1B it not true! "Women suffer, fed the Terr life crashed out of them, grow old before their time. Each morning wake up determined to do so much before the day ends, and yet-- Before the morning is very old the dreadful BACKACHE attacks them, the brave spirit sinks back in affright; no matter how hard they struggle, the "clutch" Is upon them and they fall upon the couch crying: "Why should I suffer so ? What can I dot" The answer is ready, your cry has been heard, and a woman is able to restore you to health and happiness. Backache is only a symptom of more fatal trouble- heed its warning in time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will stop your torture and restore your courage. Your paina come from unnatural menstruation or some derangement of the womb. Let those who are suffering read Mrs. Mor ton's letter and be guided by her experience. AN OPEN LETTER TO WOMEN. "ttout MRS. PINKHAM I have been no delighted withLydiaE. Pinkliam*8 Vegetable Compound I thought I would write and thank you. My system was entirely run down. I suffered with terrible back ache in the small of my back and could hardly stand upright; was more tired in the morning than on retiring at night. I had no appetite. Since taking your Com pound I have gamed fifteen pounds, and am gaining every week. My appetite has improved, have no back ache, and I look better than I ever looked before. " I shall recommend it to all my friends, as it cer tainly is a wonderful medicine."--MBS. E. F. MORTOH, 826 York St., Cincinnati, O. "When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health more than a million women, you cannot well say, without trying it, "I do not believe it will help me." If you are 111, don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at puce, and write Mrs. Pinkham, Lpn, *««• ̂ for special advice--it is free. MRS.E.F MORTO? <5000 REWARD . _ _ .. wo are constantly publishing, m han with the National Citjr Bank, of Lynn, Man,, 95,00a, whioh will be paid to any person . who can show that tin abort Owing to the fact that M people have from time to tiaa qtmaUooad the genuineness of the '"•••"•""If1 letter! testimonial is not genuine, or was writer's special permission.--LVPIA ed before obtaining the PLKKHAM MKDICWS Co, THE MIDWAY. at lh« fkiaelpal Amaaement Fostailt Pan-American KxpnattloM* The Midway of the Pan-American Exposition far surpasses all amuse ment features at former expositions, both in quality and novelty of attrac tions. The following are the princi pal concessions: Esquimaux Village, Glass Factory, Trip to the Moon, Aerio-Cycle, Old Plantation, Beautiful Orient, Miniature World's Fair, Around the World, Cleo patra, Colorado Gold Mine, Living Pictures, Dreamland, Moving Pictures, War Cyclorama, Philippine Village, Alt Nurnburg, Panopticon, Streets of Mexico, Darkness and Dawn, Burning Mountain, Darkest Africa, House Up side Down, Water Sports Carnival, Gypsy Camp, Golden Chariots, Johns town Flood, Infant Iucubators, Fair Japan, Bostock's Wild Animal Arena, 'Ideal Palace, Jerusalem on the Morn ing of the Crucifixion, Indian Congress, Basaar Building, Scenic Railway, Ven ice in America, Dawson City, Minia ture Railway, Pabst on the Midway. fry- Fought Himself In HI* Sleep. Lee Moser was an amazed young when he awoke from slumber one morning.recently. He was momentari ly not altogether certain of his own identity. His head felt big. Blood cov ered his face. One of his teeth was gone. What did it mean? Then it dawned upon his mind that he had been giving a fellow a severe thrash ing in his dreams during the night. Everything corresponded exactly ex cept his recollection of his opponent^ who, he had dreamed, was some one else beside himself. But in reality he had been fighting himself. His better self must have fallen into conflict with his worser self. It was a sort of Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jeykll case. He had a vivid recollection of striking his op ponent (himself) some very severe blows about the head and face. And he remembered, too, that he had knocked a tooth out, but he thought it was the other fellow's tooth. He is thinking seriously now of placing a bodyguard around his head at night hereafter, as he does not wish to do himself any more bodily harm.--Un- tontown (Pa.) Genius. A Chicago lawyer tells a peculiar story of his first and only meeting with Charles J. Gultaau, the assasin of Garfield. "One afternoon in 1878 or 1879," he says, "I was sitting in my of fice, gather busy, as I remember, when la walked an odd-looking, brisk little man, who asked for a few moments' interview in private. He was decently dressed in black, Dut there was some thing about him, I don't know what, that immediately excited my curiosity. I led him to the back room and, with out wasting any time, he immediately came to the point. 