Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1902, p. 4

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Years the w< % s' , ; ,rV-':-. v f, . ' .»*V. " jk't;>"t •"'* • ' "\; &'/• • ^,V Awarded Hlghnt Honors World'# Fair. Mfhoittosts U.S.fiov't Chomlits The Mctlenry Plaiiidedier tPUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY the Mchenry puihmaik company F. K. GBAKGKB. W. A. CRISTY, J. B. PKRRY, Prtis. Sec. Treas. CHAS, D. SCHOONMAKKR, Editor. Office In Bank Building., Telephone, No. 272. TERM8 OP SUBSCRIPTION: One year tl-50 Six months. 75 cts. Three months. 40cts. methods are so different that compari­ ng axe delusive No legitimate enter < fcrime of the century would be perpch trated." The present per capita circulation is $29.36--the largest in onr history, and the largest among great nations, except, prise--no enterprise which proposes to acquire actual property and to produce real wealth--suffers for lack of capital, although it may be somehwat hampered by previous speculative engagements of owner? of capital. •'Legitimate business," as Mr. King says, "was never more sound or active." Every legitimate industry has as much business as it can attend to, and in hun­ dreds of cases', more. "It is this self­ same prosperity," adds Mr. King, "that has absorbed, and will continue to ab sorb, the floating supply of monev in the country, leaving Wall street in a hapless state." : ; fgwpsg DO YOU GET DP " V A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Hakes Yoa Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- to ki papers is sure i.V- Thursday, November 13, 1903. THE PLAINDEALER is a paper for the people--a fact that cannot be denied. Mud slinging takes no part in it8 make­ up. I# Two more years of the full dinner pail, And work that will be steady; Two more years the free traders will wail. Six more years of "Teddy." WHAT the drought in Australia means may be judged from the state­ ment that in some sections children seven years of age have never seen a drop of rain, and in many districts there bas been no rain for four years. Famine is sweeping the islands. Why should the people of Illinois worry about crop conditions? m Now that the schools are open parents -will do well to remember that children between the ages of seven and fourteen must attend school at least sixteen weeks in the year, and for every willful neglect to send a child to school as pre­ scribed by law the offender is punishable by a fine of not less than $1.00 and not more than $5.00 and cost of suit IT seems to be generally conceded that Joe Cannon of this state will be ;' :«jthe next Speaker of the House. He is " 'one of the oldest members, a man of xiotable individuality, honest, and a \ leader. Illinois deserves the honor and . Is willing to place her honor in the hands of "Uncle Joe." No Illinoisan Is better entitled to the distinction. THERE is no earthly excuse for par­ ents in McHenry in keeping their chil­ dren oat of school. Why is it that a man will let his son grow to manhood as ignorant as a native of Darkest Afri­ ca when education is free? Why will civilized men deprive their children of education when we are spending mill­ ions of dollars and sacrificing lives for the enlightenment of minds among the heathens? Think, you guilty parents, think of the enormity of your crime for your child's sake. In the name of God do your duty. SOME person makes the statement that every member of the syndicate of politicians who purchased the McHenry County Democrat is looking for some­ thing. Such a statement is erroneous however. Who could imagine for a moment that C. P. Barnes, Y. S. Lum- ley, O. H. Gillmore, J. F. Casey, D. R. Joslyn, F. R. Jackman or Geo. L. Murphy would seek a political office? Perish the thought. Why, even Char­ lie Lemmers would not take up the dut­ ies of postmaster of Woodstock if the commission were handed him on a silver platter. It is queer how the people will misconstrue the meaning of that word "reformation" as used by the Mc Henry County Republican. PLENTY OF MONEY. "The trouble with our present cur­ rency system," said Philip King, finan ciai editor of the New York 8un, in bis Monday morning survey of the financial situation, "is not that money is too scarce, bnt too plentiful. If, in response to the demand of speculators, Congress should recklessly ordain a further in flation, the most monstrous financial perhaps, in France, where business HE WAS JOKING. The railroads constitute the industrial barometer of any country and the many companies doing business in the United States can flourish only when a wave of prosperity strikes the country. During the year 1901 the roads were taxed to their fullest capacity. At the present time it is impossible for them to handle all the business owing to a shortage of cars. It is estimated that it would re­ quire 50,000 additional freight care to properly transport the freight which is now lying in warehouses and on the farms of the West. Still there are some who can not see the point. "Yes," said a well-known McHenry man while en­ gaged in a political argument recently, "the railway magnates and allthe rest of the d d capitalists are enjoying pros­ perity, but the common people have been side-tracked." The person making the above