Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1905, p. 5

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^ , .. ' «V , • ' • '- * T* ** ,'»r 5tore! 5 : Plain and fancy China from... •.' ....... .5c u p a Tin and Granite from............ .........5c U P | ALSO GLASSWARE. ( Big Bargains on our *... 5c a n d * 10c Tables i School Stationery and a nice line of Candies always ^ on hand. i i Jos. H. liuemann Johjisburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, ^Carriages, Bnggies, Wind Mills, .Well Supplies, Harness CHI, Paint Oil and - , Machine Oil a Specialty. Fruklii LgHtsiot lM Works! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay,damages if no more than S500k - Call and get full particulars.®^ Qmu l BiKksaitMH Prkes always Reasonable He^rper V * $ ili iH * i i * The aristocrat among whiskies of the old school: The slnefqua non * » • * of the 20th century connoisseur's side-board. s tt "On Every Tongue.1 SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. I P H I L I P J A E G E R | | GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT £ g . . • special attention given to the sale or S*i x $f *• . - Dressed Beef, Hutton, hogs, Veal, Poultry, I Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs <. ' This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. $ tr': :,i stall • & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market. "COLD STORAGE FREE N CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. g 1 Groceries! fruits! f $ 5. The finest and best line of groceries and fruits may be found here. §j We are continually filling orders with the best of goods and give ?| entire satisfaction always. Just a few reminders: a • ^~Y • j|fi Uncoiored Japan Tea, regular SOc^rade, per pound ........ 43c « Japan Tea, 4()c grade ; 85c $ Dunham's Cocoanut, ilb package.. v . .7c Grape Nuts, 2 packages. „. ... .25c Brag Soap, 6 biirs .28c | * West | ricHenry, III. lobn Stoffcl. Cut in Rates California and All the Way Ask Santa Fe jifrent at IOU Adams St., Chicago, for all the facts. 45-ftt The Santa Fe will run first- class excursions, Chicago to California, on certain days, April to August. Fare out and back about half . the usual price. You may go *, on luxurious California Lim­ ited and visit Grand Canyon. Is your family worth fc a day to you ̂ . A protector that will protect your family sight and .day is the ** CHICAGO TELEPHONE Cost but 5 oouts pur day CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY NEIGHBORING NEWSAS CHRONICJUED W OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 4ay. Gloasen spent Monday at a cniler in town Thurs- Smith waa a Grayslake caller Friday. Ella Moore was a Wauconda caller Monday. Mrs Mat Jos. Vogt's. Bessie Dunnill ofRolltns spent Snn- dta-a^horae, \ Waude Walton was a Wauconda call­ er Thursday. Wm. Frost was a caller at Mr. Hu- son's Sunday. Theo: Wortz and Tony Sexton spent Sunday at home. Geo. Richardson and family spent Sunday in town. Herbert Howard and friends were Vo- 10 callers Sunday. John Gift and Wm. Dunnill spent Friday at McHenry. G. tl. Gurlerof DeKalb was in town a few days this week. '. > A. J. Raymond took in the "sights in the windy city Friday. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and son," ^Raymond, Were Volo callers Friday. Mrs. C. Dryer is spending a week with friends in Waukegan. Mrs. Gffeo. Huson and daughter spent Monday with Mrs. Laura. Huson. L. H. Knigge of (iriswold Lake wasa visitor at G. Ben well's Sunday. Wm. McDowell of West Ff%mont was a caller at A. J. Raymond's recently. John Gift and lady friend attended the opera at McHenry Sunday evening. Wm. Richardson of Elgin spent the first of the <fceek with relatives in this vicinity. 7 Mrs. RoWt Fulton and children of Waukegan are spending a week at Raught Bros.N Mr. and Mrs. C. Raught and Mrs. Or- ville St. Peter of Waukegan spent Sun­ day at Raught Bros.' Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Hellen, and Kate Dowell spent Wednes-l day at Fremont. Nick Wein^art and John Oeffling at­ tended the wedding dance at* Mctlenry last week Wednesday.^,,, , "East Lynuel^Jrfst time ever staged in McHenry by f first-class company, Sunday evening, May 21,1905. On Thursday last occurred the worst rain and electric stoj-m of the season. Many cellars and gardens were flooded, but no damage was done. Mr. and Mrs, C. G. Huson and Miss Marian left on Wednesday for their old borne in Vermont, where they will spend 11 month with friends and relatives. RING WOOD. Mrs. Bert Merchant is John Munch is doing D s week. on the sick friends Chicago Crystal Lake this Several from here attended the dance at Solon last Friday evening. j Clark Hall and son, Lynn, were busi ness> visitors,in Woodstock Tuesday. . The young son of Mr* andfMrs, W. B. Johonnott is quite sick at this writing. Ed. Dates of Lake Geneva, Wis. spent Sunday with relatives and here.. -e Earl Shales will be fonnd behind the counters at Bradley & Foes' store days. