Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1905, p. 4

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Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis , consumption. They wil l tel l you how it heals inflamed lungs. I had * very bad couch for thrGG Then I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mysore ins'C* were soon healed and my cough dropped *WayiilRS. PRARL HYDK, Outhrie Onw Ta. j. O. AYKH CO.. » I.cwrll. Mass. 1 50c.. fl.M. Old Coughs One Ayer's Pill at bedtime insures natural action next morning. Til? M(Henry MiiofeSer PUB MS II RD EVKKV THlTliSI>AV BY Tiff NcHENRY PUINDEALER COMPANY. ^ QUARTER OF A CENTURY. I t«ni clipped from Tli* P)«l»dMl»r of , ' October 80, 1880. ' ; f. K. GKANOKR. W. A. t'RISTY, ' • Pres. ' -' ', •" .-- Sec. ; . F. G. SCHREINJSR,. Editor. J, B. 1'KRRY, Treas. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One year : M-5® Six months, 73cts. Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, October 19, 1905* GEN. GOMEZ is now "viewing with alarm." He is apparently the Bryan of Cnba. _ MUTUAL LIFE policy holders feel that reference to the "whole Damn family" means the McCurdys. SOME men are born rich, some aphieve riches, and some get jobs nnder their fathers in a life insurance office. ^ M. WITTE has one cause of congratn- lation. He is barred by birth and brains from being made a Russian grand duke. THIS contention that there never was an angel with whiskers looks like a per­ sonal thrust at Dr. Parkhnrst fcnd Dr. Dowie. IT is not so difficult now to understand, how poor men build mansions and buy .automobiles after serving a term on the state legislatures. A PARIS writer claims that Miss Alice Roosevelt is violating the Constitution. Possibly, but she cannot claim to be a pioneer in that line.. ANOTHER infallible cure for consump­ tion has been discovered. These cures have been discovered by everybody ey- oept sufferers of consumption. "THE only trouble now to be feared is that before long money will be too plentiful" says a New York reports The public will refuse to be scared. COUNT WITTE will probably go down in history as the man whcr saved the Russian bear from being skinned after it bad been licked to a standstill. RUSSIA threatens to abolish the Fin­ nish constitution and establish martial law in Finland. If reports are true the Finns will have difficulty in noticing any difference. THOS. RYAN c.f New York has en gaged a private chaplain. As Mr. Ryan has been dabbling in life insurance pol icies the private chaplain has 4 big job cut out for him. SOME day, let us hope, the college will produce a graduate who is a happy compromise between the football player who is all brawn and the physical wreck who is all brain. A NEPHEW of H. Gassaway Davis, who has been working incognito in the steel mines, has disappeared. Probably be is in hiding and some time intends to run for vice-president incognito: R, Bishop has been putting in some needed repairs on the south side of his .mill, by newly sideing and painting it. It certainly looks better. Died---In this village on Sunday morn­ ing, October 17, 1880, of tyhoid fever, Addie A. McOmber, daughter of Henry McOmber, aged 19 years, 6 months 24 days. , Both the Democratic and Greenback liberty poles in this village were broken by the wind on Saturday last. We have not learned whether or not tbey witl be repaired. No voter should fail to hear the Hon. John C. Sherwin at the Riverside hall, 011 Thursday evening Turn out and hear what our present and next eon-, pressman has to say. - - • The Geneva Lake express ran into a drove of horses near Ringwood la,st Sat­ urday night, killing three outright and wounding another so badly that it was necessary to dispatch it. We did not learn to whom the horses belonged. You can, apply Man Zan insiae, right Where the pain is. It is put .up in col­ lapsible rubes with nozzle attachments tor introducing t. Man Zan stops pain instantly and res all kinds <if b ind, bleeding, [felling and protruding piles. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHen­ ry, and G. W. Besley, West MeHenry. We learn that a hunter from Chicago named Miller, while attempting to un­ load a shell in Ch.-.s. Karl V saloon at Johnsburgh on Friday la&L, hadtlie mis­ fortune to have it explode, mangling his hand in a frightful manner. Dr. Fegers was summoned to dress the wound. Although painful it was for­ tunate that it was not more serious. We learn that during the high wind last Saturday the steeple on the Presby­ terian church at Ringwood was blown off. Out houses, hay and grain stacks, etc., are in a badly demoralized condi­ tion in this part of the country, but we have heard of no more serious damage. Such a wind has not been known for years. A. B. F.,-(a big Fish), and one of the biggest ever hooked here, was hauled from the river a half a mile above this village on Friday night last. He weighed fully a hundred and seventy-five pounds. He was brought to the Riverside House, dressed and redressed, and after being, packed in spirits was sent to Fox Lake. The spirits giving out he Was brought back on Sunday night, and although much bruised from the effects of his ride was shipped Monday mornihg to Elgin. It certainly was the biggest Fish ever Been in Fox river. The only difficulty experienced was in the dress­ ing. The material was decidedly ehort at both ends. We did not learn the kind of bait used but think he was caught with a spoon. :.. Don't be Imposed Upon. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Hon­ ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit aud popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the gen­ uine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. G. W. Besley. The Vans, magicians and hypnotists, Central opera house, Saturday and Sun­ day evenings, Oct 21 and 22. An Awful Cough' Cur<*d. "Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful cough. She had spells of coughing, just like one with the whoop­ ing cough and some thought she would not get well at all. We got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. She stopped cough­ ing and grew stout and fat," writes Mrs. Ora Bussard, Brubaker, 111. This .remedy is for sale bv G. W._ Besley. 1 Don't forget the "want ad"oolnnin1 Adventure* of m Bnnk Note. A lady passing down the Rue Riche­ lieu had the misfortune to lose a pock- etbook containing, among other valu­ ables, a 1,000 franc note. The pocket- boob was picked up by a chair mender uamed ltouaud, who lives at M011- treux, He placed It very carefully In his pocket and proceeded home. It Is not often that a chair mender has oc­ casion to change a note tor that amount, and Reuaud, recognizing the Impossibility of turning it into gold without detection, agreed with a friend co do the business for the considera­ tion of 100 francs. This friend, Lucien Matheru, also a chair mender, was in his turn tilled with apprehension. The difficulty was solved with the aid of"tl horticulturist named Simonnet, who kindly consented to buy himself a horse for 300 francs and return the change. Renaud was thus richer by 000 francs. All might then have gone well if, two days later, it had not been discovered that the horse had been stolen from a dealer at Meaux. This led to the arrest of the trio, and later in the day the police put their hands on the' horse thieves.-^Paris Messen­ ger. : • . >:-- A Dark Dunffeo*. . Aboujt "ttie middle of February," 18G2;. while in winter quarters; General Xitgjee of Pennsylvania, who was a strict disciplinarian, was in command : of the First brigade, of which the Sec­ ond New'-.Hampshire Mas a part. He j thought tlje guardhouse of the Second j regiment too 'comfortable quarters for prisoners and ordered. Colonel Marston, who later won fame as a soldier, lawyer and statesman, to build a dungeon without so much as a crack or opening any wherfe, so that it should be perfectly dark. The dungeon was built with four solid Avails, and one day General N aglee came over to in­ spect it. lie was accompanied by Coionel Marston. "Where is the en­ trance," said the general, "and how do you get anybody into it?" "Oh," said Colonel Marston, "that isuot my look­ out. I simply obeyed your orders." Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Y Kidney Trouble. ^ The Possibilities. A Richmond (Va.) judge tells a stofy which illustrates the ditiiculty met in trying to stop the carrying of pistols. A tough youth was brought before the judge, charged with firing a revolver in the street. The testimony in the case was to the effect that the young hoodlum had filled himself with whis­ ky and had discharged his weapon in a crowded street. "Twenty dollars and costs," said the magistrate. "But, your honor," interposed counsel for the pris­ oner, "my client did not hit anybody." "Why, you admit that he fired the gun?" "Yes,-but he fired in the air," explained the lawyer. "Twenty dol­ lars and costs," repeated the judge. "He might have shot an angel." And the riotous fellow went to jail, not having the money to pay his fine. Itidney trouble preys upon the mind, courages and lessens ambitidn; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order =*" or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin­ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and hiadder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp "Root is soon realised. It is sole! by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell­ ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kil mar's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Home of Swauip-Koot. Want Column. All Advct'ttaement-s inserted under thin head at the following rates: Five lines or less, 26 