Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1902, p. 7

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A SURPRISED PHYSICIAN. A dying patient recovers through - - :the Interposition of a humble German. Chicago, Nov. 15. Some weeks ago Dr. G---, a very V > . •AsTePuta*,lG an<i widely-known physi- > ,t«cian, living on C Street, was call- to attend a very complicated case ":*%f Rheumatism. Upon arriving at the • chouse he found a man about forty ?.-7ears of ®se. lying In a prostrated \#iand serious condition, with his whole " ',' jframe dangerously affected with the • > IP^inful disease. He prescribed for SfV, "the patient, but the man continued to |?^\^row "worse, and on Sunday evening Ui :.!he was found to be in a very alarm- Jng condition. The knees and elbows w'^and larger joints were greatly inflam- ! '• jsd, and could not be moved. It was tJ°nly wlth extreme difficulty that the .^patient could be turned In bed, with ^*^the aid of three or four persons. The , ^ • siwalght of the clothing was so painful /?>i*£sjthat means had to be adopted to ke«p from the patient's body. The doctor saw that his assistance '^0Uld k® °' no avail» and left the 4 V^fcouse, the members of the family following him to the door, weeping. .^Almost immediately the grief stricken ;l, "»nes were addressed by an humble * \ 'Jhsnaan. He had heard of the despair the family, and now asked them to ]/.. •' ' JT ^18 remedy, and accordingly brought forth a bottle of St. Jacobs £ The poor wife applied this rem- 'ip&y. The first application eased the I §>atient very much; after a few hours >hey used it agata, and, wonder of , •-.luroaders, the pain vanished entirely! jESvery subsequent application improv- the patient, and in two days he ;"". ifiras well and out. When the doctor .called a few days after, he was In- surprised. 8unshlne In Spain* Spain haa an average of 3,500 hours •f sunshine a year. What's the secret of happy, vigoaona Simply keeping the bowels, the ftomach,_the liverjind kidneys strong and feOtive. Burdock i.iqod Bittera does it. It seems as If the bicyclist ought to fee required to have a pedaler's license. Mrs. Austin's Pancakes will help you to regain that lost appetite. At grooera. Ferryboats were made for cross pur­ poses. WHAT TO SE<£ IN NEW YORK. The New York Press on -the New 8how Places in New York. What are New York's show placesT It would be right hard to enumerate them on short notice. Perhaps ths following question and answer may appeal to some: Resident, to New Arrival--"Now tell me what yon would especially like to see." New Arrival--"Oh, just show me New York." I think that very good. But it Is no easy matter to show New York. To our list of show places, whatever they may be, we must add the new waiting room at the Grand Centriu Station. When strangers go there they cry "Enchanting!" "Grand!" "Palatial!** "Purtiest thing I ever saw!" "Finest thing In the TRprld!" "Ain't it splendid!" etc. Mr. raniels has reascn for the new elas­ ticity in his step.--"On the Tip of tfco Tongas" In the New York Press. Sensible Housekeepers. will have Defiance Starch, not alone because they get one-third more for the same money, but also because of su­ perior quality. Carbonic Acid In Air. Ordinary fresh air contains throe parts of carbonic acid per 10,000. Air that has been breathed contains 441 parts. Dealers say that as soon as a custom­ er tries Defiance Starch it is impossible to sell them any other cold water starch. It can be used cold or boiled. "Language was made to deceive.** This is a matter of quality rather than quantity. Conversation can be cut down three-fourths and still be a con. "Little Colds" neglected--thousands of ttvee sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures little colds--ooree big colds too, down to the rery verge el Consumption. WHEN you BUY STARCH buy Defiance and ret'the best, 16 om. Ml cents. Once used, always used. Laughing cheerfulness throws sun­ light on all the paths of life.