LY BY J. 8. J. HABCiTM&nafW. two doom north «r Cftisens', No. 1 - - WMKMOines ' "*:T^' ,, -- TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION: *.. Itso ^ received for three or six In the same proportion. Thursday, June no, 1901* BOARD .e^h'"' After this month what has been Spent for war revenue stamps can be for vacation expenses. The longest day of the year, June 81, {tl&s come and passed, bat others are twining that will seem even longer. 'f)President Mckinley has given UOmmissionK as second lieutenants in the army to 178 enlisted men who passed the required examinations and proved themselves qualified for promotion. There is nothing he could have done that would have offered a greater in centive to the men in the ranks to prove themselves good soldiers. f - The number of retail liquor dealers 1ft the United States at the close of last year was 306,000. The total vote of the prohibition party in the election of the *me year was 209,000. New York has tile largest rumber of liquor dealers, Illinois is second, and Ohio third. Penn sylvania has the largest number of pro hibitionists, New York is second, and r ffliaoi* third. (Continued from page on*.) Lester Kinnwly. same. * John J J Q Adams, same.. Gus Simmons. same.. A John B Hoof, same js O Wernharo, same W J C Cast'ly. same....... V'M.. *• H W Rlcliarason, same ^ Wiri Brio k ley. same ..... ^ Frank .1 NicKerson, same,.. B Latailng. sanw* ...**/ Henry TT«Hvfr, same 5 Lunwui V \mirrws, mt me........ •Tosepli Harbor, siuae. *s . 1 E B a r b e r , s a m e . v . . ; . W I I I ' n r t l s s . s a n i a . . . . . . . . ' J H Kce<t>\ same.,. , Wm Henwiek, >an»e Oil Satiu»t«r. same Clyde Oiark. same Clark Williams.same... ••UvVi; F W Bi'tijamin. same.• •• .Taml>s 1/onghry. swne,... H H Blair, sjuko »• <" Tott. NHtue..................1*! S liatfleirt. same.... ........ Geo F Henwiek. same.........;..vv. Geo Stamiish. sanie.. Will lloffan. same>. .«.r.4-.w H O Nielntis. sjutio........ A t« Beath. same T Buslmw. same ....... Amos Roylngton. siiBie....i-4'M F MeGovern. same .• • •......1 Earl Gray. same..., .... ..i A H Kailay, saint1... V 11 lVase. same ....^•• •• •• Albert Tulibs, I'co vsOhas Ha^horo® ('has Wandraek. same . L llerriek. People vs Waters. !•»> Singlet'."!; same Anna Singlet/m. same • •...... James MeKibbin. People vs Hodge. . D Sill, same Nelson (iatcs, same . loliti Keepsel. same.,.. -- .... " J Welbon. same .i,.i.J..*;i.. R N a t t . s a m e -- John Judson. same.*........... W E Wire. same. _ has F Smith, same...... llawley Merrtck, same. A Wei lam,- same. . ... ...i,. N A ('handler, same is.i,X Lyman Fierce, same F EGrattxtn. same -. Uiley Holmes, same . " v n n K i i ' h a n l s , s a m e . > . i , It has been discovered by the advo ' cAtes of good roads in Oklahoma that by attaching threshing machine engines to the road graders much more can be ac- , «»mplished in a day, and at less expense' than by the use of horses, because the draft is steady and fewer men are re- , quired to operate the machine. When the inventive genius of mankind has been directed to the perfection of road Making machinery, the expense of pro , viding good country roads will be re • " duced so* materially that all sections can / «Bjoy their benefits. I Feri-y SpeiuH^r, same. Joseph Me A rdle, same James MeKibbeu, Claude A Idrlch, same.,,......... a F Wi 11 iatns. same.. .i.w.. • : Wm C Schlupp. saute liobert Kane, Jr.. ECovell. same... Wm Kilburn. People vs R W Hodge. John Coilison. same F Keniek. printed stamped envelop'S Henry Iveyes, jailors account "mie. boarding Minnie Jurs, insane., inie. lx>arditiK Chas P Barnes, insane lime, janitor services <S mi' Mrs Lottie Keyes. washing and mend ing for prisoners W