'r • - \ ' • > ' • ; - T \ ' want Column. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestioJ&ehange, aud does a gated by Viie tnot that less was stolen than ooald have bees HujIbE. He Pld Jfot Sto»r <© Think. The amount of eui*^* people times expend in makiufr a l>kd matter worse is illustrated by the ,«iory ol Professional, Society>V» . Five lines or lens, 25 ctuitu lor flrst Insertion; 15 cent* for More thanitrerllneti, B font* *na 8 oeiits & lint; for additional Uirierlioiitt. FOLK tried to close the SALOONS in St. Louis on Snnday, but the local chance encounter m h streetcar told to the World by a New Yotk man/ UAV.l 1 i,ti. WELLS, M. D You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood -- Ayer's Sarsaparilia. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it.i They tri sted authorities decided that there was only a constructive recess between Saturday night and Monday morning. $rsa It. Their doctors trusted .it. Your "doctor trusts it. T5aen trust it yourself. The&e is health and strength in it: . . . " I suffered terribly from indigeitjon and thin blood. 1 foiiml no relief initial took Aver's Sarnaparilla. Four bottle; perma nently cured me." >' M us. E. R. HART. tit. Kiy f°r Rich Bloodf Ayer's PHIs are gently laxative. They greatly aid the SarsaparilSfr. j lTdoes not seem to have been a wise thing for Russia to boast of having $:?25,000,000 in her w.ir chest just at a time when the Japs were figuring on | how much "indemnity" they shoilid demand. OCT in Kansas City they're having a run of such shows as "Zaza,""Marta "of the Lowlands" and "Tess of the D T'ber- villes." The workings of a Sunday closing law are a feaVfu 1 and a won drous thing. BOTH Mr- Stokes, the eloquent preach er of St. Paul, and Miss Pastor are cer- j tain they are more desperately in love than anybody ever was before, which shows that they are just ordinary every day human beings after all. He Mctay. Piaindeiijer PUBLISHEW'FII'EKY THUJfcjs'DAY BY THE MdltHRr PHIKDEAIER COMPANY. F. K. GBAN'GKK. \V. A. (.'RISTY. J. H. I'EHBY, Sec. .. Treas. # • F. G. SCHKKINER. Editor: Office in Bank Building. Telephone. No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: . One year. '• O.50 Six months. 75cts. Three months. 40cts. CHAPLAIN BRADFORD of the Illinois legislature prays that the president may be spared from the wild beasts of the Rockies. Timely and appropriate, but Shouldn't some one say a word for the wild beasts when T.R. gets after them? • / - ' " - "• •, -- • MR. CARNEGIE offers to give $1,00<V 000 for the support of superannuated .^ninistere, providing $24,000,000 is raised from other sources. A good many ministers are not talking as though they expected Mr. Rockafeller to dupli cate Mr. Carnegie 's offer in their behal/. Thursday, April so, 13P5. THE war lord of Germany should re flect that an open door may be a trap door. "THE catastrophe at Madrid shows that a reservoir may be almost as bad as an earthquake. ° \ SEVERAL Russian battleships-are said to be missing from Rojestvenski's fleet. Better search Togo. IF this Opposition to his gifts goes on. * Mr. Rockafeller seems doomed to the -ignominy of dying rich. THE man who says the beef trust witnesses have never left this continent is named Fish. It's a good story. 4 THE arranged duel between Capt. Klado and Capt. Zilotti at St. Peters burg had a Greene-Larson finish. NOT to have been ,mentioned as a ^4: bride of King Alfonso, has become a distinction among European princesses. IT is reported that there is a bnrglar trust in Paris. This was probably or ganized to steal a march upon the other trusts. THERE was a race riot in Coffey ville, "Kan. If it had occurred else where, peo- ' pie would have sworn it originated in Whiskyville. THE south is showing the president that while • its politics may be cut on the bias occasionally, it always keeps its hospitality on straight. DR. MATSON, of Pittsburg, has dis covered that the cerebro spinal menin gitis germs travel in pairs. So do de tectives and highwaymen. An t'nbrokrn Spell. When we have a "spell o' weather," and wet weather at that', we have only to recall the climatic conditions of Dartmoor, in England, in order to be thankful for a little. The moor has. says a writer in Corn- hill. an eternal procession of clouds, infinitely varied in form, lighted with a white radiance or lowering in gloom, rent, tattered or filmy, gathering, men acing. creeping round to swath yoil in a mist of rain or dropping one of those silvery showers lighted with sunshine from'behind. Of heavier rain there is no lack, and all one can say of the perennially beau tiful moor is summed up in the verse invented by its enemies: The south wind always brings us i^aln. The north wind blows It back again. The west wind surely means wet weather, The east wind wet and cold together. Waiting; Ipon Ilia Bride. Two hundred years ago it was a cus tom very general in England for the bridegroom to wait upon his bride ou their wedding day. The following ex tract from John Shebbeare's "Matri mony," a book published in the middle of the eighteenth century, testifies to this and refers to the popular super stition rlKv.it it: "The dinner being served, Strt Iher was the gayest man In the com]' uy. The bridegroom and bride sitting by the side of each other, the old gentl.