Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1902, p. 7

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•" « '• {|§p vPbi&--$- cW~Z^&'\^ £w?&y>" !V\":V •$ * HO UNDERGROUND TELEGRAPH. liXAZ ESTATE. SISTERS DF CHARITY Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Catarrh--A Congressman's Letter. Dr. Hartman receives many letters from Catholic Sisters all over the United States. A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in Detroit, Mich., reads as follows: Detroit, Mich., Oct 8,1901. Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir--"The young girl who used the Peruna was suffering from lar­ yngitis, and loss of voice. The result of the treatment was most satisfac­ tory. She found great relief, and after farther use of the medicine w hope to be able to say she is entirely cured." SISTERS OF CHARITY. This young girl was under the care of the Sisters of Charity and used Pe­ runa for catarrh of the throat with good results as the above letter testifies. SISTERS OF CHARITY All Over United States Use Pe-ru-na tor Catarrh. From a Catholic institution In Ohio comes the following recommend from the Sister Superior: "Some years ago a friend of our In­ stitution recommended to us Dr. Hart- man's Peruna as an excellent remedy for the influenza of which we then had several cases which threatened to be of m serious character. " We began to use It and experienced such wonderful results that since then Peruna has become our favorite medl- ciZiQ for influenza, catarrh, cold, cough and bronchitis." SISTER SUPERIOR. Dr. Hartman, one of the best known physicians and surgeons in the United States, was the first to.formulate Peru­ na* It was through his genius and per­ severance that it was introduced to the medical profession of this country. ... The following letter is from Congress­ man Meekison, of Napoleon, Ohio: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Gentlemen: -- "I have used sev- eral bottles of Peruna and feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head, and feel encouraged t o believe that its continued use E Congressman Da will fully eradi- LL cate a disease of thirty years' standing." DAVID MEEKISON. If you do not receive prompt and satis­ factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad­ vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President ol Th« Hartman Sanitarium. Coltimh"* O. CLEAR THE TRACK! Here's the monarch--nothing Hk«it on earth. 8alser'« K 90th Center J Oat takes tha cake, cartiee firtt prize* at ihe biggest yiclder everywhere The faet It, Salxer's oats arc bred to produce. The U. S. Depart' BCDtof AfricuUarecl&imi tlistoatof over 400 samples and kinds tested, halzer'* w?r« the best. How do ;oa like that, Mr. Fanner? Our new 20th Century Oat is bound, to completely raTolatlonlie oat growing an4, we expect doteni of farmers to report yields In 1902 running from COO to 800 buahel* per acre. Price ia dirt cheap. BP in the-swim and buy this variety this spring to sell to joar neighbors the coming fall fjr SCLJ. It will surely pay joa Saber's Marvel Wheat--42 bus* per Acre The only spring wheat on earth that will j icld a payingcrop oortb, east, sooth, and west and in every state in the Unu»u. We also liaTO the oeleorated M>o A* ruui wheat, yielding on ear farms, 63 bushels per acre SPCLTZ most marreloms eoroal and bar f> <o<i on earth, prodaelag from 90 to 60 fctiholi of grain and 4 tona of rieh hay per VEGETABLE SEEDS are the lnrgoat growers and our Mock of earliest Peas, Boaas, Sweet oorn and money maktag vegetable* is euormous. Priooa are very low. Onion a«ed 60 eut» tod np a ponnd. Catalogue tells. i For iOc--Worth SIO Out groat catalogue contains fall description of our Reardltti Barley, 'iSfc??- -t yielding 109 bushels; our Triple Income Corn, going 400 baeheie; oar potatoes, yieldiuff 600 bushels per acre; oar grass aud clover nlflcaut bar: our Pea Oat. with its 8 tons of hay, and Teosiute with of green fodder par acre Salter's great catalogu worth $100 to *uy wide awake gardener or farmer, with 10 farm seed samples,--worth |10 to get a start--is mailed you rooaipt of 10*. postage JOHN ASALZERSEED CO ̂ ® $10.00 KTDETCV $10.00I*"**""" W r • ̂ i w H f We Wiiisentothoformer(wb«re we have no acent). I • m §••••• • at wholesale prices, our CORN PLANTERS, WEIGH- ERSand ELEVATORS. SHOVELING BOARDS, "8RANT" CORN SHELLERS. SEEDERS. Etc. Write TO-DAY for Catalogues, Prices and particulars. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Decatur. Ill* F UNION MADE s AR BEST N THE WORLD FOR MEN Sold l > i.s Stores and the btit shoe dealer* everywhere. (iiriOK i rhs gen nine hare W. 1- DoutilM' uama and price stamped on bottom. A'ottct i tier east of talm ia tabl* btitmi I8t8nc7«8.10« Pair*. 1900=1,260.754 Fain. lgOl^ljSeGjTJOPairfc Bun I *633 More Than Doubled in Four feart. VX&&B8&! nnrl splitmore men's $S.OO andI SM® th^n any otl" r twoman'f'r* in tbc world. w. I. Dong!** $3.00 .niti *';.60 ihoes placed side by *ide with (£ 00 itiul 96.00 slii'fi of otljer makes, are founa to be just us Kr'oil. 1 hey •will outwear two pairs of ordinary H.po and $:*..50 sboea. Mode of the best leathers, Including Patent Corona Kid, Corona Colt, and National Kangaroo. * rant Color K.olct. and ltwa/s SlMfc KMki uud. W.L.Dougla. SU.00-*«IU K<1 (. LIh"wm« to e^uall.d. SbutiM mall 85c. extra. Catalog free. W.I.. Otiuglui, Briiefctoa,liaM. M *ositif~r~ ^atsko mett&yf _ LAUIIS OR GKNTUCBUBN. We guarantee it. Kew article of merit and 4ally particular. FREE. WM. K. SHAW. Baoyroa, O. rATARRH CURKO with my Inbaler. Great dla- v BOTexy,pQ«t paid asc. " w »-ii--- WET WEATHER. WISDOM! \ ^"5^ J-- THE ORIGINAL^ SLICKER 6LACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP W DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE^ CATALOGUES FREE SH0WIN6 FULL LINE OP WRMENTO ANDHAT3. A. J.TO WEE CO.. BOSTON. MA53. CAPSICUM VASELINE ( PUT CP IN COLLAPSIBLB TUBU ) A substitute for and superior to mnstard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most asucate skin. The pain-allayln* and curative qualities of this surticle are wonder­ ful. It will stop the toothache at onoo, and relieve headache and sclatloa. We recom­ mend it as the best aud safest external counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all rheumatic, n.euralgio end gouty com­ plaints. A trial will prove what we olatzn for it, and it will be found to be invaluable In the household. Many people 6ay "it 5ttte best of all of your preparations." Frtee 15 cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by sending this amount to us In postage stamps we will send yon a tube by mail. No article should be aooepted bv the public unless the same oarries our label, as otherwise It la not r*nuine. CHESEBROUQH MFQ. CO., 17 State Street, NEW roaic CITT. IS WHAT YOU CAN SAVS We make all kinds ol aoalou. Also a a Punpa and Wladnilla, BCCKMAN BROS., Ota MaiNaa. LOW A. $25 ON, 5 TON FEES OP SURGEONS. ENORMOU9 SUMS HAVE BEEN PAID BY GRATEFUL PATIENTS. Boropeas Royal tin Isnwiably Bseen- penae Tbelr Madlcml AttandanU Highly --Quarter of s Million Dollars Ia the Becord for One 81nj(le Fet. In the medical world some enormous fees have been paid from time to time. In 1762 the famous Hertfordshire physician, Thomas Dimsdale, was sum­ moned to St. Petersburg to vaccinate the Empress Catherine II. He was in the city less than a week, but so suc­ cessfully did he accomplish his task that he was paid a consideration of £12,000 in addition to a life pension of £500 a year. Another costly vac­ cinating operation was that performed a few years ago by Dr. Butler upon six Indian rajahs, and from each of his patients he received £10,000 for less than a day's work. When King Edward, or the Prince of Wales, as he was then, lay at death's door with typhoid fever, the famous William Jenner was called in for a period of four weeks, and In re­ turn he was paid at the rate of £2,500 a week and given a baronetcy into the bargain. Nor was it by any means unusual for him to receive a fee of £500 for an hour's consultation with less celebrated patients. But royalty invariably pay their medical attendants highly. The late Bir Morell Mackenzie journeyed to Berlin to relieve the sufferings of the Emperor Frederick during his last ill­ ness