Pldiniedfer •PUBLISHED EVERY THUBSDAT BY IK Mdlflttr PUMDEAUR fOMPJUIT. f. K. GRAWB, W. A. CBISTT, J. B. PERRY, Pres. Sec. Tafias. OUL D. BoHoomtun, In Bank Building. Telephone, No. Tt% TKPIMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: Oit«y«ar $1.50 Six month*, 75 cts. Three months. tfcts. Thursday, Octobcr 9, 1903. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Klection Tneodty, Nov. 4, 190*. or United States Senator-- HON. ALBERT J. HOPKINS or Olerk of Supreme Court-- , CHRISTOPHER MAMER For State Treasurer-- FRED A. BUSSE For8tate Superintendent Public Instruction-- ALFRED S. BAYLISS For Trustees State University-- WILLIAM B. McKINLBY MRS. LAURA B. EVANS L. H. KERRICK For Olerk of AppelateCourt.Second District-- CHRISTOPHER C. DUFFY For Member of Congress-- ' HOWARD M. SNAPP For Representatives in General Assembly-- EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF GEORGE R. LYON For County Judge-- ORSON H. GILLMORE For County Clerk-- GEORGE F. RUSHTON For County Treasurer-- EMILUS C. JEWETT For 8heriff-- MUNROE W. LAKE For County Superintendent of Schools-- GEORGK W. CONN, JR. time they created a disturbance or used vile langnage, it might have a tendency to a slight reform at least For in decent exposure they should be pnnishf p to the fall extent of the law fend the law on that snbject is plain. KEEP 000L coal question. Don't worry over the THE hotter you get over the strike, the leas fuel you will need. coal ANTHRACITE is now pronounced "out- ofcite" by a lan?e number of people, with the accent on the first syllable. AT the recent dressmaker's conven tion it was suggested that the trailing skirt should go. How in the world do you suppose the sidewalks will be kept clean? . •* PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT is bound to put an end to the coal strike if possible. Too bad he could not take the role of an imperialist ruler just long enough to seise the miners and start the ball roll ing once more. WILL Mr. Bryan or some other "anti- imperialist" please tell us why Roose velt, the "imperialist president", does not seise the anthracite mines? If it were only true how easily Teddy could settle the business. THE favorite salutation when friends meet upon the street these days is "Have you got your coal in?" Now if the person addressed has his coal in he can smile and say yes. But for the man who has not been so fortunate, the question is as exasperating as that other common salutation "Is it warm enough for you?" especially when the mercury is boiling in the bulb. THERE are two characters seen cn the streets of McHenry, almost daily, that are a disgrace to themselves, to humanity and a shame to the commun ity. There is not a speck of decency left in them, having no respect for themselves or any one else. It is a common occusrence for them to walk about the streets with their clothes half off, exposing their filthy bodies. The language they use if^Yile in the extreme and they never speak in whisp ers either. We who have seen them daily for years have become accustomed to the spectacle and can not fully com prehend the evil of letting them run about the streets. But what must vis itors to this village think when they run across such » monstrosity? Arrest ing them and incarcerating in the vil lage baa tile does no good for that plan has been tried in the past time and again. It matters little to them whether they sleep off their drunken stupor in an iron cage or on a feather bed If a heavy fine should be imposed every !• %. 'M $ I No Hair? "My hair was falling out very fast and 1 was greatly alarmed. 1 then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once."-- Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, Q. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. ST.M • BRTTK. AU TANHTI. If your druggist cannot supply you, Bend ua one dollar and we will express you a bottle. He sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address, J. C AYKUCO., Lowell, ' MPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN OPKN8. Republican orators will be heard in all parts of Illinois from now on until the day of election. Although a great deal of other effective work has been performed by the campaign commit tees, there have been comparatively few public meetings thus far, but the speaking campaign now will begin in earnest and numerous public meetings will be held. An ample supply of good speakers is at the service of the party and prepared to present the issues of the day t^the voters of the state and to impress upon them the importance of casting their ballots in November. Already long lists of appointments have been announced by the speakers' bureau of the state central committee for Con gressman Hopkins, Governor Yates, Congressman Cannon, Senator Calloin, ex-Speaker Sherman, Secretary of State Rose and others, and additional announcements will follow jppidly. In addition it is probatle that a special train