Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1905, p. 4

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'?%si - X r ? > 1 ' ' ' 4 c • ',v;/^ _-.?T ~ v*<- •an ft Pia One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A C h e r r y P e c t o r a l d o c t o r ' s m e d i c i n e f o r a l l affections of the throat, bron­ chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. v " I have used Arert Clierr? Pectoral lnWly famiiv for eight years. There is nutliiiiK e<]ii;tl to it tor coughs and cnlrls, especially for chil­ dren."--Mrs. W. H. BKYMKR, Shelby, Ala. 2Sc., 50c., £1.08. All dniegists. for J. C. AYKH CO.. Lowell. N i g h t C o u g h s * • Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. Just one. The McHenry Plaindealer PIJBLHHED EVERY THURSDAY BY TWE MftfFHRY PIAINDfALfR COMPART K. K. <iit a ;kh. W. A. Cristy, J. TV Pkrrt, f're>. . See. " Trea.*.. Schrkinbr. Editor. ©Jfflee <d BimIc Building. Telephone, NO. 27S. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS Oneyear., . .-- ........... .... ..$1.50 Six months, JScts. - Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, December 7, 1905. It's well we had Thanksgiving Day before conjrreFS met Burton thought "eraft" was on# of t'ie regular allowances of a Senator. A Stranger might imagine that the red flag was the national standard of Rossia just now. Senator Plait's assurance that lie has wholly withdrawn fronrpolitics, re­ calls the "farewell tonr" of actresses. Senator Burton, convicted on a second trial, wants a third one. Some people never know when they get enough As to which of the sexes is moreconr- ageons it is, after all, hard to decide, for as often as a man marries a woman marries likewise. It has been formally announced tbat we will not interfere in Cnban affairs. In other words, Cuba runs no risk of be­ ing Santo Domingoed ANOTHER rough rider has been ap­ pointed to an office in Oklahoma. There most have been abont a million men in that famous regiment. Before outlining national political platforms for the next presidential cam­ paigns, we might-wait to see wfiat eon gress does to the railroads -- Incidentally Mr. Leib of the Phila delphia mint, has been notified that the subtreasnry is not to be treated like a "life insurance company." Mr. Roosevelt is to. take a hand in the insurance scandals. There are very few things on earth that our versatile president is not willing to try to regulate. The Japanese, the Chinese and even the Turks may be pardoned if, after reading our football returns for the sea­ son, they contemplate sending us a few missionaries. UMitMMMI M»MM» »•••««*• »MH*H W. c. T.U. PRESS DEPARTMENT j [The Plaindealer noes not hold Itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed in this eol umn -Eb.I DKCt. A RATIONS A N X> RESOLUTIONS. The followiuff declarations of prin­ ciples and resolutions were paused in re­ gard to the liquor traffic: We, the members of the National Temperance Congress of the Lewis and Olark exposition, in regular session as­ sembled in Portland, Oregon, this 22nd day of September, 1905, do m ike thefoi lowing declarations: » Whereas, The federal government when it created the Bureau of Internal Revenue ill 18R2 laid special war taxes upon the products of nearly every busi­ ness. including the liquor traffic; and Whereas, All taxes were re­ pealed immediately following the war, with the exception of the federal tax* ! tion of the liquor traffic, which haseori- ! tinned to the present' day; and Whereas, The internal revenue svs- tem has developed and fostered the liq- I nor traffic beyond' the fondest dreams of its early promoters, until its invented > capital exceeds $.VH),<W1»0,000', and its" re- i tail cash income from the United States is nearly $1,000,000,000 yearly; and Whereas, The internal revenn^ re­ ceipts froni all alcoholic liquors is less than $200,000,000, and the license and tax receipts of all state and local gov­ ernments is less than $200.000000 sui- Yiually. while its cost directly to the whole people exceeds $2. < ><>0.000,000 yearly in money value alone; and Whereas, Th^ liigh«-=t religious, edu­ cational, scientific, insurance and com­ mercial authorities of the age have un­ equivocally condemned