Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1905, p. 7

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*x.<\ . Qvercoatsf Felt Boots and Overs, only a few left for selection.' Also all lines of Dry Ooods^tvhich W^t fee clol^4 out at once.: : * : ;* • • ; * : • • : • • OSMUN BROS., .**• rtcHENRY. j itiumMimimmmimmmmnminninnj | Jos. H. Huemann I ft"""" PK W wms! } Johnsburgh, Illinois. I I sells Corn Shelters and Trefid. Powers, Duplex Orinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Milis, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and * Machine MNM»4 Oil a Specialty. . 1 am affent, for the almvo. We ..cput. tlie litxis on your Build-' Jpings and shouUl they be struck • by lig^itniiiK we pay damttgea if no more than 8500,. Gall *oa get full particulars. .• fcKfil Blacksniitttnf Prices alwavs RttsMififr NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Store. A lot of Fancy China, just received. Full line, of Queensware; also Granite and Tinware. Notions too numerous to mention. Nice line of Candies and Sta­ tionery. You will always lind bargains here. ' , - -- - - DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon* terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate?1!* and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* CHARLES i fRETT Wholesale and retail dealer In I am in the Market For Beef Veal rfutton Hogs •j and Poultry dive me a call Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois IDeats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS i >id fg|£,8ay PianoJ course, we handle them. Not only that, but we handle the best known makes and give with each and ©very one of them a guarantee of which we feel proud. If you are contemplating-putting A Piano in­ to your home don't forget us. We can and will give you figures which defy all competition for high class Instruments. Remem­ ber "The Housekeeper" offer still stands good. Call at onr store and we will tell you all about it. Leeive yovir orders here for Piano Turvlrxg. Work dorv® by Wm. Ar- ney of Shulz Piano Co , Chicago. I !! Vegetables in 5eason. and Fruit It is my 'Intention to (jive all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot 'cash f; >r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowost prices,. and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hops for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market, prices; Drop us a curd when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HKNKY, ILL. ! Chicago & North-Western. N.A. West ncHenry, III. J Leave Chicago. y.oo a ip.... p'fe... "> "I p m... .">.00 p ni.. Effective I>ec. 4. 1904. WEEK DAY TRAINS. "* NORTHBOUND .. ..Via I)es lMaines ....Via Pes PI nines .... Via Des Plaines SUNDAY TRAINS. . .. Vhi n«s Plaines. Via Elgin WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUWD. Vhi Elgin Via Des I'laines Via Elgin SUNDAY TRAINS. ...Via Elgin. Via Des i'laines Arrive MfHcnry ..10.10 a m .. .4 .50 p m . .6.40 p m .11.14 a in .. 4.55 p na .10.25 a m • "T.lKi p m T&e McHenry P&otogrdpPer HAKES PHOTOS PERMANENT ARTISTIC FAULTLESS •t popular prices. Always some attraction given away with every dozen. In order to more fully in­ troduce my work in this oommnri- ity I have decided to make thereg- f I ular cabinet size photo at S2,00 ( pe.r dozen, for a short time only. . . | Wpbkegan St . near theStan lpipe J WEST McHENRY, ILL. $ Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. ' wr CHARGES ARK THE LOWEST, iiend uiodt'l, photo or sketch for t\ I *n stMiivli and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before all c.'i: :Ts 1 'ii:rr:' clftuiiieil through 11Q- ADVER­ TISED and SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN­ SIONS and COPYRIGHTS obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. T . Wpbkegan St . nt f : ^:WEST McH] n 1 ' . i • METNODTST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SKKVICKS -Preaching 10;30 a. M. and everjr Other Sabbath evening at. 7:45, beginning Ofr - H»ber 30. Sunday school at 11:45. Epworth Jfceagne preceding preaching service at 7 p. m. >Wheii. there is no preaching, at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. BVY. J. M. COHMACIC, PnMt*>r. HOLLISTER'S !ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A. Busy Medioiao for Baay People. "Magi Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. . f f.u- Constipation. In<iifrG-4ioi», I.iTP iney Troubles, Pimples, Eo/erii i, Impin Bad Breath, Slutrsrish BoueN, Hearltic1 >:ickache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in t4 • 85 cents a box. Genuine made b. • STEB DRI'Q COMPANY-, Madison, Wis. i.0EN MUGGET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPLE SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, onr correspond­ ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. JSd. | Robert Spears is very low; -- Howard Westlake is at Lake Villa. Earl Westlake was home over Sunday. Mike Rauen is still in a serious con­ dition. , » ' W. C. Moss was ft .Woodstock visitor Monday. •" ~ •••• Mrs. Chase Cole is entertaining her lather frOui Nebraska. •; - Our young people enjoyM a sleigh ride to Richmond last week. ~ .Tate Rauen of Kenosha visited his brother, Mike, here, the first'of tbe week. - ; : . ; .;.;v Anton Schaefer has eng^getl the ser­ vices of a new banker for the next twenty-one years. Howard Churchill, 0ns Eurke, Rob ert Esh and Win. James are among those at work on the ice at Fox Lake and Lake Villa. Jk. Royal Accomplice. One day when Francis I. was in his chapel attending mass with several of his noblemen a well dressed pickpocket went and stood behind the cardinal of Lorraine and abstracted his purse, but unable to do this without the king per­ ceiving it he put up his finder to inti­ mate that the latter should keep si­ lence. The king took it for a 'practical Joke and said never a word. But aft­ er the service he asked the cardinal what he had done with his purse. The prelate, not being able to find it, was very much annoyed and took the king to task, who greatly enjoyed the fun, and at length ordered the purse to be restored to tlie cardinal. The thief did not, however,, come forward, and the king discovered too late that he had been tricked. Sais Coats- Money. When Fanny Iveinble spent her sum­ mers in Massachusetts she engaged a neighbor to drive her regularly about the country. On their first excursion he began to discuss the crops and the history of the people, when Mrs. Kera- ble said in her dramatic fashion, "Sir, I have engaged you to drive, not talk." The farmer kept his peace and when the vacation was over sent in his bill. "What is this item, sir?" slie asked. >'I do not understand it." Willi-equal gravity he rejoined: "Sass, $5. I don't often take it, but when I do I charge!" The bill was paid, and it made a firm friend of Mrs. Kernble ever after.-- Christian Register. - The American IS little. Our baldhended eagle, so called be­ cause the feathers on the top of his head are white, was called the Wash­ ington eagle by Audubon, the great nat­ uralist. Like Washington, he is brave and fearless, and as his name and great­ ness are known the world over so can the eagle soar to heights beyond others. The eagle was adopted as the emblem of the United States in 1785, since when It has been used pn the tips of flag­ poles, coins, United®States seals and on the shield of Liberty.--Washington Star. VntlrlnB. "When I took you into partnership," said the indignant father, "I expected you to be untiring in your devotion to the interests of the business." The son took one foot down from the desk long enough to strike a match to light his cigarette. > "I think I have been," said he. "Ypu never have noticed me tire myself yet, havfe you, pa V The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily- Chronicle both for one year for $8.50, «« 9» V« win send yo* * sample free. Be sure that this picture in th« form of a Ubcl is on the vrifptl of every battle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & B0WNE Chemists 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c.aa4$I; alldragfMs. RING WOO IK Oyster sapper Faiday evening at Wm. Coatea.' Mr?. Bertha Whiting visited friends at Nnnda Tuesday. » Mr. and Mrs. Ora Harrison were Mc Henry callers Monday. James McCannon of Greenwood spent Sunday with friends here. Twenty pnpils were absent from school Monday and Tuesday on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs., Roy Harrison of Mc­ Henry visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harri son Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas: BrtWm spent Sun­ day with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Bar thalt, at Keystone. Messrs^ and Mesdames W. E. and J. D. Smith attended jbhe Farinersinstitute" at Hebron last week. The bqsket social held for the benefit of the «chooMibrary was fairly' well, att tended, ! The proceeds were $19.10. J. V. Buckland. Mrs. H. P. Buckland. Mesdames Mary Dodge and Jennie Spanlding attended the surprise party on Mrs. Clemens at McHenry Monday. The second quarterly ;conference of the McHenry and Ringwood charge wil! be held at the McHenry M. E. chnrch next Saturday at 10 a. ni.. Rev. Samnel Earngey presiding. The sad news w«s received here The?: day morning of the death of Mrs. Rich­ ard Lawson of Elgin. The sympathy of the entire community is with the be reaved family in this, hour of sor­ row. Tbrt most interesting thing on earth just nnv is the Russian and Japanese war. Come and hear an educated na­ tive of Japan tell about it and see his 125 brilliant views at the Ring wood M. E. church Wednesday evening, Jan. 25, at 7:45 o'clock. ' The Ladies' Chnrch Aid society of the Ringwood M. E. church will serve an oyster supper at the home of Mrs Wm. Coates on Friday evening, Jan. 20. A cordial invitation is? extended to all. Supper will be served from 5 o'clock p. m., until all are served. A short pro­ gram will be given. Prices', children, 15 oentt^adults, 25 cents. KMKKAMIPARK. Harry Bacon of Chicago WAS a receni visitor here. Miss Ada Carey of McHenry visited the Misses Knox Sunday. Miss Anna Frisby visited Miss Mary Gibbs at BarrevilieSunday. ^ B. J. Frisby visited at John Fleming'* at Barreyille Sunday afternoon. H. O. Flaligus of Crystal Lake spent last Friday evening at Geo. Walmsley V. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanNatta spent Friday at Th^sr Thompson's at Barre ville. Several in this vicinity have been suf­ fering from attacks of the grip the pasi few weeks. > Miss Mary G. Dohertv of McHenrv visited our school here Friday and called on relativts. Messrs. Frank Martin and Frank Geary of Wauconda were recent visitors at J. B. Erisby's. Miss Bridget Doherty of McHenry spent Friday afternoon with Miss Margaret Aylward. Richard Aylward, who has been at Wm. Sherman's for the past month, ha^ returned to his home here. L. Buck and brother-in-law of Chica­ go came out to the former's cottage, Saturday, to spend a few weeks. Ed Knox has purchased a gay new cutter and has had a chance to test il dnring the past week, the sleighing hav injg been exceptionally good, I ' ^ KIIHiKFIKLU. S. Merchant was in Nnnda Tuesday Mrs. S. Wakefield is visiting relatives at Elgin. F. E. Fay was in Woodstock on busi­ ness Friday. Uncle John Merchant is tinder"^ the doctor's care. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son, Ray, were in Nnnda Monday. Roy and Arthur Skinner were in •Wood»t< ck Friday. R. L. Dufield visited with Chas. Kiltz and family at Cary. Mrs Honehawont and daughter were in Chicago Tuesday. Ray Wait! ot; Greenwood spent Sun­ day with Lewis Goddard. Mrs J. B Lynch and daughter, Lol<, Sorrie HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is eff such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit- Strain is equally divided and efrery part equal to the strain. Costs no more than,"cheap" Gus. Carlson. SHIED PIT LIFE --That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As surule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec­ tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. From . e i o » were in Chicago Wfdne'sday, infancy to old age Scott C, noward of McHenry was here on Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im­ proper and weak develop­ ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing w a s t e . T h e a c t i o n o f Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul­ sion itself. What it does it does through nourish­ ment--the kind of nourish­ ment that cannot be ob­ tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. his- business the first ot the week. Mark Hudson of McHenry visited^ sister. Mrs. P. French, Sunday. C. M. Keeler and son, Ala^vin, arc visiting relatives in Elgin and Chicago Miss Gracie Cole of -Woodstock vi-n ei with Miss Etta