Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1905, p. 3

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..M «®kT •#;;" '^V '.i-fr <\i ,.>, /* - • „ &?gss&?s « - 4 > * - \ fcl,' t,.' 0" THC TEST COUGH CURE When offered something else instead of stop and consider: "Am I sure to get sossething as good as this best cough cure ? If not sure, what good reason is there for for taking chances in a matter that may have a direct bearing on my owQ or my family's health?" Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. W. L. DOUGLAS *3= & *3= SHOES SEII W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any prlcf. «.UMU6Us SHOES ALL PRICES £. - k'-x K?s3E«f Established July 6,1876. .BO SHOES r EM'S OTHER MANUFACTURER. •1 fl nnn RfWARD to anyone who cm $ I UjUUU disprove this itatsment. W. L. Douglas $3.50 ihocf have by their ex­ cellent atyle, easy fitting, and su perior wearing qsalltles, achieved the largest sale of any $3.50 •hoe la the world. They are lust a* good as those that coat you $8.00 to $7.00--the only difference Is the price. If I could take-you into my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest in the world trader one roof making men's fine •hoes, and show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes Is made, you would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.80 shoes are the best •hoes produced In the world. If I could shew you the difference between the •hoes made In my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douglas $3.80 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greatar Intrinsic value than any other $3.$0 •hoe on the market to-day. W. L. Strom/ Afacfo Shottm fmm Mon. S2.BO, $2.00. Boym' School« Oramm Sh*tom,02.BO, 02, 01.7S,$1.BO CAUTION.--Insist upon having W.L.I>O\mj- las shoes. Take 110 substitute. Xonn genuine without his name and price stamped 011 bottom. WANTED. A shoe dealer in every town where W. L. Douglas Shoes are not sold. Full line of samples sent free for inspection upon request Fast Color Eyelets used; they mill not wear bratsg. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall St,vies. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mail. REAL ESTATE. for 160 acrcs of SHX) land will buy 1,600 acres 1n Mississippi. Money Is made buying undervalued land. "We grow almost anything you do, and many things you cannot We have a pleasant, healthful climate, lontc growing seasons, greater undeveloped resources. We sell on easy terms. Write for a '• Northern'Man's Opinion of Mississippi," J, M=&Carl Stingily. Pelahatehie,Miss. brick bul ld lnpr*. one 6ux90 feet and one 110x160; the last, two stories and basement. Buildings located In town of :?,o00popu!atlon. Liberal terms arranged. Win. 6. Venable, Farmville, Va, GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. A chance to secure beautiful lots at PACIFIC BEACH, the finest beach suburb lu California, forts per month - wit-bin t-be limits of the City of Ssn Diego, 30 minutes from business center; good soil, water, mountain, bay and ocean scenery, wonderful climate. Busiest and most charming suburb, growlnK rapidly. Increase In values f rom 100^ to fl(NK per year. Write far hooklet txwjtay Folsom Bros, Co., San Diego,Gal, DON'T GO WEST before you have looked up this section. We h«Te8,000acres 1n tracts of 40 to 840 seres of farm lands in the garden spot of Michigan, wonder- folly productive land, no ravines or waste, lays level, 1s heavy soli, suitable forgeneral farming. Products, wheat, oats, barley, corn, beets and clover. Fine buildings and all modern conveniences. Easy terms of payment arranged. Write for complete details to O. D. FORD & SON, Battle Creek. Mich. Boulder County, Colorado. Good lin- Srovements, ample water right, large natural spring; 29 acres; small town IK miles, large town S miles; (40 per sere. Liberal terms arranged. Write H. 8. Kittle Co., Booldsr, Colo. Agents wanted everywhere. J. C. THOMPSON, the Farmer Land Mas, Rose­ wood Farm, Tecumseh. Kansas, Rock Island-Frisco System Immigration Agent, makes a specialty of Kansas and Missouri lands. 1.<khuh)Q acres Western Kansas land from *8 per acre up; Eastern Kansas and IfIssourt farms and ranches 125 per acre up. Five, seven snd ten years time on deferred payments. State size of farm wanted and amount you can pay down. Cut this out It will not appear again. SOO ACRES, 140 in cultivation, 60 acres good tim­ ber, fine new residence, 2 good tenement houses, good bams and wells, line land; a beautiful, healthy location, M mile to school bouse, 'Jl<. miles to Gaines­ ville. J. W. Williams, K. IMS No.l, Marmaduke, Ark. FOR 8AL.E--2 farms in the best part of Kingfisher County, 100 acres la each, 8-acre orchard, apples, *• irrles, b, school and pi . ay 1 (be agent's fee. Address JO* TOST, Alton*, Okla. cbei to share! riehes and grapes. Good water, miles school and postoffice. Price S4.000 and MJMt. Write for terms. Buy from the owner and save INDIANA BLACK SOIL IS BEST 190-scre farm of dark sand and clay, W miles from Walkerton, St. Joseph County, Indiana, hss tt-room house, fair barn and fences. Appraised at *3,800 to settle estate. Also 44) acres 1% miles from Soath Bend, high ground, especially adapted for fruit, at (150 per acre. Liberal terms. R. E. DUNBAR, - South Bend, Indiana. CENTRAL KANSAS FARMS, ^"2 aad frnit does well, and schools, churches and mutual telephones everywhere. 