"--*--1 .wjw^BftMgawtiiiirfiiByrihwiî \i\4;.:»> v j * >. *•."'• ' *> SAYS gmm . I Jtt ,--, , . aas-- ... - -- _« •I CTieerTuny Recommend Want a Good Tonic and a K : '"" Cure for Catarrh." to M Safe -- -.-' >; '. T - ." i.-r.w; Aoraement of the clergy are givinc Peraiui These men find Peru* especially adapted to preserve them Ar " • OTHER NOTABLE CURES. I talari Escaped tte Pup if Cttatrk it Mw Imp. Mm* Cmi if hdfM CntMftlM An Citwrl. from catarrh ol the vocal organa which has always been the bane of public speakers, and general catarrhal debility incident to the sedentary life of the clergyman. Among the recent utterances of noted clergymen on the cura- ttie virtues of Parana 1s the following one from Bishop James A. Handy, D. D., of Baltimore: «f take great pleasure In acknowledging the curative effects 0# Parana. At the solicitation of a Mend I used your remedy and cheerfully recommend your Peruna to all who want a good Tonic and a safe cure for catarrh*"*--James A. Handy.• why Peruna has become so justly famous In the cure of catarrhal dis eases. It cures catarrh wherever lo cated. Its cures remain. Peruna doss not pallitate; it cures. Mrs. Frederick Williams, President of the South Side Ladies' Aid Society of Chicago, 111., writes the following words of praise for Peruna from 2 973 Cuyler ave.,- Chicago, 111.: "My home is: never wi t h o u t: Peruna, for I: have found dur ing the past six years that there is no remedy; that will at once : alleviate suffer-; ing and actually Mis. Fred William*, cure, as Peruna doeB. Four bottles completely cured me of catarrh of the head of several years' standing, and if my husband feels badly, or either of us catch cold, we at once take Peruna, and in a day or two It has thrown the sickness out of the system."--Mrs. Frederick Williams. Mrs. W. A. Allison, of 769 Sheffield avenue, Chicago, 111., is the Assistant Matron of the y"»...........n People's Hospi tal. She has the following to say • about Peruna: "I have had fre-: quent opportuni-: ties to observe • the wonde r f u 1 curative effects of Peruna espe cially on persons: suffering with a inMiinDiiKiiiDiiiiiiitl 1 Edward Stevens. Mrs. Edward Stevens of Carthage, N. Y., writes as follows: "I now take pleasure in notifying yon that my husband has entirely re covered from catarrh. He is a well man today, thanks to you and Peruna. He took six bottles of your medicine as di rected, and it proved to be just the thing for him. His appetite is good end every thing he eats seems to agree With him. His cough has left him and he is gaining in flesh, and seems to be well every way. I hope others will try your medicine and receive the benefits that we have."--Mrs. Edward Stevens When the catarrh reaches the throat ft is called tonsilitis, or larnygitis. Ca tarrh of the bronchial tubes is called bronchitis; catarrh of the lungs, con sumption. Any internal remedy that Will cure catarrh in one location will re it in any other location. This is NEW USES FOR SAWDUST. congested condi- Mrs. W. A, Allison, tion of the head, lungs, and stomach, generally called catarrh. It alleviates pain and soreness, increases the appe tite and so tones up the entire system that the patient quickly regains strength and health."--Mrs. W. A. Allison. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, (X W. L. DOUGLAS S3 & $3.50 SHOES S5S& The real worth of mv ff;l.00 awl jp.1.50 shoes compared wlta other makes is $4.00 to jp.wi. My $4.0(1 Gilt K<l(re Line cannot lit •quailed at any price. Best In the world for nieu. 1 muke un«l irll mor« men's fine ihora, Goodye«S> WrIKIInnd-Nrvvfil Process), than any other manufa# torer IB the world. I will pay SI ,00© to amy one who calk prove that my sl».<-i»i-at is not true. (Kigned) W. T.. Douglas, Take no substitute! Insist on having W. I.. Douglas shoes with name and price stamped on liottom. Your dealer should keep them ; I (jive one dealer exclusive sale In each town. If he does not keep them ami will not get them for you, order direct from factory, enclosing price and 25c. extra for carriage. Over 1,000,(100 satisfied wearers. New Spring Catalog free. Psst Color OMKl •lOlumWely. W, L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass •m. PUAIUK e COMFORT CO HAND IN HAND G & J Detachable Doable Tube Tire* are high-trade and well made. They are light, durable, eiiy riding and easily repaired -- do tools required. When a puncture occur* jurt remove the outer cover, patch the inner tube, and away you go. The bet ii alway, the cheapest -- it p»y» to buy O & J Tires 6m and avoid the necessity of a change. Catalogue for the asking. Q & J TIRE COMPANY, Indianapolis, lnd. IN 3 OR 4 YEARS IN