Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1901, p. 4

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̂.. fUlflJUUD fiVKST THURSDAY BY ttmnnr n/unuuR <mm. v.*;©.™!!, J-fctoMl. K. S.Baxmxj, Manager. „OflieinJniUnBlock, two fhren * OfaapeU* store. luwfeli of Sfc,, noAraoirss: No. MB; - CltlniiiV No. 1 TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: ^fefjscriptions "received for three or Six iBonths In the same proportion. tvl . Thursday, April 35* 1901. NOISELESS milk is the latest thing i b pat. A dairyman in Indianapolis, Ind., ̂ tupplies the article. His wagons have V t lubber tires, hie milkmen wear rubber- 1/ ' fcoled shoes and he has supplied each i©f his customers with a little rubber h; inaton which the vessels are silently , • p l a c e d . - -- s -- -- '«• THE Dakota divorce business has l??;:*';~$een given a little set back by the Ul S. , s ; |flipreme court, which declares that a V , ' *esidence must be gained by both man [ and wife in order to secure ̂divorce £ tM will be binding in other states, fcliis seems reasonable enough. A jeouple must have a residence some- , Inhere, and if there fe any cause for iAivorce it certainly can be established t %here the parties are known. '* VJK ABOUT half of the $500,000,000 of gold :in the United States treasury is owned %y the government, the other half be- Y. ing owned by the people, who hold gold Certificates as security for it There is . BO danger that the certificates will be % turned in, as the holders would rather \ have them than the metal; but there satisfaction in knowing that the gov- 7 lirnment could pay them all, and have $uite enough gold left to carry on busi- THE Illinois House of Representa- ; lives has passed a bill reappropriat- v J$ng $66,000 for monuments in the v; jbattlefield of Shiloh. The bill provides lor a monument marking the position *' Of each Illinois regiment in the battle, 1 ̂} a cost of $750 each, one monument to /'**- -fsoct $8,000, which shall represent all v , detatchmente of Illinois cavalry in the ̂ battle. A monument to cost $1,000 to > Jtoark where Gen. W. H. L. Wallaoe fell , ; |md one monument to cost not more < than $30 ,000 to represent the state as a ^rhole. There are some of the veterans '.In McHenry who took part in that ijioody battle and saw many of their fe'fr, i/comrades killed and burned in trenches I' •<* ' dog near the spot where they fell. It gratifying to know that the state is ̂ . faking part with the national govern- ;/ fluent in making a beautiful park of Jthis historic ground. tvVKSSSSESSESSSSSSSfS REPRESENTATIVE LANDIS, of Indi- was owner and editor of the li Journal when he was elected to ̂ Congress. He left a young man who j} Is interested with him in charge when J»e came to Washington. A short time ̂ "'.ago Mr. Landis went down to the W- ' Journal office in Delphi sat down at his f',;'old desk and wrote a heavy editorial article on some topic of state or national •j. Interest, He was quite proud of it when he "turned it in," and next day a copy of the paper early to see how '%he article looked in print. It wasn't J_ i • there. He searched the paper through ', -from the first column to the last, but mot a line of his editoral could he find. j He called up his associate on the tele- ? /̂#hone and said: "Tom where's that editorial I wrote yesterday? I can't find it in the paper." "Bet your life you can't," replied Tom, "and you won't either, as long as I'm editing this paper. That kind of stuff may go in the Congressional Record, but you can't get it into the Delphi Journal with a Jimmy." Cardinal and asks the question "Quid yobis videtur" ("How does it please you?") The dean may answer that it "please me," or "it does not please me. Following him come all the other Car­ dinals in their order. When this cere­ mony has been completed, and there is rarely any objection to the names pro­ posed by the pontiff, the Pope announces in a louder voice that he has received the agreement of all or of a majority of the brethren, as the case may be, to the names of the persons selected to be made Cardinals, after which he publioly an­ nounces the names. This