'I am a lawyer,' he said, as nearly as I can remember his exact words, 'and my home is in Buf falo, N. T. Bad health broke up my practice and foroed me to go to Cali fornia last year, but I have run out of money and find myself stranded here in Chicago. Will you lend me enough to buy a ticket on a cheap ex cursion train that leaves for Buffalo this evening? The amount will be re turned,' he added, 'before the close of the week.* I was astonished, very nat urally, not only by his request, but by the matter-of-fact manner in which hs preferred it. 'But why in the world do you apply to me?' I asked: 'I never saw you before and have no earthly in terest in your affairs,' 'Well, sir, I am a religious man,' he replied, 'and I be lieve in special Providence. It is ab solutely necessary for me to secure this assistance from somebody, and in pass ing your door a few moments ago something told me that I would find it here. The statement I made to you regarding my predicament may seem meager,' he went on, 'but it would be childish to waste your time on details when I have no means at hand for confirming them. I gave you the es sential facts and now ask you to lend me the money on faith purely.' He said all this in a simple, straightfor ward fashion that Impressed me with its truth," continued the lawyer, "and, acting on one of those fantastic im pulses that occasionally seise the most level-headed of us, I stuck my hand in my pocket and gave him the sum hs wanted. He thanked me quietly, took a memoranda of my name and address and was about to write his own when I stopped him and remarked that, as long as it was a purely faith transac tion, any data of that kind would be highly superfluous. 'If you don't send me the money,' said I, 'I shall certainly make no effort to collect it' He smiled blandly and walked out, and that was the last I ever saw or heard of him, but he left a souvenir in the shape of a small work of reference called Blair's Synonyms, which I found next day on the table. I remembered seeing the book in his hand when he came in, and he forgot it, no doubt, in his eagerness to decamp after he ser cured the cash. I threw it on the top shelf In the library, so it wouldn't re mind me of the episode, for by that time I had come to my senses and real ised what a first-class donkey I had made of myself. Of course, the money was never returned, and the story as it stands is a rather commonplace in stance of cunning and credulity, but it happens to have a curious little second chapter. In 1886 I changed the loca tion of my office, and when the books were being moved, Blair's Synonyms, forgotten and covered with dust, fell out of one of the cases. I picked it up, opened it at random, and for the first time noticed the name of the own er scrawled at the bottom of the back flyleaf. The name was Charlos J. Gui- teau."--Utica Globe. : :?j< By a vote of 129 nays to eighty-six yeas in the Massachusetts house of rep resentatives has defeated a bill to per mit golf and other sports on Sunday. A Month'* Test Free. yon haTe Rheumatism, write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., Box 148, for six bottles of his Rheumatic Cure, express paid. Send no money. Pay <2.50 U cured. The secretary of state for India has sanctioned a scheme for five large cen tral asylums for the insane in India. a ptrftot BqiM tatlfrlto ftr H» Teeth «hi Mouth New Size SOZODONT LIQUID, 25c SOZODONTTOOTH POWDER, 25c Lsrge LIQUID sad POWDER, 75e b«J At all Stores, or by Mail for the price. H ALL* RUCK EL, New York. Gate's Mixed Cuba has a population of about 1,- 500,000, of whom 910,000 are natire whites, 142,000 foreign whites, 234,000 pure-blood negroes, 286,000 mulattoes or half-breeds and 14,000 Chinese. More than 60 per cent are unable to read or write, and having always been subject to tyranny, do not possess the slightest comprehension of the princi ples of self-government Kvsry 48 Klitlsfc There are tnirty murders a day fit the United States year in and year out, or considerably more than one to the hour. It may be said without exag geration that among Americans the assassin's pistol or knife is never idle. Every moment of the day some one of our citisens is meditating or commit ting murder. Dalforn Prlw on Basks American publishers have decided that after May 1 of the present year they will settle upon a net price at which books will be disposed of for sale by the retail stores. English pub lishers announce that a similar step to enforce a uniform price on the mid dlemen £n that country wi!l be at tempted. • HOW MEN DIE Nature Never so Kind SMS When Severing Earthly Ties. Prototype of Princess do Chimay. The prototype of the Princess de Chimay, who sacrificed rank, wealth, and an impregnable position in society to follow her gypsy lover. Is to be found in a certain prince of Roumania. She, to be sure, was not born under the purple, while he had known noth ing but the distinction of rank from his cradle. Still both alike threw