When you wish to give & party or get up and are at e palate, call e will always Canned goods, fn season. Come %> buy or not K. Q. DEKKER NEIGHi OUR ABLE CORPS SF ^RRESPOND^NfS acquainted with r K * > • > a. n lam again in the sweat and would solicit a part of your trade, it will always be my aim to sell at the lowest possible liv ing prices the best of meats. Preillfiii Salt fam ' * . We G» m^Ee tbeee tanks In any size or shape in short ̂order. Every tank guaran teed. These tanks will not rot or shrink, swell or leak. Call and inspect our work. Prices Reasonable. Mctleary, M. EMILN & SON I will pay spot cash the highest > for all kinds of live poultry, hides, tallow, etc. Give me t call and repew old acquaintance. Goods delivered promptly tM, 'V,. ' .t Wholesale and retail; dealer In McHenry, Illinois. iMtom OlvertK •»v* Stem Ffttinag iMMi - i4*«' i? »' " - ' i*4" '** * '">•*" 4 Sfetl and Wood Caul* m4 ; ' Farm Itlaclrtaerv „ A full line In every departmeaa » *; J ' "i * ' SV £ K;'4*ire I' I -*> ?*:,.• to do. C*7A-£ *" «»•* •* * v"* >K 4 > * > > »\ jQiv« m eoaHf# " ••••• uRQuL \:V1< ^3 1 ^Conway & Rainey Ringwood, U. This Bank receives ttepositB, buys and idkltecigand Do mestic Exchangeiand does a MRKBK HISBtSS ̂ We endeavor to do all bad ness entrusted to our car* in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our era and respectfully solicit the public patronage.. Honey to Loan on and other first class curity. Spec- ial attention to collections. ..... INSURANCE ill First Class Companies, at the LOW' <£iatiatea . Yoars Respectfully ' />'£ PERRY A OWEN, ; %IHaUryPulMe. iMuM f .̂H1 -Geo. Meyers- •<h J# 'f* a ?.T ̂ QBHHkAL^^. »f all kind% M .Ti; Excavating and £ Grading. " •• j , . . : . . . _ v . "McHenry, F. WATTLES (Successor to B. R. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand %£?* " Vegetables and Canned Goods. W Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of $alt Fish. Highest market Prices J', paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh daitjr* Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Gall on me Will do the right thing with : WATTLES, ^Weat McHenry, HI nHIKllllllMll ii I i.l i i m 11 Rev. MiliwlSa«fflhBr Tuesday. - Edgar Bishop is visiting his motlier and friends here. : Mitts AgHMM Stevens is attending Mra .̂ W. Hen has been entertain ing friends Itiaveek. Mrs. W. Ooaloi spent Tuesday with her daagfcier at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cristy have been the east. VOtAK ~ M rs . 9 ̂Huaon is visiting her̂ ster at Wia4ii|$|ll. : C. Cfej®||on: spent the first of flie week in Chicago. •* John Noble, of Oregoa, »lsited at C DiUoe's tasft week. Ilr. «i»aKm Onris 8aWe were Mc- * iss£ftstr"^m •phone 17 Do You Want TO:.' Save Money? Send In your name and address and get our catalogue of all kinds of Merchan dise at prices deling competion. Fully illustrated oatalc^ue sent on receipt of 10 cents for postage. KAHN, GREEN & BERGER, »gg to a6i DwrlxmUnit, ^tilcage, llliaote July Constipation, Torpid liver , and the Blood. 3#, Belvidere, 111., Feb. 5,1901. I ih^-ited Eceema, as my mother suffered for yean with an incurable form* and I had been afflicted with It from childhood to a mild extent. |t had annoyed me for several years dur ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapae- itated for business. In June I suffered to Buch an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor ture was undermining my nervous sys tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, Mid I cannot describe tny stUfaringa. I tod employed the best medical skiff obtainable, but with no re lief until I began taking Dr- TaUerday s FruitJldceTwithinthroe days my snf ferhag began to subside and within three weels I was much better Hum I had been during the summer months for yean. The continued use of this medi- aine completely cured me, removing ev ery symptom of the disease. Have rec ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. Munn. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere. jplace of Business, Union, HL Dr. TaHerday's ̂ * Cough Cure Cures* Beloit, Wis. My husband was home, sick, for over a week with LaGrippe and was cough ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure and got relief at onoe. We have never had a imdlftefw* in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no equal. a MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM. 1216 Vine St. *3Beloit, Wis. My giand-stm has suffered from birth with btoncial coughs,, and after using i borne <rf Dr Tallerday's Cough Cure is s»tting Well. I am using both the Cough €m»aadthe Tonic myself, and think r DR. TALLERDAY'S r hm J U I ( L i'* 'X m.•' •£M. STIKES, 721 Brook St. Kanufaetared by THE TALLEBDA* MBOIC1NE CO., BulTtden, 111. Fol- sale by ftiu A. raoar,: . lif.*. - - McHenry V.UIUK. -, . mm MmHenrj u-. .• ' - c i • $ r ̂ *R * Prof. Colalkaa moved here from Har vard and ooetlpiBS the Frank Fay home. 1. H * B6nnett has been enter- taintag a sister from Racine for a few dtasjwL F. E. Fay and family have moved to Ridgefield where he will teach this year- Mrs. John Bennett, of Winthrop Har bor, is visiting at the home of J. B. Bennett. Mr. and l|rs. P. K. Allen, of Chicago, have been spending the week with H. C. Allen. J§ca^O§£rge SpSuldin* and son have brnimmg with Mr. and Mm. Martin Mrs. E. F. Harrison accompanied her sister, Mrs. Ooodsell, to Harvard on Weda#idey. S. B. Kelly ii at present suffering with a slight attack of the inflamatory rheumattei. ' Mrs. James Carr and daughter, Mabel, of Greenwood, called on friends the first of the week. A number from this place attended the Sunday school convention at Spring Grove on Sunday. H. Lawrence and Alonso Lawrence, of Chicago, visited at the home of A. Lawrence thisvreek. The Willing Workers will serve ice cream on Thursday afternoon and even ing Sept. 5, at Woodman hall. Conway & Rainey have been engaged by the C. &. N. W. R. R. Co., to drill a well at the stock yards in McHenry. Our school opened Monday with Mr, Cole, of Harvard, as principal and Miss Bertha Baldwin, of Nunda, as primary teacher. Elmer Fraacisoo has returned from Ostend, where he spent the summer, he will attend school at McHenry the coming year. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold their regular meeting on Sept. 12 at the home oi libs. Frank Hutson. Ice cream will be served both afternoon and evening. Lost, between Ringwood and Wood- stoch a grain sack containing a brush, curry-comb, "rope and various other ar tides; the finder will please return same to Chas. Stephenson at Ringwood. The W. C T. TJ. met oti' Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Mary Dodge and elected the following officers Mrs. H. W. Allen, Pres. ; Mrs. Julia Bishop, Vice Pres.,; Mrs. James Ladd, Sec.; Miss Anna Waterman, Treas,, 5tood Death Off. E. B. Mnnday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a grave digger. He says; "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. t per suaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. I am sure Electric Bitten saved his life." This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and purifies the blood; aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspep sia, nervous diseases, kidney troublee, female complaints; gives perfect health. Only £Oo at Julia A. gtory's drug store. ' HABR^VIIXB. Little Chester Mattheus is still very Sick. •• Jr Elmer Wilmington spent Sunday at Gray's Lake. V. C. Goodwin, of Elgin, yisitsd with relatives here Saturday. Mr. L. D. Todd, of Dundee, was a caller here Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M Hunter, of Chicago, Bpent Sunday a® J.| J. Hunter's. Mrs. T. L. Flanders arid Miss Mason, of Bolcombville, were called here Mon day. MrvipiAMn. Starry Wooiey, of Hun- da, spent Sunday at Chas. Wilming ton's. Eugene Mattheus Jr.,' of Chicago, was calling on home folks one day last week. H. A. Luther and James Edwards, of McHenry, called at J. J. Hunter's Sat urday. Miss Florence Leisner and Miss Bay called on Miss4Raisa Thompson Friday evening. Mrs. Wm. : Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago, are visiting at Wm. Van Natta's. \ Mr, and Mrs. Ben Throop and daugh ter/ Agnes, of Nnnda, wtere- Sunday callero here. Mr. and MrA. Vinton Shales and chil dren, of Elgin, visited with relatives here laat week. Miss Elizabeth Morrison and nephew, Will Stewart, of Chicago, spent Mon day at Thos. Thompson .