and secured a fee of £20,000, while Professor Zacherine of Moscow, who was called to Livadia, when the Czar Alexander III. lay dying, was presented with a check for £15,000, in addition to all expenses, for a two days' attendance upon his illustrious patient Dr. Yowski, the famous oculist, pocketed a fee of £7,000 for attend­ ing the shah's son at Teheran some years ago, a figure completely put intp^the shade by that captured by an English army surgeon, who paid oc­ casional visits to the Rajah of Ram- pur, India, when that potentate was suffering from an acute attack of rheu­ matism. The patient did not wait for him to send in his bill, for, finding his treatment beneficial, he rewarded him with £10,000. The highest medical fee ever paid, however, became the property of a blind physician, Dr. Gale of Bristol, who cured a wealthy patient of a dis­ eased knee by electric treatment, and in return found his banking account richer by £50,000.--Pearson's Weekly. Spying on Clerks. The professional shopper is employ­ ed in London in a different capacity than her American sister, her work in connection with one large firm savor­ ing of dectective service with the clerks as the individuals to be watched and reported. The firm in question owns over thirty large shops, and em­ ploys nearly 1,000 clerks. It is the business of the professional shopper to find out whether every customer is politely served by visiting the different shops, putting the clerks to every in­ convenience and frequently leaving without making a purchase after look­ ing at nearly everything in the shop. 11 the clerk's temper does not prove equal to the strain and she answers in the fashion of the American shop girl under similar circumstances she is reported to headquarters and dismis­ sal is apt to be the result. Description of Lord Kitchener. An English writer lately returned from South Africa has published the following description of Lord Kitch­ ener:,, "Tall and well-pfoportioned above, he falls away from his waist downward. It is this lower weediness which evidently troubles the man who fashions his clothes. A round, r«d and somewhat puffy face. Square head, with staff cap set carelessly upon it. Heavy mustaches covering a somewhat mobile mouth, at the moment inclined to smile. Eyes just anyhow; heavy but not overpowering eyebrows. In fact, a very ordinary face of a man just past his prime. Hardly a figure that you would have remarked If it had not been for the gilt upon his hat --in fact, it was all a disappointing discovery." Manager Knew His Bnstnesa. The story of how Harry COates, the Ringing navvy who has been delight­ ing London audiences at the music halls, came to leav^his pick for the stage, gives an interesting illustration of the keen eye managers have for something new. Coates was singing gaily at his work one day when the manager of the Brighton Empire passed by, and B0 sweet was the man's voice that he offered him an engage­ ment "Here," he said, "do you want to earn £5 a week?" The navvy promptly closed, and although this happened only six months ago, his weekly salary has already been in­ creased to a much higher figure. Football In Japan. As early as the seventh century Japan borrowed football from China. The Emperor Toba II. was an expert player and formed a club in the palace, says Cassell's Little) Folks. Consider­ ing how adverse" most orientals are to hard work and rigorous exercise. It may be supposed that the game was very different from either "rugger" or "socker." Nevertheless, the Japanese form seems to have been popular, and we may trace the beginnings of pro­ fessionalism to an emperor and his court of whom It is told that in a time of poverty they earned a little extra monej/ by teaching the alt of foot­ ball. Witty Remark Pleased Crowd. Charles Burley, the abolitionist, la the midst of an antislavery speech was struck by a decayed egg full in the face. Pausing to wipe away the con­ tents of the missile, he said calmly: have always contended that pro-slav­ ery arguments were very unsound." The crowd, roared and he was no lon­ ger molested. Possession Is nine points and nit