Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1902, p. 3

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SYSTEMIC CATARRH. ,UMXSTRATIO« « Pe-ru-ift is the OBlySysteaic^arrhRemedyknowBtotheMeaicalProfession] MRS. IDA L. GREGORY JLIZADING CLUBWOMAN Of mMJt.Om. 1 « IWC HUMOR OF POLITIC*. Mrs. Ida L. firepr;, President #f Siis Puts and Anthers Club of Cole- adt, President ;f Belgrade Art ni, Diricter iif Setae! ei indus­ try and Desiig, Vice President ef Snman Artlcagw, Is One e? the Leading ClntWeaen ef Cnlerado, In a recent letter from 2 Grant *•«" Me, Dearer, Colo., this prominent lady r-* . . ^ i «Some years ago my husband Buffered from nervous prostration mud advising with a friendly drug* gist he brought home a bottle of Peruna, His health was restored from its use, his appetite was in- creased and restful sleep came to him. I therefore heartily endorse Peruna, aa an honest remedy worthy the good things which are gaid of it."--Ida L. Gregory. Nervous prostration is BO frequently associated with systemic catarrh that •ome doctore do not distinguish between the two. In systemic catarrh the dia­ base has pervaded the whole system and fhere is a constant loss of vital fluids from the mucous membranes. A gTeat many people are doctoring for BCrvous prostration who would be im­ mediately cured by a course of Peruna. £feruna makes clean, healthy mucous membranes. By this preservation of the Maliee of a Billposter Spoiled a Can* dldste's Chances of Election. One of the best political workers in England is Sir William H. Holland, one of the new knights, who, although a busy Manchester manufacturer--A cotton king, in fact--finds time to look after the Interests \)f a big min­ ing constituency like Rotherham In the West Riding. Sir William is A well-groomed man with a florid face that is seldom guilty of a smile. Ia spite of this somewhat doleful aspect, which seems to be mada to match a lugubrious tone of volee, he invariably has in hand a fund of anecdotes calcu­ lated to put audiences In the best of humor. One of his sftcftiee la worth repeating. • personal friend at his, fighting a parliamentary contest in the south of England, had the disadvantage of being a "carpet-bagger," whereas the conservative candidate enjoyed con­ siderable local prestige. Toward the close of the contest the liberal AGENT warned him that the matter was one of some importance, whereupon he replied: "Very well, then you can tell the voters that If they return me I will come and live here."' But he had not reckoned up all the circumstances. The agent printed Mils setting forth that "if MR. is elected HE will live here " The bills got. into the HANDS of an opposition bill-poster and the RESULT WM that they were found placarded oa every pig sty and barn la the division. That candidate, need- leas T» say, was not sleeted. fluids the weakening drain of their discharge is prevented. The medical profession is just begin­ ning to awaken to the fact that chronic catarrh,especially systemic catarrh,will soon produce a condition so nearly re­ sembling nervous prostration that it is very difficult to tell one from the other. Peruna cures these cases without fail. If you do not derive prompt and satis­ factory results from the use of Peruna, Write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad­ vice gratia Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Q. V C\ /CD V RUN N B0RN OTTO*™* WORLD with an CVLI\.I V^niLL^ inherited tendency to distress­ ing, disfiguring humours of the skin, scalp, and blood, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suffering but because of the dreadful fear that the disfiguration is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and prosperity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint themselves with the beet, the purest, and most effective treatment available, via., THE CUTICURA TREATMENT. Warm baths with CUTICURA ROAP, to cleanse the skin of cruets and and soften the thiokeoed cuticle, gentle anointings with CUTICURA OIIFT-MBNT, to instantly allay Itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe AND heal, are all that can be desired for the alleviation of the suffering of skta- lortured infanta and children and the comfort of worn-out, worried motfcCfS. A SINGLE set is often sufficient to cure when the best physicians fail. TSJIWI AVD Cin. COISJTTI &•»•• SOUTHERN PACIFIC TO CALIFORNIA FROM C H I C A G O during September and October. Through tourist cars--highest class* Choice of routes. V-IRM «•- from Chicago connecting with the Uslsa Pacific at Omaha, Kansas City or Denver, or the Rle Grand Line at Denver, Colorado 8prings or Pueblo, or the Sestheni Pacific at New Orleans, San Antonio or EL Paso. W. G