̂ Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keller and daugh ter, Irene, of Janesville, Wis., spent Sunday at Wm. Van Natta's. / Misses Lizzie Harrington and Jennie Ross, of Libertyvillf, visited at £. F. Matheus' a few days this week. Miss Anna Wilton who has been spending a few days visiting her uncle, Chas. Wilmington, returned to her home at Gray's Lake Sunday. ' " Norris Silver, North Stratford, Jf.H.: "I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost, cured- To-day I am a well Besley. " spent Mim Altia Converse, of Fort Hill, was a Volo caller Saturday. Korn .̂|||||p«r,,'at' Griswold Lake, was a Vol© cajlaitSnAda .̂ Volo lepreapnte ̂ at the Woodstock fair Thursday safti Friday. Elam Ctmverse, of Sunday with wiatives in Mr. and Mrs. George Wednesday and Thursday ill Mrs. Dowe, of W Thursday with Mrs. (Jertrude Miller. Mr: and Mrs. Charles Parker returned from their wedding tour Tuesday even ing- Miss Lydia Russell is spending this week with her grandparents in Wauke- gaa. Mr. and Ufa Oiarles daughter, Nellie, are visiting at Raught Bros. Misses Myrtle and Avis Payne, Fort Hill called on Miss Rose Friday. School will open next Monday, Sep tember 9, with Miss Jennie Walton offand home Robert Paddock, of Northern Mlchi gan, has been visiting his parents the past week. ' " The G. C. & will meet with Mrs. Fred Bauer Friday, September 18. All are weloome. Mrs. Ben Coesman, of Lake Villa, spent Tuesday witti her sistnr, Mrs. James Kirwan. Misses Roee Huson and Helen Bay mond began attending school at Mc Henry Monday. Paul Avery went to Chicago Tuesday where he will remain and attend school the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and children, of Evanston, spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Parker. mm Edith Carpenter returned to her home ir Elgin Wednesday after a short visit with friends here. Mrs. Joseph Erfcund and children, of McHenry, spent Friday with her parents, Mr. Mid Mrs. Mat Miller. William Dillon, of Chicago, spent the first part of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Russell, of Wan kegan, spent Wednesday and Thursday with their son, Sidney and family. Miss Frances Rosing has returned home after spending several weeks with her sister .Mrs, Mike Hertel.of Freemont. Mrs. Will Dunnill and daughter, Lucy, yisited the former's sister. Mrs. Jack Dowell, of Slocum's Lake, Thnrs day. Miss Helen Ravmond spent the past t week visiting friends at McHenry and attended the Woodstock fair Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glossonand daugh ter, Gertrude, of Griswold Lake, spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. James Murray. Mr. Lewis V. Lusk and Miss Mary !>• Raymond were quietly married at the Wauconda parsonage Tuesday, Aug. 27, by Rev. Dutton. A wedding supper was served at the home of Mrs. Clough, after which Mr. and Mrs. Lusk left for a wedding trip to Michigan. Their many Mends wish them much joy and happiness in their wedded life.t „ ̂ - ^ A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Bumham of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she would die from Pneumonia before morning" writeB Mn. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, but she hegged for Dr. King's New Discovery, which had more than onoe saved her life, and cured her of Con sumption. After taking, she slept all night Further use entirely cured her ." T ̂ma*v»lolift medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle* &»e at Julia A. Story V drag store. " : «)OHI TMENT. Jacob days in Henry Hettormaa snter tained soneof h10frien<Ula.tSuaaay. Albert E |̂o ffioA $|mily, ofVolo,vto- ited relativwhere SUhday. Joseph Freund aad Katie Bugner were Elgin callere Moadir. Joseph May and fanrily.ia€Itiolanond, called on Natives Mara Saadigr. Ferdinand Frett, of MldltllTf -visited relatives and friends here Suaday. Jacob Schumacher left hec ̂iMl Wed nesday to attend coltege jM^<^Kh|Kigr. Mr. and Mrs. Math ICartln Freund and family visited rsiattMalMre Sunday. The daaee giyen at Columbia park last Wednesday was largely atttt&ded and all present reported a good time. Jaoob Rauen and wife, of Kenosha, and Joseph Rauen, of Racine, attended tine Rauen-Freund wedding Wednes day. Geoige M. Nell left for Quincy, 111., Tuesday where he is going to attend a toilege. He wlw