' ' \ «&*• - * -******* » ̂ JACOB JUSTEN; McHEIMRY. s\ WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. "*S ClearingOut Odds and Ends.of stock and all Winter Goods is our aim for the next 30 days. We will offer some tempting Bargains in all lines of goods. Our Ladies' Dress Skirts must go. We will close them out at £ the former price. Couae early and get your choice. The $5.00 q uality for only $2.50 We are offering some very low prices in the International Clothes, 68 styles, i educed from $1.50 to $& per Suit Don't fail to see the samples. All goods made to your measure and a perfect fit guar anteed. Presh stock of Flour, Graham, Buckwheat and Corn Meal. Groceries, Tea, Coffee, Etc. Goods delivered. 'Phone 363. Yours Truly, 1*1. J. Walsh. If f ! Your Money back if not Satisfied at the Cash Grocery. Sttawberrie*. to syrup, extra quality, per can Maine Cora, None Such, extra fancy, per can Green Gage or BKK PIDUM, per Jams, Blossom brand, one pouud glass jar Orange Marmalade, one ponnd glass jar. Red Ripe Tomatoes, band pai-ked, per can P. & G. Napfctaa Soap, 5 bars California Praues, large meaty frnit, per ponnd. Colombia Apple Butter, pint jar Colombia Picalette, pint jar Sifted Early Juue Peas, per can ....' None Snob Pampkin, No 3 can Horseradish, new, per bottle Sweet Corn, extra Htandard, can ... Crystal Domino Sugar, 5 pounds Royal Se»l Gala, per package. * Boiled data, best qaality per pound.... *>" . ..SOC .... a#c . ..JOC ...i8c . . . » # c .. .33c IOC 20c ....35c, ....15c • ISC . IOC l2iC 45C • •14C ... ic Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery Goods, Crockery and Glassware. %£,!%. JOHN 5T0FFEL. €f NEIGHBORING NEII^ISJSHRQNJCLEV BY OUR ABLE ̂ CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS rum. Quite a few attf>i><t^<l the ^IIMW at TfMtinR btwue fq)>* were W<*»)- Klein were Mc- t SfO'te a " f McHenry. .lobn Oefflia^. thi- Math, and J* <.i> Sl< (f«i stock callers Monday Mr. and Mrs John Henry visitors Monday Miss Rn»» Jnnteu is visiting this week with Mr* Jacob J out ho A bnucb fr..iu Pot Lake aat caller h*»r« Sunday Misses Mamie and Liuie Stillin* drove thro linrn Moudav- Mine Eva Miller is spending • (few days with Mrs. John Meyers Math. KcbaafVr and dxn^htfr, Rena, were Spring (irove callern Mondav. Peter Kot.h»*riuel ha« rftnru««d from a three weeks' visit with hi**>0, William, at Springfield. Mrs. Tony May and' Mrs Frank Frennd of Spring Grove w«re caliere here Monday. Mrs Ben Tonyau arid son. Lonie. of R5ngwo«kd otlled on Mr. and Mrs Frank Miller Sunday Mr and Mrs Joe RaUaer of Spring Grove visited with Mr and Mrs. Jacob A Miller Monday Mr and Mrs. Hubert Michel* and Mr and Mrs Joa Mii-hels called on John S. Prennd Sunday. Mr and Mrs. JON Frennd and Mr. and Mrs. John Hnff visited with Mrs. Anna Bugner Snnday. Messrs. and Mesdames Peter Miller, Joe Miller, John Mejnrn nod Joe Mich els called on Mr and Mrs. Prank Miller Mouday. Mr. and Mrs Frank Schumacher, Mr. and Mrs Jacob Frennd and Mr and Mrs. Jos P. Miliar sp*nt a pleasant aft ernoon with Anton Meyers FEB 37 ' Fred Bishop wa« a caller here Snnday. Clarence Divine was 111 town Monday. Peter Nieeeu waa a MiHatiry caller, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smith were callers here Saturday. C. M Adams transacted business in Chicago Friday. Henrj Schaefer of Chicago spent Sun day with home folks. Miss Emma Bugner viqjted with Alias Lena Milfcr Saturday. Mat Schaefer and wife were Spring Grove callers Sunday. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove drove thro here Monday. Nick Frennd of Spring Otfove visited his mother here Sunday. Tony Schnmactwr of Spring Grove drove thru town Monday. Mrs. Henry H«imer and daughters were callers here Snnday. Mr. and Mr*. Jos. Barte of McHenry were callers here Saturday. Mr. and Mrn. Fred Died rich are the happy parents of a hahy hoy Miss Martha Mert«? is visUloa; this Week with Miss Susie Frennd. ^ Mr. anil Mrs Jacob May were guests of the former's relatives Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. N J Nye enjoyed the sleighing to Spring Grove Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Peter Wirfw spent Mou day at the borne of Mrs Kmnipen. Mr and Mrs. Hubert Michels visited Mr. and Mrs Jos. Michels Monday.. Misses Margaret and Helen Adams spent last week Tuesday in Chicago The funeral of Mrs. Jos. Frennd of Wanconda was very largely attended. Wm Blake and lady friend of McHen ry called on Mrs Jacob H. Miller Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling Sun day. Nick Klein and Fred Jnsten attended a dance at Round Lake last Saturday night. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence baer of Chi cago are visiting with friends and rela tives here Miss Martha Althoff of Burlington. Wis., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hetterman. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Michels and daugh ter, Rena, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John S. Frennd Monday. Miss Lucy Meyers of Chicago visited Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Theo. Meyers. Messrs. and Mesdames Jacob Miller and Simon Michels and Miss Lena Mich els and (gentleman friend called on Mr aod Mrs. Jos. Michels Sunday. Messrs. and Mesdames Nick Wein- gart, Ben Rosing. John Oeffling and William Etten and Mrs. Simou Wein gart and Nick Pitzen "Visited with Mr. and Mrs Math Steffes Snnday. One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; f 1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer Or both by our recent special arrangement, f 1.75 for fifty two weeks of genuine news from far aod near. TERRA COTTA. Mrs. M- A Conway was a caller bare Monday. Thoa Ames is attending court at the county seat this week. ; Mrs. S. Knox of Elgin was the guest of relatives bera Saturday. Mrs J Relihan of Emerald Park call ed on Mrs M. Knox Monday. Misses Alice and Minnie Knox of Mc Henry spent Sunday at M. Conway's. Clifton Wlngate of Barreville was a caller in this vicinity Sunday evening. Mrs L. Lock wood and son spent the latter part or the week at C.' W. Golby's at Barreville. " Mrs. G Peck and daughter, Florence, of Nunda spent the latter part of last week at H. McMillan's. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of #1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advaut- mm KMKKALI* PA«I. I R Smith spetit Wedueeday at Woodstock. Miss Nancy F« i*by was-an Elgin vis itor over Sunday. Miss ,M»\ me Cuvlelto spent Thnrsdfl^ with Misn M •> me Knox. Miss Mary Sutton visited McHenry Thursday last. Miss Mary Gibbs visited Hokombville Friday last. Will Howard of Woodstock waa a guest, at E. KUOX'H Saturday. Thos Bolger of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday at his home here. Miss Margaret Suttou spent Saturday and Snnday at her home here. M. A Sutton is spending a few days this week with Elgin relatives. Miss Margaret Ward of McHenry spent Mouday evening at P. Walsh's. Messrs. M Pnrcell and W Walsh were bnsittess callers at Ostend Tuesday. Mr and Mrs J. Doherty of Hol<°omb vill* visited at the home of P. Walsh Sunday. Mieses Margaret Aylward and Celia Frinhv of Elgin spent Snnday at it. J. Sutton 'a. Miss Margaret Aylward and brother, Richard, of Elgin visited at E. Knox's Saturday. Floyd Thompson of Barreville was a business caller in this vicinity Saturday morniug. Miss Hattie Welch of Woodstock vis ited at her home south of here Saturday aud Suuday. Mr. aud Mrs. M. Wagner entertained the latter's pareute of West Chicago over Sunday. Mesdames J ReUhan and M Conway visited at. M. Knox's at Terra Cotta one day receutly, E. ( V>u»iskey went to Chicago Monday and expects to join the White Sox asso ciation on their trip Week /• Meters. John Giblie, Thos. Bolger, Walter Walsh and Miss Mayrne Coatello called at R. J. Sutton'sSunday. Martin Wagner is wearing the "quak- er out1' smile nowadays--tttused by the arrival of a junior member in the firm. Mrs. T. Phaliu. Mi^sBathryn Prlshy and Mrs Laughliu of McHenry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Relihan Suuday. « KIUUKNCUll^ J H Parks was iu the windy oily on busiueas Mouday. Get* Barden of Woodstock was a Sun day visitor at Geo. Wheeler's home. Mr aud Mrs. Seune of Woodstock called at Father Wille's the first of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cor kill and sons. Rov and Robbie, of Cary spent Sunday in Ridgefield. Frauk Rislev of Beloit, Wis,,, visited bis mother and sister, Mrs. D. O. Kline, over Sunday. Mrs. R. Goddard was calling on- friends and neighbors in Woodstock tbe urtM of the week. Martin Andrews of this place board ed the train Monday morning. His destination was unknown. Geo. H. Fanning of Portage. Wis., is visiting his relatives, Mrs. Fanning and Mrs Lynch, here for a few days. Mrs. E. E. Hiepbard speut Suuday at the home of Mrs. Seymour and daugh ter, Mrs. Windemueller, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs Ben Hudson and chil dren-of McHenry visited the former's sister, Mr a. F. French, and family over Sunday. Mr and