more of the marriage law. Britala us No Conditio* to Itan4 ex­ pense of Testa. Replying to a letter of the London Chamber of Commerce, the postmaster • general holds out no hope of a general' underground telegraphic service. ? After alluding to its Impracticability? and prohibitive cost Lord Londonder­ ry says that the present condition of the national finances ma.kes it impos­ sible to undertake the experiment In the immediate future. To the suggestion of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce that a sufficient number of wires for emergency pur­ poses should be laid underground be­ tween the principal commercial centers Lord Londonderry replied that the world would be proceeded with as the funds for the time being allowed.-- London Express. t SHEEP COUNTRY. Profitable sheep husbandry ae«Js low- TpHced lands, or lands that the lep will improve while they are feeding off It. Both thess cort'jitionc are taet ia ^he new lands for settlers in northern Wltconeid. Experimental aheap farms started several years ago are now supplying tin finest mutton that goes Into the Chicago mar­ ket. Clover and blue grass la the very best feed for sheep. Tills crjws D luxuriant abundance In northern '.Vlscot- aln, and peas grow strong and lealthy, free from worms here, making an unex­ celled sheep fodder. Statements concern­ ing the future of northern Wisconsin for sheep breeding have been made by Prof. W. A. Henry, of the Wisconsin Experi­ ment station; Thomas Shaw, of the Min­ nesota State farm; John A. Cralf, of thr Iowa Agricultural college; L. D. Burch. of the American Sheep Breeder, and oth­ ers. Those who are interested ia finding a superior sheep country where lands arr still cheap and sure to increase In value, should write to D. W. Casseday, Land and Industrial Agent, "Soo Lane," Minneapo­ lis, Minn. The Handsomest Calendar of the Season. The Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Railroad Co. has issued a beautiful calendar in six sheets 12x14 Inches, each sheet having a ten-color picture of a popular actress--reproductions of water colors by Leon Moran. The orig­ inal paintings are owned by and the calendars are issued under the Rail­ way Company's copyright. A limited edition will be sold at 25 cents per cal­ endar of six sheets. Will be mailed on receipt of price. F. A. Miller, Qeneral Passenger Agent, Chicago. Florida Excursions Via Virginia and Carolina Winter Resorts and Charleston Exposition, Hot Sprlnga, Old Point Comfort, Southern Pines. For information address W. E. Conklyn, N. W. P. Agt. Chesapeake and Ohio R'y, SS4 Clark St., Chicago. , It will be a cold day when you find a laundry starch anywhere near as good as Defiance. A swallow, flying for home, made 140 miles at the rate of 128% miles an hour. «. Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing 8ymp.' Per chlidreo teething, softcni the gum«, reduces In­ flammation, allay* pala, curei wind colic. 25c a^otUet The duration of an ordinary wink Is four-tenths of a second. For the real, good old Buckwheat flavor, buy Mrs. Austin's Buckwheat and don't forget the name. Generosity is the flower of justice.-- Hawthorne. VISANCZAZ. The preaent development of Texas Is marvelous and unprecedented and will continue and lncreaae. Now li tbe time for Inveitmeut. W« offer good landi In large or am all ir nets, and city property at low flijurvi, on liberal term*. Other perfectly eaf« lnrauuienia at good Interaat. If jou bar* money to Invest or want to Improve your location, write for particulars. PAI)1)()( R-ORAY COMPANY, Investment Bankers, Fort Worth, Texaa. TEXAS » rapidly growing lu wealth and md population and will loon be ne banner hiateof the Union, and l'on Worth will be 11scommercial motroi-n.i.i. If y>>ii Uftijt Information about tbe State or city, either uliLiit Investment!, or for a loca­ tion tor timiness, or to mirage in agriculture or luau ufacturln*, (he same win be cheerfully furnl»be<1 by the FOKT WOKTU llOAKI) OIT TitADK, Fort Worth. $3.eoa FOR YOU! Would you Invest from »50.00 i<> SiSO.OO If I tell you how to mate a life Income from ItV Information free. For full par;lculnri. udtlren, 1'. O. liox. 