6 per cent. But \ye can make you more than 6 per cent, on your money if you invest in a FUR COAT, OVERCOAT, SUIT, UNDERWEAR, FELT BOOTS, MIT TENS, CAPS, or, in fact, anything in the warm line of Goods at our REDUCED PRICES than buying next fall. Call and see. JOS. W. FREUND, WESTMcHHNRY, ILLINOIS. J Come asfl See the verv latest exclusive VALEN TINE NOVELTIES. A fine selec tion of Valentine Postal Cards, fancy Boxed Valentines. Prices to suit all purses 5C UP DISHES or ALL KINDS! A fine line of Jardinieres, assorted sizes, Cuspidors, Flower Pots, Lamps, Chimneys, Burners and wicks of all sizes. A full line of FRESH PAT ENT MEDICINES. Have your pre scriptions filled here by an experienced and reliable Druggist with PURE, FRESH DRUGS. Window Glass, all sizes, also a full line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Fraunk Ma^squelet, DRVGGIST AND APOTHECARY. EAST SIDE. MoHENRY. ILL. •J) fr Teh Plaindealer and any one of the fol l o w i n g M e t r o p o l i t a n Daily Papers: : : : Record Herald Inter Ocean Tribune One full year, for only $3-50 Subscribe Now! LIQUOR QUESTION AcTf|«W«a by Kev. H. W. MeG«lr* • Catholic Standpoint. QUARTER OF A CENTURY, Xtmpa Clipped from The Ptalndmtor •• February 14, 1883, Ret flenrj- W. McGuire, assistant at St. Mary'a church, Joliet, has sent oat for publication the following communi cation, which purports to represent the stand of the Catholic church on the lo cal option qnestion now being agitated in this vicinity: "The question of IookI optioa agitat ia# the people of .Joliet at present ha?< brought out reported contradictory state ments from clergymen of this and neigh boring towns and made the Catholic church appear both as the defender and proaeentor of the liquor interests. The authority has been quoted on both aides, and thns she has been tuade to Htaud sponsor for truth aud falsehood. "Now, it is a useless thing to argue and quibble on these points; the only way to settle the question amicably is to let the church herself proclaim her doc trine in this regard' and say on which -•id* she stands. AN the best and onlj way to know what a man actually be lieves is not to judge by hearsay but to have hiui explain his creed, so the only *afe WHY to learn the doctrine of the Catholic church oh the question is to read her own decrees, aud not'the heat ed utterances of men of nervous temper ament. "In the III Plenary council of Balti more in 1884 the archbishops and bish ops of the United States subscribed their names to certaiu decrees, which have be come, by the approbation of , the pope, the particular ecclesiastical or canon liw of the United States, aud among them we find the following: ' 'Decrees -Curses of Drink--It must t>e admitted that the excess in the use of ntoxicatiuR liquors is one of the evils with which this country is cursed. It is certainly a fountain head of siu and an inexhaustible source of misery, bringing utter ruin ro myriads of men, breaking up and destroying numberless families and driving countless souls to eternal perdition. Arid since Catholics not in frequently indulge to excess, this vice of druukenness has scandalized our non- Catholic neighbors and been a great hin drance to the spread of religion. Hence both love of country and love of religion urge and press all Christians to do every thing in their power to stamp out this insiduous disease. " 'To the priests of the church, espe cially, to whom God has entrusted the office of teaching men and guiding and training them in morality, do we look for help iu this matter. Let them never cease to condemn, in forcible language, drnukenuess; but let them do so espe cially during the time of missions and retreats. Mindful of the doctrine of the apostles they should preach to drunkards the words of St. Paul (I Cor. vi, 10): 'Nor * * drunkards shall possess the kingdom of God;' and those who rely on their own strength to resist temptation the words of Ecclesiasticus (III, 27), 'He that loveth danger shall perish in it ' And as words only move while example draws and entices, let the priests them selves, following the admonition of the apostles, be the leaders of fkxJks in this regard and give the people an example of the virtue of temperance. " 'In fine, we admonish Catholic sa loon keepers to seriously consider the many occasions of sin with which their business, tho not illicit, is connected. If at all possible let