SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK 9 Bars Laundry Queen Soap, 6 pounds Whole Rice. .... 1 pound Fine Japan Tea... 10-pound Sack Buckwheat Flour, I 4 Sacks Minnesota?Patent Flour.. » r » 3 5 c . v..25c * • • * * fcJL. ,v?25c ^ 3 5 c .$6.00 •jiiia Wetmore's Plug Tobacco, per pound.... S tandard Navy Tobacco , pe r pound . . . . . . . . . . 35c .35c BROKEN LOTS OF OVERCOATS and SUITS at 20 per cent, discount. --*-- -v-----1--•-------- Black Wambretta Fur Coats, Beaver Collar. .$17.00 Hungarian L*amb Fur Coats* with Mink Collar and Cuffs.... .T. \. v .. .... v.... .$21,. 00 MENTION PAPER FOR PRICES; J *•« »•« »•« »•* «•* »•« *•* »•« »•« »*•*» »•* tt. A »•« At .«•*« »t*« *1,1 ^ ^ IJ.I 1^,1 y,* IJ1 IJJ 111 111 III 1^,1 • • • • • l • \ . . & We will close out our line of Gold and Silver Brand Fancy Dress Shirts for the & next two weeks at 75c and 50c each, for- • mer price $1.50 and $1.00. This is a rare ^ best goods ^ * chance to secure the at half price. season s ^ Plenty of Winter Goods to Supply ^ SYour Wants At Correct Prices 4& • Y Take home a pound of our 50c Japan Tea T ^ Its the BEST on the market. Other kinds ^ $ at 25c, 35c and 40c. Our Coffee at 25c & has no equal for the price. Other qualities 4$ at 15c to 40c. Our Groceries are of the best quality. Canned Goods, Syrups, ^ Pickles in Bottles and Bulk. Yours truly ^ $ Phone 363. Goods /|/| I \\r A I C V-4 ^ Jg delivered promptly. *"*• V /\LrOO. • $ $ 'I' 'Mi ft ft $ ft ft t|i tli i|i i$» ifr î i ifr t|i iji t|i tIi iji >|i t|i ,|i t|i Just the same old resolve to try my best to please my patrons and realize that I must try con t inua l ly and in a good many d i f ferent ways, I aim to keep a good assortment of General Hard ware, Stoves, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Paints, Oi's, Etc., and to sell-them at a reasonable profit, the same price to all. Watch this space f rom week to week dur ing the year and see what we have to offer. Respectfully Yours, F. L. WEST SIDE HARDWARE. I You Want Groceries Buy them for Cash and save a little on your purchases. :# Uneeda Biscuit, per package... Oywterettes, per pac->age. Lima Beano, per can . Own. per can, U cento--8 cans. '! ! Pears, per can Table Peaches, per can.. .;.. ^ Mustard Sardines, } size can.. . . . .. * Pink Halinon, per can , Red Salmon, per can .ilSc, 17c and 20c Maple Syrup, qnart bottle o5c Try my Coffes and Teas. Terms Cash. Positively no Accounts. . 4c . 4c 10c ..25c ..10c .;i5c .. 9c 10c and 18c I V: -• *: John Stoffel if: fi it *: Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; feed it with the only hair food, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair Hair Vigor grow, completely cures dan druff. And it always restores colartagray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life.> "Mr hair was falling out, badly and I wh afraiii I would loae it all. Then 1 tried Ayer'» Hair Vitror. It quickly stopped tlie fnlllngaml luade mv hair all t could wish it to lie." ftKUKCCA K. ALLEN, Elizabeth, K. J. .<1.00 n bottle. for They say it i^only repaying what Bhonld never have been paid in the first place. PRKSIDENT ROOSKVELT is ascertain ing the wishes of a majority . of the Ainerican people regarding the tariff and their wishes are to be gratified. This is the kind of a public servant Mr. lioosevelt is. Falling Hair [lie Mdlenry PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER COMPANY. F. li. GRANGER. W. A. (.'RISTY, J. B. I'ERUY, Pres. , > •••"•. §ec.. Treas. * F. G. SCHUEINKR. Editor. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year.. * $1.50 Six months, 75cts. Three months. 40ct,s. Thursday, January 19, 1905. MR, ROCKEFELLER is now advocftt ing the simple life, Taut foi^-ethers, not for himself. THE Colorado legislature is trying hard, to get along without the assistance of the police. THE promoters of the ship-subsidy bill declare that the enemy is quietly laying mines for it. WE are now able to state to the pub lic that Russia can safely be placed on tbe doubtful column. AN Indianapolis than is seeking A df vorce from his wife, alleging that she wants not only the last word bnt all of ttaem. -• ' Now that Japan has finished with the Port Arthur garrison they have turned their guns on newspaper liars at Chefoo, THE reason, yon bear from Tom Law- son so often is that he is beginning to feel that between magazine issues is too long a time to wait. NEW YORK is keeping up its reputa tion of spreading in all directions. Twe»ty-three millionaires have left the city in the last three months. REPORTS are coming in that Kansas is trying to lend her surplus money. It must certainly grieve Mrs. Chadwick to be unable to accommodate theui. WHILE we are having snows, rains and blizzards sixteen times a week. Ari zona wants to know why she, a state of sunshine, is excluded from statehood. BRYAN is running