V Wmm 1 The Clothing Business has been a specialty with us for a number of years, and this Fall we have tried to outdo former efforts. Our assortment is certainly very large, ' J ranging in Children's from four years old to Men's largest ' > sizes in either Suits or Overcoats, in .the latest Cloth and \ make-up. Our stock was bought early, thus having the • J largest line to ^elect from, and by saving all discounts are < i in shape to name you prices that are the lowest, consistent/ • T with good Material and Workmanship. ;( _ ( I mm mm RUBBER MAR 1 This Fall has been a trying one on Shoe Leather. Ours are made by Selz Schwab & Co. a,nd they have stood the test well. Our Royal Blue Shoas nSed no recommend. All sizes, either Rubber or Leather. Horse Blankets, Fur Plush and Wool Lap Robes. Underwear, Duck Coats, Gloves and Mittens, Fur Coats, Wool Caps, Groceries and Flour. Yours for Fall Trade, WEST mim, ILLINOIS. ! ! JOHN J. MILLER. ] u N T u "fesfV-: . • *y_J£ . ^ V<- This is the Place to buy your Furniture. I carry one of the largest and most complete lines of general Furniture in the county at the lowest pos sible prices. If you are in want of any thing in the line of Chairs, Tables, Steel % and Wood Bed Steads, Couches, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Lace Curtains, Car pets or Rugs, this is the place you can get them. Don't give your order to the Chi cago Mail Order House, but come to me as I think I can sell just as cheap as they can considing the quality of goods, and in fact, I have demonstrated this in a number of instances. Undertaking and embalming promptly attended to. JACOB JUSTEN. A A A A A A A A A i A A A A A A A A *T> ^ '1* TJ.I ILL IJ-I III IAI III Y III LY III III IJI III IJR# IJFI IJ.I IFI IAI TIL FALL AID WINTER HOODS! o. . . . i f We are showing a large line of Ladies' Dress and Walking Skirts in all new weaves and colors, finely tailored and trimmed. An elegant assortment of fancy Waist Patterns in French Flannels, Silks and Wool Corded Velvets, Metal- ic Velvets, Etc. Dress Goods in the newest and most popular weaves and colors. Flanneletes, Outing and Tennis Flannels. Underwear, all grades and sizes, at popular prices in Cotton, Fleeced Lined and Wool. Hats, Caps and Gloves, Covert and Duck Coats, Shirts, Overalls and Jumpers. Our Shoe Stock is the most complete in town, all kinds and the most up-to-date styles ranging from 25 cents to $4.50. Clothing made to Heasure! SWe have about one thousand samples to select from in' Foreign and Domestic Cloths. A perfect fit guaranteed. "X Yours Truly, Ja"" PrtKurai Promptly. j|| _ / / 0 U Long dlbiaiice 'phone No. 363,. mum m %S m WW # M Aa § m ' ROIIM In Vn«r FJIMT. Tbe doctor hears some rurlous notsef when he places the stethoscope against your chest. When the lungs are in a healthy condition, the medical gentle- uian hears a pleasant, breezy sound, soft In tone, as you draw In the breath and expel It Should the instrument convey to his ear a gurgling or bub bling sound he makes a mental note of the fact that you are In what Is known as the moist stage of bronchitis. In the dry stage of the same complaint the sound is a whistling, wheezy one. One of the signs of pneumonia is the crackling note that comes through the stethoscope. It Is not unlike the sound that can be heard when your anger and thumb have touched a sticky sub stance and you first place them to gether and then part them, bblding th£m close to your ear. Doctors occasionally hear a dripping sound, and that indicates that air and water have got into some part of the chest where they have no right to be. Blow across a bottle, and you will pro duce a sound which Is actually to be heard !n your chest. It Is caused In the same way--that Is. by air passing over a cavity. Cured of Pile* After 40 Year*.• Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Qj»fir'had the piles for over forty yenrsc Doctors and dollars con Id do him no lasting ood. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for cuts., burns, bruises, sprains, .lacera tions,'eczema, tetter, salt rheum and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWitt on t he package--all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. A Scotch Suiiemtltion. "In a recent visit I paid to friends •broad I came across a superstition that was new to me," said a traveler the other day. "One day at dinner somebody hit a glass, which began the ringing, jingling noise that is familiar when glassware is struck, and Imme diately another guest covered the piece with his hands so as to muffle the sound. Every one present said, 'That's right; stop the ringing.' I found out on inquiring that when one causes this ringing of a glass piece to cease It saves a human life from drowning. How the notion originated 1 can't ex plain, but the$e people I speak of were Intelligent iintl not generally given to cherishing ^surd notions. It Is said to be a Scptqh superstition, but none of my friengfT could throw' light on ita origin." srs--: • A PoVieeman'tt Testimony. J. X. Patterson, night policeman of Nashua, la., writes, "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least a half dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lnng medicine in the world." Sold by N. H. Petesch. Changed From Her Former State. "She's not as pensive as she was be fore you married her." 