Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jan 1908, p. 5

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FOR thE: KSTCHEN, IsiNINQ ROOM, PAR: LOR and BED ROOM. AN , ELEGANT AS­ SORTMENT AT EX­ CEEDING LY LOW f=» R I O E S. LET US S H O W STOCK, uriik,2i<ikiog S*ak*&ami ,, * The Stove Qviestion ̂4: »S#.fSr Is solved to tho highest degree of Satis­ faction. A fine lia* to select from at honest prices. ^ ^ F. L. McOMBER, WEST McHENRY. * ' 3 ILLINOIS. V*" in WICHFC TTIJIILJ... f for a Happy arid Pro^ perous INIYear* •h*' nking ydu for pa- tronage during year pnd hopingforcontin- Ipance of same, I am Youra Truly, . J. Walsh. Sp# ' " «-• vi< •* ^ Don't Pay: ten, twenty and thirty days in ad­ vance for your Gro­ ceries when you can buy them just as cheap, all things considered, y»4 get them when you pay and get the qual­ ity too- .\ .*• Stringless Green Beans, No. 2 Can White Wax Beans, No. 2 Can ... Fancy Maine Corn, No. 2 Can Red Sugar Beets, whole, No. 3 Cans.. Royal Seal Oats, per can. ,... Crystal Domino Sugar, ......... Fancy Table Syrup, 10-lb. can * Fancy Table Syrup, 5-lb. can Maple and Cane Syrup, qtr. bottle..... Tomato Catsup, small . Pure Olive Oil, medium si2S§;....... Mixed Pickles, 10-oz. bottl®.... ...10c Gherkins, 10-oz. bottle..,.. 10c Onions, 10-oz. bottle... ̂ ._. 13c Cbw*€feow,-!£•$•. botUe.. 10c Moat. Wirt * Co. Prk» . . 1 60 ...lOe . . .12c ...14c . ..14c ..43c ..48c . ,30c ..35c ...12c .40c "Our Prkx M3C 11C I4C 14C I4C 45C 45C 35C 35C IOC 40c IOC IOC 13c loc JOHN STOFFEL CASH GROCCI. *V * WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. vi) Mrs. B. L. Dafieid is vial ting friends in Elgin. Fred Wills of Hand* twi ^Jtewn Saturday. ^ ^ . Pat Bennett wjw inthe city one day last week. D. O. Kline wee a city visitor lest week Monday. J. H. Parka was in Chicago on busi­ ness last week. . j„. •••• 'Mrs. Josephaoft ,#ar *vWoodetock visitor Monday. 1 "* " Miss Mabel Hklanfer is visiting friends at Oshkosh, Wisv ; F. Bartinan andwife were Ntinda callers last week, Mrs. Malrfnberg visited Mr. Bntton and sister Thursday. Mrs. Harley Thayer of Chicago is vie- itinc at Frank Thayer's. Ernest Merchant made a btmuess trip to Nnnd a Saturday. Mrs. Jack man of Woodstock visited at W. H. Monroe's Wednesday. ; Miss Lola Lynch and sister, Madeleine, were Chicago ehoppera Thursday. Mr. Anderson went to ChicagoThnrs- day. His sister accompanied him. Grace Cole of Woodstock spent a few days recently with Mrs. Etta Ree.1. Mr. Keeler and son of Elgin are Wait­ ing Mrs S. Wakefield for a few days.* Mrs Stephenson and daughter, Arline, drove to Nnnda Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball went to Mc- Henry to spend the Christmas vacation. H. Irish and family of Harvard were recent visitors with Ridgefield relatives. Gerald Smith of Chicago ia visiting hie aunt and grandfather, J. C. Bntton, here. * Miss Emma Eiokhoff and sister of Woodstock visited at Sam Merchant's Thursday. Conductor Forney of Lake Geneva was a gnest of hie stater, Miss Liztie, on OI2 ris t in sts Mrs. John Johnston if visiting her mother in Chicago, her two eons accom­ panying her. Mies Dora Hudson of McHenry visit ed her aunt, Mrs Stephenson, for a few days this week. M r 1 F r a m e a n d M i s s E l l s w o r t h o f Woodstock spent Christmas day with Mrs. 8. Wakefield. Lewiflftihton and lady friend were Christmas guests at the home of the former's parents here Mrs. Weiland entertained her two sisters, Misses Emma and Martha Hoep- ner, of Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson attended the wedding of their son, Lewis, to Miss Lillian Sharer {n Chicago Tuesday. Miss Etta Irish of Rockford was call- {NFF am HAR AINTOI* ILJIJWA ^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irieh. Mrs. L. Bard en and daughter, Mamie, of Woodstock enjoyed Christmas