A ( risty. bury ('has W Finch old sol W A S'ason. p m, Peovs Wm Miehaelis Frank Adamek. j p, Peo vs Hawthorne In ? | The enormous wheat crope in V «nd Oklahoma is bringing grain buyers -«if foreign countries to Kansas. Alon md Jean Groldschmidt, importers of Ffcria, France, declare that there is little : promise of a big wheat crop in France this year, and France always turns to : the United States when her own crop is 7 abort. Kansas wheat is famous in ^France for good flour. It is the product of Russian seed, but the wheat of Rus sia does not compare with the Kansas product The French importers will go Ho Oklahoma and will arrange for ship ping by way of the Gulf of Mexico. PROBATE NEWS H Flint, boarding jury. Total 11*27 Yotir committee on claims would recom mend the following rule in the matter of al lowance of witness fees in criminal cases: Where indited before grand jury, allow all witness fees for witnesses sworn; where char acter is not disputed, limit the number of witness fees allowed to the first six witnesses sworn in the case. All of which is respectfully submitted. ft E. Clark, Ohm, E. D. Patrick, ft. Bkotzman, L. E. Mkntoh, L. B. COVEJLI.. The committee on fees and salaries made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors; Your committee to whom was referred the semi-annual reports of the sheriff, county clerk and circuit clerk for the half year ending, June 1,1901 would beg leave to submit t he following report on the matters before them; sheriff. Earned. Reed. Sheriff's fees in suits in court, .f 54660 S 211 70 arnings and rec on executions 242 77 342 77 Miscellaneous services 651 75 Receipts dur half year for serv heretofore rep as not rec....^ 3300 3159 00 i 250 33 ,rr... aoooo ; : REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ^ Jhinice Pingry & h to Sumner Pingry, Its 1 & 7, blk 11, Nunda 42000 00 . Mrs Alice Collins & h to Daman W '*yj , Daris, It 2. blk 7, Hart's 1st addn to •f . H ? Harvard 150000 *, -'^Margaret I Brooks & h to Antonie Ger f _ fnger. pc in n^sw^ sec 2H, Algonquin 2700 00 , t Vrank J Lindsten & w to John Smith, r* y pt sw frl % sec 17, McHenry 100 >%. *• , I-, «fchn Smith & w to John J Duffy, same. 1000 00 fib? *i !, IriKiodii Dacy et al to F C Schroeder, I?-' • . , ** nwM sec 37, Dunham 120000 | *' i " Qaoiie F Eclsert & w to Flora Rich- , ar&. It 12 & n H It 11 re-plat of of E W p.* ' Smith's addn to Woodstock 90000 p^'3" ^ ,, ftufus Thompson & w to Helmuth fe , - t» 8chutt 1 a in wH it 2 of nw!< sec 4, A1- r* 1 * ^ >gonquici f ; - Sauna Paddock et al to Emma H Ben- P ' * aw^aH wH e% wH nwX sec 6, Algon- ml * > ®ennis J Collins to Robert Ridge, nH T" seH sec 28, Dunham. 240000 , ' j JPhebe Covell & h to Cook, Lake St Mc- -i •' Hwiry Co's Ry Co, strip of land ad- {. 'J ^llaiwaret Cavitt et al to same, strip ad- ! - l?Rlcimond °f Way 111 8WM Totals Expenditures: Deputy hire Miscellaneous Sheriff's salary half jear. Total Expenditures .<1119 33 Balance due sheriff 63186 COUMTT CL.ERK. Earned. Reed. Probate fees .,..*413 19 3 m 80 lerk's fees in suits in courts... 58 40 46 00 County services 8774 00 Miscellaneous services, 188 80 189 80 Recptsdur half year for,serv - : per in half yr ending June 1, (• 1901, and heretofore rep as not !> <• ret-a *440 80000 100 39000 H; }^| PROBATE NEWS | Estate of John Aylsworth. ' proven and admitted to probate. - Townsend appointed executor. $1400. Appraisers appointed. I Estate of Frederick L. Nutfc. proven and admitted to probate. m Nntt appointed executrix. ~ 40000 Will A. K. Bond Will Jean 1-> Estate of Margaret Gilkerson. Re- t li .