Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1905, p. 5

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VOLUME XXX. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, riARCH 2, 1905. NUMBER 36 I Professional, Society > a.nd Business^ Cards , DAVID G. WELLS, M. D, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST OlUce aud residence corner Elm ant Green streets. MeHenry. FEGEUS £ FEGEJtS PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, UcHen/y, 17 111. Oilice at Residence, corner <3ourt and Elm streets. ;Ti'lepUoiit* ;«3. EV C. ROSS, I). I>. S. ' Office over I'etescli's l)rug £tore. ALL WOBK PKKTAININ'G TO MODEKN DENTI8TBY ' Office Telephone 2J4; Residence 302. Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. ' Hours S:00 a. ru. to 5:00 p., m. BtTMlMY WOKK BY APPOINTMENT ONI. DR. R. G. CHAMBER LIN DENT|ST, Office and Residence over Besley's Drug Store, Hoursi 6:00*05:30. WK8TMoilKNHT.Il.I., ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Deutscher Ant.) Spring Grove, Illinois. Geo. Meyers General Teaming Of all kinds. . . Excavating and Grading. XlcHENRY ----- ILLINOIS Telephone No. *93.' SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE! with American National Bank Woodstock, Til. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $500 to 110.000, time and payment U suit oorrower. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House :md Sign I'aiiitiug ;tnd all interior Dec­ orating. Residence north town iinuoue block west of river. Telephone No.2M. McHenry, - - Illinois R. H. OWEN Piauos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair ing at reasonable prices."'. First class Work only. ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. The Illinois Central maintains Double Daily Servjce, and operates the best trains, with Diniufg Cars, Buffet-Library Cars. Chair Cars ana Sleeping Cars, from Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Ixmisville south to New Orleans. The best road for reaching the Winter Tourist resorts (if the to- Sew Orleans Vicksbunj Havdni, (uIm colon, Piiuor tiulfport, Miss. Hdmmond, Li. Mardi Gras at New Orleans March 7. - Gulf- port is a Mexican Gulf Coast resort having the new, fine "Great Southern" Hotel. Steam­ ships leave New Orleans every Saturday afternoon for Havana; everv Wednesday morning for Colon, Panama. Regular oc -an Steamship sailings from New Orleans for Mexico, Central America, Panama, West Indies and Europe. Send or call for descrip­ tive: matter in reaartl to the ai>ove. Hot Springs, Ark., Florida Daily Sleeping Cur without eliange OhleaitO to Hot Springs, with connections at Memphis fr< mi Cincinnati and Louisville. Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville, Chat­ tanooga and Atlanta. Mexico, (aiilornia Special Tours of Mexico and California via the Illiuois Central and New Orleans under the auspices of Raymond & Whitcomb, will leave Chicago Friday, Jan. 20 and Feb. 10, for Mexico and California, and Friday March 3, for California; this last to include a stop­ over at New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. Entire trips made in special private vestibule trains of finest Pullmans, with dining car service. Fascinating trips, complete in every detail. Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali­ fornia. Excursion cars through to lx>s Ange­ les and San Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans and the Sout hern Route every Fri­ day from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cin­ cinnati. Via Omaha aud the Scenic Route every Wednesoay from Chicago. Ful1 particulars concerning all of the above Can be liad of the agents of the Illinois Cen­ tral. or liy addressing the nearest of the un­ dersigned representatives of the "Central." A. H. HANSON, G. P. A., Chicago. III. J, F. MEliUY, A. G. P. A„ Dubuque. Iowa. April 1 McHENRY. ILLINOIS' METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Sekvicks-Preaching 10:30 a. ni. and every other Sabbath evening at 7:4o, beginning Oc - tohcr 30. Sunday school at ll:4o. Epworth League preceding preaching service at 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7::'0. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7::KI Rkv. J. M. Cokmack. I'astor. UN I VERBALIST CHURCH. Regular services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. • Every­ body cordially invited. Rkv. A. Roberts. Pastor. LAMBERT Q. SKJSQ B U F F E T PARCELS CHECKED FREE 92 Fifth Ave., C h i c a g o , Illinois. Tel. Main 1714, PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FCC RETURNED. 20 YEARS'EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGES ARK THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for tl watn'h and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before all omits. I'ateiits obtained through us, ADVER­ TISED and SOLO, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN­ SIONS and COPYRIGHTS qui.kly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINCTON, P. C. DSWIFT&6 K I L L r H H C O U C H and C U R E the L U N C S WITH Or. Kings law Discovery 0 RC 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest iuid Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LED, or ETONEY BACK. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiae for Busy People. brings Gulden Health and Renewed Vigor. •eeffle for Constipation, Indigestion, Ltw •vi lui'v Troubles, Pimples. Eczema, Impiir i, Bad Breatli, Sluggish Bowels, Headaci 'i:ii kaohe. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in ta. 