fcthey aH ri *Wfc%go because she." '» Syrup Pepsin cures all >tniK*h Trouble and Sick 'e&f Girls--*'A Vord to th e wise1 ; v; Your friends, • |% \̂' *BUA A. STORY AND G. W. BESLKY Everybody has a grudge at the man who is accused of being a hog. rtanufacturers % Stock mi Milk MH lower Storage «d Cistera L?i1 . . . •... i ,~. • We can make these tanlrs in -*<^any size or shape in short border. Every tank guaran- '• ? • teed. These tanks will not « y ( rot or shrink, swell or leak. '^y^jCall and inspect ouj%ir©$fc|' ill . ' -Prices Reasonable. S, '(\U% McHenry, M. mm & SON Abstracts of T'tle. V McHenry County JIBSTRAO (OMPAinr. •? &*• WOODSTOCK, ILL. IS-fii • ' f F. F. Axtell. Harvard. I R. M. 1'at rick. Marenjto. jUlMtillti ^ John J. Murphy. Woodstock. A ; 1 W. C. Eichelberger. Woodstock fv;- (.Geo. L. Marphy. Woodstock AMncts of Title and Conveyancing. ,• itpney to loan oti Real Estate in sums of five >"'-l?mUMlred to ten thousand dollars. Time and w payments to suit borrower. M taduHfe f- .. .m ft ••-.fA- ' * * * * i ,* 4>:" • y; -4> •* -U v* _ DESCRIPTION: Colonel Brerkenrldgt v'fe ?i-114 beautiful Known, with white nose and bel ly. He was foaled Juue 29, 1898. He is 16 baadshlgli. weighs 1150 pounds, large bone, tee length and good movement. PKBIGItKK: Colonel Breckenridgre was •iredby Dandy Jim, 16!4 hands high. Tie by Limber Jim. the fine large Jack of Cole Camp, Missouri. He by the big Hickman Jack of Boone county, Missouri. He by old Black Knight of Maniteau county, Missouri. Col. Breckenridge's dam was sired by John Quincy who was imported from Spain by J. W. Bon- Mr, of Qufncr, 111. His first dam by Reuben. Second dam by Barcelona. Third dam by Wonder Jennet. ' Will be at Smith Broa.' barn, one ihile •©nth of Ringwood, every day. VERMS: 110 .00 to insure a colt; the money , owe and payable or secured by note as soon ast-he fact is ascertained or the mare parted ^ with. All accidents and escapes at the risk of owners of mares. Mares from a distance pastured at 45 cents per week. Managed by SMITH BROS. ten&®Wteehm & 8on' Wngwowi. 111. .BELL • #\ Builder of first-cl«Mk f CONCRETE, ; * COHPOSITIOII; or ASPHALT A " t i i ' and, PELT QRAVEL ROOFS, ' %'T' * * Guaranteed for Fire Yeai*,'- ^ Require no Painting. ' REPAIRS DONE IN FIRST-CLASS SHAP3 m AMr w< and Miss Mary Madden, of MoHwwf;! III. Rev P. D. Gill officiating. Mr. and Mrs. GtaMrafcftv»nanyfriead« in this community Who unite Wllh Tta*' Plaindealer in extending heartfcpt 090- gratnlations. Imitators have been many. Thought-1 fai i>eople have learned that true merit comes only with the genuine Roeky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medi cine Co. 85c. G. W. Besley. Attention CorrMpondenta. The Plaindealer will be istened on Wednesday of next week it is desired that all correspondents send in their items as early as possible. fO Oil UK A COt.l> IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails, to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. Northern Witconsiu Railway Farm' I*™* For Sale. The North-Western Line has for sale ill Northern Wisconsin, at low prices and easy term of payment, about 350,- 000 acres of choice farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advant age of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes, which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply, both for family use and for stock. Land is generally well timbered, the soil fertile and easy of cultivation, and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the Northwest Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minnea polis, Duluth, Superior, Ashland and other towns on 'The North-Western Line" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce.'! For further particu lars address: Geis, W. Bell, Land Commissioner, Hudson, ̂ Wis., or G. H. MacRae, Assistant General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. 89-14t The trouble with accident insurance is that you hardly ever have it when yon need it When a fellow goes to see his girl in the afternoon on a week day, you may expect the invitations to appear any day. Don't get side-tracked in business. Dullness sometimes passes for death. Men with brains reach the goal. Rocky Mountain Tea puts gray matter into one's head. 25c. G. W. Besley. - , ;>;• - ̂ ?' T, -.t;|.-ft ' ,™ 'J: tfJr A lot of 75c to $1.60 Gents* Soft Bosom Shirts, for choice to close ' v / * j . V - . v . „ • ; m 4. t '"t. f i.' V-« { pig bunch of last /Waists. Choice for year WW3f"i * 'h* I*- * v * A big table full of Straw Hats-~ fit any head at, per choice ^ About 100 pairs of Tan Oxfords and dies. Formerly sold at $2.25 to Your tPTiX ̂ Trf; 25 cents. cent#! '•* Vt' v , • { r >- It's a mighty big man knowledge a mistake. who own ac- Mr. James Brown, of Putsmouth, "Va. , over 90 years of age suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. Physicians could not help him. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Shiftless men always know about the law for certain offences that only no ac count people are guilty of. Eczema, saltrheum, tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure.' Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. You have no idea how tough a man can look till you see him without his collar. : Jennie--To have a round beautiful neck wiggle your head from side to side every night take Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a short cut to a graceful form. 35c. G. W. Besley. Most any man you meet nowadays has his pockets full of circulars advertis ing some fool scheme or other. Baintk figaatan af The Kind You Have SEE*?! | Teething Then the baby is most like ly nervous, and fretful, and doesn't gain in weight. \ Scott's Emulsion S J is the best food and medicine a for teething babies. They | gain from the start. 8 Send for a free sample. SCOTT & BOWNK, Chemists, 4<>9-4<S Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $1.00; all druggist*. Covey--Baldwin. Mr. Hyatt Elmer Covey and Miss Delia Lois Baldwin, of Nunda, were married Wednesday evening, June 36 at six o'clock. Promptly at the hour named Mrs. Baldwin, mother of the bride$ took her place at the piano to play an accompaniment for her daugh ter, Mrs. Lowell, who sang a solo in a very charming manner. This was fol lowed by the wedding march which brought the bride and groom accom panied by two sisters of the bride and two brothers of the groom into the parlor, where, under a beautiful drape of tiie sweet syringa, they were joined in holy matrimony by the Rev. W. L Whipple, of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Covey were then introduced and re ceived the congratulations of about sixty of their friends and relatives who Had gathered at the happy scene. The com pany adjourned to the lawn where re freshments were served. The bride and groom left on the evening train for Chi cago where they took a boat for a tour of the lakes. A Newly-Prepared Top Dressing used that makes old walks nearly as good as new. 'Wi. Prices $ • : ' always REASONABLE. Best of references. ' Sixteen years experience*. •jfr.J factory and residence, No. 500 Hill $ Qfltee, room 2, McBride block, Douglas Ave, ELGIN, ILLINOIS. Kodol ia Cure F. WATTLES (Successor to K. B. Howard) ' All kinds of Fresh anil salt Meats always on hand Vegetables and, Canned Goods. Diflests what you eat. his. preparation contains all of the ^gifpfcurts and digests all kinds Of TijRX*I. It gives instant relief and never ffctlff to core . It allows you to eat all aiwie|0edf0uwant. The most sensitive lw can take it. By its use many ads of dyspeptics have been ;?«ired after everything else failed. It 'ilttjiequalledfor all stomach troubles. b«t do yon good byB.0. DiWmtOd., Chicago „ e contains 8H times tbe&ue, size, 'frUa A. Biotf lid & W. Bas|ar. Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Fish. - Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow. Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and | Fruits received fresh daily, > Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me 1 will do the right thing with Family Reunion. One of the pleasant social brents of last week was the family reunion held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Besley on Tuesday. As Mr. and Mrs, Besley have been domiciled in their new home but a short time, this family gathering was a very fitting house-warming. An elaborate course dinner, consisting of all the season's delicacies, was served and the afternoon spent in family rem iniscences and music. Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. W. C.Besley, Wood stock, Miss E. Carey and Mrs. C.R. Wells, Wauconda, Mrs. John Aylsworth.Nunda, Mrs. J. W. Carter and daughter, Miss Marion, New York, Mr.annd Mrs. R.O. Lamphere, McHenry. Lightning Strikes M. K. Chnrvfc. During the severe storm of Tuesday last the M. E. church was struck by lightning. The bolt struck the rear end of the church passing entirely through and coming out near the front. Strange as it may seem no more serious damage than a scorching of the paper and small damage to the siding was done. Rev. W. L. Whipple, who was in the vicinity of tie church, received a severe shock. During the storm of the previous day Rev. Whipple and family received a shock from which they fortunately, feel no particularly ill effects. Two Rings Awarded. The Illinois Concert and Comedy Co., were in town all last week remaining over Monday evening of this week, Jfhe entertainment was very good and the at tendance all that could be desired. Miss Etta Colby was voted the most popular young lady and received a very hand some diamond ring on Saturday even ing. The voting on Monday evening re sulted in Miss Berneice Kimball receiv ing a very pretty ring. The Company left for Volo Tuesday. v" ; ̂ Guaranteed For Tan Yea**, M. Engeln & Son, who are manufac turing galvanized steel tanks for cool ing and watering purposes, are meeting with merited success in the sale of the same. The tanks so far disposed of have given perfect satisfaction. The manu facturers give a ten years' guarantee with each tank and claim that they fur nish a superior make for less money than any outside concerns. Intending pur chasers would do well to call, inspect stock on hand and get prices. Cole-Miller. Miss Leone Carrie Miller and Frauds William Cole, of Harvard, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. Christian Miller, on Wednes day, June 19, 1901, Rev. W. Adelbert Billings performing the marriage cere mony in his usual happy and felicitous manner. The newly wedded couple will be at home after September 15, at Ringwood. A host of friends join in sincere congratulations and good wishes. Our Neighbor, The Nnnda Herald. The Nnnda Herald has been enlarged to seven eolum¥t& The publisher, J. V. Beatty, is pushing