' m htmrmm ) 't forget that we handle a very com- lete line of Lumber of every description nd everything necessary with which to uild A MODERN HOUSE ' j/We always strive to please our customers; "* and are ever ready and anxious to fulfill? -s\^their wants. So bear in mind that we" + ,/are the Building Supply Headquarters. : - /Our Feed Department is always complete. : 3 f„ WILBUR LUMBER CO., WEST McHERNY, ILLINOIS. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. ' Mils Corn Shellers and Tread • • Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, * Bock Island Plows, Wagons, ^Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Paint Oil and General BitcksoiitMitf Prices always Reasonable J miin>iimmminniniiiiiiiii»»Mim»»»MM Machine Oil a Specialty. franklin \wm IM Wirksl I am agent for the above. We pttt the Rods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightninK we pay damages If no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. • • "-'••'•jfv-A: ' 'V - f. ̂ 1 ¥-.' V ^. m * * I m m m m m M wmtZW'*!*.*' ---.«-»<** jst. I •ik, ^Bllence the world over, , 'V" • 5 SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. 5 "On Every Tongue.1 P H I L I P J A E G E R ! .fifiNERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT | . . SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP J' jft pressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry I Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs f if: This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on & a p p l i c a t i o n . ' • . ~ , , l w n „ „ ^ . S j COLD ST0RAC1E FREtt Stall i A 3, Wholesale Market. CHlCAQOf iCtlNdft; I groceries! Truitsi 1 The finest and best line of groceries and frnits may be found here, ?? We are continually filling orders with the best of goods and git® S entire satisfaction always. Just a few reminders: ^ ^ gc Uncolored Japan Tea, regular 50c gmtde, per poiuvi.....* + m e r « •-* • ,49c Japan Tea, 40c grade • • v..85c Dunham's Cocoanut, ilb package.. - J v.'.,-,'2 j j,\\... 7o Grape Nuts, 2 packages ......36c Brag Soap, 6 bars. ...... . • • *. *• *--25c fobit Stottel. West flcHenry, 111. Is youc family 5°."".'"? / A protector that will protect youf fazplly night and day U the CHICAGO TELEPHONE ^ Oust M B emits per day CHICAGO TELEPHONE COHPAMT WS*W.S i NEIGHBORING NEWS AS.CHRONICLF.D BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS of" sg p*ie woman says Moiiday isaow the pleasaqfcesl trflbeweek since using •'•••••. •* your soap. • c . - nnwiiiggnnimiiiimiiiiniiminnnMm Rev. Cross calk Tuesday. Will Seiger waf Wednesday. Mr. Gardinier over Sunday. Lee Strang and Lee Huson were Volo callers Sunday. Bernard Rosing of Bound Lake was in town Saturday. Ray Paddock ness Wednesday. Miss Mary Walton of Fort Hill Sunday at home. Neal Shultis of Wauconda was a Volo caller Thursday. Theo. Worts an< da caUers Monday, Thos. Wauconda Tuesday. Miss Bessie Dunnill spent Sunday at home. John Gift and Wax. Moore were Wau conda callers Saturday. Charity Kaught spent the fore pert of the week at Grsyslake. Mrs. Geo. Benwell and sons were call ers in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable were callers at West Fremont Saturday. Glenn Richardson of Rollins took in the sights of Volo Sunday. Mrs. Irma McKenny was on friends in Wauconda Monday. Wm. Dunnill took in the rights at Wauconda Saturday afternoon. John Gift entertained Mr. Geo. H. Gurler of DeKalb over Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Evert Stone spent Tues day at the holne of Charles Potter. Several of the boys and lady friends attended the opera Sunday evening. Elijah Richardson of Round Lake visited his brother, John, Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Howard and Mrs. Jacob Ernest of Rollins were in town Monday. Mrs. Laura Huson and Miss Elsie spent the past week with friends in the city. Misses Bessie Gale and Rose Huson of Elgin spent Sunday with friends in town, f Mrs. !