160 acres, new 7-room house aad large barn, *7,800; 160 acres, well improved, •7,500! 830 acres, well Improved, *18,000 ; 860 acres, good bouse and barn, some alfalfa, 13 acres good bearing orchard, 113.000. Terms, half cash, balance at OA M. Also other bargains. N. P.J. 80NDER< IRD, Ramona, Marion County, Kansas. Virginia Farms For Sale Four hundred farms for s»!e f rom 20 to 1,500 acres. Pr ices f rom S6 t o $25 p e r acre . You w i l l find t h e people the most hospitable in the country. All prop- arty shown free. Special rates ou the Norfolk & Western. Write for our catalogue of desirable farms. PERCIVALL. BROS., Land Brokers, Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Beautiful Orange and Lemon Ranch for Sale--40 seres, situated in the foot hills of San Diego, County, California. This place Is planted with 1,000 lemon trees, 600 late Valencia oruntces and 400 Wash­ ington uavals, also a variety of fruits for family use. It also has a pumping plant which furnishes an abandance of water. Price lis,000. Cash payment, MjBOO, balance easy terms. For particulars address C. E. LOCKE, San Francisco, California. BUY A FARM IN Southwest Missouri or Oklahoma. I have several tracts of choice farm, f ru i t and min­ eral lands for sale at prices ranging from *lo to MO per sere. Stop renting. Own your own home. A SNAP--S80 acres, fine 8-room house, large barn, Eiaartes, 40 acres fenced hog t ight, good orchard, e spring and Rood wells. 140 acres of flm-class bottom land, plenty of timber. 2'-i miles from rail­ road town ana market. Price *15 per acre. Write for lists. Chaa. W. Edwards, Neosho, Mo. OWN A HOME IN THE SOUTH. SKS: celled, climate ideal, land cheap and easy terms. IatanaatloB tree. J. T. Phillips, Kanoh--tcr, Tens. It Bests AIL "Don't want it," said the man to the -agent for a ponderous certificate setting forth the purchaser's identity. "I've carried for years something that beats that all hollow." He drew from his pocket & round aluminum case carrying on its face and back the symbols of one of the best known of the fraternal orders. Slipping it open, he displayed a brown card, upon which appeared Ms signature across the face of a receipt for the current year's dues, and re­ versing the trinket displayed within the other half a photograph of him­ self. "That's an identification that beats anything I ever saw," he said, "and it doesn't take up as much room as a silver dollar. It shows my signature, vouched for by the body to which I belong, and gives my likeness as well. Better than that, most of the men I aproach are members of at least one branch of the order, .and are able to prove me to their satisfaction. | "There was a time I used to flash a bundle of letters, but I have found this much more satisfactory. On the strength of that I have had checks cashed all the way from here to San Francisco. Cured .sHer Rheumatism, peep Valley, Pfu, Oct. 2d.--(Spe­ cial.)--There is deep interest in Green county over the cure of the little daughter of I. N. Whipkey of Rheuma­ tism. She was a great sufferer for five or six years and nothing seemed to do her any good till she tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. She began to improve almost at once and now she is cured and can run and play as other children do. Mr. Whipkey says: "I $m indeed thankful for what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for my daughter; they saved her froin being a cripple perhaps for life." Dodd's Kidney Pills have proved that Rheumatism is one of the results of diseased Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid in the blood. If the Kidneys are right there can be no Uric Acid in the blood and conse­ quently no Rheumatism. Dodd's Kid­ ney Pills make the Kidneys right Wise Persian Philosopher. In connection with the recent con­ test for supremacy in India between Curzon and Kitchener an English writer recalls this saying of the fa­ mous Shiek Saadi, the Persian philos­ opher and poet: "Ten dervishes can dwell In peace on one rug, but two princes cannot live in one empire." Here is Relief for Women. fr Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, dis­ covered a pleasant lierb remedy for women's ills, caUed AUSTliALIAN-LE AF. It is the only certain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by