--«« NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS i -T JACOB JUSTEN, McHENRY. WHEN VOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINIC OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. OUR STOCK OF M IlffiS MDS Is now nearly complete, we having many new novelties to offer in Dress Goods and Waistings in Silks, Voiles, Panamas, Chiffons and Novelty Weaves. :: :: :: :: ;; A Fine Line of Dress Ginghams at per yard only 10c; better grades at 15c, 18c and 25c. Gauze Underwear and hosiery. Our Shoes and Oxfords are of the most up-to- date styles. Be sure and see them. :: Hen's Work Shoes. Extra heavy soles; guaran teed Waterproof, at $3.50: just the thing for rough, hard wear. :: :: :: ;; New Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Ties. Our Line of International Tailoring Samples is ready for your inspection. It's time now to order your Suit for Easter. A perfect fit guaranteed. Over 1000 samples to select from. :: A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH, PURE GROCER IES. McLaughlin's and Chase & Sanborn's Cof fees. White and Graham Flour and Corn Meal. M. J. WALSH. PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. fp~ Our stock of Food Specialties for the Lenten season consisting of SMOKED AND SALT FISH, CANNED VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND FISH is still complete. A fresh supply arrives this week. :: :: :: Here Are a Few of,Our Offerings: S A R D I N ES--Imported smoked Sardines in olive oil, best brands, .13c--15c BEANS--Choice hand- picked White Navy Beans per quart 10c PEAS--Choice marrowfat Peas, fancy cookers, per pound 5c PEAS--Most fancy qual ity Green Peas, lb 5c TEA--Sun-cured Japan T ea, extra value, lb. .50c WHITE FISH--No. One Family Whitefish,®® per pound 17c APRICOTS--Fancy Call f ornia, per pound.... 35c COFFEF--Our popular blend of aged Coffee, lbs. $1.00; per pound.. 25c TOMATOES--Extra stan dard quality, solid pack, per can 12c SALMON--Red Alaska Salmon, lb. can 15c JQHNSBURGH CREAMERY BUTTER. JOHN 5TOFFEL. Am KMKKALi) PARK. D W. Hill at hit* cottage Sunday. Mrs. E Coin is key ehtertaiued Miss Nellie Scully of CbicaKo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox visited at R. J. Sutton'H Sunday. Miss Mary Gibbs visited friends at Barreville Thursday Joe Sutton spent a few day* last week with relatives in Elgin. L Huck of Chicago is spending Ibe week at his summer home. Kichard Fleming of liarreville was a bnsioess visitor here Sunday Ed Knox went to Chicago Monday to serve as juror in the district court Mr. and Mrs. W Bolger were guests at the home of R. J. Sutton Sunday. W K Burus and son, Wiu , were out ^untiay and launched their new boat. Jas. H ax ton and son in-law. lieorge Frxzer. were at tbe Park Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs J, R. Smith spent Suu- day with friends in the vicinity of Bar ton's Bridge. Mrs. E Coniiskey aud M'isa Nellie Scully visited at P. Walsh's and John Gibbs' Sunday. Leua, Mamie and Josie Smith are the only pupils who were neither absent nor tardy in school attendance the past month. Thomas Bolger returned home Thurs day last, having completed his course 11 nd received a diploma from the Ellis Modtru Busiuess college at Elgin. kmkkai.d park's urkkti.no. . ^ ou, our friemiss from oit.ydom, We ;i re I ways KI;ui to see you come To the summer resort called Kmeralti Hark, Which is (he home of the meadow lark. I 'or yim comcsmiting and rattl ing the "tin." And we art' utways ready to " akeyou iu.* I l 's t l ie place ko for a time of rest, I 'or l iat l i i i iK is good and tisbiOK the best. The distance from ( l ie depot-^s very short. And milk at i$uttwin's is five cents a i iuart. They also have ( tie fresiiest of «*K|TS. Arid .1. .1. lUich sells i>eer by (l ie kejfs. Tile lots are Ions and extra l>i-oad. Sell i i i i t at three li i iudred, without a fraud. Should you wish to Imild a cottage Hue, hist tr<> to Iterklrclier. at ( tie end of the line. Do you contemplate marriage soon? Many have here spent their honey moon. Not half l ias been mentioned iu this l itt le rl iy me. Hut come and see. and you'l l have a Rood time. If you do not want to walk from the train. A card to Joe Sutton wilt help In the same, Good spring wheat West McHenry mill, proprietor. wanted at tbe John Spencer, tf at VOlA*. John Walton was a McHenry caller Saturday Rh v Paddock spent last Thursday Lake Villa. Arthur Frost was in Chicago a few days recently. Mi«s Kate Frost is visiting relatives iu Chicago this week. Miss