Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1905, p. 4

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* * <{< ^ !•. "i «t ' " r ^ T T . i ' ̂ - - wy: y,f*̂ * i*i v v - <v * **;, .-v : •fr ,"' /»»-•• *»-{' <-• ' - NV" >> '»%f„ ',»' ' " ' - -«* '-.J> ' ; x? - : - k;" C Tale cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then 3 cough means a great Cherry Pectoral Heal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " For 40 yenri r hare depended on Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral lor cougns ami colds. I know It ereatlv strensttliens weak lun«s." Mas. P. A. Robinson. Saline. Mich. j.c. itir oo.. Lowell. Maw. Weak Lungs Ayer's Pills increase the activity of tn* liver, and thus aid recovery. The McHenry Pliinifealer PUBLISHED KVF.UY THURSDAY BY THE McHENRY PLAIN DEALER COMPART. F. K. Grangxr. W. A. Oristt, J. B. PERRT, , Pres. Sec. Treas. F. G. Schrkince, Editor. Ofloe la Bank Building. Telephone, No. 27*. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year.. (MO Six months, 73 cts. Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, November a, 1995. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Item Clipped from The Plaindealer of November 3, 18SO. s^£- < £a*>b Bonslett, having leaded his sa­ loon, has moved intothoBi. 8. Smith house. Duct hunting on the river and lakes is A. No: 1, and hunters are bringing in dead loads of them every day. Joseph N. Frennd bag leased the pa- loon and restaurant of .1. Bonslett for a term of years, and takes possession of the same. E. M. Owen has been finite sick the past week with erysipelas in the face, bnt was able to come ont and vote on Tuesday. It is to be hoped he may be able to be around soon. The youngest child of Joseph Buss, a [little girl a boat two years of age, died on Tuesday last of diphtheria. Mr. and Mrs. •,Baas'have the sympathy ol aH in their deep affliction. A littie stranger came to town on Wednesday of last week. He weighs ten pounds and has taken up his reni dance with Will Thurwell. Will restdet- over the Plaindealer office. Such is the power of the press. Burglars broke into the depots one night lnnt week, broke open a trunk ii the baggage room, bnt finding nothing they wanted departed, carrying with them an overcoat and some other arti- i cles belonging to Station Agent Buss Now as these light fingered gentry art known to be about our citizens should be on their guard. To LmMi la MoHeary. Miss Liesie Tbeleo, one of oar well nnt f«v«r*My Itoown jowr -!*di<» ol McHenry, who for some time past ha* been engaged in mitliosry work in phi cago and Elgin, and also recently ha> been doing parlor millinery work foi some of our ladies, has decided to locate here Mid will open s millinery parlor in McHenry next spring. Dur ing the coming winter montHs Miss Thelen will be engaged in one of thf leading millinery houses in Elgin to complete her experience in that line, foi the benefit of her future and prospect­ ive patrons in this village. Millionaire'ii Poor Stomach. The Worn-out stomach of the over-fed millionaire is often paraded in the pub lie print as a horrible example of th> evils attendant on the possession o. great wealth. But millionaires are n<» the only ones who are afflicted with ha< stomachs.. The proportion is far great­ er among the toilers. Dys|iepsia and indigestion are rampant among these people, and they suffer far worse tort ares the# the millionaire unless they avail themselves of a standard mediant like Green'« August Flower, which hat been a favorite household remedy foi all stomach troubles for over thirty-fivt years. August Flower ronses the tor­ pid liver, thus creating appetite and in snring perfect digestion. It tones and vitalizes the entire system and inakec life worth living, no matter what youi station. Trial bottles, 25c; regnjar size. 75& For sale by all druggists. Feb. 1, Linen Shower. A number of the friends of Miss Clara Thompson gathered at her home last Monday evening and tendered that esti­ mable young lady a linen shower. The evening was one of pleasure and those Who attended were royally entertained by Miss Thompson. The company left some very nice pieces of linen for the hostess as a token of the high esteem in which she is held. Refreshments were served. You can apply Man Zan inside, right where the pain i4 It is put up in col­ lapsible tabes with nozsle attachments for introducing it. Man Zan stop* pain instantly and cures all kinds ot b ind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by N. H. Peteech, McHen­ ry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry Climatic Cares. The influence of climatic conditions it the cure of consumption is very mncl overdrawn. The poor patient, and tb« rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention to food digs* tion and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning i* made certain by German Syrup, so is » good night's rest and' the absence ot that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaustion due to coughing, the great est-danger and dread of the consump­ tive, can be prevented or stopped b> taking German Syrup liberally and reg ularly. Should you be able to go to s warmer clime, you will fiud that of the thousands of consumptives there, thf few who are benefited and regain strength are those who nse German Syrup. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. At all druggists. Feb. 1. Election of Officer*. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church beld election of officers last Fri­ day afternoon at the ho « e of Mrs. R Sherburne. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs E. S Wheeler; vice president, Mrs, R. Waite; secretary, Mrs. W. D. Went- worth; treasurer. Mrs. R. Sherburne. 3So Case of Hn«>um»iiia on Record. We do not know of a single instance where a oough or cold resulted in {men. monia o» consumption where Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cores coughs and colds perfectly," so do not take chances with some unknown preparation which may contain opiates, which causes constipation, a condition which retards recovery from a cold. Ask.for Foley 's Honey and Tar and re- fnseapy substitute. G W Besley. Adv«rt»rd Letter*. Letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at McHenry, III., Nov. l, '05; Miss Surfromia Gibson, Mrs. Bertel, Mrs. H. V. Kerbaugh. When calling , .Jfer- above letters please say advertised. T" R- WAITK, p. M. PlraWiisr Foley's Honey and Tar. Foley & Co Chicago, originated Hon­ ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the gen­ uine. These worthless imitations have similar ' sounding names. Bewaie of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse substitutes. It is the best remedy for oonchs and colds. G. W. Besley. • • A factory to manufacture miniature rai way trains is to locate at Elgin Big*?-*-" si I, ' *v on sanKaMvssesBBssassB €| There is no specific (or consumption. Fresh air, ex­ ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curiiw it, if there is anything to build on. Mil­ lions of people throughout die world are living and in good heakh on one lung. From time immemorial die doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a tune. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. <J We will send yo* * sample free. f Be ante tint thia picture in the fbnq of s label it oa the wrap­ per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott Ac Bowne Chemkts 409 Pearl .Street New York foe. and ft} all drmgg Uncle Si Raskins on Saturday even ing, November 4, 06 Young man in itiwiiiiiij?. It U that tto#. <reat rural play, "Uncle Si Haskins'1 ins been witnessed by more than a mill­ ion persons and at the rate the play is (rawing this season the two million nark is likely to be reached before the «eason closes There is more fun in Uncle Si Haskins than was ever pat to­ gether in any other single play before. The incidents are built on fact or reality »nd are therefore trne to life itself, t'hile the characters fictitious in the. story become as real portrayed by sympa- tietic artists, distinct natural liviup ypes such as are found everywhere in he country. It is a credit to the pnl> ios taste that it takes so kindly to tbic tfbolesome drama of New England life. The production is to be seen at the Cen- ral opera bouse and the story is a cleai plot ending with a gennine old Husking Bee fall of new and np to dlte special- les. ' . . A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity when yon I tee yonr health, because indigestion >nd constipation have sftpped it away, 'rotnpt relief can be had in Dr. King's Jew Life Pills. They build up your di­ rective organs and care headache, rits* uess, colic, constipation, etc. Guar- nteed at N. H. Petesh's, Julia A. story's, McHenry, G. W Besley's, WI McHenry, drug stores; 25<S. 1 ^Tncle Si Haskira. / SlnffUh Liver a Foe to Ambition. / Tou can not accomplish very mnch / if our liver is inactive as you feel dull, ?our eyes are heavy and slight exertion exhausts you. Orino Laxative Frnit -lyrup stimulates the liver and bowels *nd makes yon feel bright and active. Orino Laxative Frnit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and very pleasant to take. Orino is more effect­ ive than pills or ordinary cathartic*. Refuse substitutes G. W. Besley. Our New Feed Mill <s pow. ready for business. All work done good and fast so yon can take yonr. {rist borne with yon instead of leaving it to come sfter some other day. Give as a trial. Wm. Bonslett. Croup. A reliable medicine and one that should always be kept in the home for immediate use is Chamberlain's Congb Remedy. It will prevent the attack if given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or evep after the croupy cough tppears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no opinm or other harmful drag. For sale by G. W. Besley.