ends the se­ cret consistory. If the prelate selected to be a Cardinal does not live at or near Rome a member of the Pope's household and a member of the Noble Guard, the famous papal troop, are sent to his home, bearing with them the skull cap, the red cap, and the documents which authorize the invest­ ment of the candidate with the new dignity. On arriving the Noble Guard immediately presents the skull cap to the new Cardinal, after which an ad­ dress is made by the member of the papal household and a date set for the presentation of the scarlet cap. The new Cardinal is called upon to pay all tne expenses of the journey, together with a fee of $2,000 to the member of the household and of $1,000 to the mem. ber of the Noble Guard. After the scar­ let cap is presented the newly made Car­ dinal is bound by oath to visit Rome within a year, where he receives from the hands of the Pope himself the final rites which make him9 a prince of the church. _________ The Best Remedy for y»«nm»Mwi. QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous remedies but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par­ sons & Co., druggists of this plaoe, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They reoommended it so highly that I bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain. I have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me that it is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market" For Sale by Julia A. Story. Value of the Fo«t Bath. To break up a oold, which certainly disfigures the face of beauty, as well as a valuable adjunct in the removal of facial eruptions, the nightly foot bath is invaluable. The largest swet glands of the body are located in the palms, armpits and soles of the feet It is of primary importance that these multi­ tudinous outlets should be nnclogged. Where facial eruption exists and the whole attention is devoted toward the care of the face, every pore is active and open to afford the escape of clog­ ging impurities. This is all wrong. The feet should be made the gateway for the escape of effete deposits. The temp­ erature of the foot bath should range from one hundred and five to one hund­ red and ten degrees, or as hot as can be endured with comfort Should there exist, chronic profuse and offensive prespiration, add a lump of washing soda to neutralize the acid exudation. The feet should be rubbed briskly to draw the blood to the extremities. Cool the water before withdrawing the feet, so that they may not become un­ duly tender. Rub long and thoroughly with a soft towel. Good pedal circu lationisafoe to corns and chilblains. Frequent warm footbaths prevent callouses and make walking a pleasure. For beauty and complection, take ex­ traordinary care of the feet. --Stella Stuart in April Ledger Monthly. » . - _ • • ̂ 1 " *«i.'V^"'Vfl" < I. . i u , t f ' l r n There is a great variety of materials in many pretty designs for summer wear, making it impossible for one merchant to handle all. But we have made a very careful selection from the lot and can please most any one in trf Fine Line of Gentlemen's Furnishing LAWNS, DIMITIES, . CORDED BATISTE, SATIN STRIPED DIIHTIEst * PfTIANA CORDS, QINQHAMS SEfr/f- # ^4#' » 4, ZEPHYR SUPERFINE CHArt BRAYS, •t 'j Jrth PROBATE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Simeon L Ells to E E Clke et al, It 10, blk 1, L P Smith's 1st add to Gary Staf M0 00 Christ Peno & w to John Ouradlnlc, it 15, blk 16, Plumlelgh's add to Algon­ quin 1400 00 E E Stone & w to Mrs Leonie M Bordon Its 9 & 12, blk 10, Hobart's hddn to Woodstock... SO 00 Adam Wolf & w to Emtl Wilken,^ acre In ne cor of ne frl H sec 10, McHenry 1200 00 Peter A England & w to Jacob Frey, Its 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9,13, 14,15, 16 & 17, blk 13, J T Pelrson's addn to Crystal Lake 3100 00 Emily Paddock et al to Wm Wendt, pt It 4 & Its 7 & 8, blk 5, Paddock's aan , . Crystal Lake 2100 Off Geo Purdy, pres Richmond cemetery et al to John B Stone, It 05 in nH, Purdy's addn to Richmond cemetery 15001 Richard M Patrick & w to John Nihan, Its 7 & 8. blk 2, Marengo Improvement syndicate addn 5000 Vincent S Lumley & w to Sarah A Nichols, Its 0 & 10, blk 3, Wooster's Toby's & Cook's addn to Chemung.... 