':"£r" • " • vV ':"'• v-vi • .A. mm Tie Ndienry Plainilealer PUBLISHED XCVEUY THURSDAY liV THE MimV PLAINMALER COMPANY. W. A. Oristt, Sec. F. K. OBAHOKR. Pres. OBA8. D. Schoonmaker, Editor. J. B. Perry, Treas. Office la Bulk Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: #1.30 Three months. 40cts. One year Six months, 75 cts. Thursday, February, 13. '9°3- HON. A. J. HOPKINS Candidate for United States Senator For Collector. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of collector and re spectfully solicit the support of the voters of McHenry at the coming spring election. M. J. Freund. 32-7t REPUBLICAN COUNTY* CONVENTION. The Republican voters of McHenry county are requested to send delegates to a Republican county convention to be held at the court house in Wood stock, 111., Tuesday, Mar. 4, 1902, at 1 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of select ing 18 delegates to represent said county in the state convention (time and place to be determined); also to select 17 dele gates to represent said county in the Eleventh congressional district conven tlon (date and place yet to be deter mined); also to select 21 delegates to represent said county in the Eighth senatorial district convention (date and place to be determined); also to nomi nate candidates for county judge, county clerk, county treasurer, sheriff, county superintendent; also for the selection of a county central committee, and the .transaction of such other business as •Bay properly come before them. The several towns of the county are entitled to the following number of delegates, the basis of representation being one delegate to each twenty Bepublican votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for McKinley at the elec tion of 1900: Biley 8iGreenwood Marengo 28j Hebron 17 Dunham ^Richmond 16 Chemung '.85 Burton 3 Alden SjMcHenry 15 Eartland w. 4|Nunda 11 Seneca .".H Barreville 5 Coral 12j Algonquin 10 Grafton lOiCrystal Lake 7 Dorr.. 87lCary 8 Total 263 L. T. Hoy, Chairman. H, C. Mead, Secretary. Poor Sinner'* B£ll. The poor sinner's bell is a bell in tb« City of Breslau, In the province of Silesia. Prussia, arid bangs In the tower of one of the city churches. It was cast July 17, 138C, according to historic records. It is said that a great bell founder of the place had undertaken to make the finest church bell he had ever made. When the metal was melted, the foi^nder withdrew for a few moments, leaving a boy to watch the furnace and enjoining, him not to meddle with the catch that held the molten metal, but the boy disobeyed the caution, and when he sav^ the metal flowing into the mold he called the founder. The latter rushed in and, seeing as he thought his work of weeks undone and his masterpiece ruined, struck the boy a blow that caused his immediate death. When the metal cooled and the mold was opened, the bell was found to be not only perfect, but of marvelous sweetness of tone. The founder gave himself up to the authorities, was tried and condemned to death. On the day of his execution the bell was rung to call people to at tend church and offer a prayer for the unhappy man's soul, and from that it obtained the name of "the poor sinner's bell." Klvglr Superatltlona. Kingship has been kin to superstition always. James I. of England was su perstitious about dates, and there were remarkable coincidences in his life With certain dates of the calendar. The day of the month 011 which he was born was strangely interwoven with the days of birth and marriape of his wife and some of his children and their wives. But James was an old fool who made love to young Buckingham, who lailghed in his face and robbed him of his jewels. Napoleon was superstitious about the way he put on his stockings. Frederick the Great and the great I'eter of Rus sia were superstitious about dozens of things. Marlborough, botb as Jack Churchill and the duke, was supersti tious as well as a thief and a traitor. Nearly all the Stuarts were supersti tious and double dealers in religion. Henry of Navarre was superstitious, but that never kept him from a thou sand infidelities. All the children of Catherine of Medici were seared to death by their superstitions, but they could lie, cheat and murder just as well. If Cromwell was a victim of su perstition, be kept it to himself.--New York Press. 