mail 50 cts. Sa mple mailed FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. • Spaniards for Cuba. Nearly 10,000 Spanish Immigrants entered Cuba during the first three mouths of the present year. The Cuban consuls in Spain are instructed to act as immigration agents an<f to set forth the opportunities for independence and wealth in the island republic. Defiance Starch elraita fc# In every household, none so pood, besides 4 oz. more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch. What makes the Japanese so stoical under this life's misfortunes is the knowledge that one of these days they, too, will be illustrious ancestors. LOSS OF APPETITE Cold Sweats, Twitching Nerves Mi Weakness Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Nature punishes every infraction of her laws, and careless habits easily lead to the condition described by Mr. Wil­ liam Browne, of No. 1019 Liucolu street, St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Browne is aii ex­ pert tiuner in the employ of the National Biscuit Co. He gives the foilowiug ac­ count of a trying experience: "In the spring of 1902," he says, "while I was regularly working at my trade, I grew pomewhat careless in my habits of eating and driuking, and finally found that my appetite was fickle, a bad taste lingered in my mouth, my nerves, twitched and were beyond my control, my kidneys were out of order and cold sweats would break out over my body at odd times. Perhaps, while I stood talk­ ing with some one, this trembling of the limbs, and profuse sweating, and a severe chill would Beize me. I became alarmed at my condition and, having read an endorsement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I got a box and began to use them. They helped me at once. After I had used one box the twitching of the nerves, the trouble with the stomach and the cold sweats stopped and have not reappeared, and my appetite is good. I have told all my friends that Dr. Wil­ liams' Pink Pills cured me and I recom­ mend them to everybody." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured Mr. Browne because nothing can strengthen the nerves except good rich, red blood-- and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood. They don't act on the bowels. They don't bother with mere symptoms. They drive from the blood the cause of anaemia, indigestion, ner­ vous disorders, general weakness and the troubles of growing girls and women. The pills are guaranteed to be free from opiates or harmful drugs. Sold by all druggists, or by th<i Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. A Chicago surgeon thinks he will soon be able to give men new hearts. No doubt that some men need them. A KALAMAZOO DIRECT TO YOU. Dont boy a nag* or sfcvrs of any kind nntll yon fret onr catalogue and Lawait Pastsry srtiea. WeposltlTelysaTeyoa from 15.00 to 140.00 on every purchase; because,oy selilaa: yon direct from our factorr, we cut out ail Jobbers,' middle­ men's and dMltrr profits. We roarantae qualitj under n *Mi.- 006 bank bond and fIts 70a a see MVS APPROVAL TEST. If yoa do sat Had yoor purchase exactly as represented, return It a* oar expense. Remember, we are actual manufacturers-- not audi order dealers--and (Its too the lowest factory prices. Wm Pay Ttie FralgM. We doubtless saa refer r«iV> satisfied customers in your own town, a sad P--tal may lee Oleleg-- We. a SO, 11 4Mib« ssr «w*e! and raages, and our awwejr-saving, dlreefefroiB-the-Zaetei7 plan. KALAMAZOO STOVS OOMPAMY, aumiMCTUSKKS. KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. nsliia Willi, afcl*k--HsfcaMn«nSftHn«ny. OTXH THJtRMOlIITl* TfcsapsoD's Eye Water PISO S CURE FOR „ catcs wMcti au else r*p. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. u» In time. Sold by GLOBE ACCTTS WANTED Rapid *r aufacture with t%h carboa wire make GLOBE FENCE a faet seller. G'O&E F*)CE CO- AM* <%., 4CM0S, OICOlUC - •r 1 mmm he Round-Headed Apple Tree Borer. The scientific name of this Insect is Saperda Canida. The first mention we have of it was by Thomas Say in 1824. It is altogether probable, how­ ever, that it was common in the apple orchards in America from the first advent of Europeans that planted fruit trees. So far as is known, it is a native of America. Without doubt its chief stronghold was the wild crab- apple trees, which are everywhere abundant in this country, and it is possible, also, that it attacked and lived on other members of the Rosa- ceae family. The borer itself, that" is, the slug, is about one inch in length and is a yellowish white. St has no feet. The head is small and brown in color and the jaws are black. The round-headed borer is one of the most destructive of the borers. Trees are very seriously injured by it, and frequently many are killed outright, some trees attacked by the round- headed borer will