Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1902, p. 4

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•XFr'^ ^ r > V> ^ . l<\-> * '^' i I|e McHenry Plaindedler lV P0BL18HED EVERY THURSDAY BY lilf McHCHRT W/UKDMlHt (ONPAIIY. V. K. GRANGKB. W. A. I'RISTY, J. B. PKHRY, VA. „ „ Pres. SEC. Treas. ;<*Ma. B. Wwwwm, Editor. Opicfetn Bank Building. Telephone, No. 878. - • TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: - Oae year ; -*1;30 VFF Six months, FT eta. Three months. 40 eta. - • __ LJ m-- r- '$• Thursday, January 16,190a. l.-*V "J'S *•• HON. A. Jr. HOPKINS Candidate for United States Senator WHAT'S the date on your label? THE McHenry County Democrat is having a good time, all by itself, wann­ ing up connty politics. ... J!.._ HON. A. J. HOPKINS is now in the fight with both feet. Onr next senator is winning friends every day. He is even meeting with flattering encourage­ ment way down in "Egypt" FARMERS in this vicinity should make an effort to attend the Institute at least one day. It will do no harm, but the chances are that many new ideas can be gathered. THE Rev. Irl R. Hicks missed it when 1m made his predictions for January. The sleet and snow which be promised has not materialized. But even this does not cause us to loose faith in Rev. PmVa As the result of an argument re­ cently we deem it necessary to make this statement: The editor of this pa­ per is the editor at all times and every­ thing that appears in the columns, ex­ cept those articles which are signed or credited, slips from the point of his pen. We recognize no east side nor vest side, but are continually putting op a fight for the incorporated village of McHenry and the immediate vicinity by The Plaindealer. m \ k-~ A Profitable Investment "I was troubled for about seven jnNunB with my stomach and in bed half my time," says E. Demick, Somerville, Ind. "I spent about $1,000 and never tsould get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely •well." You don't live by what you eat, tmt by what you digest and assimulate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Council Proceeding*. v Council Room, Jan. 6, 1902. Regular meeting. Present, Chapell, JEbgeln, Eldredge, Freund, Granger, r&offeL !•-; The minutes of the last regular meet- were read and approved. The following bills were read and ap- pcoved by the finance committee: IT. M. Niesen, police service f 40 00 John Walsh, police service 40 00 Fred Schneider, labor 1 50 S. S. Chapell, acct. F.Ward,labor 2 25 Geo. Sommers, labor 6 75 M. J. Walsh, acct. A.Voltz,labor 1 50 J. Stoffel, acct. J. Krause, labor. 60 Wilbur Lumber Co., coal 13 00 Wilbur Lumber Co., acct. F. Thnrlwell, labor 2 25 8. S. Chapell, oil 4 05 M. J Walsh, oil 4 24 J. J. Miller, chimneys 1 20 M. Eugeln, oil 2 15 Geo. Mtyers, graveling 22 00 Geo. Rothermel. gravel. 28 60 Illinois Printing Co., stationery.. 12 50 • Discount Sale. ' We *iqr making strong efforts to dis­ pose of a few winter goods. Do you need any? Twenty per cent, discounts on many lines. Run in if you can spare time. C. Ev ANSON. Unsolicited Tentlmonlal*. A Whenton (111.) lady who had "tried everything In vain until I commenced taking your valuable remedy" has written, If the Wheaton News can be believed, the following testimonial to a country druggist who is booming a new tonic: Dear Sir--Before taking your medicine I WAG too weak to spank the baby, but now I can lick TAJ buaband. Heaven bless you I This reminds one of the Shakopee man who was nearly blind and took Dr. Sawyer's wonderful Elixir. He wrote: Dear Sir--Before taking: your Elixir I could not TEE TIL inches before, my face. V esterday I saw wood. 1 feel that I ought to let these facts be known. Send MC another bottle. Phineas E. Perkins of Mound Cen­ ter, S. D., says that before trying the Snake Cure "be had not drawn a so­ ber breath for twenty-five years." Last Sunday he drew several sober breaths, greatly to the astonishment of his wife and without injury to his health. He expects a perfect cure--some time.