the Commoner an<l Tom Watson a magazine. We would like very mnch 'to know what Alton B. Parker intends to do for his country. ATTORNEY GENERAL MOODY'S pro ceedings with the beef trust has led to a singular development. It is found that Moody is swift, and Swift is moody. WHILE President Roosevelt .believes in the simple life he is trying to induce Congress to lead the strenuous life to the extent of earning its salary at any rate. ' THE Panama Commissioners are sur prised to learn that the objf ct of Pana ma legislation was to build the canal and not merely to provide commissioBer- ships. . IN addition to having a big fire Balti more is now indulging in a series of murder mysteries. We are afraid that Baltimore has taken Chicago for her model. IT is understood that Japan will give Port Arthur to any nation that can come in and take it, but none seeni willing to step in nnder such circum stances. • . • THE City of Washington is discttsMing the feasibility of establishing a whip ping post for wife beaters, lint makes no provision whatever for punishing the wicked women who deliberately beat their husbands. AN attempt was made to dynamite the statue of Frederick the Great that was recently presented to the U. S. gov ernment by the Emperor of Germany and placed in front of the War College at Washington. The gnilty parties have not been caught yet, but the Bos ton Peace society claims that it cao prove an abibi. AN Iowa^fc-hool I <oy was asked to write a composition On Russia and wrote as follows; "Rooshy is bounded on the north by ice, on the east by trouble, on the south by mobs and the Sooez Kanal, and on the west by England and Kip ling. At the present time the country has cold feet, and the iniperur has cold chills running down, his back and is afraid someone is after him, with knives and bums--they throw lots of bams in Rooshy. Finland is a part of Rooshy and its people are called Fins because there are so many fish." Sickening Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria, can be re'ieved and curdd with Electric Bitters. This is a pure, tonic medicine: of especial benefit in malarife, for it exerts $ true, curative influence on the disease, driv ing it entirely out of the system. It is to be preferred to Quinine, h&ving none of this drug's bad after effects. E. S. Mnnday of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fe ver and jaundice, till he took Electric Bitters, which saved his life." At Jtilia A. Story's and N. H. Petesch's, McHen- ry, and G. Wi Besley's, West McHeiiry, drug stores: price 50c, guaranteed. Indication of Volo M. K. Church. Rev. Samuel Earngey, presiding elder of the Rockford district of the Method ist Episcopal church, will preach the dedicatory sermon in the dedication of the-Yolo church next Sabbath morning at 10:30 a. m. The old church was de stroyed by wind, and Ibe small but brave flock have put up a hew one. They have listened to the Master's voice say ing, ""Fear not, little flock, it is the Fa ther's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." It is hoped that many from other communities will join in the dedi cation services and rejoice with them. Contracted Chronic Diarrhoea While In the IMiilippinea. "While with the U.S. army in the Phil ippines I contracted chronic diarrhoea. I suffered severely from this terribledisease for over three years and tried the pre scriptions of numerous physicians, but found nothing that did me any good un til I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, two small bot tles of which entirely cured me, and I since have bad no return of thedisease." --Herman Stein, 212 Union Avo., Pueb lo, Colorado. For sale by all druggists. Mrt*. J-olin Ilrefeld. The death of Mrs. John Brefeld ocj curred at ber home east of town on Wednesday morning. January 18. The funeral will take place from St. John's C^thplic church, Johnsbu^gh, on Satur day morning of this week at 10 o'clock. Obituary next week. Spoiled her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St. r New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled withi skin trouble. She writes: "I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing would cure it, until I used Bucklin's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and- sores. 2!