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bradley ed to business in Elgin and Tuesday. Quite a number of our people were on the streets of McHenry last Saturday afternoon. 4 •East Lynne"---first time ever staged in McHenry by a first-class company, Sunday evening, May 31, 1905. The C. & N. W. R'y., is having a roof built over the remainder of, the stock yards. , This is much appreciated by our local stock buyers. LeRoy Peet has taken the contracts of building a couple of houses at Wood­ stock, and left here last Monday morn­ ing to begin the work on them. ; Several of the friends of Lynn Hall surprised him at his home Tuesday evening, May 16. The event was in honor of his nineteenth birthday anni­ versary. There will be an ice cream social held at the Woodmen hall next Saturday evening. May 20, for the purpose of buy­ ing books for school. All are cordially invited to attend; - A short program will be rendered. 5 RtDUEFlELll. - LeRoy Skinner was in Nnnda Tues­ day. H. . Mrs. A. Annera was in Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bort spent Sunday in Chicago. j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed were in Nunda Friday. ' .S • ; R. L. Du field wasjn Algonquin on business Saturday. Louise Goddard visited relatives at Greenwood Sunday. S. Merchant spent Saturday and Sun­ day at his brother's at Richmond. Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited relatives at Elgin Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. W. H. Munroe visited her daughter at Woodstock Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Kate O'Flaherty and Katherine Donovan of Chicago visited at G. Doo- little's Sunday. Misses Hettie and Flossie Randall of Cherry Valley visited Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Manse. The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. C. J. Anners on Tuesday. Refreshments were served consisting of cake and lem­ onade. The Union will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. Kline'.' As important business is to be transacted a full attendance is desired. Some much needed grading is being done on our streets. W. F Holtz is moving into the Carey house on Waukegan street, formerly oc­ cupied by W. D. Went worth. A nninbar^of McHenryites will ac- com pany uie baeeball team to Hebron next Sunday. The fourth annual meeting of the Il­ linois Press association will be held in Chicago May 241 25 and 26, at the Lex­ ington hotel. SPRING GROVfE. Horace Reading is visiting friends in Iowa. W- C. Moss was a Fox Lake visitor Friday. Miss Bird Hodge of Solon visited here Monday. Frank Shumacher was in Chicago Monday. Fay Small spent Snnday at his home in Nunda. Howard Westlake was a Harvard caller last week. r Ray Dodge and Joe Lawrenoe were Sunday callers here. Miss Myrtle Churohill spent last week with Solon relatives. Miss Lenora Stevens was a Wood­ stock visitor Saturday. Mr. Canfield is preparing to moye in­ to James Neish's house. Earl and Ada Westlake were Wood­ stock visitors Saturday. Gus Roepke and Chase Cote were Harvard visitors last Thursday. Miss Anna Cole, who spent the win­ ter in the east, is now visiting at home. Mr. aud Mrs. W. C. Moss and daugh­ ter, Helen, were Richmond callers Sat­ urday. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church was organized last Thursday afternoon, the rainy day preventing many from attending. The following ofiicers were elected: Mrs. McClean, president; Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby, vice president; Mrs. Effie Reading, secretary; Mrs. Westlake, treasurer; committee on constitution and by laws, Mrs. Ruth Hopper, J^lrs. Jennie Moss and Mrs. Westlake. The next meeting will be held next Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. All are earnestly invited to attend and help in this work. Rev. Bly of Chicago is here evei Sunday, coming on the ten o'cloc train and remaining until Monday morning. He is thus able to be here ro assist in the Sunday school and Christ­ ian Endeavor work and preach morning and evening in the M. E. church. So far the attendance has been very good, and we hope to see many more out from now on. Rev. Bly is a very earnest worker, preaching the direct Gospel truths in the simplest manner, comes with the most earnest desire to help the community, and surely it is the duty of those interested in its wel to assist him by attendance and en- Some HARNESS is hard on a HorsefSrnd pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it woars out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain. "Costs no more than "cheap" Gus. Carlson., - Harness. % te to coring