them seek an honest and more honorable means of gaining a livelihood. But if they cannot secure any other employment let them try by every means iu their power to remove the occasion of siu from themselves and others. They must uever give to min ors, nor to those whom they foresee are going to get drunk. They must keep their saloons closed on Sunday; and at uo time permit cursing, swearing, blas pheming and obsceue language inside their doore. And if thru their fault or cooperation religion is disgraced or rid iculed and men ruined, let them remem ber that there is an Avenger in Heaven who will mete out a just and terrible punishment to them of their conduct.' --Decrees of III Pien. Co. of Baltimore, part H, chap. Ill, sec 3 "This, then, is the position of the Catholic church on the drink and saloou question. It is sufficiently clear and •ielinite, I think, to make it a rather bold venture for auyone who has ever read these decrees, or heard the letter einliodying them read from a Catholic pulpit, to say that she favors liquor in terests or that she maintains a prudent silence. "Yon can explain the apathy or si lence of clergymen in any way you please but do not insinuate that the Catholic church connives at intemperance or gives a sanction to the saloon evil, and do not pass judgment on her, as a •church, by the words aud actions of any individual layman or priest. And I hope that the Catholics who speak on this question in the future will follow the teaching aud decree of the church and not pose as wiser and more learned than the hierarchy of the United States.' -- (Signed) Rev. Henry W. McGuire, Sc. Mary's church, Joliet. The Jumping Off Place. "Consumption bad me in its grasp; and I had almost reached the jumping off place when I was adyised to try Dr. King's New Discovery; aud I want to say rightnow.it saved my life. Improve ment began with the first bottle, and after taking a dozen bottles Wtos a well and happy man again," says Geo. Moore of Grimesland, N. C. As a reme dy for coughs aud colds and a healer of weak, sore lungs aud for preventing pneumonia New Discovery is supreme. 50c and $1.00 at N. H. Peteech's, F. Mas quelet's, McHenry, G. W. Beslev's, W. McHenry, druggists. Trial bottle free. THICK For NIIIDIH Townntilp. Mort Kitt, collector of taxes for Nun- da township, will be at the West Mc Henry State bank every Thursday to collect taxes of Niinda township. 84 tf Died, at bis home in Riogwood, on Friday, Feb. 9, Solomon Dodge, in tbe 78rd year of his age. ' Road Commissioner Adams had the misfortune to lose one of his horses while going to Halfday last Friday The badly drifted roads and heavy trav* eliug no doubt was the cause. j The road commissioners of the town of McHenry have let the job of pntting in ice breakers aliove the iion bridge to Messrs. Yore & Co. of Halfday, and the work will be commenced immediately. These are tbe same gentlemen who built the Johnsburgh bridge. Do not forget the valeutine sociable by the ladies of the Universalist church at tbe residence cf C. B. Curtis this Wednesday evening. This is some thing new in the sociable line, but we have no doubt will 1>« the most interest ing and enjoyable of any yet held. The pound sociable at the residence of Hon. R. Bishop on Wednesday evening last was a grand success. There were thirty eight pounds received, which t>eing sold at auction brought the hand some sura of nine dollars. It was a novel entertainment., and all went away well pleased. ' We learn that the Cole school house, near Spring Grove, was burned one night last week. Loss about $350, mostly in books, the building being an old one and of little value. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiavy. The Inmlter for a new building has been purchased and is now being drawn on the ground, and the building will be pnt up as soon as the weather will per mit. J. J. Vasey, while on bis way to the Marsh school house on Friday night last, had the misfortune to tip over, and his horse getting away, left him in a rather bad dilemma, but he took the matter cool, returned to town, secured a team from Wightman's livery, and reach d his destination iu safety. His horse was caught at John W, Smith's ind taken care of, but little tbe worse for bia ran. Save ~ DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads tfoe news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- . iix i i Kilmer s