Edith Rit.ter of Stoffel's Lake was in town Saturday. Jack Walsh of McHenry was a busi ness visitor here recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson were guests of relatives in Chicago recently. Messrs. Will Hironimns and Henry Stadfeld were in Chicago one day last week. Messrs. and Mesdames Theo. Winkle and Nick Bohr of McHenry were guests at C. Sable's Sunday. Joe Rosing, who has been visiting rel atives at Goshen, lud., for several weeks, is staying with his parents here for a few days. Miss Lucy Dunnill entertained a num ber of her friends at a progressive euchre party last Thursday evening All preseut report a good time. Miss Anua Rossdeatucher, who has beeti employed at tbe Cash store here for the past year, has accepted a posi tion with Harry Fuller at Wauconda. Messrs. Leslie Turnbull and Ed Mills and Misses Anna Rossdeutscher and Tillie Wagner of Wauconda attended the card party at W m. Dunn ill's Thurs day night. If you are contemplating an auction sale this spring F. O. Gans is tbe right man to cry your sale. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Frenud at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phone or telegraph. J OWNS BURGH. Mr. McClean drove thru her© Monday. C. M. Adams is adding an addition to his house. Mrs. George Schneider of Volo drove thrn here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray drove to McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Jnsten of McHen ry were seen here Tneeday. Mr. aud .lire. Andrew Hnff of Spring Grove were seen here Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kattner of Spring Grove drove thru here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Frank Wagner of Spring Grove were callers here Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen and friend from Iowa called here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Steffes and daugh ter. Lauretta, were Volo callers Sunday. Joe May and Joe Lawrence of Ring- wood were callers in this vicinity Sun day. Rev. Father went to Chicago Monday morniug, returning tbe same evening - Mrs. Mary A Thelen has been quite seriously ill, but is recovering nicely at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor. of Volo were callers at Mr. and Mrs, Fred Die- thorns' Sunday. The Johnsburgh Creamery company has been making some extensive im provements around their new factory building Jos. Huejnann has received qnite a number of farm implements. He is at any time ready to snpplv the farmers with anything in the implement line. Mrs. John P. Lay entertained a num ber ot her friends Tuesday at a quilting party. Those present were: Mesdames Hubert Mich els, William Meyers, John Klein, Frank Miller and Maggie Freund. HOI.COM HVl I.I.K. John Powers was a Ring wood caller Saturday. Ed Gilbert of Chicago spent Friday at W. Gilbert's. Mrs. C. Hutson visited relatives in Ridgefield Snnday. Miss Tekla Peterson called at A Johnson's Thursday. Jas. Powers was a business caller in Ringwood Thursday. Chas. Schroeder of Nunda was a call er in this vicinity Monday Mr. and Mrs. David Powers spent Saturday in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs. P. Flanders were Snn day visitors at T. L. Flanders'. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder and sons were Nunda visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Will 2fonk and children were callers at Geo Zenk's Monday. Mrs Jay Doherty and daughters, Nellie and Lillian, visited at D. Powers' Thursday. Ed Johnson and daughter, Minnie, of Wauconda spent Thursday with the former's sister, Mrs. F. D. Davoll. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and son of Terra Cotta passed thru here on their way to Spring Grove Sunday. Misses Eva and Neva McMillan of Terra Cotta spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs B. F. Peck, here. PR OB A TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry Uounty Abstract Company, Woodstock, I l l inois.) -KEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Geo II Hanly et al to Eber E Bassett, 8H & eHnH lot 8. bile 2, W McHenry..