1 Prof. Pearson, of Northwestern University, the man who has suddenly convinced himself that the miracles chronicled in the Bible are all a myth, will probably be retired to private life. But he hftfi accomplished all that he desired. In pulpits all over the country he has been scored by the Methodist and other orthodox preachers and they in turn have been criticized by preach ers of the more liberal denominations. It all leads to one end--^otoriety for Prof. Pearson, and later popularity for his book "The Carpenter Prophet." He had a long head and made a correct guess. However, Prof. Pearson, as a member of the Northwestern University faculty, had no more right to publicly strike at the very foundation of Meth odism than the editor of this paper has to publicly denounce the policy of his employers. Fishing For Dnclu, In India an ingenious scheme is prac ticed for taking ducks on a line, which Is attached at one end to a flexible stick stuck up in the mud, the other extrem ity having a double pointed needle of bone attached to it. Tbe latter is bait ed by stringing upon it some grains of corn. Presently along comes Mr. Duck, swallows the needle and finds himself a captive the moment he tries, to fly away. In olden times tbe Cape Cod fishermen depended largely for bait up on the seafowl they took, on their voy ages. To catch them they threw out fishing lines with hooks on the end, to which were attached chunks of cod liver. The latter floated because of the oil they contained, and murres, gulls and other birds swallowing them were quickly pulled in, skinned and chopped cp. Roaat Peatock. In the old days a peacock was per haps the most gorgeous and decorative dish on the Christmas board. This was prepared by first carefully removing the skin without losing the feathers. The fowl was then dressed, stuffed with all kinds of good things, roasted and finally sewed into its skin, still re taining the brilliant plumage. The beak was gilded, and this dish, fit for a king, was placed upon the table amid the blare of trumpets and the raptur ous applause of the revelers. I I 3 t 3 i t eat Clothing Slau We still have plenty of clothing on hand, consisting of boys' and men's Ovtercoats, Full Suits, Coats and Vests and Pants, but they are moving q>ut quickly. The prices we are Quoting are bound to sell the goods. Everything at 20 per cent, dis count which practically means cost price on rfearly all the goods. We are going out of the clothing business and wish to^ clean up everything before January 1. SIMON STOFFEL Big; Reduction in Rubber Goods ! $ An over supply of rubber goods compels us to put them ont at reduced prices in order to make them move quickly. You can find some real bargains in these goods. It will pay you to call and look at them and let us quote a few prices. % i % $ ••M MM *MM«M MMMM PROBA TE NE WS j MHHM HMMM HMHHHMnJ RKAL kstate transfers. 11. t-lit rt n Crumb ot ul to Mary T >!k Harvard .% 30000 \ WVils & w to Clyde R Want Column. 'l-bert I'jik r Cluri'W ' Tliuriwt'll '•» Int neH se^ sec SI Mc Henry Patrick Barrett to M M WaUely wH s\v14 I! of K R see Hart land Gi'urtre H Coulmati to I'eter Christen- scii 21' a in ne'4 se1* si c 12 Richmond Ucor-ie M<*('iinnell & w to George H t 'oultnaii. >an.e M .1 F>eund & w to Castor M Adams nc'4 swVjjijeo I!l Mcllenry tJeorire \eint w to Katliartna Smith Its 12 \ 13 & ])t Its 14 & :«1 A P sec 13 McHenry Frank K .lacUinan et al to Michael • lower n\v'-s sec 5C2 & wH of so** & w i'l a of 11 e14 M'V4 \ nt se*4 lie'4 & pt sw'4 of tie!-4 sec 2tl McHenry Mary F Kinney to David W Chilson its in vil of Lawrence Frank K Bordwell & w to Mabef Bord- well li a in sw1* sei* sec £' l.liomuiiR. Joseph Leeele it w to Carl liellrens pt wit no** & n\v*4 se^ sec 11 Alden.... A K Beck & w to Silas 1' Melander w 10 rds It 11 1'lstakee Beach Frank V Burket & w to Harry \V Wil son o*» of nw'4. w4 of ne'4 see 10. eH of lie** & )>t e"s of si'** sec 10 •lames Nish & w to Uoo W Field It 2 lilk 2 Cary Station (•eo \V Field \ w to Sarah U Nish Same .lames Nish Jfc \v to Ann J Nish It 11 & eyt 10 I.Ik 2 Cary Station Same to Mat tie A Spraguc e56 ft It 11 blk 2 Cary Station Ceo W J^oss to F Ci lioss Its 1. 