̂ ort filed. Petition and order to pay «;'i V legacies. ' • : Estate of John Adamek Steal report f/; filed. : f Estate of Sidney Paxson et al minors * " • Inventory and petition to sell land filed Estate of Matilda Smith. Report and petition to sell real estate filed. Estate of Henry Daak. Inventory & ^appraisement bill filed. Estate of Patrick Madden. Proof of death and petition for probate of will .filed. Estate of Edwin Rollo Phillips. Proof of death made. Notice waived. Will proven and admitted to probate. Lucy Ann Phillips appointed executxfcL Ap praisers appointed. MARRIAGE T.TnF.VF^H Frank W. Cole. Harvard ? Leone C5. Miller ; Marengo Frederick8Armstrong.,KewYork, NY Susan M Bvainard Harvard , Horace W. Thompson. Westminster, Vt Elizabeth Billings JacksOH. .. ..Marengo J. H. Osgood... Jennie Bowker Eugene N. Browni*..,.. L. Ethelyn Covali^*.,.̂ George E. Morton.|>i,., K i t t i e H . D o i g . . . . X ' . . Joseph Klein rs,-,. Katie H. Freund....̂ , Hyatt E. Covey. D. Lois Baldwin. ; . .. ̂ . Charles Schmidt. ., . . . Laura Audty ..... Robert W. Marklay...} Myrtle I. Weltzi ̂., am 810 2W 3» 2» »» 490 4 30 480 320 390 330 3 30 320 3 30 3 30 490 330 490 4 50 390 4 90 490 490 330 330 390 3 30 3 90 430 3 30 2.W 2-50 3ao 360 SIM 330 2 30 2 90 230 230 3 30 930 230 330 230 430 230 230 1 10 f) 50 460 330 300 4 60 460 400 360 4 00 360 28 30 246 50 30 00 76 00 210 00 34 24 35 00 880 3 15 30 00 8144112 t 487 47 •fr/ * There'is a great variety of materials in many pretty designs for summer wear, making jt impossible for one merchant to handle all. But we have made a very ca?ef|l selection from the please most any one in LAWNS, DIMITIES, CORDED BATISTE, SATIN STRIPED DlfllTIEsKii PITIANA CORDS, SUPERFINE CHA/1BRAYS, ZEPHYR QINOHAMS •5: : - ' • Gentlemen's Furnishine vf,- ' ^ *• r" G o o d • ; „ ' ,* •, ' * . . '1 fc* ' 1 •' -» 1' „*>S sSfl ' f'3". Balance due oountjr*i>». £t90M Total.........;... .„....... .. *B52 03 And we also submit the semi-annual state ment of the county treasurer as a part of this 'I'athe Chairman of the County Board of >1rHen^y County: I. F. F. Axtell, county treasurer in and for the county of McHenry and state of Illinois, respectfully present the following report of all the fees and emolu ments of my office, and also Of necessary ex penditures therefor, for and during the half year ending May 31,1901, wherein I state the gross amount of all fees or emoluments by me earned by oflieial service during said half year, the total amount of receipts of whatev er name or character, and all necessary ex penses for clerk hire, stationery, fuel and ot her expenses. 114 per cent com on 151,899.93 reed from township collectors f 778 40 3 per cent com on 134,378.90 collected as county collector : 10S8 37 1 per cent on fl3.684.09 reed as county treasurer 136 84 l"per cent com on $37,006.37 paid out aa county treasurer. 370 6fi 1 per cent int after May 1 on taxes col. 15 51 Oost attached after May 9 on taxes col 2216 Total receipts... .9935203 Expenditures. Clerk hire f 300 00 Miscellaneous 1130 Treasurer's salary for one-half year... • 750 00 Balance due county........ 1200 64 fW303 day of Treasurer. .....§4475 39 8212900 1097 50 8010 750 00 Totals.... „ . Expenditure*: / -ly. K,,. . ^ Clerk hire Miscellaneous, stamps, telephone, etc Clerk's salary half year--............ Total 1927 60 Balance due county 30140 CIBCUIT CLERK. Earned. Reed iw Clerk's fees in suits in court... Receipts dur cur half year for serv per in pre half years and heretofore reptd and not reed ..... . SB80 Total Respectfully submitted t"hls 10th June, 1901. F. F. Axtkli,, County Ti All of which is respectfully submitted, John Weltzien, Chm, L. E. Mentch, J. H. Ghacy, f. w. Hatch, E. D. Patrick. Sup. Cristy offered the following res olution, and moved its adoption. Carried. Resolved, that the county clerk be author ized to draw orders on the comity treasurer for meals for jurors and ballitl' fees upon the o paid will be subject to revision by the board of supervis ors and audited in like manner as bills not p^d. •On motion of Sup. Hoy the report of the committee on poor farm was ordered placed on file ana published with the proceedings of the June meeting. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred matters pertaining to the peor farm beg leave to submit the following report: Committee met at poortfarna, March 23, 1901, for the purpose of auditing bills ar>d ascer taining the cost of keeping the poor from Sept 1,1900, to March 23,1901, and transacting such other business as might properly come before them. Members of commlttee'present: Hoy, Desmond, Mentch and Cristy. The fol lowing bills were approved and ordered paid: Geo ll Hooker, groceries $ 319 33 W 11 Hall, lumber 106 47 F W Buell, feed 198 14 Bunker Bros, groceries and hardware. 38 73 C T Donovan, blacksmlthing 25 80 Kennedy Bros, gro, clothing & tobacco 130 97 1" W Streets, shoes 215 75 A I) Osborn. groceries 10131 A F Field, coal 6200 A Pose, meat 44 73 H A Stone, shoes. '5010 Walters & McLea*, farm implement*.. 3 30 Mead & Charles, groceries. 8 41 Bachman & Wilcox, harness 13 45 A B Pratt & Son, meat 66 93 .1 C Choate, dry goods and clothing.... 17 80 Murphy & Mullen, dry goods and Clot% 15 90 B S Austin,-groceries and tobacco 84 8S) I, H S Barrows, caring for small px pat 1000 B S Austin, supplies for small pox pat. 9 98 C F Thome, clothing and shoes 183 25 F M Bunker, groceries 3S9R I (isbrow & White, groceries and feed. For reeordir W310 75 11310 75 68795 agricultural product; and believing that the farmers of McHenry county are deeply Inter ested in ali matters intended to promote the best Interests of the county; and believing that an elaborate exhibit or the best speci mens of the products of our county at the State Fair each year would give us a prestige which'we could obtain in no other way; and believing that McHenry county can make an e>diibit second to none In the state; therefore. Resolved. By the members of the McHenry County Agricultural Association in conven tion assembled, that we ask the honorable board of supervisors to appropriate the sum of two hundred and fifty (SS850) dollars to as sist in defraying the expenses of such an ex hibit in the year 1901, said sum to be placed lg» the hands of our couiTty treasurer, to be paid on order oT the executive, committee to the person or persons appointed by the board of supervisors and having charge of such exhib it, only upon conclusive evidence showing that an elaborate exhibit of the best speci mens of the agricultural and dairy products of the county nas been made at the State Fair at Springfield, III., 1901. Onmotion. of 8np. Hoy, seconded by Sup. Clark, the amount of $350.00 was appropriated on the condition set forth in the resolution, and Geo. Hunt, of Hebron, 111., was appointed bv the board to take charge of the exhibit at the State Fair. The following named persons were selected by the board tt> serve as grand jurors for the regular September term, A. D. 1901, of the circuit court of Mc Henry county, Illinois, and on motion of Sup. Patrick the list was approved and the clerk of the board instructed to certify the same to the circuit clerk of said county, to-wit: T. H. Hall, Riley; C. P. Wright and I). E. Peck, Marengo; L. M. Lillibrldge. Dunham; Chas. Waite and J. H. Sweenle, Chemung; Wm. Stroede, Alden; Sylvester McGee, Hart- land; C. M. Webber. Seneca; Milo Warner, Coral; John Donahue, Grafton; Wm. Cowan and George Wheeler, Dorr; Alva Hoage, Greenwood; George Goddatd, Hebron; P. K. Wright, Richmond; J,. M. Imeson, Burton; Clayton