Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1901, p. 4

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r.iiWMVM8"" Have You W0 :•' 'Is-*" ^ McKenry 4 SIMON SIOfffL, Adt., West NcHenry The Leading Hotels, Restaurants and Railroads use Blanke's Coffee JS. S. WELL, Att. The McHenry Plaindenler P'UBLISnED EVERY TTU'KSDAY BY m NcHCflRY PLAINDEALER COMPANY. F. .K. ORANQlrt. \V. A. CRI8TT, J. R. PKKRY, Prvs. Sec. Treas. OBAS. D. SCHOONMAKKB, Editor. QjBee in JuSten Block. Telephone, No. SIS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: .11.50 Three months. 4Qcts. One year... 81 x months, 75 cts Thursday, October 31, 19O1. Special Notice to Our Readers This paper is on file at the office of The Chi­ cago InU>r Ocean, 106-1 OS-110 East Monroe street., Chicago, where < var readers will be couruvm-ly gWvti'd who may care to call upon The hitvr Ocean for a tour of inspection and sight-seeing through Its magnificent build­ ing; in whicn can be found every mechanical and scientific Improvement "? the aire in con­ nection with the needs of a erent newspaper. It is a rare treat to anyone interested in the Subject and should l>e taken advautajfe of. WHY not corn pell all anarchists to serve a few days feeding a corn shred­ der. It would not exterminate, but it would greatly cripple the society. THE weather man has passed two weeks of his life at least without being abused, and its dollars to doughnuts that he has heard no words of praise wafted up to him. CALEB POWERS, former secretary of state of Kentucky, has again been con­ victed of complicity in the assassina­ tion of William Goebel, and on the most ragged circumstantial evidence. MRS. ROOSEVELT, wife of the presi­ dent, says that she is perfectly satisfied with three new dresses a year. What a blessing those words will be to the society ladies who can afford no more than three. THE Buffalo exposition was called the Pan-American, but it did not pan out well financially. However it has shown to the people of tbe earth the stuff that Americans and especially the citizens of Buffalo are made of. THE action of the big packing firm of Swift & Company in posting notices forbidding profanity on the company's premises will receive the commendation of every person who has any conception of the elemental decencies of life. BECAUSE President Roosevelt enter­ tained Booker T. Washington at the White House, he is criticised by the people of the south. All honor to the chief executive who will reoognize a white heart under a black skin, and who seemingly has the power of observing black hearts under white skins made chief commander in the West In­ dies. They were aided in this campaign by the fact that Admiral Schley 'a per­ sonality is pleasing, while Admiral Sampson is not a politician; A newspaper campaign was organized and conducted with ever-inCreasing ani­ mosity. Some friends of etfcE" of "the Admirals proved extremely unfair in their utterances. Thus we had the Schley organs insinuating an<^ finally openly charging that Admiral Sampson deliberately crippled the American fleet and steamed away from the blockade on July 3 to avoid personal danger., We also had Sampson partisans accusing Admiral Schley of cowardice. Charges were made on both sides that, if true, ought to have sent both Schley and Saippson before a court-martial and caused them to be shot like Byng on their own quarter decks. Tint one scintilla of evidence justify­ ing such charges has been produced. They never had any foundation outside of the heated imaginations of rabid par­ tisans. But evidence has been produced casting grave doubts upon Admiral Schley's judgment in several respects.' In answer Admiral Schley has explained his acts and tried to convince the court that his judgement was correct The questions now to be decided are essen­ tia lly those upon which only naval ex­ perts can pass. In the court we have such experts. Their decision ought to be loyally accepted by the public. No good can result from continuing the controversy in Congress, and the public is weary of the unpleasing spec­ tacle. Let it come to an end with the verdict of the court. Let us have peace. CORN STALKS. While the agricultural department, nnder the leadership of Secretary Wil­ son, has had great suc«ess in introduc­ ing in Europe the use of corn and its products, thereby creating a demand for this greatest of food grains, the in­ ventive genius of Americans has dis­ covered new uses for corn stalks, and the time is at hand when they will be a source of considerable income to the termers. A bulletin of the agricultur­ al department Bhows the following pur­ poses for which they are used: "A packing for war ships, a high grade of writing paper, the basis for a smokeless powder and a cattle food made by grinding to