'orm, 85 cf»nts a bo*. <it>nuiue made b. idri:H 1)rio Company, Madison, Wis. JitflMN HVGCflS FOB This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers COLONIST LOW ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS RATES To San Franclnco, Lor Angeles, Portland, Taeoma, SeNttle, Bois« City, Spokane, Walla Walla, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte and other potntit In Montana, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and the Pacific Coast. Via the Chicago Union Pacific & North­ western Line, March 1st to May 15, 1905, inclusive. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman Tour­ ist sleeping cars, only $7.00 for doable berth from Chicago (accommodating two people), through to the Pacific Coast Without change of cars. Choice of routes. Excellent train service. Dining cars, (meals a la carte). For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. . 84-4t Chamberlain'* Collr, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea lUinnly. The great success of fihis preparation in the relief, and cui^e of bowel com plaints has brought it into almost uni­ versal use. It never fails, aud when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children and adults. For sale by all druggists. In that laughable comic opera, "The Beggar Prince," perhaps the most inter­ esting characters are the Beggar Prince, the Man of Misfortune," his grand chamberlaiu, Roccy, and Betty, who also has trouble of her own in the shape of a lover whom the Begger Prince cordially bates. With the aid of Roccy, he succeeds in separating the two, and Betty, thinking her lover has deserted her finally promises to become the wife of the Beggar Prince who has long been scheming for her hand. Roccy, how­ ever, has the same end in veiw and sue ceeds in making havoc for all concerned. Misunderstandings and complications follow in delightful fashion. One could not have the heart to see the mer ry characters in this entertaining play come to a Bad ending, so the finale rounds out to as pleasing and delicious a comic opera as one could desire. Sup­ plemented with catchy musical num­ bers, costumes and elegant scenery. "TheBeggar Prince" will appear at Cen­ tral opera house on Thursday evening, March 9, 1905. CHARLES <L fRETT Wholesale and retail dealer in 1 •• ia tin Market For® Beef Veal fluttoa Hogs and Poultry dive • a call Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois llleats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED HEATS Vegetables aad Fruit In Season.' It Is my Intention to (five all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, payii^f highest market prices. Drop na a card when Ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM wtm and be^uiine* hab. Promotes a luxuriant /rowth. Never Fails to lie^iore Gray Ilair to its Youthful Color, Curt* scalp diseases & hair i&Ukug, The state board of health is preparing to make an elaborate series of investiga­ tions on aerial disinfection by formal­ dehyde to ascertain definitely the value of a process which has recently been recommended by the state board of health of Maine. This process Is exceedingly simple, and offers the advantages of requiring no complicated Or expensive apparatus and no lamp or other heat which might be a source of danger from fire. In fact, the method consists simply of the pouring of the formaldehyde solu­ tion or permanganate of potash, any open vessel serving satisfactorily as a container, and the only requirement being that the formaldehyde solution be of good and reliable quality and Remedy. I took two doses that after- used in proper proportion to ttfe per-mo^p and could not believe my senses TO MAKE TESTS. Health Board is Preparing to Make Series of Investigations. is to secure from the cities and villages of the state a reliable and inexpensive method of disinfection which will per­ mit health officers to secure satisfactory results without the expenditure of con­ siderable sums for complicated appa­ ratus and without the destructive effects of sulphur disinfection. A Chicago Alderman Owes Bl* Election to. Chamberlain's Cpugli .. lteniedy. "I can heartily and consdeutioUsly reeommend'Chamberlain's Cough Reme­ dy for affections of the throat and lungs, " says Hon. John Shenick, 220 So. Peoria St:, Chicago. "Two years ago during a politicol campaign, I caught cold after being overheated, which ir­ ritated my throat and .1 was finally compelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. In my extremity a friend ad­ vised me to nse Chamberlaid'e Cough S 1 MEN'S A Safe Cough Medicine for Children In buying a cough medicine fpr chil­ dren never be afraid to bUy Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. There is no dan­ ger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by all druggists. . " The stage of the Central opera house will swarm the night of March 9 with pretty girls, funny comedians and all the necessary characters that figufe in the cast of "The Beggar Prince," a comic opera which, according, to things told of it in other cities, has become a great success judging from a musical standpoint, The play is exeellently staged and presented by a company that has won the admiration and ap­ plause of the theatre goers for 14 con­ secutive seasons. This fact combined with the beautiful costumes, pretty music and the bright and clever dia­ logue should make th£ coming presenta­ tion an altogether notable event. Incredible Brutality. It would hava been incredible brutal­ ity if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse, N. Y., had not done the best he could for his suffering son. "My boy," he says, "cut a fearful gash over his eye, so I applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye " Good for burns and ulcers, too. Only 25c at N. H. Petescb's and Julia A. Story's, McHemry, and Q. W. Les­ ley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Taxes! Taxes! Having received my books I will be stationed at the following places, begin­ ning Friday, Feb. 10, to receive taxes of Nnnda township: Fridays--Jos. W. Freund, West McHenry; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays--A. Kiest's hardware store, Nnnda, 111. 