remark is perfectly sane, fairly well educated and a studious reader. Does he not know that the entire country was side-tracked during Cleveland's last administration ? Does he not know that the common people support the rail­ roads. It is they who make it possible for the railroads to prosper. Since Jannary 1 of this year the roads have carried nearly 600,000,000 passengers, and they were surely not all capitalists, bnt common people who were paying their fares. The amount of freight car ried amounts to enormous proportions, consisting of produce from the farms being transported to the common people in the cities, and mill products manu­ factured by the common people aud transported to the common people in other parts of the country. This same man that made the above remark is to­ day earning $2.50 per day and acknowl­ edges that he is always able to find work at his trade. During Cleveland 's last four years this same man earned $1.50 per day and acknowledges that he was out of work half the time. We will admit that many commodities are higher in price today than they were in 1896. But is it not better to have a dollar to exchange for seventeen pounds of sugar than to be without the dollar when twenty-two pounds are offered? Startling, But True. "If every one knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills is," writes D. H. Turner, Dempseytown, Pa., you'd sell all you have in a day. Two weeks' use has made a new man of me." Infallible for constipation stomach and liver troubles. 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. White Pine Cough Syrup cures. Wrinkles are smoothed away by its healing touch. Brain tired and de­ pressed people will find a cure in Rocky Mountain Tea. 85c. G. W. Besley. Petesch's White Pine Cough Syrup. O Barn tb Kgnstv* T O U I A . iThe Kind You Have Always There may be something in the want column that will interest you--read it. If you are bilious and seeking advisers, Take DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Just before going to bed. You will find on the morrow, You are rid of your sorrow-- That's all; just enongh said. These famous pills do not gripe, but move the bowels gently and easily, eleansing the liver. Their tonic effect gives strength to the glands, preventing a return of the disorder. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, W. Mc­ Henry. Read The Plaindealer advertisements. O Beara the Signatnx* of T O H I A . 1 The Kind You Have Always Want Column. -Si? Colds " I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im­ mediate relief." W. C. Layton, Sidell, 111. How will your cough be tonight? Worse, prob­ ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron­ chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec­ toral. Tfcree »Ue»: 25C.. 54C.,'$I. All drafgiita. Ji ' ? - l i i M . i * Consult JOWT doctor. If he take it, than do ma lie says. If he te!f# you not to take It. then il'in't Take it He kuowi. Lamltwitli hull. W<- arc willing. J. AY Kit Lowell. Mast. XXTANTED--Girl for general housework; '* small family, no washing. Salary. ®2.00 per week. Address Plaindealer. OAW FILING--Anyone desiring their saws ^ Hied should leave their orders wlthOsinun Bros, where 1 will call for same. 1 have had thirty-five years experience and guarantee the best of satisfaction. All work done promptly. MMt* PETER J. MEHLKIN ISMt* H. C. MEAD. West McHenry. MANAGER WANTED-We desire to employ a trustworthy lady orgentleman to man­ age our business in this County and adjoining territory. Our house Is well and favorably known. $20.00 straight cash salary all expens­ es paid each week by check direct from head- 'luarUi'B. Expense money advanced; prev lous experience unnecessary; position pcrma pent. Address Thomas J. Cooper, Manager, '0*0 Caxton Building. Chicago, HI. 20-7t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Elizabeth Aylward, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed ad­ ministratrix of the estate of Elizabeth Ayl­ ward, deceased, late of the county of Mc- lienry and state of Illinois, hereby gives no­ tice that she will appear before the county court of McHenry, at the court house in v\ oodstock. at the .January term, on the first Monday In January next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to thewnaersigned. Dated this :ki day of November, A. 1>. 11)02. MABGARET AYLWAKD, Administratrix. 18-3t* OA .STOHZA. Bears the yfTtie Kind You Have Always Bought Bigaatui* now of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver L and bladder remedy. It is the great medi­ cal triumph of the nine­ teenth century; dis­ covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec­ ommended for everything but if you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. The fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Root, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. S3 M S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 ittk HI Hum ".t t JF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SOi« -Mr* THE BEAUTIFUL SHOW is liable to cover the earth at most arty time now and it would behoove you to make preparations beforehand. Supply yourself with good Footwear and escape all the fall ailments. We can show the finest and best made Shoes in McHenry at prices to