--Rlchter. Iowa Farms $4 Per Acre Cash, bslsees H crop till paid. MOLH AIO., Sloax CUj. la. In dressing a chicken one should make a clean breast of it. TEST FOOD VALUES COOKING VENISON IN MAINE. EXPERIMENT AT KANSAS AGItl* CULTURAL COLLEGE. Facts Learned Are of Much Value to battle Raisers -- Warming the Drinking Water Is Absolutel^-|^» eesary in Successful Feeding. ' J; "I f I f/l / V A nervous, irritable mothert often on the verge of hysterics, is tmflt to care for children; it rums a child's disposition and reacts herself. The trouble between children and their mothers too often is due to the fact that the mother has some female weakness, and she is entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her nerves that governing a child involves; it is impossible for her to do anything Calmly. She cannot help it, as her condition is due to suffering ana shattered nerves caused by some derangement of the uterine system "with backache, headache, and all kinds ox pain, MM! is on the vergs of nervous prostration. When a mother finds that she cannot be calm and quiet with her children, she may be sure that her condition needs attention, and she can­ not do better than to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* This medicine will build up her system, strengthen her nerves, and enable her to calmly handle a disobedient child without a scene. The children will soon realize the difference, and seeing their mother quiet. C Sill themselves become quiet. Mrs. May Brown, of Chicago, III., says: " DBAB MRS. PINKHAM : -- •Honor to whom honor is due,' and you deserve both the thanks and honor of the mothers of America whom you have so bleEsedly helped and benefited. I hare used LiTdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound when I would feel run-down, nervous and irritable, or hare any of the aches and pains which but few women escape, and I h&ve found that it relieved me at once and gave me new strength. Several ladies, members of our Lit* erarv Union, speak in the highest praise of your Vegetable Compound, as they have been cured from sferious female troubles. One lady, who thought she must submit to an opera­ tion, was cured without using anything in the world but Lydia E. Pink ham's Vege­ table Compound and Sanative Wash. You have hosts of friends in Chicago, and if you came to visit our city we would delight to do you honor. Gratefully yours,-- Mas. MAY BBOWH, 57 Grant Place, Chicago, I1L v How Mrs. Pinkham Helped Mrs. McKinny. * D*AB MM. PIWKHAM : -- I feel it my duty to write and let you know the gpod you and your Vegetable Compound are doing. I had been sick ever siscs »..._ fny first baby was born, and at the birth of my second, my doctor, as well as bdf thought I should never live through it. After that menstruation never • <ame regular, and when it came I suffered terribly. I also had womb and varian trouble. A friend »f my husband's advised him to get Lydia E. inkham's Vegetable Compound for me. At first I had no faith in it, ut now nothing could induce me to be without it. Menstruation has become egular, and I feel like a new woman. Your medicine is a God-send to suffer* ng women. I hope this letter will lead others to try Lydia E. Plnkhan'S Vegetable Compound. Yours truly, Mas. Meldbsd McKurarr, 28 P*arl (ft*, San Francisco, Cal." (March 16, 1901). FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. there is anything in your case about which you would Nice I advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. Address is Lynn. Her advice is free, and her advice is always helpfuL $5000 FOR F ElT it oannot forthwith produce the original letters and gignatarea etf above terttomlala, vhtsfc will pror« their absolute gcnulneoeM. Igrdi* M. HaUam Mxlltiln# Oa^ I|«^ MM* 20 % k Ninth Everything You Bay That's the amount you can save by trad­ ing with HB regular!?. Send IBe In coin or stamps for our 1100-page catalogue. It oocralns quotations on everything you use In life. Write TODAY. •OMTeOMKRY WARD A OS, QMmm 8 BEAUTIFUL HAIR Obtainable by XreryMy. Simply remore the tfaadrnC germ which deetroya the roota and sape the vitality MUs Helen Jordan writes: "Tour Daadruff Dr •treyer is a Wem* *** ------ " •• - Wfr.. j. • • ' r ; *.yi; ,-S, ider Worker Sure." Prepared from nx-ipc ui uiu practicing phyatclsa; over forty yeara (a uce ;the best Scsema and Dandruff cure known to med­ ical aclence. Ebongh to make a large botUe, with full direction*, aent prepaid upon receipt of (0 eeata and the name* of Are poeelble customers. Addreae AOOUI •AVTXRACTVIUJRO 00.. 