eureka Harness Oil not only makes the harness and tbs horse lot.k better, but maltPS ths I leather soft and pliable, puts It in con dition to last--twice as lone: as it ordinarily would. Sold everywhere in cam «11 •iiaa. Midi bjr STANDARD OIL CO. i Give Your Horse a. Chance! Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and nevei fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It Is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good (feeDared only by E. O. IjkW itt & Co., Chicago Tbe&l. bottle con tal"s2!4 times the 50c. sise, Julia A. Story and Geo. W. Besley. © NMWOMTtO INI Made only by Madison Modi- cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps yon well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Naver sold In bulk. Accept no substl* tute. Ask your druggist* MO. 8 wilt pay your fare k«n» C/»icago TO Wo Hd iff ul Washington "The evar-green state" OM OTHER POINTS AT r~~ EQUALLY LOW MATES OVBR THE Qreat Northern Railway Washington offers to hoaseseekers better opportunities-than any other part of the United States OF ITS ADVANTAaUl - Finest Climate In America. No Big Fuel Bills. No Heavy Expense for Clothing. Very Little Snow--In some sections none at all. Fine Grain and Fruit Land. No Crop Failures. Plenty of Free Land, and Choice Locations fw Sale at Low Prices. *" lood Markets. , - Good Prices. ;-%;i»©od Schools and Churches. For illustrated description and full informa tion about SETTLERS' LOW RATES to WONDERFUL WASH I NGTON,"Tbe ever green state," write or call on MAX BASS, Gen.Im. Agt.„£30S, Clark St., Cbicmo,IU. F. I . WHITNEY, G. P. A T. A., ^ St. Paul, minw. GREAT NORTHERN TICKETS ON SALE February 12th, 10th. 26th ; March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th; April 2d, 9th, 16th, 23d, 30th, 19 01. IIIIMiHSMIMM WW-------- P I General Commission merchant Special attention given to thi sale of Dressed Beef, nutted Hogs, Veal, Po«|lt |̂3 Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs the oldest hoose on the street Tags and price lists famished oil application ISSte J* ^ '•€ • '» Jk'w: Btall 1 St 3, Fulton Bt. Wholesale Market COLD STORAGE ^ I " -- " -- 1 W e h i a v e a l a r g e s t o c k o f f i s h f o r the Lenten season and can furnish your table with any of the delicacies in the fish line. Imported Holland Herring ^ Spiced and Smoked Herring" -ft} . Salted Mackerel, White fish JBoneless Codfish v Canned Salmon in all grades W.4J1 k^ds Canned Sar^ipm . J 'Lobsters. Etc., Etc. . rs direct from Baltimore GILBERT BROS, McHertfy !"••!• MHIIil IHIIIUMH 1111)11111 D A1 ' « ^ , •' 'Z Vx 1 (f~ d/ i * t'V. i ' k f l - 3* ' w J , ' r '•* '/..' w ::|r < . ' - L . ... ' " PRESCRIPTION 8 C A R E F U L L Y COMPOUNDED-^ TOILET ARTICLE® $h" -'k o T.SJ; O N S " V" - « * -,*s PAINTS AND OILS JB O O K S ' ' ; FINE CHINA WARIS : i ; - v T A T I O N E R Y ' L *' f « v ft 4^ * 4 *1 T ' "*• i > s i , * » • > " ) » , - > ' , , t ** ' - ^ jPi1-!- ' / 4 - '•Ay 4- JULIA A. STORY n c H E N R Y I L L I N O I S immniMnnmm--m----iUBiiiimmini The C. F. Blanke Tea & Coffee Co. haB secured the following agencies in this vicinity to handle their celebrated Teas and Coffees: GILBERT BROS., McHenry SIMON STOFFEL ' West McHenry Antloch--Williams Bros. Arlington Heights--F E Davis Harrington--John C Plagge Gary--E Kerne & Son Cry.st 11 Lake--O C Colby Des l'iuines--Spiegler HrOS. Edison Park--Wolf & Rohr Grays Lake--F I) Battershall Greenwood--E G Westerman Gurnee--J 11 Braeher Gilberts--Ganchow & Kunke, Harvard--H H Megram K; . Hebron--Rowe Bros. Huntley--I'll femalz ' Ivanhoe--John Meikle : Johnsburgh--Joiin 1* Lay Lake Villa--Rowling & Balnstable Lake Zurich--C W Kohl Liberty ville--Trlggs & Itrause Milburn--A Pantell Mount Prospect--L F Buwee Norwootl Park--Jas A Lowe Palatine- Schoppe Bros, Park Ridge--Paine Bros, * Richmond--F O Hchroeder Rockerfeiler--W W Knlflge Russell--Siver Bros. Solon Mills Wm Simes ; ' Spring Grove--E E llart)|V«l!! Union--C L Kreraer ,v Volo J H Richardson , V ... Wauconda--Golding B.os. Woodstock--Geo H Hooker s Blanke's g Faust Blend ̂ o f f e e served ezclosively on Dining Cars of Pullman Palace Car Co. y%>t', and twenty-five other of the great est Railroad and Steamboat lines, Holds and Restaurants of jfcbe United States and Canada ' Because, it is blended by taste, not p ^ by weight; has the finest drinking 1 ̂ - ?* quality of any Coffee ' and is always the same, y . *- , Put up by < F. BLANKE TEA & (OFFEf C9. Promoters of High Grade Goods and Proprietors of the Host Coin : plete Coffee Plant in the U. S. '4-Jhi IMNMOK P U R I T Y is a very essen tial thing in a drug store and in buying drugs and patent med icines we bear this in mind. We guarantee our stock to be of the purest on the market..,. A COriPLElE STOCK Not only is onr stook complete--it is fresh and new in every department. We have secured the services of H. A. Goddard, a competent pharmacist, which Fanoy Goods, Notions, s ^Toilet Articles, Fancy ^tionery ^ '.School SuppJiee, f? Wall Paper, Pahits and Druggist's Sundries ' ' " Mtwnx&m J. s. BROWN & SON, TT1tTTT1WlaaB>aa>>>i .. . '•feS'ijst4ii i'U-- % w. . "i" 5' J..- i- «.V