Address any Southern Pacific Agent. NEIMYER, General Agent, 193 CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. I 4 The Omaha Auditorium Company Will ffiv* away over One Thousand Prises next month--Over Seven HM- died of them will be cash prizes, including the Capital Cash Prise ef FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS Contributed BR The Drflano# Starch Company. The miscellaneous prtSM include a $3,500.00 house and lot and scores of valuable articles. TICKETS ••• TWENTY-FIVE CENTS BJAEH IS oent tlcjwt entitles the purchaser to one shar* of common stoek In the Omaha Auditorium Company and two chances to win prizes. Special cash prizes will be awarded Oetober 1# and November 1. For further particulars, list of prises, or tickets, address OMAHA AUDITORIUM Co. NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING 9 » » 5 OMAHA, NEB* |FVFGD,°NT BUY AN ALLTO. 1 Admiral Evans Took Disinterested Ad­ vice of a Cabby. A story is told of how Admiral (then captain) Evans was cured of his de­ sire for an automobile. He was rid­ ing in one of these machines with a friend in New York. After the spin through Central park had become most invigorating the captain became talka­ tive with the chauffeur. "You are the man I want to talk to," he remarked. "I have been think­ ing for some time of buying one of these flying machines* for myself and I want some expert advice as to what brand of wings to purchase. "I've driven every kind of machine that there Is," returned the affable engineer, "steam, gasoline, electric, and all, and I guess 1 know 'em all from A to Izzard." "Well, now, my man " returned the captain, warming up to the gentle­ manly steerer, " if you were going to buy a machine for your own self what kind would yon Belect?" "Well, sir," replied cabby, "if I was to buy one.T'd save up my money and hoy a hoss." The admirallB still without an auto. FOUR OF A KIND. BHI SL Pare That Failed to Suit Fas­ tidious Diner. A man "Down Bast" sojourned tor s few days at a reasonably cheap board­ ing house ia the city. He became tired of the monotony of the table fare and complained to a nowly made acquaintance. His friend told him of another boarding HOUS ̂ which he thought would Just suit, ana stated that they served four kinds of meat daily, and every day. The Down-easter made the change, and after a few days' trial of the new place changed again. The friend who had recommended the house inquired in astonishment why he had left It. "Didn't like the fare," was the answer. "Didn't they give you four kinds of meat a day, as I told you they would?" "Yes." "Well, then, what was the matter? Wasn't that enough?" "Enough, I guess; but I didn't like the kinds." "What were they?" "Ram, lamb, sheep meat and mut ton."--New York Times. NOT A C0N80LINQ THOUGHT. 8ympathy May Have Been Well Meant, but Was Not Effective. The late Dr. Herman C. Riggs of Rochester, pastor of St. Peter's, did not enjoy a popular reputation as humorist, but he had some dignified fun in his composition and regarded with very little patience those whose piety found expression in deprecating the slnfullness of the times, says the New York Times. One day a lugu­ brious elder, temperamentally a pessi­ mist and usually a bore, said to him: "Doctor, the tendencies of the times are Indeed deplorable. The longer I live the worse the world seems to become." Dr. Riggs replied: "My dear sir, the fact Is undoubtedly as you have observed, but perhaps you exagger­ ate the relation which it would seem to establish between cause and effect. However, I would not let that worry me too much, since you may be able to derive some consolation from the thought that perhaps the world wll he better when you are out ef LH'" The longer the elder pondered fliis reply the less satisfaction was he able to derive from it. Had Crazy Spells. West Pembroke, Me., Sept. S3.-- The thirteen-year-old daughter of Mrs. A. L. Smith suffered with a peculiar affliction which her mother describes as follows: "It is two years now since she was first taken with crazy spells. "They kept on cominc at intervals and I could get nothing to do her any good. "The doctors gave me no encourage­ ment. They all said they could not help her. "The crfczy spell would last about nine days, then she wduld be well about nine days, but would eat very little and was very yellow. Even the whites of her eyes were yellow. "I heard that Dodd's Kidney Pills were a great remedy for young girls and decided to try them. "After taking one box she was com pletely restored and she has not had one bad spell sijice. Of course we con­ tinue! to use the pills and she used altogether five boxes lfisj fall. "In March I thought I saw symp­ toms of the spells again and I got six boxes of which she has taken four, and is In splendid health. 