and denounced the liquor traffic as the. greatest and most terrible curse of modern civiliza­ tion, and the supreme court of the Unit­ ed States, recognizing this jnd'gment of the world, has officially declared (De­ cember 5, 1887) that "We cannot ignore the fact, established by statistics accessi­ ble to everyone, that the disorder, pau­ perism and crime prevalent in the conn- try are in large measnre directly tracea­ ble to this evil;" therefore be it Resolved, That we, as citizens of the United States in this congress as­ sembled, do hereby appeal to Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States, that he break the official Silence of the present and past administrations for more than forty years upon this di-^ rect and criminal complicity of the na­ tional government with the legalized liquor traffic, and with the same mag­ nificent conrage and manly independ­ ence that has characterized his states­ manship to the present hour, champion the people's rights of protection from this nation wide curse and in his next message to the national cougress declare that this alliance must be broken and the internal revenue bulwark of the liq uor traffic abolished once and forever; and Resolved, That "copies of these de plarations be sent to every chnrch and °very local organization of /the United iS ates, and thai all who agree with its contents affix their signature thereto, and in addition be urged to write a per­ sonal appeal to the president, emphasiz ing their views in tuis regard, and Resolved, Tbat every newspaper and periodical publication of the United States, so far as possible, be furnished with a copy of these declarations and earnestly urged to publish and comment upon them. As we understand it, by 'asking the president to take tprriff off of hides. Gov. Douglas of Mass., merely sncceed ed in getting the "hide" taken off his frieud. Whitney. There is a strong sentiment in favor abandoning the plan for a Quay mon ntnent in Pennsylvania. It will hardly need a monument to perpetuate Seuator Qpay s memory. TtrtlltHiit Rcf«r<1 of a 'Newspaper Man. The success which has attended Will­ iam E. Curtis, the famous correspon­ dent 0f The Chicago Record-Herald, is rarely attained by newspaper writers. Beginning hi* career in Chicago in 1873 as reporter, he rapidly rose to the posi- tion of managing editor. He resigned that position on recei ving a government appointment as secretary of the South American commission Mr. Curtis trav eled extensively in Central and South America,'1 while jj,n this position, produc­ ing several popular v.. I nines as the re snlt of his literary labors.. Afterward co operating with Secretary of State," •lames G. Blaiue. Mr. Curl is organized the work of the bureau of American re­ publics. with the result that he was placed in charge of that, organization, and at the World's Columbia Exposition he distinguished himself by his labors as the executive head of the Latin- American depHrtmeut. As correspon­ dent of The Chicago Record Herald Mr Curtis' travels have carried him into every section of the United States, as well as into all quarters of the globe. His China and Japan letters were published in book form: likewise his letters from England, Germany and France, ,as well as those written during his travels in Mexico and South Ameri­ ca. -STo newspaper correspondent..'po­ ssesses the facility Mr. Curtis in writing on any of the diversified sub­ jects!'-embraced in his correspondence and making luminous. , Nor is any correspondent followed so closely a ear after year by the thousands of rearders of The Chicago Record-Herald. On his recent trip to the holy land Mr. Curtis' letters have been read more closly than ever, and his description of that inter esting section of the trlobe as it .ippears today have been quoted everywhere. A daily letter from Mr. Curtis appears in The Chicago Record-Herald. Additional Local*. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Weckler and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson were vic­ tims of charivari parties last week. The reason Dr. Dade's Little Liyer Pills give perfect satisfaction is due to their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe. Sold by G. W. Beslev, Wesi McHehry, and N» H. Petesch McHenry. Kansas farmers >ire said to be worry­ ing over what they shall do with the money they are receiving for they bump * er crops. They might follow Ton Law son's market tips Uncle Sam no longer "pines" for isles. The Isle of Pines i* therefore to • remain a part of Cuban territory, a* least until this uation is siezed again with an acnte attack of lard hunger, The 39th C.ingress which met Dec. 4, lii Its first session, is destined to become * memorable one. There in a "man" at the other end of Pa. Ave. who intends to see that it "does some thing." to the railroad-i efc al "if i* takes all snminer." ,?*Maude ' is suggested ax the name under which to admit Oklahoma and Indian Territory Tlii -* is suggested by the fact that theV h>ive been "kicking" for almissiou h,» lou^ Mande. however, fs a chronic "kic.ker" but the Territories &ave really "had a big kick." ^••Orlppf" tirxl Piieiimoiilit* --JPueumonia often follows hrgrippRSttinflr never follows the nse of Foley's Honey ^ and Tar It cures la grippe coughs and I prevents pneumonia and consumption. ; Ask for Foley 's Honey and Tar and re- IT^, fnse any substitute offered. Mr. G. ^ , Viicher, of 157 Osgood St . Chicago, a > < writes; "My wit'e had a severe case of p, ,V. . - !•'grippe three years ago. and it left her 1^' , *' with a terrible cough.. Shw tried a b<jt- of F«»ley's.Honey and Tar and it gave ^ Mmediate relief. A 50 cent bottle cnre<1 her congh entirely." Refuse sub- . Stitutes. G- W. Pesley. • il Notie«. McHenry Lo-lge, No 158, A. F. and j ' 4< M.. annual communication, Monday 'i'-. e* 'ning, Dec. 11. »t Election of , <»fticers, {myment of dnes and any other bnsiness. Every member is requested -.•{'•jisi attoiul John Evanscw, f?. M M. G. Cbamberun, Sec. r-wit A new plate glass front has been put into'the N J. Austen furniture store this week which adds greatly to the ap­ pearance of the place. * - Pinesalve is the best Salve for sores, burns, boils, tetter, i-cz^uia. skin diseases and piles. Sold by G. W. B^sley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch McHenry. On account of the Hebron football team's failing to put in an appear an < e the game advertised to take place here 011 Thanksgiving day did not material­ ize. It was a sore bunch that returned to Elgin that evening. A basket social will lie held at the Sherman Hill school, of which Miss Florence Howe is teacher, this (Thurs>- day) evening. A very cordial invita­ tion is extended to all to attend. Ladies please bring basket with lunch for two. Hart's Boston Novelty Co. was the attraction at the Central Thanksgiving day and drew good houses! The vaude­ ville numbers were good . On Sunday evenilm, to a very small andieuce, "The Kerry Fair" was presented. The play was of the Irish character and took well. Blind, bleeding, itching and protrud rug piles are instantly relieved by Man- Zan. This remedy is put up in collapsi­ ble tubes with nozzle attachment, so that the medicine may be applied insider directly where the trouble originates. MauZan relieves instantly. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch McHenry. J. V. Bnckland, the Ringwood nurs­ eryman. is just finishing the plant­ ing of 1345 Johnson apple trees on the farm of Geo. Sayer at Pitsakee Bay. The job is not quite completed but it is unnecessary to state that when finished Mr. Sayer will be in the possession of one of the finest as well as the largest annle orchards to be found in this part of 1 he state. • '< Wm. Phalin, manauer at tbe. Wtst Side mill, is confined to his home as a result of a severe case of blood poison­ ing in his light hand. The soreness was noticed by Mr. Phalin jud abont two weeks ago and be was not long in consulting Dr. Larson on the matter. Under the doctors care the victim is progressing nicely and will be back to work within a week. Geo. H. Hanly is attending to the mill business during Mr. Phalin's absence. above picture of the iMn and fish is the trade* nark of Scott's Emulsion, i(l is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun­ tries of the globe. If the cod fish, became extinct it would be a world-wide calam­ ity, liecause the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's