away the glitter of life and took up an existence infinitely less exalted. Rumor must be trusted for the state ment that neither one is very happy. Prince Ghika comes of a long line of Roumanian diplomats, and is himself the son of a former senator. The bo- hemian fever, none the less, was hot in his veins so that before he had reached 20 Prince Ghika had married a circus rider. Naturally he was disowned by his outraged parents, but this did not prevent him, at their death, from in heriting the family fortune. When the money was spent, as soon happened, and the prince was forced to take a more serious view of life, his wife's influence procured him an engagement in a circus. In this role, new as it was for one of the proud Ghika family, he succeeded so well that he was given a place of authority. Now he is dis tinguished as the only prince hi the world who manages a circus. If there is such a thing as being an authority on death, Dr. Thomas H. Andrews of Philadelphia, should rank high as an expert. He has seen over 2,000 persons die. In giving the re sult of his observations recently, he said: "Nature is never so kind to man as when she is severing the ties that bind him to this earthly life. She removes all fear, ameliorates every harsh sur rounding, Boftens every sound and smooths the narrow pathway to the grave with kindly bands. The easiest thing in life is to die. In severe sick ness death comes as a welcome visitor. On the battlefield or as the resu!t of accident or sudden shock, when it comes to a man swiftly, who but a moment before was in perfect health and half an hour later will be dead, a fortitude which I cannot describe and have never been able to analyze sus tains the victim. "The scientist, the man or woman of keen intelligence and trained faculties, unless their lives have been conspicu ous for .an exhibition of faith in re ligion and its teachings, are slower to accept the ministrations of clergymen and others. The man of low intelli gence yields at the first approach and calls for religious consolation. The reason for this is, I think that the vast majority of professional men, outside of the clergy, and particularly the doc tors and scientists generally, are not Inclined to believe or accept what they cannot demonstrate as a scientific fact. And yet, as a rule, these men and wo men willingly accept religious minis tration when death is only a matter of hours. "I recall an Instance during the war. One of the most distinguished men in the confederacy was brought to me for treatment. I saw at once that his death was a matter of hours only. He one of the most brilliant and; charming men I ever met. I told him that he could not live and asked him if he desired to talk with a clergyman. He replied in a rather careless way, that he did not feel disposed to change^ his views--that death, as he believed,; ended all, and there was no use drag ging religion in at the last hour. That was in the morning. He then felt strong and clear-headed. When I saw him in the afternoon he was weaker, and referring to our earlier conversa-, tion told me that he had been raised in the Methodist faith and that its teach ings had left an impress on his mind." He asked me to send for a Methodist clergyman, which I did. When I saw him just before he died he told me what comfort the talk with the minis ter had given him and that he would now face death with a braver heart than he could have done before. "I merely cite this instance," said Dr. Andrews, "to show that there is nothing which influences a man so much In later life, and even in the death hour, as the environment and teaching of his boyhood days. 'Jimmy' Logue, the notorious burglar and criminal, told me here in my office that that he did not kneel down and say his prayers. "I have found," continued Dr. An drews, "that persons of clean life, of honorable, upright, religious character, not only do not display an indifference to the approach of death, as those of grosser life do, but welcome it as a re lief from care and toil. There is some thing about the approach of death that reconciles a man to it. The senses are dulled, the perceptive faculties blunted, and the end comes quietly, painlessly, like a gentle sleep.." Keeping out of debt is a first-class life policy. Stand Atsbut Taoduttoa *The authorities at Leicester, Eng land, are taking proceedings against 60,000 persons accused of refusing to conform with the law to enforce vac cination. Leicester is a center of the anti-vaccinatiozi movement, but it was not known that it had so many belier- 1ady Trader la Pit*. Miss Jennie Benedict, a confectioner, has been elected a member of the Louisville Board of Trade. She is the first woman in the city to join that ftodr. Bslj Spoon* Kmaclit Bit Price. A Angle set of spoons lately brought liOOO guineas in London. They were spoons of the historic James I. "Apos tle" pattern, dated 1617. Only two such other sets are knowji--one at Corpus college, Cambridge, the other at the Goldsmiths' Hall. The figure heads are Christ (the master-spoon), St. James the Greater, St. James the Less, St. Bartholomew, St. Peter, St. Jude, St. Philip, St. John, St. Thomas, St. Matthew, St. Matthias, St Simon and St Andrew. v ; * ; The Watch Dial N\imerals Try Gralc-Qt " ifry - Ask your Grocer to-day to sbow you • package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brawn of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without die* tress. %£ the price of coffee. 