2, 7 and 8 blkyVnioii w to Edgar A Morgan w1/, se'4 sw^i sec.">, nwH sw« alsoeVi eW swH s\v4 s'i nw4 sel4. se'4 of sw 14 of sel4. ne'4 swVj sob 11 pt nwM ^•'•4 sec 11 Hebron Iiarles F Ercanbrack & w to Edward •I 1/eo nw4 neH sec vl»l Alden ame to Thomas O'Hiillaren w*/4 seH >ec 2.r> Alden to Harvey (i Durkee ('H seH sec TpOU SALE OK KENT--The property lately -1- occupied by the steam laundry at soutli- eart. corner of public s<iuai»e In McHenry; also Belly Mason states that he first "blossomed" into a United States sena tor through a keen desire to ascertain how the business was transacted at an ^executive session of the senate. One woald naturally suppose that his curi osity ought to be entirely satisfied in six years. The people of Illinois think so at least. The comic valentine, a relic of ancient foolishness, will be less in evi dence than ever this year. All sensible people will welcome the day when they are nothing but a memory. The comic valentine is almost as despicable a thing jta an ananymous letter. The Chicago Tribune is still inclined to give A. J. HopkinB an occasional jab, but in every instance the dart break* and falls harmlessly to the ground. The target is altogether too sound for «uch flimsy, home-made weaponp. What He Missed. Mrs. De Style--It's a pity you could not have heard that sermon today. Mr. De Style--After paying for your Sunday wardrobe 1 haven't money enough left to buy myself a decent thing to wear. Mrs. De Style--That's just it. and that sermon would .have made you blush for very shame. It was on the "Idolatrous Worship of Fine Clothes. York Weekly. The Jailer Jests. "What brought you here?" asked tbe temperance advocate who was visiting the prison. "I'm a wife beater," replied convict No. 41144 gruffly. "Another case of lick'er." murmured the jailer, who, despite his occupation, was a man of no little humor.--I'tiila- delphia Record. Alden. 1200 00 1200 00 1200 00 2.">0 00 1800 00 10000 00 450 00 6600 00 25 00 15000 00 ' 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 100O00 2600 00 : 6100 00 Mommies. In estimating the value of a mummy Its medicinal qualities are no longer appraised, and thus the problem is eas ier of solution. Its value must have been greater when It formed a regular part of the materia medica. Until pretty late in the eighteenth century mummies entered Into a great variety j F°jy^'[al!e!Vw„ M 4 lots east of Fox river about ten rods south of McHenrv iron bridge, lrniuireof Ed. Knox, 1 mile soui li of McHenry. 8it-2t* of drugs, balms and other medica ments. As the genuine mummy .was then ex pensive, recipes were given by many ancient writers for converting human flesh into mummy. Usually only cer tain portions of the body and these were beaten, dried, macerat ed and spiced out of all likeness to their natural condition; hence "beaten to a mummy." Numerous allusions are made to the practice in ancient literature, and In an old play, "Bird In a Cage," are the di rections, "Make mummy of my flesh and sell me to the apothecaries," line prairie land ill best condition and well Improved. Will rent for cash or shares, ('all on or adaress, Frank K. Jack man, Woodstock, III. :io 4t SW TTVOIt SALE- -1- Cockerels of 11 A Barred Plymouth Itock ic A. C. Hawkins anil 1. K. Felch st rains also :«) Barred Plymouth Rock liens, lyr old choice birds 75c and >1.00 each, were used 1 Call Oil or address .1. V. Buckland. Rinfrwood, ' ! 111. 2U-4t GREAT BARGAIN IN BELGIAN HARES Loren R. Lauck having lately moved to Mcllenry. 111., brought with him over 00 Belsrian Hares and is planning to sell 40 vi t hem at once at prices you can afford $! will buy a tine doe. S5 will h'tiy a trio. These are mat lire hares and per fectly healthy. He also has prize winners at from &"> up. Some are extra tine. Visitors welcome at all times except Sundays. We also have dressed meat at 25 cents a pound. At Methodist parsonage West Mcllenry. Ira II Churchill & w to Herman W Siedsclair nw'4 nw'i sec 8 s',4 neii nw '4 sec s pt wl'S of swbi sec 5 Rich mond: 5836 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank ,T. Prout Chicago Esther L. Walmsley McHenry Albert E. Jones Chicago Maude M. Lane Chicago Amos M. Smith ..Harvard Mrs. Mary L. Cleaty Chicago William J. Green Woodstock Teresa J. Delanty Hartland Big headaches stopped for little money. Why suffer when Petesch's Headache Powder stops all soits of headache, 8 doses 10c. Her Best Front. It was at Nantucket one summer that a city visitor learned a new way of displaying one's personal ndofnments during -a call upon one of the native Nantueketors. It was a nice old lady who was entertaining the strangers, and she was very anxious that they should see evirythlng to advantage and that even she herself should make as good an appearance