C. Harrison, Ringwoori, and George H. Hanly. McHenry; Freeman Flanders and Chas. Harrison, Nunda; John Brnndage and J. F. Pllchen, Algonquin. On motion of Sup. Lake the board was allowed their mileage and per diem for April and June meetings and special committee work. Onmotion of Sup. Clark the board adjourned for the term. F. E. Stevens, Chairman. Attest:--G. F. Bushton, Clerk. M D Hoy & Son, dry goods and clothing T H Brown, supt. salary. Dr. E. V. Anderson, physician. T H Brown, supt. salary... Same, incidentals. How to Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over, and if procured now may save yon a trip to town in the night or in your busiest sea son. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No faftrily can afford to be without it For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. You really get but very little advice that is worth listening to. 1.1*196 ?0 §195050 500 00 55 31 750 00 Totals Expenditures: Clerk hire....1 .... Miscellaneous, stamp!, .. Clerk's salary half year.;.,...,. Total : £W**J»365 21 Balance due connty ...... 654 29 And we recommend that an order be drawn on the treasurer for the amount due sheriff; also that the circuit clerk and county clerk be instructed to turn over to the treasurer the balance due the county from their offices. All of which is respectfully submitted. Wm. Desmond, Chm, L. T. Hot, H. M. Turner, W. A. Cristy, E. D. Patrick. The committee on elections made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit; Mr. Chairman and,Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors; Your committee to whom was referred ihe selection of judges of elec tions ;tnd polling places in the different towns would beg leave, to submit the following re port on the matter before them: Riley--Judges: N. Brotzman, John Brotz- man, A. 3. Davis. Polling place, town hall. Marengo, 1st Dist.--Judges: E. T. Renwick. A 11 Penny and George Crego. Polling place, A I) Stedman's shop. Second Dist.--Judges E D Patrick, W S Kinney and R Gault. Poll James Lake, coal . A S Wright, drugs and medicines,^, Whitson Bros, hardware... 11 Peet, blacksmlthing J Hanck. painting ana repalrg.i..,.1. G B Richards & Son, cow ThomasGnth. threshing............. ON Brass, two cows..... Total .! Bills are divided as follows! Permanent improvement....... Running expenses Clothing Tobacco Medicine ... Medical attendance............ T 11 Brown ing place, A R Parkhurst's office. Dunham--Judges: C Wells. J E Cunuiugham. No 1 school house. Chemung, 1st Dist.--Judges F O Thompson, P E Saunders. M Stevenson, F C Polling place, Dist. McHenry County (small pox expense). Total ...fB12» . | 487 60 ... *085 18 ... 474 99 46 28 ; 50 60 98 34 "4*» soo 133 31 Supplies on hand Sept 1, 1900. Supplies purchased to March 23, 1901... 200618 t412 31 418 88 Total .$244406 Less supplies on hand Mar 88, '011793 30 Less board Mrs Brown 20 weeks.. 5800 Less board Miss Knaak 20 weeks. 58 00 Lesscalves sold 000 81800 •r-- Net cost of 1118 weeks board.. Cost per week, tl.36. Bills were sent the following persons <162526 , . . . .Chicago ....... Chicago .Nunda Nunda • ' ...Algonquin i.... Algonquin . . . Johnsburgh ... Johnsburgh ... .iLeRoy, 111. . . . . . . . . .Nunda J. . . . . .Freeport p.. ..Barreville U...... .Nunda ..Huutley James Logue . Polling place, Logue & Saunder's livery barn. Second Dist. --.Tudgesi Jas Lake, b H Callender, Peter O'Connor. Polling place, new engine house. Alden Judges: John Baldock, 11 1" Manly, Daniel Sullivan. Polling place, town hall. Hartland---Judges: >Vm Desmond, Cornel ius Nolan. Wm Forrest. Pollihg place, Deep Cut school house l>ist. No. 5. Seneca Judges; Joseph Mills, Christopher