cheer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. The stork stole a march on Santa, coming the day before Christmas and bringing an eight pound baby boy to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Merchant The team of Mr. Arneeon, who lives near the Catholic church, became fright­ ened and ran away Monday, spilling out the milk cans and breaking a pump at Mr. Leary's. The wagon was a total wreck. No one was seriously hnrt, VOIA Frank Dowell of Round Lake era* in town Thursday. _ ' Miss Maude Eattinger made a trip to Chicago Thursday. Miss Lydia Nicholls of McHenry at home several days last week. Otis Murtray and son, Raymond, of Johnsburgh were in town Friday. Misses Mande and Elsie Dannill were in Grayslake Saturday forenoon. Mrs. S. S. Torrance of McHenry was a guest at A. J. Raymond's Sunday. Mrs. Charity Raught of Wankegan is spending a few days at the Ranght farm. Alfred Nicholls of Chicago spent Christmas with Mr. and Nn. Harry Nicholls. Miss Anna Miller entertained friends from Round Lake Tuesday night and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.. James Kirwan ate Christmas dinner with relatives at Round Lake. Miss Maude Walton of Libertyville was the guest of her parents here from Tuesday to Sunday. Mies Catherine Dowell of Weet Fre­ mont visited relatives-here laat Wed nesday and Thursday. Mias Bessie Dunnill and a friend from Chicago spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunnill. Wellie Moore of Wankegan and Will Moore of Shabbona, 111., spent Christ­ mas with their mother and sister here. Will Kine of Salem, Ohio, Mrs. B, C. Strait®. and daughter, Mildred, spent Friday and Saturday at the Ranght farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Roeing gave a family dinner Christmas day. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M. Hertel and family of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. George Rosing and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rosing. Miss Kate and Joe Rosing of Ronnd Lake. A Higher Health Level. "I have reached a higher health level since I began using Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Jacob Springer, of West Franklin, Maine. "They keep tny stomach, liver and bowels working just right." If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at N. H. Petesch's, Frank Masqnelet'a, McHenry, G. W. Beeley's, 9e§* Mo- Henry, drug stores. 26c. u JlMi&T^e fWfideslM# 4*7 ' Miss Mary Gibbe is spending theweek at Terra Cotta. / J ' v'.wifld mi R. Givens* Sunday. J Miss Hattie Welch of Woodstock ( father, E. M. Owen, Esq., on December t .y-'Va j •• '£?" ... . • * (Zi'> spent Christmas at home. H. Felmeten and fatuiljrare spending the holidays in Chicago. D. W. Hill and J. Haxton of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Miss Lola Aylward of Elgin spent Saturday last at E. Knox's. Mrs. M. Guth of Hartland Visited at E. Knox's one day recently. , Mrs. J. Gibbsand Mrs. P. Waiah vi&> iteil at R J. Sutton's Friday last. Miss Margaret Sutton of Elgin spent a few days last week at her home here. Ray Gorr aud Will Howard of Wood­ stock spent Saturday in this vicinity. Miss Katie Knox of Griswold Lake school enjoyed a two weeks' vacation. Miss Mary and R E. Sutton M Chi­ cago spent (thrififesikaa day at their home here. , Ohaa Gibbs and wife and J. Gibb«,Jr., spant. Wednesday with relatives in this vicinity. R. J. Sutton and W. Bolger attended the funeral of i. Fitiaimmons at Wood­ stock Monday. Rev. P. Bourke and.friend, Bay Pet­ ers, of Chicago called in this vicinity Christmas day. Miss Lizzie Gorman and friend, Mr. Kadetz, of Woodstock visited at E, Knox's Sunday last. Messrs. Wm. Welch, W. J. Walsh and Ed Sutton attended the K. C. ban­ quet at Harvard Sunday. Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin spent a few days this and last week with friends here and at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Fierity of Ktgin spent the holidays at the home of the letter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Sntton returned to Elgin Sun­ day evening, where he is attending school, after a few days' vacation here. Mr and Mre. Ed Lark in of Elgin spent Curiaiuius «t R J. Suttova. The former returned home Thursday, but Mrs. Larkin remained until Sunday. TERRA COTTA. J. M. Phalin was a Harvard visitor Sunday. Mias Eleanor Phatin spent last week at Griswold Lake. Mre. S. Knox of Elgin spent Tuesday with relatives here. , 1 J M Phslic vr« a Chicago visitor Friday of last week. J. M. Phalin called on relatives in Woodstock Monday. Miss Florence Leisner Chicago is visiting relatives here. ^ ' Miss Hattie Welch of Griswold Lake spent Saturday at J. M. Phalin's. Misses Delia, Minnie and Margaret Conway visited relativee here Monday. Eugene Leisner of New ,T«r««v ia spending the holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carey and daughter of Spring Grove spent a recent day here. Miss Florence Welch of Griswold Lake called on relativee here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. McMillan spent Christmas with relativee in Holcomb- ville. 1 Mr. JM. Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughter ate Christinas dinner in Rich mond. Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin and family spent Wednesday at T, Powers' In Mc­ Henry. Mr. Bergman and daughter of Chica­ go spent a few days this week in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and chil dren visited relatives in Holcombyille Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Colby and daugh­ ter of Barreville spent Wednesday at L. Lock wood 's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family spent Christmas with Miss Ellen Doher- ty in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters of Holcombville spent Wed­ nesday in this vicinity. JOHNSBUROH. K- } 3>.». Mrs Peter Wirfs is on the sftJlf Wt Mat Brown was a caller here Sunday. John King was a McHenry caller Tuesday. Wm. Engels of McHenry was a cialler here Snnday. Miss Maggie and Frank Tonyan eilled here Sunday. Mrs. John Oeffling of Volo drove thru here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyers 'were Mc­ Henry callers Tuesday. Mrs. Hubert Michels called on Mrs. Joe. Michels Saturday. Miife Anna Young of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday. Misses Eva and Lizzie Millet were Ringwood callers Tuesday. Misses Josephine and Lena Pitzen of Volo were callers here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. August Huff of Spring Grove attended the fnneral here Thurs­ day- Peter May, who has been working in Iowa, returned home Tuesday to spend the winter with home folks. Mrs. Mat Steffes and daughter, Loret- ta, visited a few days recently with the former's sister, Mrs. Wm. Etten. Mesdames Maggie Freund, Joe Mich­ els and Peter Freond visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein at Ingleside last Thursday. It Does tbe Business. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain of Clinton, Maine, says of Bucklen's Arnica Salve: "It does the business; I have used it for piles and it cured them. Osed it for chapped hands and' it cured them. Ap­ plied it to an old sore and it healed it without leaving a scar behind." 25c at N. H. Petesch's, Frank Masquelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West Mc- " 1 r* •.. " • . 