'No; she's expensive now."--Indian apolis News. With the exception of the British parliament, the Swedish riksdag Is the oldest of the existing legislative bodies. "One of my children was ta«en with cramp colifc and suffered severely." says S. B. Elzee, of Monte, Mo. "I tele phoned for a doctor, then gave a dose of Chamberlaifl'&'Colic Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy, and a few minutes later a second do$«.' Before the doctor came the child waft relieved. For sale by all druggists. thedfob^ BUCKDBAUOIfT THE GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE KMKRAtD PARK. ft. J. Sntton spent Tuesday and Wed nesday with Elgin, relatives. Chas. Berkircher of Chicago to upend ing a few days in his cottage. Messrs. R. ,T. Sntton and Lawrende Hack spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Messrs. Barns and Hill were oat from Chicago over Sunday hunting and fish ing. Dr. Plice of Chicago spent a couple of days this week hunting with Chas. Ber kircher. Mrs. Jss. Overton and lady friend spent Thursday eveinng with Miss Mamie Knox. Miss Kathryn Walsh went to Chicago Saturday where she will visit several weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hack closed their cottage for the season Wednesday and drove to Chicago. Misses Margaret Ward and Irene Fris- by of McHenry visited Miss Lacy Sut ton Sanday afternoon. Misses Mamie and Lola Aylward of Elgin spent a few days the first of the week with home folks here. Great-grandpa Hack returned to his home in Chicago last Friday after spend ing About seven months with his son here. A Startling Surprise. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust black smith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheu matism as few could endare and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottles wholly cared me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." They regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism, Neural gia, Nervousness, improve digestion and give perfect health. Try them. Only 50 cts. at Julia A. Story's drug store OSTEND. Francisco and Bassett have started their husker at Bassett's. George and Roy Thomas are basking their corn with a machine. Bernard Harrison has been using his gasoline engine at Tom McDonald's. Warren and Annie Francisco were callers irl Ring wood Sunday afternoon. P. S. Martin and sons have their hus ker at work for the last week at home. Miss Eva Martin of Woodstock has been the guest of relatives for several days. Charlie Florida and wife and son Harold were callers in Cherry Valley Sunday. Asleep Amid Flames. Breaking into a biasing home, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping in mates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way when yon neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lang Troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suf fering, death, and doctor's bills. A tea- spoonful stops a late cough, persistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by Julia A. Story. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. kj,; <*$: F" •- MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED! We can help you save the money if you will only give us a chance. The prices quoted below should be inducement enough to attract your attention. Bring that dollar here and we will stretch it out so that it will eqaal $1.50. Just read and reflect: Big line wool P%it8, good assort ment, worth double tne mount. % • • 9Hc, $1.25, $1.59 Men's work Pants, worth $1.00 . ,e#c Overcoats, large assortment at lowest prices. Duck Coats, worth £.00, all sizes, special price §1.24 Men's Suits, all sizes, large assortment lowest prices. Men's woolen Bocks, worth 45c, clos ing out® 19c Ladies' wool Stockings, going at % price 23c Very best Fleisher knitting Yarn, per pound 88c Men's work Shirts® aSc Boy's Shirts @ 30c Men's fancy Shirts, closing oat @ % price 90c Men's Sweaters, H price i»c Children's Mittens. 10c Ladles' Mittens 25c Men's working Shoes, worth92@..41.29 Men's cloth Mittens, very best, worth 25c, closing out (§» 8 for 25c Boy's Corduroy knee Pants . ..45c Boy's best Bicyle Stockings, fltow, worth 26c, closing at 2 for 25c Child's Underwear, 24 to 30 @ 24c Men's white, red and blue Hand kerchiefs <a> 3c Mens' Corduroy Pants® $1.50 Ladies' Corsets, 18 to 26, worth $1.00, closing out @ r>0c Blankets, large size® ffifc Machine Thread, 2 spools. 7c Men's wool and cotton Underwear, the best an d cheapest in McHenry. Indigo blue Calico, per yard 6c Tennis Flannel, worth 12Hc, @.... 8c Ginghams, very best® !>%<• Boys' Sweaters @ .49c Toweling, worth 8c per yard® 4Vic Embroidery, closing out, per yard.. ..3c Muslin at lowest prices. Children's Shoes, 8H to 13H ® .#8c Boys' Caps® 23c Men's Caps® 25c Good Towels, per pair 19c H U R W I T Z . 