as possible. Un fortunately she had not been forewarn ed of the visit au& was not entirely prepared for it. "If I had only known you were com ing," she said apologetically, "I should have had on my best front. This Is only my second best, but you can Bee the other when you go out, for I al ways keep it in the front room." Surely enough, on taking their le,ave. the visitors were piloted through th( front room, and there in the inside of the mefSUeon, when a heavy green ba rege veil was carefully lifted, a nicely waved tinir piece was to bQ, seen, th€ hostess' best "front." Bologna's Leaning Tower. Bologna has two great square ton ers, the Aslnelli, which is 31f> feet high and was erected in 1100, and its rival, the Garlsenda, which was built one year later and was originally much higher and is rendered peculiar by its de cided inclination to one side. It is now oply 153 feet high, the width of one side is 23 feet, thf walls at the base are 6 feet 0 inche thick, while higher up they are 4 feet 9 Inches. Its origin is somewhat obscure, but it was certainly intended to outdo the nelli, and both were for retr / * in trou blous times. Some say the viginal In tention was to make It lean, but oth ers contend that either the ground has settled or there was a defect in the engineering. This unique relic was so little thought of by one of Its later pos sessors that It vipLB sold In 1266 for 220 lire, something,/less than $44. pOlt SALE--Cottage, furnished or unfur- " liNhed.jat I'istakee Bay, situated be tween Bald Knob and llobt. Schiessle's cot tage. .'\pply to Mrs. I'aul Gerding, 42 St. James I'lace, Chicago, III. iJ2 tf j GREAT CHANCE FOR Farmers M Teamsters We have bought from various l>ii-ie.s and I Express Companies, several carloads of ' second-hand 1 torses, all in good shape, and l suitable for Farm and Team work, will re- . fund one-half of railroad fare to any out of town purchaser. Let your depot agent, give 1 receipt for ticket money. Abe Klee & Son 272 it 27ti North Center Ave., near Milwaukee Asi- ! Ave.. Chicago. 111. Take Milwaukee Ave. cable car. A Jury Experience. A man who had been summoned to serve on a jury in the New York city supreme court the other day was asked if he had ever served on a jury before. In a deep, rich brogue he replied: "Indade Oi hove. 'Twas on a coro ner's jury down beyant south Jersey. What looked like.the remains of a corpse had been washed ashore fur- ninst a shipwreck. "We sat in hated deliberation on what might be the cause of death for twelve mortal hours, whin we called In an ixpert, who informed us that the remains had been dead 4,000 years an' was nothin' more'n a haythen Egyp tian mummy. "But that was not all, for the county refused to pay our fees on some tech- nlcillty of the law. Indade Oi hove served on a jury!" He was excused. Reader--You will confer' a lasting favor and receive a reward, if yofi will report the name of dealers trying to tell you a substitute for Madison Medicine Co.'s Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Bealey. ThoiC What tbe Bab? Needed. "Papa," said Tommy, "little brother la a week old tomorrow, isn't he?" "Yes." "Let's you and me give him a birth day present." "Very well. What shall it be?" "Let's buy him a wig. He needs that more than anything." A. J. Hopkins is the farmers' and dairymen's friend and moreover the farmers and dairymen know it, the Chicago Tribune to the contrary not withstanding. •. ~ If there are any more prospective candidates to appear at the county con vention they should speak before March 5, or for four years hold their jwiace. A Cbolee of Professions. "If I had not been brought up a dean," says Dr. Ilole of Rochester, "there are three other vocations I should have liked to have followed-- master of a pack of hounds, head gar dener in a large nursery or a book- Belter. I think the last is the best of fice of tbe three." On the Trail of Fame. *And now that you are through col lege, what are you going to do?" asked a friend of tlie^youthful candidate. "I shall study medicine," was the grave reply of the young man. "But isn't that profession already overcrowded?" asked the friend. "Possibly it Is," answered the know ing youth, "but I propose to study medicine Just the same, and those who are already in the profession will have to take their chances." Hla Gray Halrl. Sunday School Teacher--Remember, ^children, always respect gray hair. Tommy Traddles--Well, my