a powder and mixing with cheap molasses. ' The new food is presssd into cakes wader a hydraulic press and can be shipped as easily as bricks or cordwood. For feeding it is broken up and mixed with water. Actual tests have been made and samples have been sent to agricultural stations in Europe. The reports from all sources are very en­ couraging. The food will be partic­ ularly valuable fur our cavalry in the tropics, and the food cakes can be made at a minimum cost in Cuba and the southern states, wl£ep» thousands of tons of low grade pcSlaeseB go to waste annually. that u:-' LET I'S UAVK FKACK, Washington dispatches indicate each party to the Sainpaefi^SchJey con­ troversy is discounting alrettay an un­ favorable verdict from the court of in­ quiry and so is beginning to agitate for a Congressional investigation. If Con­ gress is wise, however, it will refuse to touch the case at all, says the Inter Ocean. The investigation by the court has certainly been thorough. Witnesses have been brought from the ends of the earth. Of the court's entire fairness the public has no dOtibt. Its verdict should be accepted by Admiral Samp­ son's friends, by Admiral Schley's friends, by Congress, and by the public .«s absolutely final. No possible good . the navy or to the country can come J from carrying the dispute further. vy'jg; The broad facts of the case are that ^••'•^'^Mmiral Schley's conduct in the Sauti- 3^#go campaign before the battle of July was not satisfactory to his superiors * $!i the navy and the government. By ; V ,:jnany naval experts the Brooklyn's loop V i "tplso was deemed a serious error. But vV.vfjPn consideration of Admiral Schley's fecord and his gallantry in battle his ft Superiors were willing to pass over these things. » Some pinhead politicians, however, •aw, in the pecular circumstances of the battle off Santiago, an opportunity to embarrass the administration. They be gan a campaign whose object was not only to elevate Schley but to pull down whom the administration had A Typical South African 8tore. 1 O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays River, Cape Colony, conducts a store typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything from the pro­ verbial "needle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railway station and about twenty-five miles from the near­ est town. Mr. Larson says: "I am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's remedy. All testify to their value in a househoW~wh^re tf'TSSfetor's advice is almost out -of the question. Within one mile of my store the population is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past twelve months, no less than four­ teen haye been absontely cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This must surely be a record." For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. OSTEND. Robert Brott was at McHenry Satur­ day. Guy Harrison was at Woodstock Sun­ day. Edward French was an Elgin visitor Friday. Bernard Harrison was at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. A. Severs was visiting at Ostend Sunday. George Thomas was at McHenry Tuesday. James Feehan is working for Bert Whiting. Miss Ella Thomas was at Ringwood Saturday. Frank Welch is working for Thos. McDonald. Envy shoots at others, bnt only in­ jures itself. Myrtle Harnish spent aHfew days at Greenwood recently. Mrs. Peter Martin was a visitor at Greenwood Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hauperish were at McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Benj. Hutson visited Tuesday with Mrs. Win. Hutson. Jacob Schryver and family were Woodstock visitors Sunday. Mrs. Cora Bassett and Belle Harnish we're at McHenry Saturday. Meadames Wm. and Warren Thomas were McHenry callers Tuesday. Henry Hobart and family were visit­ ing friends at Harvard Sunday. Mrs. S. L. Lincoln, well known here, is a visitor at the Pan-American. • / y Mrs. Bernard Harrison and daughter, Anna, visited at McHenry Saturday. Whiting Bros, have a new Milwaukee corn husker which they operate by steam power. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Thompson and daughter, Susie, were Sunday visitors at A. C. Thompson's. Thos. McDonald is drawing a car load of middlings from McHenry. Guy Harrison is assisting hin$r *yA Eugene Gay lord, who hfrlp sold his farm here, has left for Twin Lakes where he will reside in the future. Eugene has made many friends during his stay in our vicinity and onr best wishes go with him. I PROBA TE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Herbert D Crumb et al to Rachel M Haskell, Its 7 & 8, blk 58, Harvard 9 300 00 James A Lowe & w to Frank Gray, Its 4, 5 & 6 in blk 12, Plumleigli's addu to Algonquin 8900 00 Robert B Gardner & w to Willis H Gardner, pt of It8 8&9, Solon Mills.. 