Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1905, p. 5

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WHEN YOU GET READY TO Don't forget that we handle a very com­ plete line of Lumber of every descriptions and everything a^essa^ gwith which to Build ' \ ; *v A MODERN HOUSE We always strive to please our customers" ; and are ever ready and anxious to fulfill their wants. So bear ip mind that w^ ?;; f; ' are the Building Supply Headquarter^' ||i§ Our Feed Department is always completes/ T; WILBUR LUMBER CO., WEST McHERNY, ILLINOIS. MAPLE CITY 5̂ SS5 ^ Health authorities say it's necessary to boil clothes to preserve purity. None better than ours when you boil your clothes. rutin Ugktaini M WKKS! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more than $500. Call and get iuii particulars. Central BUcksmitfeii* Prkes ilwiys Reisontfle Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duple* Grinding Mills, Sock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages,Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, . / . Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. i Every Tongue." Crystal drops from golden grain; pure and mellow, rich grant; the ideal stimulant for universal use. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. . I Mi *** 91) 1M *** ************ Mi » m m m I * * m m m m tea- j * m $ »: P H I L I P J A E G E R | GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT P SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP yfi • | : Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, ; • Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs ^ §' Thitf is ther oldest house on the street Tags ant price li#ts furnished on K application. :* Stall • & 3, Fulton St. & Wholesale Market. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. I ssaJ i Our Prices! I Oan Oora, 10c value, per can --........ . . ... «u»v* * • • • • ....8c Can Corn, 18c value, per can. ...IOC Best Salmon, per can »•...! ...18c Fancy Red Salmon, per can ...15c 3 cans Peas ...age Matches in metal box, per bolr .;»... *; «•.... wV. . » « IC Fancy Java and Mocha Coffee, 3 pounds for. J> fc' - "•'i;:.;'/*,/ .fl.OO a^Ut- West n? . " - iki. ! _ ^ i^flcHenry, John Stoffel. HPS Is Your If so you ought to appreciate anything that will help you save )L <• The best way to save time b to hat* a | Time Chicago Telephone Money Oast hat Stf a 4ajr CHIGMO TELEPHONE OOBNI# NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •OXA. Henry Golding was in town Thursday. Jack fioney of Waaconda was in town Tuesday. Bay Dudley of Port Hill was in town Thursday Walter Moore was a Waaconda caller Thursday. Asa Joyce of Ivanhoe was in town Saturday. Chris Hapke of MoHenry was in town Saturday. Ray Paddock threshed out a fine field of rye Tuesday. G. H. Gurler of DeKalb spent Friday with John Gift. John D. Gift transacted business in McHenry Saturday. Delmar Townsend of Bound Lake was a recent Volo caller. Edgar Parker transacted business in McHenry Wednesday. Rev. Cross of Waaconda wis a pleas­ ant caller in town Tuesday. Philip Maiman and family of Waukt- gan were in town Tuesday. Joe Uns«*orth of Chicago is visiting his sister, Mrs, Fred Dunnni. , C- T. Eldredge of McHenry 'was a business callerjhere Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bichardaon spent Sunday with friends at Palatine. Ella Moore left Tuesday for an ex­ tended visit in Elgin and Gilberts. George Rosing entertained several boarders from the city over Sunday. James Murray and Dr. Spnrling of McHenry were Volo callers Tuesday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Helen, were Grayslake callers Saturday. Messrs. Frank Dowell and Tom Young of Fremont spent Sunday in Volo. C. Gk Huson disposed of two town lots this week. Who says Volo isn't booming? Mrs. Fred Dunnill has returned home from a visit with relatives in White­ side county. Miss Nettie Russell spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Sarah Fox at Bound Lake. Besley's delivery wagon left a con­ signment of ale and port at the Volo buffet Tuesday. Misses Maude Walton, Hellen Ray' mond and Agnes Dunnill were MoHen­ ry callers Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Dove and family of Waa­ conda and Miss Mary Dove of Wauke- gan called on friends in Volo Tuesday evening. Forced to Starve* B. F. Leek of Concord, Ky., says: "For 80 years I suffered agonies with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, some­ times, that 1 could not eat. After vain­ ly trying everything else I cured it with- Backlen's Arnioa Salve." It's great for burns, cuts and wounds. At N. H. Petcsch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West Mc­ Henry, drug store; only 25c. GREENWOOD, Mrs. M. W. Ward drove to Ridgefield last Thursday. We understand that Rob Cruikshank has secured a position in Chicago. Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of Solon spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Mame Mansfield is entertaining her friend, Miss Olson, of Elgin this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Guerin attended the funeral of Mr. Palmer at Hebron Thursday. Mrs. W. E, Whiting of MoHenry spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Guerin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thayer entertain­ ed the choir at their home last Friday evening. A good time is reported. The M. E. Ladies' Aid society meets with Mrs. Nellie Smith Thursday after­ noon. Ladies come prepared to sew. The original is always the best--imi­ tations are cheap. Bee's Laxative Hon­ ey and Tar is the original Laxative Cdngh Syrup. It is different from all others--it is better than all others be­ cause it cures all coughs and colds and leaves the system stronger than before. The letter B in red is on every package. Sold by N. H. Pestesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHeny. HOLCOMHV1LLK. Miss Anna Powers was a Nunda call­ er Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hunt were Nnnda callers Saturday. Mrs. Henry McMillan and daughter and Miss Lizzie Moses were Spring Grove visitors part of last week. Mrs. W. Moses and daughter, Miss Lizzie, and grandson, William Keller, of Chicago spent the past week at B. F. Peck's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and children, Mrs. Moses and daughter and grandson, Mrs.B. F. Peck and Miss Iva Hoffman were Woodstock visitors Sun­ day. Where are you sick? Headache, foul- tongue, no appetite, lack energy, pain in your stomach, constipation. Hollis- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well 86 cents. G. W. Besley. Very Low Kates to Ptttabnrffh, Pa, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion ticketB will be sold August 12 and 18, with favorable return limits, on account Knights of Pythias (Colored) Encamp­ ment. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y.. Aug. 19. Not a cent wanted, unless yon are cured. If you are sick and ailing, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. A great blessing to the human family. Makes you well--keepe you well. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. Very Low Bates to Illinois Piremra'i As­ sociation at Peoria, 111,, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold August 7, 6 9, limited to return until August 11, in- 3 OHM SBCBCtH. Mrs. John King was a Ringwood call er Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brefeld visited here Sunday. Miss Anna Pitsen of McHenry visited here Sunday^ John Debracht transacted business in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. FredHuemann drove through here Sunday. , Mrs. Nick Freund and MM of CMca go visited here Friday. Miss Rosa Justen of 8pring Grove was a recent caller here. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thelen of Round Lake were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bankes of Pistakee Bay were callers here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Moody and children drove through here Sunday. Mim Marguerite M. Adams left tor Chicago Wednesday morning. Delicious ioe cream at C. M. Adams' on Saturday evenin&s and Sundays. Jos. J. Mertes and sou, Leonard, were Fox Lake visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Klein. Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes sad chil dren visited at Joe. J. Mertes' Sunday. Misses Dora, Lena and Clara Stoffel were in town Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Beeler and daughters of Chicago spent Tuesday with Mrs. John Schaef- er. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and dill dren of 8pringfield are visiting here for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dugner of Chi­ cago visited Mr. and lbs. John Klein Sunday. Mrs. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove visited relatives here a few days last week. Peter Rothermel and daughter, Dora, are visiting Iowa friends and relatives for a time. Mrs. Susan Freund is vfidting her daughter, Mrs Math Freund, for a few days this week. Miss Kate Beckmann of Wankegan spent a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. Hettermann. Masters Hubert and Alexander Freund of Chicago visited at Jac. Hue­ mann's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zimmer returned to Chicago Sunday after a few weeks' visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitsen and chil dren of Volo visited at Wm. Oef&ing'a Sunday. Mrs. Kehr returned with them to Volo. Miss Lena Smith left Tuesday for Spring Grove where she boarded the train for Adams, Minn., where aha in* tends to visit for a few-months, Mrs. C. M. Adams last Wednesday entertained Miss Barbara Hemmick of Chicago and the former's sisters, Miss Rosa Huemann and Mrs. Jos. Diedrich of McHenry. The Plaindealer has a very nice line of 1906 calendar samples. Before plac­ ing your order we want every business man in McHenry and the surrounding country to see our line and get our prices. The recognised fact that an American woman cannot resist a title is the basis for Anne O'Hagan's entertaining tale called "Lady Alice at lie de Ete," in the August num ber of Lippinoott's luag- azine. This is placed on an island off the coast of Maine and deals with a jewel robbery. his BIMOWOOD. Thos. Walkington is house to a new coat of paint. Misses Katie and Mae Keefe visited relatives at Hartland last week. John Pint and family are entertain* ing relatives from Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson are entertaining relatives from Woodstock this week. Geo. Woods of Sioux Falls. & D.. ar­ rived here the last of the week for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. E. Cristy and sons, Jay and Kenneth, daughter, Mae, and lady friend left for their home in Waupaca, Wis,, last Wednesday, after spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. I. Harsh. For young and old the best pill sold is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills. Never gripe, never fail to cleanse the system and tone the liver. Sold by N. H. Pet- esch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Vary Low Bates to Detroit, Mlafc. Via the North-Western line, for tickets to be sold August 18 and 14, with favor* able return limits, on account of Imper­ ial Palace Dramatic Order Knights of Khorasson. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 8*14 The most wonderful cure for piles is ManZatt, put up in collapsable tubes with nossel attached. It reaches the spot, stops pain instantly, and cores all kinds of blind, bleeding, itching or pro­ truding piles. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Ftavel K. Granger, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed ad­ ministratrix of the estate of Flavel K Grang­ er, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before" the County Court of Hcllenry County at the Court House la Wood­ stock, at the September term, on the flrst Monday In September next, at which time all perttons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of havinjg the same adjusted. All per­ sons indebtedto said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 24th day of July, A. D., IMS. 5-Jt FBANK E. GRANGER, Executrix. Kntertaiaa Babies. Mrs. G. W. Besley entertained nine babies, accompanied by their mothers, at her home Tuesday afternoon. Deli­ cious refreshments were served, s|ter which a collection was taken up for the Lincoln Park Fresh Air Fund of Chica­ go. A good time was enjoyed by all. The Eleventh Annual Camp meeting of the Rockford district will take place at Epworth Grove, I1L, August 10 to Mb Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of suck poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is^of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain. Costs no more than 4 'cheap" Gus. Carlson. - Harness. PROBA TE NEWS REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Albert L. Howe & w to Andrew L ls- 43, Orchard Beach . . . . . . . ® 6 5 0 0 0 Same to same, It 42. Orchard Beach 850 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Earl H. Beck, 85 .Lawerence Minnie Dowey, 19..... ... .Big Foot Alolph Eichoff, 28.... ..; ;......Dundee Minnie Raddats, 32... .Coral Towmfesp Wm. F. Henkel, 86................ .Chicago Serine Hange, 34 u........Hebron Albert Elroy Henry, 22 .Msrengo Milicent Frances Stoddard, 18.... .Coral EMKRALD PARK. J. & Beaney is at the Park this week. Miss Ada Kane is visiting the Misses Knox. W. K. Barns spent Snnday with his family. Miss Lola Ay 1 ward spent Sunday with her sister. Willie Heaney spent Sunday with Walter Heaney. Albert Welch of Wankegan spent Sunday at E. Knox's. Geo. Peterson visited a few days with L. Walmsley this week. Misses Nellie Frisby and Elmer Walsh are visiting at P. Walsh's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Condor are guests at the Heaney cottage for a few days. J. J. Camphelle and Harry Warner of Chicago spent Sunday at E. J. Cohn's. Misses Ida Cornell and Hannah Ingdal visited Sunday with the Misses Sutton. Misses Mary Gibbs, Anna and Irene Frisby visited Miss Margaret Aylward Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Ed. Larkin and family of Elgin are visiting at R. J. Sutton's tills week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Larkin and children spent Wednesday at Ed. Knox's. Misses Lillie, Annie and Emily Cohn returned to Chicago Monday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cohn accompanied them. A number from here attended the dance at the Oakland hall at Wauconda Saturday night and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armstrong and family of River Forest arrived at the Park Wednesday. Mr. Armstrong and son, Lenox, traveled overland driving a of ponies. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Bxpeeted to Live from Oae Hour to Another,, hut Cored by Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and XNarrhoea Remsdy. Tow ash I p Nuadajr The McHenry Township Sunday School convention will be held in the Universalis* church, Ma£lear$« Sunday, July 80, 1905. PBOOBAM. Devotional Services...Emery L.Kimball Why the Sunday School?. 9:00 2:30 8:00 1:30 4:00 7:» .Mrs. U. E. H. Tattle Discussion Music Attention In Sunday School..... .... .Mrs. Dora Dal ley Discussion Music The Sunday School and the Church.. .Be*. A. Roberts Discussion Election of Officers PLATIOBII MBSTINO. „ Address Ret. D. M. Sinclair Irene McOmber is the guest of Oak Park relatives this week. Geo. Bohr of Chioago spent several days last week with his brother, Nick Bohr. Mrs. Louis AlthofE and children of Kenosha, Wis., are guests of relatives and friends in McHenry and vicinity. REPRESENTING M'HENRY* i Mta Should 8m that McHenry Is K«presented. McHenry has never been properly rep­ resented at a crunty fair at Woodstock and for what reason we are unable to explain. Now that the fair is arrowing larger and better as the years roll by, McHenry should be represented and it is up to our wide-awake business men to take hold of this matter at once as there is not much time between now and the fair to complete arangements to this effect. The MoHenry business men are as energetic as any in the county and they are able to put up a display to compete with any of them. Just stop and think what a great ad a display of this kind is for every business man. It's the great­ est ad obtainable. People from all over the county gather here and see your goods and have before them a living ad, to speak, and it cannot help but benefit you. All towns about the coun­ ty are going to be represented at the fair this year and McHenry should not show itself to be a back number by staying away. Let's get together and be represented as we never were before. Bay It Mow. Now is the time to buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it badly--you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. For sale by ail druggists. An English diplomat at Bombay, a singer and her song, make material for an excellent short story in the August Lippinoott's magazine, by Prince Vlad­ imir Vaniatsky, under the rather strong title, "The Madness of Sari." I am in the market for wool and will pay the highest market prices always. If you have wool to dispose of it will pay you to cousult me. C. S. Howard. a '••• ; 44-tf Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giv­ ing it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. Lake Superior and Georgian Hay-. 