Mrs. P. Bennett drove over from Woodstock Sunday, making a short call at the home of the latter's pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Mr. White and family of Genoa Junc tion are moving into town this week. They wUi occupy the Baldwin bouse Mr. White holds the position of super intendent of the Borden factory of this place. SCHOOL NOTES. ^Tbe rhetoric class is studying para graphing. Rachel French is a new pupil in the fifth grade. The third grade is progressing nicely In multiplication. The -Mt.h grade is working hard on geography review. The 7th and 8th grades are doing good work in diagramming. Those who braved Wednesday's storm were Mildred Jaynes, Mabel Kline Em ma Wei land, Sylvia Boomer, Willie Wieland aod Gladys Boomer. V01.C0MBV1LLR. lira. C. Knoblancb was a Nunda call er Saturday. Mrs B. F. Peck spent Sunday with relatives in Terra Cotta Miss Mary Gibbs speut Thursday evening at W. Doherty's. Mioses Irene and Eva Davoll spent Thursday at J. Doberty's. Mrs White of Fox Lake is visiting her daughter, Mrs John Powers. Misses Emma aod Mary aud H. Grum- precbt spent Sunday at A. W. Peters'. Mrs F D. Davoll and sou and Mrs. Geo. Johnson visited Mrs. A. P. Peck Taesday. Mr and Mrs. Jay Doherty and daugh ter, Nellie, were Sunday visitors at W. Bolger s. Miss Nellie Johnson of Barrevllla is assisting Mrs. A. Johnson with her household duties. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and chil dren and Mrs. G. Peck were Sunday gisitors at F. Davoll's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Powers returned borne Sunday after spending several days with relatives in Chicago. Mr and Mrs W. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. C Hutson attended a card party at L Bishop's Saturday evening. Mrs. Gilbert captnred first prise The Weekly Inter-Oceap and this paper delivered for pne year at onr "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two. The undersigned will sell at public aocttou, on the J M. Phalin farm, sit uated 81 miles south of McHenry, 1^ miles north of th*» Terra Cotta factory, on ttia McHenry-T«rra Cotta road. < n Tuesday, March 3 Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, the following described property, to wit: & Head Horses Brown horse* 12 years old, wt. 1300 lbs.; sorrel mare, 7 years old, wt. 1000 the.; gray mare, 8 years old, wt. 1200 lbs.; black mare, 18 years old, wt. 1200 lbs.; bay mare, 13 years old, wt. 1100 Iba.; 8-year old Durham bull, 4 ducks, 2 dos en chickens. Two bedsteads, dresser, bureau, 2 rocking chairs, center table, | dozen kitchen ^chairs, china cupboard, 8 foot extension table, sofa, heater, burning either coal or Wood, and /Other articles too ttnmefu s to mention Ten tons timothy bay in stack, 100 bushels of clean oats, 6 bushels potatoes, narrow tired truck wagon, 4 inch ' tire truck wagon. ftiUk w&gon, opea buggy. Deere spring tooth cultivator, Gale 8 shovel cultivator, Milwaukee mower, Deere bay raj|£, 2 hay racks, new and complete Janesville corn planter, 4 inch walking ploW, 2 sets double harness, 10 milk cans, set bobsleds, 2 ton wagon springs, McCormick corn binder, set of drags, forks, shovels, and other articles. Plen ty of cigars. 1ERMS OF SALE: ~ All sums of #10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on bankable notes drawing interest at seven per <pent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. c^kund' IAS. W. Ill Auction Male. On March 5, HMD, at 1 o'clock p. m., on the premises kuown as the Bradford Smith place, } mile north of McHenry on the Lake Geueva road, the under signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the following property : One brown mare, six years old, 1H00 lbs; Jersey cow, five years old; lot of corn stalks; 12 bales hay; oat straw; single harness; surrey harness; 2 stable blan kets: single wagon; two seated buggy; Portland cutter; plow; cultivator; 24- foot extension ladder; about 75 bushels hand husked corn; feed cutter with pow er wheel; corn slieller with power wheel; bone grinder with power wheel; Model incubator, 250 egg capacity; 3 brooders; 4 piano box brooders; lot of poultry net ting; feeding troughs; hoppers; grit; oyster Bhells; chick feed; about 180 sin- gle comb white Leghorn hens; 25 rose comb white Leghorn hens; 8 single comb white cockerels; 5 rose comb white Leg horn cockerels; pair Toulouse geese. This poultry is all fall blooded and of a big laying strain. One watch dog, steel range, gasoline range, coal heater, oil beater, rugs, chairs, tables, beds, dress