100&C George Hewitt & w to Maggie E Pike, pc in sw frl M sec 17, McHenry 2100 00 Frank F Axtell & w to August Burrow, Its 3 &4, blk 3, Ayers's add Har­ vard 00000 Theodore M Shearer & w to Charles E Cook et al. Its 5 & 10 ft off s end of It 4, blk 3 & strip adjoining It 5 in blk 8, Huntley 400009 Nathan G Allen & w to H M Allen, H int in swM nwii sec 16, seM nejtf sec 17 Chemung 570 03 Emil Wilken & w to Anna Wolf et al % a in ne frl hi sec 19, McHenry & right of way 120000 Alexander B Beck A w to Anna Wolf, pt ne frl X sec 19, McHenry V 00 Crystal Lake & Nunda Union cemetery to Dr C C Watson Its 11 & 12, blk o* Union cemetery 1800 John Happen & w to Isaac Nadriaa40 a In seM sec 28, Grafton 280000 PROBATE NEWS. Estate of C. C. Watson. Widow's re­ linquishment and selection filed and ap­ proved. Leave given to sell personal property at private sale. Estate of Henry Diekmann. Proof of heirship filed. ° Estate of George H. Osmond. Proof of death made. Wm. J. H. Osmond ap­ pointed administrator. Bond $1000. Estate of James Winters, insane. Re­ port filed. Estate of Mary Ann Smith. Proof of death made. Frank R. Jackman ap­ pointed administrator. Bond $200. Estate of Dameras Wells. Proof of death and petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. Hearing set for Hay 18,1901. MARRIAGE LICENESS. William B. Morris ^Greenwood Jessie M. Kinney. ....Greenwood Louis Kroplin Algonquin Bertha Dahn .Crystal Lake William N. Millar .Hampshire Minnie Brockman t H^rmnny Want Column. "CV)R SALE--A good house and two lots will x will be sold cheap. House on«vof the best built lb McHenry. Apply to Peter J. Freund. 35tf "EM)R SALE CHEAP--One 200 egg incubator x and a 800 chick brooder; beside some choice W. P. Rock ckls. Warranted to be up to the standard in every respect. For terms apply to H. E. CBIBTY, 37-tf. W. McHenry, 111. "CH)R SALE--The choicest building lots in -1- McHenry and West McHenry for business and residences. All centrally located. Prices reasonable. Inquire of O. St. Owen, at the bank. 37-tf. X^OR SALE--Three lots and a completely 1 furnished cottage together with barn, etc., located on east side of Plstakee Bay. A bargain if taken at once. Apply to this office. 41-tf. T3V)R SALE--A quantity of baled hay and x straw. Apply tq JOHN J. BUCH. 41 tf. TpOR SALE--A lot of driving and work x horses. Call on Hanly Bros., West Mc­ Henry. 41-tf. pOR SALE OR TRADE--Improved and un- x improved farms in Logan, Trego and Gove counties, Kansas. Farms well stocked. Running water and fruit. For particulars ap­ ply to MRS. E. J. HAZEL, McHenry, 111. T^OR SALE--2000 bushels of ear corn perfect- -1- ly dry, in lots to suit purchasers, price reasonable. Call or address HUNT BBOS., 42-tf. Greenwood, 111. TpOR SALES--Place In West McHenry, con- x sistlng of two lots, seven room house, barn, well, cistern, with city water in barn and on lawn. For particulars Inquire of A. E. Auringer, West McHenry Illinois. 42-tf. "CV)R RENT--A house and barn and five x acres of land for rent. Inquire at this office. 34-4t XpOR SALE--Good new milch cow with calf x by her side. Three parts Jersey. • JOHN WRIGHT. PLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED for sale-- ^ We have a large quantity of this seed on and it is selling fast. Free from foul Call early. WILBUR LUMBBB CO. 83-tf A Testimonial from Old Kagland* 1 consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the best in the world for bronchitis," says Mr. William Savory, Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having beenamartyr to bronchitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." It is a great pleasure to the manufacturer of Cham- PLANS FOE FARM HOUSBB. Under the direction of Secretary Wilson, who is both a practical and a 1 scientific farmer, the national depart- / I ment of agriculture constantly is find- t-",' ing new ways of making itself useful ,• • to the farmers of the country. Its ac­ tivity and ingenuity in this respect I Juli* 4% Story and G. • / are in pleasing contrast with the in-1 ®e8^®y* OSGOOD, MO., Oct. 28, 1809. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Monticello. 111. GENTLEMEN:--I have used Syrup Pepsin for some time and find it gives I berlains Cough Remedy to be able to most excellent results and it is one of | publish testimonials of this character. the greatest selling preparations I have I ever carried in stock. ; v I do not hesitate to recommendll. Very respectfully, DR. T.JONES. W They show that great good is being done, pain and suffering relieved and valuable lives Restored to health and happiness by this remedy. It is for sale by Julia A. Story. Mishap to Senator Mason. Senator Mason, of Illinois, rushed breathlessly into his bathroom a morn­ ing or two ago to shave himself. He was late for breakfast He hastily scraped his triple chins and reached for the tube of face cream he keeps in a closet above the washstand. It so hap­ pened that his small son had, on the evening before carefully placed a tube of bicycle cement in the closet and the senator got the cement instead of the face cream. He daubed his broad ex­ panse of face with the cement before he realized anything was wrong. The skin specialist he consulted thinks he will have all the cement off the senator's face ia a week. Don't Be Fanny. It does not pay. If you have a good thing, tell it right out Don't use false means to attract attention. We say "right oat" and it too, that Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin will cure every case of Stomach Trouble. It will stop any pain caused by Indigestion; it knocks Sick Headache by attacking the cause of the complaint and aids you to digest your food, no matter what you eat J. A. Story and G. W. Besley. CUCUriBER PICKLES--* ?We want to contract a ~' Bunted number of acres r'#f Cucumber Pickles at 50 CENTS PER BUSHEL Stafford & Ooidsniitk Compiey R. W. Stafford. £ - Robert O. QoUKttfftlt. (Established 1868) • General office: 698-700 Austin Ave., Chicago. Factories at Chicago, Marengo, McHenry Liberty vllle, Mauston, Wis., Kno*, Ind, . V- r Make your Contracts ' and get your seeds of JtSte irass, at the factory; W. C. BvririMii-, M. J. Walsh, J. J. Miller, Simon Stoffel, West Mc­ Henry; T. J. Walsh. S. 8. Chapell, Gilbert Bros., McHenry; J. E. Crlsty, Ring wood; C. M Adams, J. P. Lay, Johnsburgh. 36 Fop Sale A Complete Printing Outfit *31 Q iW> Type Consisting of Cylinder Pres$' Job Press | Paper Cutter " vV Gasoline Engine Job and Display Body Type Cases - Stones ̂ Stands And everything with which to print a paper or do job work. Will be sold seperately or a very low price given on the entire plant. Apply at once to THE PLAIN DEALER CO. . McHenry, Illinois. California The Gateway To the Orient Numerous profitable business openings in California. Make money in orange and lemon groves, vineyards, Wineries, orchards. Make money in cattle and sheep ranches, wheat fields, beet sugar culture, varied farm products. Make money in mines, oil Veils, manufacturing, trading The California Limited daily, Chicago to Los Angeles and San Francisco. General Passenger OfllM The Atchison, Topeka & Santa P« R'y CHICAGO n Don't Be Fo o l e d i @ woMwrnp iiw tut*. Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Modi* cine Co., MttHsoa. Wis. It keeps yoa well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept ao sabstK Ask your draggle*. Low Bates this jX -v difference to public interests to often | Northern wisoonsin Hallway Vara laved manifested by officials. One of the latest efforts of the department in the direction indicated is the issuance of The Indian and the Northwest. A handsomely illustrated book just issued by the Chicago & North-Western R'y, bound in cloth and containing 115 Bulletin No. 126, which is devoted to "Pratical Suggestion for Farm Build­ ings," and will be mailed free application to the department gives complete bills of materials, drawings and directions for the erec­ tion of two or three types of farm For Sale. The North-Western Line has for sale. . in Northern Wisconsin, at low prices of intere8tmg M»U>rical data, and easy term of payment about 850,- relatm ̂to the settlement of the great 000 acres of choicetZZ laU. Northwest, with fine half-tone engrav Early buyers will secure the advant-1 ir̂ B ?f B[™* Kawk, Sitting Bull. Bed age of locations on the many beautiful I : streams and lakes, which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply, both for dwellings, with the aid of which any, | family use and for stock. intelligent farmer may erect a home I Land is generally well timbered, the largely, if not entirely, by his own I soil fertile and easy of cultivation, and labor--a home which will be cheap, but this is rapidly developing into one of at the same time attractive, and which I the greatest sheep and cattle raising will be designed scientifically to afford I regions in the Northwest the greatest amount of comfort for the I Chicago, Milwaukee, StPaul,Minnea-1 Kniskern, 22 Fifth avenue, Chicago, 111, outlay made. The drawings contain all I polis, Duluth, Superior, Ashland audi 41-81 necessary details and are so plain that other towns on "The North-Western I "I have been troubled with indigestion any one can follow them. In addition | Line" furnish good markets for stock I for ten years, have tried many things and farm produce. For further particu- and spent much money to no purpose lars address: Geo. W. Bell, Land j until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Commissioner, Hudson, Wis., or G. H. MacRae, Assistant General Passenger Agent, St Paul, Minn. 89-14t to California and Summer. An illustrated book, which will be of much interest to all who are expecting to take advantage of the low rates to California thiB summer, at the time of the Epworth League Convention, to be held in San Fransico in July, has just been issued by the Chicago ft North- Western Railway. Much valuable in­ formation is given relating to the state, variable routes, etc. The rate via this line will be only $50.00 for the round trip from Chicago, with corresponding low rates from other points. Copy of this book may be had free upon applica­ tion to W. B. Kniskern tt Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. 89-6t HOW A BOY WAS CURED (From the Rarald. Marshall, 111.) In as interview with P. F. Mv- kle, head miller of the Marshall mille, of Marshall, 111., the pub­ lisher was given the following facts concerning the effects of MICRO GB&MI, used by his ten- year-old son. He caid: "My boy had been in poor health for over a year. He had commenced to cough and expectorate; he became weak and nervous and was going down la spite of everything we could do. Nothing seemed to do him any permanent good, though several remedies were tried. Last May he BEGAN TAKING EVERYBODY'S BLOOD PURIFIER Prompt Positive Pure PU*s**& and before he bad finished the sec­ ond bottle Us health was as good as ordinary boys of his age. 1 at­ tribute his improvement entirely to MICRO GBRMI. He is from all appearances sound and well, rosy- cheeked, cheerful and happy." Mr. Markle is an upright, hoaor- able gentleman, in whose word Bt- BBSt confidence can be placed. VBICB 0HB DOLLAB JOB run TBS* FACTS ADD&tSt Th* MODERN REMEDY CO, KEWANEE, ILL, UcELei D HILIP JAEGER • General Commission merchant ,111A 3, Fulton Sti ,le Market ' efcteaoo, Illinois Special attention given to the sal* «f Dressed Beef, iluttoa ll - Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. , ̂ Butter and Begs ' - i. This i« the oldest house oft the stfeet Tags and price lists furnished on applicatiit COLD STORAGE FREE •! I Eft Hi MA.'A. BTORY, IIIIHIIIIIHIIIHIIIHIIHIHMIHIi------Him ' A * 1 O i l s a n d C o l o r s -||ear in mind that I have a fiaffe assortment of ready-mixed paint|p for all purposes, of a superioft brand, and also a complete of colors, oils, leads and varnish# J u l i a ' S t o r y 111 c B e n r y , I l l i n o i s Cloud and other noted chiefs; Custer's battleground and ten colored map plates showing location of the various tribes dating back to 1600. A careful Review of the book impresses one that it is a valued contribution to the history of these early pioneers, and a copy1 should be in every library. Price, 60' cents per copy. Mailed postage prepaid! upon receipt of this amount by W. B to the plans for houses, there also are! designs for barns, silos, etc., as well as | sanitary suggestions of great value. This publication should be the means of I bringing about the erection of thou- aaads of model buildings which will cost no more than the inferior ones! now seen all over the country, but will I be much more comfortable and attrac­ tive, and its distribution must prove of I direct benefit to thousands of people. 