Wilke, Elmer Standish. Polling place, town hall. Coral--Judges: F E Stevens, A 8 Peak, C L Cremer. Polling place, village hall, Union. Grafton--Judges: John Weltzien, B F Ellis, Warren Cummings. Polling place, J S Cum- ming's office. Greenwood Judges: S E Clark, M Dassow, John Raycraft. Polling place, town hall Hebron--Judges: II M Turner, Lewis Fish er, W O Boughton. Polling place, town hall. Richmond--Judges: L B Covell, J T Bower, Wm Thomw. Polling place, Burton's opera house. Burton--Judges: F W Hatch, J B Richard son, B A Stevens. Polling place, Spring Grove. McHenry. 1st Dist.--J udges: J W Cristy, Geo 8 Stevens, Peter Rotliermel. Polling place,. Woodman hall. Second Dist.--Judges: W A Cristy. .John W Kimball. John Huemann. Polling place, village hall. Nunda, 1st Dist. Judges: JH Gracy, E F Matthews, John Flemmlng. Polling place, old Bremer store. Barreville. Secona Dist.-- Judges: O M Hale, Emerson McCullom, A S (.'oral. Polling place, village council room, Nunda. Algonquin, 1st Dist.--Judges: Chas Wan- drack, G D Jayne. Henry Leeseberg. Poli ng pliice. Morton s hotel. Second Dist.--Judges: C I' Dike, T L Shaw, P F Leonard. Polling place., council rooms. Third Dist.--Jui" L E Mentch, E J King, S L Burton. place, L E Mentch's office. All of which is respectfully submitted N Brotzman, Riley E D Patrick, Marengo . R J Beck, Dunham James Lake, Chemung... Wm Desmond, Hartland. i.V.. Jos S Mills, Seneca F E Stevens, Coral John Weltzien, Grafton.. ...v. L T Hoy, Dorr S E Clark, Greenwood.. W D Cornue, Alden...;'...,.... H M Turner, Hebron L"B Covell.... W A Cristy, McHenry J H Gracy, Nunda ... L E Mentch, Algonquin A Thompson, for Mrs Brown.... Theodore Uamer, for Miss Knaak. ....•57 63 v.-; 194 03 47 92 ... Hi 04 *..31003 70 49 4914 58 09 374 98 88 .......... 85 32 109 33 • V idgc 'olli Polling Bspectfully su N . Chtu. C. M. Stevknsok. F. W. S. E. Clahk, L. B. Covell. Hatch, Wells D. Church;, i.,. ..Walworth, Wis. Effie E. Dake. . . . . . . . Alden Albert Wallace Hill ,44' ̂...Harvard Caroline Eliza Allen iJg^Woodstock Alfred W. Warner T. . . Elgin Florence B. Miller...Elgin A green streak in people can be traced iwck for three or four generations. 193 05 177 87 305 55 66 98 61 75 All of which Is respectfully submitted. L. T. Hor. Chm, Wm Desmond^ Want Column. T7H5R SALE--The choicest building lots iu x McHenry and West McHenry for business and residences. All centrally located. Prices reasonable. Inquire of O. N. Oweii, at the bank. 37-tf. Three lots and a completely furnished cottage together with barn, T7VOK SALE furnished cottage etc., located on east side of Pistakee Bay. A bargain if taken at once. Apply to this office, i 41-tf. •\XTANTEd--Girl for general housework oh ' * farm near McHenry. $3.00 per week will be paid to a good girl. Ofllc Apply to Plaindealer 51-tf. LOST--A heifer 2H years old coming in in 6 weeks. Red in color with white star in forehead and one white spot on shoulder and hip. Reward for return. Call or address Bert Vasey, Volo, 111. *51-2t "DOOMS TO RENT--Furnished or unfuniish- -lv ed, newly papered and painted. Apply to 51-tf. E. Law tars. TJ*OR SALE--Carriage and single surry at a very low. price. Together or seperate. Apply to Plaindealer Office. 53-tf. Dates for Connty liln. Adams, Camp Point, Sept. 3-6. Boone. Belvldere, Sept. 3-4. Brown, Mount Sterling. Aug. CNft, . v Bureau, Princeton, Sept. 3-6. - Carroll, Sept. 17-20. Champaign, Champaign, Sept,.t<4k Champaign, Homer, Sept. 10-19; Clark, Martinsville, Oct. 1-5. OtAea, Charleston, Sept. 17-21. Cumberland. Greenup. Sept. lff^M.' I)e Witt, Clinton, Aug. 5-9. - ^ Douglas, Camargo, Sept. 10-13. .." Edgar, Paris, Sept. 24-27. , Effingham, Watson, Sept. 34-37* J- -X Fulton, Avon, Sept. 3-6. V Gallatin, Shawneetown, Aug. 27-81. Greene, Oarrolton, Oct. 3-11. Hancock, Carthage, Aug. 19-% „ Hanco c k , L a H a r p e . A u g . 