carrying the principal speakers and the state candidates will make a tour through the close legislative dis tricts, in the course of which speeches will be made at all stations and the people will be given an opportunity to meet the candidates. Over-confidence is the foe against whom all these ef forts are being directed by the Repub lican managers, and is the only foe they have cause to fear. If every Republi can will vote, there can be no question as to the result. PROBA TE NEWS Spent More Than fl.OOO. W. W. Baker of Plainview, Neb writes: "My wife suffered from lung trouble for fifteen years. She tried a number of doctors and spent over $1,000 without relief. She became very low and lost all hope. A friend recommend ed Foley's Honey and Tar and thanks to this great remedy it saved her life. She enjoys better health than she has knowh in ten years." Refuse substi tutes. Sold by N. H. Peteseh. Very Low Rates to Horse, Cattle and Swine Show at Kansas City, Mo., The North-Western Line will sell Ex cursion tickets October 18 to 22, inclu sive, with return limit until October 27, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 15-2t Forty Tears' Torture. To be relieved from a torturing dis ease after 40 years' torture might well cause the gratitude of any one. That is what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney, Geneva, O. He says: "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me of piles after I had suffered forty years." Cures cuts, purns, wounds, skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Julia A Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. j Excursion Tickets to Peoria Corn Exposition, Peoria, 111., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates October 0 to 18, inclusive, limited to return until and including October 20. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 18-8t While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me," he Bays, "and immediately applied Chamber lain's Pain Balm and occasionally after wards. To my surprise it remoyed all pain and soreness and the injured parts were soon healed." For sale by all druggists. Very Low ltates to Boston, Mass. The North-Western Line will sell Ex cursion tickets October 6, 7, 8, d and 10, with extreme return limit by extention until Noveniber 12, inclusive, on ac count of B. of St. A. Convention. Ap ply to agents Chicago & North-Western B'y. 14-2t America's Famous Beauties Look with horror on skin eruptions. Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salye. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25c at Julia A. Story 's drug store. Home Seekers' Excursions to the North west, West and Southwest. Via the North-Western Line. Hoiiie Seekers' Excursion Tickets at greatly reduced rates will be sold on the first and third Tuesdays of each month June to October, inclusive, 1902, to the territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Re clining Chair Cars, and "The Beet of Everything." For full particulars apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. SPCL Look Out For Fever, Biliousness and liver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing the system with DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gently, but copiously, and by reason of the ton ic properties, give tone and strength to the glands. Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. All the old familiar Irish melodies will be sung at the presentation of "Kathleen Mavourneen." Date and full particulars next week. O BsantiM Signatv* of iiiniiiiMniiiiiiimiiiuniiiiiiiimiii REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jno Mar* hull & w to (too K Rich, Its 9 A. 3bk 30 Hints 3rd add Harvard.... 42200 00 Huns Ohristensen & w to Goo Somraers Its 1 & 2 bk 1 Wickertys add to Wood stock 000 00 Catherine Miles & h to Patrick & Mar garet Leonard: Its 4. 5. 6, 7, 8 bk'4 Johnson's add Woodstock and pee adjoining 100000 John i'abst to John Weltelen It la Huntley . l&c Chas E Hunt & w et al to Hunt, Helm & Ferris Its 1, t, 3, 4 bk 20 also Its 1, 2. 3, 4 & 5 bk 21 Harvard l&c Joseph K Donajfhy & w to Henry Cun ningham, eH noM, swX neH, se5< nw H. nXne^ sw^, ptnHnwX se?4 see 11 Hebron 2200000 W S McConnell & w to H H Boshard. e 103 ft It 11 bk 1 Strodee add Wood stock 250000 Devisees of Jas McCaull deed to Jas H Lucas eH 11WX sec 15Coral... 682600 J T Rower & w to Willis Dermont 8*4 It 10 Cottlng & Purdy's add Rich mond 310 00 Devisees of Jas McCaul deed to Wm Steffen It 17 A P sec 7 Coral 280 00 Michael sulllvan & w to Ellen Sullivan It 6 bk 6 Blackmati's add Harvard 800 00 Luclnda Dacy et al to Joseph Connors It 3 bk 2 Dacy add Woodstock 300 00 Guy S Frary & w to Hulda'A Seward e j 10 a off wH w!4 nwM sec 8 Algonquin. 