rents for first insertion; 15 cents i'or each subsequent insertion. Store than iive lines, 6 cents a line for flrot insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. "CV5E SALE CHEAP--A mare with colt by -1- side. For further information apply to F. C. FELTZ, the drayman. Xj^OR SALE--Two sows; Jo have pigs. X U JULIUS CLEMENS, 17-2t ' • West Mellnnry. A Curious Custom. In Byfield, a small Northampton­ shire village in England, a curious old "custom is still observed in connection with the letting of certain land. The ceremony is held in different licensed houses in the vicinity, and the clergy­ man presides over the proceedings. The company, chiefly consisting of lo­ cal farmers, is seated round a large table. Presently one of them rises and bids a certain amount, immediately walking round the table and out of the door. If this can be done before the next bid is made, the laud is his for the season; if not, bidder No. 2 commences the walk, aud so on. This curious auc­ tion occupies some considerable time and causes great excitement. Makes Homely Women Pretty, No woman no mat ter how regular her features may be can be called pretty if her complexion is bad. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and clears sallow blotched complexions by stimu­ lating the liver and bowels. Orino Lax­ ative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse to accept any substitute O W. Besley. Mrs. Georgia A. Merry will lecture at Woodman hall, Ringwood-,'-Friday, Oct. 20, at 7:30 p. m. Subject:** "The Tri­ umph of the Twentieth Century." Do not miss this rare treat. LOST--A black satin belt with black buck­les, between Riverside and Univeisalist church. Finder please return to MRS. URFGORY. * ««»«».»» iwmwwHmi • fc I PROBATE NEWS | WMMMMWWHWHMHI»«»•! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- Edward S Dates et al to Lillian V Con­ way, it 11, Reynold's Addn Ringwood.. 1700 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Chas, Rorahough, 23 Rockford Grace Crashel, 19.' ..Harvard David Jeffers, 28. Chemung iary Davidson, 28 Chemung Alan Diggins, 20 .Harvard Mildre t uwen, 17 Har ard Clyde W. Ward, 21, ... Woodstopk Alta L. Palmer, 20...... Woodstock John Holtfriter, 21 Woodstock Matilda Otilrich,* 19 Woodstock C. Guy Betts, 21 Ma go Marie Ericson, 20. .... DeKalb Frank Hillister, 81.. Mattie Welch, 19..., ,.. - Harvard Harvard YOUNG LEONARD, who secured $360,"~ 000 worth of securities from a New York bank by working a bluff, ought to try and get his case before a jury of dummy directors of life insurance com­ panies. ' PAT CROV?E says he had a scheme to kidnap John D. Rockefeller abd hold him for $2,OO0,OOO ransomv but had to give it up because he could not get a trusty pal. Wonder if he offered the job to Tom Lawson. New Cure For Cancer. All surface cancers are now known to be curable, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. •Ta*. Walters, of Duffield, Va., writes: "I had a cancer on my lip for years that seemed incurable until Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and now it is perfectly well." Guaranteed cure for cuts and burns. 25c at Julia A. Story's and N. H. Petesch's, MeHenry, and G. W. Be6- lev's. West MeHenry, drugstores. Auction bills neatly, printed at this office. Caution! f 'Persons when traveling should exer­ cise care in the use of driuking water. As a safe-guard it is urged that every traveler secure a bottle of Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy before leaving home, to be car­ ried in the hand 'nggage. This may prevent distressing sickness and annoy­ ing delay. For sale by G. W. Besley. Large air ship kite containing free ticket will sail over Central opera house on Saturday afternoon (weather permit­ ting). Watch for it. " Plans to Get Rich are often frustrated by sudden break­ downs due to dyspepsia or consumption. Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clQgging your energies and give you a new start. Cure, headache and dizziness too. At N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's; MeHenry, G. W. Besley's, West MeHenry,' drag stores; 25 cents, guaranteed. The Oldest Paper Books. What is believed by antiquaries to be the oldest paper book in existence is the "Red Book of Lynn," an ancient register belonging to the corporation of King's Lynn, England. This vol­ ume is known as the "Red Book" from its original binding having been of that color. The first entry is a tran­ script of the will of Peter de Thorn don, burgess of Lynn, dated 1309. The lat­ est entry is dated in the fifteenth year of King Richard II. Fifty years ago the book was repaired and rebound, and the leaves, which age had reduced to a loose, fibrous substance, were carefully resized as an aid to preser­ vation. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious re­ sults from a cold. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and con­ sumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. G. W. Besley. Game dinner and shoot at J. W. Bon- slett's, Sunday, Oct. 22. THE Mutual Life has paid President MoCurdy and members of his family something over $4,000,000 in salaries and commissions. One purpose of the in­ vestigation seems to be to show that "Violet" Jimmy Hyde was a mere pik­ er at the insurance game. f,: : . Nothing to K«»r.^ |be question of injurious substances In medicines which has been agitating the minds of so many people, does not concern those who use Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy. Mothers need have no hesitancy in continuing to give it to their little ones, as it contains abso­ lutely nothing injurious. This remedy is not only perfectly safe to give small children, but is a medicine of great •worth and merit. It has a world wide reputation for its cures of coughs, colds and croup aud can always be relied up- ou. For sale by G. W. , Besley. i The Plaindealer will be sent to any " address on trial three months for twenty- flye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiratiou of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Girls, if you waut red lips, laughing eyes, sweet breath and good looks use HolHster's Rocky fountain Tea. The greatest beantifier known. 33 cents JSw or Tablet*-ty W. Besliy, ' . . ) Pride in Your Personal Appearance should induce you to pay more attention to the clothes you wear. When you select your next Suit or Overcoat, insist upo$ hav- ing the very latest style; demand an accurate fit; ask for a hobby pattern and be 6ure that your clothing is fully guaranteed. But this does not mean that you are to pay a high-price. The dressy, hand-tailored Kaufman Garment meets all these requirements; and we are selling these servicafele clothes at such moderate prifs^, that there is no further excuse for any Man or Young Man to be shabbily ateired. * v An extensive choice of all the exclusive styles and smartest patterns. , Single breasted sack suits in Worsteds, Clays, Thibets and Fancy Scotch Mixtures at - Only $10.00 to $22.30 BRADLEY & FOSS RINGWOOD, It I M mm m Copyright 1903-06 • by w Chas. Kaufman ft Bra. Chicago _ - Bank of " /PtcHenry This Bank receiver., deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavo^ to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections.................... INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public, - Bankers. McHENRY Professional. Society and Bvisirvesss Cards I DAVID G.'WELLS, M. D. Ml-: CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages. We "also handle tbe Me­ Henry Creamery Butter. Chas. Q. Frett, MeHenry, 111. ' YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE If you have not as yet placed your order for that new Fall and Winter Hat I wish to say that you will make no mistake in coming to my place, as I am better prepared than eyer to fill your order in a highly satis­ factory manner. Come in and inspect my stock, whether jou wish to buy or not. : : : : Miss M. Adams, --STORES AT-- JOHNSUROH - - SPRING GROVE i Have you? tiled our Goodvf • If so,1 then yoU know what quality of Goods we are turning out. If you have not tested >our goodies take 1 our advise and give us your . NEXT ORDER and we will ^11 it ma that pleases. We make specialty of basing for par­ ties, dances, banquets and Weddings, filling orders of this nature on short noti^' A trial will convince you that we are sincere in our - . KjUitcuuents. DHYSIOIAN, SURGEON AND UOULISf „ Office ttnd residence corner Eiin t • "i Green streets, MeHenry. T ! • FEGERS & FEGES8 RBYSICJASIfcS AND SURGEONS, HcBeBrk r: , t r-,. Office at Residence, comer Court aw, t . ir .']• Kim streets. Telephone 333. ' ' - (j . . C E\ C. ROSS. 13. D. Office over Petesch's I)ru« Store. ALL WORK PERTAIN I NO TO MODXKN DENTIST Office Telephone hi; Residence,803. (| Aiitrous U*id €his for Extracting;;-j.j. j j Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 y. mC; l+'i" IMtOintlKTOit. WEST SIDE Always a complete line of Fresh and &alt Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first-class city market to offer? :: • \# Central Opera House ; BEGINNING • Saturday, Oct 21 J5he Var\s in iSeries of Sleight of Hand and Illusions. The great Hypnotic Scene, the most bewildering Illu­ sions ever attempted. How to get rid of a wife without a divorce The marvelous Hindoo Clock. In­ troducing the LatestMovingPictures on the Kijentosoope, concluding with HYPNOTISM. The latest novelties in the science of Hypno­ tic Suggestion, Prices: 15c, 25c, 35c SEATS NOW SELLING. HOLHSTER'S locky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy lledioiae for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigdr. i» for Constipation, In digest Ion, Live - • Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eezem:i, Impur - A /d, iJad Breath, Sluggish Howels, Headacl; Viuukaehe, It's Rocky Mountain Tea in ta>. . lorrn, 85 cents a bo*. Genuine made bj : >T.LIDTIUI DRUG COMPANY, Sladisou, WLA. ADEN MUfifiETf FOB MUQW fCflMJE We handle the Columbia make i f with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. Also have a complete line qf needles- j and repairs. Sewing Machines! / Come in and let ns show you 'our $12.00 and up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee with each and every one of them. - N. 1 West ricHenry, 111. __ ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY ANa TR mm mm Jar An Improvement over all Cough, Lnng and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. tnmn* by NNEGLE MEDICINE C0..CUca**. 0. S.A. Sold by N. H. PETESCH, MeHenry. G. W. BESCEY, West MeHenry. K I L L THE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS W,TN Dr. King's New Discovery for C~ ~ 0NSUMPTI0N Price 0UCHS and 50c &$1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT aud LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. PAStKLIR'S HAIR BALSAM uaw# bnd K»u-tifie* 'Jit* hdk i"tc» a luvuiiaiit ^rovkth. Never Fail® to Heatore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color; * ttlp d'tca*vs sl hidr tfcliinfc BR. R; G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST. Offtcc and Residence over Besley'3 Dru^ Hours: 8:00 to 5:3^. WISSTMPIIKNKY.ILL, ' Phone 3«1 LWRSOlt \ J, M. \V.EST,.lVltjH^NKy; S - "*• >t i ILLINOIS , eyera General Teaming; of all kinds. Excavating and (trading. flcHENRY - - - , ̂ ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 293. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance A^ent for all classes Of property in the best Companies.- * West MeHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock. III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan oa real estfcte in sums of ?5(>0 to S10,(W0, time- aud payment tc suit uorrower. FRANK BUHR • PRACTICAL PAIN 1 ER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PA1NT1KC, ^5.00 m UPWARD Hou^if mid SIKII L'iiint ins and al I interior Defc- oratinjr. liesidcnce noil li town lirieone block west of river. Telephone No. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS R . H . O W E N IHanos.for sale and rent. Tuning and repair in it at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY. ILLINOIS John J. Vyoit^t nrrAirw iv U DEALEK IN Gener&l Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin chine repairing of all kinds, McHENRY, and ura* 'Phone S48 ILLINOIS. Have yo\i seen L A M B E R T Q . S E N G ' S NEWLY DECORATEP BUFFET? AT * >2 Fifth Ave. C h i c a g o . Illinois. Tel. Main 1714, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPV RIGHTS &C. Anrone sending a sketch mid description ntiiy quickly ascertain oiir'opininn tree Tvlieiher an invention is piobnHy pal-.'iitahle. Coniniunica.. tloneatrictlyconddential. HANEB01K on Piitents sent free. Oldest aprency for seomiiK patents. Patents tali.-n through Minn \ Co. receive spinal i • v ltlK.iit . '• -,:i ; in.) Scientific Bierican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.nrccst cir- ouiattoii of unv scientltic journal. Terms, $.» A veur ; four months, $L by all TiowsdeiOerw. MUNN S Co 301 Broatyay. New York Branch Office. «25 F Pt_ Wimtun^ion. y. C Promptly obtained, or PEE tlETURNc.D. 20 YKARS EXPLH.EMCit. <' u CiMHMS ARE THE LOWEST, N ».f >...»!,•!. ji1H.UM.i- l..r fxprl't JWni I 'I'1' J'|111 ' INFRINCEMILNT rtUitu COIJIIUCUMI bt'forc all nains. 1'Htnnt.s obtainwt thronjrh us. ADVER- TISEDiiiul SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, P€N- SIOMS ami COPYRIGHTS m.ickly obuunod. Opposite O. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, O. C. Chicago & North-Western. Leave t'hicajro. 7 . ( V > a m . . . s.4."» a m... IL'.IIO p m.. p m.,, t.iKl p in.,; 4.57 prn.., >.<10 a m.. > . 4 5 a m . , it. 10 a m.... 2.02 p m... Leave MeHenry. 7.25 a tn S.82'a ni"... 4,^t p iu p m... ti.17 p m..-. 7.25 a m... 7.08 p m... 7.4fl p m... 7^8 pm... Arrive •Mcllonry. . 10.H' ;i rn Effective May 21, ISttS. W«KK DAY TBAIHG. NORTHBOUND ....V»a Eljrin Via Des IMaiiics 10.10 a qi - ..Via Eltfin... .5(1 p o» „...¥-la l)es l'iaiaet.M.^,.4.45 p n ... . i;. Via F.'jrin.. ... .. . 0.40 p int .....Via l>es i'laini'lu....-^ ..ti.40 p BS WNllAT TRAINS. ......Via l>es l'l:iinos #.37 a m Via Eijrin 11.14am .. .. Via l>e,s i'iaines 11.14 a m~ Via Elgin 4.50pm W*EK DAY TRAINS. * HOPTHDODND. ,^FR'VE (Chicago. ......V .Via Elfrin...10. in a m ,,..,.yi:i I>cs Plaincli,.,.,, .M.;i.">u m . .Via IH's riaiiu'i... .... an p ji| 'i ...Via I>os IMamoHl .7..V. p m eCNDAY TRAINei, " ' •«' ...... Via Eiirin. . J0.25 a-jMm ...Via Pes lMalne|..,. S 25 p ..Via Dee Plainest*. p at* 1' ......Yt» Elgin. ,»..*..4O.10 p m '

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