1« A>LAE/STROBJ*AI£ Agenu vaatad ererywhere-Uberal compeawSSe. HDODCY NEW DISCOVERY: gives a ̂ • V9 I quick relief and cure* wont oaae*. Book of teaUmonlals and 10 OATS' treataeat nil. Sr.X.H. O&XXBS SO MB, Box K,AUaata,e» GOLD MINES, YS-TTIRFTS •liverforfullparUcnlar*. DR.F.W. KROKN1LBL BaliiwMl BuMlagi Daam. Coiorad*. In the latter part of October, 1900, the Kansas experiment station put Into the feed lots 130 head of calves that had just been weaned. They were divided into lots, to test the val­ ue of alfalfa hay, prairie hay, earn, Kafir corn and soy beans 1B the pro­ duction of baby beef. Sixty head of heifers were pur­ chased in the Kansas City stock* yards, weighed an average of 418 pounds each, cost $4.25 per hundred­ weight at the yards, and cost an av­ erage of $18.25 per head delivered In the college feed lots. These were range calves--grade Shorthorn, Here- foYd and Angus. Fifty head were purchased of farmers near Manhat­ tan, and had been kept with their dams through the summer In small pastures. Twenty head were mixed- bred calves that had been purchased around Manhattan when born, and had been raised by the college by hand, ten being raised on creamery skim milk and ten on wbole milk. The calves were vaccinated to pre­ vent blackleg. Without this safeguard we would not have dared to under­ take this j«periment The calves were fed seven months. At the close of the experiment, May 27, the entire lot averaged 800 pounds per head in the college feed lots. The shrinkage in shipping to Kansas City was 3 per oent. Thirty- two steers averaged 838 pounds and sold at $5.40 per 100 pounds, seventy- four heifers averaged 758 pounds and sold for $5.35, and eighteen heifers averaged 741 pounds and sold for $5.15. Six head of heifers went as springers. The packing company which slaughtered the calves made the M* lowing report: 82 steer calves--Live weight, 838 pounds; dressed weight, 480 pounds; tallow, 52 pounds; dressed weight, 57.2 per cent; tallow, 6.1 per cent. 74 heifer calves--Live weight, 758 pounds; dressed weight, 432 pounds; tallow, 49 pounds; dressed, weight, per cent; tallow, 6.3 per cent 18 heifer calves--Live weight, 741 pounds:, dressed weight, 420 pounds; tallow, 49 pounds; dressed weight, 66.6 per cent; tallow, 6.6 per cent The calves were fed twice daily, beginning at 7 a. m. and at 4:30 p. m. The lots were fed in the same order each time and exactly at the same time each day. The hours of feeding were arranged so that the calves did all the work of eating in daylight Each lot was given at each feeding all the grain and roughage it would eat up clean within three hours after feeding. In each lot the grain was fed mixed with the roughage and the roughage was fed whole. Fine barrel salt was kept in boxes under the sheds, where the calve* had free ac­ cess at all times. Each lot of calves was sheltered with a common board shed, closed on the north, open to the south. Water was supplied In tanks ulated by float valves so that the tanks were kept full and the calves could drink at will. From December 2 to April 1 a tank heater was kept going in each tank and the water was kept at a temperature of about fifty degrees. This showed an average consump­ tion of 15.8 pounds of coal daily per tank. With coal at $4 per ton, this would make the dally cost of warm* lng a tank a small fraction over 8 cents per day. A heater will warm water for forty head apparently as cheaply as for five or ten head. We found the previous winter that it re­ quired no more labor to keep a tank heater running than it did to keep the ice out of a tank not heated. We would urge every feeder to use a tAnfr heater. A successful feeder of long experience recently made the state­ ment that gains In feeding follow very closely the amount of water drank by Uie fattening animal; the larger the quantity of water drank the greater the gains, provided there Is no unnatural stimulation to drink* lng. With clean, palatable water, free from ice, kept where the animal can drink at will, the animal drinks often, and each twenty-four hours consumes a large quantity, but at no time is the stomach overloaded or un­ duly chilled. The cost of using a tank heater Is trifling and the returns are good. The remarkable feature of this ex­ periment was the small amount of grain required to make 100 pounds of gain. The skim milk calves fed al­ falfa hay and corn averaged 100 pounds of gain for only 439 pounds of corn, and this in seven months' feed­ ing. The other lots fed alfalfa and