15c and 25 eta pgi- j .gftpjrago Sold bv ail procers. '.•>? • "** *a»al lesdMiy. TTie new naval academy at Annapolis will be a fine structure. When com pleted the building will have cost $3,- 000,000 and will be flijer than any gov ernment structure outside of Wash ington. It will accommodate 500 ca dets. -*•"' If you were told to correctly write the numerals which appear on the face of your watch without consulting your timepiece, you would not consider the task difficult You look upon the dial of your ticker a dozen or more times a day, yet the chances are that not one of 100 people would write the numerals correctly. If they were in the Roman form you would write I, II, III, IV., etc. Here you would be wrong. The four on your watch is expressed IIII. If in the Arabic, you would write from 1 to 12. Wrong again, for on nearly aU watches which have a second hand there is no six. Such little catches show that our faculty of observation is not always fully developed. ffornea as Truant OflTeers. At least two women are serving as truant officers in school districts of New York State--Mrs. U. C. Walker, of Watertown, Jefferson county, and A Plsh-and-Llsard Story. One afternoon I thought I would go down the river and troll. I had on my hook a live minnow, and In a little while had a strike and I hooked my Irish Attorney Ootwltn Mse> A certain Judge by the name of Greene was once trying a case in which one of the attorneys was unmis takably a son of the Emerald isle. The Judge ruled against the attorney on several points in a manner that the latter regarded as arbitrary, and fin ally, Just as the judge was about to de cide another point, he arose and said: "I hope yer honor will not decide against me on this point until he has read the following section from 'Browney on Fraudi.'" "What did Fl TS Permanently Cored. No fits or i nrst «se of nr. Kline's (ireat Nerve Keotorer. 8"df<>r FREE I2.UO trial bottle and treatise. Ds. B. H. Kus* Ud.,Uilnk8t., I hUaMpkia, Pa. The Roman roads, according to their Importance, were from eight to.thirty feet In width. , ' Coo's Cough Betaamr ,;©;;! Il QM oMwt tad bo<t» It will bit&k up todldqtttalDflf Una anything else. It 1* always reliable. Try It. If you bestow a favor, forget it; you receive one, remember it. if The well posted druggist advises you to use Wizard Oil for pain, tor he knows what it has done. A woman's lot is made for her by the lore she accepts.--George Eliot Piso's Cure for Consumption is an jMdlelne for roughs and colds.--N. W. SUmrsb, Ocean Grore, N. J., Feb. 17.1900. Pens are polished with emery pow der in a large revolving drum. REWARO'ial>epml4 350 KID-NE-OIDS foracaaeof backache, nerrooameaa, aleepless- HM, weakness, loaaof vitality, in- ctplea t kidney .bladder and urinary diaordera that can not be cored by Ike nut kidney, liver and blood medicine. AftwDnggtota. Write for free Rample. Add KIO-Ht-OIDS, St. Louie, I SOe I cootnned HOLLYHOCK POULTRY FARM 56-page Illustrated Poultry Catalogue. The secrets of successful poultry rais ing told In plain language; all a boat ln- cabators, brooders, poultry houses, bow to hatch and raise every chick, what, when and how to feed, forcing hens to lay and bond reds of valuable subjects ia so other catalogue. Tells of 33 vari eties Mpntar thoroughbred fowls and quotes ex tremely low price*. Send 4c in sta mps for postage. Hell}Hock Poultry Farm. Box 1467. Des Moines. Ia. Pacific Coast Lands liberal tei , tialaare i all cadi or on small c&ah paymcats, time to boy la whim yoo hoy chean. For rarth«r ta- formattoa write to THB SXAJUICATB OOMPAJI R. So. aoe California Bid*. Tsooma. Washington. Block, Four' Emu, SanusiiaShSr * It Caret ThrfMkttMfSMS NORTH WISCORSII ft RAPIDLY -- in Taloe--at leaat SOe per aefe erety Don't go too ftr Wefe. CoasMer airceta water, plentiful rainfall of the world. Large tract* for for farmers, at S2.80 per acre i ed railroad fare and freights. TwetoeAereal Fourteen Acr< In Srst-class condition, Sue L-.. gains. Liberal terms arranged. , Arcadia^, Loa Angalen CneuHy, C»A. (UNWANTED W.L.DOUGLAS $3. & $3.50 SHOES mToe. eutM(*Llae«aaastkss«BalM ^ at any frite. It is not alone the beet sat her that makes a link L class shoe it is the txaina, Ithat have planned the best style, iastsa perfect model of the foot, and the construction of the shoe. It is mechanical