his paper to the front and while he always published lots of news the additional space will give room for general happenings. We wish him continued prosperity. I.oiig dlHt&m*) telephone, 302 Uitlw nu' telephone 17 WATTLES, W est McHenry, ®, DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine, originai ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, Wis. K keeps you well. Our trade mark cut oa each parlrasa Accwt -*7un t«M xBte. Ask year dntggM. •MMNMIMMM A surgical operation is not to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfqtfp, Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. y v Millinery. A«I contemplate taking a trip through the east will close my store until Sep tember 1st and from Saturday until the 4th of July will sell at cost all my milli nery goods. MRS. M. A. SKARLBS. Stops the Cough and works off tfee Cotd. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one da* W Price 25 owrtu Additional Peraon&l. Win. Laughlin spent SundayCM c»gb. -.v V ;'7 A. L How* is having Ms residence painted. / • John Buss spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Michael J us ten has a new robber tired buggy. , Miss Mollie Sichler is the guest of Miss Christina Buss. Miss Christina Buss has been visiting friends at Twin T^Vna The barn which P. J. Cleary is erect ing ia fast ' earing completion. Miss Nellie Clemens is at hone from Evanston to spend her vacation. Ed Cobb is at home from St Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, for his- summer vacation. The editor and family enjoyed tWo fine black bass last Monday, the gift of James T. Edwards. John Claxton has had anew set of double harness made by oar popular harnessmaker, Gus Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wheeler were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth, at Wauconda, one day recently. Messrs. V. S. Lumley and Chas P. Barnes, of Woodstock, were transacting business in McHenry yesterday. Messrs. Peter and Tony Frett, of Chi cago, came out Sunday and spent the day at their cottage at German Village. Lost--A bundle of pipers addressed to Rev. J. A. Mattock, Chicago. Finder kindly leave with Rev. W. L. Whipple. Messrs. Perry & Owen are having a new foundation put under the building formerly occupied by the Citizens' Tele phone Co. Owing to the Supervisor's report which appears in this issue the Rev. S. C. Hay's sermon will not appear until next week. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell and little Harriet were in Elgin the latter part of last week to attend Eunice Jane Getzle- man's first birthday anniversary. The wee members of society are invit ed to assist little Miss Harriet Martha Chapell celebrate her first birthday an niversary which occurs tomorrow. Mrs. E. M. Owen returned on Tues day from her visit at Deadwood, S. Da kota. She reports a royal good time, enjoying the rights among the Black Hills. Prof. W. C. Smith, of Nunda, was in McHenry Wednesday calling on friends. Prof. Smith leaves about the first of Sep tember for East Chicago, Ind., his new field of labor. Rev. Dr. Straub, who has recently re turned from a trip through Cuba, will be at the ice cream social tonight and hopes to see as many Of Ida old Mends as possible there. Miss Marian Carey, who recently graduated from the' high school, has >d a successful examination for a teacher's certificate and is the proud possessor of one. Prof. F. E. Angevine will leave for Chicago the first of next week where he will enter the Chicago University for a special course. The best wishes of his McHenry friends go with him. A. L. Howe recently purchased from T. J. Walsh a handsome Schacht rubber tired, ball bearing, wire wheel runa bout. This is one of the finest tigs brought into McHenry county. Miss Elsie Howe left for DeKalb, Monday morning, where she will be en rolled as a student during the summer normal. Miss Kate Howe accompanied her and remained for a brief visit. The Ladies' Cemetery Aid Society cleared $9.00 at their recent ice cream festival Owing to the fact that there was a Concert Co. in town, the same evening the attendance was not as large as it would otherwise have been. Mrs. J. W. Carter and daughter, Miss Marion, who have been guests at the residence of George W. Besley for the past week, left for Waukegan Tuesday morning. They will make a brief visit with relatives in that city before leaving for their home in New York. Mrs. M. A. Searles and daughter, Miss Florence, will leave for an extend- sojourn in the east about July 10. A trip on the beautiful Hudson and a visit to the Kattskill mountains are two of the principal objective points. Before returning they will visit the Pan Amer ican exposition. Messrs. Cleveland and Tngnlah? Gf Mountain View, O. T., brought a num ber of Indian ponies to McHenry this week and are offering them at prices that will tempt prospective buyers. Mr. Cleveland waa formerly a resident of Lake county and in 1874 moved to Mountain View, Oklahoma, where he embarked in fhe mercantile business. The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the famous pills for constination will remove the cause of your troubk Story and Q. Read It in His Newspaper. George Schaub, a well known German Ciftsen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con stant reader of the Dayton Volkes- zeitung. He knows that his paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns, and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lnme back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with the most terrible pains in her bock and could get no relief. He says: "After using the Pain Balm fo ̂a few days my wife said to me, 'I feel as though born anew/ and before using the entire contents of the bottle the un bearable pains had entirely vanished and she conld again take up her house hold duties." He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. A man whose foot-steps sound like a woman's does not likely amount to much. - My little son had an attack of whoop ing cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for Chamberlain 'sCough Remedy we would have had a serious time of it. It alBo saved him from sev eral severe attacks of croup.--H. J. Strickfaden, editor World-Herald, Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by Jnlia A. Story and G. W. Besley., The trouble in a country town is, that even though the .streets are named, nobody knows where they are. A woman in Idaho got a divorce from her husband because he would not take her to the Paris Exposition. He testi fied in court that he was afraid of water and tMat he was afraid to getintoabath tub even, he got so seasick. That man has Indigestion just as a good many others we know and should take Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Get it at Julia A. Story's and G. W. Besley's. Lots of people tail to appreciate things that others do for-them merelyon ac count of ignorance. "A few months ago, food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dys pepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. S. Pitts, Arlington Tex., Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon eat Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Half the things that people oppose, they oppose because somebody else wants them. "The Doctors told me my cough was incurable One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man." Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H.--Because you've not found relief from a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure you. Safe and sure. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. We wish we had all the money that has been wasted by people trying to g*ow.tws*\v?;. A C|UPd. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green'B Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. Julia A. Story. . 27-26t Pickles. The report being circulated that we are not going to take pickles this season is untrue and to our patrons wish to say that we are, and will be doing business at the old stand and the more pickles the merrier. 48-6t STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH Co. B. F. Monser, druggist of Chetopa, Kansas, says: "1 have the best sale on Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin of any ar ticle in my store." So has Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. It cures Con stipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble. Some of tl|e trees that have the sweet est smelling blossoms produce the bitter est kind of fruit. Danger, disease and death follow neg lect of the bowels. Use DeWitt's Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe.' Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. A good many people quirt their con sciences by lying. ' If Yon were to bump your head against a brick wall you could not leel worse than does anyone who suffers from stomach troubles. We have a positive cure in Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepdn. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Everytime you go visiting, you have to pay the penalty when you get home 4- j by the extra antona* of wo*k that baa 1 accumulated. o o o o 4> i> O O <• o i> i* i t < • o- o The time is about at hand for the little folks to 4*ess up, and we have made ample provision for the occasion. We have enough suits to fit them all, of the all Wool Black Clay Worsted kin& Buying them in large quantities enables us to o|- fer them at a price to suit you, r t ;o Fit the Boys and llatcK You cam find the right style of a hat here. Ladies' and Gents' Summer Underwear in sizes. Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords. i :is*\ ̂ ' ,i PURE Groceries #ery two weeks, Flour anil Corn Meal. %ours for tradeu <> McHenry, | Silks and Dress Goods* have'just received direct from the nftills a large stock of Silks for Waists or Skirts. Please call and look them ^over. New, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Cham- b#ays> Percales, Dimities, Organdies, Batistes, Etc. A large stock, all gradse^and sises SLIPPERS aht OXFORDS, all new, up-to-date styles. » ilSI M- A I Summer Underwear each. HATS, FANCY SHIRT5, I i *5, •*' * *" ' * Agent Continental Insurance Company. , %'K •* i . , w " '0 t b.' m ilir yi Ooods Delivered Promptly. | (Long distance 'pboae No. 3< Staple and Groceries^ * ) j i • . * f Fancy Flour, Etc. • M. J. WALSH. a Bicycle * i ' 4? For every 15 cents worth of goods purchased at this Store a chance will be given on a lady's or gentleman's bicycle, the wheel to be raffled When the numbers arc all out. The one \ r holding the lucky number receives jLC m w h e e l a b s o l u t e l y f r e e . * / ' * ^ ! iUP: a Everything in Hardware '•Jitr ' • H- * - tff, nriERs, JR McHenry* ill. imismg&m •:q?r,v -r "• „ . wViSSSf'.'Si!!-