'Her case was certainly a remark able one and we are very thankful to Dodd's Kidney Pills for the great good they have done my daughter." Wit of the Shah. When the late shah of Persia visit­ ed London some years ago the fol­ lowing Incident occurred: "At an ex hibition in London," wrote the late shah, "the picture of a donkey was shown and I asked the price of it. The director of the exhibition, a fat, white- bearded man, who gave Information about the prices, told me it was £100. I remarked: 'The value of a live don­ key is £6. How Is it then that this, which is but the picture of an ass, is to be paid so dearly for?' The di­ rector said: 'Because it is not a source of expense, as It eats neither straw nor barley,' I replied: True, it is not a source of outlay, but neither will It carry a load or give one a ride.' We laughed heartily." Love Tried and True. "There goes a couple that have been friends since childhood, and grow fonder and fonder of each other." "Are they engaged?" "Engaged! They're married and divorced!" IHSIST ON GETTING XT. Some rrocere say they don't keep De­ fiance Starch. Thia Is because they have a stock on hand of other brands contain­ ing only 12 os. in a package, which they won't be able to sell first, because De­ fiance contains 16 os. tor the ^ame money. Do you want 16 01. Instead of 12 OE. for HUM money? Then buy Daliance Starch. Requires no cookin*. The Truth Will Out. The parsen (to stranger)--This ie the flrsft time I have had the pleasure of seekig yeu at our church. Where is y9ur regular place of worship, may Coffee-Chewing Fiends. Men who work in coffee-roasting plants often contract the habit of chewing coffee. This habit grows stronger and stronger as time passes, until finally its victim must be chewing all the time. „ His face takes on, then, a yellowish, unhealthy color, and his heart beats too fast His breathing is Irregular and his appetite is poor. In temper he is irascible and so tremendous is his appetite for tobacco that he will even smoke in bed. Yet he does not, as a matter of fact, chew a great deal of coffee; probably two pounds a week is the greatest record he ever makes; but he is coffee's slave as much some men are the slaves of opium or of alcohol. Some of the proprietors of coffee-roasting plants, aware of the deleterious effect of the habit, have signs on their walls, forbidding coffee- cliewing on pain of dismissal. Many of the men, however, disregard these signs. Java coffee is the sort that THEY prefer to chew. Tit For Tat Several years ago a Boston news paper reporter published a supposed interview with Mr. Twain. When Mark Twain read it he was much amused, for the reporter had char­ acterized him cleverly, expressing the peculiar qualities thfct distinguished the humorist. Mr. Twain answered through the same paper, writing a supposed interview, relating the IM pression the young reporter had made upon him, and at the same time good- naturedly caricatured that enterpris­ ing young man. A Crow as an Electrician. A crow has been getting the Calcut­ ta Telephone company Into trouble. It built its nest at the central office, where four wires converged, and used the clippings and bits of wire for the purpose, with the result that it estab­ lished complete electrical communica tlon between the whole of the four lines. When a subscriber rang up some one he wanted he was answered from four different offices at once. According to history Jonah 1 the first man jrho granted the earth. Undisputed for Half a Century. It is a remarkable fact, which tor half a century has not once been dis­ puted, that St Jacob's Oil never fails to cure shooting pains in the arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or soreness in any part of the body. It has for fifty years been guaran­ teed by the proprietors, St. Jacobs Oil, Ltd., Baltimore, Md., to promptly cure lameness, sciatica, rheumatism, lum­ bago, stiff and swollen Joints, stiff back, and all pains In the hips and loins, strains, bruises, burns, scalds, toothache, chilblains, and all aches and pains. St Jacobs OU costs 25 cts and 50 cts.; sold wherever a druggist is found. Wil l ing to Pay. The venerable Bishop Williams of Connecticut, for many years Presi­ ding Bishop of the Episcopal church In America, and who lived all hU life a bachelor, was talking one day with a young man from the West about a possible tax a Western state was try­ ing to impose on bachelors, the tax to be increased a certain per cent for every ten years of bachelorhood. 