Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1902, 4 000 4.pdf

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taj,,... PR®! * i "y.-v v I'fliiiiiiiitifci lie McHenry Pliimieiiler PUBLI8HKD EVERY THURSDAY BY UK McfftHRY PUIIfDEALER COMPANY. P. K. Grahqbb. W. A.CRISTT, J. B. Pbkbt, Pres. Sec. Treas. Okas. D. Schookmakkr, Editor. OAce In Buk Building. Telephone, No. SB*. . • -- OF •UBSOHIPTION: One year......... .... Six months, 75 CtS. S1.M Three months. 40cts. Thursday, December 11, 190®. v l. TRADE AT HOME. M|nl Marehmt* Expect Your HvlMay Trade and are Prepared. > Again we wish to impress upon the wrimi« of our readers the importance of flying their shopping with the local mer­ chant. It is the business men that make a town what it is and without their support the village may as well throw up the sponge or give up its char­ ter. But the merchant expects some­ thing in return for his steadfastness, and that is the support of the citizens. It is a well-known fact that some people will ask c.edit of the local merchant and go to Chicago with the cash. Don't do that. It is not fair and just Dur­ ing the next three weeks call at the lo­ cal business houses and see what you can do with a dollar. The merchants are all making preparations for Christ­ mas trade and have an immense stock of winter wearables which are being sold at prices as low as the lowest. We do not say as low as the cheapest, remember, for the home merchant would not find it profitable to handle the mail-order class of goods. Look through the ads in The Plaindealer and see what is offered. You will find it more to yonr advantage than reading a mail order house catalogue. Crochet hooks and needles for making floss shawls at Chapell'*. ^ "What'K In • Name ? Everything is in the name when it oomes to Witch Basel Salve. E C. De- Witt & Co. of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For Blind, bleeding, itching and pro- trading Piles, eczema, cuts, hnrns, bruis en and all skin diseases DeWitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask fbr DeWitt's--the genuine. Julia A. Story, McHenry. G. W. Besley, West JlcHenry. ' i ADMINISTRATOR'S (WITH WILL ANNEXED) NOTICE. HWate of Ellsha Hubbard, deceased. The undersigned having benn appointed Administrator, with will annexed, of the es­ tate of Elisha Hubbard , deceased , late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County , at the Coart House In Woodstock, at the February Term, on the first Monday in February next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified aud requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate- are requested to make immediate payment to >^bf» undersigned. : * Dated this 24th day of November. A. D. 1902. HENRY C. MEAD, Administrator, with will annexed. C$1-' • :VN\H t f / f ^ ' YJ',- ' • s* I Coughed " I had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and 1 grew very thin. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured." R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the great­ est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure in every arop. Thrw iim - 2Sc., 54c., II. All drugflti*. ConBult your doctor. If he «»y» take i t , then do a> be says. If lie tell, you not to take It, then don't take It. He know*. Leare it with him. We are willing. J. C. AVER CO.. I,owell. Mats. n PROBA TE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. O 6 Holmes and w to Laura Kyriaa, SH a tnettseMsec27 McHenry $3500 James O'Brien to Jas O'Brien Sr. et al 215.71 a in sees 5 and 6 Seneca, $10000 love and affection. Jas O.Brien to Ellen O'Brien 40 a In sec S Seneca 1009 love and affection. Wm. Irkfetz and w to Gustaf Lindwall and Emma Lindwall, seM sec 7, Hartland : 1 i WOO Geo Eckert. to Geo F Rushton, It 8 blk 1, Strodes addn Woodstock 8800 Chas S Owen et al to N J Jnsten. Its 8 & ft, E M Owens est addn W McHenry ... 680 Eva M Bratzler to Fred Goldermanv JfH 8w!4 sec 2<i Algonquin 1600 Marengo Pickle Oo to S Woodard Pickle Co pt nwM seX sec 36 Marengo 6000 Henry Pappell and w to Robert Bain­ fo rd . 20 a in e4 nw)4 and 4 a in ett swM . sec 33 Greenwood 3*09 L J Raun and w to Paul Schaefer seM se H nev* and e2-5ofswM nwX sec * N u n d a -- » • • • • • • 1000 Finest line of handkerchiefs in town at Chapell's. If you feel ill and need a pill Why not purchase the best? DeWitt's Early risers Are little surprisers, Take one--they do the rest. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., writes-- I have used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, sick head­ ache, etc. To their use I am indebted for the health of my family. Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. • Oettlac Itawi to Bnilnet*. Mistress (to new servant)--There are two things, Mary, about which I am very particular. They are truthfulness and obedience. Mary--Yes'm, and when you tell me to say you're not in when a person calls that you don't wish to see which is it to be, mum--truthfulness or obedience? --Illinois State Register. • Brport from the Reform School. M" J. Q. Glpck, Superintendent, Prunty- town, W. Va., writes: "After trying all other advertised cough medicines we have decided to use Foley's Honey and Tar exclusively in the West Virginia Reform School. I find it the most effec­ tive and absolutely harmless." Sold by Petesch. taeceui Hot Sure. .: said the cheerful wife, who " t&ought she had a soprano voice, "if the worst comes to the worst I could keep the wolf from the door by sing- * 9 "I dont doubt that would do It," re­ spited her pessimistic husband, "but suppose the wolf should happen to be deaf?"--Philadelphia Presa. ' Oat of Harmony. , "She didn't read the book?" "No; the cover design didn't har- »onize with any of her house gowns." •riDetroit Free Press. Willlms to Be Tempted. Willie (who has eaten his apple)-- Mabel, let's play Adam and Eve. You be Eve, and I'll be Adam. Mabel--All right. Well? Willie--Now you tempt me to eat your apple, and I'll give way to temp­ tation. Couehu, Col<l», and ConntlpatIon. Few people realize when taking cough medicines other than Foley's Honey and Tar, that they contain opiates which are constipating besides being unsafe, particularly for children. Foley's Hon­ ey and Tar contains no opiates, is safe and sure and will not constipate. Solrf by N H. Petesch. Hot the Sane Privilege. Rank imposes obligation, but it also brings a certain freedom from restric­ tions that bind the humble. A man of literary aspirations who had his way yet to make in the world wrote a poem, which he submitted to his wife before sending it out for publication. "Why, Henry,"' she said, on looking it over, "you have made 'hundred' rhyme with 'onward.'" "That's all right," he replied. "Ten­ nyson did it." "Yes," rejoined his wife. "Tenny­ son could do such a thing, but you can't, Henry." Want Column. TTVOll SALE A new seven-room house tM two lots, woodslied and chicken opoa, young orchard of all different kinds of rfolt and shrubbery. Will be sold very cheap. Call at Plaindealer., March 1. condition. Ben Stilling. 21-4t. QALESMEN WANTED to look after our In- ^ terests in McHenry and adjacent counties Salary or commission. Address The Harvey Oil Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. * Vf ANAGER WANTED--We desire to employ a trust worthy lady or gentleman to man­ age our. business in this County and adjoining territory. Our house is well and favorably known. S20.00 st raight cash salary all expens­ es paid each week by check direct from Dead- quarters. Expense money advanced; prev­ ious experience unnecessary; position perma­ nent . Address Thomas J. Cooper, Manager, 1040 Caxton Building. Chicago, 111. 20-7t Great tonic, braces body and brain, drives away all impurities from your system. Makes you well. Keeps yon well. Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. G. W. Besley. A Family of ' Birds. The wife of a Methodist minister in West Virginia has been married three times, says an exchange. Her maiden name was Partridge, her first hus­ band was darned Robin, her second Sparrow, and the present one's name is Quayle. There are now two young Robins, one Sparrow and three little Quayles In the family. One grandfa­ ther was a Swann, and another was a Jay, but he is dead and now a bird of paradise. They live in Hawk avenue, Eaglevtlle, Canary islands, and the fel­ low who writes this article is a lyre bird and an interested relative of the family. A kidney or bladder trouble can always be cured by using Foley's Kid­ ney Cure in time. Sold by X. H. Pet­ esch. Scant Praise. The old saying that "praise to the | face is open disgrace" is still firmly believed by some people. A young woman who was brought up by her New England grandmother, a notable j housekeeper and example of thrift, says that the adage was a household guide in her family. , One day her grandmother went off ] to pay a visit, and the ambitious girl of sixteen scrubbed and polished, swept and dusted until it seemed as if there ; was nothing left to do. Her heart beat ; high with the hope of a word of com- | mendation as she sat in the kitchen | doorway waiting for her grandmother's return. When the old lady arrived she looked about her with keen eyes, but there seemed no chance for criticism until, stooping dcfWn under the kitchen table which stood near the open door, she saw that the south wind had wafted a bit of fluff from the hen yard. With eyes that would twinkle In spite of herself she pointed an accus­ ing finger at this evidence of careless­ ness and said scberly: "Janet, my dear, I see there's a feather in the kitchen. It's high time I came home!" TXTANTED-Falthful person to travel for ** well established house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Lo­ cal territory. Salary ?1024 a year and expen­ ses, payable $19.«0 a week in cash and expen ses advanced. Position permanent. Busi­ ness successful and rushing. Standard House, 3H4 Dearborn St.. Chicago. *23 - Hit XjM)R RENT--Five room Cottage In good re- ' pair. Call Plaindealer office. TjH)R SALE--Eight Chester White thorough- bred Ixiars. Call on or address, C. W. Harrison, Ringwood, III. *24-!t The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- ' V\ tive. Many sudden -- deaths are caused by it -- heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy r- are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al­ lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald­ ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its w6n- derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis­ covery and a book that tells all about it, both Home of 8w*.mj>-Root. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention oading this generous o(fer in this paper. are sometimes bard to select and it is usually the case that money is wasted on articles that are expensive and useless. Why not buy something substantial, useful and pleasing. You can al­ ways find such goods at thi? as - • ..... '• PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, SKATES are always acceptable and give the recipient the greatest ' pleas­ ure. A Jack Knife for the Boy, Carving Set for the Man, Plated Ware for the wife and> Skates for all. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO.' XMAS GtFTS! Buy them now and avoid the rush. We intend to make this store a Santa Claus Headquarters and have already laid in a good stock of Xmas Goods. We have" a complete line of • . " , Dolls» Toysy Etc. f. L PLENTY Of OTHER for the little ones and Christmas Gifto. for aUL, < For tfte Holiday Trade we have a nice line of Dress Goods. Shoes, Slippers, Shirts. Neckties a^nd. Fancy Suspenders. . ,... We carry the .famous ' *s. Black Cat Stocking S Better than a Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bonnd on thd affected parts, is better than a plas­ ter for a lame back and for pains in the »ide and chest. Pain Balm has no su­ perior as a liniment for the relief of <leep seated, muscnlar and rheumatic painis. For sale by all druggists. A Carets! Woman. Mrs. Gaussip--I suppose you're care­ ful to make your husband tell you ev­ erything that happens to him. Mrs. Strongmind-- Better than that; I'm careful to see that nothing hap­ pens to htm.