INDEPENDENCE ASSURED If you take up your home in Western Can ada.tlie land of plenty. Illustrated pamphlets, giving experiences of farmers who have be come wealthy in grow ing wheat, reports of delegates, etc.,uud full formation as to reduced raUxvay rates can be id on application to the Superintendent of [migration, Department of Interior, Ottawa, Canada, or to C. J. Broughton, 1223 Modnadnoek Wlm ck, Chicago, or E. T. Holmes, Room 6, "Big ir" Bldg., Indianapolis, lnd. Special excur sions toWesternCanadaduring March and April. nilCY 111 sheep 111 Montana!» SAFE andpay. UlfC I Ufwenthlcnati Now ia the time to |U\/CCTCn ln"»Bt. Get in at bottom prices IH V CO I CU and be prepared for four more years of prosperity. Write for our annual report aai particulars. iwtm Ce-Opcratlri Ranch Co., Great Falls. M STOCK FARM FOR SttE-iJS&SK •Mr (SO per acre. Liberal terms arranged. The farm is 1 and U miles Northwest of Vinton. Iowa. Vinton Is iMttedon the B. C. R.& N. railroad; haa 849* Inhabi tants; two number-one Canning factories; one large Karl Button Factory; two Creameries and nnmber schools. MATT GAASCH, Vinton, la. HOLLYHOCK POULTRY FARM 56-page Illustrated Poultry Catalogue. The secrets of successful poultry rais ing told in plain language; all about in> cubators, brooders, poultry houses, how to hatch and raise every chick, what, when and how to feed, forcing hens to lay and hundreds of valuable subjects contained in no other catalogue. Tells of 35 vari eties popular thoroughbred lowls and quotes ex tremely low prices. Send 4c in stamps for postage. Hollyhock Poultry Farm, Box 1457, Des Moines, la* AGENTS WANTED TO CONTROL SALE IN CITIES ana Counties ol Our Improved Shoo-Fly Door Spring % useful and quick selling article wanted by every housekeeper In fly time. It keeps flies from getting In the house when door is opened and holds screen doors Arm. Territory granted to responsible agents and big profits paid. Send 2c stamp for details or 50c for sample and begin work. Address ANUEK80N MFG. CO., Bnda, Illinois. AQENTS WANTED Best nmllinff article Agents make $10.00 per day, selling the National Window Cleaner. Brush, rubber, & pail combined. Agent's sampie1 prepaid, on receipt of 7o cents in Stamps. Add., with stamp. Mtoul Wl«*w Cleaaer Cfc SATTOH, OHIO Watches Fine Ann Metal WstehCf, made from Guns captured la the Spanish American War. Every patriotic American should have one of these Sonvenirs of the War with Spain. Gold Filled BowandCrown Jewelled Movement; Stem Wind and Stem Set. I-adles" size. •4.0O; Gents' size, •5.65. Order quick. The most serviceable case made. Will send C. O J)., subject to examination. If requested. Diamonds and Hlgh-Grade Gold Filled Watches sold on easy payments. Agents wanted, J. A. BARTON, 169 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, III. FREE k Ml-8h« si Trcatmat of Dr. O. Phelps Brown's Gnat Remedy for - EpUepsv and ail Nerroui Diseises. Adfflew O. FKKLF8 BIOWI, •8Brfewfcargh, «.T. 5 IOWA FARMS 130 to 464 acres, *27.50 to 140 per acre.330 acres in body, S25 per acre. 500 acre stock farm ®30 per acre. 260 meres, *30 per acre. Long time. Easy terms. LAW BROS. CO., Centervllled Iowa. A Bsnsrksbls Kecord. The mother of Gov. Bekham of Ken- has a remarkable record. She the unprecedented distinction of having been the mother of a governor, tte daughter of a governor, the sister •f a governor and the cousin of a gov- Do Tear Vsst Ache Md Bars? Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot- Base, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and gweating Feet At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y. Awstro-HongftrlM Censaa Figaros. fSSrhe Austro-Hungarian cauls just completed shows the total population to be 47,000,000, an Increase since 1890 Of 9 pfer cent The population of tilth has increased 45 per cent. Corn Indigenous to Pern. The earliest specimens of Indian corn grew, it is believed by botanists, on the plateau of Peru, where this plant has been found growing in a con dition which indicates that it Is indi genous to the soil. Confhlsf Leads to Consumption. ^jKemp'8 Balsam will stop the cough >j|| once. Go to your druggist today and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 26 and 50 cent bottles. Qo at once; delays are dangerous. eye is the barometer of tte Sboald Ba In Krory HsoMhoU. A jar of RUBEFACIENT should be kept la every house. It Is the most wonderful specific la >11 cases of internal Inflammation and will speedily nip in the bud any case of Pneninonls, Diphtheria, La Grippe, etc. Write to the Rubefacient Co., Newton Upper Falls, Mam, for free booklet. Every now and then a man's mind is stretched