corn required 470 pounds of corn for 100 pounds of gain. Growth of Firemen's Union. During the past five months 2.00& marine firemen on the Atlantic coast have joined the Marine Firemen'u Union. Adulteration Is Common. The Stewards' club of Cleveland, representing the leading clubs and ho­ tels of that city, has just completed an Investigation of the character of food products sold there with surprising results. Of 175 samples of oleomar­ garine examined 170 were found to contain impurities; of 460 milk sam­ ples 132 were Impure; 27 per cent of the mustards tested were adulterated and 32 per cent of the flavoring ex­ tracts were doctored. Many other food products fell far short of the stan­ dard. Own* Warden Declares There Is Only One Way to Do It. Here is the most savory way to pre­ pare venison, according to Game War­ den Walter I. NeaL He says: "The man who is going into the woods to shoot a deer and to cook and eat veni­ son of his own killing should leave all his broiling and grilling utensils be­ hind. There is only one way to cook venison in the woods or anywhere else. Heat a thick frying pan or an old style spider upon the coals until it Is almost red. Cut off thick slices •f the meat and throw them in the pan and keep them right up against the dry. hot surface until they are scorched on both sides. Then turn them out on the platter, cut the meat full of deep gashes, clear down through the crust and into or beyond the center, and fill the openings with butter, piling It on until the platter swims in gravy. After this add pepper and salt to suit the taste, and eat it before It is cold. Cooked and served in this manner venison is the best meat that grows, and the man who does not like it either has trouble with his stomach or his conscience.-- Lewlston (Me.) Journal. Green County's Sensation. Catskill^ N. Y., November 10th,--Ul­ ster and Greene counties are ringing with the news of the wonderful recov­ ery of George F. Ayers, who lives at 16 Division street, in this city. One year ago Mr. Ayers was suffering from Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, and the doctors f^ive him little relief and less hope. To-day Mr. Ayers is as well as man could wish. He tells the following story: "About a year ago I was at West Camp, sick with Bright's Disease and without hope of ever being better, when an old gentleman from Bath, N. Y., advised me to take Dodd's Kid­ ney Pills, telling me they had cured him of the same disease. **I had tried so many remedies that I was past hoping and told him so, bnt when he bought me a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills and coaxed me to try them I did so just to humor his whim. "That was the means of saving my life. I took that box and half a dosen more. Thanks to that old man and DoM*l Kidney Pills, I am cured." Some men rfpend half their lives In making a reputation and the other half in trying to live it down. Dlphthmria relieved in twenty mult Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas' Bclactrio OIL At any drug ator*. A girl's Ideal beau usually Is also her beau ideal. For winter or summer Mrs. Austin's Pancake flour. Always good. At grooera. Safe tors. blowers: Privileged leglsla- THOUSANDS OF WOMEN SLOWLY Pe-ru-na Cures, That Is Why the People Like It. All Advertisement World Could Not Make Pe-ni-na as Popular as It k Miss Margaret Donnelly, ?1 Webster Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "Peruna was recommended to me about a year ago for catarrh with which I had been troubled nearly all my life, but which had given me serious trouble a few months before 1 took Peruna. In two weeks my head cleared up, I did not have headaches, and in a short time felt perfectly welL "-Margaret Donnelly. & • ->_» yw . '•& * 41 Jennie Driscol »neliy. mof November Colds Should Not Be Allowed to Develop Into Chronic Catarrh. Pe-ru-na Cures a Cold Promptly and Permanently. "I am glad to recommend Peruna asit hss done so much for me. I had been a great sufferer from catarrhal eolds un til 1 was urged to try Peruna, and I am happy to say that it has entirely cured me. I shall never be without it and most cheerfully recommend it to others who are afflicted as I have oeen." Katharine Dauter, 239 13th St., Mil­ waukee, Wis. Most people think the sueeess of Pe- runa depends upon the use of advertise­ ments. Undoubtedly