760 po Chas W Harrison & w to Elizabeth Ladd SWM nwx sec 6 Nunda 120 00 Maria A Weber to A Nordqulst It in Mcilenry village -- 600 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fred Oahmkie, 28.. Harvard Minnie E. Butts, 18. .Harvard Paul Riegor, 25 Nnnda Margaret Waliniriey, 26 ..McHenry Henry Dahn, 81 Algonquin Anna Steffer, 28 Algonquin Otto Maha, 24 .........Algonquin Minnie Carter, 24 .Algonquin Richard I, Overton, 20 Solon Margaret £. Carey, 22... .Spring Grove Thomas C. White, 88. Harvard Edith Morris, 80 Harvard His Life In Peril. "I just seemed to have gone all to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back had made life a burden. I couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bit ters, but they worked vyondera. Now I sleep like a top, can eat anything, have gained in strength and enjoy hard work." They give vigorous health and neW life to weak, sickly, run-down peo ple. Try them. Only 50c at Julia A. Story's drug store. A Generous Empress. It is said that one morning at break fast a general related to the emperor the misfortunes of a brither officer who "because he had not 15.000 francs must be dishonored." While the em peror questioned further particulars Eugenie flew to her room and, return ing with a package of banknotes, said. Take them, general, and never tell me his name." And his name the gen erous empress never knew. Forethought. "Right here," said the surveyor, will be a good place for your saw mill. The county line will run exactly through the middle of It." Not much," said the pioneer. "We'll have it all on one side or the other. When a man gets sawed in two, I don't want no two coroners' inquests •ver him."--Chicago Tribune. O A B T O n i A . Bean the J* The Kind You Have Always Signature Like Any Other Man* The following story is told in refer ence to Mr. Lowell's second marriage: At the time when rumors of the event became current among his friends one of them, a stanch admirer of the first Mrs. Lowell and a firm believer in her husband's permanent widowerhood, took it upon herself to deny the gossip every time it met her. Finally, how ever, the announcement came to her from such extremely good authority that her faith was shaken. She wrote frankly to Mr. Lowell that she had heard the reports and persist ently denied them, but now began to doubt her right to do so. She begged him to let her know the true state of affairs, whether she was to believe him a never-to-be-consoled husband or, after all, "Just like any other man." The answer was prompt and brief: "Dear Madam--Yours, like any other man." Want Column. TpOU SALE--1 hereby offer for sale my new nine-room dwelling equipped with all modern Improvements together with n y iin- pletnenli warehouse -situated in Mcilenry. vor further particulars write or cull on (he undersigned. If preferred will sell dwelling and rent business. T. J. WALSH TpOR SALE wagon. Will be Soli H. M.Jensen. A top buggy and •Id ch« Heap. light road Inquire of pH>R hALE--I have for sale a Cyclone Corn ~ Husker; also a 3 horse tread power, both In good shape. Will be sold at a bargain. IN ire of w. E. Wh quire of O A S T O H X Bean the »The Kind You Have Signature of 8 T O X I I A . The Kind You Have Always The Willing Workers will meet next week Thursday in the church parlors at the rooal hour. A Minor Consideration. The ambitious young woman was attracted by an advertisement, one line of which read, "How to Become an Author." The advertiser claimed that by his method failure was impossible. So the ambitious young woman sent on the necessary trifling sum of money, and by return mail she received a slip on which was printed this bit of ad vice, "Write something." "But," she protested by letter, "I already have done that, and it hasn't been printed." "We congratulate you," was the re ply. "If you have written something, you already are an author. Publica tion is a minor consideration, with Which we have nothing to do."--Brook lyn Eagle. ManaKins the Baby. Young Matron (with theories on the care of children, to nurse)--Jane. Nurse-- Yessum. Young Matron--When the baby has finished his bottle, lay him In the cra dle on his right side. After eating a child should always lie on the right side. That relieves the pressure on the heart. Still (reflectively) the liver Is on the right side. Perhaps, after all, you had better lay him on the left side. No, I am sure the treatise on "Infant Digestion" said right side. On the whole, Jane, you may lay the baby on his back until I have looked up the matter more thoroughly. An Earnest'lalatattea. "Ah," said Biggg as a prosperous looking man who had cordially salut ed Diggs passed on, "that's the way I like to hear a man speak. He seemed sincerely glad to find you alive and well." "Yes," replied Diggs. "He probably was. He's the president of the com pany my life's Insured in."--Brooklyn Life. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds and prevents pneumonia. Take no substitute. Sold by N. H. Peteseh. Marriage* Without Monejr. The poet and divine,1 John Donne, who became dean of St. Paul's in 1821, married a daughter of Sir George Moore without the consent of her par ents. H§ was told by his father-in-law that he was not to expect any money from him. The bridegroom went holne and' wrote this witty note,"John Dotinc, Anne Donne, undone," which he sent to the angry father, and this had the effect of restoring them to favor. They were very poor at first, but things soon got brighter, and they lived most happily togethar. Sir Joshua Reynolds after Flaxman had married told him that this would ruin him as an artist. When the hus band related this to his wife, she re solved that marriage should make i^ad not mar her husband and to this end further resolved that he should study at Rome and do everything that he might have done without matri monial responsibilities. "But how?" asked Flaxman. "Work and econo mize," rejoined the brave woman. So well did they do this that he found that "wedlock is for an artist's ^ood, rather than his harm," and they both discovered that they were made for each other. --• , v.yfryi-. THE CHICAGO, V & SI. PAUL RAILWAY. H.KTRIC UtHIED 1IMIHS BfTWfffl Chicago, Ues Motffesf Sioux City, r Omaha, Chicago, MU^vmikeC 0 St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, ilarquette, Houghton, Calumet. Equipment and Service Unequaled. Time tables, maps and information furnished on application to F. A. MILX,ER, General Passenger Agent, Chicaao. lnmimmniHiiimmmmniMmmmmii it i* with condiderable pride that we cail j your attention to the line of ! REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A WORD TO YOU. Do you want to know where the next great land boom will be, and where yon can make plenty of money? If so write the undersigned for a circular telling "All about it." J. F. MERKY, Ass't Gen'l Pass'r Agent, Illinois Central Railroad, Dubuque, ta.. we have on our floor for the corning season. -- , . • • They represent the best manufacturers in the world-- THE PENINSULAR, THE JEWEL, THE ACORN, THE RIVERSIDE, THE ELMHERST and THE QUICK MEAL. Although Stoves haves advanced in 'price considerably in the last year we are in a position to self for last year's prices in some cases, and for less money in many cases. We will take your old Stoves in trade, allow you their value. We make it a part of our business to Repair, clean and set up Stoves and can do yours for you on shcrt notice. We have some bargains in second hand Heaters for all kinds of fuel. Came and see them. ; , ; : • . ' • ' 1 v r l v .i 1 " :»• "li^ui'Wufofra' F . L . r i c O M B E R . W E S T S I D E H A R D W A R E . »mniiiiimniMnmininiii»iiiini»ni A Dnmai Story; The younger Dumas once went to Villers Cotterets, his father's native village, to the unveiling of a statue to the creator of "The Three Musketeers." At the banquet in the evening the younger Dumas sat next to one of the oldest inhabitants who, in perfect good nature, but without any tact, began to tell a story of Dumas pere. Ah," said he, "he was a gay soul, your father! How we loved him. He was so kind hearted and generous. The last time he came to Villers Cotterets he gave a banquet in the Hotel de Ville. He forgot for some time after to pay the bill. See that fat man over there? He was the butcher who fur nished the feast. I should not be sur prised if the meat were still owing to him. But that is nothing. He is proud to this day of being the purveyor to Alexandre Dumas." The story was an ironical commen tary on the set speeches of the after noon. The son was anxious then and there to settle his father's score.--Pall Mall Gazette. Lamb Gourd of Samara. In a book called "The Duke of Hol- stein's Travels Into Persia and Mus covy," published In 1G36, there is an account of a curious vine product called the "lamb gourd," which runs as follows: "In the neighborhood of Samara, Russia, there grows a gourd which closely resembles a lamb In all its members. It changes place in grow ing as far as the stalk will reach, and wheresoever it turns the grass withers and dies. This change of the gourd plant the Muscovites call 'febding.' They further say that when it ripens the stalk withers and that the out ward rind of the gourd is then covered with a sort of wool, which they use instead of fur." Scaliger also makes mention of the lamb gaurd and says that it grows un til the grass fails and that it then dies for want of nourishment. He also says that the wolf is the only animal that will feed upon it. An Interesting Animal. Proprietor of Menagerie--Walk up, ladies and gentlemen, and see our fa mous lion, Mustapha. He is as sensi ble as any human being. A French sergeant once pulled out of his foot a thorn on which he had stepped. What do you think the noble creature did? It devoured, one by one, in order of rank, all the superior officers of our sergeant until the latter found him self promoted to the grade of colonel. Walk in, gentlemen. Only a penny.