by a new idea of sensation, •nil never shrinks back to Its former dimensions. Simplicity, strength and purity com bined in Garfield Tea, the herb medi cine that cures constipation and liver troubles. The French are not supposed to be great travelers, yet the Touring Club of France has 80,000 members. Makes Walking Easy. Maple City Self Washing Soap aavaa time, saves work and saves your clothes. Jost try It once. Jlrr" #\> '% f The bore who is looking for nobody . V should lock Jn tlu terror. . *i. . Xavsstsd to liUsrt Ita VsloabU rislsrtsi Bdentllc men have long been ea- gaged in the study of methods of util izing waste products, such as sewage, garbage and many other things, for merly thrown away as worthless. After it is ascertained Just what these ma terials contain that can be utilized, in genious men set their wits to work to invent machinery and devise processes by which the valuable commodities may be extracted. In this way many million dollars' worth of oils, fertilis ers and other useful substances are now saved and the world is so much the richer. A great deal of sawdust has always gone to waste, though many mills have used it to supplement their fuel supply. Chemical analysts have been at work on the sawdust problem and it has been shown clearly that it contains very useful elements that are worth saving; and now ma chinery has been invented to extract these materials. The experiments have proven that 1,000 pounds of sawdust will yield about 160 pounds of char wmch is practically the same as char coal, and equally serviceabe; 180 pounds of acids, 160 pounds of tar and a quantity of gases that have been tested for heating and illuminating and found to be excellent for both purpo# es. While the acids, tar and char are the products particularly desired it Is said the gases are of commercial value. A machine has been invented in Mon treal for the purpose of distilling saw dust and obtaining the desired pro ducts. Consul General Bittinger writes that the machine treats about 2,000 pounds of wet sawdust an hour. As Canada manufactures enormous quantities of lumber, it is expected that the utilization of sawdust in that country will be an important source of valuable <x>mmodities. There are twenty places in Europe where oxalic acid is extracted from sawdust. In Scotland sawdust is used to make floor cloth, coarse wrapping paper and millboard, which is a kind of paste board used by bookmakers in the cov ers of books. Thus sawdust, once thought to be a good deal of a nui sance is quite a useful article.--New Tork Sun. THE 8WO» IN SOCIETY. Dltrs-KxalulTessti of Parsons Who laa- M(Id« ThsamltN 8oeM Leaders. The accepted definition of a "snob," together with its attendant adjective "snobbish," is not the same in Ameri ca as in England. On the other side it means social pretense of some kind, and Thackeray has shown under that head what a great variety of the spe cies there is.' But with us it does not necessarily include pretense. When we call a person a snob the idea in tended to be conveyed is that he or she is ultra exclusive and wishes to associate only with persons who are considered very smart. In fact to be "smart" a person must necessarily be somewhat snobbish, according to the. American acceptance of the'word, for extreme exclusiveness is even more necessary to the maintenance of a smart set in a republic than in places where the lines are defined by rank. The so-called Four Hundred is, as everyone knows, divided up into any number of sets and cliques, but nev ertheless, despite assertions to the contrary, there is always one set that is fashionably paramount. That is to say, invitations from its leaders are more prized than any others, and to be admitted within its limits is a coveted honor. And here we come back to our accepted definition of the word "snob." People who make an effort to get into this society, and by so doing overlook and neglect old friends, are termed snobbish, while the members themselves, who have no desire to en large their small coterie or to hide their Indifference to the world at large, come under the same classifica tion. Thackeray's people, with their miserable little attempts to pass them selves off for others than they are (and we may safely assert that there are more of that ilk in England than America), we would call cads--so that the use of either term by an American does not necessarily convey the same idea as when spoken by an English**1 man.