skill and knowledge that have made W. I.. Douglas shoes the hest in the world for men. Tnkr no aubntltatc. Insist on Davinit W. L. Doogta* shoes with name and price stamped on bottom. Your dealer should keep them, if he does net, asnd for catalog giving full Instructions how to order by m*U. W.L. BOIieLAS, Brocktea, Mi FAST COL m yonr them, write No Muss first fish, which seemed to he quite s large one. I reeled him where I could see him and found it was a large pike, 25 or 30 inches long. I pulled him up & my boat but when I lifted him from the water he was as light as feather. I measured him and found he was just 30 Inches long, and should have weigh- ed eight or nine pounds, while he only weighed two. He had just skin and bones. I killed him, took my knife and cut him open, and found a live lizard, five inches long, in his stomach. The reptile was as black as coal and very lively, living 24 hours after I took him from his prison.--Field and Stream. My recipe for self-preservation Is exercise. I am a very temperate man and have always been so. I have taken care of myself; and, as I have a good constitution, I suppose that is the rea son I am so well.--David Dudley Field. you say was the name of the author?" inquired the judge. "Browney, yer honor; B-r-o-w-n-e, Browney." "My name," said the judge, "is spelled G-r c e n-e; how would you pronounce that, 'Greeny' or 'Greeney'?" I shall re serve me judgment on that, yer hon or," replied t the attorney, "until the honorable court has rendered a decis ion in the case." A family tree is one kind that isn't admired for having a shady reputar tion. • 1 i lPOOR LITTLE ??AND HIS "TUMMY"! Small boys, and many times large and occasionally girls, too, big and little, stgffer terribly iron convulsive pains or "cramps" in the bowels and stomach- pain so violent that it "doubles up" the ones attacked, and makes it impossible lor them to stand up. Some people call it colic, but most honrml, plain-spoken people call it "belly-ache? and wy properly, for the seat of the trouble h in the bowels, and caused by the violent efforts of the bowels to rid themselves of something which doesn't belong; there. The small boy usually gets it from over-eating or from eating focbiddea fruity and suffers mostly In the summer time. Irs spring now, and "in times of peace, ptepatc lor war." Let the boys and girls and the big folks, too, for that matter, clean out the dogged channels filled with winter bile and putrid undi gested fobd, strengthen the 30-feet of bowel The way to malce the body "ect system cleaners happen. The way to CASCARETS, the pert family should ever be a canal, liven up the liver, and "summer belly acheŝ will have no terrors, because they won't Is to use CASCARETS, gentle, sweet, Iragrant family should ever be attacked by belly-ache, keep a remember that all pains and troubles in your insides are el strengthened For fear that anybody la the a box of CASCARETS in the house alwayŝ and - - ; i CUREDBY 25c. ALL DRUGGISTS. S T F O R T H E CURE i aU bowel troubles, sppendlcftl*, HI-IOMQFH, BAD breath, bad blood, WIND M the stomach, bloated bowels, foal tenth, headache, indigestion, pimples, liver tronble, sallow complexion aen your bowels dont more regn- larljr yea are jrttlnf slek. Constipation kills mora all otter diseases toe*' _ _ B« X pains after Mtlac, lrrer tromt asd dizziness. Abi for the chronie ailments and lone year# of ter diseases ether. It Is a if that eome afterwards. No matter what ails yoa, start taking OA8OABBT8 to-day, for yon will never get well afed be well all the time until yon pat yonr bowels right. Take ear advicef start with CA&C1BETS to-day. under aatee to cure or money reloaded. absolute guar- SOLD IN BULK. TO ClTRE: F1T» year* ae« the Srat box of CAWAB- •j '/A* - mi GUARANTEED ivw six aillHsa W.*-- (r»t«r •lnllar msdtelae la the wertd. TkUKjrfrf err at acrlt aad earbesS tmrtlsisalal We have (Utt aad will sell UMiJUTS abeeintely «nan»a>iti* «• ear* er »•>««>reftwiit*. Stebay f Say, tars let >a««». »>«•» fmlr.kMMt trial, as rtrrtajh Irsstlsai, aad iryM are not --tl«atd»afternrta»aa<>lKeba».rstur«r LAND SALE. I mat to sell yon s farm In the Corn Belt of lows or the Wheat Belt of Minnesota or Dskot*. If yoa •bould have small or large mean* to Invest, write me Matins what yuu want. If you have s farm for sale, write me full particulars and price. Liberal termi arranged; small cash payment, balance time. Cheap est good land. In Iowa. S. 11. Lvcas, Anthon, Iowa. one intelligent man or womti la twp eowg of ibe U. 8. WriM«dek. MZW JEBW1 KK.CO, JersqrCtty, X, all about pMeotol Tnnlatwtori If nj , SI* Mh 8vl oahteatt] «• '•V . I 'M-: PATENTS • MIIA) n. STUTPfS* IMY, 2, 317--nth Street, tft ASXU Braccb office*; Chicago, W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 30, 1901* -- Wfcea Asswenog Idvi HhnUmtU MH - iV , if MestiM rU(aJ| • isd", ^dz-,'i At' TN3*, -;V" iU *»* J% "v ^