V*. A GIFTED AND BEAUTIFUL GIRL Threatened With Nervous Prostration, PROMPTLY SAVED BY PE-RU-NA. i»45. 'i • » . V " j $ * »a • ' _ MISS ROSE CULLEN, OP BUTTE, Miss Rose Cullen, President Young Woman's Club, of Butte. Moat., writes from 921 Galena street, as fvl lows: tf Peruna has many friends In Butte, I cannot say too much in Ipratse of it. While finishing school i became very nervous and \ exhausted from over-study. I was weak and sick, and could neither . eat, sleep nor enjoy life. A couple of bottles of Peruna put new life : in me. I find that having It In the house and taking a dose off and •0 keeps me In fine health, **A large number of my friends place Peruna at the head of all medicines."--Miss Rose CuIIea. Mi aow Pernn» Quickly Care* BmIcmInl the Dane of womankind. MRS. 6. W. HEARD, Hempstead, Texas, writes: "We have moved recently, and I must have lifted something that was too heavy for me in straightening things up, for 1 had such a backache and could hardly stand on my feet at all. Beside, I was so tired all the time. My face was spotted and I was very thin. I rr3X one bottle of Pe runa and was soon real well. When I feel tired and all run down I take Peruna and feel all right before I fin ish one bottle. I know it is a won derful medicine, and both myself and husband praise Peruna. "There has been a great deal of sickness through this part of the coun try, but, thanks to Peruna, which we i use freely, our own family has escaped with almost no sickness at all. "Could you but see our baby Ruby, (to whom we gave Peruna for bowel trouble), you would see from her ro bust looks that you need no better ad vertisement in this little town. She is so fat and rosy, is nearly five years old now, and is a great believer in Pe runa."--Mrs. G. W. Heard. •l»«n Up to Die--All Doctors Failed--It Prored to be Catarrh of Stomach and Was Cored by Peruna. W. A. Mitchell, dealer in general merchandise, of Martin, Ga., writes: "I wrote you some time ago con cerning my wife's case. She had tried all of the best doctors, and we got to where we thought all they did was against her. She weighed about 190 pounds when she was in good health. When she commenced with our family physician in April, 1898, she weighed about 130, but kept going down all the time. She went to Atlanta, Ga., and took treatment, but it did her no good. Then she went to Harmony Grove, Ga., and took treatment from the best phy sician there for three months. She kept going down under his treatment, although he was considered the best physician in the county. She went down from 130 pounds to 68, and we saw she could not live long. She was a skeleton. We consulted an old phy sician who told her to use Peruna. She gradually improved and got stronger. She has gained 38 pounds since she has taken Peruna, and is gaining ev ery day, and does her own housework. "She was well known when she was so low, and now everybody wants to know what cured her. She had indiges tion and catarrh of the stomach. It is as good for children as for grown peo ple. We haven't had to have a doctor for one of our children since 1898."-- W. A. Mitchell. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his val uable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O, W.L.DOUGLAS $3. & $3.50 SHOES SSSS. eal worth of W. •:! and fct.SO ihoei In 84 to 95. My |4 OUt Edge S-lne inuot be equalled •it any price. It I* not alone the beat leather that makes a ftast . clau shoe it Is the brain*. |th*t have planned the beat style, lasts a perffet model ef the foot, and the contraction of the shoe. It In mechanical skill and knowledge that hare made W. I- Donslas shoe* the best in the world for men. Take no awbatltut*. Insist on nartne W. L. Douglas shoe* with name andprice stamped on bottom. Your dealer ihould keep them, if he does not, s^ for catalog mil inrtqjjctlgy ton. M,,-. SOZODONT «ik. Taefti -- 25' IN 3 OR 4 YEARS M INDEPENDENCE ASSURED If you take up your home in Western Can ada, the land of plenty. Illustrated pamphlets, giving experiences of farmers who have be come wealthy In grow ing wheat, reports of delegates, etc.,and full Information as Unreduced railway rates can be had on application to the Superintendent of Immigration, Department of Interior. Ottawa, Canada, or to C. J. Broughton, 1223 Monadnock Block, Chicago, or E. T, Holmes, Boom 6, "Big four"Bldg., Indianapolis. 