bwamp- | Root, the great kid1 I ney, liver and blad der remedy. It is the great med ical trhimnh of the Money by Hitylng fjltamberlaln's CMIIKII Rttiiiedjr. You will pay jnst as much for a bottle of Chamberlain a Cough Remedy as for any of the other cough- medicines, but von save money in buying it. The sav- ing is in what you get, not what you pay. The sure-to-cnre-yon is in every bottle of this remedy, and you get good results whert yon take it. Bnying cough medicine is an important matter. Ne glected colds often deveiop serious con ditions, and when you buy a cough med iciue you want to be sure you are get ting one that will cure your cold. When yon buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy you take no chances. It always cures. Price 2H and 50 cents a bottle. For sale by all druggists. Nurprine Their Sfhunliimle, About twenty schoolmates of Roy Page drove out to his country home last Thursday evening and tendered him a pleasant surprise. Tbe trip to the coon- try was far from being in vain aB the young folks were given a dandy old time by the gentlemanly little host. Games and the usual frolics of the young folks were indulged in uctil tbe supper hour had arrived. After doing due justice to the toothsome viands set before them the party came to ariose, and from the many pleasing compliments that were bestowed on the host by his guests tbe time was well spent. Many 8leeplena Nlghtii, Owing l<> H Per- nUtfiil Congh. Relief Pound at Last. "For several wiuters past my wife has been troubled with a most persistent and disagreeable cough, which invari ably extended over a period of several weeks and caused her many sleepless nights," writes Will J. Hayuer, editor of the Burley, Colo., Bulletin." "Vari ous remedies were tried each year, with no beueficial results. In November last the cough again put. in an appearance and my wife, acting on the suggestion of a friend, purchased a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Tbe result was indeed marvelous. After three doses the cough entirely disappeared and has not manifested itself since. " This rem edy is for sale by all drnggists. Take ad vantage of our specially low rate of $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter-Ocean for one year. mi i ;uiic«.ccniu cemury ; lUllli discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder aud Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for every thing but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, iu hospital work and in private practice, aud has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has beentmade by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writingmention reading this generous offer iu this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtou. N. Y. The regular fifty-cent -• and one- dollar size bottles are Horn# of 8 warn Root, sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, S<feamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamtou, N. Y.t on every bottle. Don't make any mistake, but remeni ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. Rural Resident Pay Fines. It costs $50.00 and costs to play the part of Jesse James in McHenry,--at least, that is what a rural resident paid in Justice Mead's court last Monday morn ing for carrying out that role on our streets ias^ Saturday. It seems that two of our well known rnral residents came to town last Saturday and aftei imbibing a sufficient quantity of the "fire fluid" to give them that "noisy" feeling, they started out to do things that were not in strict obeyance to our village laws, the result being that both were lodged in the village bastile. One was later released on the promise of his friends that he would appear in court Monday morning, while the other made his headquarters behind the bars until Monday morning, when the case was beard. Onepaid $10 aud costs for dis orderly conduct, while the other released himself of a hard earned fifty and coBts, the charges against him being carrying and displaying dangerous weapons. The two returned to their homes just a trifle wiser from their experience. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charles of Harbor, Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters, says, "It is a neighborhood favorite here with us." It deserves to be a favorite every where. It gives quick relief in dyspep sia, liver complaint, kidney derange ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weak ness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spriug medi cine. This grand alterative tonic is sold nnder guarantee at N. H. Petescb's F Mat-qnelet's, Mc.Henry, G. W. Bes- ley's, West McHenry, drug stores 50c;. Notice to Parmer*. The National Pickle & Canning com pany pro(M»se to open their pickle fac tory here this season provided a suffi cient number of persons will interest themselves in planting cucumbers. The price, «0c for vat run, will prove quite profitable and should secure a large acreage. All those who wi*h to see this industry agaiu in operation and are willing to contract will please leave their names at Bohlander's or Block & Bethke's. Mar 26 Suffering and Dollars Saved. K. S. Loper of Manila, N. Y., says: "1 am a carpenter and have had many severe < nts healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It has saved me suffering and dollars. It is by far the best healing salve I have ever found " Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema aud piles 25c at N. H. Petescb's, F Mas- quelet's, McHenry, G. W. Beslev's, W. McHenry, druggists. R.e»<l The fMaind*»il«r r Some Bargains We are closing out all odds and ends in DEY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, WRAPPERS, SKIRTS, COMFORTERS, ETC., at COST AND BtiiLiOW: Ladies' Skirts that sold at $4.50 and $5.00, now at $3.00 Ladies' Skirts that sold at $3.50 and $4.00, now at $2.50 Ladies' Skirts that sold at $3.00 and $5.00, noW at $1.50 Comforters that sold at $1.39, now at .$1.00 Comforters that sold at $1.75, now at . ,$L25 Comforters that sold at $2.25, now at ..........". !$L75 Comforters that sold at $3.50, now at ... V $2.50 Ladies' fl.-lined Stockings, seconds, 25c-35c grade. .15c Ladies' wool Stockings, seconds, 40c and 50c; grade. 25c Boys' heavy cotton Stockings, seconds, 25c grade.. 15c Men's gray, wool Underwear that sold at $1.00, now 65c Boys' gray, wool Underwear that sold at40-50c, at. .25c Misses'and Children's cotton Underwear that sold at 20c to 35c, now at j5c Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers that sold at $1.00 and $1.15, now at .75c Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers that sold at $1.39 and $1.50, now at..., $1.00 See our gc Counter for K nam el Ware, Tinware* Crockery and Olassware, rtnrfng this Sate. ' F. A. BOH LANDER. [ West McHenry state Bank OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:; EDWIN h. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, SAV1NQS AC COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOHESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANOE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : 3 percent paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit. & HEADQUARTERS FOR Lumber, Lime, Cement, Brick, Sewer Pipe, Coal, Flour and Feed. We have a complete stock of all kinds of Building Material and mason's supplies and can fill esti mates promptly. t^F'Xet us figure on your estimates. :: :: :: :: Wilbur Lumber Co. flcHenry, III. 'Phoae 43a. P. O. West McHenry. fP Big Reduction Sale A DUCK COAIS Full Sheep akin lined, thick with far >tn lc »r dnroy collar at $3.as, 4.00, 4.as and 4.75: These are (3oats at $4 00 to fft.50, « « « CANVAS COA1S Here is a spleudid o f f e r . C o a t s t h a t s o l d a t f l f l . t t t t , •'2 110w at 98c, $i.as, $1.50 CHILD'S WOOL HOSE Extra heavy riblied Hone, aeconda in 25c wool to cl<»*e th«m out qnickly we have placed them on Hale at 19c, or two pairH for asc WRAPPERS Best 84 percale Wrap- t>era, all sizes at $l<39 SNAPS! SNAPS Best American <'al ico at 61c. Wool Bed Blankets, $4.00 OWINd to the"mi ld winter we t ind our she lves loaded wi th WINTER MER CHANDISE and in order to reduce our stock for inventory we are going to make a big ut in prices on all Winter twines. Take advantage of this offer at an early date as the prices will hold good only as long as the Mer chandise las t s . ; ; ; : : : . . . MEN'S. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S l/NDERWEAR-Here is an opportunity for you to lay in a supply of Underwear at a big saving on all.-- SNAPS: Men's fleeced Underwear now 38c Children's at 12c, I5c, 19fc. 25c and a8c. Ladies' Shirts or Drawers 3gc FLANNELETTE BARGAINS--We have made twq lots of all our Plan nelettes. Lot one going at 7ic. Lot two now 90. BLOCK & BETHKE, McHE ry, • m• Tpi pdhomp mi iMnrn . i B :NRY. SB