•man observed: 'Ods-heart. ods-heart! What, dine with the bride the first day! A fine bridegroom; a fine bridegroom! It was the fashion when I was married to stand behind the bride's chair with a napkin and serve her. Serve her today; she'll serve you always after.' " MR. ROOSEVELT has captured a wolf, but it is not one of the gray kind that Col. Watterson says infest the north end of the Capitol building. Gov. MCDONALD has refused to call an extfra cession of the Colorado legis lature. That new governor seems de termined to make himself popular. ^ " H A MICHIGAN man in suing for a di vorce, pleads that his wife proposed marriage to him. The moral of which is that every man should learn to say "no." MR. TAFT is making such a good job of it in Santo Domingo that the powers may try to induce him to go over to the Balkahs and "sit* on the lid" there Hwhile. THE Czar is between the devil and 1 he deep sea. At St. Petersburg nobody can keep the lid from blowing off and at sea nobody can prevent the ships go ing down. ^ WHEN the city government of Chica go Owns the street railways, will the cars have to wait for the Alderman's wife to finish doing her hair and get oh her gloves'! ' SOME of the members of the Panama Canal Commission will consult with President ShoutH and Chief Engineer Wallace. Others will consult only with the cashier. The Perspective of Light. Velasquez recognized that light is elastic and illuminates the air; hence he was the first to discover a new kind of perspective. Men long ago had learned to make lines vanish from the eye, to make the figures diminish in size and shape as they recede from the front and to explain the flistance by contrasts of light and shade. .,But he discovered the perspective of light. By the most delicate rendering of the quantity of light reflected from each and every part of the room and the figures and objects in It he has given to the latter the reality of form and to the room its hollowness and dis tance.--St. Nicholas. New Caledonia. Until 1853 New Caledonia was a sort of no man's land. Then both England and France decided to annex it, and orders came to two warships to proceed thither at once. They started the same day. The English captain had heard of the reefs that surround the island, and he was pautious. The Frenchman went ahead without regard for the reefs. When the British captain ar rived he saw the tricolor flying from a hill, and he was invited to come in and lunch ou French sqll. The Mexican Letter Writer. As many of the lower classes in V*e City of Mexico can neither read nor write, the Mexican letter writer does a thriving business. He writes letters of all kinds--love letters, begging let ters--it matters little to him, so that he is paid for his work. These men are found in the Plaza, of Santo Domingo, a sort of market place, where-second, hand articles are for sale. THINGS are fixed so that when the Senate points to Santo Domingo, ,Mr. Taft can say: "I cannot tell a lie; Mor ales did it." THE Navy department has opened the bidB fpr furnishing the sailors with 150,000 pounds of tobacco. Rojestven- ski and his crew are still content to (shew the rag. - ^ 1' IT now appears that the beef trust did keep books after , is 'pretty difficult for the members of a combine trust each other without a black and white record. Now that the Kaiser is known to be the author of the plan to save the ad ministration entity of China, it is up to the American newspaper to switch the deal and roast it. SPEAKING of ideas bein| associated wiih persruialities, can any imagination conceive of the president sitting on the j lid while Secretat-y Taft is gunning ior Coyotes and jack rabbits'; V JIOCK A FELLER s paid apologist pre sents a defence of his chief, whic h Amounts to a confession of theft miti- IIla Dlaeovery. City Chap (back from a visit to the farmi--You know I thought I had cinch when the hired man told me to milk the cow that didn't have any horns.' Friend-^Wasn't it? City Chap --No! It isn't the horns that create a disturbance when a greenhorn Is milk lag. It's the hind legs!