Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1901, p. 8

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ler wlB i M a prisoner reads that _ says there has to what will be Ido, it is said on high is a strong likeli 1 chief will be brought States and held a at Fort Sheridan. Of all the i in tike country calculated to place for a prisoner of and distinction of Port Sheridan is admitted to best Then, too, its proximity to ;<%le*go, the most typical American city, is regarded as an advantage. Part Sheridan was suggested and re­ ceived favorable attention, because of its facilities for secreting a prisoner | like Agnineldo. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged. DeWitt's little Early Risers cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Nerve r- Food ^fMyouhave neuralgia, Scott's | Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will feed the nerve that is cry­ ing fbr food--it is hungry-- | and set yoiir whole body going again, in a way to satisfy nerve , and brain from your usual food. That is cure. If you are nervous and irri- table, you may only need more 'j, . fat to cushion your nerves-- you are probably thin--and Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver J? Oil will give you the fat, to be- % gin with. , •Cure, so as It goes. Full cure is getting the fat, you need from usual food, and Scott's Emulsion will help you to that If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise yon. SCOTT & BOWN8, Chemists. 4*94!$ Street, New York. 50c. and (1.00; all druggists. mm About 55 Wrappers all In good shape, sold at from $1.00 Your choice now andppp- pfejn sight. X o o o o 0 1 • ' "! , - t- St? « V Your choice VVV '̂' Lota, Your choice CHAPELL SHERMAN S. Illinois. THE FINGER GREW AGAIN. HERE AND THERE. ¥•&'? 1 . Gentle motfeer, work and car* how to piftyt If so M®our Own child­ ren teach yon over again. Join in their frolics, share their sports, leant, to play their gattee. It may of time to yo% bat it means gain to the children for the mother to be also the play fellow. This cannot always be done, bat it can be done often enough to increase many-fold the child's delight in spent. There is no opportunity like it for in­ culcating the doctorine of Mr play and of unselfish sharing of toys. From being pleased and proud to have mother play with them they can easily be led to the desire to make her have a good time, and from that to the con­ sideration and practice of giving other people pleasure. Remember the play time Is the best time for tibt average child. They learn quite early enough that they can have good times without the mother. Do everything to postpone that evil day, and leaving the welfare of the child out of the question, the play will do the mother good. It takes away the worry, and makes at least one bright and sunny half hour in a day that may be full of cares. 'Have you any doubt remaining?' said Mrs. Jones. "No Marinda, I have not I took Rocky Mountain Tea last night." Twill remove any impure thoughts in the human family. 85c. G. W. Besley. * Remember wall paper closing out at Evanson's. A Member Completely Severed Placed ta Position and Grows. Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quickly heal by the use of De Witt 's Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated, fie sure you get Dewitt's. Julia A. Story and Q. W. Besley. 56 piece dinner sets on hand at Evan- son's. Newest patterns $8.50 and $10.50. TO CURK A COLD IN ONE DA*. Take LAXATIVE Bnomo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ nature is on each box. 25a Horses for Sale. „ • Great chance for farmers. We have on hand horses and mares bought from various breweries and Express compan­ ies all in fine condition for farm work. Will sell them at a bargain. Will pay one way railroad fare to Chicago to any purchaser. Have your station agent give you receipt for ticket money. Abe Klee & Son, 273 North Center Ave., Chicago, HI. (Take Milwaukee avenue cable car.) 86-9 imimMNiNMrMNNmm t - icago, Illinois BRANDS• Goldert Imperial QaMnet Mwnchener Hofbrakt Export Beer Invigoratw Malt Extract !W- I guarantee this to be the Best Beer John Below, of Barrington Center, had the index finger of his left hand cut entirely off about two weeks ago while cutting up meat with 4 hatchet. The member was entirely severed from the hand. Dr. Petersen attended and put the finger in its proper place. It is now healing and Mr. Below is able to move it. The member is conscious of the power of touch, and contains consider­ able blood. The physician cut it Sat­ urday, and it bled quite freely. Mr. Below is gratified to think that the fipger was saved. It is a very unusual ease and has atracted much attention.