emeiit in the services. Thouiiut Phalin UMd. Thomas Phalin died yesterday-after noon at four o'clock, after an illness of less than two days. Mr. Phalin suffered a stroke of paralysis Monday night and never recovered from the effects. Ooit- nary next week. "After Is nothing like DR. PRICE'S CREAM -- BAKING POWDER I have osed it with satisfaction for nearly forty yeats." JOHN SBURGH. Mr. Debrecht Chicagoed Monday. «J. H. Miller of McHenry visited here Friday. Wm. Klein of Ingelside wa Sunday. Mrs. Peter Williams was a caller here Tuesday. Martin M. Freond visited John M. May Monday. - , Peter May of Spring Grove was a oili­ er here Sunday. Mrs. Susan Freund visited her son, Joseph, Monday. Mrs. John S. Frennd called on her mother Tuesday. , . C. M. Adams transacted business in the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling were Chi­ cago visitors Monday. Mrs. Stephen H. Smith visited Mrs. Peter Smith Monday. Gust. Huff and family were the guests of John King Sunday. Rosa Lfty entertained some of her friends Monday eveniug. John J. Miller of McHenry was a vis­ itor here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Freund are the happy parents of a baby girl. Jake Schumacher of Spring Grove called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. John Hiller and two children visited at her mother's Tuesday- Mrs. Mike Huff and children are spending this week with Mrs. Blake. Mr. and Mrs, Jac. Scbmitt of Spring Grove visited their son, John, Friday. Mrs. Wm. OefHing and daughters visited at Mrs. John Pitzen's Tuesday. Nick Weber and children of McHenry visited at Mrs. Susan Freund's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund and daugh-.. ter visited Mrs. Susan Freund Tuesday. Joseph Adams who has been sick for three weeks is still confined to his bed. Lizzie Meyers and Hellen Micheis called on the Adams girls Tuesday even* ing. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias S. Freund of McHenry visited at John Klein's Sun­ day. Mrs. Weingart and daughter, Annie, of Volo spent Monday with Mrs. Math. SteffeB. Master Bennie Thelen of Racine, Wis., is visiting with his grandparents for a few days. Mrs. Mike Rauen and children of Spring Groye are visiting at Jos. J. Michel's. Mrs. Martin Thelen of Round Lake is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Freund. Miss Eva Stilling of Chicago came home Friday evening and returned Sun­ day evening# Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and chil­ dren of Spring Grove visited John H. Miller Sunday. Miss M. M. Adams went to Chicago Thursday to purchase her last line of summer millinery. Miss Anna Freund and brother, Hub­ ert, of Chicago visited friends here Tuesday and Wednesday. In the version presented by E. C. Wil­ son's company the comedy element is unusually strong, and the entertainment as a whole cannot fail to please old and young admirers of the beautiful ,kEast Lynne." ~ KMKKALU FAICK, Miss Maggie Ward spent Snnday with friends here. Richard Ay 1 ward was a Ringwood caller Friday evening. Ed Sutton is doing carpenter work on F. Wattles' new barn. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Mrs. Paul Riger of Griswold Lake called on her father Sunday. . Ed Fleming of Chicago was a visitor at R J. Sntton's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Cohan spent Saturday and Sunday at home here. Floyd Thompson of Barreville spent Thursday night with Robt. Aylward. L. E. Waluisley of McHenry wasr Sunday evening caller in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Lunder' entertaiued Chicago relatives the tirst of the week. Ed ward Portman of Chicagp spent a few days the past Mipek with Robt. Aylward. Miss Margaret Aylward spent a few days last week with Mrs. Geo. Frisby '.n McHenry. Mr. and Mrs J. A, Stark of Chicago were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer, the first of the week Mrs. John Phalin and daughter (f Terra Cotta and Miss Cahill of Chicago visited W. J. Welch and family, south of here, Saturday. HOLCOMHV1LLE. Miss Rnby Peck spent Sunday in Chi­ cago. „ Mr. and Mrs. Silver were McHenry callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilbert are visiting at Will Gilbert's. - Pearl Peck spent Sattfttlay afternoon with Willie Doherty. - " * Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Flanders visited at P. Flander's Sunday. Central opera house one night only, Sunday evening. May 21. Mrs. A. T. McMillan called on Mrs Henry McMillan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Zenk and children were McHenry callers Monday. A number from here attended Mrs Chas. Schroeder's funeral at Nunda Saturday. Philip Hoffman and Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Monday at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. * • r. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and litlle daughter spent Sunday afternoon at Terra Cotta. The Domestic Science club will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Merriman, Tuesday, May 23rd, 1905. This is a week earlier than usual, on acf count of our regular meeting falling on Decoration day. 1905; crop 50c a Bushel CASH „ . KOK I EVIikY LOAD | ~ •• OF • | [CUCUMBER PICKLES I Contracts and seed can be had of j M. J. Walsh, J. W. Frennd, F. S [A. Bohlander, of/ West McHenry:] f Block & Bethke, F. >Ward, A. Schnei- • Ider, McHenry: C. M. Adam's, J. P. j • Lay of Johnsburgh. Contract at • jonce, as we want only a limited ; j number of acres. Seed, 50c a pound, t |Stif(orl&Oolismitti (o. 1 i • » * ' • j-\ West McHenry. ! A r e S t i l l H e r e ! We continue to do business in the same old way." Our custom­ ers have found that we do the fair thing always, and that is the reason why we still continue in the same old way. We also car­ ry a clean stock of meats of every description, (fend our prices are of the sort which pleases the work- ingman's pocket-book. We are also in fhe market for eggs, and pay the highest market price for porkers. You know the rest. 9 * -- S A. C. MATTHEWS,. f WEST m!he;nry, ill. <Miiiiiiminiininii Ver# Low Hateit to <>. A. K. EiicmiipuM'iit nt BnckAird, 111., Via .the North-Western Line. Ex­ cursion tickets will be sold May 32, J3 and 34, limited to return until May 27, inclusive. Apply to agents. Chicago & North-Western R'y. May 24 Cleanse your system of all impurities this month. Now is the time to take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It will keep you well all summer, 515 cent«, Tea or Tablets. G. W/Besley. Very l,o« KhU'h to lllhiofft Siiiiilny School ANNOt'intion ut Clinton, III., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold on May 22, 23 and 24, limited to return until May 27, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Half KwteH ' to Annual Meeting German llretherein, Bristol, Tenn., Via the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold at que fare for round trip M^y 31-to Jun£ 2,'Inclusive, with favorame return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Juue 2 BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION CURED BY THEDFORDS BLACK-DRAUGHT Because th« liver is neglected people suffer with constipation, biliousness, headaches and fevers. Colds attack' the lungs and contagious diseases take hold of the system. It is safe to say that if the liver were always kept in proper working order, illness would t>e almost unknown. Thedford's Black-Draught is so successful in curing such sickness because it is without a rival as a liver regulator. This great family medicine is not a strong ana drastic drug, but a mild and healthful laxative that cures con- Brothers (Qnpy Celebrated GOLD M I N E FLOUR Per Bag! Guaranteed BEST m IN TOWN! COMPANY. C"-\ to | v she ] \ A.1- 1 ' WAITING! Yes, we are waiting on a good many customers daily. Buy of us once and you will always make%j our shop your trading place Why? Because we are here serve you with nothing but the best. Isn't that sufficient? A1 ways keep on hand a fine and fresh line of home bakery goods. Give us your ord«r by 'phone. Call 483 and the goods will be promptly delivered. JoKn Adams (Si Sons. West McHervry, 111. OSTRANDKR BUILDING, Telephone 483. MO stipation and may be taken by a possible child without mere harm. The healthful action on the liver cures biliousness. It has an in­ vigorating effect on the kidneys. Because the liver and kidneys "do not work regularly, the poisonous acid®! along with the waste fivm the Bowels get back into the blood and virulent contagion results. Timely treatment with Thed­ ford's Black-f>raught removes tlu> dangers which lurk in constipat ion, liver and kidney troubles, and will positively forestall the inroad- of Bright's disease, for which dis­ ease in advanced stages there i? no cure. Ask your dealer for ; 25c. package of Thedford's Black Draught. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All sh;ipes an'1 sizes. Sev­ eral proofs tn froiu. Kacfa doz­ en tiiiNttod in liitJ'Tt'iit stjrlt»s. Prio*, um1 upward. Outdoor Work. li.-tve exu-iisive apparatus for :il! kinds of outdoor work, suoh rts jmnip pictures, views \>f huiUiiiigs. machinery, oto. Enlargements. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guMratitee<l in everv iusiaiice. Finished iu black and wliite or'colors. . / Frames. A variety of styles tn stwc to seltvt from, t kid sines made up for any si*e picture, certificate, etc , Waukesan St., near the i-taudpipe. WEST MeHENRV, ILL* Telephone. 493 i | Telephone, 493 j| "J,. J'Jj, K::; 'j If you want drugs, go to Petaaefe'a, •' V -, r#yr> \-p.' . , v I

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