'fe: -E•; • |Li' U / , 8 :i., - c L*. MtiMl Thedford's Black-Draught has saved doctors' bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg ulates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, Eurities the blood, and purges the owels of foul accumulations. It cures liver complaint, indigestion, sour stomach, dizziness, chills, rheumatic pains, sideache, back ache, kidnev troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard colds and headache. Every drug gist has Thedford's Black-Draugnt la 25 cent packages and in mam moth size for $1.00. Never accept a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I believe Thedford's Black-Draught is the best medicine on earth. It is good for any and everything. I have a family of twelve children, and for four years I have kept them on foot and healthy with no doctor but Black- Draught A. J. GREEN, illewara, La. JN6LE8IDG. Larkin Bros, have started shredding corn. Harry Dalzeil visited Chicago last week. O. F. McBriarty of Elgin was in town on business last week. William Simes of Solon Mills was in town one day last week. Mrs. P. J. Sullivan and family made a short visit at Fremont Sunday. Mrs. P. J. Sullivan and Mrs. C. T. McBriarty were in Waukegan one day last week. , A Thanksgiving 01nn«r. Heavy eating is usually the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacks in flame the mucious membranes lining the stomach, exposes the neryes ofr the stomach, producing a swelling after eat ing, heartburn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves the inflammation, protects the nerves and cures the catarrh. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleansing and sweetening tha glands of the stomach. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. A' Witty Reply. At a London dinner General Horace Porter was once referred to by the chairman In the following way: "We have here tonight General Horace Por ter, and 1 call upon him for a speech. The gentleman Is like a slot machine-- you put in a dinner, and out comes a speech." The witty general rose and replied with a quick Are of satire: "The chairman has thought fit to liken me to a slot machln^. May I return the compliment and s«y that he Is Uke one also? He puts in a speech, and up comes your dinner." CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. Hi KM Yn Han Always Bought Bears tha Signature of Is&s YOUR ^ PLUMBING When yon get ready to have your plumbing done, yon should be careful in selecting the workman. A poor job of this kind of work is worse than no job and a source of constant worry. I guarantee all of my work to Le first class and thorough in every respect, using only the best of material and having a knowledge of the business. When yon wish anything in this line let me give you figures. fl*n* Gu ire outfit Agent for the Ea|U Machine. I furnish the complete. 9 Aoetyla te eiftl* rJVb- not mamma says she wants Dr. Caldwell's (LAXATIVE.) Syrup Pepsin 'cause brother and I like it --it's so good." Mri. C. Pltrty, torJ f. Strut, Decatur, III., writui "Gentlemen:--My little girl, aged eight monthi, had been troubled since birth with constipation, and reading of vdur valuable medicine 1 concluded to try it; and I can recommend it highly to molher* for immediate relief. Only two fifty-ccnt bottles cured ray baby." TOUR OK.UGGIST JOW IT. If l» doesn't, write us (or a free sample sad our book of testimonials. Pepsin Syrup Company MeetlooUot IU. Auction. The Subscriber will sell at public auc tion, on his farm 3 miles southeast of the village of McHenry, on the river road, east of the river, on Thursday, November 20, commencing at 10 o'clock m., the following property: Sixteen choice cows, new milch and springers; 10 two-year-old Holstein heifers; 4 year ling heifers; Durham bull, 1 year old; Holstein bull, 1 year old; span work horses; 50 choice pigs; 4 large brood sows; 3 full-blood Poland China boars; ^walking plows; 2 drags; 2 mowers; Os- born grain binder; Osborn corn harves ter; double buggy; single buggy; truck wagon; hay rake; two-horse cultivator; Diamond tooth cultivator; pulverizer; spring tooth cultivator; stone boat; hay fork, rope and pulleys; double harness; 2 stacks corn stalks; i stack oat straw; forks; shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: $10 and under cash; over that amount a credit of ten months on good approved notes, 2 per cent, off for cash. RICHARD GIVENS. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. ED. P. GRANGER, Clerk. The Best Remedy for Croup. (From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe.) This is the season when every woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the>children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in a case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in a case of burglars. There used to be an old-fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive-syrup and -tolu, but some mod ern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy as soon as the croupy cough ap pears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. St. Paul Calendar for 1903, six sheets 10x15 inches, of beautiful re productions, in colors, of pastel draw ing« by Bryson, is now ready for dis tribution and will be mailed on receipt of twenty five(25) cents --coin or stamps Address F. A. Miller, General Passen ger Agent, Chicago. 