--ElgUi Cour­ ier. Spring coughs are specially dangerous and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. One minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a common mixture but is a high grade remedy. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Why doesn't the person who eats too much angel cake feel angelic. Cures dizzy spells, tired feeling, stomach, kidney and liver troubles. Keeps you well all summer. Rocky Mountain Tea taken this month. 990. G. W. Besley. Notice. Parties making an appointment for plate work during April and May will receive a discount on same. Particulars made known on applica­ tion F. C. Roes, D. D. S. 40-H . •-"* - _j|ld in McHenry r* and sell it in * I BARRELS; T: • : ' j : QUARTERS! ^GHTJiS and BOTTLES •y JOS. mm Agent for the llcHenry brance erf The tttfried Brewing (8. Ballot For President Board of CHARLES G. FRBT5T 1 For Village Trustee*,. • n SIMON STOFFEL W 'A'* 0 CHARLES H. GRANGER Q CH^RLpS T. lELDREDG «the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure cold in one day. No Cue. no Pay Price 25 cents. Don't fail to ask a man for advice if you wish to flatter him. Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Little Early Risers will remove all impurities from your system, cleans yours bowels, make them regular. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Baantts The Kind Yoa Hw Mwafltartt looking bone and poor look Ins harness ia tbe wont kind of a com- Mnatkm Eureka Harness Oil not only makes the harness and tM bona look better, bat makes tba leather ao ft and pliable, pa ta It in con­ dition to last--twice as long ordinarily would. A Miscellaneous Aurregatioii of ItfonB*. tlon Interesting All. Chas. P. Burton,, of Aurora, appointed state printer expert by Governor Yates. His salary is $2,200 a year. ̂ The Sycamore National Bank was sold to a party of capitalists of that city and will probably be changed to a State Bank. *> D. A. Syme will be President and C. E. Walker, Casl&r. The lia­ bilities and resources of the Bank are 1814,465. July 16th is the date set for the sale of 6,000 lot® at Zion City, Dowie's new town. One who is supposed to know says it is safe to say that there will be 500 houses built on the property con­ trolled by the great promoter during the coming season. It is not generally known that there is a law on the statute bobks of Illi­ nois which requires every merchant, selling firearms or deadly weapons, tcf5 keep a register, giving the naxfce of the person to whom sold, the kind of weapon sold, its price and the purpose for which it is to be used. How many dealers do this? A case has been decided in the U. S. court which .is of great interest %> purchasing agents. J. H. Lund, a purchasing agent of Elgin, sued an ex­ press company for interfering with his business, being given judgement for $2,000. The money consideration is but a small part of the outcome. The decision establishes the right of any man to carry another's bundles if he sees fit to do so, and that is all that Lund cared for. Other messen­ gers have been watching the case with great interest, and will rljoioe at his success. A Grundy County (Kan.) physician re­ cently sent to the address of one of his patients a bill for professional services and within ten days received the fol­ lowing letter written on the back of his memorandum: "Deer Sur this noat was put in my box by mistak I ain't the man hee's dead and ain't any relation of mine anyway. I don't see haw your conshens will let yon dun the dead. Why don't you live and let live and try to meat that man who dide in heaven which is worth moar than forty dollars to eny doctor." • Annual Statement of School Funds. Annual statement of school funds by treas­ urer of township 45, N. B. 8, east of 3rd P. M., McHenry county, 111., for the year April 2,1QQ0 and ending April 1,1901, ACCOUNT WITH SCHOOL TRUSTIES. •; , BXCE1PVS. APr- *> 1000-...» 128 81 '.'.v."."" 