800 00 Willis H Gardner to Amelia II Gardner same 800 00 Clara J Paxson, guardian to the Chica­ go. Milwaukee and St Paul Ry Co, . right of way across seJi sw}< of sec 7, Richmond 90606 Mary fi l'omeroy to Nils Pearson & w It 3, blk 2, Pomeroy's addn to Crystal Lake 9500 Chris H Smith Sc w to Robert Radke, piece of land lying 011 n side of It 2 iiwi* of sec 4, Algonquin 1400 00 Nathan B Helm et al trustees to Wil­ liam Rollins, undivided 13-90 Qf Its 5 &« in blk 17, Harvard 100 John McBroom & w to Everett EMc- Broom, pt of It 5 of John McBroom's addn Woodstock 800000 Thomas Alton & w to William Mathles pt lot n of Assessor's plat of sec 36, - Marengo 1200 00 William Matthles A w to Amy A Fay, sub-lot 4 of Its 7 Si 8, county clerk s plat of sec HB. Marengo 100 William 1\1 Morris to Loren Woodard, pt of its 01 & 63 of Assrs plat of sec 30, Marengo • • • 3000 00 Henry W Beardsley to Olive A Bald­ win, pt of It 4, blk 5, Paddock's addn to Crystal Lake 180000 James White et al to Fred Gurke,2 a of land in nel-4 nwl-4 sec 28, Coral 100 00 PROBATE NEWS Estate of Franz Richard Smith. Peti­ tion for letters of administration filed. Bond |1600. Estate of Peter Sondericker, dis­ tracted. Inventory filed. Estate of Richard Bonner. Proof of death made. Will proven and admitted to probate. Bond $8500 filed and ap­ proved. Estate of Henry Deikman. Petition for citation filed. Estate of James McCue. Petition for citation filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles Haack Union Anna Rugarth Union Charles Langdon Sharon, Wis. Katie Boyce Sharon, Wis. Ernest W. Hoffman.' Sycamore Effie B. Millege Belvidere Guy E. Still WoodstocK Carrie Belle Bayrd Woodstock Louis A. Kneibush Woodstock Wiihelmina Kindt Woodstock Harry A. Jordan .Harvard Elizabeth F. Hutchinaon Harvard William F. Lang...........Woodstock Olive M. Clancy Woodstock Joseph J. Freund Johnsburgh Katie Bugner. Johnsburgh Lewis E. Stockwell ... .Marengo Mary E. Gray Marengo A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kid­ neys. His back got so lame he oould not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Elec­ tric Bitters which effected such a won­ derful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medi­ cine cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. SCOll'S Emulsion of Co<| Liver Oil is the means of li^r and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re­ stores it. When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. When youlose flesh,it brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it* and can't di gest it? Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver/Oil is the food that makes you forget your stomach. not tried It, ••nd for Its agreeable tast* will & BOWNE, Chfiiiiotbi Pearl Street, New York. Oc. and $1.00 1 all druggists. surprise you. _ SCOTT Want Column. . ^ GRINDING--I am now ready to do all kinds of saw filing and knife and scissor grind­ ing at my residence, on the northeast corner of tbe park. Petkh J. Mksi.ein, 18-2t* McHenry, III. TXTANTER-- 8evepal persons of character * * and grind rernit-atfoii In each state (one in this county required) to represent and ad­ vertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary ?18 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed stampod envelope. Manager, 310 Caxtou Building, Chi­ cago. 58 HOURS TO PORTLAHB from Missouri River via the Union Pacific. Compare this time with other lines and sec how mnch quicker it is. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers are ran daily. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers leave Chicago daily at 6:80 P. M. and 11:80 P. M.; Omaha daily at 8:20 A. MI and 4:25 P. M. Personally Conducted Excursions every Tuesday and Thurs­ day from Chicago, and Wednesday and Friday from Omaha. For full information address W. G. NEIMYEB G. A* 198 So. Clark St, 18-8t \ Chicago. Quick! We have made you a standing offer on $17.50 suits during the past month and many have taken ^vantage of the snap. We have a few suitings left at this price, but you must come at once if you desire to make a selection. Overcoats Don't wait until the rush to order your over­ coat, come now and se­ lect a pattern while the lot is unbroken. It pays to have your clothing tailor made every time. JOHN D. LODTZ (losing Out Sale! Mens' and boy's clothing, mens' and boy's shoes, hats and caps. Your last chance for bargains. No mofe of this class of goods will be sold by me after these are sold out. Don't feel bad if your pants is thread­ bare. You can have tailor-made pants for ..$3.35 You will be sur­ prised to see the suits, made to your order for..