-- Minneapolis Journal. A Glimpse of Tennyaoa. Apprehension of being mobbed by the "profane vulgar" amounted, as is well known, almost to monomania with the poet Tennyson. Many good stories are told in illustration of this weakness of his. One of the best of them will per­ haps bear repetition. Lord Tennyson was taking a country walk with a friend, when a fellow creature was espied in the distance. Wq must turn hack," said the poet. "Tbit fellow means to waylay us." His \companion persuaded him. how­ ever, ao continue on their path. They caught up to the enemy and passed him. He took no notice of them what­ ever. "What an extraordinary thing!" cried the irate poet. "The fellow seems to have no idea who I am!" A Japanese on Japanese Women. Among the Japanese women a cer­ tain number have no reason to envy the European ladies in the matter of purely white skins. When that white­ ness is slightly rose colored, it is in Japanese eyes the ne plus ultra of beauty. Unfortunately, that beauty goon fades. The proportion of white skinned women Is about one in ten. It Is needless to say that this whiteness Is held in high esteem. As the proverb has it. "A white skin covers seven mis­ fortunes," a rather doubtful Japanese way of appreciating Its loveliness.-- Paris Figaro. What He Smellcd. "I smell something burning," said the husband after he had lighted his pipe and settled back in the easy chair for a comfortable smoke. 'Isn't It delicious?" exclaimed his wife Joyously. "I emptied a whole lot of rose leaves into your tobacco Jar."-- Ohio State Journal. ^ Heavy Returns. 'What business brings the heaviest returns?" asked the man who wanted to know. "The literary business," sighed the struggling author as he opened a two pound rejected book manuscript.--Phil­ adelphia Record. Apiary and Apei, Host--Now that you've seen the house and the stable, I want to show you our apiary. Old Gentleman--Well, I s'pose I've got to, but if there's anything I hate It's monkeys.--San Francisco Chron­ icle. Sow the People of Sanirlr Keep Time. The people of Sangir, an island of the Malay archipelago, keep time by the aid of an hourglass formed by arrang­ ing two bottles neck to neck. The sand runs out In hjjlf i^n hour, when the bot­ tles,are reversed. Close by them a line is stretched, on which hang twelvp sticks marked with notches from one to twelve, with a hooked stick, which is placed between the hour last struck and the next one. One of these glasses keeps the time for each village, for which purpose the hours are sounded on a gong by a keeper. Total. $132 58 On motion by Granger seconded by Bldredge the bills were approved and Ofdered paid. . Motion by Eldredge seconded by Stoffel that the dramshop bond of Jos Heimer with John Huemann and John Heimer as sureties be approved. Mo- • ^ '. Hon carried. Motion by Eldredge seconded by Stoffel that the sum of two handred : > ind fifty dollars paid by F. X. Grun- ninger be credited on Jos. Heimer e ,v; license and that a license be issued to bim for the balance of the year. Mo jtton carried. ?*""'f^fc)tion by Eldredge seconded by ; Vreund that the Massillon Bridge Co. " lte notified to complete their work ac­ cording to specifications. Motion car- '•-'V-'trted. , C,. The president instructed the mar- . / shahs to enforce the saloon closing or [i--> > finance. There being no further business the • |:f\. board adjourned. C. G. FKETT, Pres. JOHN STOFFEL,, Clerk. What would yon think of yonr groc- : «ry man if he sold you sand for sugar? ./I'/. "What do you think of a druggist, who $,"f': offers you a substitute for the Madison Hediciue Co's. Rocky Mountain Tea ./*•. I&V 0. W. Besley. - Four Kinds of Puplla. The Talmud says there are four kinds of pupils--the sponge and the funnel, the strainer and the sieve. The sponge Is he who taketh up everything, and the funnel i» he who taketh in at tbjs ear and lettetb out at that; the strainer is he that lettetb go the wine and re- taineth the dross, and the sieve is h£ that letteth go the bran find retaineth the fine flour. The studeut who ber gins at least to wish to belong to the last named class will not have been sent to college in vain. Bottling Factory at Nunda, • Ttw citizen* of Nnnda held a 'jjmp vtozeiM juuiiuoi ueiu a mass $ meeting last Friday evening to consider | T 'i a proposition made by a Chicago firm #0 erecfrfrbpttling that vtt-0 His Wateh'log, Mrs. Suburb--Ob, roy dear, that mag­ nificent watchdog you brought bom* yesterday is gone. Mr. Suburb--Eh? t>id he break the chain? No; but an ugly looking tramp came around and acted so terribly that I let the dog loose, but Instead of tearing the tramp to pieces he went off with Ulm." 