2nd. California Oil. We have a first-class proposition in which we •re offering charter member stock at 10c. per share. The company owns 1280 acres situated in the very center of the great California oil belt, and has options on additional ground. We are offering treasury stock to raise money to put down wells as quickly as possible. The stock is non-assessable and carries no indi vidual liability. We furnish the very highest references. Write for particulars. THB KBNDRICK PROMOTION CO., Denver. Colorado HOLLYHOCK POULTRY FARM 56-page Illustrated Poultry Catalogue. The secrets of successful poultry rais ing told in plain language; all about in cubators, brooders, ooultry houses, bow to hatch and raise every chick, what, when and how to feed, forcing hens to lay and hundreds of valuable subjects I in at other catalogue. Tells of 35 vari- popular thoroughbred fowls and quotes ex- tretnelylow priccv Send 4c in stamps for postage. iMeltyheck Poultry Farm. Bos 1457, Des Moines, la. $, caotrlned eties sopn RUPTURE Brooks Rupture appliance. New and wondeif uL. No more obnoxious springs or pads. Safe, durable and cheap. Sent on trial. Circularsfree. BROOKS RUPTURE APPLIANCE CO- P.O. Box 907. Marshall Mick. Pleasure,s rhen in com bination with Profit, IS SURE TO PLEASE. This l» assured those selling the cheapest and mo§t practical drens supporter now In use. Afent* Wanted. Write Today. BROWN MFG. CO.,Colorado Spring, Cel. l̂ £?1£"££tTh«npsMi's Ey§ Water ate.." •oath D»kots Rubi Is the title of an illustrated booklet just issued by the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Railway, descriptive of the country between Aberdeen and the Missouri River, a section heretofore unprovided with railway facilities, but which is now reached by a new line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Everyone contemplating a change of location will be interested In the information contained in It, and a copy may be had by sending a two- cent stamp to F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Swehwi Ave Contented Hoarders. A farmer's wife, writing to the Amer ican Agriculturist, says that it has been her good fortune to take summer boarders for the past seventeen years, and she sums up her experience thus: "I have had boarders of all ages, from the baby with its nurse to the aged grandmother, but my favorites are maiden ladies and school teachers. They are most always contented." What Do the Children Drink r Don't give thetn tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nourishing, and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, but costs about % as much. All grocers sell ft. Uo and 25c. Wouldn't Be Necessary. Teacher--Now, Tommy, suppose you had two apples, and you gave another boy his choice of them, you would tell him to take the bigger one, wouldn't you? Tommy--No, mum. Teacher-- Why? Tommy--'Cos 'twouldn't be necessary.--Tit-Bits. An Ton Using Alton's root-lBesef It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. T. Looking toward the Electric Tower, on either side of the Court of Foun tains, the great exhibit buildings of the Pan-American Exposition are seen complete In their architectural grand eur. The grays, yellows, browns and blues of many shades make a har mony of color that is a sight long to be remembered by all lovers of ths beautifH, ,* • OHOOSINQ A CAPTAIN. aad Tunable Vnatona of Japan-- VIshwMn ef Hawaii. Whan several years ago tiie fishing flttr the supplying of the Honolulu awkat was done almost exclusively by the natives in their canoes and a few Chinamen, now the bulk of the work is done by the Japanese, who •re at it in great numbers. The boats which they use are built here after patterns used in Japan, and once in a while an (Mental steamer arriving from tlui west brings an imported fish ing boat, which the fishermen think is superior to those of local manufacture. The boats are of a peculiar shape and are of different sizes, some able to ac- oommodate bnt three men, which is aa ordinary crew, and others are large enough for seven or eight men. Up to the time that the vessel is launched there is no oaptaln selected for the boat The choosing of this Important factor in every case is left until the boat is in the water. It is known who the members of the crew are, and from them the captain Is selected. ' When