«. V. Luskand Master Raymond of Fremont spent Sunday at A. i. Ray mond'a. Ed. Golding and Ray Fisher of Wau conda were business callers in town Tuesday. Misses Susie and Bessie Benwell of Morton Park spent Sunday at the home of Chris Dillon. Arthur Frost of Chicago made his weekly trip out home Sunday. What is the attraction? Mrs. John Walton, children and Miss Kitty Dowell spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Converse at Fort Hill. Boys, tune up your old tin pans again as wedding bells are about to ring the latter part of the month. Quite a number of Voloites attended Reno's show at Wauconda Tuesday evening. But where was the elephant? The Volo Sunday school was reorgan ized June 11, with the following officers: Superintendent, Mrs. L. V. Lusk; assist ant superintendent, Mary Raught; sec retary, Ella Moore; treasurer and organ ist, Miss Elsie Smith. Sunday school next Sunday at 1:30. Let every child be present and help build np the Sunday school. . A Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bed ware, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety, lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills, a sure cure, for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness, costiveness, etc. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Bee- ley's, -West McHenry, drug stores, only 25c. Try them. RIDOKrULU. F. S. Morse was in Chicago Saturday. Nellie Wingate of Nunda is the guest, of Vera Shales. Children's Day will be observed her® Sunday, June 25. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son. Boy, were in Nunda Saturday. Miss Lolo Lynch and sister, Madalinfe, were in Nunda Satnrday. Mrs. C. Jayne of Woodstock visited her parents the first of the week. Mrs. R. Drury of Racine, Wis., is vis iting at R. L. Dufield's this week. Earl Ormsby and bride of Chicago are yisiting his parents for a few days. Mrs. F. E. Thayer of Hebron visited at Mrs. E. Smith's Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. L. A. Walkup visited with Miss Anna Morse at Oak Park Saturday and Sunday. E. E. Knilans and son, Don, attended the funeral of an aunt at Richmond, Wednesday. S. Reed has been employed by the North-Western R'y. company as pump* er and baggage hustler here. Mrs. Westerman and daughter, Mar garet, and Cora Marble of Greenwood are visiting with Mrs. N. J. Garrison. The Forester's ice cream social which was held at D. Kline's Tuesday evening was well attended. Recipts amounting to $11.50. Mrs. F. McLaughlin and children, who hare been visiting her parents here for the past two weeks, left for their new home at Janesville, Wis.. Wednesday morning. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, > M » Mi-Henry County. f88 Estate of Samuel Sherman, Deceased. To al 1 w hom It may concern: Yon are here by notified that on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1906, we, as the Executors of the last Will and Testament of ttald deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court. House in Woodstock, Illinois, our final report of our doings as such Executors, and ask the Court to beolacbargcid from ttny and all further responsibilities con nected with said Estate and our administra tion thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application If you choose so to do. CurroBD E. SBKBMAX LUI NOBi BKOWX 51-St Executors. vs. Woodstock White Sox at .{- _>• •' • .y - . ^ •> " ^ v The Creek school Jas. Pierce is dois losed Friday last ; as well as pessi- Mr. and Mrs. Joa. James of Beloii are visiting here. Mrs. John Haldetnap of Solon caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers welcomed a little daughter lately. Mat Pi teen was a caller nere annaay Some HARNESS sss is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness-is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Stiain is equally divided and <every part equal to the strain. Costs no more thaft "cheap" I, Gus. Carlson Harness. T. .. The social held last Saturday evening ras well attended despite the to ball MeBenry vs. W J1 park Sunday. st Sept 17 Oct 16 Nov 11 Dec *t 190S. Feb 16 Miss Rose Coates of Greenwood spent part of last week with her siBter, Mrs. ot tk* E. Hopper. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wilson are enter taining a little daughter, who arrived Friday last. Several from here expect to attend the Sunday school convention at Solon; next Sunday. < Mrs. Anna Bowers has made extensive improvements on her barns on her farm north of here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumacher, wel comed a ten-pound girl recently. Moth er and child are both doing well. The Ladies' Aid society of the* M. EL churh will meet with Mrs. Jennie Ox- toby Thursday afternoon of this week. Several from here attended the Chil dren's Day exercises at Solon, last Sun day and were well repaid for the trip by the excellence of the' program. The election of Sunday school officers took place last Sunday with the follow ing elected: Mrs. McCleau, superintend ent; Mrs. E. Hopper vice superintend ent; George Richardson, secretary; Grace Hopper, treasurer; Herb Peacock, chorister; Ella Richardson, organist; H el ten Moss, librarian, and Carrie Mick, assistant librarian. ' Makes digestion and assimilation per feet. Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Hpllister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. A tonic for the sick and weak. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. KMEKALD PARftU ? Mrs. Madden is visiting Mrs. VanNat* ta this week. ' Robt. E. Sutton is working for W| Bolger this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cohan and D. W. Hill were out over Sunday. L. Huck was attending to bnsinesa- matters in Chicago Monday. J Mrs. Ed Knox spent Tuesday with Ring wood and HartlAnd friends. ^ R. J. Sutton and Ed Sutton attended the horse sale at Woodstock Saturday, Miss Myrtle Huck of Chicago is visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Li Huck. J. A. Farrell of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with W. J. Welch. Ed VanNatta of Chicago spent a few days with his brother here the hrat of the week. W. Bolger left Sunday afternoon for Indianapolis, lad. He expects to be gone a week. Robt. Thompson and Ed Nelson of Barreville visited the former's mother here Monday. Miss Margaret Aylward spent a few days the first of the week at Geo. Frist by's in McHenry. M. Kelter of Chicago was out to at« tend Mr. Erwin's funeral Monday and called on relatives here and at Kelter^ Lake. H. Bending and daughter, Mrs. John Lawson, and children, of Chicago are spending a few weeks at* the former's cottage. Wm. Heaney and friends, Messrs. Walter Haney, Wm. Daltonand Frank July! McGarry of Chicago spent Saturday at the former's cdttage here. ;* The Misses Knox entertained Miss Iva Hoffman and Frank McMillan, Miss Rose Gepper and friend, and Clarence Martin and friend Sunday afternoon. Very Low Rates to Toronto, Ont., Via theNorth-Western Line. Excnr< slon tickets will be sold on June 18, 19, 21 and 22,with favorable return Units, on account of Triennial Convention, In* ternational Sunday School Association^ Apply to agents Chicago & North-West ern R'y. " June 32 HOLCOMBV1LLK. Earl Peck was a McHenry caller Sun day. Mrs. G. Johnson returned from Warn conda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shales spent Sun*' day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davoll and chill dren visited Wauconda friends Sunday^ The Misses Anna and Etta Powers., are entertaining relatives from Chicago/ Mrs. Henry McMillan 'and littl^ daughter and Miss Iva Hoffman visited at Griswold Lake Thursday. Mrs. Thos. Powers and granddaugh^ > tors, Mimes May Welch and Eleanor Phalen, left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Ohio. i Mrs. Henry McMillan and children, Mrs. B. F. Peck and Miss Iva Hoffmai% called on relatives at Terra Cotta rela tives Wednesday evening. V; Half Rates te Milwaukee, Via toe North-Western Line. Excur* sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip, June 21, 22 and 28, lim ited to return until June 24, inclusive^ on account of Biennial Meeting of Mod ern Woodmen. Apply to agents Chica go & North-Western R'y. June 23 If you want a pretty lace and delightful air. Rosy cheeks and lovely hair, Wedding trip across the sea, Put your faith in Rocky ^fountain Tea. ' An electrical sign now adorns the front of Peter B. Freund's place of bus- ANNUAL REPORT Statement of receipts and disbursements of funds of the village of Mclienry, Illinois, for the year ending April 30, 1905. 