blossom In the spring, hut fail to put forth leaves, their supply of sap having been ex­ hausted through the holes made by the borers. Here and there trees are found entirely girdled by the borers., In such a case the tree is doomed. There is' no question that any tree where even one borer resides is great­ ly injured by this unwelcome guest. But when a dozen are found in a single tree, it may well be concluded that its usefulness is past The chief thing is to exclude the borer from the trees. Wherever there has been trouble from them the trees, should be wrapped with some kind of material that will entirely exclude the borers. Some orchardists use wrapping paper, some manila paper, some tar paper or fine wire screen. This, If properly applied, will prevent the borers from attacking the tree. The efficacy of these wrapping materials depends en­ tirely upon the skill and care with which they are put on. It is of no use to try to do a poor job in applying these protectors, for in that case la­ bor and expense are thrown away. The eggs are not deposited above two feet and a half from the ground. Therefore, if the wrapping material covers the tree for the lower two feet of the trunk. It will be effective, pro­ vided it passes slightly under the soil at the bottom. Perhaps tarred paper or fine wire netting is the best, as this will not only exclude the bor­ ers, but will also prevent the ravages of mice, rabbits, and other small gnawing animals^ The material used in fastening these wrappers should be such as will break upon the grow­ ing of the tree. The use of strong wire, therefore, is excluded, as this would cut into the tree and have the effect of girdling it. It is well to examine the trees during the late summer and early fall months for eggs and young grubs, which can<%he readily detected and destroyed with a knife. A DESPAIRING WOMAN. Color of Clover Seed. Those who have examined clover seed must have noticed that there are three general kinds into which the colors may be divided. There is the yellow seed, the variegated seed and the brown seed. The brown seeds are now known to be of low germinative capacity, and their peculiar color- is given by the prolonged action of rain «n the seeds. This has been estab­ lished by taking yellow seeds and variegated seeds and wetting and dry­ ing them for a considerable time. Some agriculturists tested the germ­ inative power oi average lots of clover seed imported from Russia and also some purchased in the United States In the Russian seed the germinations were: variegated seed, 87 per cent; .yellow seed, 85.6 per cent; brown seed, 18.8 per cent. In the American seed, the germinations were: varie­ gated, 94.7 per cent; yellow, 94.2 per cent; brown, 13 per cent It will thus be seen that the value of the brown seed was very slight Experiments in the actual use of this seed seemed to show that the yellbw seed pro­ duces a slightly larger yield of hay. The seeds in the Russian clover were carefully separated and the propor­ tions of each color were found to be as follows: variegated, 35.89 per cent; yellow, 18.77 per cent; brown. 15.91 per cent; intermediate, 26.84 per cent; weed seed, 1.35 per cent; dirt, 1.25 per cent In the American seed the corresponding figures were: varie­ gated, 32.9 per cent; yellow, 20.3 per cent; brown, 19.07 per cent; inter­ mediate, 20.47 per cent; weed seed, 3.98 per cent; dirt, 3.98 per cent. It will thus be seen that in both kinds the per cent of fairly good germinable seed was only a little above 52 per cent. Weak, Nervous and Wretched ftom Wasting Kidney Troubles. Mrs. Henry A. Reamer, Main and Garst sts.. South Bend, Ind,, says: "When I began using Doan's Kidney Pills I was so weak I could hardly.drag jnyself across the room. I was w r e t c h e d a n d nervous, and ha<f backache, b e a r- i n g - d o w n p a i n , headache, dizzi­ ness and weak eyes. Dropsy set In and bloating of the chest choked me and threatened the heart. I had little hope, but to my untold surprise, Doan's Kidney Pills brought me relief and saved my life. I shall never for­ get it." Sold by dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A Kissing Party. One doesn't kiss at a kissing party. Ton just describe kisses, according to your experience and imagination. You write ten adjectives descriptive of a kiss as it seems to you. You also write a 100-word essay about the de­ lirious practice and you still further exhaust your Imagination--or relieve your pent-up feelings, as the case may be--by writing a little verselet on kissing. The scientists say that kissing is dangerous. But nobody can claim there is any danger from microbes In merely dwelling on the custom in this light, airy and wholly impersonal way. Besides, it's lots of fun, when all the osculatory efforts are read aloud to a mutually •appreciative company and