the boat is in the water and moored securely, the members of the crew, who are generally the owners of the boat, strip themselves and get into the boat Then the fun of making the se lection of the commander begins. There is no voting or drawing of lots to settle the matter. At a given signal from one of the crowd on shore who are watching, the men In the boat be gin with all their might to try to throw each other out into the water. Bach man is against the other, and so the struggle, as a usual thing, lasts a long time and is remarkably excit ing. All the time the play goes on the friends of the contestants yell words of cheer to the struggling men In the boat and throw buckets of water on them and into the boat, seemingly with the idea of making the battle ground more slippery as well as re freshing to the men at work. As soon as a man is thrown out of the boat he must stay out, but may assist with water if he so desires. The man who stays in the boat longest or rather who is able to put all the others out of the boat, has by his prowess shown himself competent to be captain, and so he is greeted with much applause and showered with congratulations at the termination of the scuffle. There Is no appeal from the selection so made, and the captain so chosen continues to be captain until he voluntarily retires or sells out his share in the boat--Ex. KM PLOY ES OP GOVERNMENT. Aboat m0.0e0.000 tn Wscm-Xs "Hard Times" In Washington. According to the latest official list, there are 19,446 public functionaries of various kinds and degrees Employed exclusively in the District of Colum bia in conducting the numerous de partments and bureaus of the federal government, sayB the Washington cor respondent of the New York Tribune. These are the civilian appointees in the executive departments, and do not Include senators and representatives, and several hundred employes of the houses who vibrate between the capital and their homes in other parts of the country. Nor does this aggregate in clude 350 or 400 army and navy offi cers, active and retired, who form i large permanent colony here. The monthly compensation of these 19,44f civilian employes amounts to fl,635, 708.81. Therefore, the aggregate sum In salaries annually paid out In Wash ington by the government disbursing clerks reaches the enormous total of 919,628,505.72. Besides, probably not less than $3,000,000 additional goes to senators and congressmen, and their highly paid subordinates, and perhaps 91,250,000 more to the army and navy officials, most of whom are of high rank, with large pay, there being con stantly here not less than sixty gen erals and admirals, active and retired. These totals form a grand aggregate of 928,878,605.72 annually paid out In Washington in the single item of sal aries. It is a vast, unvarying, constant stream of cash flowing from the gov ernment coffers into the hands of the banks, business houses and profession* al men of Washington, the official per sonnel of the United States acting merely as middlemen, because this money Is largely spent or permanently Invested here. In all the departments salaries are paid semi-monthly, and if desirable the officeholder can draw sums oftener, if the money Is due to him, but this is dependent wholly on the courtesy of the disbursing clerks. It is not singular, then, that there are never any hard times in Washington. How can there be such a thing as har<| times in this town tn such etrcam% stances? Commercial Travelers. ~ The city of Bristol, which now forms a separate county returning four mem bers to parliament, is noted for being the leading English city for commer cial travelers, of whom no fewer than 1,200 reside witbiQ Its ijoundaries*,. More thaa dOO of this number live in that part of Bristol familiarly known as "Commercial Travelers' Paradise," namely, the neighborhoods of Mont* pelier and Redland stations. On Sat urday evenings there is never less than 40 tons of samples at Montpeller rail way station platform. The samples are taken away from there to tempt buyers in all parts of England each Monday morning. It is said that each oommercial traveler expends in rail way flares, posting, hotel bills, etc.. £6 per week, and that no far short of £875,000 per annum is distributed by the Bristol commercial travelers to Sit trade.