Goddard Saturday and Sunday. There wilt^ tie an oyster supper at Mrs Grant Randall's Friday eveninu January 20. Oysters served afternoon and evening for 25c a plate. Proceeds for the benefit of the Cherry Valley Sun day school. All are cordially invited A Courtroom Joke. t Lord Brskine, when chief justice of England, presided once at the Chelms­ ford assizes, when a case of breach ->r' promise of marriage was tried before him in which a Miss Tick el I wasplaii. tiff. The'comiscl was a pompous youns man named Stanton, who opened the case with solemn emphasis thn-s: "Tickell. the plaintiff, m.v lord." Kr skine dryly interrupted him with: "C tickle her yourself, Mr. Stanton, it would be unbecoming to my position." Wow Some Peqp!* MiiHBge. *T Believe.'" said Mrs. BoiTough, "th.-it if I can get the use of Mrs. Noowedd s shell diups and fwnicers next Friday and Mrs. Hifl.v will loan me her spoons and Mrs. Housekeep will let me have sonic of her nice oolong mixture--I believe I'll buy a pound of sugar and give a pink tea."--Louisville Courier-JournaL hj',. The Well-Known Specialist, Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. B., Will Send His Book and $2.50 Worth of His Per­ sonal Treatment Free to any Reader There never was a better opportunity for persons suffering from' diseases <of the heart, nerves, liver, stomach and, kidneys to test, free, a remarkably sue cessful Treatment for their disorders. Dr. Miles is kuoiVn to be a leading spe- ialis't in these diseases and his liberal offer is certainly worthy of serious con-' sideration by the afflicted reader. This opportunity,may never occurr-again. His system of Personal Treatment is thoroughly scientific and immensely su­ perior to the other iuetht>d8. It in­ cludes several new remedies carefully selected to snitVach individual case and s the final result of twenty-five years ^f very extensive research and great suc­ cess in treating these diseases. Each treatment consists of a curative elixir, tonic tablets, eliminating pills and usually a plaster. Extensive s a- tistics clearly demonstrate that Dr. Miles' Personal Treatment 4j? <*t least three times as successful as the usual treatment of physicians or general rem- idies sold at the stores. t'ol. E. It. Siiili'tnan of t'tilled States Regular?,. Im'aM'd :i 1 S:oi Dit-jro, <'«l. s;ijs,"I>r. .Wiles' Spi'ciiiJ Tri alnit'iil lias worked• wrtndors in iuv fjon's CUM.'wlii'ii aII -VIM ' failtnl. I had •lapfitywl (lie host medical talent and had • pcul £!,W)0 in doitiB MI. I l>olieve ho is a won lerful specialist. 1 consider it my duty to econiniemf him." "For 'years 1 had severe trouble with my stomach, head, iiouraljfia. inl-.insr spells and <lropsy ; Your treatment entirely cuied nie." / ' Mr. Julius Keistt-r. of ;$0 MicliiKan Ave., t'ltlcajjo. testilres that l>r. Miles cured liitn ifter ten aliic physiciaiis'liad failed. Mrs. It. rrimtinT of (irei'MsprifiK, I'a..' was cured after nany physicians had pronounced In r ciiNt* "hopeless." As all afflicted readers may have his Book ancjl |2 "0 worth of treatment es pecially -adapted to their case free, we would advise them to send for it before it is too late.. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. G., 421 to 431 Main St., Elkhart, Ind. 30 BAKKKVILLK. C. E, Behare was a Sunday caller in this vicinity. Thos. Thompson was a Holcembville caller Tuesday. E. P. Fleming spent the first of the week with his parents here. Chas. Krause of Burton's Bridge called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henise and children were recent visitors at Terra Cotta. Misses Edua Colby and Lizzie Leinbke called at J. Fleming's Sunday evening. Thos. Thompson and Wm, VanNatta made a business trip to Woodstock Fri­ day. Thos. Thompson and daughter, Clara, were Nunda visitors Thursday of last week. Mrs. Mary Parsley and daughter, Margaret, of Cary called at J. FlenriugV Thursday. Mrs. Wm. VanNatta of Emerald Park spent .Friday of last week at Thos Tfiom peon's. Miss Frances Fleming returned home Sunday after a week's visit with rela­ tives in Chicago. Floyd and Robert Thompson and Mis- Clara Thompson called at I. D. Star rittVs at Terra Cotta Tuesday evening. Mop It. A neglected cough or cold may lead to serious bronchial or - lung troubles. Don't take chances when Foley's Hone) and Tar affords perfect security from serious effects of a cold. Masquerade dance Thursday, Feb. 2, at Central opera honse. j PROBATE NEWS | KEAL KSTATE TRANSFERS . •Tens Christian Eskildson aiid w to Frederick 11 fH'iwtn. lot 1). Hosedate, • . • j ahd lots t & 2, Maplewoid Park $ StWOfe Stouhoit Reynolds & w to McHenry,/• - Light. Heat & Power Co... Bishop1, ' Mill property. McHenry.. fiOOO00 Wm. V? Hart & w to Clarence Goddardv lot in Uroemvood.; tSOOOO MARRIAGE LICENSES. * James Butts, 33... .!.. ..'