--Detroit Free Press. It was on a Broadway car, and there were few passengers. A man boiirded the car and sat down by my side. His clothing was muddy"and torn, and he had a handkerchief wrapped round one hand. "I guess I am the biggest fool in town," he remarked. I looked interest ed!, and he continued: "See that car fbiir blocks ahead? Well, 1 -ran.a block to overtake it and gave the conductor a dime. He handed me a nickel, which fell from my hand to the street. I yelled for him to stop the car. He did not do it, and I jump ed off and landed all spraddled out like an old saddle. See my clothes? Well, the jump did it" I asked the man If he found the nickel. "Oh, yes, I found the nickel, but what good did it do me? I could not overtake the cat from which I had jumped, and so I boarded this car and gave the nickel to the conductor. So I skinned tuy hand, spoiled my Clothes and risked mj* neck Just to find that five cent piece and give it to the street r a i l w a y . " . . ^ i - v ' ' ' " All the Transfers Sh* Bad. As a bevy of laughing girls rose to get off a street car the other day at a point where transfers are given they were followed by a demure young wo man who had been absorbed in a novel. Just before she alighted she asked the conductor for a transfer, and he, think ing all the girls were of one party, gave hier six, which she took without notic ing and held in her hand as she stood on the corner waiting for her car, the othei; girls having gone on walking. When the reader got her car she took a seat and was soon lost again In her novel. Then the conductor came up, and she held out the slips. He took them, counted them and then looked around with a puzzled expression. "Where are the others?" he asked. "Oh," replied the young woman, look ing up a moment from her book, "that's all be gave me."--Philadelphia Record, TEAM I-'OU SALE CHEAP--A good toaut , of draft, horses, weight, UtKHl pound.sM; In- quireof F. C. KKI.TZ, City Dray num. 40-tf. The First Phonograph. The first words reproduced and ut tered by a phonograph are naturally a matter of historical interest. When Edison was at work on his first phono graph many weeks were consumed in experiment. It is said that when the talking machine was first discovered it was as much a surprise to its Inventor as to the world. The Wizard was working ou some telephone receivers and was led to put a piece of tinfoil on a cylinder. It "recorded sound, and Ed ison was convinced that the human voice could be recordecf and produced. When the time came to make an actual test Edison, with his mind on mechan ical details, absentmindedly tested his contrivance with the familiar phrase, ilary had a little lamb." The verse was the first record taken by the ma chine. Strengthening the Nerves. Self control or nerve force is the great lesson of health and therefore of life itself. To understand bow to re lax Is to understand how to strengthen nerves. Jlearty laughter is a source of relaxation, as are also all high thoughts, as those of hope, beauty, trust or love. Relaxation is found in diversion. An occasional outing or holiday is neces sary. As there are consciuc« and un conscious thoughts, there are conscious and unconscious nerve tensions. Wom en when shopping do not know the very tight grip they give their parcels until, on reaching home, their hands fall re laxed In their laps, and they say they axe so tired,--Health Culture. The Bnierald. An emerald that has no flaw in it is typical of the purest love. Some peo ple say that, as few such stones can be found, purest love is necessarily rare. An emerald was always thought to possess the power of discovering treachery in the shape of alleged friends. The emerald is exceedingly popular in courtships and in marriages. After marriage it is supposed to bring harmony into the household and to further domestic Joys in every possi ble way. To lose an emerald Is said to bring business misfortunes and dis aster. "E>0R UENT-^ Front. fUtt ftbove -Rvjuisoti's store. City water,^ nil modern. Inquire at the store. 40-tf VP"ANTED-- Man with rig for country and inland towns, and nian or woman to cover railway territory in this district as col- Lector and advertiser for wholesale house. Salary $tH) t>o $IK> per mont h and expenses paid weekly. No investment. Expenses advanced. Apply with reference to C. W. SI'A.NTO.N Co. 41-4t* o Monon Block, Chicago. 111. XX7ANTEI^Sirl for general housework. , For further information call at H. M. McOmber's, Me Henry, 111. * "C^Oli SAl,K--(iood eating potatoes at rea' able prices. *Call on or address Hi Kehnebeck, aboutou ason- tf ry mlleen-st Qf towu.43-i!t* VX7ANTED--GOOD. BRIGHT MAN. to take ** exclusive agency In, this territory for one of the largest manufacturers i!n America. No cash required, hut party must l>e finan cially responsible for stock shipped him up to $1.