1901 RE0K1PT8. . May 1 Hal on hand per report.., John Heirner, licence < V > P«?ter li i- rcuucl, do, Heiiner Bros., do . Auton Eugclu, do ..... Oliver L Moore, do^yy . / 7 ? ' ? P e t e r I I W e b e r , d o ; , r ± , , ' : 2 John J Bucii, do > Jos Heimer, do . f MatlUas D W'eber, <fo vi v 10 WmThurlwell, do ....... »1 John Stoffel, water vates. " " taps " " licenses July 14 " " •• do " •?,< water r»tesw.... v i • "'"t I \ fcM** 'i-SM dOKtax.... AUR 10 Mosgrdft Bros., tines ,.,J ; IS John S toff el, water rates. 5# & " license : 10 W' dog tax » U.' water rates...... 2M til license 3 water rates;....., Vb do ........55 5t> license 5 ot A Schneider, oil;. 3 00 F A llohfander. do 8 51 Ollbei t Bros., uo. • S3 Osinun Urtis., do S S> 5tH» Wi OW wt 5lW IKt 500 mi ,;«K) tx> xHjO W tw 45 W> 'M 0U 15 W 50 W> taps 15 00 water rate%.... 'JS license... . .... . si w do ' 4 5M water rates...... 30 34 mlsc*)llaneo«S.... 8 5u water rates.,.... 34t Si '* • license s W 88 H M McUmber, spec ass'm'nta.. 111W 4« Mar 18 John ustolfel, liceuses 14 uu water rates 15 00 t S& Petex ttiss^B, &cead Jb bridge v. .i........ 563 44 '.\V v', : f0fll»45 : 1004 ' ks^En ti'ifn a Eg. ftlay 5 U Buss, cert of Indebt.. .11000 00 Order No. S*1 Mrs Ueo bo turners, nails 4 07 AKi J W 1' i vuiKl, oil ft 28 F L McOtuber, nails etc. 3 Ttt "3 Wm Davis, gravel 5 00 Wilbur Lumber Co., sewer pipe 81*2 .loiiii Wuish, policesrvce ttarbiau ttros.. waiica ... Wilbur Lumber Co., coal 9(«» Gilbert Ilrus.. oil Six) M N ieseu, police service Mil John Walsii, do A>2 11 F HUK'K. labor SfKt M Kngelu & t^on, oil. S)4 i^egal Adviser Co, blanks f> .1 Vvalsli. police service.. ttxi M Nieseu, do Qt)T II /.imnierinami, labor... (KM Osniuii Itros.. oil etc SOU K A Itohlaiider, do -/i'ii'i, «<> (J W Hesley, do Sll W C Kvanson, do 413 P 11 Freuud, ac O Fngeln labor <113 J W Freund, oil... ; P4 Ulibert Bros., do *t)J M Eiigetn & r>on, do .... Slti J 11 Clow Jt Son, lead pipe F J llerlies, lalior ., SIM A KiiKi'lu. storing hoae ^5 carl AO Est of It Buss, intoncer- " tif of indebtedneiM O P Barnes, legal 8erv.. mil J I Story, survicea........ 22 II Block, do -- 44a?' , S s t'hupell, do ] 24 A Engeln, do §25 c T Eldreilge, do ....... :, #20 B Laures, ao • •• 27 O Kothermel, do ' S28 John stott'el, do . ...... Ji20 II F lleetie, do B of H,... ; ;t0 M Kngeln. do do ...... m li Waite, do do C T Eldredge, J of E.,... (:i3 li M McOmber, do do... !4 John Niesen, do (to .. . 15 J 11 Miller, clerk do .... :«> J (iillicrt. do d«» ....... J Kitfielti. do do .... .. Bank of Mcllenry.'ias... Ml J Schneider, labor....". OJNiesen.do .. S41 Win Hell, walks «2 Gilbert Bros., oil ' #>;< .M Kngeln & Sou, do. 3*4 I'iaitHleiiler, pub prO- ceediugs and treaS rep #15 .1 stoifei. postage, metc Mfi li Mt yers, labor •47 J StotTel, oil MS W l*avis, gravel .. ftlu FJ Hert»es, lattor ttO Osnuin Bros ac G Engeln ialMtr W1 do do gasoline....... SK2 W 11 Strawser, do. 063 A Schneider, oil 054 Neptuue Meter Co metis ESihum, labor :... N ieseu, police service "Valsh, do M J Walsh, ac J Nlesen, labor |1 Improvement bonds, $100 each. HH iieyi 495 KSlli 00 M M 457 J \\i 94 67 17 00 li 35 52 7 40 50 00 50 00 1 00 2 40 2 «i 50 00 50 UO 3 50 4 25 I 42 4 0U 4 50 it 50 10 10 1 SO 1 45 II IK ii 50 5 00 50 00 85 00 » 00 10 50 0 00 0 00 10 50 10 50 10 50 25 00 5 00 5 85 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 300 07 50 1 88 284 08 4 25 4 87 58 30 4 97 9 45 3 90 34 38 16 38 594 » 47 10 20 10 Oil 42 00 2 02 50 CO 50 00 737 A Schneider, oil. 728 F 729 730 731 J StoH'el, ex and postage 3 25 J Stotfel, ac W A Colby, lalior.... - 4 90 733 M Niosen, police service 50 00 734 J Walsh, do 80 00 735 J 1 Story, Pres. lft meet's 15 00 TdB H Blivk. Trustee, 12 do 18 00 737 V T KldriHlge, do 12 do... »I8 Oti 738 P J Freund. <lo 12 do. ... 