'Great Scot! It must have been the *ame tramp I bought bim of." "Scabby" Sheep. Soabies is produced by a verj* small parasite which multiplies with astonish ing rapidity, so that one infected ani­ mal often infects a large number. In some countries sheep are universally dipped, as a precaution, the owners not waiting for the appearance of the dis­ ease, well knowing that if the flock con­ tains any infected animals ?erious trouble will result. Very important is it then, that no time be lost when the disease makes it« appearance. , All ani­ mals showing its symptoms should be removed from the healthy ones and the whole flock dipped without delay and the sheep should not again be mixed until all appearance of the disease is eradicated. Any interested person can procure from H. F. Aspinwall, Springfield, 111., secretary of the board of live stpek commissioners, gratis, formulae and directions for dipping. Rev. J. M. Yingling, pastor of the Bedford St. M. E. church, Cumberland, Md., says: "It affords me great pleiis- ure to recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it and know others who have never known it to fail." For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Barntt That Cost $30,000. E. E. Ayer, of Chicago, a summer resident of Geneva Lake and a large land owner in that vicinity, has recent­ ly finished the second large barn on his farm east of Walworth. The two haras cost somewhere from $16,000 to $20,000. The dimentions of each are 48 by 100 feet, with 26-foot posts, and a 12-foot basement underneath. The basements have cement floors, and the basement walls are built of cement and stone. They are probably the best farm barns in the country, and better than any or­ dinary farmer could afford.--Deleyan Enterprise. Don't Live Together. Constipation and health never go to­ gether. DeWitt's Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels with­ out distress. "I have been troubled with costiveness nine years," says J. O. Greene, Depauw, Ind. "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give the best results." Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W.Besley,West McHenry. Farmers buy Creamery. The farmers of Chemung have con­ cluded to buy the creamery in that vil­ lage, formerly owened by the Munger Dairy Co. The latter company failed to pay dividends some tim« ago, causing a commotion among the dairymen. By establishing a co-operative concern the farmers have acted wisely. Another Purchase. The Borden Condensed Milk Co. has purchased the plant of the St. Charles Condensing Co. at St, Charles, the deal being closed laBt week. The factory is well equipped and .employs a large force. A Good Student. Miss Ethel Duers, of Wauconda, who is attending school at Dixon, is reported as second in a class of about fifty stu­ dents, and she Is the youngest pupil in the class. Miss Duers was formerly Wauconda correspondent for this paper. Theory and Practice. "Dinglebat has original ideas about family government. He says every home should be p little republic, where universal toleration prevails and every one has a voice in the government-" "Yes, his family Is managed on that plan; but he and Mrs. Dinglebat have the same old wrangle every day as to who shall be president." Not Palnfal. "Here," cried Oldham to his fellow lodger, who was starting for his holi­ day, "that's my brush and comb you're putting in your portmanteau." "Well, let me have 'em. You won't need 'epi; you've grown so bald lately." "That's Just It. I can't part wltl} them."--Londoq Answers. Hli P«*fal«?#Mt "Cholly doesn't seep to be of mupjb use In the world " "Oh, 1 don't know; he mftkes a nlpp cigarette bolder."--philpdelpb ̂ Pftlte- tin. Coalda't Cue Him. -^Cholly--So you thiuk I am too slow forany use? She^Yes. You don't even make the Other young men Jealous.