--Philadelphia Press. & 1 »' ; S The shortest people in Europe are the Laplanders. The height of the men averages 4 feet 11 inches and the height of the women two inches less. BARREVILLG. John Pugh of McHenry was a caller Monday. S. B. Leisner of Terra Cotta was a okller here Monday. Ed. Long of McHenry was transact­ ing bosiness in this vicinity Friday. A number of the farmers in this yicin- Nearly all the silk of Spain la pro­ duced in tlie province of Murcia. Foils A Deadly Attack. "My wife was so ill that good physic- ans were unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind.,"but was completely cured by Dr. King'* New Life Pills." They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c at Jul ia A. Story's drug store. O ~ Basnth* B T O n i A o >Ttie Kind You Haw Always BMgbt O A ; i The Kind You Have Always BauatlM /i Ini1 "Ina 1fU"t1ats Aways "r wmJ ""if A BATH ROOM in your home ^s not a luxury, but a necessity. Those who have this auxiliary to their homes would never be without one again. We furnish all fixtures complete an do nice neat work at moderate prices. If you con­ template putting in a bath let me figure with yon. CHRIS SCHHIDT, flcHENRY, ILLINOIS. Bflsnth* y) me Mnn tou Haw Always I It excites the wonder of the world; a magic remedy, liquid electricity, that irive- away suffering and disease. TWky Mooiithin Tea. 35c. G. W Besley. Grand Chance to make on a Suit of Clothes, made by union Tailors on the bench. All garments are sponged, shrunk, and sewed with silk. I have sold 18 Suits this fall and not a misfit in the lot. The Tailors that do our work own their own mill, hence the low prices. The firm states that E -Lawlns is the man that always gives exact measurements. Your pick out of 200 Simples E. LAWLUS, T A I L O R . Agent for the Eagle Acetylene Qm Machine. I furnUh the entire out- MORK LIVES ARE 8AVKO -.BY USING... Special Sale! ONE WEEK ONLY We vfoil giva you 25 per (tnt Discount on all our DRESS AID WALKING SKIRTS to close them out quickly for etish. Also 20 per cent. Discount on all Wrappers made of heavy Percales and Flannelettes. Yours truly, M . J . W A L S H . It has bo equal in quality and price. Wears like iron ahd posts no more than the ordinary stock. LAP ROBES AND HORSE BLANKETS at the very lowest prices. F. A. BOHLANDER, SuooMior to Simon Stoffol. 'Phone 291. West Mo Henry. i WHEN LOOKING FOR \ Christmas Presents %l- 1 'Jfe'iV v^,\v ; • - ^ n •n: i 'tM . ' hW) iX REMEHBER THE WEST SIDE PESLEY, DRUQQIST, FOR Lamps, Toilet Sets I and China A CHOICE LINE OF ALBUHS AND ity are planning to attend the Farmers' Institute which is to be held in Wood stock this week. Floyd Thompson and Henry Simon were visiting friends in McHenry Sun­ day. A number from here attended the basket social given by Miss Mayme Khox and her pupils Wednesday, even­ ing at the North Nunda school. John Hunter took Miss Annie Flem­ ing and her pupils, of our school over to visit Miss Elsie Howe and her pupils at the Dublin school, in a sleigh load Tues­ day. The trip was enjoyed bv all, es­ pecially John, who always enjoys visit­ ing the Dublin school. Mrs. W. 8. Harrison of Hastings, Neb., writes: "Send me a 50c jar of "Mother's Salve" at once, as my little boy is subject to croup, and this is the best thing I ever used. The weather is favorable for croup and I never want to be without it." Easy to use. Quick to act. For sale by N. H. Petesch. «Q|ZZJQH 20010 COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR and a first-class Jewelry Store is always a good place to find just the thing to please friends. This year we have a fine line of Holiday Goods consisting of .Fancy Xmas colored Candles, Optical Goods, Sheet Music, Fancy Onyx and Mantol CIocV-r. T^ico Pin?5, Men's Cuff Buttons (filled and plated) and tuauy Other articles. A Gold Watch would make a great present. We have them at all prices Call and lcok them *over. Every Watch guaranteed. Large line on hand. . mK RINGS fOR fVERYBODY A KODAK Just the thing for thatvboy or girl. It will give more pleasure than anything else. A good present for older people too. Prices are right. / -gost ass The largest assortment seitti in McHenry. ever Dr. King's New Discover Consumption, Coughs and Colds v Sum By All Other Throat And Long Semediss Combined. This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds* Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay rever,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping ~ 1 PAY* Croup ar Cough. NO CURB. NO ffVftff Tt-'TW'trT Silverware Galore As usual we have a large line of Silverware and ^jwould behoove you to call and Me the goods and get prices. Call early and if we don*t happen to have what you want, you can make a selection from the catalogue and get Goods on day's notice. NIC A. NIEMANN. ViH; 'm&M

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