32-6t Chas. Babcock, Collector for Nnnda township. Startling Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cure these awful diseases, therejs just one reliable remedy, Dr. King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery, of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says^ "They have no equal for Constipa­ tion and Biliousness." 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, Mc­ Henry, and G. W. Beeley's, West Mc­ Henry, druggists. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other- wise ordered. Try it. If you cannot eat, sleep or work, feel mean, cross and ugly, take Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. A tonic for the sick There is no remedy equal to it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. W. Besley. This is moving time for farmers. If taken this month, keeps you well all summer. It makes the little ones eat, sleep and grow. A spring tonic for the whole family. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents, Tea or Tab­ lets. G. W. Besley. f An ad in The Plaindealer *'want" ool- wiU bclsg results. manganate of potash. The Maine board reported excellent results fr»»m its ex|>et imehts. The btate board of health has never fully commended disinfection with formaldehyde, for, while this method offered many advantages over sulphur, it was found from investigations that the results were most variable, and that formaldehyde frequently failed to destroy disease producing germs even when used under what were re­ garded the most favorable conditions. Formaldehyde was not used for dis­ infection until 1890, and as early as 1896 Secretary James A. Egan, then a medical officer in the Chicago health department, undertook a series of in­ vestigations of the disinfectant power of gas, using practically all of the much'" lauded generators and apparatus then offered on the market. With none of these were the results satisfactory. Since that time practically all have disappeared from the market, although they were then highly praised not only by their makers but by many physicirns and healeh officers. In-1898, 1899 and 1900 $e state board of health tested many devices placed on the market which promised to do away with the objectionable features of older methods and which were ad­ vertised as most certain and unvarying in their action. Among the methods subjected to tests was the sheet method used by the health department, of the city of Chicago and many health officers: A process consisting of spraying for maldehyde solution , on sheets in the rooms to be disinfected. In the teststhis method proved ineffect ive and its adoption was advised against. Another method which was pronounced entirely unsatisfactory was the use of an apparatus generating formaldehyde gas under pressure and passing the gas into the room through a keyhole, a method still used by the health depart raent of the city of Springfield and by many other cities throughout the state. The results of formaldehyde disinfec­ tion have not been invariably bad. In fact, at time)s. under conditions \^hich seemed most - favorable, disinfection was complete and satisfactory, but on the other hand, failure to destroy dis­ ease germs was noted in many instances where every condition seemed most auspicious. During some tests, germs exposed to the gas on plates of nutrient gelatine grew as rapidly as did those which were kept in another room away from the action of the gas. The state boards of health of Maine and of Illinois have done more in the investigation of disinfection l»y formal dehyde than any other state boards in the country, and both boards have sought for a means of utilizing the gas which would be inexpensive, simple, but more important than all, absolutely and invariably reliable. Up to this time the Illinois board has been compelled to recommend the use of sulphur as the most reliable disin fectant, and while it has spoken favor ably of one method of formaldehyde disinfection, known as the Breslau method, which consists in the evapora­ tion of a solution of formaldehyde by means of heat in a specially devised kettle, it has constantly modified its recommendations by warnings of pos­ sible failure to seenre results. The Breslau method has been used exten­ sively by the city of St. Louis and has proven the best "of various processes so far advocated. According to the results obtained by the investigators of the Maine board, the generation of formaldehyde gas from the combination of formaldehyde solution and permanganate of potash is thoroughly reliable and the appa­ ratus required is available in any home. In very few cases did bacteria con­ tinue to live after the disinfection and those which did were of a comparative­ ly .harmless character. One explana­ tion of the superior germicidal power of this method is that the combination of the solution and permanganate re­ sults in the total amount of gas, the full strength being directed in a very short time as a disinfecting agent. In the more complicated generators the gas is liberated slowly with the re­ sult that it does not have the oppor­ tunity to act in concentrated form. This would seem to- verify the belief hel&by many that formaldehyde is an effective disinfectant and that only the methods of the past have been at fault The object of the state board of 1* waking fcbess.i»«*tigafck»§ when I found the next morning the inflammation had largely subsided. I took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine that I won my seat injhe Council." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. On Thursday, March 9. at Central opera house, the Beggar Priuce opera company will present their greatest success, "The Beggar Prince,"a comic opera in three long laughing acts and we can safely say nothing in the way of comic opera in recent years has created such a furore in theatrical circles. The company is an dnusually strong one headed by the inimitable comedienne, Miss Etta Merris who has been connect­ ed with this organization for several seasons and it is to her excellent work their present success is largely due. This is their fourteenth consecutive season and the management has spared no expense to make it as in the past the most satisfactory musical organization in the west $17.50 SUITS! If* you want to pay $17.50 for a suit, don't spend your money until you have seen ours, llie Coats are single breasted and are made in the same style as Suits costing double the price. Cheviots, Serges, Silk-mixed and Flan­ nel Suitings in the newest patterns. We are proud to offer such Suits at $17.50 and we know you'll be proud to wear one. If you will look at them you'll agree with us in think­ ing that they are the best Suits to be had for the money. No man's money is better than yours, and no man's clothing is better than ours. Remember these are no ready-made or made to-measure Garments, but made to fit, strictly hand­ made at our owrTshop and a guarantee goes with each and every garment. Our guarantee is this: Perfect fit, best of workmanship, good material and garment to be just exactly as we represent it to you. 4 Remember also that we keep pants shaped and pressed for one year FREE OF CHARGE. Spring and Easter Samples for ladies and gents just arrived. Cleaning, st ouring and repairing for ladies and gentlemen. JOHN D. LODTZ 9: 1 8 Champion Llnitoient for l<lieumatii>in. Chas Drake, a mail carrier at Cha pinville. Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the champion of all lini­ ments. The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeeper here recommended this Remedy and it completely cured me." There is no use of anyone suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale by all druggists. Very Low Rates-to the MardI Gras, Mo­ bile and PenKHColn. and Winter ltenorts. Via the North-Western Line. On ac­ count of the Mardi Gras, excursion tickets will be sold to New Orleans. Mobile and Pensacola, March 1 to 5, inclushe. also to New Orleans on March 6, for trains arriving at New Orleans by noon of March 7, with favorable return limits. Excursion tickets are also on sale daily at reduced rates, to the prin­ cipal resorts in the United States and Mexico. For full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 33-4t Strkies Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes, the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption. J. W. Mc" Kinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very ill with Pneu-< monia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and one bot­ tle cured me." Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores, price 50c and if 1.00. Trial bottle free. Taxes! Taxes! 1 will open my tax books on Thurs­ day, February 9, at the store of Jos. W. Freund, West McHenry, and will be at Gilbert Bros. Co.'s store the fol­ lowing Saturday. Beginning Monday, February 13, 1 will be etationed at the following places during the week: Mondays, C. M. Adams, Tohnsburgh; Tuesdays, Bradley & Foss, Ringwood; Thursdays, J. W. Freund, West Mc­ Henry; Saturdays, Gilbert Bros. Co,, McHenry. Peter Niesen, Collector. 32-ff The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, he says:' "I was .neatly dead, of these complaints, and although I tried my family doctor, he did me no good; so I got a 50c bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the knowledge to make them." Sold, and guaranteed to. cure Dyspepsia Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by N H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, Mc­ Henry, and G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, druggists, at 50c a bottle. Very Low Rates to Inauguration of Presi­ dent Roosevelt at Washington, D.C., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold on Feb. 28 and March 1 and 2, limited by extension to return until March 18, inclusive. Ap- j ply to agents Chicago & North-Western I This cold winter weather makes us "coal up" in order to keep from freezing. We are extensive dealers in Coal and can supply you with any kind or any amount. We also handle Lime, Cement, Fence Wire, Tile, Building Paper, Lumber, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Etc. Don't forget that we always carry a complete line of Feed. Give us your order and get the best goods to be had. v - . . ; • -MM I Wilbur Lumber Co. , | West McHenry, Illinois. I I xt & « ir" I *•: $ J' Stall • A 3, Fulton St. S/i Wholesale Market. P H I L I P GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, • Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs " % This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAUE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. --<------ I Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. l a a a i n -- -- -- -- m a i a a --m frmuia Latitat M W«ts! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than 9600. Call and full particulars. aeuril BlicksmitMig Prices ilwm ReiOMfete DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES Is your family worth 0c a day to you A protector that will protect your family aifht aad day it the CHICAGO TELEPHONi Cost bart 8 Mats par May CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPACT ' ' iSS -•Hi IB' • 1 l l

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