--Smart Set. Want Column. T OST--Horse blanket, on rood between Mc •*-* Henry and Nundu. iry FIN Mini Wet U&s small please leave same I'lftlndealer office and receive reward. •PPOK SALE--New Ice boat, made this season, +• every THING complete except sails. Made especially for running on river. ... of the boat or inquire < Call and see CARLTON ROSS, McHenry. tjM)R RENT--Whole house or a part with A about five acres of land, L>arn and out­ buildings. Inquire of JOHN HKBBBS. *28-3t A Litt le Sarcaatla, Maid (to lady at door)--Mrs. Spefu&f la not at houte. Caller (who know# differently)--Oh. Fm so sorry! I)|)t never mind- Teli Mrs. Spencer when she comes in that I called to say that I'm awfully gla4 she goes out more than she did. I've always wondered why she kept herself cooped up in the house- all the time,-- Boston Transcript. J|«9BPLNV THP HIF»le. "Yes," 'said young Mrs. Tppk|n||, "Charley nsed to pomo and serenade me for hours every night So at last J married him." "Pear me!" rejoined Miss Gqyenqp. "Did he sing badly as a|U Exchange. Cheated, Mistress (arranging for the dinner)-- Didn't the grocer send the macaroni? Cook--Yes, mqqa, but t>| sept It Every wan of them wo* empty,^ London Pun. TPOR SALE--.Barred Plymouth Rock -*• Cockerels of the A. C. Hawkins and I. K. Felch stratus also 30 Barred Plymouth Rock hens, lyr 6id choice birds 75E aud $1.00 each. Call on or address J. V. Ruckland, RlnKwood, ni. ai>-4t WANTED--Several persons of character and jrood reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and ad­ vertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $18 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manager,310 Canton Building, Chi­ cago. > OREAT CHANCE FOR fan and Teamsters WE have IHJUGHT from various Hreweries and Express Companies, several carloads of second-hand Horses, ali in good shape, and suitable for Farm and Team work, will re­ fund one-half of railroad fare to any out of town purchaser. Let your depot agent give receipt for .ticket money. Abe Klee Son 272 & 270 North Center Ave., near Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago. 111. Take Milwaukee Ave. cable car. PR OBA TE NE WS { REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Asa L Weaver to Wil l i am T Ross & w SEFI NEM sec IS. SWX AEH sec 18, nw fraction & ne fraction & se fraction se fractional quarter & e% SWM sec 18. right bank Fox River, Algonquin..| 100 Henry P Sullivan to Myron Morey et al EH Its 1 & 2 nwM sec 2, also strip off from n side NV4 SW}< sec 2, 30 a of SEX sec 3, Coral, also 1% acres sec 25, Seneca 2050 00 Joseph H Calbow & w to Ernest Heide- matm, NV4 WV4 SWX sec 17, Coral 240000 Andrew Henderson to Emily A Ballon, its 9& 10, blk 5, Ellsworth's addn Nunda 190 00 Emmet Covoil & w to Richmond ceme­ tery assn piece of laud adjoining Richmond cemetery grounds, Rich­ mond 300 00 Emma Readel to Ered Lrull, 18 feet off se side lot 7, It 1. 48 feet off n w side lot 5, blk 1. It 6, blk 2, Emily Hut-chin's 2nk addn, Wooestock 1600 00 Joseph A Rowbotham & w to Julius Krabbe, seM NW% & n 20 a EH SWK sec 9 3800 00 Clinton H Pease & w to 0 F O'Leary. It 2nef< sec 5, Marengo FL!560 00 Margaret E Matthews et al to Clarence B Warner, strip 0 chains & 66 Iks wide off e side SWX sec35, strip 4chains 75 Iks wide off entire w side WK SEM sec 35, N unda Anna L Crane & w to Flora A Crane, It in Hebron . .,\K 1350 00 Charles F Smi i n H W Mead's Richard B Morris et al to Frank S An- , derson, WH SH NEK sec 3, Algonquin.. 190000 William Oarr et al to Eugene W Cham­ berlain etal, pt NVH SWK sec 36, Che­ mung 150 00 Thomas R Jackson & w to Christ Noth- nagel. It 5,blk 4, Marengo Improve­ ment syn addn -- 600 00 Crist Nothnagel & w to Matilda Notli- nagel, same 600 00 Prank C Vail & w to Frank A Dalby, it 105, assessor's plat sec 25, sub-it 1 lot 13. county clerk's plat NEM sec 35, sub- lot 2, It 2& sub It 2 It 3,county clerk's plat sec 26, Marengo 550000 Frank Smith & w to Frank H Beardsley its 14 & 17, blk 1, SMITH & Hills afldn Crystal Lake 300 00 100 al to Anna Crane, it rd addn Hebron 1000 00 SCO 00 1000 1250 frank II Beardsley & w to H W Beards- ley, SAME William Mallett to Charles .