..,.. .Harvai*d Hattie E. Shufelt, 30. .Sharon, Wis. Edwin D. Ford, 22 Nunda Grace M. Reed, 18 Ridgefield Elmer A. Thomas, 20. Marengo Iva L. Barber, 17* Marengo Spencer Cotting, 61 Richmond Mrs. Lydia Win ers, 54.. ..Darien, Wis John Iladdatz, 21 Harmony Ella Lind, 17 Genoa, 111. Charles A"; Sirne, 44 Hebron Mrs. Isabelle Bough ton, 88 Hebron Harvey Albert Snyder, 88.. .Fulton, 111. Nellie Laura Sime, 27. ..Hebron Howard J. Ferris, 26.... •... v. .Harvard Beatrice E. Gaye, 26. J. .harvard HOLCOMBVILLE. Freddie Schroeder is sick at this writ- ing. Wm. Powers is on the sick list this week. * -Miss Iva Hoffman spent Wednesday evening here. ; Henry and Frank McMillap drove to Spring Grove Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Peck spent Toes- day with relatives here. Mr Meade of Nunda passed through this vicinity Tuesday evening. Miney Peck of Wauconda spent the past week with Mrs. B. F. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and little daughter visited at Wm. Powers' Tues- <iay- Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert visited with relatives near Ringwood Thurs­ day. Misses Mary Doherty and Alice Knox spent Wednesday evening at Jay Do­ herty 's; Mrs. A. P. Peck and §on, Pearlie, have been quite sick the past week and under the care of Dr. Hull. Quite a laige crowd attended the bas ket. social at the school house Wednes day evening. After the program the baskets were sold, which, with the fisb pond, netted #14.00. Children Poigoned. Many children are poisoned ahd made nervous and weak, if not killed ont right, by mothers giving them cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lnug trouble, and is the only prominent congh medicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. G. W. Besley, W. Mc­ Henry. I $20, $21, & $22 Suits I i for From now uutil February 1, 1905, we offer your choice of any $20, $21 and $22 Suits at the very low price $17\50 £ An offer which cannot be duplicated by any of our £ competitors. An offer we | cannot duplicate. An offer ^ which we will not duplicate ^ after the time set. Come $ at once and get first choice, | Why is our line, of Samples | like a Drum riajor? | Because it always leads the procession. | John D. Lodtz. | McHenry,- Illinois. fANCY (iR0(tRS N e w Y e a L r Candies. UN I VERSA LIST CHURCH. Regular services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Stlndny school at 11:45 a. hi. Every- tKKly cordially invited. " 1 ' REV. A. ROBERTS. Pastor. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cle&Ti»ci and beaut.ties tlie luUr. Pnmiotei a luxtiriant prowth. Never Pail# to Heatore Qr*y Hair to ita Youthful Color, Cureo scalp diseases Sl hair falling. ^OCr and $1.00 at Drugyirta Miss. Agnes Westley 616 Wells Street. Marinette.Wis. 816 Wells Street, MARINETTE, WIS., Sept. 25, 1908. I was all run down from nervous­ ness and overwork and had to resign my position and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health as as I could wish, and as your Wine of Cardui waf recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our sex, I bought a bottle and began using it. 1 was satisfied with the results from the use of the first bottle, and took three more and then found 1 was restored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out, nervous condition, and am pleased to endorse it. AGNES WESTLEY, ltp*y, Hortti Wisconsin Holland Society. Secure a f 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 25c. package of Thedford's Black-Draught today. WINE"OFCARDUI ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Tlio Illinois Central maintains Double Dally Service, and operates the best trains, with Diniii.ff Cars. Buffet-Library Cars. Chair Cars anrt Sleeping Cars, from Chicago. St. Louis. Cii.einnati and Louisville south to New Orleans. The ^est road for reaching t he Winter Tourist resorts of the South, lo- LKiillU new Orleans Msbiirg Hdvdnd, (ubd- Colon, Pandnu (iiillport, Niss. Hdirnnood, la. Murdi i• ras al New Orlc.i n- ^larch 7. tiulf- |>Ort is a Mexican (Julf Coast resort having Tlie new. (tin- "t J real Southern" Hotel. Steani- .