28, 1882, by the Rev. L. J. Dinsmore, Frank A. Schnorr and Miss Mary L. Owen, both of McHenry. We learn that the old D. S. Smith residence, now occupied by Rev. L. J. Dinsmore, has been sold to L. A. Park­ er, the siim paid being $1500. Mr. Par­ ker will occupy it in the spring. G. W. Beeley and family of this vil­ lage went to Wankegan on Thursday to attend the golden wedding of Mr. Bes­ ley's father and mother, which took place at their residence in that city on Friday evening. We understand the newsroom Of S. W. Wheeler was burglarized one night last week, a lot of cigat-g and abotit 70 cents in money being taken. They ob­ tained an entrauce by breaking a large pane of glass in the door. The new year parties were well at­ tended in this village, one hundred and four couples being reported at the Riv­ erside House and two hundred and sev­ en at the Parker House. We have not learned the number at Hie McHenry House. The Universalis^ have a social at the residence of Amos Whiting, on the Nun- da road, on Friday evening, this week. Warm candy, readings and singing are among the attractions. Those wishing to go and having no conveyance, will be carried from the residence of Rev. L. J. Dinsmore. The ladies of the Universe list church are canvassing the town for the sale of seaeon tickets for a course of lectures. The course will consist of four lec­ tures and one concert. The speakers will be: Rev. Dr. Ellis and Rev. Dr. Crowe of Chioago; Rev. L. D. Boynton and Rev, Dr. Balch of Elgin. The Owen brothers, George, Oliver N. and Ed W., made their father, E, M. Owen, a very handsome present on Christmas day, it being no less than the flue large painting, copied from Rosa Bonnheur's original, "Tbe Plowing Match." This picture was painted by Miss Clara B. Owen while in Paris, and is certainly one of the finest works of art we ever saw. It is adorned with a handsome gilt frame and is a present of which any one might well feel prond. i'nbiic Sale. ' Having rented my farm, I will sell at pnblic auction on said farm, known as the Wm. Powers farm, situated 8 miles north of Nunda, 5 miles south of Mc­ Henry and 80 rods west of the Holcomb­ ville ^schoolhouse, commencing at 10 a. m , on Monday, Jan. 6, 1908, the fol­ lowing property, to-wit: Ninety-two head of live stock--40 choice young cows, nearly all well marked Solatciua, all of my own raising, 10 with calves by their sides and the balance close spring­ ers; full blood Holstein bull, 8 years old; high grade Holstein bnll, 18 months old; full blood Holstein bull, 1 year old; 4 Holstein heifers, choioe close springers, 2 years old. This is one of the choicest yonng dairies in &e coun­ try. Bay mars, 4 years old, wt. 1800 lbs.; bay gelding, 8 years old, wt 1800 lbs.; black mare, 8 years old, wt. 1150 lbs.; bay gelding, 8 years old, wt. 1000 lbs.; bay mare, 4 years old, wt. 1160 lbs.; 2 2-year old colts; 10 hogs, wt. 150 lbs.; 20 shoats, 8 months old; 5 brood sows; 25 extra choice white Pekin ducks; 80 acres of good sonnd corn in shock, out with binder; 250 bnshels choice seed barley; 20 tons choice timothy hay in barn; 1 stack straw; 14 milk cans; fan­ ning >v> j n • snrrey. Plenty to eat and drink at noon. All property advertised will absolutely be sold without reserve. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and un­ der, cash. On sums over that amStmt a credit of 12 months will be given on bankable notes at 7 per cent interest. Positively no property to be removed on til settled for with the clerk. H. B, Throop, auctioneer; Wm. Pin- now. clerk. WM. POWERS. HOLCOHBVIUI. f • Fred Da vol 1 was a caller in Chicago Thursday. Nick Zenk spent Christmas at his home in Elgin. ' "*™ Miss Hazel Lock wood visited si T. L. Flanders' last week. Miss Mabel Doherty vitited relatives in McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert spent Christ­ mas with relatives in Chicago. James Doherty attended the K. otMC,.j. ^ initiation at Harvard Sunday. Miss Mary Doherty and pupils enjoy­ ed a week'B Christmas vacation. Mrs. Fred Powers and'Miss Anna Powers were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. Ed Gilbert of Chicago spent last