-- From the German. The Hopping Khenmatlim. "Yes," ' said the old man, " 'peared lak he wuz give over inter de han's er Satan, en Satan 'tlicted him wid de hoppin' rheumatism. Fust it wuz in one place, en den it wuz another, but he went ter prayin' ter be relieve' of It, en one day, whilst it wuz a-hoppin' fum one j'int ter another, it hopped into his wooden leg, an'-^he pulled off de leg an' th'owed it in de tire, en it en de rheumatism wuz teetotally con sumed."--Atlanta Constitution. HiiiiiiiiiinnmiHMmiinniiiiitniniiim Fancy Grocers A few Specials lor the Week! 1 Washing Powder best in Market Grand Ma's in 4 ib. packages, 2 for. .26c Kirk's American Family Soap, 6 bars for 25c; per box of 100 bars $4.00 U. S. Mail Soap, 7 bars for 25c, 15 bars for 50c Washing Soda, per pound 2c i It Pays to Trade j, With US! not because we sell goods at cost--we don't do that, but during the entire year you will always find prices the lowest. We believe in small profits and quick sales all the time, not "atcost" today and high prices tomorrow. WE ARE PROUD of our line of Coffees, which includes the famous BLANKE brand. We are giving this branch of our Grocery business especial attention. Good Goods at prices from 9 to 29 cents. FEEL CHILLY? If you do it is time to think of heavy Underwear. A full line is here for inspection at low prices. A nico line of Flannelettes also just arrived. The ladies should see them. DON'T HAVE WET FEET! It may mean sickness. If you or your children need Shoes we have the goods. Can fit anyone of the family and guarantee satisfaction. Rubbers, Rubber Boots and Overs will soon be in demand. Call here when in need. F. H. Bohlalnder, Successor to Simon Stoffel. West rictienry, Illinois. McHENRY COUNTY COMPANY. ABSTRACT OFFICE with McHenry County 8tat« Bank Woodstock, III. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan 011 real estate In sums of $500 to fl0,000, time aud payment to suit borrower. TOBACCO Spear Head, per pound 89c Horse Shoe, per pound 89c Standard Navy, per pound 88c Plow Boy Smoking fiv6 10c packages. 89c Soldier Boy Smoking, five 10c " .89c Morning Star long cut, per pound.. .15c Dukes Mixture, nine 5c packages... .85c HEATS! Fresh Salt and Smoked. Round Oak .stoves ar6 made vuiirety different from nil otlier Kloves. Tliere are many imita tions, but the resemblance Is only In the exterior diMfin. U he Interior construction of the Hound Oak Hlovcs makes complete combustion possible -- noto tho white smoke from the chimney--there hi no wiBte of fuel, mid for this reason lens fuel Is reqitirod. Bpoi-ial fixtures for hard or BOft coal, permit the u«e of any kind of fuel In NRound Oak Stoves onie* Improvements diffuse the heat through out the room, In.-itcad of letting it escape through the Hues; prevent clinkers; make it possible to keep a lire at will. Absolutely airtight doors, no Joints In bottom ; finest smooth, clean castlnps ; niullcable leers that can't break. Every stove ftiily guaranteed. The only CKNTINE ltoiinAOult Stoves liave the MIME OF DCCLWILH ot DowukIuu oh the feed floor, ui the name ltound Oak cant on lecu and door. If not at your dealers, send for our free book--"Striking It Kich"--full of stove lore. P. D. BECKWITH Estate, ^ Dowagiac, Mich. Complet Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low est prices, and will sell on the same ~basis. , A. C. riATTHEWS, McHenry. West McHenry. This Bank receives' \ deposits, buys and J sells Foreign and Do- f mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections.. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers / Digests what you eat |This proration contains all ot tb The Latest Styles! Kbdol Dyspepsia Cure tha^ irav • " It is not necessary to go out of Johnsburgh to get a Hat of the latest pat tern. We are conversant with aj,l the latest fads in Fall and Winter Millinery and guarantee to please Call and see the trimmed Hats, you can then gain some idea of what we have to offer. Hats trim med to suit your taste at very moderate prices. Our expenses are light, conse quently can afford to sel cheaper than others and give the styles. | Maggie Adams Johnsburgh, Illinois. Idigestanls and digests all kinds food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can talce it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It unequalled 1'or the stomach. Child* ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DEWITT & Co.. Ohicaan Theli. bottle containa2M times tbeGOc. Julia A.^torv and G W. Heslev BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone ending & sketch ami description niuy quickly (iseertiun our opinion free whether au invention Is probnhly piiicntnlilo. ConimunicA- i "iiiHiliookou Patents " * » 1! 1 ui1 'securingpatents. > f altma1 taken through Mutin & CoTreceive notice, without chnrsre. lu the Scientific American. r illustrated weeklv. l.nreeat dr. • **- n>• HeientlUc journal. Terms. t3 iinths, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. " _ & Co.36,Broadwa*' New York omco. 826 V 8t- Waahitmoa. D. C. A h.,ndson culm nut <.} yenr ; four