~>00: This can be handled with other busi ness. ft000 to $1500 annually. Good, opening fo.r retired farmer or any man seeking an Al, business right at, home. For: further "Infor mation apply -jit- this office. , 4:t Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys; Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys ̂ nee every three minutes. ..j The kidneys are your blood puriffers. they fil ter out ihe waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do .heir work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had hearf trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through vSins and arteries. it used to be considered.that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Home of Swainp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Sr. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Dont make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp Root, and the address, Binghamton. N. Y., on every bottle. The following article was clipped, from last Thursdays Chicago Chroni cle: While Miss Marie Cahill JS play: ing in "It Happened in Norcland" in Chicago this summer she will entertain twenty children from the Cristy street and the University, settlements, New York, on the Kirkland farm near Fox river, in McHenry county. Miss Cahill and her party, accompanied by Miss Anna R^ed and Miss Cornelia Dewey, will arive next month and spend the entire summer here. They will be housed in two cottages and Miss Cahill plans to spend four days a week with them. It has been her custom for several years to entertain a party of east side children on a farm near New York, but this is the first time she has brought them so far west. A strength tonic that brings rich, red blood. Makes ygju strong, healthy and active. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley . For that lame back and that tired feel ing lake DeCosta's Kidney pills. Every box guaranteed. Sold by N. H. Petesch. f nummmmimm A Helpless Woman. "My wife's the most helpless crea ture," growled Cadly; "simply can't do anything without bothering me to help her." "Yes?" " "Yes. Only last night I had to reach up and get a candle off the.shelf of the pantry for her so- she could go down cellar and bring up a scuttle of coal/*--r Philadelphia Press. Don't forget the "want ad "column! Hit ihe Old Man There. "Can you support my daughter In the style to which she has been accus tonied ?" "Perhaps not, but I can support her in the style to which her mother was accustomed during her early married life."-Life. He Still Wonders. Finnegan--Oh. yls. Oi can under- sthaud how thini astronomers can cal- kilijte th' distance av a shtarr. Its weight aiul dinsity and color and all that, but th' thing thot gets me is how they know its name.--Puck. The Sweet Telling. Aunt Hannah--Have you told any one of your engagement to Mr. Sweet er? Edith--No; I haven't told a soul- except Bessie Miller, who thought b* waa going to ask her. If a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to invent milk. Milk Is Na ture's emulsion --butter put in shape for diges tion. Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it. Scott's Emulsion combines the best oil with the valuable hypo- j phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does | far more good than the oil alone could. That makes Scott's Emulsion the most strengthening, nourishing food - medi cine in the world. Sand for free sample*. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 400-41 5 Pearl Street New York OOc. and fcl.po. All druggists TRIMMED HATS! Commencing next Satur day, April 22, I will have on exhibition the largest as well as the finest lino' of dress and ready-to wear Hats to be foynd outside of Chicago. La dies are requested to cal 1 and see them. We handle, the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. Also have.'a complete line of needleH and repairs. • Sewing Machines! Come in and let us show you our $12.00 aid up Sewing ma chines. Teh-year guarantee with each and every one of thenj. ft. A. West ricHenry, 111. •«««•••• •••*•••• •••••••• •••••••« : W.C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT] 1 I [The Plalndeater aoes not hold itself respon sible for the opinions expressed In this col umn.