__ • ' . Nntloot; To insnre publication In Th« Plain- lealer copy must be in tbe office no ater than Wednesday noon of each •veek. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. ••I Thank the Lord!" cried Hannah Plant, of, Little Rook. Ark., "for the reliet I got from Buck- len's Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered for 5 years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at X. H. Petesch's, Jnlia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHen­ ry, drag stores; 25c. Get Yonr Feed Ground at Wm. Bonslett's. He has the most modern machinery and plenty of power to do yonr grinding good and fast. Croap is quickly relieved and Whoop­ ing Cdngh will not "run its course" if you use the original Bee's Laxative Hon­ ey and Tar. This Cough Syrnp is differ­ ent from all others because it acts on the bowels. You cannot cure Croup and Whooping Oough until yon rid the sys­ tem of all congestion, by working off tbe cold through a copious action of the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar does this an^ ciwes all Coughs. Croup, Whooping Congb, etc. No opiates Sold , by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch, McHenry. Uncle Si Haskins. It is difficult to cure a cough or free yourself from the discomforts of a cold unless you move the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all cold out of the system. For Croup, Whooping-Cough, olds and all Luur and Bronchial af­ fections, no remedy is equal to the original Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. A Liquid <!old Cure. Sold by G. W. Besley. W. McHenry, N. H. Peteech, McHtnry. Unck Si Haskins. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble '" ' Boat -Kaow H» v * .-:f Bow To Find Ont. , ^ a bottle or common glass with your and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set­ tling Indicates an unhealthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys ami blad­ der areout of order. What to x>e. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra­ ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Home ot swamp-Rfmt. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ tion reading this generous offer in this paper, Don't make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mar's Swamp Root, ajpd the address, Binghamton. N. Y.. oh every bottle. Want Column. All advertisement!* inserted under thin head at the following rates: five lines or less, 25 cents (or flrat insertion; 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for ilrst insertion, and 3 cents a line fdr additional insertions. CV>R SALE--One canopy top surry, one *• Newport trap, one single harness, one light harness; all in good second hand condi­ tion. James B. Perky. -18 Pj*ARM FOR RENT- Schaefer farm, at McCollum's Lake. Known as the John A. In quire at residence of Nicholaus Bohr, l#-3t*- North Green; St. PROBA TE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John Pierce & w to Arthur O Pierce, ettnwM & nwHnetf sec24. Greenwood 11600 00 Chas H Fevers et al to Adam Gerbert. Its 1 & 2, blk 2, w side Fox r, McHenry 300 00 A L Howe & w to Jay E Waite, It 23, Orchard Beach. McHenry .250 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Joseph M. Coates, 26......... Ringwood Sarah H. Howell, 19........Gieenwood iioliert K W einke, 38...... Woodstock Lillian L. Srhwamb. 24 ....Woodstock Herbert Q. Spensley, 8tt Walworth, Wis. tQtta Fannie Adams, 30 Walworth, Wis. Henry O'Biien, 29 .Chicago Nell it Lordan, 23 Harvard Raymond C. Austin, 22 . .Grand Rapids Minnie Esther Sherman, 17. .Woodstock Bruce W. Starritt, 24. ... .Nnnds Clara M. Thompson, 24.. ..W. McHenry Irover C Pace, 21 Crystal L«ke \melie Berkeley. 