1 9 - 2 8 , ' " ' ' i ' " Henry. Cambridge. Aug. 19-33." , Henry, Kewanee, Sept. 9-13. " ' , Se .fa • ' ; u „: • s *' w ^ ^ Iroquois, Watseka Jackson, Jasper, N< Jo Daviess, Galena^ Oct. 1-4. ept. 2-6. Murphyboro, Sept.3^?? , Newton, Sept. 17-30. % f Jo Daviess' Warren, Sept. 10-IB* Kane. Batavla, Aug. 27-30. 2 i Kankakee. Kankakee, Sept. Kendall, Yorkville, Sept. 3-6. Knox, Knoxvllle, Sept." 3-6. Lake, Libertyvi lie, Sept. 3-0. Livingston, Fairbury, Sept. 2-ft, Logan, Atlanta, Sept. 3-6. Madison, Highland, Sent. 5-8. Macoupin, Carlinville/Cct. 8-14. Marshall. Wenona, Sept. 11-13. McDonough, Bushnell, Aug. 27-30!. McConough, Macomb, Aug. 12-17. McHenry. Woodstftk, Aug. 374tt. McLean, Le Roy, Aug ~ ~ McLean, Say brook, Au„ _ Mercer, Aledo. Sept. 17-20. Peoria, Elm wood, Sept. 17-30. Perry, Pinekneville. Oct. 1-4. Ug. 30-23c. Aug. --- 4-^'^ /i Piatt, Monticello, Aug. 12-16. Pike, Griggsvllle, July 30-Aug^.6W & Pope, Golconda, Oct. 3-«. u . Putnam, McNab, Sept. 11-13. ', v ' Richland, Olney, Sept. 10-14. Rock Island, Joslin, Sept. 10-12, Stark, Wyoming, Aug. 27-30. ' Tazewel, Delevan, Sept. 10-33. ' • <! * Union, Anna, Aug. 28-30. 7-®*, •'1 Union, Jonesboro, Sept. 17-20. *" ^1 Warren, Sept. 9-13. t 'r , White, Carmi, Sept. 3-7. ' 'l<» Whiteside, Morrison, Sept. Whiteside, Sterling, Aug. 27' Winnebago, Iiockford, Sept. 2-5. Woodford, El Paso, Sept. 9-14. Just because a man stops a papef it no sign that he stops reading it. WOULD YOU APPRECIATE GOOD HEALTH? <s Z iBLL, THEN, WHY HESITATE TO COME TO OUft STORE AND TRY EVBRVBODY'S BLOOD PVBIFIBR when the cost to you is NOTHING if results are not satis-, factory. So few are the failures of this Wonderful Vegetable and Germicidal Remedy that we are authorized by the manu facturers to issue a POSITIVE WRITTEN GUARANTEE on it We have implicit confidence in Micro-Germi as a Blood Purifier. A positive specific^.in casesjcrf.Catarrh, Stomach and Kidney trouble. ^ ^ • 1 sou> and ao/m/Skmb *- i ^ ' ( ' * ' ' ' ••••& 3VtilA A. STORY, McHenry, L. E. Mentch, W. A. Can The special committee appointed by the board to answer to the petition of highway commissioners of the town of Marengo made the following report: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committeee to whom was seferred the petition of the highway com missioners of the town of Marengo, asking county aid in building bridge,would beg leave to submit the following report on matters be fore them: Your committee met with the highway com missioners at Marengo on May 8.1901, and ex amined the old bridge in question and find that a new bridge is necessary and the ex pense will besuchias to entitle the town of Marengo to county aid in building said new bridge. AU of which is respectfully submitted. J. A. Gbacy. Chm, Wm. Desmond. 8. E. Olabk, The committee to settle with the treasurer made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the semi-annual report of the county treasurer would leave to submit the following rope** im Um matters before them: - • Total receipts.......... t235S03 Expenditures*- Cltrk hire tamm Miscellaneous 11 ao Treasurer's salary for half j On notion of Sup. Hoy the report was approved and special committee in structed to proceed on the part of the county and make arrangements for the erection of a new bridge across the Kishwaukee river, in the town of Ma rengo, on the Marengo and. Harvard road, as specified in the petition of highway commissioners, asking the county's aid for building said bridge. F. H. Opfergelt submitted plans for enlarging the vault of the circuit clerk and making