-- En.l The officials of the Interborongh Rapid Transit Co., in New York City, in re-employing its old men after the strike, required them and such new etuployers as they engaged, to sign a contract not to drink. Even the smell of liquor about the person will be suffi cient cause for instant dismissal. This is significant, but it is only one of the signs of the rapid increase of temperance .sentiment. It is of such facts as this that members of the legislature of Illi nois, who now fear the power of the liquor traffic, will do well to recognize. The liquor power is waning; the tem perance power is growing. ""What we want, " said the first patri ot, "is honest elections " "I should say so," agreed the second patriot," why, Heeler piomised me $50 for my influence in my ward and now. be says he never agreed to give me more than $10. The W. C. T. U. will hold a social sometime in the near future. Further nptice next week. s PROBATE NEWS \ I ' i U1CAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Albert I/. Howe Si w to Aujjust Larson Its 36 & :i7."Orchard Heiinh. Mcllenry,$11000 00 John H. Mitckay. to Lettle Schaefer, It in so'i sec 17- McHenry 1000 00 George H O'Brien & w to Alma H. Kinpsley, Its iJ. 4, 5. ti & 7 & c Lake side in neW sec 20 McHenry 2750 00 Harriet. KliziibethOwen et ill to Lucy E IJucli, It 15 Emerald Park ... J75 00 Frank .1 ltai'bian to Elmer \V Howe, pt ey9 Its 10 & 11 blk 9 McHenry, west of Fox river . 175 >00 Charles Geske to Luella Kimball, pt it '.i blk 12 W McHenry..., K50 00 Barbara Schreinerto Mathias Heimer, et al, Its 1 & 2 blk 4 W McHenry 4000 00 Huldah W Covell et al to John B Frls- by. Its 2. S{ & 5 blk 8 W McHenry .... 2600 00 William Bonslott & w to Mrs. Eliza beth M Hunter, e «7 ft It <J blk 7 W McHenry 1450 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Urban C. Welch, 25.. ..Walworth, Wis. Lena Erkfitz, 21. Walworth, Wis. Sidney Manuel, 24 Cary May Glower, 18 Cary Fran-c Hehre'ns, 33 Genoa Jet., Wis' Clara Heisner, 2& E. St. Louis Harry Parker, 24... J)elavan, Wis. Cecily Finley, 25. ..^ Elkhorn, Wisv Nickolos Steffes, 20 Pistakee Bay Emma Pitzen, 20....: Pistakee Bay Ahmit Klifmiiatinni. There are few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied aud useless lot of remedies have been suggested. To say that it can be cured is, therefore, a bold statement to make, but CI amberlain's Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, has met with great success in the treatment of this disease. One application of Pain Balm will relieve the pain, and hun dreds of sufferers have testified to per manent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief and costs but a trifle? For sale by all druggists. " Very. L«u Kates to Denver, Col., .Via the North-Western line, will be sold at reduced rates May 8 and 9' limited to return May 12 to 31, inclusive, on ac, count of American Stock Growers' Con vention. Apply to agents Chicago & ^Torth- Western R'y.' May 9 •The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle both for one year for $3 50. MISS M. M. ADAMS, Jolnisburp, Illinois. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM worn and hcuu:.ficr 'ho hair, "'tis a lux'iri.iMt <ro*th. . iv I-'ailB to IU\ core Gray- to its Youthful Color, alp disentail & hiir falling. 50cifin<I :it Dn ;ist« Best for Residence Best for Business 6!c a day It's the ptrfut service that reaches tvrrywhtn •-- that's why it's the greatest service -- the best for you, 4 CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY GENERAL BANKING' BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the pub l i c pa t ronage . . . . . . . . . . floney to Loan t on real estate and o the r first class se curity. Spec- ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low-; est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers (l. Wholesale and retail dealer In I am in(the Market For Beef Veal riuttdt) Hogt and Poultry Qlye me a call *nd Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois lUeats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit in Season. v - • It Is my Intention to give all customers the best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash far lades, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on thd same basis. We also b'uy Hogs for Kerber Packing Oo. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card whim ready to setl. * A. Q. MATTHEWS, WEST M HENRY,-ILL. teceei | Tailoring & A few weeks ago we sent you our first letter to the trade. Perhaps you have already forgotten us. Just let us remind you that we cut, make and trim gar ments. This is easily" said, but harder to do, but we do it, and do it the right way; There is no speculation in the fit of our garmeuts, or in the quality of our work. We can't prove what.'we can do for you unless you give us a chance. And when it is to your advantage, as well as ours, why not give us a chance? REMEMBER we keep pants pressed and shaped for cale year free of charge. Yours very truly, JOHN D. LODTZ pHYSIOIAN.tiyiiGEON AND OCCXIttT Office and residence coriier Elm anc Green streets. Me Henry, --, * • . -p-gG-EES & FEU ERF ' " AND SUliGEONS, Melleniy, 111. Olhce.at Kesideiv*', corner<kmtt mid Elm streets. Telephone 333. BV.bC. ROSB, I). IX s. O.fflce ovty Petesch's D^ug Store. ALL WORK PERTAINING TO MODERN DENTI9IRT^ Office Telephone 2j4; Residence 302. ' Nitrous Ox id Gas "for Extracting. Hours 8:00 a. an. to.0:00 p.;m. f " - StraDAY WORK BY APPOINTMENT ONI DR. Hi G• CPIAMrfiEJjCLI-N « DENTIST, I Office and Residence over Besley's Drwg Store. Hours: 8:oO to 5:30.' •x, Whiist MCHKNRY. III. 