223 29 44206 Rec'd from notes paid Interest paid in liec'dl«MB00unty Supt.. Give Your Horse a Chancet Oo n t Be Fo o l e d i Take the geaolae, srlgiaal ROCKY MOUNTAIN TCA cine Co., Mrtlw, 6w trads Price, 3S cento. la bulb. Accept no weoapoaavce teas tate. Aak your druggUt. eucuriBER For Clerk, • JOHN STOPFBa.. HA tlterety-eertify thM tiie above ia a triie specimeu of the bal lot to be voted at the annual Village Election in the Village of McHenry, McH îrj ̂ unty, mino% on Tuesday, the 16th day of 1001a We want'to contract a Ignited number of ad^f" ol Cucumber Pickle* at SO CENTS PER BUSHEL t VAc."W! R. W. Stafford. Robert Q. Goldsmith (Established 18N) *>' VvV 1 Clerk hMSm Genetal offlce^ 0O8-7OO Aostin A^ Chicago. Factories at ' Chicago, Marengo, McHenry LibertyTllle, Mauaton, Wis., Knox, lad. ilMake your Contract ̂ and get your seeds of nship ft ributed TotaT.. SXPEMDITUHES. : Is loaned to districts. .•141815 Dist: Compensation of treasurer jlaei - -Incidentals of trustees and treasurer Publishing annual report. *. „ Township funds on hand Apr. 1,1901.... 197 81 Balance held for distribution 5 43 t 550 00 953 47 . 100 00 144 500 v T o t a l . . . . . . . . | 1 4 1 8 1 5 V AOcotrirr WITH DIBTBIC*S. : F . -MHiim District balances April 2,1900.. itees Distribution of trus . cial District taxes Iroad, telephone, telegraph back taxes Other treasurers .. ." Tuition Balance held for distribution..... •&T '* 0 , * • . T o t a l . 5 5 aXPHCDITCBCS. No-one ...'4 86530 two......... „ 4588 96 .... «5218 M ...i. 553 47 .....5925 83 and 997 73 19025 ..... 84 90 ..... 5 43 NEW CHURCH DEDICATED. (Continued from first page.) " three. " four... " lire " seven.. £ eight... * nine " ten _ . . " thirteen........ Balance on hand April L, 1901. 41000 344 75 922 33 370 35 29 80 15 84 104 00 3135 5293 88 Total... :."...tU876 55 I do hereby certify the foreKoing report to be correct, according to the best of my know­ ledge and belief. OLIVER N. OWEN, Treas. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 2nd day of April A. D. 1901. H. O. MCAD, J. P. OSTEND. , {From an occasional correspondent.) H. EL Jack is with his wife and chil­ dren at W. F. Bassett's for a visit and will build a castle for their Poland china swine. John Kimball has been doing some re­ pairing for Mrs. W. P. Baseett on house and outbuildings. * Mrs. W. F. Baseett has a very nice kitchen cabinet whiclj she recently pur­ chased, with all the conveniences for as sisting one in the family cooking. Every woman should have one as it will save time and strength. There are several different styles and prices. Mrs. H. E. Jack has been assisting her mother during her illness; also dress Taken this month keeps yon well all summer. Greatest spring tonic known. Rocky Mountain Tea, made by^Madison Medicine Co. 86c. Q. W. Besley. _ Why doesn't a trained skirt know enough to Keep out of the mud? John BUM, at the factory; W. C. Evan son, M. J. Walsh, J. J. Miller, Simon Stoffel, West He- Henry; T. J. Walsh. 8. 8. Chapell, Gilbert Bros., McHenry; J. E. Oristy, Rlngwood; C. 11 Adams, J. P. Lay, Jolinsburgh. 38, " * 'P" 'VA " \ ' >.r * * r ' I i , » C- vTk'tt t ** ' i J- organized on the North Side in Novem­ ber, 1898, and Third church on the West side in December of the Mine year. It was found, however, that the organization of these churches gave but temporary relief, and in February 1900, the same condition which preceded the organization df Second and Third churches led to the formation of Fourth church at Englewood, and in the Christian Science society of West Pull­ man. * The growth of First church has con­ firmed since the organization of the Englewood and West Pullman churches, and recently as many as 250 persons have been unable to find seats at the morning services. The Wednesday night meetings areas largely attended as the Sunday services. This wonderful growth has all taken place in fifteen years, the first church of the denomination in Chicago having been formed in 1888--seven years after Mrs. Eddy organized the'mother church, the First Chnrch of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. In January, 1895, First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago commenced to hold services in the Auditorium, and continued there until Nov. 14 1897, when its present home on Drexel boule­ vard--a beautiful building of Grecian architecture--was dedicated. Previous to January, 1895, services were held in hays in the business district, Kimball hall being used just previous to removal to the Auditorium. Simultaneous witn the building of Second church a building for Third church was commenced at Washington boulevard and Leavitt street, and it is expected that it will be completed and dedicated in June of this year. Profiting