--Chicago Journal. Mf WHAT WE HEAR PROM ASSlNlBOf A, WESTERN CANADA. "Dasr* thisk ef Coming, hat Ohu." To the Editor: The above is the em phatic manner in which a friend in Yorkton writes to a friend near St. Paul, Minnesota, and it is pretty near-I ly right too, with the advantages! that Western Canada offers to those' seeking homes. The Assiniboia dis trict Is one of the best The writer from whose letter we quote goes cm to say: "John, if you miss this chance you are foolish, for you can get out cheap er when there are so many coming, and I would not tell you to come if I thought you could not do well, and If you don't come In the spring you will have to go away back, for you do not want to think that there is no one living out here but us. I saw nicer buildings out here than I ever saw before, and if the country was no good what would they want them for? John, if you sold everything you have and came out here you would be worth more than ever you were before, and if you can bring your team. You can get anything you want on tick, and when they do that with strangers they are not afraid they can't make enough to pay for it I saw as nice wheat as I ever saw in my life, and if they could not grow grain what would the flour mill be for, and it cost $20,000." Now this was what Mr. Thomas Fitzpatrick, of Yorkton, Assiniboia, Western Canada, wrote to a friend. There will be opened up this sum mer new districts In Saskatchewan and Assiniboia at low prices, particu lars of which can be had of any agent of the government of the Dominion of Canada, whose advertisement appears elsewhere in the columns of your paper. Yours truly, An Old Reader. ViMeh Artillery. The French are credited with hav ing the most efficient artillery in Eu rope, using a shrapnel weighing about 8 kilos (17.64 pounds), with a velocity of 1,700 feet and over thirty rounds a minute, using fixed ammunition. The gunner sits on the carriage during fir ing, which tends to steady the piece. The German mounting is similar to that of the French. The Austrians have In use a field howitzer using a 300-pound shell, with a heavy bursting charge of a high explosion. It can be got into position and made ready for firing in twenty minutes. i Bl* K*tales Doabled. H declared by Wall street men that the estates of Commodore Van- derbilt and Jay Gould have about dou bled In the hands of the later owners. The Vanderbilt properties were worth 980,000,000 and the Gould interests $70,- 000,000. Pol] Tax In California. Poll tax is collectible only from those between the ages of 21 and 60 in California. The fact that a man is an alien doee not exempt him from the tax. Under the law an employer is, upon notice from the tax collector, re quired to hold out the amount of tax from employes' wages.--San FrnmejflBg • Holiday Ite Ahead. The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Cassel, Germany, will be celebrated In 1113, and the residents of the ancient city are already begin ning to plan a fitting holiday time HA honor at the ocosslon. ^rfwke" Mailing ' Private Mailing Card with colored views of scenery on the Chicago, Mil waukee & St Paul Railway sent oa- recelpt of ten (10) centB in stamps.' Address F. A. Miller, General plcffffTK ger Agent Chicago, Ul. > Longevity of Queen* Train-Bearers. All the eight ladies who acted a$ train-bearers to the queen on her wed ding day, sixty-three years ago, are still alive. All save one are married^ The Lady Victoria Howard is the one exception. A Uold Country. Victoria, though the smallest divi sion of the Australian continent has produced during the last half century more gold than any other country in the world, with the exception of GaiH fornia. Sleepy Butterflies. Butterflies are said to be very; sleepy-headed. ^Twilight sends thorn to bed, and they are still drowsy at sunrise. Johnson--Do you mean to Insinuate that I can't tell the truth? Parkinson --By no means. It is impossible to say what a man can do until he tries. HOI FOB OKLAHOMA! Few land* toon to open. Be ready 1 Morgan'! Manual, Chicago, with 70,000 arrests in a year and 4,000 miles of streets to be patroled, has 8,300 policemen. ll«l|llUnS tlMla Bleep. Hie distinction among animals of requiring least sleep belongs to the ele phant In spite of its capacity for hard work the elephant seldom, if ever, sleeps more than four or occa sionally five hours. . * r- .j ; yt -• tlaase