1400 miles of steamer line practically circumnavigating these wonderful bodi es of water and special circuit tour tick­ ets via the Chicago & North-Western R'y are on sale at low rates. Through Pullman sleeping car lines from Chica­ go to various Lake Superior ports with out change. For copy of Lake Superior folder and full information address,.W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M., Chicago. Aug. 12. Asthma Sullterera Should Know This. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of asthma that were consid­ ered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Buesing, 701 West Third St, Davenport, Iowa, writes: "A severe cold contracted twelve years ago, was neglected until it finally grew into asthma. The best medical skill available could not give me more than temporary relief. Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended and one fifty-cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma which had been growing on me for twenty years. If I had taken it at the start I would have been saved years of suffering." G, W. Besley. Low Round Trip Ratea Dally to Portland via The North-Western Line. Account Lewis and Clark Exposition, via direct routes or at slight advance via San Francisco and Los Angeles. Send 2 oent stamp for illustrated folder and full information as to extensive choice of routes going and returning, with low rate side trip to Yellowstone National Park and Alaska. J«Jy81. Read The Plaindealer. •• .X.?.. • -if ' "W' 1 i V- FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Cures Kidney and Bind- der Dlseasee In Every Form--Many People Have Kidney Trouble and Do Mot Know It. HOW TO FIND OUT. It Is the function of the kidneys to filter and purify the blood which is constantly passing through them. When the kidneys are out of order the other organs are affected immediately and you may have symptons of heart trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and other ailments, which are all owing to the kidneys being weak and out of order. If you are sick Foley's Kidney Cure will strengthen and build up the worn out tissues of the kidneys so they will act properly and the symptons of weakness, heart, stomach and liver trouble will disappear and you will be restored to perfect health. Hew to Tell II You Hsvs Kldssy Trssbls. You can easily determine if your kid­ neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sed­ iment or smalt particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased and Foley's KMney Cure should be taken at once. Foley's Kidney Cure is pleasant to take and acts directly upon the parts affected and you begin to feel bettor at once. It corrects slight disorders in a few days Mid it has cured many obstinate cases after other treatment had failed. Doctors Said H» Would Not Llvs. Peter Frey, of Woodruff, Pa., writes: "After doctoring for two years with the best physicians in Waynesburg, and still Fitting worse, the doctors advised me if had any business to attend to I had bet­ ter attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live another month, as there was no cure for me. Fole>'s Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I be­ gan to get better and continued to inn prove until I was entirely well." •we Maes* Me aad St .00. MLB AID ftECOtf MEIDEB BY . Q. W- BESLEY. W. MfiBKNRV. < Brothers r v FANCY GROCERS />. lis We offer for the below Combination of for $100! 251b best H. & E. Gran. Sugar 3 packages best Corn Starch.... Gallon Pail fan­ cy Table Syrup 2 pounds Fancy Seeded Raisins. 3 pack'gs Gold­ en Breakfast ... 35c 25c 25c 25c AU FOR...$2.00 Every Article GiuriM dert Bros. COMPANY. 9«M OUR GOODS OUR PRKES! We wish to call the attention of the meat buying pnplic to the fact that our goods and onr prices are what we base ouv success upon. We handle a complete line of meats of every description at all times and are only too glad to fill your orders with the kind of goods that look so tempting when served, at your dinner table. We also carry in stock a fine line of canned goods. fresh Bakery Every toy! If there is Anything you may need in the bakery line we can also fur­ nish you, as we always carry a fresh line. Call us up by 'phone and yonr orders will be promptly ana yc filled. J. ADAMS * SONS, . . : W e s t ricHenry, III. Telaphcm 4ftS. i PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. A11 shapes anrt siies. Sev­ eral proofs to seiwt from. Each doe- en finished in different styles. Price. I&OO and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, siu-h as trmup pictures, views of buildings, oat tie, miu-hinery, etc. Ertltvri«m«r\ts. Copied from so»* small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of sty its la stock to select from. Odd sites made ip (Or any size picture, certiticato, etc. Waukegan £t.. near the Staudpfpe. WIST McHENRY, 1UL T*lt»hww. 49S ^ < u jott waafc dr*** Patntnh^

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