pa does not Sunday School Teacher (in astonish ment)--What piakes you think that? Tommy Traddles--He dyes his wbl#- kwrg,--Exchange. Bkessed oe the stove manufacturer that first makes an ash pan with a bail that can be used without scattering Mhes over the floor. Working Overtime. \ Bight hour laws are ignored by thjtee tireless, little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Billiousness, Constipation, Sick Head ache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. On|y flfic at Jnlia A. Story's drug atona Mr. WUeel*r Got RI<1 of lliit Kh»*iiii>atixm. "During the winter of 189H I was so lame in my joints, in fact all over my body,that I could hardly h<*bbl,e around, when 1 bought a bottle of Chamberlain'k Pain Balm. From the first application I began to get well, and was cured and have worked steadily all the year. - R. Wheeler, North wood, For sale by Jalia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Spoke Too Late. | The good minister of a Scottish par ish had once upon a time a great wish for at) old cpuple to become teetotal ers, which they were in nowise eager to carry out. After much pressing, however, they consented, laying down as a condition that they should be al lowed to keep a bottle of "Auld Kirk" for medicinal purposes. About a fort night afterward John began to feel his resolution weakening, but he was de termined not to be the first to give way. In another week, however, he col lapsed entirely. "Jenny, woman," he said, "I've an awfu' pain in my held. Ye inicht gie me a wee drappie an' see gin it'll dee me ony guid." "Well, gudeman," she replied, "ye're owre late o' askin', for ever sin' that bottle cam' into the hoose I'v£ been bothered Bae wi' pains 1' my held 't Is a' dune, an' there's nae drappie left." An Invitation. A good story is told of an elder in an English church who on one occasion had to take the pulpit in the absence of the minister at the last moment. He got through the first part of the serv ice all right, but on getting up to give the sermon he. found his difficulty then. He started with, "Brethren [pause]--b-b-brethren 1 pause]--b-b-b- brethren, if any of you wants the con ceit taken out of you come up here." A BlalT Tbat Wins. An attack of hysteria simulating un consciousness In a woman may be stopped, says Modern Medicine, "by the surgeon taking a pair of scissors and regretfully announcing that he will have to cut all the patientjs hair off in order to make the application to her head. It is doubtful whether this bluff has even been known to fail." O Beuath* Bignatim STORIA. r The Kind You tlaui Always The Buk Illble. y- The bug Bible was printed in 1549 by the authority of Edward VI., and its curiosity lies in the rendering of the fifth verse of the Ninety-first I'sulm, which, as we know, runs, "Thou slialt not be afraid for the ter ror by night nor for the arrow which flieth by day." but in the above ver sion ran, "So thou slialt not nede to be afraid of any bugges by night." Ludicrous as this sounds, it is not etyniologically without Justification. "Bug" is derived from the Welsh word "bwg," which meant a hobgoblin or terrifying specter, a signification trace- ,at»Je in the word, commonly in use to day--"bugbear"--and Shakespeare once or twice uses the word in this primary sense, notably when he makes Hamlet say, "Such bugs and goblins i« my life." ' "tffiS'* Early Risers The famous little piil$« Peteaoh's White Jfiae Cough byrup. Owls. Most birds are stoics compared to owls> and those who cultivate their ac quaintance know that they have no time Wherein to make their poetical complaints to the moon. Poets should not meddle with owls. Shakespeare and Wordsworth alone have under stood them. By most-others they have been scandalously libeled. I i | You have used 1 sorts of cough reme- | dies but it does not (yield; it is too deep | seated. It may wear j itself out in time; but fit is more liable to I produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri-1 ous throat affection, j You need something i that will give you) {strength and build f up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to f o r t i f y t h e s y s t e m a g a i n s t {further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you • should certainly take this I nourishing food medicine. * t,oc. ami 'i .1, all liru^Kists, f SCOTT <Si no A Nl.. (Juhws, New York. 1 III Til "• " * (GILBERT BROS. i Fancy Grocers j I Coffees 1 i i I Ex. Mocha and Java, finest. 