18 00 739 ,1 I'leiuier. do 12 do,... .. 18 W 740 B Laures. do 12 do...... . 18 00 til W SlotVel, do 11 do.. ... I# 742 J Stott'el. Clerk 0 mo !t7 50 743'C P Barnes. Att'y (J mo.. 25 0l> 744 J Bonsiett. B'd of H'lth. 5 00 745 l»r H F Heebe,do ... ....; ? 6 00 "4fl l' Thelen. do 5 00 747 11 M McOmber. village "' special assessment' 891 18 748 W F llolt/.. manure 1 00 749 J 11 lleimer, labor... .'. 8 00 750 1) Woodburn. oil. 1 70 751 U Meyers, grading 3 00 752 H /. imniermaiin , labor .. 11 00 753 ,! W Freund, oil 3 82 754 Gilbert Bros., do 1 ti.) 755 J Walsh, police service.. 80 00 756 M N ieseu, do 5® 00 757 J Walsh, do . .. 5® 00 758 G Meyers, contingent.... 8 00 * 75# M Xiesen, police service 60 00 780 Yalvollne OH Co;, gaso- ' line 12 00 781 (SillH-rt Bros., oil 3 10 763 J Stott'el. do & c 7 02 764 M Kngeln & S>n, do .... 1 85 7*6 Wilbur Lunilter Co., coal 20 Hi 768^'Gilbert Bros., oil.... 1 35 757 G Meyers, laltor. 4 50 7fl8 Wilbur Lu ml Kir Co., coal • ti(i 789 F A Holilander. Oil ;8JS 770 M N iesen, police service 50 00 771 J Walsh, do ftp 0l> 772 1> WtxHlburn, ()il...05 773 Osmun Bros., oo .... } 30 774 G B Freund. labor. ..* 1 50 m Valvollne Oil Co.. gaso line 10 80 777 A Engeln, ac J Niesen, labor 6 12 738 J Stottel, ac F Thurlwell, do 3 00 994 P Kothermel, ac M lioth- ermel, do 6 12 790 V J llerbes. labor. ..... I « 00 781 Gilbert Bros., oil V ^ 782 W M Simes, labor... .... Vl 00 783 G Meyers, do 50 7H4 .1 Walsh, police service.. 8b 00 785 M Nieseu, do 50 0U 786 P Thelen. Brd of Health 10 00 787 .1 Walsh, police service.. 50 00 788 M Niesen. do 50 00 789 1> Woodburn, oil 105 790 J W Freund, do 1 50 791 F L McOmber. sundries. 4 17 7W) Osmun Bros., oil.... 'IP"" ' " " ' M Engeln & Son, do Total expenditures tttKV 21 May 1,1965, Balance.on hatMt 21 SUMMARY.. Ueceipts kii\Zi-h...9N8& *5 Expenditures... i ..... A f... --.0878 21 Balance 42288 24 I hereby, certify that the above report Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. OLIVER N. OWEN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of June, A. L>. 1905. JAMKS B. PKRKY. t --J Notary Pnbttc. -! SEAL " ' % <«ev 1100 00 44 Interest c-oupous, |6«a.. 464 00 W J B Clow Si Son, lead plpeiind ac 40 12 480 J Walsh, police servtos.. 50 00 441 M Niesen, do 50 00 442 Osmun Bros., nails ..... 5 23 443 J Stoffei, ac W Kimball labor 2 00 444 W 11 Strawser, gasoline.. 12 00 >445 McHenry Creamery Co., gaskets 18 00 487 A Schneider, oil 2 80 448 M N iesen. police service 50 00 SCO A {Schneider, ac J Nlesen labor ' 2 10 ffO J lleimer, do P Thelen do 8 00 th " do N Weber, gravel. 1 35 S72 Gilbert Bros., oil 2 65 #f3 C E Cobb, labor j. ...... 7 98 •N Piaindealer Co., pub or- dluances ...... .-. 12 80 475 II Ziuiiiierinann, grar'l'g 124 00 470 E Simon, iat>or 4 20 477 J Walsh, police service.. 50 00 478 W' II Strawser, gasoline.. 14 40 07K-F J llerbes, labor 1 55 480 National Meter Oo., met er bases. . . 481 J Heimer, ac J Nlesen, labor .. 4K J I Story, aiding poor.... '4B3 E S Wheeler, gravel... 4fe4 J C Conway, cleaning well flg5 J Walsh, police services. 480 M Nles»n, do 467 T Halpin. labor 468 llanly Bros., streets and ulley 4$0 M Engeln & Son oil & c.. 480 H /.Immermaun, streets • & alleys . 6M L Newman, contingent.. 482 \\ ilbur Lunit>er Oo., streets and alleys... . 443 G Meyers, graveling..... 094 Gilbert Bros., indue >"485 J Heimer, ac J Nelsba, labor . ...... 496 1) P Woodburn, oil Ac... 497 A Schneider, do • 888 Osmun Bros., do 889 W C Evanson, do WO J Stolfel. contingent..... 81 F J Herbes, supplies... . i J Stott'el, ac F Tnurlwell ' ' ' a c l a b o r . . . . . . . . f83 N J Justen. glass 984 Valvollne Oil Co., gaso- X ; 1 ine 185 A Engeln, storing hose cart , . .. F L McOmber, hardware .707 N Weber, gravel tttt- J Walsh, police service.. TOil II Zinuneriiiarin, grvlng HO M Nlesen. police service f|l D P Woodburn. oil 112 A Engeln, ac G Bishop, labor. 