--New York Tribune. rhiladslphll books when It established the publio Whool system in 1118, and has ftornish- ed tiree books for eighty-three years without suffering from bacteria, bank ruptcy, or any other of the promised calamities that are supposed to wait upon this "dangerous experiment" New York city has furnished all school books free for sixty-eight years; Bris tol, R. I., sixty-three years; Paterson, N. J., fifty-one years; Elizabeth, forty- live years; Newark, forty-three years; Brighton and Hoboken, thirty-three from twenty to thirty years; the en tire state of Massachusetts for seven teen years, and many of its cities for a much longer time. In the west De troit has furnished school books free tor nine years, employs a clerk to look after the books, includes repairs, stor age, fumigation, rebinding and clerk hire in its average annual cost of 65 cents per pupil. Saginaw, with seven teen years' experience, finds its cost, including high school, to be 57 cents. Berlin, Wis., has furnished free text books for twenty-three years; Eau Claire, twenty years; La Crosse, eight een years; Omaha, Neb., fifteen years; Duluth, Minn., thirteen years.--Chicar CO Journal. • horse will eat In a jmr sins Mass Ms ovs wtlglil, a torn wta* tints, an ox six times, and a sheep six tines. IV You Mm RMumMisjQ •aad Boaoaey,Mt wrlta r tat ltt, for six hettls* of Qua. akyress paid. If cured ptfjH But he who knows, and knows that he knows, is a wise man; follow him. If everyone knew how good a remedy was Hamlin's Wizard Oil its sales would double in a day. The first street lighting in this coun try was done in New York in 169T. Piao's Cure cannot be too highly spokea of as a cough cure.--J. W. O Briks, 321 Third 1m, H., Minneapolis, Minn.. Jan. ft. 190& Lie not, neither to thyself, nor man, nor God. It is for cowards to lie. HUSBAND AND WIFE. A TsMns of the Civil War TsUf aa ls- tsrsstlag Story. EFFINGHAM, 111., April 82. (Spe cial).--Uriah S. Andrlck is now 67 years of age. Mr. Andrlck served through the whole of the Civil War. He was wouaded, three times by ball, and twice by bayonet When he entered the service of his country in 1861, he was halo and hearty, and weighed 198 pounds. Since the close of the War however, Mr. Andrlck has had very bad health. For fifteen years, he never lay down In bed Bbr over an hour at a time. He had acute Kidney Trouble, which grew into Bright's Disease. His heart also, troubled him very much. On Oct 18th, 1900, he was weighed, and weighed only 102 pounds, being but a shadow of his former self. He commenced using Dodd's Kidney Pills on the 26th of last December, and on Feb. 20th was again weighed, and weighed 146 pounds. He says: "I have spent hundreds of dollars and received no benefit, until on the 26th of December last, I purchased one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I am cured, and I am free from any pain. My heart's action is completely re stored. I have not the slightest trace Of the Bright's Disease, and I can sleep well all night I was considered a hopeless case by everybody, but to day I am a well man, thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "For the last sixteen years my wife has been in misery with bearing down pains, pains in the lower part of the abdomen and other serious ailments. When she Baw what Dodd's Kidney Pills were doing for me she com menced to use them. She now feels like another woman, her pains have all disappeared and her general health is better than it has been for years. "She is 60 taken up with Dodd's Kidney PillB and what they have done for us that she has gone to Mr. Corn wall's Drug Store and bought them for some of her friends for fear that if they went themselves they might make a mistake and get something else." There is something very convincing in the honest simple story of this old veteran and his wife. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only Remedy that ever cured Bright's Dis ease, Diabetes or Dropsy. They never fail. * Some articles most be described. White's Yucatan needs no description; it's thf reel thing. Blow the coals of anger and the sparks will fly in your own facet SICK HEADACHE AND CONSTIPATION fo together. DR. CRANKS QUAKER TONIC TABLETS kill both. 50c a box. If a woman is lost in though^ bee dressmaker can re-cover her. If Yoar Clothes Look TsUsnT { wash them with Maple City Self Washlns 8oap. It will make them whtta asalo. The first thing a shoemaker hlfa business is his last. Mrs. Wlnalow'i Soothing Byrm.' Tot children teething, softens toe gums, reduces In- tammatlon, allays pain, cures wlad colic. 