'Why, bishop," said the young man, "at your age you would have to pay about $100 a year." "Well," said the bishop quietly, and In his old-time vernacular: 'IT'S wuth it" • Feminine Baseball Fan. "I see you attend nearly ejrery game. Do you understand it thor­ oughly?" "No," replied the pretty girl In the white duck suit "I hate the game--but that pitcher's mighty handsome." UdlM Can Wear Shoes One slse smaller after using Allen's Foot- Base, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easv. Cures swollen,hot,sweating, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. All drupgists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package FREE by mail. A» JJDG Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy» N. ». Familiar With Sharks. "Did you see any sharks when you crossed the ocean, • Mr. Spifklns?" asked Miss Purling. "Yes, I played cards with a couple." MORE FLEXIBLE AND LASTING, won't shake out or blow out; by using Defiance starch you obtain better results than possible with any other brand and one-third more for same money. Any chronic borrower s5on begins to wonder why every one he knows is broke: When doctors fall, try Burdock Blood Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation; invigorates the whole system. Friendship you have to buy is dear at any price. is your I ask? her Young man--Why, er--at father's house, to be sure. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In the Children's Home in New York. Cures Feverishneas, Bad Stomach, Teething Dis­ orders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FRKB^ Adr dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, K. Y. A Man's Idea, often changes a man's "Mar idea "Yes; few men see things the same after exchanging views with their wives." Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" does not please you, return it to your dealer. If it does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satisfaction, and will net stick to the iron. Frequent Changes of the Mind. "She Is a woman who always speaks her mind." "Guess that's why she has to talk so much." No chromos or cheap premiums, hut a better quality and one-third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of other starcheB. When a baby girl is born she at once begins to yell for clothes and she never gets over the habit It's folly to suffer from that horrible plague of the uigat, ILCUIUG piles. Doan's Ointment cures, quickly and permanently. At any drug store, 50 cents. People have died for love that would have made them miserable If they could have had it If yon wish beautiful, clear, white clothes use Red Cross Ball Bios. Large 8 os. package, 5 cents. Too many people get their patience MTVAD up with their indolence. Hall's Catarrh dure HI A CONSTITUTIONAL cure. Price, 7S& A little taffy now and then Is rel­ ished by the wisest men. luces la- ft bottle. Mrs. WlMlow'a Boothia* Syrap.1 Fer children teeibiug, softens Uie gums, reduf BuaaiaUon, allajs pals, cares wind colic. 25c B+nfl* of matrimony pay good divi­ dends--ie preacher*. .Cw The «wentleth Century MONEY MAKER. a 10.000 prollts per aare. Lars' flSj^ est Garden In America. Address R. E. BARNARD, Houston, Mo. WANTEDI An energetic person to represent us AT? very County sad btate Fair, demonstrating UK* TRIUMPH Fruit Can Wr+no* sad establishing agents. rORBKm CHOCOLATE CO. zze mhartir St. CImvlmnd, OMm. PING PONG FREE! Send us your name and address; we will Bend you ten pieces of regular fifty cent sheet muslo. Bell the music at 10 centt per copy, return ns the dollar reallxed, and ws will aepd you a complete set of Ping Pong, worth •l.W, FBEK. No money required UHXVSKSAL MUSIC LIBRARY, Dept. F. 1171 Broadway, Hew Tork Otty. 5KMS PAIL IN A DRY TIME OFMBNFFIKFAID BAWTTTHIL Thfo MSM as ft •tan has a history. Tni* F& told <n an interesting booklet which is /ours for the aaking. A. D. TOWER CA ftOSTON, MA** of _ WET WEATHER CLOTHING, ̂ . l&pQS MOVE THING MUCH future Has Put Into EV*r? Stomach liquid called the gastric juice, which in healthy condition is capable of digesting the food and converting it into "chjTne," which at length becomes good, rich blood. The least little aliment of tlio stomach affects this "gastric iuiri;" and quickly leads to vwiousseriout> sicknesses. These ailments may be easily avoided by taking regularly Dr. Caldwell's (Laxativa) Syrup Pepsin SOc and $1.00 Bottlmm ALL DRUGGISTS SENT FREE: Sample bottle and an In­ teresting book on stomach troubles. PEPSI* SYRUP CO.. Monticello, IDs. D D Mrs. Emma E. Felch, Treasurer Fond du Lac, Wis., Social Economic Club, Tells How She was Cured of Irregular and Pain* ful Menstruation by Lydia E. Pinkham'S Vegetable Compound. , V ' ;--v "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM: -- I hare used Lydki E. Pfnkbam'i Vegetable Compound for irregular and painful menstruation, and