$9.00, up E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor. Abstracts of Title. McHenry County ..ABSTRACT COMPANY. WOODSTOCK, ILL. (F. F. Axtell. Harvard. B. M. Patrick, Marengo. John J. Murphy, YVtx>dsi«ck. W. CI. Eichelberger, Woodstock Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock AMracti •! Title and Convey an ctog. Money to loan on Real Estate In sums of Ave hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to snit borrower. (Offttl (OFF EC! m\ mi COFFEE! 1,000 pounds Pure Rio CoffeeI J We offer it this week at « 12# cents per pound, sit SCI 1001. SUPPLIES Without a doubt I have the lar­ gest and most complete stock of School Supplies in town. You can find anything desirable in Pencils, Pens, Tablets, Slates, Memorandum books, and; in fact, most everything needed in the School. Seeing- is believing-- come and feee my'stock. JULIA A. STORY m»m T:. '$3 or 9 pounds for $1.00 V * This is a bargain that does not come your way every day. Try one pound, then put in a supply. GILBERT BROS. Centerville Grocers. M M 1 1 1 1 M i M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r r ..CALIFORNIA.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The quaint old mission towns and the lovely seaside resorts of Southern Calif ornia are VISITED EVERY YEAR ty thousands of tourietB who travel Over the lloioo Picilic because it is the best and quickest route. In addition to the Pullman Palace Sleep­ ers the UNION PACIFIC runs Pullman Ordinary Sleepers every day, Leaving Chicago at 11:30 P. M., and Omaha at 4:35 P. 1*1. These Ordinary Cars are Personally Conducted every Tuesday and Thursday from Chicago, and eyery Wednes­ day and Friday from Omaha. A Pullman Ordinary Sleeper also leaves Omaha every Tuesday at 11:86 P. M. for Los Angeles. For full Information address W. Q. NEIMYER, Qen'l. Agent, 1 9 3 S o . C l a r k S t . C h i c a g o . America's BEST ̂ Paper.. Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican--Always. News from all parts of the world--Well written, original stories--Answers to queries on all subjects--Articles on Health, the Home, New !Books, and on Work About the Farm and Garden. TIf WEEKLY INTER OCEAN [E INTER OCEAN is a member of the As­ sociated Press and only Western newspaper re­ ceiving the combined telegraphic and cable news matter of both the New York Sun and New York World respectively--besides daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents through­ out the country. No pen can tell more fully why it is the best on earth. ONE DOLLAR YEAR TT-TWELVF PAGE PAPERS-5* Brim full of news from everywhere and a perfect feast of special matter ONE DOLLAR YEAR IIIIIIIHIIIIimiHHMMMmiWMMMMMIHIM'lHIIIH'I'M""*'" PHILIP JAEGER General Commission merchant Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market1 Chicago, Illinois Special attention given to the sale of Dressed'Beef, flutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry # Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists ^ furnished on application COLD STORAQE FREE School Supplies. You must supply your children with pencils, pens, stationery, etc. We have a complete stock of these necessities and are selling them at reasonable prices. Everything in Drugs and Hedicines* Prescriptions carefully compounded. Ringwood, 111. BROWN & SON. •v« "Weil's nastiff" shoes! Winter Underwear! W%: What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaun­ diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin,-all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com­ plexion. Only 25cents at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. If You Are Going to California Apply to agents Chicago & North-West­ ern R'y, about the through Tourist ; Sleeping Car servioe to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Round trip tourist tickets on sale daily. Dec. 81.yhT Makes assimilation perfect, healthy blood, firm muscles, strong nerves. Quickens the brain, makes and keeps you welL Great medicine, Rocky Mountain Tea. 85c. G. W. Beslej. Are what the people want because they wear better than other shoes which cost more money. Have you ever worn a pair of "Well's Mastiff'/ Shoes? They are made for Men, Women, Boys and GirlB on new popular lasts, in all kinds of tough leather, using only the best of everything. You have probably had shoes which, after being worn a while, would rip, get out of shape and even run down at the heel. That is becaUse of poor thread and cheap leather being used and im­ proper making by manufacturers who do not know,~ from long experience, what to use and how to use it. Our line of Winter Underwear is immense. Everything for Men, Women and Children ill -Fleece Lined, Natural Wool, Knit Wool, Ribbed, Heavy Cotton and mixed. Call and see what have to offer. You can surely find what you "want, at the right price. * 1 V' j ' SIMON. STOFFEL m riiirV' m. -t. -J&ik • •

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