by experience gained at the dedication of First church in 1897, when about 10,000 persons attended the different services, th'e officers of Second church have decided to hold four services during the day, the first at 9:30 a. m., and the others at 11:80 a. m., 8 p. m., and 7:45 p. m. The three later services will be practically repetitions of the morning. In view of the fact that members of all of the Christian Science churches in Chicago have contributed toward the erection of this building, it seemed to officers of the church quite appropriate that all should take part in the dedi­ catory exercises, and for that reason the readers of each of the Christian Science churches in Chicago have been invited to conduct one of the four services. The order will be as follows: Readers of First church at 9:80 a. m., of Second church at 11:30 a. m., of Third church at 8 p. m. and of Fourth church at 7:45 p. m. In addition to the regular order of service, there will be addresses by ex- jud^e William G. Ewing, Bicknell Young, and Archibald McLellan. The musical programme will be quite simple, but will include solos by Mrs. May Phoenix Cameron, Miss Bertha M. Kaderly, and George Hamlin. The organists will be Frederic W. Root and Walter Spry. The regular Sunday servioes in Christian Science churches differ from the services in other Christian churches in one particular. Instead of preaching, a lesson-sermon is read by two readers-- reading alternately from the Bible and the denominational text book, "Science and Health, with Key to the Scrip­ tures," by the Rev. Mary Barker G. Eddy. The lesson-sermons are pre­ pared in advance by a committee of the mother church in Boston, and the same lesson is used by every church of the de­ nomination. Since the mother church was organized in Boston in 1879 about 500 branch churches have been organ ized. These churches are in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ger­ many, France, Mexico, and Australia. Mrs. Eddy, the discoveror and founder of Christian Science, is a resident of Concord, N. H., and is actively engaged in work for the cause. She is one of the busiest women in the world. Enthu siastic concurrence in her leadership is due to the fact that every one of the hundreds of thousands of her followers can give personal testimony to some benefit received through the stndy of "Science and Health." „ A feeling of gratitude to Mi's. Eddy for her unceasing labor in behalf of her followers continually finds expression in the conversation and public utterances of Christian Scientists, but the charge that she is worshiped by them, and that her book is put upon the same plane, or substituted for, the Bible, is not true. A distinguishing feature of the services in the churches of the denomination is the reverent attention given to the reading of the scriptures.--Chicago Inter-Ocean, i f O if * *:* C L NQ <> it i> « • it i> i> i> i> i> i> $ i> i> i> To our McHenry and Lake County Patrons we extend an in­ vitation to inspect one of the largest and .best selected stocks of Mens\ Boys' and Children^ Clothing just arrived which are second to none in the county. They are manufactured and guaranteed by Cohn, Wampold & Co. To do justice to you/rself you should see our large new stock, belore buying your new Suit. A look into our store will do you, more good than all the newspaper talk we can give you, when it comes to clothing. Large stock of. latest shapes and colors in Spring Hats just in. Plow Shoes, Garden and Held Seeds, Over­ alls, and Shirts, Flour, Groceries. XT^JOHN J. niLLER iiniwiiiiniiiiiiHiiiHUMi iimwnm-wnt Evanson's Spring stock is ready " -f': :V ARE YOU ? We show you, without a question, thfe most CQ$|^ and UP to date stock in McHenry 4 Vli * County. Our business is practi- cally cash, hence are^ , position to offer toi j '!? ; .. CASHV TPMnt i ̂ 'l" > ' W. the most economical trading opportunities known v ^t© the art. It will afford ns ci p^asure to demonstrate our assertions. Will yon caT W. C. EVANSON , 'iV, i imarm ^leather D e c e s s i I i e \"i ' <4 v a* •» ""ssi Oil and Gasoline S t o v e s I have a complete line of Oil and Gasoline Stoves of the very best and most improved kinds. You need one during the hot summer months. Call and look them over* ? * ^ - <k , i J.- F Mcttenfy, m GEO. SOflflERS, Kind YN Haw ATWAG Don't drink imported mne in sfWder to drown domestic trouble. ' f- > . •

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