006T OF BEING MADE CARDINAL. At the Papal Consistory at which Cardinals are chosen the Pope sits at one end of the large hall, with a vacant chair beside him. All the members of Ton cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. Julia A Story and G. W. Besley. have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from them than all other medicines taken. I feel more like a boy than I have felt in twenty years." Anderson Biggs of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have testified as did Mr. Bigge. Julia A Story and G. W. Besley. JOS. H. HUEflANN. JoSmsburgh, • Illinois. Ajppleton Corn Huskers Corn Shelters and Tread Powers General Blacksmith Prices ilwayS Reasoulfe Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills V, Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and flachine Oils a Speciaty! Horses for Sal*. Gnat chance for farmers. We have on hand horses and mares bought from various breweries and Express compan- m. a ji ry n „ „ - -- . ies all in fine condition for farm work. C?.llege xof Cardinals stand Will sell them at a bargain. WiU pay gwutthe walls out of earshot of hie one way railroad fare to Chicago to any ® vacant chair at the purchaser. Have your station agent Pope s right hand the dean of the Col-1 give you receipt for ticket money. Abe lege of Cardinals first takes his seat InjKlee & Son, 278 North Center Ave., ̂mentioxus * him [ Chicago, I1L (Take Milwaukee avenue $»e name of the prelate who is to made J oable car.) 80-0 &•£. - tr-h Vy Pearls Fpund in Vei Evervpde is talking 'Gran Mountain Pearls.9 m that they care liver troubl constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and gently, aW they don't gripe one bit. ^knal is £uL we ask--we know what^Kie re­ sult be. JULIA A. STORY. WALL PAPER Do not j>ass us by if ^ou are looking for the latest designs in wall paper. We have a fine line and are selling it at right prices. Also a complete line of PAINTS AND OILS Bear in mind that at all times we carry ever in Drugs and Medicines, and all the necessities in school supplies. Bingwood, IB. J. 5. BROWN & SON W H "iPffPfifP^WPISP11 The C. F. Blanke Tea & Coffee Co. has secured the following agencies in this vicinity to handle their celebrated Teas and Coffees: f. s. CHAPELL McHenry SIMON STOFFEL West McHenry Antloch--Williams Bros, Arlington Heights--F E Dispi-;;: Barrlngton--John O Pliiirg# i Cary--E Kerne & Son " Cryst-il Lake--G C Colby ; •_* Des Plaines--SpicKler Bros* „ Edison Park-Wolf & Kohjr Grays Lake--F I) BattershWl Greenwood--E G Westerma# Gurnee--J K Bracher Gilberts--Ganchow & Kuntef . ,, Harvard--H H Megrani Hebron--ltowe Bros. * Huntley--P H femalB Ivanhoe--John Melkle * • t t* Johnsburgh--John P Lay . Lake Villa Howling & BalnStable Lake Zurich - C W Kohl Liberty vllie - Tnggs & KraOSS Mllburn--A Pantell : :5 Mount Prospect, -L F Bussfl • Norwood Park--Jas A Low* ; Palatine--Schoppe Bros. Park Bldge-- Paine Bros. Richmond--F O Schroeder liockerfeller--W W Knlggo Kussell--Siver Bros. Solon Mills--WrnSimes Spring Grove--E E Hartwell XJnlon--C L Krctner Volo--J H Richardson Wauconda--Goldlng Bi-os. Woodstock--Geo H Hooker •"v •* w ' '̂ 0 ' '^V .z > > . » . Blanke's Faust Blend C o f f e e •erred exclusively on Dining On* of me Pullman Mm Cir (o. and twenty-five other of the great- y^pt Railroad and Steamboat and Restaurants of flft: | , Uniteil States and Canada r Because, it is blended by taste, not by weight; has the finest drinking . quality of any Coffee in the wefM* and is always the same. Put up by C. r. BLANKE TEA & (OFFffffii Promoters of High Grade Goods I Had. Proprietors of the Most Oo|»- . tfete Coffee Plant in the V. 0» ' x • « • •m MMM •w /'S

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