513 F J Herbes. labor 113 Valvollne Oil Co., gaso line 84 J W Freund, oil &c...... 5 Wilbur Lumber Co.. sew er pipe .. ....... 716 Gilbert Bros., oil... ...... 117 Block & Betlike, do Jl8 G VV Bi'sley. do W9 E S Wheeler, gravel.... 130 G H llanly, do 711 N H I'etesch, dlslnfect's 922 Piaindealer Co., publish ing ordinance... ....^ W Davis, gravel-- li M Enjtel" &. Son, oil A C VV Davis, gravel ....*. i OhiTU Oa,aiessaaW^ 1 50 6 48 3 05 27 00 112 50 50 00 50 00 4 0C 29 50 5 08 186 00 3 40 163 60 3'50 1 85 1 50 2 45 1 35 6 30 3 72 98 55 963 1 30 10 80 5 00 7 34 3 1*. 50 ori 138 00 50 00 1 60 1 75 300 Pin^Mtv6 contains the antiseptic prop erties of the native pine and is a sure cure for sunburn, tan, tetter, eczema and all other skin diseases. Heals a sore, cut or burn without a scar. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, W. Besley, West McHenry.' ;• 1 Very Low Kates to Denver, Colo., Via the North-Western Line for tickets to be sold June 30 to July 4 inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of International Epworth League Con vention. Apply to agents Chioago & North-Western R'y. July 4. The most pleasant and positive onre for indigestion, heartburn and ail stom ach troubles is Ring's Dyspepsia Tab lets. They aid digestion, tone and strengthen the stomach. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Very Low Bates to Niagara Falls, N. V., Via the North-Western line, Excursion tickets will be sold on June 17,18 and Id, with favorable return limits, on account of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. • June 19 Tooth brushes that will not fill your mouth with loose bristles are the kind we sell. They are the guaranteed kind and are 25 cents--Petesch's. TTiedford's Black-Draught comes nearer regulating the entire system and keeping theoody in health than any other medicine made. It is always ready in any emergency to treat ailments that are frequent in any family, such as indigestion, biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, ana stomach acnes. Thedford's Black-Draught ii the standard, -never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a cure for the domes* tic ills which ao frequently summon the doctor. It is as good for children as it is for grown persons. Adoaeof this medicine every day will soon cure the most obstinate case of dy»- ia or constipation, and when as directed brings quick relief. DJUTCLLS, IJX ̂Dee. tt, UN. Ttedford's BUck-Drmbt has beeatmr family dootor for five years and we want no other. wiM ur ot u» lo«l baAir ** take a dose and are all rlght ln twelve boon. We have spent lots of money for aluii« just as well IRA H. HA-DMH. Ask your dealer for a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and If he does not keep It send 26c. to The Chatta nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tens, sad a pariksaa wfrf be mailed to you. doctor Mils, but get with Blaok-braught. 34 65 40 00 FANCY GROCERS Fm? : •mm ( ' f K I - ' ^ Celebrated FLOUR Guaranteed BEST M IN TOWN! _ i M * (M Bros. COMPANY. m ^4 ?:& WM m • q - ,VVi, V . *' •m WAITiNOl Yes, wa are waiting oo a good many customers daily. Boy of us once and yon will always make our shop your trading place. Why? Because we are here to serve you with nothing but the best. Isn't that sufficient? Al ways keep on hand a fine and fresh line of home bakery goods. Give us your order by 'phone. Call 483 and the aoodfl still be promptly delivered. . John Adams (SL Sons. West McHenry, 111. OSrr&ANDEH BUIUJWKJ, I' SI- PHOTO STUDIO. PaftrklU. All shapf.- an<i siaes. !<e* era! proofs to select from. Each dee- en ttnislied lu ilifferent styles. Price, 42.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buicings; cattle, machinery, etc. Enlargements. Copied from aai small picture. Likeness guarantees lu every instance. Finishetl in t&lack and wliite t»r colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sixes aiade up tor any sl*e picture, cerUtcate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Staadplpe. WEST McHENRY, IU. TslHhMM, 4»S • - . ̂ s ~ ¥4