accompanied by his father. On Wednesday Math Rauen and Katie Freund were united in marriage at St 'aohurch at 9 o'clock by Rev. H. Mehring. After the ceremony dinner >r were served at the bride's to their maay relatives and friends. ' • . WAUCONDA, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Andrews returned from Woodstock Sunday. Mm. Fred Gale, of DesPlaines, is vis- itiag with friends at this plaoe. Fred Wynkoop and mother, of Wood stock, are visiting with relatives this Miss Allie Pool, of Elgin, a former of this school, visited friends Mf|ii Will With a full line of ready-to-wear Clothing, Gent's Ftorntirfaga, and Caps. This is no 80 Day's Sale or Bankrupt Stock. here to stay permanently, and to sell goods 35 to SO far osot > than you can buy elsewhere. Now you ask the rsaaoa whj W» < sell so cheap. The reason is that our expense is s|Mli»iiaX ̂ goods in large quantities. Here are a few of our X*t. Vy- Men's suits in light or dark patterns, in all sixes from 88 to 44 breast sold all over for $5.00, our pricf^. . . . . . . . . |a«49 Men's wool suit i& 5 different styles, all sixes, sold all over for $7.00, our price................ $3*99 Men's sU wool days, worsted in black and blue, made up in very latest styles, equal to any tailor-made suit, sold all over from $12,00 to $1&00, our price -***9 Young men's suits, from 14 to 90 years, as low as $>*99 Worth double. « 6 The new hi '̂' OLD LAKE. on the Hale. fana is Otis Muriy wa* a caUer in this vicin- iny Sun^af evening. Geoigli Schaid attended to business at Mc||wf Thursday. Petef- Waber attended the dance at Buflal||jni£ Saturday night Mrsllijlm. Welch was a Ridgefield visitor a few days last week. Quite anuwber from here intend to attend the Libertyville fair. Leo E. Walmsley was a pleasant call er at Gciswold Lake Friday e^ning. Bernie Frisby passed through here on his way to the Woodsteck fair via Bar- ,||p. and Mia Geo. Walmsley are en tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelso, of Chicago, this week. Miss Mary Welch intends to spend tfeaoojlitU^g;.winter in McHenry where sh<^ will attend school. Miss Irene Biggs has returned to her home in Chicago, after spending a few weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Knigge. A CouiinuntoMJo*, Ms EDITOR--Allow me to sj>eai£ a few words in favor of Chamberlain's .Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchitis and could not sleep at nights- I tried several doctors and various patent medicines, but could get nothing to give me any relief until my wife got a bottle of this valuable medicine, which has completely re lieved me,--W. S. Brockman, Bagnell, Ma This remedy is for sale 1if Julia A- Story and G. W. Besley, - « ; J U ji •- * , < { ' k •'» <rf ^ - *. ...j r H Mr. A. Coxhead aad wife and Miss Ada Hecks returned from the city Sat urday. Mr. Herbert Warden, of the firm of Warden & Low, is vWting his old home at Wauconda. Mm. J. Golding aad daughter, Stella,, visited Miss Tyrrel, of Chicago. They, returned home Vonday. Charles Dairy and Joe Morrison, of Waukegan, are in town with pianoa. Mr. Dairy is agent for Ike Yeoman piano. Mr. Geo. C. Roberta started for the Pan*American Monday. He will go to Cleveland by rail and thenoe to Buffalo on the boat < Everybody attend the Lake county fair at Libertyville, Sept 8, 4, 5, and 6, Ball game Wednesday and Thursday, Grayslake is Lake County Stan. The Seger family returned to the city Saturday morning Mr. Seger owns a fine cottage on the shore of the lake Mid spends the summer here every year. Henry Sensor, of Algonquin, rode over on his wheel Saturday. He had' the misfortune to puncture his tire at Bur ton's bridge and had to walk to town The Juniors went to Waukegan Thursday and played the Cresents. The Juniors were defeated by a score of 13 to 4. The teams will play again at Libertyville Thursday morning. The boys promise to win this game if such a thing is possible. B m I Working Night and Dajp, * •<?. Tbe busiest and mightiest little tiling that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weak ness into strength, listlesness into ener gy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25o per box. Sold by Julia A. Story. ; ^-w )"9! • i , . MCHBA. >Mtf ,tjr ,, School commenoed