a suitable vault for the county treasurer. Sup. Mentch moved that committee on public boildings be instructed to have the work done on basis of an estimate oost for the same of $2,200.00. George Hunt, of Hebron, 111., present ed the following resolution, ana spoke briefly on its adoption, to wit: Whebeas, It has become a prominent fea ture of our annual State Fair to assign space for the several counties throughout the state In which to make competitive exhibits of their MMKMMioeceosseooyeeaoooBSo WALL PAPER Do not pass us by if you are looking for the latest designs in wall paper. We have a fine line and ^re sellingit at right prices: Also a complete line o|i PAINTS AND OILS M $}ind that at all times we carry everything1 1 Drugs and Medicines, and all the in school supplies. ji. 5. BROWN & SON »ssessss>Mw Don't blame the Cook • f* r f - if you had a poor cup of Coffee for breakfast this morning; she probably did the best she could with pithe material at hand. Did you ever notice is *,f %k) using an inferior brand of coffee that you sel- ' " < dom get two lots just alike? The reason ^'5 that the proper care is not taken in , , , A the blending. One lot requires more * ^ * *' ^ t ' and another less coffee to make a * '^good cup and as a"consequence the * cook is unable to please you. brand of. coffee * that will give satisfaction, • " ^ - - and to be convinced just m ft o) i ' . 'M' ' , ' f + • .-j a & •F6r'kte'.'^ S. CHAPELL McHenry. - 4^ »HON STOFFEL West McHenry. Our Argumeilii ̂ S&ttlo A.x .*«...,, ... Delicious Blend.. T, V PACKAGE fc can *^906' Transplanted, 3tt> can75c World's Fair, lib can..... ,30c 20c M 25c if *m£i Dixie, 4ft> can Mojav, 2 ft can.. 1,,:; 5ft can.. Vll.OO ...60c .$1.00 The McHwry Journal / Outfit A Complete Printing Plant ,• Consisting ^ Cylinder j^ress , '; ^ - * Job Press * Faper Cuttiar '--v' |v ^ Gasoline Engine ,jyv Job and Display Type "i ' : " Body Type - 'tli Cases - ' - - - - Stonefc -11?' * r " ' ; S t a n d s ^ And everything with, whiftjf print a paper or do job work. Will be sold seperately or a very low price given on the entfra plant. Apply at once to The plaindealer Co. McHenry, Illinois. ' California The Gateway To the Orient Numerous profitable business openings in California. Make money in orange and lemon groves, vineyards, wineries, orchards. Make money in cattle aiid > sheep ranches, wheat fields, beet sugar culture, varied farm products. Make money in mines, oil wells, manufacturing, trading The California Limited daily, Chicago to Los Angeles San Francisco. General Pasoenger Offloii . The Atchison, Topckn ft Santlt Pe R'y CHICAGO A - K t "fr'bd * i'-K? • *-t ^Y: aminimnnHUiiHiuMmMHiiimMHWMmMiiiiiiiiiiii I h H I L I P J A E d E R JI fieneral W5 Commission IDercbanl Stall 1& 8, Pulton St. Wholesale Market ei>icaa«» TVVlitoto Special attention given to die sale of 4 , '!* Dressed Beef, iluttfi Ho^s, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. . • Butter and il'S Thia i. tbe olde«t hoaw» oo .the itreet f 1 Tags and price lists ̂ , {rT ̂ ̂ • furnished on application 4 ' ' COLD STORAOE FREE imiiiiiMiiiummmmmmmmwwww* J U L I A A . S T O R Y , Druggist. JOS. H. HUEflANN, Joh.?^u.rgh ------------ ••••••• GeMfil BtocksMhl Prices ifwiyS Appleton Corn Huskers Corn Shelters and Tread : J Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, , Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mill* ,> : Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and % Bear in mind that I have "a fine» assortment of ready-mixed paints for all purposes, of a superior brand, and also a complete stock of colors, oils, leads and varnish. J u l i a m c B e n r » /• atfy •; r » ry I l l i n o i s • >. "**-"J j Si if f