'iltt^. itoston, Mass. ESTABLISHED 1886. CAR0ILL& RICHARDSON HOUSTON, TEXAS. Members Houston Oil and Stock Exchange. We BUT and SELL OH Stoclci on commission. Ws can keep you out of I1AD TRADES and put you onto good legitimate Investment* and speculation!. Write for quotation, market letter and Information. References: Commercial National Bank, Ilouiton, Hatloual City Butik, New York, Whitney (National Bank, Kew Orleans. I N V E S T O R S neaa ineu of iii£iu busluess >blllty >nu integrity, now forming company,- deslra to correspond with a few Investors, having from S2S.OO to •SOO.OO, to Invest with tbern In a proposition In tbe West promis­ ing rerjr larre returns In near future. Highest refer­ ences. Write h. £. WILLlAltd, Glenwood, Iowa. MISCKLLASKO US. Cat Dink Quick-Send •! and receive FIVE. M» niCII £.i), AL.LMAN, PlKott, Ark. Phreno-Attro Reading: Perfect satisfaction or moner back; send 25o, birth, dale «nd complexion. Prof. B, O. Sharpleta, D. Pi 449 W. Madison St., Chicago. liaiin'C LETTER TO HER CHUM. Hare; with •'booW.lOo. J. O. Bcheidler. Cisveland, C. TRAINING SCHOOL for NURSES THE MILWAUKEE COUNTY HOSPITAL TRAIP- INQ 80B0GL fOR- NURSES offers superior ad­ vantages to women between the a?ei of 23 aad SS rears, w bo may desire to become graduete nurses. IMpiumus giunted on completion of tbe course. For further Informal Ion, address tbe Superintendent, MILWAUKEE CODKTT HOHPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, Wanwatoaa, Wis. 1JVILKES Irlall Spoclf.c i Vegetable! taksn by directions " (u&rantMa curt; cancers, catarrh, (Internal or ex­ ternal >, scrofula, rheumatism, wtemt or leuoorrhoe*, enclose stp M. M. WILKES CO.. I.o.K Boi 27«, Dal las.Tsx. pSNTUEMEN--Ten and Hli Ladlec of pleasing ad- C dret/3 to represent fraternal Insurance In Illinois; financially Interesting! reference required. J. B. MARTIN, 368 La Salle Street, Aurora, HI. Oil CCU1U Seldom opportunity. Pure of success. Onl»K.OMnlV Sample and particulars 4c stamps. Hoberman Company, 181 Prince St., Newark, H. J. PHOTOGRAPHY THOROUGH­ LY BY KAIL. Best methods, expense moderate. Original Sehool of Photography, Bioomington, 111. "1'alatum" fortl lasts a family a month; costs less; builds up the system Instead of tearing It down; sample 10 cms with full directions. LINCOLN SUPPLY CO., Lincoln, 111. Pile Curs will absolutely cure blind.Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; lO treatments SOo. Eureka Chemical Co.. F. 0. Box 1138, Chioago. Eoreka CT afflicted with •or* us* Thompson's Eyi Watii FARM? LOOKINi F O R A We have a m 8. Dakota, Arkanaae aad Mleeeurl. Never acste will you hate eo goed a ekafeee aa now. Valaea Ming up. Doa'taelay. Tell uawbat you want, cinnelpjeu. Doyeuwtsh te looateongov- rlve you all information we help yau. Do yeu wias te looate on (ov- ernraest' lani, we can five you all infermatlon AeatrM- SlLLINGlR % 8CHOEDSACK, 919 South If ft St., Omaha. Neb. aOOD FARMS FOR SILE. Mea of moderate means, desiring to become ownere of homes of their own, win ind It to their Intertrt rirfua'i1 with me at once. I hare excellent V? for sale, on easier terms than can be founa anywhere In the Weft, flmslt cash payenen'-s; teo yesn) time-.p. re=Mue. 1? desired; low rare* of inter*" est. S.F.C1LHOBK, Effingham, Illinois. ! Mrs. L. A. Harris, a Prominent Member of a Chicago Woman's Political Club, tells how Ovarian Troubles may be Cured with­ out a Surgical Operation. She says : " Doctors have a perfect craze for operations. The minute there is any trouble, nothing but an operation will do them; one hundred dollars and costs, and included in the costs are pain, and agony, and often death. " I suffered for eight years with ovarian troubles ; spent hundred* of dollars for relief, until two doctors agreed that an operation was my only chance of life. My sister had been using Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound for her troubles, and been cured, and she strongly urged me to let the doctors go and try the Com­ pound. I did so as a last resort; used it faithfully with the Sana­ tive Wash for five months( and was rejoiced to find that my troubles were over and my health restored. If women would only try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound first, fewer surgical operations would occur."