35c per fi>. j | " Fancy Combination.. .25c " " I : ! S Golden Rio, finest 20c " " S | | I Fancy Bantos 15c " " : ! : • Bio Arbuckles 12^c " " • t J | Package Coffees 10c " " | I: Above Coffees cannot be equaled | j for price and quality In town. j Fish for Lent All kinds | Fancy Mackerel.. 121c per ft. f • • I Large White Fish 10c " •' I I : | Large Round Herring 08c " " ! | Spiced Herring 75c " pi. • J Imported Holland Herring, best.f 1.001 • I j Holland Herring (milkers) $1.10 j • f ^ Smoked Herring, per box 20c j J " Bloaters, fancy. .80c per doz. ; J * | " White Fish. 10c per lb. j | Fancy Codfish 10c per lb.: ! Baltimore Oysters; • * • direct receivers of fresh j : : We are | shncked Baltimore Oysters in bulk i 35c per quart. Apples by barrel or peck j Fancy Ben Davis Apples $4.85 per barrel. j Gilbert Bros. | j McHenry - - Illinois.! Chicago & North-Western. Practice nnd Theory, "Did you know dat dar was n\o' dan 200 bones In de human anatomy?" ask ed Miss Miami Brown, "I didn't neliber ttiiger on de exact number," answered Mr. Erastus Plnk- ley, "but of cohse 1 knowed by de nicks In my razor-dat dey was fab Turn ska'se."--Washington Star. Leave < 'hleajro. 7.2>~> 11 in K.00 a 111. p in. 4.IHI p in. •vnt ,, m. ElTertive Septenilier 2!'. WEEK DAY TRAINS. NOU1H llOr.NH Vln Elifin .... mot. V S :• l)«-s 1'luiin Vl:i Dv.s.l'iuliies. . .... Via Klffin . . Via IK's 1'i.iiiu'-,.. 8ITNPA V TU A I NS. a 111 Via Klfiti! .. 0.10 a in Via l>es Chimes.. 2.02 p in Via Kl^in WKhK DA\ TKAI.NS. Leave Mcllenry. 7.H2 a 111.... a in.... H.33 a ni.... 3.07 p 111.... 7.32 a rn 11.02 p ta.... The Delayed Verdict. Friend--I was surprised that It took the jufy ten hours to reach a verdict. The evidence seemed to me quite clear. Ex-Juryman--We agreed on the ver dict at once, but some one commenced a discussion as to tbe literary merit of .. .. _ j7i.. the judge's charge,--Town and Coon- ilm ./ try. SOl'TH BOI'N 11. Via l>es Chilnu.s.. .. . . V ia Ki_' 111..... .. Yin I 'i\s Phillies. Via Kluiu SUNDAY TliAINS. Via Kliriti..... Via Kluiii . A rrive McHenry. :. 111.00 11 m ... 10.00 11 III .. ..VOO'p m . ti.47 p in . .. (i.47 p in .. 11.14 a m . .11.11 a m . . 5.00 p m A rri ve < 'hica^o. H.:S0 n ni .. .10.10 a m . (1.50 a ni A.45 p ni . .10.30 am H.4S p m Get calling cards "at this office. Peteach'a headache powdem coke. DONT BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine, original S& ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA fti .ide only by Madison Medi* -xiitj Co., Madison, Wis. It >ou well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Pncc, 35 ccnts. Nover mI4 In bulk. Accept tto subctt* tmtm. jMfc yum 4»mggimt Pumps StcamlFittitt as and mind mills Steel and Wood tanks and Farm machinery A full line In every department ,, We are prepared to do Well Work of all Kinds Give us a call Conway & Rainey Ringwood, III. Portland Cement Delivered at McHenry at $2.50 per barrel. WM. BELL. Factory and residence. No. 509 Hill Avenne office, room 2, MeBrlde block, Douglas Ave ELGIN, ILLINOIS (IIARLES t fRETT Wholesale and retail dealerin I am In the Market For Bee! Veal riutton Hop and Poultry Oive me a call fresl Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois This Bank receives deposits, buyB and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a CCNERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and o ther first class se curity. Spec ial attention en to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker#? Subjects for Thought The Telephone is the ideal rapid transit The cost of transportation by this method is less than by any other. It makes you a neighbor to all prominent business houses and^families everywhere. Basloess Rates, 6%c. p«r fey aid Residence Rates, 5c. pcriiyHî Chicago Telephone Company* AMERICA'S Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican. News from nil of the world \Vell written, original stories Answers to queries--Articles on lit ulth. the Home, New Books, and ou Work About the Farm mid Garden. The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only Western Newspaper re ceiving the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun and syecial cable of the New York World--daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout thfe couutfy. Y E A R ONE D O L L A R Subscribe for Tk I'Uindealer and The Weekly later one year, both papers for $1.75. /