Emul­ sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate ^»eople, and all conditions of wasting and lost Btrengt^-^' Send for trm »•- SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS «08-41* FU1I, BtlSn, XIV TOII ate. and #140. All Tar nud l-'e; "The Greek was the to u^ply tar j and feathers to the body of tin offend­ er," said a doctor. "Tiicn a* low. this punishment of the victim was consid­ ered one of the wor^t possible. In4"actt. tarring and feathering, was considered i greater punishment than hanging. It was a living punishment of the most repulsive kind. Aerating of the blood j to a certain extent through the skin takes place, and In the naked skin In­ sures this Is a very important part of the aerating process. In. man the skin r iocs about one-thirtieth part of the i work, while the lungs do the rest. It has been demonstrated that frogs live but a few hours after having been g ven a coat of varnish. A man ihat is so unfortunate as to receive a coat of tar and feathers s> soun as freed from his persecutors seeks to free hiniself from the recently applied tar. A man with good kidneys could endure longer such an application than one guilering froni au attack of any disease affecting the kidneys. Death might follow his suffering. The skin is a great absorbent agent." ' PHOTO STUDIO. professional. Society V I # u t C & f d s j Democracy on Wartfalpi. 'Visitors to the b!g 'worships' ill the •uavy yard are astonished at the way I lie men address their officers with the title of "Mr." Everybody below the grade of captain on the ship is ad­ dressed with a simple "Mr." ,.Tills is to save time, as commander,- lieutenant commander, lieutenant and midship­ man require too much time to enun­ ciate. A national guard officer of rank below that of.major visiting the yard the other day was surprised to hear a lieutenant commander referred to as "Mr." The very thought of such a thing happening to him in the armory made him almost shiver. "Ah," said he, "I see why it is. The officers are on board day after day, while wa guard officers are in the armory only now and then. Consequently, we cau stand a little waste of time in hearing our titles uttered."--Brooklyn Eagle. . Tbe Slit In the Coat Upel. A unique and beautiful custom among the orthodox .Jews is directly responsible for the angular slit in the lapel of the modern coat. The Jew when death visits his household takes a knire and, cutting the lapel, murmurs in Yiddish, "O God, I accept thy judg­ ment." This custom has come down from antiquity and is known as "krea" (rending the garment). The cutting of "krea" is associated with such solemn and religious obligations that many a stern"Hebrew father, as a punishment for a son or daughter who marries out of the faith, will rend his. garment as a token of the death of such a child. The act is emblematic of the profound- est grief, but also has its comforting influence, for it accepts with the resig­ nation of the typical religious Jew til* will of the Almighty. Cliinnllc Cur«t. The influeuce of climatic conditions in tbe enre of consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patit-nt, and the rich pHtieiit, too, can do much better at hoiue by proper attention to food diges­ tion and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning is made certain by German Syriip, so isa good night's rest and the absence of that weakening coufeh and debilitating ni^ht sweat. Restless nights and the exhaustiou cue to coughing, the great­ est danger and dread of the consump­ tive, can be prevented or flopped by taking German Syru .' liberally and reg­ ularly. Should you be able to go lo a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands ot consumptives there, the few . who are--benefited- -and regain strength nre those who use Germ in Syrup. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. At all druggists. Feb. 1. Mottoe to ni. Mury'H I'ttrifthion*™. Owing to the fact that Rev. M. W., B41U1 was called away to attend, the 'funeral of a very Intimate"friend jn T/hicago today, he will not return until the 4 50 p m. train tonight. Coufes- nions will i»e heard from 5 until 10 O'clock this (Thursdav) evening. Croup. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms ,of ctoup. Chain- bi'rlain's Cough Remedy given as soon jfts the child be"oin»'s hoarse, or even aft­ er the croupy cough apj>ears. will pre­ vent the attack It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by G. W. Besley. Read The Pltinil«aW"»^|" mAm A Story With a Moral. A prominent New York banker was dilating on the dangers of deceit. By way of illustration, he told of a so? ciety woman who saw in a jeweler's window ta collar of pearls that she wanted. She inquired the price and was told $0,000. She gave her check for $3,000, saying she would send her husband to see the pearls, but the jeweler was to tell him they cost only $3,000. The storekeeper was familiar with that sort of game and agreed. The husband came to see the pearls, rfhd that evening told his wife he had bought them. His wife delightedly asked if he had brought home the col­ lar, whereupon he replied: "No. dear; I had it sent to iyy mother. You know, It IS her birthday tomorrow;" Horrible Ilerotam. One of the Resolution's gunners Was standing by his gun as the ship sheered abreast of De Grasse's flag­ ship. The gunner was all ready, just going to fire, when a shot came in at the port and took his leg off at the knee. As quick as thought the man pulled off his neckcloth and tied hist leg above the stump. The next instant he seized his shot off limb and thrust it into the muzzle of the gun, which went off two seconds later. "My foat," shouted the man exultantly, "is the first to board the Vllle de Paris."-- Frasler's "Famous Fighters." A Famoun Beauts'. Mme. de Remusat had features So perfect that her contemporaries said she was worthy to sit as a model for a Greek goddess. The flesh of her face closely resembled alabaster, and yet she was not pale and did not give the Impression of being in delicate health. Her beauty attracted univer­ sal attention to her, no matter where she went, and even in old age she re­ tained most of her good looks| ' Simpler. Simpler--They are going to be mar­ ried? Why, I didn't know they wcrp engaged. Smarter--Well, you see. there are so many engagements broken now­ adays that they thought th^y wouldn't get engaged--just simply | married.-- London Answers. I When Hi» Tronble Coluea. Smith--Do you mean to say you don't have any trouble In keeping your wife dressed In the height of fashion? Wedderburn--That's, what I snhl. My trouble comes when I doii't keep her dressed that way." The Evil of Inheritance. It Is not so bad when a l ieli man cuts off his heirs for spite. Inheritance has worked enormous mischief ever since there were fortunes to leave. In most cases it is a misfortune to b® an St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Portraits. A I! sliap-'s utrl sizes. Sev­ eral proofs U> select from. Each doz­ en finished in different styles. Price, S2.00 viid upward. Outdoor Work. We Iwve extensive apparatus fo» alt kitids of outdoor work, sue li n* urn mi p pictures, views ofliuilditiK-s. cntT.I<>. niaciiinery. etc. Er\ia.rj(emor\ts. Copied from any small piettm>. Llkwness guaranteed in every instance. Finished in black and white or colors.* Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes triads up for any size picture, certificate, etc. , WniiJfegaii St., nestr tbe Htandpipe. MellfcNTtV. ILL. •* Telephone, 493 Want Column, All advertisements Inverted under thin head at the following rates: Five lines or less, 26 cents for first insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for llrst insertion, and 3 cents a lino lor additional insertions. "CMJK KENT--My residence 01.1, Elm strpet. I also iihve for ,s.ii<j two hard coal heat- 1»K stoves and other household furnishings. For further information apply <0 21-2t* Mrs. L. Stkbrihs, McHenry, 111. T OST--Shepherd dot;; color, white with brown spots. Finder please return to or notify spots. 1' \\M. B. 'j Ton van. HinKw<Kxl, III. TjVOli SALE CHEAP--A good three-seated A spring wajfoti: can he used as a milk wag dn Inquire of Wm Hor^tz, West Side livery. 