21 Algonquii Industrial Opportunities. A new folder giving concise informs ion regarding industrial openingsalont he Chicago & North-Western Railway ith particulars as to factory building- nd desirable sites available for immedi i-te nse and other information of mucl '. aloe to manufacturers seeking new lo •ations. There are hundi eds of splen lid openings for manufacturers, j tboersand retail dealers in territoir n-iched hv the North Western Line This folder oontains a fall description of several important extensions of tbe North-Western Line that open some of the finest territory in the West. Free on application to agents North-Western Line.; Nov. 16 Kxcnmion Ticket" to Aurora, III*., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold on November 2, 3'and 4, limited to return until Nov. S, inclusive, on ac­ count of Teachers' Association me< ting. Apply to agents Chicago & North- Western R'y. Nov. 4. Tbe Willing Workers met t at the Universalist church parlors on Thurs­ day afternoon of each week. Ladies wishing to purchase aprons are invited to call and inspect the complete stock always kept on hand. Kioanion Tickets t» State Butter and Cheese Maker's Convention at MankatOi Mlnu.,' '"' via the North-Western Line,- will be sold at reduced rates Nov. 7 and 8, lim­ ited to return until Nov.. 10, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North- Western R'y. Nov. 8. Don't forsret the "want ad"colnunl The Social and Business Advantages you gain by always being attired neatly and stylishly, are very apparent. Have you ever noticed how differently your friends greet you on Sunday, when you are "dressed up" and on week days, when yoi^are wearing your badly-fitting "every day" clothes? Why not be "dressed vp" all week, if you gain by it? It won't necessitate a greater expenditure of money; just requires a little more care in the selection of your clothes. We know of no clothing that will serve your purpose better than the carefully tailored, fashionably designed, shape retail Kaufman Garment retaining of The Paletot shown in this illustration, is undoubtedly one the handsomest overcoats we are displaying. It gives that dis­ tinctive "tone" so eagerly sought for by the careful dresser. You'll win many a social and business battle with the help of this overcoat. » 4 $18.00to $33.00 BRADLEY ' Copjfrfsht 1 Kaufman a Chicago wm RING;WOOD, II i ;:-Cv. Bank of This Bank receives, deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do ail business intrusted to our care in a manner .and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect- folly solicit the publio patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections............ INSURANCE in First Class lowest rates. Companies, at the Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. CENTERVILLE •sspf • sM':, We handle every tbing la ̂ , tbS'linei of fresh and sill • MEATS and Sausages* We «lso handle the Henry, Creamery Bn Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, 111. McHENRY Bakery Have yoa tried bar Goodif If so, then yon know wbai, quality of Goods we are tarning oat. If yoa have not tested our goodies take oar advise and give hs your NEXT ORDER and we will fill It in a way that pleases. We make a Specialty of batting for par­ ties, dances, banquets and weddings, filling orders Of Jthis nature on short notice. A trial will convince yoa that we are sincere in our statements. '?r". • * .j'Sf'r •" PROPRIETOR, YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE If yon have not as yet placed yonr order for that new Fall and Winter Hat I wish to say that yoa will make no mistake in coming to my place, as I am better prepared than eyer to fill • yonr order in a highly satis­ factory manner. Come in and inspect my stock, whether yon wish to bay or not. : : : Miss M. Adams, --8T0RK8 AT-- lOWISUMH - - SKIM «R0V( Central Opera House Saturddy nd Sunliy, November 4 and 5. A magnificent production elegant­ ly staged. A play that has made millions laugh. Best of Binging and dancing. See the coBuifj dance. Superb band and orches­ tra. Nine pleasing specialties. WATCH FOR THE Novel Parade Prices: 15c, t% 35c SEATS NOW SELLING. HOLLISTKIftf tocky Mountain Tea A B«sy KadMas fer Boy Bringt Ooldm SLmMk sad ea Nwtlt lhsmtriiT ^Msslflo for OonaUpatioa, lnd%«atio», Uw Knlncy Troubles, Ftmplw. Me--wj. uapur- d. Bad Breath, 81ugglih ^oirels, Mea(lach " ^ Hsckaohe. It's Rooky Mountain' torm, BR oents a box. Qeaqfae LusTca D«w Ooktawt, Madlaon, AMU MUMEIt MMUHnmi ----m--mNMNNHI WEST SIDE Alwaysa complete line of; Fresh and Salt Meats. Sausages, Etc. Higher market prices paid for . Porkers. We also carry: : constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first-class 0P market toofpr| 'is>i is >» ja--watw--a--iniNiiir GRAWIOPHOifS! We handle the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. Also have a oomplete line of needles and repairs. Sewing Machines! Come in and let us show yon oar $0.00 and up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee with each and every one of them. II West flcHenry, III. ! ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY An improvement over all Congb, L«ng and Bronchial Remedies. Cnrea Covgha, Strengthens the Langs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike fer Young and Old. rt*|Mw«41yruraUIISMClllIC0..ChlMS«.B.SJL Said by N. Ii. PETESCH, McHenry. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. KILLthb COUCH M» CURB TH« LUNGS Dr. King's New Diecovery ___ /^ONtUMPtlON FOR^gug**"' Mm BOe a $1.00 Frss Trial. VusestTnTSZuica^ for all THBOAT and LUKO XBOUB- IB8, orXOVXY BACK. PARKER'S .HAIR BALSAM CImmh sad hiaiitly bfe noao* i hiiuiliui mmHl lor. 2&Stili£Sti£3*3B3Si I Profweional, Society > and Bvisinesss Cards | DAVID G. WELLS, M. I>. ^ S PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND vJOOLlBff Otlice aiiti residence corner Eliw Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311. j 4 I FEGEBS& FEG6BS s | pflTSlOIA N8 AND 9DRGEON8. : *" III. Office at Residence, corner Court i*r** I Elm streets. Telephone > t " • ^ ,v . a ; *' v P. G. ROSS. I>. D. B, , Office over Petesch's Drug Store.' "'/••• AUiTORK PBltTAININO TO MODERN I>KSTJSTBV" Office Telephone 274; Residence 80S. - Nitrons Oxid Gas for Extracting , Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m, ; BR. R. G. CHAMBEKLIN ' DENTIST. « Olflcs nod Residence over Besley> Drug tsto^k,y Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. 7 WBSTMCHBNHT. ILL, \ 'i%dges». , > .: ."Ot»b sv4»so»»s aUaa.' J. H. LARSON, M.D., B.S^ HE, : - 4 Vtr*sr MCHhwht - » • - , iLtilttOJES . < Geo. Meyer# Ueneral Teamlng fV';^ *y< of all kinds. * ^ \ V ^ •-">v ivatlng and dradln^i rictlENRY - - - - - ILLINOli^ ^ Telephone No. 393. ' • • ^ ^IMON STOFFEJL. Insurance Aftent for ail elapses of ^ • jiroperty in t^e best Companit-n.' ^ .+•- Wieat McHenry, llllmn^-rtj? • : \ ~ • • .• 1 • 1 • McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRAC|i ..'••• COMPANY.. ; ^ OFFICE with American National Baifl| Woodstock, 111. Abstracts ot title and co*> •eyancing. Money to loan on real estate sums of |500 to fl0,Qp0, time and payment suit borrower. r FRANK PRACTICAL PAINTER . - AND PAPER HANGER ^ • (4RRM0E PAIIIIIIW. $5.00 and UPWARt £ Houseand I'aintiiiK and iilllniti i >r ! ec- orating. Residence north town line one blotfk west of river. Telephone Ao.fcj*. - . r MCHENRY, ... • <,lLi,tNoifci- ; i tt H. OWE|t I'iaoesfw sale and rent. Tuning and ^ iklr Inpr at reasonable prices. « - First class Work only. • •' McHENRY. < JLLIf1 John J. Vyci DEALER IN Gener«vl Hetrdware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and nig*- chine repairing of«U kind*. Phone .^48 McHENRY, - - 1 ILLIN< £3. 1 .. ; \ Have you seen . L A M B E R T Q . S E N G ' f NEWLY DECOR ATE jp:>, PI/FFEli; •• i ..AT' • 2 Fifth AVo, C h i c a g • Illinois. Tel. Main 1714. ,r BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs . . . . C O P Y R I G H T S Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether ail Invention is probnbly patentable. Communica­ tions strictly conBdentlal. HANDBOOK onl'ntcuta •ent free. Oldest agency lor securiiiK patents. Psteuta taken tiitoukIi Jluwi & Co. receive tjtecial notice, without charge, in the , Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T,nrrre»t cir­ culation of any scientitic journal. 'I'erins. $.1 a rear s fonr months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN 8 Co.3tuB~a*n New York Branch OIBce. 626 V St. WashinBion P C, protnptly obtained, or rCC RETURNED, as vsaas* expkniknck. our charges ark jlK tOWSST. Send model, photo or sketch for azpert March and free report on patentability. MFMMOCMICMT suits conducted betore all marts. Patents obtained through us. ADVCR* TISSD and SOU), free. TRAOE*MARKS= PEd- BIQIIS and OOrYIMHTI quickly obtained. Oppostto U. a. Patent Office, WA8HINOTON, O. C. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.05 am... 8.45 a m... 12.30 p m.. 3.45pm... 4.00 p m.. 4^7 pm... 8.00 am... 8.45a m. . 9.10 am... 8.0Spm... Leave McHenry. 7.ZS am... 8.32am... 4 .23 pm... 4.23pm... 6.17 p m... 7.25am... 7.08pm... 7.48pm... 7.46 pm,.. • Arrive. • *. McHenry. »10 H' a m Kffectlve May », tRMk WSBK DAT TRAINS." i KORTHBOUND ..i......Via Elgin... „ , Via IK*s IMalnes,;o a i ...... '... Via Elgin.1., 2 :,o p r Via^Des IMalnes.;.4..o ; ... • -.Ma E'irin.. .... ;w . 1140 p t .....Via Des Plalnes.Jiit.;:-.j».4() j> SONDAY TRAINS. ,-y-, .4..'»Vla IHjs Plaines.,.{^37 a rrt • • .. Via Elgin. ,'i^.i.tll4 a nj .. ..Via Des PI»lnes.^.>te.;lil.N ra Via Elgin... .,£'£/ 4.5ap S' WB1K DAY TRAINST T"1 SOUTHBOUND. -f) r r ,ve • i, 1 dih'aifo. i ......VSa Des nalnesi..^ uwj:« ... .Via DesPlalnes,. p Via Elgin 7 16 nt» . ...jVIa Des l'laines p m' . etWDAT TRAINS. * * Klein..., .. .10.25am - -Via Des Plalnes.d a. p n»* Via Des l'laines... 0.40 pm ..VlstEiglB. ...A..HiD.iopia, - 4' ... ' ^ i S.-i,. .<(1 * < -

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