2&c a bottle. An umbrella does a lot of good but it has to be put up to it. Carter's Ink. Good Ink Is a necessity for good Wrttmr. Car ter's Is the best. Costs no more than poor Ink. The fool-killer sometimes assumes the form of a cigarette. Coe's Congh Balsam fe the oldest aad best. It will break ap aeollflttK San aaythlns else. It is always reliable. Try ft. When a cheerful, brare and light-hearted woman is sud denly plunged into thit perfection of misery, the blues, it is a saa picture. ^ It is usually this way: She has been feeling out of sorts for some time, experi encing severe headache and backache; sleeps very poorly and is exceedingly nervous. In 1790 New Tork had population of 25,978. colored Sometimes she is nearly overcome by faintness, dizzi ness, and palpitation of the heart; then {hat bearing-dowirI feeling is dreadfully wearing. PUTNAM FADELESS DYB8 pro duce the fastest and brightest oolors of any known dye stuff. Johnny--It's funnny how Ignorant women are about such things, ain't it, pa? (Karlet of Siberia* Riven. - The Sterlet, caught In Siberian riv ers, competes with the pompano, from the Gulf of Mexico, as the most deli- clous fish in the world. Her husband says, " Now, don't get the blues! You wffl be all right after you have taken the doctor's medicine." But she does not get all right. She grows worse day by day, until all at once she realises that a distressing female complaint is established. Her doctor has made a mistake. She loses faith; hope vanishes; then comes Hie nwrtM. melancholy, everlasting blues. She should have been told just what tne trouble was, but probably she withheld some information from the doctor, who, therefore, is to accurately locate her particular illness. Mrs. Pinkham has relieved thousands of women from California Bird Kills Snakes. In southern California is a very pe culiar bird--not because of its appear ance, but because of its habits. It has several names. The one by which it is best known is the California road run ner. It is also often spoken of as the chaparral cock. The scientists have classified it as a member of the cuckoo family, but to the observer who isn't scientific it appears more like a rela tive of the pheasant family. The road runner is a poor flier, and has to get a running start before it can rise into the air. It gets the name of road-run ner from the fact that it will keep up along with a horse and buggy for miles by means of its brisk little legs, never resorting to its wings, and seem ingly making little effort. The most peculiar thing about this bird is its hatred of snakes and the method it takes to vent its spite upon them. In the section of country inhabited by this bird the cactus is a common plant When the bird finds a snake taking a nap in the sun, as is a habit with his snakeship, it makes haste to gather leaves of the cactus and lays them in a row about the sleeping serpent, at a safe distance. When it has one row completed it lays a second and a third, and continues thus to strengthen its fence until it is confident that the bar rier will serve the purpose intended. It then proceeds to awaken the unsus pecting victim by leaping over him, giving him a spiteful peck as it passes over. The snake thus awakened starts to glide away, but brings up against the prickly spines of the cactus. Then he turns and tries anotfier\ direction. He scon discovers that he is in a trap, apd then he gets very angry and races around the little inclosure, getting pricked at every turn. If the snake gets wise and stops his mad plunging about the bird again hops over him and stirs him up with other blows from its sharp bill till the snake, again frenzied, rushes around among the sharp spines and receives new wounds. This continues until the reptile has punctured hi! skin so frequently that he dies of his injuries.--Chicago Rec ord. Ban halloa's First ii&t" Mrs. Mary E. Bradley is dead at Sa- lina. In 1S67 Mrs. Bradley ran Sa- lina's only hotel, a log cabin with a dirt roof. It was this hotel which Bay ard Taylor, traveling across the cln- tinent in that year, humorously de scribed in one of his letters.--Kansas City Journal. woman in the land. Spring Clesnis( liads Easy. Much of the terror of Spring Cleaning may be avoided by good management. Bottled weather should be selected for the work, and every thing necessary provided beforehand. Ivory Soap will be found best for washing paints, floors and windows; it is harmless and very effective in making the house clean and fresh. ELIZA R. PARKER. Mrs. Winifred Allender*s Letter. " Dbab Mas. Pinkham:--I feel it my duty to write and tell you of the benefit I have received from wonderful remedies. Before taking L; ham's Vegetable Compound, 1 was a misery to mv- self and every one around me. I suffered terrible pain in my back, head, and right side, was very- nervous, would cry for hours. Menses would appear sometimes in two weeks, then a^ram not for three or four months. I was so tired and weak, could not sleep nights, sharp pains would dart through my heart that would almost cause me to fall. "My mother coaxed me to try Lydia E. Pinkham'S Vegetable Compound. I had no* faith in it, hut to please her I did so. The first bottle helped me so much that I continued its use. I am now well and weigh more than I ever did in my life."