please. Also Rubbers for everybody. Don't take our word for it. Call and see the stock and be convinced that we know the Shoe business from A to Z. WOOLEN GOODS! It is now time to buy your supply of Woolen Goods, such as Bed Blankets, Underwear, Hosiery, Etc. We have not a large stock of cheap goods, but a well as­ sorted stock of the best that is at prices to suit the times. It is liable to turn cold at any time. Buy your Woolens now and be prepared. BUTTERICK PATTERNS! We are agents for the famous Butterick Patterns. You know what they are! We also take subscriptions for the Deliniator. The only authority on the latest fashions. F. H B O H L A N D E R . ------WmimUMWIMUMMUMmiM BRS* It is with condiderable pride that we call , your attention to the line of ! we have oij our floor for the coming season. , ' 1 - ' V • . ; They represent the best manufacturers in the world-*-' THE PENINSULAR, THE JEWEL, THE ACORN, THE RIVERSIDE, THE ELMHERST and THE QUICK MEAL. Although Stoves have advanced in price considerably in the last year we are in a position to sell for last year's prices in some cases, and for less money in many cases. We will take your old Stoves in trdde^ allow you their value. We make it a part of our business to repair, clean and set up Stoves and can do yours for you on short notice. We have some bargains in second hand Heaters for all kinds q&,:, fuel. Come and see them. X ^ F . L . H c O M B E R W E S T S I D E H A R D W A R E ----I---------- 1 • 1 -AS J " ;i4 m Great Cloak and Suit Sale! L&st three Days of this week NOVEMBER 13, 14, 15. We will have on sale 300 Garments of the very latest Fall and Winter styles, together with many other articles at greatly reduced prices. Here's your oppor­ tunity to buy a Cloak. It is not a sample line, but as complete a line as you will find in Northern Illinois. Every Department in the Store at cut prices. Skirts! Skirts! Skirts! v' Cheaper than yon can bay the material. Ladies Golf Skirts, latest styles, $4 value.- 3.99 Ladies Golf Skirts, Oxfords, extra value.. 3.75 Ladies Dress Skirts, satin band trimmed... ... 4.00 Ladies box pleated FlareSkirts, new flake Suit- _ _ _ ings, at 5'5^ Ladies Dress Skirts drop lining, up to 9.00 Ladies Silk Skirts, newest designs, $10 to $16. * « Grocery! « « 3 Packages Arbnckle or Lyon Coffee 25C 10 Bars Soap for 2SC 2 Packages Grand Ma's (4 fi> size) Washing Powder.. 25C 12 Cans Corn for 12 Cans Tomatoes for $1.04 1 Pound Fine Japan Tea 2?C Pillsbury's Best Flonr $3*96 per barrel All kinds of Cereal and Breakfast Food in this sale, such as Cream of Wheat, Malta Vita, Pettijohn's, Frnit and Wheat Flakes, Rolled Avttna, etc., 2 Packages for 4 ..25C 6 Cans (81b) Pnmkin for 40C An exceptionally fine line of Fur Boas and Collarettes Ladies Oxford Monte Carlos, Q FA Extra value - • - - Ladies Electric Seal Jackets at from $25 to $40 50 Bed Blankets, ia 1-4, worth $1-50, your choice * - - - 95c Ladies black Kersey Jack* ^ ets, $4.00 value u Ladies brown, black and « Castor Cloaks, $5.00 value Ladies Castor Jackets $7.50 _ value 5*^" Ladies Castor Jackets extra value 6.00 Black, brown, Castor and O Oxford Jackets ^*75 Satin lined throughout, best $10 Jacket on earth. Ladies Monte Carlo Coats in all shades at SO, $16, $11, $22.50 Ladies black and Castor 3-4 1 QQ Coats , $10 value a t C. /7 Ladies black and Castor 3-4 Q Coats , $12 .50 values / . l J Ladies black, Castor and Ox- 10 EJA ford 3-4 Coats IL . JU 'to $35.00 Ladies black Cloth Capes at from $6.00 to $15.00 Misses Monte Carlo Coats--Castor, $11 valne 9.00 Misses Monte Carlo Coats, mixed greens, mixed bines . and Castors, fine assortment $10.00 Misses J Coats in Castors, $10 valne 7.75 MigHes Jackets, browns, reds and Castors $5.00 and up Children's mixed brown Cloaks, $8.75 valne.. 2.49 Children's bine and red long Cloaks, nicely trimmed ages 4 to 14 years $3*75 Ladies black and Castor tailor-made Suits, Vene- C £A tian Cloths, $11.50 values at 0.07 Ladies tailor-made Salts, Norfolk style, black and IC |Uj blue flake Suitings (very swell) IJ.WI Ladies Oxford Walking Suits $15.00 Children's long Cloaks, .extra vakui &50 Children'8 long Cloaks 7.00 to 15.00 Child's Cloaks, fa cy Boucle 1.75 to 4.00 Complete Stock of Men's, Ladies and Children's Un­ derwear. Best Prints only 3C per yard (not over 16 yards to customer.} 88 inch brown Muslin 4c Bed Blankets from 45c to $6.00 Ladies' Fleeced Rib Underwear 45c per suit Men's heavy Fleeced Underwear 85c per Buit Men's heavy All-Wool Underwear. 85c each Broken lots Underwear, Nearly Half Price. Ladies Plush Cape Fur trimmed $6.00 value, - - $4.49 Rubber Goods, Telt Boots and Shoes of all kinds At prices unheard of before. Half price and less for many. Ladies black, Castpr and Oxford Monte Carlos inlaid velvet trimmings, satin linings. $10.00. We offer you the most com­ plete Dress Goods section in the county. All new goods and at absolutely wholesale prices during this sale. Also a few Ladies' Jackets, spring weight, worth up to $10, our price 60c to $2, during this sale. Be Sure and come and secure some of these rare Bargains. Remember only c. three Days Sale, begins Thursday, November 13. W. C. EVANSON. West McHenry. S3 83 , S 3 C3 03 83 83 / 83 83 83 S3 83 S3 83 W*

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