prizes are given for the most realis­ tic effusions. tXBY ONE SOLID SORE. Could Not Shut Eyes to Sleep--Spent $100 on Doctors--Baby Grew Worse--Cured by Cuticura . for $5. "A seal* f&rmed on my baby*& face, spreading until it completely covered her from head to foot, followed by bolls, having forty on her head at one time, and more on her body. Then her skin started to dry up and it be­ came so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep. One month's treatment with Cuticura Soap and Ointment made a complete cure. Doctors and medicines had cost over .1100, with baby growing worse. Then we spent less than $5 for Cuticura and cured her. (Signed) Mrs. G. H. Tucker, Jr., 335 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis." Edison Victim of Poetic Justice. Thomas A. Edison came over to New York from his quiet New Jersey home to see some mac hi aery in which he was Interested. As soon as pos­ sible he hurried back again. "I want to get back to the quietude of by own workshop," he remarked on leaving. "I can't stand New York. You are too glaring and noisy over here, one of the chief reasons being that you are using so many of my contrivan­ ce#.^ Raising or Buying Small Fruit. We have always urged farmers to raise enough small fruit for their fam- ily use. The proportion of farmers that raise enough fruit for their fam­ ilies is increasing from year to year, but yet there are many farmers that do not raise any kind of small fruit. Their stock argument is that It is cheaper to buy the fruit than to raise it That may be so in some cases, but even if it were so in all cases, the fact remains that most farmers do not buy fruit for their families; and If they do not raise it, their families do not get It Every man can afford to raise all the fruit his family can uss in a year, and If his fruit raising opera- tions are properly conducted, they will require but little time throughout the year.--Farmers' Review. Pruning to Secure Light. Some owners of orchards have dis­ covered that bitter-rot is less preva­ lent on trees open to the light of the sun. Experimenters have taken the hint and will henceforth prune to secure sunlight, as one means of controllin# the disease known as bitter-rot Early maturity is the most import­ ant point in breeding animals for mar­ ket and the chief thing to consider is to have stock that will make the most weight in the shortest time and on the least feed. Important ta Moflint; Sftmhte carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and eure remedy for infants snd children, end see that it Bears the Signature la Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Bare Always Bought Making an Audience Laugh. I am glad there is no. recipe for mak­ ing an audience laugh. We should thank heaven that it Is so. There are enough people trying it now, but think of the hordes that would des­ cend on thef unsuspecting public if some one were able to tell 'how* in a few comprehensible lines. Either one is born with the power to make others laugh or he is not; there is no learning how unless you have the gtft. Some one has said that to make au­ diences really laugh you must feel the laugh yourself--must he moved by the humor of the lines or of the situation. To my mind that is not so. Try saying the same line and making the same gesture at exactly the same place every night for six months and see just how much you are moved by the humor. It is easier, far easier, to be moved by a pathetic situation each night than it Is to feel like laugh­ ing. An American audience naturally likes the American type of humor-- where little is said and a great deal is left to the imagination. So, to my mind, it is best that the lines you speak shall be really humorous, in that they Buggest some exceedingly funny situation or thought But--and here Is the secret--before you speak them you must really understand them and know what line of thought causes them to be spoken. If you can do this you can communicate their humor.--David Warfleld In Soooms Magazine. Faithful Fellow. like a great many more people, Mr. Dogberry was feeling the disastrous result of slackness in trade, and it was plain that the staff would have to be cut down. He did not like parting with Tim Dooley, for the man had been with him for a great number of years; yet he was the one who could best be spared, and, indeed, for some time his situation had been little less than a sinecure. As gently as he could he broke the news to Tim, and the old man received it as one who could hardly believe that he heard aright. Then he recovered himself, and! in the manner'of the dear old servant of melodrama, who, when things are at their worst, comes to the rescue with1 the proceeds of years of faithful steal­ ing his master's wine and cigars, he burst out: "Mr. Dogberry, sure I worked for ye when ye had' work, and, begorra, it's meself that will work for ye now ye've none!"