the advertise­ ments help some. But by far the great­ est number of people who hear of Pe­ runa, have their attention called to it by a friend. Some one gets cured of chronic ca­ tarrh by Peruna. After he is certain of hie cure, he is sure to recommend it to his friends. Friend recommends it to friend and the news spreads from tongue to tongue. All the adverthementn la the world could not make Peruna as popular as It Is. Peruna cures. That is the rea­ son people like It Peruna cures a very stubborn disease. That is why everyone recommends It Peruna cures chronic catarrh after all other remedies fail which explains why n e i g h b o r r e c o m mends it to neigh­ bor. Peruna cures catarrh permanent­ ly, and this way ^ s has gaineda life-long friend. People who have been cured by Pe­ runa many years ago have been eager to recommend Peruna to their friends ever since. This is the way Pe­ runa is advertised. It advertises itself. Its merits are its chief advertisement. Once cured of so distressing and exas­ perating a malady as catarrh, it becomes the duty of every one to pass it along; to call the attention of those who are still victims, to a remedy that rarely fails to cure. of Cheap Imitations of Pe. ra n*... Bo Bar* That Ton Get Po-iw-na. There are no substitutes for Peruna. Allow no one to persuade you that there is something just as good. The success of Peruna has tempted many people to devise cheap imitations. Beware of them. Be sure that you get Peruna. Miss Jennie Driscoll,870 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Writes: ' I heard so much in praise of Peruna as a specific for catarrhal affections that when t found myself with m btd osse ef catarrh of the head and throat fVi iias was the first thing that / thought o£ And my convictions were not wrong, foe in a few weeks after using Peruna sye» tematically I was entirely rid of this aggravating and distressing disease* catarrh. " If people knew how efficient Pe* runa was for this trouble they wonUl not hesitate to try it. I have all faith in the world in it, and have never known of a case where the person was not cured in a short time.n--Jennie Dri» coll. If yon do not derive prompt and sati* factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he wiU be pleased to give yon his valuable afr vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, ft .~r\ V-OuY ( Hi r THE CHILDREN ENJOY I^ife out of doors aud out of the games which they play and the enjoy­ ment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which ia given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoyf because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and ita beneficial effects, is-- Syrup of Figs--and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which reaulta from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are ndt needed, and when nature needa assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle--Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of thV laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, bnt also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal- era sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Pleaae to remember, the full name of the Company -- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.- is printed on the front of every pack- AV** V "A '4 fr\\ ^ \v. %sL-H H. L \ I ^ ••.AfesS "•vv ~ II V I $ W. L. D $3&$3j£9 SHOES m W. L. Douqlaa shoes are the standard of tk« world. W. L. Drajrlaa ailt asd ioM wore mi'i CitSi ]rur Welt (Hud SEWN) Pronw) ihoet la UM SnS 11MM th«i Uf otker •uiftctina HEW ABD will be paid to ujnt wis ru dlftprore tkti >jx month* of $10,000: W. L. E ii,i03.s»« i :r.' Best Imported an J American leathers. Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vici Kid. Cortmq- Colt, Nat. Kangaroo. FaBt Color Eyslets IIM<U Cantinn I Th® genuine have W. L. DOUOXJUT 4 name and price stamped on bottaafc \8tuxs by mail, 25c. extra. lilus. Ca'alo<; frwtt jW. L. DOUGLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. tSISCELLAS EO VS. INVESTMENT OPPORTUHiTY. 00 is dust red for » term of from three to tit ieiu's, for the purpose of acquiring stock of s moatf inaklDg corporation, held under option. 