19-2t One Minute Cough Cure , Is the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, Asthma, LaGrippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. I got soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. Fenner, Muncie, Ind., and contracted a severe cold and cough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My druggist reccomended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bot tle brought relief; several cured me. I am back to my old weight, 148 lbs One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, re lieves the cough at once, draws out the inflammation, cures croup. Aa ideal remedy for children. Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. A Chance to Bat Musaela. A story is tpld of a man condemned to death In France who was asked, ac cording to custom, what he would pre fer for his last meal. He chose mus sels, which, though his favorite dish always, he said, caused him a terrible indigestion. "This time, however," he added grimly, "fhey will not have the chance." A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify' him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and as'eep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Bedson is a well known resident of Kellar, Pa. Pain B Im is an anticeptic liniment and especially valu able for burns, cuts, braises and aptaine. For sale by all druggists. r, Dar> ot Chivalry.*"'-"* *' Wife (drearily)--'Ah. met The days of chivalry are past. Husbaud-- What's the matter now? Wife--Sir Walter Raleigh laid his cloak on the ground for Queen Eliza beth to walk over, but you get mad •imply because poor, dear mother sat down on jour bat.--New York Weekly. •• » jAajjJV A A A i A A A Ak r i j f f iji Ifl 1^1 Ifl ill f 1*1 l^i 1 ̂'J* v *4* *4?' *+* FOR WINTER, UNLESS YOU IJAVf SEEN (HAPELL! Talk is cheap, but it takerf money and a fall knowledge of the people's irants to bay a stock of Winter Merchandise that offers any kind of a selection. We sell for cash and consequently have the money, and we know what our patrons want in the line of Winter Wearables. Step into our place and you will be surprised at seeing the great amount of Winter Goods. Every counter and shelf is laden with seasonable goods and more are arriving every day. If you can't find what yon want here, it is qnite sure that you will be disappointed wherever you go. All we ask of you is to call and see the Goods. In the following articles everything is of this season's manufacture: Wool Lined Duck Coats for Teamsters and Dairymen. Better thuu an Overcoat in every respect. Warmer, lighter and much more convenient to wear. Woolen and Cotton Blankets! A large table heaped fall of Bed.Blankets at all prices. Also * ttice line of Comforters at all prices. See them. .' ' . Fur Coats! hnnvht t.l where we out-class them all. We bought these Coats early in the season and can sell them at low prices. Positively the largest assortment ever seen in McHenry. Every Farmer or Teamster should have one. Get the prices. '1 I rf The celebrated Staley Underwear for Men, ^ v V C d l i W o m e n a n d C h i l d r e n i s g u a r a n t e e d t o b e the best in every respect. Our stock is complete. Also a nice line of Staley Overshirts for men who work out of doors. Strong and durable, warm and comfortable. F l u n n p l f t f < - ) n r 8 t o c l £ b l e n c h F l a a n e l s , T e n n i s F l a n n e l s , * and Flannelettes is more complete this year than ever before. All®colors and weights. V flittens and Gloves! Oh, such a stock. Per. hapB we have bought too many, but that is our risk. Just see that elegant line of Golf Gloves and Mittens for Men, Women and Children. Then, of course there is a large line of Leather Gloves and Mittens for Workmen. For the Head! For the girls we have a large assort- warmest and most convenient Cap for School Girls. The latest styles in Caps for Men and Boys, also a good line of woolen Stocking Caps for the little ones. . • »!•1 1 ' We have said much, but the story is not half told. Call on us and take a look through the store. You will receive' courteous treatment whether you wish to buy now or not. wmrrnrim-Ta S. 5. CHAPELL MCHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. rijj uu ij,« ij,« IJP IJ,« >4," IJI >|'f ^ 'J.' '+1 'J.' 'I1 '4.1 T Y V1 GOT A COLD? If you have, something should be done at once to prevent sickness. Don't let a cold or cough run until serious complications result. We have all the best known guaranteed remedies for coughs, colds, etc. Use them in time and save doctor's bills and perhaps a long siege of sickness. USE PECAN OIL for Chapped Hands, Wire Cats, Etc. It is guaranteed to core. Mon^f back if not satisfactory. * X Ringwood, 111. J. S. BROWN & SON. I • / The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and lias been made under liis per- 1 sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive yon in this* All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bill Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health . Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for. Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ill Csouluiiis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareoti® ' substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worn Ml and allays Feverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Consti patio® end Flatulency. It assimilates the Fowl, regulates thA Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS iit > ^ ; In Use For Over 30 Years. *H« <im«-- mimw. If «W«MV «TMtrr. NCW VOMK eim Attractive Auction Bills & is •> ; \ . •; > -01