ers, hanging lamps, couch, dishes, glass ware, screen doors, window screens, storm windows, lawn mower, shovels, spade, hoes, rakes, post auger, kindling wood, aud other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 aud under, cash;over that amount a credit of six months' time will be giv en on good bankable notes at 6 |ter cent; 2 per cent off on sums of |20 and over. This sale begins promptly at 1 o'elock. V. S. Lumley, auctioneer, Simon Stof- fel, clerk. Bra OAK POULTRY FARM, J Barts, Mgr. Auction 8al«t The undersigned will sell at public auction on the Ed. C. Howard farm, 2 miles east of Spring Grove and U miles north of Fox Lake. on Thursday, March 5, the following described property: Thirty-five bead of cattle, 49 bead choice hogs, 50 tons tame bay in barn and in stack, all machinery commonly used on a farm and 120 chickens. The farm, consisting of 120 acres, well fenced, good water and wood, fine buildings, will also be sold at auctiou to the high est bidder. This is one of the best little farms iu this section and seekers of farm property will make no mistake iu attending this sale aud giving in their bids. . For terms on farm apply to or address clerk of sale, F B. Orvls, Spring Grove; Gao. Vogel, auctioneer. ED C. HOWARD, Owner. Bring or send your news itemB to this office. We will be only too pleased to publish them for you NEWS PROBA TE 126 00 1600 CO 100 00 8000 CO v>- [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. E. Cristy & w to W. E. Bradley et al Its 3 & 4 Reyuolds' ad Rhigwood tlsc Albert L. Howe & w to Edward B. Crook, Its 45 & «5 Orchard Beach Mc- Henry 900 00 John J. Buch et al to same. 78M a in oe tracnl qr sec » McHenry r 8 10000 00 Cora G Be&ley A h to Geo. H. Hanly et al It in sec 34 McHeory r 8 .?. E. Crvsty & w to Thos. Walking ton It 1(> Reynolds' ad Ring wood James FUzslmmons to Matthew H. Fitzsimmous It in McHenry Same to same wH Its 7,10 A 11 blk 13, w of Fox river McHenry MARRIAGE LICENSES. Carl Hensow, 24 ... Harvard Emma Andreas, 28 Harvard David A. Powers, 29 .... Nunda Mabel Doherty, 24 W. McHenry Matthias Schmarge, 23 Greenwood Elsie Siebel, 18 Lawrence George M. Chad wick, 39... Boulder, Col. Ella Fuchs, 28 Chicago James Davidson, 20 Chemung Sarah J. Mc Roberts, 24 Chemung Charles J. Eberts, 85 Harvard Dollie L. Sylvester. 85 Harvard John Hoy, 28 ; Harvard Lillian Gilliland, 18 ;. Harvard Think of what it me&usTfi.75 for The Weekly Inter-Ocean aud this paper for one year. It's a special deal. fe;:; \tm. 4 We Try to ̂ jjV'- Satisfy Customers Our ever increasing business seems to sig nify that we are succeeding in satisfying our trade. We consider that satisfying a custom er is of mdre importance than immediate profit. Besides providing the very best of service we install every convenieuce that a drug store can contain. This is a store where trading . is a pleasure. If we have 'not had the pleasure of serving you we hope to have it sooti. You'll find our prices as low as right quality can be bad for anywhere. N. H. Petesch, - Druggist. 'PJiotje 274. » - McHeorjfr' 111. WORK AND DRIVING » Harness! It will pay you to purchase a BLANKET or ROBE at the exceed in g ly low prices we are selling them at this time. Let us give you our prices Satisfactory work always n. A. TH ELLEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. ^1 "I /TUThlfl AIXCIYI UAI rC UHIKAL UKLKA NUUU :*MoHCNRYfc ILLINOIS. fsr^daanvd February 28-29 The Empire Stock Co. of McHenry PRESENTING AN ORIGINAL COMIC IRISH PLAY IN THREE ACTS, ENTITLED Tinnigan's Fortune AN AMERICAN-IRISH PLAV OF TODAV. Between act* will be Introduced the latest novelty The Lawn Tennis Quintet In Songs, Dance sand Musical Sleigh Bells. SEATS ON SALE AT PETESOl'S DRK STORE ^ : * i % - >*- x <•* J J .ia&Sr •- Notice to Subscribers Under the new postal rulings subscriptions to newspapers are not permitted to become more than one year in arrears, under penalty of paying postage on each at. the rate of one cent per each paper sent out. Under the circumstances THE PLAINDEALER will be compelled to str&e all njkffles off the subscription list after April 1st that are more than oqe year in arrears, and place the. flames of those in arrears in the hands of a boiled- tor for collection. We are quite desirious of re taining all our old subscribers and will be pleased to have them call and settle. Don't delay this matter but call and square your account at onee, thus insuring furthur delivery of this paper. 4 K-„ *? "J k" "? i-fe ' > H X •JRV'-L * % yr" i,