Chare* rhafe 7/ _r Chinese church choir in America and probably in the world is connected with the Presbyterian Chi nese Church on Stockton street San Francisco. The organist is also a Chi nese. The decorations of Uncle Sam's great buildings at the Pan-American Expo sition are exceptionally fine. Maroon and green are used and the effect is most pleasing. The whole dome is dec orated with flags, and some 400 flags, including the national colors and de partmental flags, will be hung about the building. If You Have Rneumatism . Bead as saonej, out write Dr. shoop, Rselne. Wis., sox 143, for tlx bottle* of Dr. Shoop'» Rbeamatlo Cuts, express-paid. If cared pay *5.80; It not itls frees. Boston has much vacant land, the assessed value of which is $62,000,000. Piso's Cure is the best medicine we erer used tor all affections of the throat and lungs.--WlL O. KtrosLwr, Vaabursn. Ind.. Feb. 10,1800. The number of epileptics in Illinois is estimated at not less than 5,000. Pain--Wizard Oil. Use the last on the first and you have neither one nor the other. Well-seasoned red hickory weighs 52.87 pounds to the cubic foot DOKS TOUR BACK ACHKT If SO try DR. CRANE'S QUAKER TON IC TABLETS. Cure certain. 60c a box. If ignorance is bliss, then the fools in this world have the best of it Hall's Catarrh Von Is taken internally. Price, TBo. *liie full -dress jewels of the King Of Siam are valued at $1,000,000. Mrs. Wlnrtow'i Soothing Hymp. For children t«etbing, *oft«na the Kunii, reduces In- lamination,allay* pain, cures wind colic. 25ca bolll*. In 1790 Pennsylvania had a ooiored population of 10,274. Coe's Couch BaIsaniVm.il ISths oldert and best. It will break up a cold quicker than anything else. It U always reliable. Try lu The city of New York includes 2,508 miles of streets. - When cycling take a bar of White's Yo» You cai oatan. can rid* further and easier. What we best conceive, we fail speak.--Browning. to At DR. WOODS' SANITARIUM In tela, Kansas, MARVELOUS you can be cared of Morphine. Co- ealasu Opium. Liquor and Cigarette hab its In from 4 to Ht days. You pay when cured. Ws will lorTe'.t s;oo for any «««e we fall to cure. We hare a pleasant country home where you may enjoy your stay and where everything Is Sfreeable and plessant. Da. C. E. WOOD. Sable Island. Sable Island is a small island in the Atlantic ocean, lying directly in the track of vessels sailing between the northern ports of Canada and Europe. It is ninety miles southeast of Nova Scptia. It is low and sandy, about tf&nty-five miles in length and one and a quarter miles in breadth, and has been the scene of numerous and melancholy shipwrecks. A com pany of men, furnished with provis ions and other necessaries for the pur pose of relieving shipwrecked mari ners, is supported by the Dominion government on the island, at the an nual expense of about $6,000. Two lighthouses, one at each end of the island, with powerful fixed lights, which can be seen at a distance of thirty miles, were constructed a few years ago. Steam for fog whistles are attached to each. The island is cov ered with grass and wild peas, which sua tain many wild horses and cattle. The fisheries in the vicinity are be lieved to be extensive.--Montreal Her ald and Star. Standing the Test. Savages are apt either to overrate their own abilities or to underrate the skill of the civilised man. A Can adian explorer in the country of the Eskimos tells how he astonished a na tive: I had bfcen diligently exercising myself in the art of harpoon throwing, and one day, having become somewhat expert was thus amusing myself when a party of natives came along. One of them, doubtless supposing me to be a novice, stood up at what he thought a safe distance, and cried out in Eskimo, "Go ahead! Throw!" Promptly ac cepting the challenge, I hurled my harpoon, which made so straight for the astonished man's breastthat he did not know which way to jump, and barely got out of the way in time to save himself. Ae the shaft passed him and went, crashing through a flour bar rel behind where he had stood, his companions had a great laugh at his expense. HIT IRS. to Help St«»lr Wfeflliiil "When Doctors FsfL How gladly would men fly to man's aid did they bat underataad w Woman's feelings, trials, and peculiar organic disturhonessu Those things are known only to' women, and the aid a man would gHw': is