} Kellogg, s 34 a seX se^i sec 35, Seneca Ridgefleld cemetery society to Emma J Peck, It 1, blk 3, Ridgefleld cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank A. Halt Algonquin Annie Rose Crystal Lake John J. Rauen Spring Grove Susie Smith Spring Grove John Nihan. Marengo Mrs. Catherine Callins Marengo 411 the Latest Mode*. The Standard Patterns for February just received, show lastest designs iq jackets, skirts and waists, the latter eluding the stylish "Gibson" model, Remember all Staudara Patterns are seam-allowing, hence are easy to make. The designer for February has an illus­ trated article on "Costumes for Elderly Ladies" which is an especially valuable feature. Full instruction for the mak­ ing of a handsome hat is also given in this nnmber. Do not fail to visit our pattern department; it will be to your advantage. W. C. {5V ANSON. It Qir<l|es The Globe. Tl)e f&fne of JJupklen's Arnic^ Sfttye, as the ^est in the wofld, extends round the eafth. ft's the pne perfect he$lef of Cutq, Corps, Burns, lirqisps, fcjoreq, Scalds, Boilg, yieera, felons, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only infallible Pile cure. 25c a box at Julia A. Story's. Getting Thbm is all right, if you are too M; and all wrong^if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion rCod Liver Oil. • There are many causes of get­ ting too thin; they all coma, under these two heads: over­ work and under-digestion; Stop over-work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it--true--i)ut, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no work--you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. (The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not cried it, send for . ree sam pie, its a- greeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $1.00;all drusjerJp^ » mm •'Mr' For Bargains in May Vote on Fund. For the past week a committee of prominent Modern Woodmen of Amer­ ica have been in session in Chicago in­ vestigating thoroughly the question of establishing a reserve fund as protec­ tion for the society in years to come and the result of the committee's investiga­ tion is that a recommendation will be made to the order to f stablish such i* fund at the earliest opportunity. The matter of establishing this re-, serve fund w^s put. to a vote of the members at a special election 4 year or so ago and was lost by a large majority, o o n x a. , Bwm the >9 KIND You Have AIWA Bignatiut of HEATS! Fresh Salt and Smoked, Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on theses Chicago & North-Western. Effective September 20. 1901.- WEEK DAT TRAINS. Leave mmTBnnrvn . ARRLVE Chicago. NORTHBOUND Mclliiiry. 7.25 11 M Via ELGIN 10.00 a M 9.00 a M VIA lies L'lalncR 10.00 a m 3.25 pni Via Dew lMalties 5.00 p M 4.00 p pi.... ..Via Klglji 6.47 p tn 5.01 p M Via IJES l'lalnes JJ.47 p m GUNOAY TRAINS. Cip A W. ,02 p FN. .. Via PES Plafiws...... .11.14 a M ... 11.14 a 111 1.14 a M FT.00 p in Via EIK WKKK DAY TRAINS Arrive SOUTHBOUND. T'HIE ago. ..Via DP* IMalne# -- . U . 3 0 A R A Via Elgin, .'..--10.10 A M ... Via LHI.S PLAUIG$..... A.i)0 a M 3.07 p W.......... Via Elgin S.JF5 p m SUTYDAY TRAIN'S. 7.33 AM... Via E l g i n .'. 10-30 a m MB FL H)............V|A E|GLU ...8.45 p M I^aye tlcHmiirjr 7.:sJ a in.. 7.32 111.. 8.33 a 111 Pull line of fresh Fish at all times {luring the cold weather. A. C. riATTHEWS, West McHenry. BO YEAR8' EXPERIENCE Anyone TBADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. ;! a sketch an<l description nay SuloUly our opinion free whether an (vention u probably patentable. Comniunloa-(iiiH HI rlctly confidential. Handbook on Patents aent free. Oldest aiienoy lor securinKpatentftj Vutents tuken tlirouch Munii A Co. r<(0«lv« tf trial notice, without clmrne. iu thQ Scientific American. F (MEIIIES This week and next. Prices way below market on all kinds of Abstracts of Title. McHenry County ..ABSTRACT (ONPAIIY.. WQQPSTQCK, ILL. Director* P. P. A.\teU, Harvard. R, M, l'atclek. Mt Julm J, Murphy, W. 0. Kii'liefl)or(?ei\ Woodstock Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock MuruiiKO. Woodstock. ^ Tailor-made '> "IIS is ' &V 5? ' ' : - 2: ' • as Cheap in the long run ,T ..1"^ . .• v ? as •• Ready-made " Clothing 3; and you can get ̂ |§ a Fit ^ Get my Prices! JOHN D. LODTZ feiijects for Thought The Telephone is the ideal rapid transit The cost of transportation by this method is less than by any other. It makes you a neighbor to all prominent business houses and families everywhere. Business Rates, 6%c.pee day aadqjk Residence Rates, 5c. per day and apt, Chicasro Telephone Company Ab(tract« ol Title and Conveyancing. Money to loan on Real Estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars* Time and payments to suit borrower. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestunta and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cun . It allows you. to eat all the food vou want; The most seusitiv® stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics ha re been cured after everyth injj else failed. It is unequalled for alistoiuach troubles. It can't help but do yoai (Mpued only by E. (J. DEWITX & Cuk aga Tm il. bottle containg2}£ tlmeft^beOOe. ttinOk Julia A. Story and G. W. FIRSTEY JOS. H. H LJEi*lANN jQhnskur&h ' Illinois* Sells Appleton Corn Huskers Qoffl Shelters and Tread Powers General BlacKsmttti!n$ Prices always Reasonable Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Iulanft Plows^ Wagons, Carriages, Baggies* Wind MQb Well Supplies. HaTl>ess Oil, Paint Oil and Hachine Oils a Speciaty! Iinrcest cir-I crnis, $3 a ths, fl. Sold by all newsdealers. |L b.iUdHomoly llhistrntod weekly. "iluUtm nf «11 y m iui.illli: Journal ' - SoU & Co.36lBroadway' New York Brftnch (^filets. 625 F St.. Washington. P. C. ASTONISHING.OFFERH IfpT y«ar« we hare cold our Whiskies and Cipjirs to WhoV^lc-raon'y %H4our bMnda ar« preferred by tSicm. as tla-y are puj^erior y.> all others. In to |lv«lhe Consumer the benefit of the largo f.ropts of Pealcr nivi MiddUman, wp have derided to now sell direct to Consumer our Host Po^olftrBraads of Wliiskies and Cicara at 1 (*4 th;m wholesale rn'ces With «Ttry qwarfrliottloof our 10 war o?d Qoeon (Jlrfliib and one box of our justly P^NULNO 4' Il»nd-5lad© 10c cU': 'Cubau 9p^CLAU^\^wU! ?I\E ABSOM'TKIJY t'KKR one of tho B:n;. somest open vxira he.avy nickcl Gent's Watches undc.(«»o ladyv) stc: vind and se<] ^enulno American movement and case, host timekeeper *> arth, »ot tarnish and will last a lifotime, 1 extra fine Vienna Met 8ch».ua» Pipe, I genuine Meerschaum Cipar Holder, I frcnuino Meerscliam Oigarctte Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco pourh. 1 clepai.t extra In-.-v nickel match box, 1 pair pearl cuff buttons. 1 ball top collar button^ 1 n.1 i tie holder, 1 pair sloeve buttons. 1 donblo chain ar.d one b?autiO>i cV uru 411 jowelry heavily 14k pold plated. All those M i-ieco« wllhi>i>e h**x < i < y famous Cuban Specials and one q'larlbnttlcof our «dd City Club Pure ftyo canr.o*be bought for !&«s tban We sell th Whiskey and Ci?ar» in-||||| If fk*W C O I>. with prlvilepeof c: ludinpthoM I $0• v V ewtnation, vhile Wlnskev .iid Cig-a r a ALONO ^OALIAOR* ^han WO ;VSK fwrtho ontiro lot Our WMskey U in Paro, ^0 year fid ityo and our <'5ffar* genuine Cuban band- ffiade. own fn^t/-.ry ripaTS are fur better FETA^^UYTHII^^YWIFAFTT^RT'YED BT>Roru WE GUARANTEE tbeV°<*ds and reftond M of an elecmt Pocket knife with two blades, 1 cork--• • -fUwouttar, If $3 97 is ««nt in advance with order. Goods »ent in LIQUOTB and_(Jlgars. Responsible apenta wanted. 0?<ier *°* M Kk«ltul« , . ... .. y, fl. 1>ISTXLX,EK'8 OXSTBIBUXINO CO.--Dept. K., 431 North Clark St., Chicago, , t ci^ac Mtwin Cartl«iii About Their Hair, Peasant women in Siberia wear shawls or kerclilefg on tlieir beads, prWle the rich women wear no bead covering whatever. A traveler recent- ! \j returned from that part of the world says that a Russian woman who If otherwise trim and modern ID dre?» will go about with ber hair dUbeveled to the point of tbe ludicrous. Let as speak of man as we find him, And censure only what we can see, Remembering that no one can be perfect Unless he use# tiUxjkf Monntain JG. W. Besley. ] Great Clothing Slaughter! We still fc&ve plenty of clothing on hand, consisting of boys' and jnen'§ Overcoat*, Full Suits, Coats Vests &n<i P^uts, but they are n^qving out quickly. The prices we are quoting are bound to sell the goods. Everything 20 per cent, dis^ count, which practically means cost price on nearly all the goods. We are going out of the clothing business and wish IQ clean up everything before January 1, SIMON Big Reduction in Rubber Goods! An over supply of rubber goods compels us to put theta ont at reduced prices in order to make them move quickly. You can find some real bargains in these goods. It will pay you to call and k>ok at them and let us quotha, few prices. •"•S&

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