--London Answers. : Interesting, to Students. The schpols and colleges are now open for the fall term, and there will be many self-reliant young men and women who will be looking for a good way to earn their expenses. The Four- Track News, the great illustrated monthly magazine of travel and edu­ cation, appeals to intelligent readers, and students will find it easy to se­ cure subscriptions for it. The terms to persons soliciting subscriptions are extremely liberal, and offer, a very gen­ erous margin of profit It will pay any dne interested to write to the pub­ lisher, George H. Daniels, 7 East 42d street New York, for full particulars. Medicines Have Stood Test of Time. "The leading proprietary medicines that have stood the test of time are of known therapeutic value," says a medical authority. "They are prepar­ ed in laboratories of the highest grade, under the care of skilled phar­ macists, and they are made from ap­ proved formulas which, in many in­ stances, have been the especial pride and specific of some successful physi­ cian. They have been tried in the crucible of public opinion and they have been found satisfactory by the people, for otherwise the people would discontinue using them." Every housekeeper jnould know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.--one full pound--while all o^ier Cold Water Starches are put up in %-pound pack­ ages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then again because Defiance 8tarch is free from all injurious chem­ icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before be puts in Defiance. He knows, that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let­ ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De­ fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick­ ing. Defiance never sticks. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't ~ keep Defiance Starch. This is because the> have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 os in a package, which they won't be able to sell first, because Defiance contains If os. for the same money. Do you want 1C os. instead of IS os. for same money? Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. Duke of Argyll. The Duke of Argyll was sixty years of age recently. During the last twen­ ty-one years he has produced upward of a dozen books, including the opera of "Diarmir" In the great jubilee year. v ffOTICED IT. A Young Lady from New Jersey Put Her Wfts to Work. "Coffee gave me terrible spells of indigestion which, coming on every week or so, made my life wretched until some one told me that the coffee I drank was to blame. That seemed nonsense, but I noticed these attacks used to come on shortly after eating and were accompanied by such ex­ cruciating pains in the pit of the stomach that I could only find re­ lief by loosening my clothing and lying, down. "If circumstances made it Impos­ sible for me to lie down I spent hours In great misery. "I refused to really believe It was the coffee -until finally I thought a trial would at least do no harm, so I quit coffee in 1901 and began on Pos- tum. My troubles left entirely and convinced me of the cause. "Postum brought no discomfoit, nor did indigestion follow its use. I have had no return of the trouble since I began to drink Postum. It has built me np, restored my health and given me a new Interest in life. It cer­ tainly Is a joy to be well again." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Red the little book, "The f)oad WfUtfile.'VlB each pkg, Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Ease A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Swollen. Sore, Hot, Callous. Achinp, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Accept no su bstitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Swiss Nonagenarians. Of the 563 persons in Switzerland who on Dec. 1, 1900, had reached the age of ninety or more, only fifty-nine ar% now known to be aliye; twenty- one men, thirty-eight women. Why It Is- the Best is because made by an entirely differ­ ent process. Defiance Starch is un­ like any other, better and one-third more $or 10 cents. A Chicago woman could not tell the difference between a dollar bill and a ten-spot Most women act as though they were afflicted the same way. Lewis' "Single Binder" straight 5c cigar. Price to dealers $36.00 per M. They cost some more than other brands, but no more than a good 5c cigar should cost. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. "It Is a good thing," says a New York judge, "to let your wife be boss." "Let" Is certainly good. All Up-to-Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be­ cause it is better, and 4 oz. more of It (or same money. Woman holds her own when she cannot afford to keep a nursemaid. Piso's Cure Is the best medicine -we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs.--^Wm O. Ekdslbt, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10,1900. WORKING WOMEN * Their Hard Struggle Made Easier--Interesting ^ . : . ments by a Young Lady in Bostow ^ and One in Nashville, Tenn. Mm Pearl Ackers ixFmnkie Or set* &oston, tells women how to avoid suffering'; she writes: Dear Mrs. Pink ham:-- " I suffered misery for irresrular menstruation. M; , .All women work; some to their homes, some. in church, and some in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands are oa the never-ceasing treadmill, earning their daily bread. „ „ . , . , " . aches; I cotill not sleep and could hardly-; All are subject to the same physical ,jra?r around. 1 consulted two physician^ laws; all suffer alike from the same j without relief, and as a last resort, I toifi physical disturbance, and thenatureof J LvdiaE. Pinkham's^Vegetable Compound, andf their duties, in many cases, quicklv ! to rav surprise, every ache and p*tin left drifts them into the horrors of ail I gained ten pounds and am in perfect health.* years wtt* .. .... „lr back ached; a had oearing down pains, and frequant head-* /•/I /i - • ^ kinds of female complaints, ovarian troubles, ulceration, falling and dis­ placements of the womb, leucorrhoea, or perhaps irregularity or suppression of "monthly periods," causing back­ ache, nervousness, irritability and lassitude. Women who stand on their feet all day are more susceptible to these troubles than others. They especially require an invigorat­ ing, sustaining medicine which will strengthen the female organism and enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to sleep well at night, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or per­ form her household duties when her back and head are aching, she is so tired she can hardly drag about or stand up, and every movement causes pain, the origin of which is due to some derangement of the female or­ ganism. I Miss F. Orser of 14 Warrenton Street, Miss Pearl Ackers of 327 North Sum- mer Street, Nashville, Tenn., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- " I suffered witb painful periods, i backache, bearing-down pains, pains the abdomen; was very nervou; and irrita- ble, and my trouble grew worse every month, i " M y p h y s i c i a n failed to help me and-I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "I soon found it was doing ds( ' good. All my pains and aches disappeared^ ^ and I no longer fear my monthly periods." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coa« pound is the unfailing cure for all thm troubles. It strengthens the proper muscles, and displacement with all its j* horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, bear* ing' down pains, disordered stomach, moodiness, dislike of friends and sociefrj --all symptoms of the one cause--wSttfS; be quickly'dispelled, and it will maks you strong and well. ^ You can tell the story of yoar suf* , and i ferings to a woman ful advice free of cost. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. . receive hel Address Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Command Succeeds Where Others 3 PRICE. 25 Cts. <ftO CURE THE GRIP ** IN ONE DAY PWINE iwswEOH/u-fwn ANTI-GRIPINE IS GUARANTEED TO CURS SHIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA* I won't sell AntUOrlpine to a dealer who wonHCksa It. Call for vour MOXEY BACK IV IT JMHPT < JF. W. Jtiemer, M.I*., Maaufaoturer.JT CHASE SBAKER PIANO-PLAYER is the charm of the household--an educator, an cnttr* tainer par excellence, in which the entire family as well as visiting friends participate. You cannot afford to be without one when you learn how easily you can play the piano with it. Our new catalogue now ready and mailed postpaid to any address. The Chase & Baker Co$ Factory: Buffalo, If. Y. 250 Wabash Ave., CMcagO We are exclusive muutaetuvrs of the list Payer Music Rolls far plsas ylsrsre. YOV NEED SUCH A TONIC • Until Mull's Grape Tonic Was Brought to America, the FOLLOWING, ̂ S Was Incurable. ; M 181 READ THESE STATISTICS--WE CAN VERIFY THEM t i yearly from the results id Stomach Troubles and Naturally it was in Youngstown that the two babies robbed a bank. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing- Syrap. For children teething, softens the gurus, redness SasamaUon, alluy » pitLu, cures wind colic. 3&ca boCUa, Audubon Boy paced a mile in 2:00%. Audubon Boy is a bird. I ANTISEPTIC * FOR WOMEN tissiSsa with ffls jecslias te their sex. as*4 as a Asscks la marretoisly ssc- •essfil. Thoroughly douses, kills diseass jeras. stop. AlscJuurges, seals Inflammation saa local Putins Is in powder form to be dissolved la |nn inter, snd is far more cleansing, healing, gcriireriil sad economical thsa liquid antiseptics lor all ItHLBT AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USE*. <». For sale St druggists, 60 cents a box. # Tftel Bra ami Book .