23-tf C"tO ! RENT Five-room cottage in ttood re- 1 * pair. Ijocatcd on John street West Mc­ Henry. Apply to or address WM. Bonsc.ett. ADMINISTRATOR ^ NOTICE. Estate of Levi A. Waterman, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed sdministrator with will annexed of the Es­ tate of Levi A. Waterman, deceased, late of the County of Mcilenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the Feb­ ruary term, on the flrst Monday in February next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and request­ ed to attend for the purpose of having tlit same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to t,h% undersigned. Dated this 14th day of November, A. D. 1905. Albkht L. Francisco, 23-3t* Administrator with Will Annexed Handing; Out a Hint. School Director (to teacher)--We were thinking of having a nice motto framed and put over your desk to encourage the children. How would "Knowledge [s Wealth" do? Teacher--That wouldn't do at all. The children know how small my salary is, and they might draw conclusions of their own. Sullivan and Booth. It is a pathetic as well as a humor­ ous remark that Laurence Hutton in his reminiscences attributes to John L. jSullivan. When the news came of the death of Edwin Booth the great tighter in sincere sorrow remarked, "Well, therfrare-only a few of us left!" -- Aikintt Too Mack. He With the Whiskers--Say, feller, why don't you wear two g'.aisc:^ in­ stead of only one? He With the Mon­ ocle--^Why, deuce take it, y' know, a fellah has to see, doesn't he?--Cleve­ land Leader. Never be grandiloquent torant to drive home the truth. Don't whip with a switch that has tbe leaves ftn it if you want to tingle.--Beeeber. Tough on the Calf. It's pretty tough on the fatted calf that it should have to suffer for the rtins of the prodigal son.--Philadelphia Record. A f) M in IS Tit A f0RVN0V 'ICR. E-t:iteof Marv Knox, Dec Mi-.ed. The U I'lcrsigncd having be«n apiolnted Adm-nistrator <>f i»i > Fst (,<> rf Mary Knox, dp" MISe<|. 1 ite of the County of Mf'enrv and 8; te of 111 nois. .hereby gives 11 t 111:;t he I :«ppe:i r l»ofore the Comitv Q< u t if Me- Henry CN>-inty. at t he Court House In Wood- stock. at the Feljruary Term, on tbe first Monday in February next , at which time all persons Imvlmr claims agninst. said Estate are not I fled and requested t.11 attend for the purpose of buying the s;ime adjusted. All ix rsons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Dated this,:{oth day of Noveml>er, A. l>. 1905. 32-3t MiCHACii Knox. Administrator. F. O. Gans has a large list of real estate for sale. It Ton are » bnjer, see him. No Case ot Pneumonia - on Record There is no case on re­ cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or pther seri­ ous lung trouble, after FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR had been taken. It stops the cough and heals the lungs and pre­ vents serious results from a cold. , j' Do not 4ake chances on a cold Rearing away or experiment with some un­ known preparation that costs you the same as. Foley's Honey and Tar. Remember the name and get the genuine, / I k Siviri Cold for Thrtt MmHm. The fallowing letter from A. J. Nus» baura, of Batesville, Ind., tells its own story: "j suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist prepared ma some medicine, and a physician pre­ scribed for me, yet I dicl not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey and Tar( and eight doses cured me." Three sizes--25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small sise and the $1.00 bottle almost six tim«l as much. SOLO UD ttCONKUa If G W. BESLEY. W. McHENBY .1. . .• •/•/v.- ; 'V. V 'V V •• We handle the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. Also have a complete of needles and repair* Sewing jtaclSivesi Come in and let us show you our $13.00 and up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee, wjith eseh and every one of them. . FEGEUS & FEGER8 \ C ^P®yfiIOIAl«i5 ASI) SURGEONS. H&timfr ^ 5" 111. Office at Residence,corner Oottrt and ? |sEim streets. Telephone m C. ROSS. D. Ji. S. 4 Office over Fetesch's Drug Store. * Aliti WORK PJSaTAININO TO MODKRN DENTISt** • Office Telephone 214; Residence 802. t < ;»Hitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hours8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.' I A. West ncHenry, III This is the place where at all times can be found a fresh and complete line of Bakery Goods, such as bread, cakes, pies, doughnnts, £tc. : '• : DURING DECEflBER we will make a specialty* of - Christinas Bakery, the finest and best in the bakery line. We also fill orders for wed dings and parties on very short notice. : : : : : : : PROPRIETOR. WEST SIDE Meat Market Itl ways ftiwrnpletettneol-- Fresh and 'Salt Meats, Sansages, Etc. Highest - market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first class city market to offer? , t * A.CMATTHEWS! CENTERVILLE han^e everything In line of fresh and salt We alao handle the Mc­ Henry Creamery Butter. Chas. 0. Frett, McHenry, lit. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.«iattt... i t . o o a m . . . 3.25 p HU.. 4.00 p ta... 4.57 p m... s.4-1 a m. . 9.10 am... 8.02 p m... Leave McHenry. 7.23 a m.- 8.29a m... 4.2» p m... 4J23pm... 7.23 am... 5.00 pm... 5.00 pm... Effective Nov. 5, 1005. - WAK DAY THAIKS. NORTHBOUND -...Va Elgin... .. ..Via l»es IMaines Via l>es I'I nines Via Elgin .....Via Des Plaines.,.. SUNDAY TRAINS. .. Via Elgin ,.VI%Des I'laines .TVia Elgin V1IK DAY THAINS. SOUTHBOrND. ....... .Via Elgin. Via Des i'laines,... ... .Via Ues i'laines.. . Via Elgin eUNDAY TKA1NS. Via Elgin . . V i a D e s I ' l a i n e s . . . . . Via Elgin. Arrive McHenry. ..10.17 a m ... 10.17 a m -- 4.50 p m . . 6.40 p m . ..6.40 p m ...11.14 a m .11.14 a m ... 4.55 p m Arrive Chicago. ...10.10 am . . 9.55 a m ...«.1"> p m ...7.10 p m ..10.S5am --7.00 p m ....740pm DAVID G. WELLS. M. 1>. OH V8ICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST •*- Office and residence corner Elm *nc Green streets. McHenry. Telephone No. 311. DR. ItG. CHAMBEHLl|| - - ' V V . DENTIHT. mi Office and Residence over Besley'* Dmr StgtnJ Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. W«8T MCHBMIY. ILI, (ieneral l earning -*! of all kinds. . Excavatias pud Grading:. V ricHENRY 1 . - -ILLINOIS. v Telephon* No. 293. SIMON ,>v;» f • • Insurance Agent for all classesof i \ property in the best Companies. Weat McHenry, lillittli v, McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock. 111. Abstracts or title aqd eon- veyancing. Money to loan on real estut^ in sums of $500 to §10,000, time and payment tc suit oorrower. , FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER ^ (ARRIAOE PAINTING, J5.00 andUPWAMl House and Sign Fainting and all Interior Dec­ orating. Residence north town line one blocic west of river. McHeney. «. • Illinois r | ^Tui -i "i ||-r-'.i" .1 ' - ' ij'. ' •' ' H. OWEN *• ' • Pianos Ufr sale and rent. Tuning and repair­ ing at reasonable prices. First class Work only. ( McHENBY. * TLTJNOJ8 Joh DEALER IN Ger\er«.l Hardware Stoves, Paints aud Oils Tin and nia- chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, ' : - . - ILLINOIS. ; : I' fuiirui i< Have yo\i seen LAMBERT Q. SENG'S wewlVi, DECORATED AT 92 Fifth Ave. C h i c a g o . Illinois^ Tel. Main 17lt K I L L t h e C O U C H and C U R E the L U N C 8 w i ™ D r . K i n g New Discovery FORC ONSUivtPTION Pries OUGHSand 50e&$1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and I^UNG TROUB­ LES, or MONET BACK PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FCC RETURNED, ao VKAHS' CXPKRIKMCC. OurCHAMSSSfS THK LOWEST. Send model, photo or Bfcetoh tor expert search tod free report on patentability. (1 MfRWQIMINT suits conducted before aU courts. Patents obtained throuirh m SPVSW" Tisse and SOLO, free. THSEE-5Si**»» •IONS and OOPVKIOHTS quickiy obtained. Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, P. O. D SWIFT _ _ ORIGINAL, LAXATIVE An improvement over all Congk» Lang and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. tneani ly flHEULE MEOICIMC C0.,Ckka«a,«LtA Sold by N. H. PETESCH, McHenry. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry HOLLISTCR'S loefcy Mountain Tea Nuggeffp;; A Busy Medidaa for Busy Peopl*. - %bsa Golden Health sad Renewed Vigor. , ; •v».'ifle for Constipation, Indigestion, Li^l'"" y Troubles, Pimples, Ee/ema, Impnrs l, ifaa Breath, Sluggish Hou els, Hea<lai;n' HiM'kache. It's Rooky Mountain Tea in iat- tonn, 85 cents a box. (ienuine made by li.istkr Daoa Company, Madison, Wis. ADEN HUMETt FOi tAUOW PEOPfcf * . J ' * / . . . w . . 1 - . v . ^ . :..h ^

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