was entirely cured after using two bottles. I can truly say k is * boon to suffering women, and I would recommend all suffering frm* the above troubles to try a few bottles and be cured. Very tlrah> fully yours, EMMA E. FELCH, Division St., Fond du Lap, Wis. $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE I<ETTE8 IS 2TOT GE&iuuA When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed ©r menstruation, weakness, leueorrhoea. displacement or ulceration of tt* 'womb that bearing-down feeling, inflninrnation of the ovaries, bftcittciw, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros­ tration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitoaik excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, all- gone" and " want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia K. Pisikbam's Vegetable Compound at once removes sucn uouDM Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. "So other medicine for female Ills in the world has ree«tT*A inch widespread and unqualified endorsement. ^ Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for adrle* B)m baft guided thousands to health• Address^ liyiui* fittiw« Mexican Mustang Liniment Over-pleasure is AS hard oa the muscles and joints as over-work. The beat thing to do to get the body right after a LONG bioycla ride is to rub the sorft, stiff parte 'well "with Xexicas Mustang Linl. meat. No better remedy made for bruises, outs and chafing. There are'butTWro'kinds of starch. Dcfiancc Stsrch, which is the best starch made and--th» rest. Other starches contain chemical* which work harm to die clothcs, rot them and cause them to break. Defiance is absolute- D E F I A N C E S T A R C H ly pare: I* <• perfectly satisfactory or money back. The proof is io the doing and Defiance does. 16 ounces for 10 cents. Your groceff sells 16 MANUFACTURED THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO. mm- •MM ih One Fare Round Trip Home Visitors Excursion via Big Four Route To all points on the Big Pour Root*. Also to all points in Central Passenger Association territory via Big Four and connections, West of and including Buffalo, N. Y., Dunkirk, N. Y., Sala­ manca, N. Y., Erie, Pa., Pittsburg, Pa., Bellairc, O., Wheeling, Parkersburg and Charleston, W. Va., Toronto, Suspen­ sion Bridge, Niagara Falls, Tonawanda, Black Rock, East Buffalo and Buffalo Junction. Half rates will be made by lines west nd south of St. Louis, Chicago, Peoria, Cairo, Cincinnati and Louisville. Tickets will be sold October 3rd to 6th, 190a, inclusive, with extreme limit leaving destination not later than November 3rd, 190a. For tickets and full information, call on your nearest Railroad Ticket Agent and ask for tickets via " Big Four Route," or address WARTEN J. IRSCM, W. P. OCPPC, Oan't Pin <t Tkt Aft. A Bat. O. F.ST.i. CINCINNATI, O. ®9KNU M >8 WHAT YOU CAN 8AVC ! IIW We make all kiadsoX scales. fi T0NfflPl§SWftAIS0 B B-Pump* V«"1 O I " I * a r . d W i n d m i l l s , u c u , BECKMAN BROS., DESMOINCS.IOWA. I BUSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. A Good Route to Try It tmrcrscs a tanButy tick fa undeveloped resiocnvas; a containing unlimited possibilities far agriculture, horticulture, steek in g, mining and m*nnfw lining kat, bat net least it is THe Scenic Route for Toxirisfs. The Frisco System now oJhfS the traveling pabHo foBosDsat escsAss sad fast time-- Between St. Louis and City sad points in Missouri. Taws, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Terri­ tory. Texaa and the Soothwest. Between TTsnsss City tttsd points in Tennessee, Alabama. Mississippi. Georgia, Florida and the Southeast. Between Birmingham ami Mem­ phis and points in Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas and the West and Southwest. Poll information as to rente and rates cheerfully furnished upon appli­ cation to any representative of the Company, or to Passenger Traffic Department. Comm«re4eJ LIILMTM, S«.trvt Louis. 4 0 % D I V I D E N D S $ 5 0 0 G<xxL rap. 80M For tha purpose of Increasing Its plant a Mfg. Co. nnd»r management o( reliable Chicago badnen Ben otter a limited amount of treasury atock (par value 11.00 per ibare> at SO cent* e •> Vblck price the enlarxoi plant (boald MiaatleMt 40%% J ft. Send for pro«r>ectu«. DAVID J . KENNEDY, MO WMhiattao Street* CHICA**- lira also. D*. H. C. KK1TB Will he paid '"f an XKITH S LIQUOR. Tooacvo »U« vu retta to t«w»n WU cur<«. either wick or witlit-al UdAt's knowltdg#: Mo #i» Ou»raul««ii by a!! dp<e! . O 811 St.. _.JT CAM THAT Mi Tobacco Clg»< JIMS VTU® oimto, Oiuo. W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 39, WK. Vlti Asswerisg Adverti*a*sts Daily •MINI tti» M . "

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