week with her sister, Mrs. W. Gilbert Micses Bridget and Mary Doherty of McHenry called on relatives in this vi­ cinity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L Flanders and chil­ dren visited at L. Lockwood's in Terra Cotta Wednesday. About thirty responded to invitations to attend a cinch party at C. Hutson's Saturday evening. Refreshments, con­ sisting of sandwiches, pickles, coffee, cakes, fruit and candy, were served. Miss Etta Powers and pupils had a Christmas tree and program last week Monday afternoon. Following are the names of those who attended: Mes- dames J. Doherty, J. Powers and daugh­ ter, F. Davoll, F. Bertchey, B. #. Peck, A. Johnson, T. L. Flanders and daugh­ ter, F. McMillan; Misses Anna Powers, Vera Doherty and Margaret Powers. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and thi paper delivered for one year at our "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two. * ; AT PfTFSOTS DRUG STORE Phone 274. McHenrv *{8 '$*t ; Bank of McHen ry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and PoBJ f̂itic Exchange, and doea a , U- aCNERAL BARKING Buliss. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE It* 9fnt Class Companies, at the lowest ratee. Tours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. WEST SIDE is the place to * leave your order . . . . . F O R . . . . . Oysters and fish Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S E. F. Matthews, WeatMcHenry, III. DEMINO KOI R. L. UNLAND, MANAGER Mriisofi and (lark Sts., (Hugo ENTRANCE ON n AIM SON 5T. Stun Hnt - flectrit Bellsii ill Rims ...Rated... 50c., 75c., and $1.00 Located In the center of the business district From Stock Yards take 7Vth and Halsted Sts. car direct to corner of Madison and Clark Sts. Chicago & Nortta-Westera. PORTHBOCKD McHenty Via Elgin ..Via Des Pl&ines Effective November 10,1907. waas DAT TRAINS Leave Chicago. 7.00 am -- 9.00 a m... 3.25 pm... Via DesPlalneo . 3,4ft p m Via El/rin 4 57pm Via DesPlaines.. SOHDAY THAIHS. Via Elgin. . .. ..ViaDes Plaines... Via Elgin WSBK DAT TRAINS. •OCTHBOrrwi). ......Via Elgin 8 17 a m Via Des Plaines. 4.23Din Via D»v Plaines.. 4.23 pm Via Elgin SOm>AY TRAINS. 7.20am.w<....u.'.Via Elgte 5.00 p m. VfatDes Plaint S.4ftam- - 9.10 am... t.00pm-.. Leave McHenry. 7J»am.... THE PROGRESSIVE Groceryl THAT'S what we term ourselves. We do so be­ cause we here already convinced the public that we are right-up-to-the- minute in everything. That means progress and Moeressins" we are. New customers are com­ ing our way daily and they are pleased with our business' methods, our goods and last, but not least, ou«Jprice$*,;®|* ;1 If Wm. UP-TO-DATE • Siguier, Biwck, nctta CENTERViLLJg fNl handle; everything ' the line of fraah and aalt MEATS «nd Sausage#^ We also handle Ofeametj Johni. Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, HI. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes and sites. Sev- ei-a t proofs to select from. Eacb dos- e» duished fa different styles. Price, IB-W and upward. Owsiioor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor * ork, such as group pictures, views r- buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. CihlaMfgena«r%ta Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed iu every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frame s A variety of styles in stocK to select from. Odd sises made up tor any size picture, certificate, etc. Waufaegan St., nearthti Standpioe. McHENRY, III*'. " '1$ T•kphon*. 493 ' y 5.00 pm.. 'ia Elgin 10.17 a m oJM p ID .. .(M0 p a S.401 m -U.M a m 11 J* am ^ p Arrive Chicago, a m Tel. Mate <9*4. WHY dv p«»ple of HL. Henry, Lake aa other coutrtl iroplnat q. j • Fifth Ave. 4^ qncAoo» icaase a lm READ THE PAPKR THAT PROTECTS HOME INOUSTR* lyj"4 ' K ^ £ - $ V-1 kV s* •

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