>c nt Julia A. Story's and N. H. Pet esch's, Mchenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Shoot PoHtpoired. The shoot that was advertised to take place at Geo. Nell's place, Colunibia Park, just east .of Johnsburgh, has been, postponed, to take place Tuesday, Jan uary. 24. A cordial invitation is extend* ed to all. A NEW disease has been discovered by the scientists. It is called the "whiz- wagon twitch,"and is developed by a person who has to dodge too many auto mobiles. ""--- . RUSSIA does notneem to understand this boquet throwing bnsiness between Nogi and Stoessel. Stoessel thinks it safer to throw boqnets when you are out of bnllets. t P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHM1SSION MERCHANT .SPECIAL ATTENTION GIV^N TO THE SALE OF Pressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs "Ttla fsifce otfeet house^bn the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. • . / COLD STORAUE FREE Stall • A 3, Pulton Si Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ;• II ;• % & •V: FROM recent reports most of the shows on the St. Louis "Pike" that took to the road are losing money. Tim is some satjsfaction to the many who got soaked by them at the fair. A Grim Tragedy. is daily enacted, in thousands cf homes, as Death claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But wh'pn.Goughsaud Colds are proper ly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley of Oaklandon, Ind , writes: "My wife had the • consumption, and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and to-day she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all dis eases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 50c and $1 00 by Julia A. Story and N. H. Peteseh, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. Trial bottlee free. the legislators in different so keenly disappointed by SOME of states are lack of senatorial contests that they are threatening to go to their constituents and demand their rnonev back. EDITOR BRYAN and Chairman Tag- gart can tell each other all they please what the Democratic party needs; but we are persuaded from a hint given by the people that it isn't needed at all* As a special New Year offer we will send The Plaindealer and Chicago daily Chronicle to new subscribers as well as old ones paying in advance, both papers for the minimum price of $3 50. Call at once as the offer is limited. PROPHET DOWIE discovered Mormon missionaries working among his crowd. He gave them very short notice to quit. Dowie will not, under any circumstance, tolerate competitors. Chainberlnln'n Cough Keinfedy Abtftlntel} K; llHl'llllCHH. The fault of giving children medicine containing injurious substances, is some times more disastrous than the disease fioni which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is perfectly safe for chil dren to take. It contains nothing harm- seme ; ful and for coughs, colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by al^ druggists. THE beneficiaries of the rebate system are registering a big kick at the presi dent and - fear (bail extermination. Masquerade dance Thursday, Feb. 3, at Central opera house. ' 1'lMMIUlOllllt HIHl I.Hfil'ippc, Coughs cured quickly by Foley's Hon ey and Tar. Refuse substitutes. G. W. Besley, Wmk McHenry, 1U, JOHNSBURGH. C. M. Adams Chicagoed Thursday. John Karls was a Spring Grove caller Tuesday: „ "Jos. Ileimer of McHenry was a caller here Monday. ;'-v-5 ' Jacob Miller and family Sumiayed with home folks. Miss Lillie May visited Miss Gertrude Schaefer Tuesday. John J. Schaefer was a Chicago pas senger Thursday morning. Willie Blitz of Volo called on his brother, Peter, Saturday. Frank Grosser and Jos. Engels were callers here Saturday last. Joe Freund and family of Ringwood were callers here Thursday. Mrs. Peter Freund entertained heir sister, Rosa Lay, this week. Miss Kate Schaefer was the guest of Mrs. Philip Schaefer Tnesday. Miss Clara Duginer of Chicago is vis iting at the home of John Frett. Mrs. Jos. J. Mertes called at the homo of John Mertes Tnesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Wirfs entertained quite a number of their friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Huff of Spring Grove were callers at John King's Tues- day. ' • " - Jseob May and sister, Lizzie, visited. M rs. Joa. Rothermel at MoBenry Mon- ;day.' • ' ' ' Mr.-and Mrs. Philip Schaefer enter tained the following company Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. John Bugner, Joseph Freund of Ringwood; John Huff and Martin Lay. The two sons of Jobn Klapperich of Iowa are here visiting among relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller were the guepts of their son, Peter F. Miller, and family Thursday last. Mesdames John S. Freund and Mat. Freund were guests of Mrs. Susan Freund one day recently. Several of the Johnsburgh people at tended the auction sale of Mat Rauen at Spring Grove last Tuesday. .Miss Lena K. May returned home last Friday after a few weeks' visit with her sist^jr, Mrs. Peter M. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Schmitt spent Tues day with Mrs. Jos. F. Schmitt. Martin Schmitt returned home from Aurora last week, where he had been the guest of his brother and sistar. By invitation Misses Delia Niesen; Hellen and Margaret Adams visited Miss Rosa Lay Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Newell returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday morning after a very pleasant visit among relatives and friends here. Fatal Kidney and bladder troubles can always be prevented by 'the use of Foley's Kidney Cure. G. W. Bee ley, West McHenry, III, --' The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. The greatest system renovator. Re stores vitality, regulates the kidneys, liver and stomach. If Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea fails to cure you get your money back. That's fair. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. The Catholic Foresters held their an nual reception at St. Joseph's hall last Wednesday evening. A goodly num ber turned out to enjoy the event and the usual good time prevailed. All who attended pronounce themselves as having been most highly entertained. Mrs Michels fittingly observed the 73rd anniversary of her birth Monday afternoon of last week by having the following named ladies gather at her home and enjoy the event with her: Mesdames Ray Newell, Jos. and Hubert Michels, John S. Freund, C. M. Adams and Wm. Althoff. The many friends of G, H. Haueseri^ Engineer L. E. & W. R. R., at present living in Lima, O., will be pleased to know of his recovery from threatened kidney disease. He writes: "I was cured by using Foley's Kidney Cure, which I recommend to all, especially trainmen, who are usually similarly af flicted. " G W. Besley, West McHen ry, 111. ° The second dance of the season, under the auspices of the B. & D. club of Johnsburgh will take place at Schinitt's hall on Tuesday evening, January 81. The boys are putting forth their best efforts tofhake these dances successful, socially as well as financially, as it rests entirely on the success of these dances whether or not Johnsburgh will be rep resented on the baseball diamond with a well-equipped, uniformed baseball team. It is up t,o the public to decide this question in favor of the boys by their presence at the dance, showing them that their efforts are being ap preciated. Let all who can turn out and make the dance ^ rousing success. The mnsic for the occasion will be fur nished by Schaefer's Johnsburgh orches tra of five pieces, including French horn. The following committee will have charge of the floor: Fred Justen, John Miller, Johnsburgh;• Fred Bishop, Mc Henry: Robt. Matthews, West McHenry; Harold Whiting, Ringwood; Howard Westlake, Spring Grove; Peter Brown, Volo. Dance tickets are only 60 cents. A good time is assured for those who at- terd. The boys who make up the team have shown by their work of last season that they are, each and every one of them, willing players and will work hard to bring their team well up in the front ranks. ' - arefctly in Demand. Nothing is more in idemand than a medicine which meets modern require- j ments for a blood and system cleanser, j such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They j are just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At Julia A, Story'8 and N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West MoHenry, drug stores. 25c. guaranteed. . ^ Wanted--A bright girl, at this office, to learn the art of typesetting. Must have good education. For further in formation apply a t this office. R. COOK ON ' I; BLADPgR TROUBLES Bladder troubles make life miserable to those who suffer from them, and unless they are promptly overoome they are cer tain to cause serious conditions. Inflam mation of the bladder is becoming more and more common and when neglected II develops ulceration and this may be fol lowed by perforation and death. The Irri table condition that demands frequenl evacuation during the night as well as day time, is a source of great mortification and dlscomcomfort to old and young. Dr. Cook, of Chicago, an authority oa kidney and bladder troubles, says: -••It Is Impossible to find a single agent that Is a specific for this class of troubles, because there are so many different struc tures involved in the organs. However, we are able toxoomblne the best known remedies and obtain most excellent re sults. The preparation known as FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBX is an Ideal combination. I use it exensively in my practice and find it can be employed successfully in everj form of kidney and bladder trouble." FOLEY's KIDNKY Cube IS an hones! preparation. It is not a decootlon of soma hitherto unknown root or herb claimed to be a cure-all. Common sense tells ui that such preparations have but little 11 any value. - FOLEY'S KIDNEY Cuaa con tains all the best knawn agents used bj kidney and bladder specialists combined in a manner that renders them most effeo tive and pleasant to take. In even the mosl hopeless cases its use gives relief and when taken in time cannot help but curt •very form of kidney or bladder tronbla Want Column.