--MBS. WINIFRED ALLENDER, Farmington.IlL Am Old Wampum Bait. At Bssex, Conn., the other day a wampum belt owned by a descendant of Herman Garret, who was appointed governor over the Pequots in 1655, was sold for $320. The relic is composed pf a string of shells formed into a belt two and one-half inches wide and thirty-three inches long.. $1 REWARD Owing to the fact that some skeptical people have from time to time qocsttMtd the genuineness of the testimonial letteis we are < deposited with the National City which will be paid to any person testimonial is not genuine, or was published before obtaining thi writer's special permission.--I/VDtA E. PINKHAM Msoicm C*. are constantly publishing, we have -ity Bank, of Lynn, Mass., fs.aaa, rson who can show tlAt the Move In France a woman may appear in masculine attire if she pay a license fee of |10 a year. S0Z0D0NTforth.TEETH 25c i Eft Witor If Your Stomach makes life miserable, Its your own fault. Dr. Greene, the discoverer of Dr. Greene's Nervura, will tell you why this Is so, and Just exactly how to euro the whole trouble. This Information and advice will cost you nothing. Write to Dr. Greene, 33 West 14th St., New York City. Y R O K W N E O C G 1 C H A L A F U o B F (• $200.00 CASH, FREE We will give the above award to any person who will correctly arrange the above letters to spell the names of Three Important American Cities. What are they? Each lina represents one city. You may be the fortunate person to secure at least a portion, if not the full amount. For should there be more than one set of correct answers, the money will be equally divided. For instance, should five persons send in correct answers, each will receive $40.00; should ten persons send in correct ans srs, each will receive $20.00; twenty persons, $10 00j»ach_ .This offer is made to advertise and introduce our firm quickly. WI'. I»0 XOT WAST OMR < EST OF TAUK IOSEY. THIS COXTKBT IS FREE. As soon as you ha1 > arranged what roa suppose are the correct names, Fend them A postal card will do. and you will hear from ns promptly by return mail. Those who have tried other contests and failed to secur* anything, try this one. All can secure an award if they wish to try, without any ex pense whatever. (S&eTHE HOME SUPPLY CO., DeptW. DETROIT. MICH.<&S# HAVE YOU MONEY TO INVEST? A limited amount of fund, wanted for stock En an exceedingly meritorious and profitable MINING en terprise. will prove a very profitable Investment for small a8 well a. large capitalists. You can Inve.t from »5G to »r>,000. A specially favorable proposition made for the first available funds. For terms and fall Information address K. O. KHXTON, 184 Tan Buren Street Chicago. Illinois. W, N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 17, 1801. Vfces ' ~" iaswerisg Advertisenieais Mentioa This Taper. Daily Can't Sleep? 1? Did you ever have that feeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobblestones in your stomach, keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly in terrible dreams, that make the cold perspifation break out all over you ? That's insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun ates suffer with it night after night, until their reason is in danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and give the sufferer sweet, refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARETSI air t' tUat hobo-mobo troocks!--1-nck. "I Imits Imb aslac CASCAKKTS for laswnaia, wM which I have beea aSlicted for over twenty years, and I ean say that lief thau any I shall cer- Oascarets have glvea aoe more relief than any other remedy I have ever tried talalr raeoatmaaS them to my friends aa ha> Qir.r.ABP, Elcia.HI. BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. THIS IS (to) THE TABLET WHILE YOU !l:. 10b 25c. 50c. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS SVASAllTxlS TO CUmMt rive T.M» •*« OAlrflwu mM. N.w It ••.••rata •IlllMk.iw i sUalUur aiedlelB. la tk«_w*rM. Tfcl. te rtifjat. w aftcrwariik K. austter what all. y.a, mtmrt CASCAKITl May, Ar yw will never (tt w3l mh» fce well.aU the_tlgcjantu row vat J..r Wwrii Hckt Take Mr a4vt«e| atar« with CASCAKKTS today, ttoder aa sMato faarante. t* career wwey wftiaie*. / . s mm my mmi. *r ut irwtirt frta w &4kf«rWI)i Wxfi*^Iik«Hra4i