-.hips leave New Drleaiis every Saturday afternoon" for Havana: every Wednesday ifloPiiliiK Tor Colon, Panama. Keif ular ocean steamship -alliums from New Orleans for .Mexico. Central America, l'anama. West Indies and Rurope. Send or call for descrip­ tive matter in regard to the above. Hot Springs, Ark:, Tloridi l»aily Sleeping Car without rhaiiKe Cliicaco to Hot SpriiiLts. with connections .it Memphis from Cincinnati and Louisville.' Through ""Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville \ ia Nashville, Chat* tanooga an<l Atlanta. Mexico, (dlilornii Tour of nil Mejico. via Illinois C ntral R.R. under es*!ort of Reau Campbell, General Man. ager, the American Tourist Association Quincy Bulhling, li;i Adams St., Chicago, leaves Chicago January 31. Select clientele. Limited. All exclusive privileges, indepen­ dent travel. Special T'uHman Vestibule Train. Drawing-Rooms, Compartments, Li­ brary and Music Room, with the largest Din­ ing Cur in tin" world, and the famous Open- Top Observation Car. Chililitli. Special Bag­ gage (iar. Tickets include all expenses everywhere. Special.Tours of Mexico and California via the Illinois Centrarand New Orleans under the auspices of Raymond & WliTtcomh, .will leave Chicago Friday. Jan. 30 ami Feb. 10. for Mexico and California, and Friday March 3. for California; this last to include a stop­ over at New Orleans for the Murdi Gras. Entire trips made in special private vestibule traius of finest Pullmans, with dining car service. Fascinating trips, complete in every detail. Illinois Central Weekly.Lxcursious to Cali­ fornia. Excursion cars through to Los Ange­ les and Sail l'rau "isco as follow^: Via New Orleans and the'Southern Route.every Fri­ day from Chicago: every Tuesday from Cin­ cinnati. Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every W ed nesoay from'Chicago. Ful' particulars concerning alt of (heaMvve can lie mid of the agents of the Illinois'Cen­ tral, or by addressing the nearest of the un­ dersigned representatives of the "Central." A. 11. 11 ANSON. U. 1'. 4^ Chicago. 111. J. F. MEBKT. A. O. P.X, Ovhugue. Iowa. r*"" April.t Try our broken mixed candy. Finest in town. We guarantee it to be pure. v Pure sufrar broken mix.. 15c 2 lbs. for:........25c Peanut squares, 2 lbs 25c Peanut taffy, 2 lbs...... 25c A mixture of 50 different kinds of chocolates, 2Ib,,26c FANCY Chocolates (SL Bonbons £ lb; box chocolates 25c 1 lb. box chocolates.... .50c 2 lb. box chocolates, i .$1.00 £ lb. box bonbons,.;..,. .25c 1 lb. box bonbons,.'.».. .50c 2 lb. \>ox bonbons, ! .. . $1.00 3 lb. box Bonbons.... $1.25 Cake trimming, lb 25c Fresh Cracker Jack, 7 box­ es for. .25c CHOCO LATES Molasses chips, sour or­ ange, walnut squares, ma­ ple squares, maple creams, pecan creams, raspberry creams, nougats, lemon creams, strawberry creams, almond top pineapple creams, triple vanilla choc­ olates, coffee creams, Sara­ toga chocolates, banana chocolates, peach chocolates cream wafers, almonteen chocolates. The above chocolates in i lb. or 1 lb. boxes, assorted or plain, per lb ........ 35c These are absolutely high grade chocolates." """"""^ A good mixed candy 10c (left Bros, (o.' FAHtr Mm TelefHone 271 •>woo<n BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS IRAQt IflAiwa DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS iig a ski»t<-T\ and deseriKi.m EU«# quickly ascertain our opp.uon tw wl'-etSser up iHTUMtViti (» prebsDly p.itemh(>U>. 1'hh UIUIIH ^ tionsstrictly eotiildeitti;\l. HANDBOOK u s sent free. OKI est airencv for stvuriujLLtat^tits. Parents takt tub Munn »Ci'. rwwl tptcial not ten. vv s» cbwre, lu th« Scientific American. eat Yl X -v, Anrone - : \ hundsotiH'lv illustrated wt»«klv. l.»" vest oiilatieu of any Biiwittto^ kHurtiitl. 'tVrii.s, ti g;~ y«<ar: four months, $1. £tol J by «lt 4 Co " uda at r ac. w« - • rnmrn

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