--MRS. L. A. HARRIS, 278 East 31st St., Chicago, 111. $6000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENTJIXE. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement o; ulceration of tho womb, that beafing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovarieen, back­ ache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervou^iess, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gone" and " want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues,and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Piukliam's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. THE CONTENTED FIRMER ie the men who nevrr has & failure in crops, gets splendid returns for his lubors. and has hrst social and relig­ ious advantages, to- tfr-thrr with splendid imute and excellent health. These w« give to the settlers on the land* of Western Can- a<Ui, which comprises the great grain and Manitoba, Assniboia. Alberta and Saskatchewan. Exceptional advantages and low rules of fare are given to those desir­ ous of inspecting the fall grant lands. The handsome forty page Atlai of Western Can­ ada sent free to all applicants. Apply to F. Pedley, Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, Canada: or to C J. Brouchton, 9'!7 Monadnock Blook, Chicago, E T. Holmes, Room 6, "Big Four" Bldg., Indianapolis, ind., or H. M. Wil­ liams, Toledo, Ohio, Canadian Governibent Agents. m WAMTFfl Y«uug mac 10 A rave ,»ia.][.jvuiuuUI nnnlLU tud expectr*; srnd rafereuru*. AildreM Plough-William Co.. Manhattan Building. Cbieago. UIITal BT Greatest game of the age; lBc by DU I "LB mall. HUT-LE CO., T, Hew Tori COLORADO D«T*lopai«nt Bfcwk In Colorado IBM have made thouaauu rich from mall to- TMtewmte. It yon buy etoefe of fli» par Tahi* of $1.00 par ahare at IB ot>nt« during tbe de­ velopment period and tbe property W1 n <11"vtOMid of onlr one n!»r nent. nor mnntb jou are recusWlii^ uourly S*t«n l*«r Cent. Per Month on the vaonej you haTe ir>- vtxted. W« have a proposition that we think will do better than a ono par cunt, dividend n« the derelopment prograMee. ParUcniara frao. W. £. ALEXANDKB, IXroiar. COLORADO |>DADC V NEW DISCOVERY; gives ^.Jr & ™-jr n t) <l«|ek relief ^ndetfreawowl cases. Hook of teftilmnnl&le and 10 DATS' treatment •UK. l)R. H. U. URKK.VS BOI8. B» I. AtlaaU. 6a. RANCH--u3iti6 and ! For bale--An Excellent HanrV. or either ; r.ulc or »hcep, or for both. 'W ell watered,N go.d locality", abuudunt range, firat-r!aa» lniiro»«-' ments. 8.700 acres; 10,600 head of •heep: 800 he ad of cattle, 30 head of work and cow hors«a; 1.00C tuna of haj . over 200 acre* In alfalfa. Write for further par- tlculars to J. B. C0LL1HS A CO., Helena, Montana^ South Missouri Homes! Laive list of L.D FAR US au<l I IMPROVED TIMBER LANDS, for ea-e cheap .? for cash, or will mawe i:i»ffr»l ier:aa to pnrch*per#* " Heaithy location. Best f< ult. and stork c•y.intrv\ weat of the river. P«*nd for an»1 tell me whit want. Address C. M. RICHARDS, Birch Tree, fee,. WE HAVE 250,000 ACRES of Improved and Unimproved FARMS for sa> !r» Polk. Kittson, Marshall and Bed Laics CcunUes. M1L> naeota. In tbe famous Bed Rtvor Valley. Thea<» faniii are for sale on en«y terms. For map» and print.* ed llata, excursion rates and further particular*, call on or address Town Lacd Co., Crookaton, Minn. JOHN H. BOYD, Croobaton, Kina. DANFEL THE CORN LMD MAM HM good farm land for sale on small cash pay* uxeui.-x i»n;] easy terms. 'J.T.C3C tic • * Central Wnstern Minnesota. Write, stating* wha t y o u w a n t . I w i l l t a l l y o n w h a t I f a a v e . I f * can suit you, coma and sec. You will be pleased, St. B. DANiEL. Marshall, Mian. Mention this paper.J *V£6ETA8l..E AND Ai-PAsTf-'A 3and?oJ "^ 9 sale. PUtte Valley, Kebnwkn. Write «* <ot Il»t o^ lu*»;;rovel and tinliu^iv^vo-i taud wfeb ~g - for sale, !n the center o< t^s gTaat alfai:* dleirjct* These land* are rich, well watered and eapefttalljf' , adapted for corn, alfalfa and TegetablM. Aa an !»