^ | AH advertisements inserted under this head at the jfollDwingrates: Kive lines or less, 25 cent* for Srtt |inHc.rtioii: 15 i-rntr for uaoh Mibsotjui nt insertion. iMore than live lines. 5 tents a isne for Hint insertion, will :: rents a lint' for additional insertions. tTOUSE FOR RENT-My house In McHenry, AX east side, is for rent. Possession given at any time. F. K. URANOEK. 19-tf house, barn and well, tine orchard. 23tf GFO. SRMES, Hebron, 111. VOCNG MEN AND WOMEN WANTED-- A to learn telegraphy. Railroads need op erators badly. Total cost six months" coui>e at our school, including tuition (telegraphy and Typewriting), board and furnished room, S8!>. This can be reduced. Catalogue free. Write today. I»ODOE'S INSTITUTE, * 2o-7t Monroe St., VaiDaraiso.Infl. XIOUSE TO BENT--With new barn and land to snit renter; 1H miles south of MC1J6b- on Terra Cotta road. ED KNOX, West McHenry. ; ry on 30-4V TPOR (SALE--At half price--( olumbla graph-. -1- ophone with about NO records; large horn with nickle-plated adjustable horn support. Inquire of w. P. WENTWORTII at Simon •: 3MSf -I--• . I l„. Stofffel's office. West McHenry. RamMv and the Do#* Many eccentricities are pardoned In An Experienced Opinion. Father -- Daughter, Algernon Von Spook wants to marry you. Daughter --What! That man! Why. papa. I wouldri't have him. He hasn't any sense. Father--Of course not; of course not. You don't suppose he would he wanting to get married if he bad, do you?--Detroit Free Press. Got It. "Fact is," said the one .man, "I mar ried because I was lonely as much as for any other reason. To put it tersely, I married for sympathy." "Well," said the other man. "you have mine." Hercnlean Labor*. Najfgsby--What did he leaYft...tft,j;bar- Ity? Waggsby--He left it the biggest Job it ever tackled--that of covering bis multitude of sins.--Baltimore Amer ican. The English statute mile was first de fined in the thirty-fifth year of Queen Elizabeth. Before that time it was put down at 5,000 feet I 'll brave the storms of Chilkoot Pass, I'll cross the plains of frozen glass, I'd leave my home and cross the sea, Rather than be without Rocky Mount ain Tea. G. W. Besley. Don't forget the "want ad "column I musical' geniuses, especially by those who do not suffer from them. Unfor tunately the object of a musician's wrath is quite apt to be unable to ap preciate why he has offended. One can fancy the- possessor of the untrained voice who figures in the fol lowing story thinking hard things of the celebrated composer Itameau. One day Kameau while calling oti - ia lady filed a stern glance on a little dog who sat In her lap and was barking good naturedly. Suddenly Ramean seized the poor little fellow and threw him out of the Window. "What is the matter?" asked his hostess, mueh alarmed. "He barked false!" said -Ramean In* dignantly. In Bed FOBR Weeks with LaOfifiw. We have received the following letter from Mr. Roy Kemp of Angola, Ind. "I was in bed four weeks with la grippe and I tried many remedies and spent considerable for treatment with physi< cians, but I received no relief until I tried Foley's Honey and Tar. Two small bottles of this medicine cured me and now I use it exclusively in my fam ily. " Take no substitutes. G. W. Bes ley, West McHenry, 111. |||r| ake deiighl In sounding the Sees of Peruna. My ailment was a severe cold which eked the bronchial tubes and lungs. / followed your Mpeclal directions after using six bottles of Peruna, t s on my feet again. / think PerunM ' onderfui medicine." -- fe. D O Y O U COUCH A Life at Stake. If you bntlcnew the splendid merit of Foley's Honey and Tar you wonld never be without it. A dose or two will pre vent an attack of pneumonia or lagrippe. It may save yonr life. G. W. Besley, West McHenry, III, , & § £ s ft All Odds and Ends and Broken 5 Lines must be closed out. Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers, the fl.50 kind for......... .$1.35 Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers, the $1.85 kind for,......... Ji-io BIQ DRIVE IN BLACK CAT STOCKINGS Ladies' Fleeced Stockings, 25c value for 15c Ladies' Cashmere Stockings, 40c VMlue for... age Ladies' Cashmere Stockings, 50c value for ....... 25c Childrens' and Misses Cashmere Stockings, 30c value £ofl!vv..9QC GROCERY BARGAINS 25 lbs Fine California Prunes for.. 6 Packages Uneda Biscuit for 10 Bars White Cloud Soap forr 7 Bars Toilet Soap for. . .$1.00 25c . . . 2 5 c ...35c Buy Sleepy Eye Flour and Get the Best ?. Jl. Boblander. telephone, no. 29l« EVANSON'S THE JANUARY CLEARING SALE is being prosecuted with the utmost vigor. No "letting up" during this month. No use in telling you about prices--if you are interested in savings, drop in. A few Purs and Ladies' Capes left--forgot to mention this last week. Guess we told you about the new things in Elite Petticoats of late" arrivals. Pillsbury's Best Flo9cl.50 .if you call for iW«nore if delivered.* ~ W. C. EVANSON.