Monday. Mrs. Russell was a Chicago visitor Monday. Walter Shepard, of Chicago, was at home over Sunday. Miss Carrie Crewman is entertaining her aunt, Mn. Sean, of Barrington. Wm. Shales and family attended the labor day exercises at Elgin Monday. Mrs. Savery, of Courtland, was the guest of her daughter, Mn. Sinclair last week. Mn. L M. Mallory and daughter, Geneora, are visiting D. N. Mallory at Belvidera Misses Florence and Alice Henderson returned from their Chicago visit last Thursday. Mrs. P. W. Wells entertained her cousin, Miss Henrietta Salisbury, of Gary, Tuesday. Mrs, S. S. Shepard has moved to Chi cago where she expects to make her home in the futaoe. Mrs. D. S. Hnftnan has been enter taining her sister, Mrs. Snow, and Mn. F. Munch Mid son Frank, of Chicago. Wm. Behn ;and ^children returned from their trip/ to Ohio, Sunday even ing, where they took the remains of Mrs. Behn fc>r burial Mn. Percy Sinolair will sell all of her household goods at auction Friday morning and expects to Join her hus band in Texas in a few weeks. Mr. Arnold has moved to Nunda from Janesville and will occupy Mr. Redden- dorf's house. Mr. Seigel will move into C. M. Vermilya's cottage, where Mrs. Sinclair now resides. Mrs. E. Jackman died last Thursday night of hemorhage of the lungs and was buried in the Union cemetery Sun day. Her husband and little children ̂ have the sympathy of the satire com munity in the affliction. Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., poor man, but he says that he ft- Mothers, here is a great opportunity to clothe your boys for a little money. Boy i' two-piece, suits, ages 8 to 14 years, for 65c Child's three-pieoe suits, la the latest styles, ages 8 to 8 years, for... . . . . . .99c Boy's fine suits, for Sunday "made and trimmed, sold all $4.00 to $5.00, our price... $2. Men's pants, good every-day Mea's good drees-up pants, ia att latest styles aad patterns, sold ill from $2.50 to $8,90 ̂our price... .«.$•• Men's overalls, in the hest qptHUf, war ranted nottot^bCv..... . . . . . . . r mn , iir,'.;/.. '.\,i ii jn rlnw.3i)&, jiij Boys* overalls.......̂ ... Men's |oo l̂ wuiidng shirts, and back, for..... . . . . . . . Boys* knee pants up boa. Men's suspendera firom-- Men's handkerchiefs, whits soft ChildraishandkerohieCs.. mi*#* We also carry a full line of Jewelry which we will sell for Ms oittlW dollar cheaper than you can buy elsewheret Our line of Hats and Caps, in the latest Vttil stylea, Witt*) from 85 to 50 per cent cheaper than elsewhere. Wei hundreds of other articles but spaoe don't allow. open for Business, Saturday morning, August 81, at Near Lumber Yard. • " j 7 • 4%' & ' ... . ,-v. ' We Invite one aad all to dome and inspeot onr gooAk Youn truly, We rwnaia CHICAGO CLOTH ItHi STi ee----------------i--e--e-- Evanson's Hints ; :4 :r On School Necessities! 'i * r J»'v * S % -.v^r pyt t 1 ytr '!«(•. • W.' >. > r r ̂>' <" r •>-, ^ "<'•%,* -i ,1 3 J Jtf I11 case you should need a suit for the Boy, we have a special good bargain for you in gray ids, sizes 6 to 14 v'-" "X Star nit ClrT,, . ? • y,- 44 Should you need Shoes to the Boy or Girl, now or later, - recommend our's for wear, aid economy. Tawets, •ft '»» ' 5 i'S'""' ' > " •> -I is » would not be without Chamberlain's Pain Balm it it cost five dollan a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple. No external application is equal to tins liniment for stiff and swollen joints, contracted muscles, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and inuttcular pains. It has also cuced numera ls cases of par tial paralysis. It is for sate- by Julia Story and G. W, Besley. : Fttfnittir© antil yoa have inapeotad ®y s$(#c. 1)0 not think that yen pban do better in Chicago. Is city prices with prices I will quote ̂̂ v aml* tf quality ia eon»dered, y«i # will give me your orier. You can find here everything that is needed C V | *>- • S :f'wM n.t- .•>#$ \ hi bswttfy hoieik1, Th© lilurt; .'.!? designs in Tables, Coaches, Chairs, • s - • Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com* ; • ; plete Parlor and Chamber Suite, ¥$,% •« r • jnfj '̂ 'Picture Frames, Side Boards, Etc." ' ? î See my line of Carpets and B«i%, Afe "*« ̂ Wijfi ' t ̂ . ,-•> J » ' * tot }** . y t|¥» y 'W f ' ' JACOBJUST1