'l'hone.341. OPPOSITE STOMRICL'S HA TX J. M. LARSON, M.D., B.S- Hf. WEST JFOHJSWRY ILLINOIS ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Deutsche!* Arzt.) Spring (Jrove, Illinois. *> Geo. Meyers Cieneral Teaming of ail kinds. Excavating and Grading. ' , flcHBNRY - - - _ _ ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393. , SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Ag<-rit for all classesof property in the best Companies. .. m West Mcllenry, Illinois' McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY: .- " OFFICE with American National 'Bank Woodstofck, 111. Abstracts of title antl con veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $500 to $10,000, time and payment tc suit borrower. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAJNTE;R AND PAPER,HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 inn UPWARD. House and Sign Painting and all Interior l>e(5-* oral ing.. lic»idcnce nnrt li town line one block uvst of river. Telephone No..2fV4. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS . -R. H. OWEN Pianos fof sale and rent,. Tuning and repair Trig at reasonable prices. Fii-.Ni class Worli only. McliENKY. ILLINOIS HETIIOMST EPISCOPAL CI 11'KOH. 1:itV" 1 (• ks-- Preaching 10:110 a. m, and every other Sabbath evening at. 7:45, begiuning Oc tober ;«). Sunday school at 11:45. Epworth League preceding preaching service at. 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7:30.- Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. UKV. J. M. COKMACK, l'astor. I NJVKKSALIS'P Cill'liCU. * . . Regular services Sunday at 10:30 a. *n. and 7 p. in. Sunday school at 11:45a.m. .Every-., Itody cordially invited. KKV. A. HoKERTS Pastor. Have you seen L A M B E R T Q . S E N G ' S NEWLY" V V DECO R.AJED * 4 BUFFET? AT 92 Fifth Ay«.,0 C h i c a g o , Inois. •0 - Te 1. Main 1714. COUCH AND CURE THE LUNC-S "™ Dr. King's New ps^overy FOR £ 0NSUMPU0N Price O'JGHS aryl 50c &$ 1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Chicago & North-Western. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK, Leave Chicago. 9.00 a hi... 3.2i> p rn... 5.01 p m... 9.10a m... 2.02p m. .. Leave Mcllenry. ".ana tn... a m... p m... 7.28a m... 5.0C p m... Effect "WEE! ctive Dec. 4, 1904. &KEK DAY TRAINS. NORTHBOUND .. ..Via Pes Plaines 1 Via Pes Plaines...... Via Pes Plaines SUNDAY TRAINS. . .. Vi a Pes Pi al ne$...'... ... ....Via Elgin.. v..... WKKK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Via Kigin. .....Via Pes Plaines...., ... ^Vla F-lgin....^.... SUNDAY TRAINS. ..Via Flgln... Vi^ Pes Plainest.. S HOLLISTER'S tocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mediolae for Busy People. Mugs Gulden Health and Renewed Vigor, n'^iflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Lire vi lm-y Troubles. Pimples, Ke/em t, Impur 1, Had Breath, Sluggish Bowels, lleadach ps •incknclip. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in ttti _ torin, 8!> cents a box. Ucnuine made bj . !,U8TI:R PIU'U COMPANV, Madison, Wis. * . -LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Prr.nii.ilv or FEE RETURNED. 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGES ARt THE LOWEST, fn-ii'l nu«lr». photo «>r fk.-U'h f usi iive n-port i 11 pnU'iitability. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before all PatonfB obtained through UK ADVCR- TISEOuntt SOLD, fno. TRADE-MARKS, PEN- SIGNS and COPYRIGHTS «i»u-kly oMjiined. Opposite U. S ' ; t< nt Office, WASHING iHi.. C. C Arrive McHeury ,.10.10 a in . .4.S0 p in . 8.40 p 111 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 11.14 9 m .. 4.55 pjn Arrive Ch 10 . a m .00 u m .10.25 a m 7.00 p in TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHT^ 4C. Anyone s-'ii Hn,; u skotrb nnd .toscriiition may qnlekly ,i> . .in- <>nr sojseyliethcr an INVENTTINI 14 F.IOIII.NLY I'MTETITHLIIFCISIRCINFIIIUNIOH. tionM strictly oontldeutlnl. HANDBuQJJ 011 Patents sent frt>e. Mlctost nt»nrf liir urtiVB patents. t» taken tbri.u^fi^lftiiiii A Co. receive pithout cTidrco, in the Patents (pf i irt f notice. Scientific American. A :»!nstrn!r>i (MllfU'lOTl ll'V HCH-nllL.' rKilii.ll. year: 11 >\i r Tin > f hs, fl. SoJdbyal irest cir- •nm. t-A np ^dealer*. MUNN & Co .36,B^av New York Bwuch Ofljco, G£> F St. Waabuuctuu. i). C. •y