< Instructions Prsa. ||. PAXTOM company a0aT.N1 Mmk 90,000 people die of Constipation an their attending ills. Nine in every ten have it. Many don't know it, and a good many who do»know it negleet it until it is too late. Some got, so bad they think . it is incurable, and then they resort to the physic or pill habit, where the real trouble begins. You and I know that Pills and Phj sic make us worse, we become a slave to them, and finally they lose their power and paralysis of the intestines occurs, and then slow death. Now Constipation and Stomach Troubl. are Ju.t as curable as any other disease; we nave proved this fully by curing over lO.OOO the last two years. Many of these were the most chronic, ssrious, compli­ cated kind in which all other remedies and doctors had failed and hope dispalred of. but our treatment cured them quickly and to stay cured. Mr. Thompson, of Peoria, who had suf­ fered all his life and had given up hope, was cured by 24 bottles. Dr. Dill, of St. Louis, whosa health had been broken down, claims that several bottles cured him, that it is a splendid medicine for Stomach and Bowels, and the best general tonic ho ever saw. Dr. Hedrick, of Kansas City, who had constipation so badly that he verged upon nervous collapse, says to bis great surprise after trying everything else was cured by Mull's Grape Tonic, he says it is the best thing for Stomach and Bowels and kindred ills, that has come to his attention in his professional career. Mrs. Alcoba, of Chicago, who was a con­ firmed invalid for years, after taking a thorough course of Mull's Grape Tonic says she was able to leave her bed after the third bottle, and is now enjoying good health. She had tried everything that came to her notice. Mr. Crow, of St. Louis, had dyspepsia, liver and bowel trou­ ble foij 35 years, wliich he contracted dur­ ing the Civil War. He said he never could get anything that even afforded him relief, but that a short treatment of Mull's Grape Tonic completely cured him. He recom­ mended it to old soldiers so many of whom suffer with the same complaint. Mr. McCurdy, of Troy. Ohio, was one of the greatest" sufferers that ever came to our attention. There apparently wasn't an organ of his body free from disease: Liver Trouble, Stomach and Kidney Trouble, terrible piles that kept him in agony. Bowels would not act for days, heart actio* bad, emaciated, run down and completely discouraged. He resorted to every means, doctors, remedies, baths, etc., > no avail. He says: "Soon after I started il Mull's Grape Tonic my bowels began to act i regularly, the pain left me, and my general health built up rapidly. I heartily recommit J mend it as an absolute cure to which I a living witness." These are only a tewot the very wors% cases of the thousands cured by Mull'% '* Grape Tonic. .-/* We can our. you, no matter how bad off ' X and to prove it we will .end you without cost a bottle of Mull*. Grape Tonic and liw struction. how to use It. Ths digssthf - ^ organs ar. subject to th. cur.* | tlve pow.r of Mull's Tonic. There is no .ch.m. about this, but # fair, square chance for you to test ttiha grand treatment for yourself. In your own home without cost. If you have Rheumatism, Stomaoh, Bowel, Kidney, Lungf and Heart Trouble, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, cold, fever, diar* rhoea, loss of sleep and strength, run down,; , Piles, appendicitis, fistula, bad blood, difr*V^ ziness, bad complexion, etc., remember; | they are the result of Constipation aud? g; Mull's Grape Tonic will cure you. It is ai:% splendid Tonic just as Dr. Dill states. Everybody should use it. Typlioid fever and appendicitis are unknown in families* where Mull's Grape Tonic is used. You need such a Tonic, begin to-day. Don't wait but send now for this free offer and get well. Good for ailiny chil­ dren and nursing mothers. 111 FRKE COUPON. MVS Send this coupon with your name aad address and your druggist's name, for a five bottle otf Mull's Grape Tonic, Stomach Tonic and Constipation Cure. /iuli*. Grape Tonic Co., I4S Third Ave*, Rock Island, III. Mw full Addrti* and Writ4 /1*Wy. The Si.00 bottle contains nearly ttM times the Wo size. A* drug states. The genuine has a date and number stamped on the label--take no OtlMKtKNB your druggist. Virginia Farms Best on earth for the Moner. Free cat&lograe. K. B. L'HAi'FIN A CO.. Inc.. Richmond, Vs. W. N. U., CHICAGO, No, 40, 1906. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Pap«r. PUTNAM FADE Color aero poods briohtsr and faster colors than Oao 10c packw caters all teeft. MI gamtafwItlMMit rippiaa apart Writ* f»r Iros itueUol MS ts Dye, Blsack aad Ha Colors. ISSiiE DYES

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