*•' TMtment these lands are rood, and wf:l increas^ tn TElnp rapld'y. Liberal term* aTantred. 5RHITT, T • " " *•- ' J. C. KKR3 Xeiing;on, Jjawsoj Co., WobrftskB^. C TWO HUNDWEFACREIF A R Nit "™ In X)sKa;b Cou;it»-, Indiana; prk«Jt" eight thousand dollars, ono third cajth, balance lrj' tec equal annusl liiRtalments. Sixty screa tin;* i bered, balance new land free from atanipa, Boll rlc!%' black loam, producea append d crops corn, wheat, potatoes, etc. Good houae. Free rural da.tvery antj telephone. Three good markete in four mllea. Tltt« guaranteed. Write for particularn. Address D. M. LINK, Auburn, Indian** COUTH DAKOTA LANDS FOR SALE, t • have about 200 tracts of unimproved land* front •4.60 to $15.00 per acre Your money.can almost doubled In a year by ltiveerln;; now. PHILIP LAWRENCE, Huron, 8onth Dakota.. •- ABCHARDS pay In the Orarks. Rlchdepc»!ts cf !ea<i w and -.lac. cilmau, water>heaiih and cheap iande, InTlte homeseekere. J. Tr Kindrick, Seymour, Mo. CASH--$10 Honthly- buys 16-acre IUTI nsar r. j{, town; CCK) bearing trees, hou»t> garden, productive BO 11. $450; rented tin fall; luryer farms che3p; stp. for list. Eobert BoraE3,Monteer,lIo, P/tM 80 acrea RICH BLACK S01IW * Wl w«lV tn Donglast'o ,Tlllnol« tn th^ Broom Corn Belt, adjoining corporate limits of cltjp of 25,000 inhabitants. Address Box 284, Arthur. 111. Southern California fruit and grain land for sale.!u> proved ranches. One line orange orchard. Fertlld •oil. excellent climate. W. J HOLE. La Habra, Cat. linllroad traversesramous Beaumont" Oil D;titrict. Write for plat, map. application black, Addreae Texas Colonization Co.. Deed Dept..Chicago, FOR SALE7,«"™ y"®.0'1"-tbern Iowa. Write tot fOWA FARMS$4.APJ CASH BALANCE iCROPTILfi RflHCIIMPT'VF OR WEAK LUNO W«* bunoumritvc SONS send for FREE TBJA& of our HERB MEDICINE and be convinced; noth* lng better oil earth. 10,000 lbs. given away for free* trial. Address, Suite S04, 134 Monroe St., Chicago RHEUMATISM, $8.60 per bottle. For circulars and testimonials, Pinu# Xsdieine Co., 734-736 Valencia Bt., San Francisco, Cal. And send IO cents for earn- - ̂ pie; goes like wlldflre for J5c» , %i/nUnrRPIII Ttle catarrh Relief Inhaler. WUnUbltr Ub gent p0gt pau for g5 cents. Iowa Mail Order Co., 814 Ash St., Burli&gt#*, Iowa. WAKE UP!..... DIUBK-'STK' MVfl. (;*»„ Ottnmwa, low*. W. N. u. CHICAGO, NO. 7, 1902. When Answering Advcrtiseoeits Uadiy ^ Heatioo This Paper. ^ r^:10r'x' -MA To the Ladies: Don't let your grocer sell yo\i a 12oz. pack­ age of laundry starch for 10 cents when you can get 16 oz. of the very best starch made for the same price. One-third more STARCH for the same money. £ VfJ j •'•ill Has N 'tmam DEFL MU1 Wi * V Zm V/A, ty//' "V/ REQUIRES NO COOKING PREPARED F0» 1AUNWY PURPOSES ONiy mw HA6NCTiCSweKrLC«>- M EXACT SIZE OF IO CENT PACKAGE. 72 PACKAGES !N A CA8Ee To tbe Dealers: QO SLOW--In placing orders for 12-oz, Laundry Starch. You won't be able to aell 13 ounces for 10 cents while your com­ petitor offers 16 ounces for the same money. DEFIANCE STARCH IS THE BIGGEST-- THE BEST COLD WATER STARCH MADE. \ No Chromos, no Prem­ iums, but a better starok, and one-third mora of it, than is contained ia any other package for the price. Having adopted every idea in the manufacture of staroh which modern invention has made possi ­ ble, we offer Defiance Starch, with every confi­ dence ot giving satisfac­ tion. Customers are be­ soming more and more dissatisfied with the prev­ alent custom of getting 5c. worth of starch and 5c. worth of some useless thing, when they want 10a worth of starch. We give no premiums with Defiance Starch, reiving on "Quality sad Quan­ tity" as tbe most satis­ factory method of getting business. You take no chances in pushing this t article, we give an absolute guarantee with every package sold, and authorize dealers to take back any starch that a customer to bo unsatisfactory in any way. Wo have made arrangements to advertise it thoroughly, and you must have it. ORDER FROM YOUR JOBBER* It ye® csaost jst It wBi ( MANUFACTURED BY MAGNETIC STARCH MFG. CO. OMAHA. NEB.

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