not at his command. To treat a case property it la sary to know all about it, information, many times, %e given by a woman to I MRS. Q. H. CHAFTXW. sician. She cannot bring herself tO tell everything, and the physician |g at a constant disadvantage. This ii why, for the past twenty-five jear%; thousands of women have been COOP fiding- their troubles to Mrs. Pinkhaa^ and whose advifte has brought * " ness and health to countless wc the United States. Mrs. Chappell, of Grant Park, whose portrait we publish, advises i suffering women to seek Mrs. Piih> ham's advice and use Lydia EL Pfals> ham's Vegetable Compound, as tlMQf cured her of inflammation of the oTii t-- and womb; she. therefore, speaks froSB knowledge, and her experience oogfcfc to give others confidence. Mrs. Pint# ham's address is Lynn. Mass., and haH advice iw absolutely free. B V llf A D n t" P»,d REb WW Aim Wforacaseof backache. nerronaneM, steeplea* neu, weakness, loss of vitality, in cipient kidney .bladder and urinary I disorders that can not be cured br S50 KID-NE-OIDS the great kidney, ltrer and blood medicine. SOe •t all DrnggUu. Write for free cample. Address KID-NK-OID8, 8t. Louie, Mo. Maamaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn ! CONSUMPTION AND CATARRH We hsve the greatest remedy for curing Consumption and Catarrh known. Write as for a list of questions at onee. Address, OA8S BROS. 4t LEONARD, SALTVILLB, VA WANTED MCN TO SELL OIQARS. wWMIl I klf Liberal proportion; if yon are oat of employment and want a profitable steady situa tion and will devote your time to our business write us. HAVANA CIGAR COMPANY, l>e Sota Building, St. L>ouls, Mo. SEND US YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS sod upon receipt of time I will send yon S proposition whereby you will he liberally paid for a few minutes of your timet ao es» Tasstng, s« 1 hsve nothing to sell. It oasts yon absolutely nothing, write today. W. C. KLEINg, 3100 Pine Street, St. Louis,Ma NORTH WISCONSIN & NIHESm UM RAPIDLY INCREASING tn value--at least 90c per acre every Six Ml Don't go too fsr West. Consider adraslsgss | water, plentiful rainfall and nearest the hsffl of the world. Large tracts for invsstotssad sUslssa for farmers, at *2.50 per acre up. Easy terms. Bsens> ed railroad fare end (nights. Writs for BINDER TWINK SSf? agents. AUOU8T POST, Mouttoti. ~ W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 21, 190W Whet Asswerisg Advertisesietts Hestios This Taper. Toasting - broiling baking - ironing HythiBf that can be done with, n wood CI fiffr is better, cheaper and quicker on * > , ; , , WICKLESS 31 *•," ..-•4s H:S-r;S3i Blue Flame Oil Stove Heat is not diffused through out the house--there is n*r smell, soot, or danger, and tht expense of operating is nomi nal. Made in many sizes; > sold wherever stoves are sold. If your dealer does not have it write to nearest agency of ; STANDARD OIL COMMIT j * . ri Bad Breath Undigested, decaying food remnants; in the mouth and stomach, giving off pestiferous gases, zte this tsttise of that awful breath, so repulsive as to cause a halt in friendship, affection, love,--any form of intimacy Nobody can stand its overpowering stench, and it is a cause of terrible misery to those afflicted and their dear ones. There is only one way to cure it--disinfect the digestive canal with CASCARETS! Clear! it out, keep it clean, let CASCARETS stimulate the lining of mouth and stomach, and put it in shape to work naturaiiv properly. Nothing but CASCARETS will bring about the desired result BE SURE YOU GET THEM! "? ' • \ ---lens.--Detroit Free Pi - ^ a «S . J "I taw »s« CASGAMnra sad as a miid and sSsctlve laxative they ara alssaiy wonderful. My daughter aad I vera bothered with siek stomach aad our breath warn vary had. Aftsr takiay a few doses of Osesnrets wa hare Improved weadarfally. Thsy ara afreet help la the family.** Wiunumi NSOKU lwr Blttenhouse St., Cincinnati. v.,/,; v • *"• , V J •• • «, -4Sll "lad to knp^ BEST FOR BOWELS ANDUVER THIS IS © THE TABLET ^°RK WHILE YOU n idaehot Udlm»U«a, atnsales. palsa after catlaf, UTI Dss aad dlselnsssi Waea yssr towele dears w _ rilok. Oea--taaMea Milen--renewals tfcaa all ether etartscJfor mm ekrfale sllasaft aad IsstyeMrse^ii *aaUl JM --^!25d 50* NEVER SOUP IN BOUL DRUGGISTS • i ' % tssrWiasa&rsgg v* ' mi-mm " :• %- sW u C%- 1f ̂ • v ' ; WSF-S