6\ PER ANNUM WILL BE PAID. And loan absolutely secured by entire aaslgnmattft entire capital stock of corporation. Security 1* lasfs and uuii'.u'aUonoJ references will be tendered. QUICK ACTION NECESSARY, At option expire* December l«t. Address R.O.kUXTOiN, Banker, 32 Broadway,New fMli EARN A Cook Stove. Bicycle. Saddle,Watch, < gllk Skirt, taking orders. Send 2 stutl W. FIKAI K. CO.. Haxen.Ark. ) " T H E A L M I S H T Y D O L L A R ! " We have 11--Tou want It--Write today and learn hOW to prl it. No canvassing. This Is the chance of m lift- time to acquire a fort uue e«jilly,bouui»bljr aud qulckljr. Address The luter-sute Co.4*.O.Box 61S.ClncluBaU,0> MEN WANTED. For "Brut-re* and Sprain* Mustang Liniment, F o r M A N O R . B E A S T New Way of Selecting Jurymen. Judge Evans of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, has taken a practical step toward improTlng the quality of Jurors drawn. He has addressed cir­ culars to leading business men of all kinds asking them to send names of employes competent to serve as jur­ ors. In explaining his movement the Judge Bays there is much room for lmprovment in the kind of men drawn for jury duty and he believes that his method will also secure men who win KISKO Is Absolutely Guaranteed to Cure Blood Poison & Rheumatism in all ita forme. We do this because the medicine has been thor­oughly tested for 27 years, and in no case has It failed to effect i permanent cure. Your money back if it does. Write any bank In Chattanooga as to our resporisl bllltj. Address for free booklet and full Information THE KISKO MEDICINE CO., Chattanooga. Tenth oughly tested for27jrearg, and In no case has it failed to effect HAMLIN'S WIZARD OIL EARACHE 0IOWELL A Ofe. KfM. A Sure 1 •ILn relief lor ASTlllllG* Sold by all Druggist*, or by mail, tt ctnti Oliarle*toir~ ** BDT A GOOD IOWA FARM, ieo ttcrw, KIN la good lmproTemsnta, S60 lOO feOTM, 13.MO ta good Improvement*, f 70 87S setts, M.MO ta foot Improwneate, $70 tcf*. lu |s«iliM In hmn low*. Write for map and llat , , of other (arms tar Ml*, rent, and exclumge. Good OA make few applications to be ermned. low* tam mortgagee for Mie. |lort> em Inrauat At., Independence, Iowa. QPIUM paid for any caae I cannot euro. For particular* vrltel>a.H. C. KKITK. 4J811 Monroe St.. Toledo. Ohio. MORPHINE and COCAINS dlaeaae* treated at home without pain and without lots of time; par oa lnatallmentH. 91.000 will be $10.00 DAILY IMak*.miiimtto.,akwllL M»k|. mm Wanted Hustler* Kverr- where -- Good Fay; W distribute clrcul&i>,eSV. tack (lgni, etc. No canva«ln«. AJdtrMI NATIONAL ADVERTISING CO., IS Oakland Ilank Bide-, Chicago* PERFUMES :8ave500 per cent by making yourow*. •Will send formula for Fraglpiiuiu. Jockey Club, West End, White Koae.ali for 10«. Novelty Co.,l'u;<i«kl,N.T. el IMUrCTrn weekly for 25 weeks equals UM. 91 investigation BOllelted. BauS refr erences Port. A,*J3 Adama Expreiw tfld#..l;bica§<>,UL Let Tour Hralas Make A Fortune For To. Invent . A Rail Joint WlthOBt N utt aud Bolts, A Curtain l'o> WlthOBt Ktntra or Vine, AD Envelope That Cannot KVEKT Be Opened \\ lthout Detection. PATENTS EYEKT Send For Our Iiiveulore Guide. 1'ATENTS EVERT H. C. Krert* Co., PATENTS EVERT Patent Lawvers, PATENTS KVEKT €16 Sloth Street, N. W., PATENTS EVERT Washington. P. C. PATENTS PATENTS PATENTS PATENTS PATENTS PATENTS PATENTS PATENTS ou rich Cannut fill, fall purtJcolan MILWAUKEE. IHAVE a legitimate mouev making acheme that will make you rl S5o. BOX 1189. PREMIUM SCaUS&WORll FOR HAY, GRAIN. STOCK, COAL, ETC. Stasi Frame ana tioj&i Scale Sac AGXf fTS . AQKNTS.LaTatlne; new; better thai ltmu.Large cake lOo. Lavatlne Co.,512Race.Ctnc: •imM very city, resident agenu for Utah Oil Com­ pany! good COminlMlOQ. C.W. CUKO, IIM B*b<n SSEK Via Dnbaqoe, Waterloo sad Albert Fast Vestibule Night train with through Sleeping Car, Bufiet-Library Car aad Free Reclining Chair Car. Dining Car Service en route. Tickets of agents of 1. C. R. R. aad connecting lines. ) A. H. HANSON, O. P. A.. CNMAOO. ( ft. ft Official Slock Stake at WerM't Fair. CMtafK MIL alse at Trios-Hisslislppl Omaba. HSMIML Kelt aiul cheapest rew-ible I . S'.i.i :*rdecaiaesMSst ilauv useful article, f-. r r*rtiier» Catalogues, price, aud la'or:iiatl. i: ^ura'.ehod CHICAGO SCALE COMPANY *M 194 A 296 JacWson Boulevard. Chicago. I) e*ale W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 4«, Advert isesiestt !902. l'*-} . in; isswerisg Aesttos Tki» fijKt.

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