$319000 MARRIAGE LICENSES. David Redpath, 68 Marengo Frances V. Sears, 60 Marengo James Neal Hopkins, 29.Sardinia, N. Y. Emma Gnsie, 28 Marengo Charles Leibelt, 44.... Emmettsbnrg, la. Miranda Alameda Vanderpool, 36 Emmetsburg, la. Carl Schiutt, 29 Harvard Recka Rebensdorf Harvard uTrt Gilbert's FOR THIS WEEK Vegetables in Tins. Marrowfat Peas in 2-lb. tins, per doz. tins, $1.1(1: per tin 10c Indiana Sweet Corn in 1-lb. tins, per doz. tins, $1.10, per tin 10c- Solid Pack Tomatoes in 2|-lb. tins, per doz. tins, $1.10; per tin 10c Pnmpkin (Polk's) the finest, in 2|-lb. tins, per doz tins, $1.10; per tin.. 10c Fruits in Tins. 1 gal. tin Apples (pared and sliced) just the thing for pies; guaranteed; per gal., 85c; 3 gal $1.00 Peaches; the finest preserved; per tin 25c Breakfast Food. Gust O, the most nutritious food in the market; regular price 10c, now 4 pkgs. for 25c; per pkg \ . 7C Cream of Wheat,, 2 pkgs.. 2Hc Grape Nuts, $pktrs 25c $oap. 20th Century Soap in Mb. cans, reg ular lite seller, 3 cans for.,,. l<»c Revolution Family Soap, 7 bars .25c German Mottled, <i bars . 25c Onion Sets-Seeds. Red, White and Yellow Onion Sets, per quart All kinds of Package Seeds. Confectionery. The very finest Chocolates in 5-lb. boxes; assorted flavors;per box $1.15; l*r lb 23c MarshfQftllows, strictly fresh, at per lb 27c Coffee. Mexican Ja/a, an excellent drink, at 25c per lb , or 4i lbs. for $1.00. Brazilian Blend; the best, at 20c per lb., (» ll)s. for $1 00. Golden Rio at 15c per lb., 8 lbs. $1 00. Flour. Corona, in i bbl. sacks at $1 85 Schumacher 's Graham in 5-lb. cloth sacks, finest milled: 20c per sack, 2 sacks for 85c. Pancake Flour in 2 lb. pkgs., 2 for 15c. Evaporated Fruits. California Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c Evaporated Peaches . . .2 lbs. for 25c Seedless Raisins (not seeded) in 14 oz. pkgs at 8ic per pkg. Shredded Cocoanut in bulk at per lb 19c. Assorted preserves in 1-lb. glass jars; pure fruit at per jar 19c Try Chapman's Baking Powder; a regular 26c seller and the best, at 19c per can, 8 Mb. cans for 50c McHenry, 111. 'Phone 691. bny envelopes with yonrreturn address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy tbe blank envelopes at the stores? We print 500 good grade envel opes witb yonr return card for $1.50. Specimen Ballot. O REPUBLICAN Q IN T .. EAST SIDE ... iliti A C O M P L K T K L I N E O F Fresh and Salt MEATS of every description. J. J. BU(li, PROP. McHenry, Illinois. BY PKTITION. For Town Clerk. • N. H. PETESCH. For Assessor. • JOHN KIMBALL. For Collector. ^ • JOHN NIESEN. For Commissioner of Highways. • JOHN BOYLE. For Town Clerk. • For Ass&or. • FRANK SMITH For Collector. • For Commissioner of Highways. • - Shall this Town become Anti- Saloon Territory? NO I hereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the official ballot to be voted at the annual Town Election, in the Town of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, on Tuesday, the 7th day of April 1908. N. H. PETESCH, Town Clerk. TKKKA < "< ITT A- W. F. Burke of Chicago visited at M Knox's Sunday. W. W. Harris of Chicago called on friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Frank McMillan was a Holcoinb- ville caller Sunday evening. Mark aud Phil Hoffman of Spring Grove visited relatives here recently. Several of the pupils are absent from school ou account of whooping cough Miss Mary Burke and brother, Jay, of McHenry visited relatives here Sat urday. Geo. Phalin of Alabama was a gnest at tbe home of J. M. Phalin and family Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Colby and daughter, Edna, of Barreville were callers in this vicin ity Tuesday. Miss Ruth Anderson qf Richmond spent a few days last week with her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Gracy and daugh ter of Nunda were guests at the home of T. R. Anderson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy and son, Merton, attended a funeral at Wood stock Tuesday of last week. Misses Eva and Neva McMillan spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. B. F. Pecfc, at Holcombville. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan spent Sun day with tbe latter's father at Spring Grove. The first opportunity you have call and settle your account with The Plain- dealer, as we must comply with Uncle Sam's demands by asking each and every subscriber to pay his or her paper in advance. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- gye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time tmleM other wise ordered. Try it. Doctors and the general public, we think, will agree that we provide most excellent service as well as drugs 6f unquestionable quality :: :: :: ;; ;; R U ight quality has built our business and will most assuredly be maintained. :: G ndoubtedly you will be able to find what you want here at all times as our stock is complete in all departments. :: :: et our prices on all goods we handle and see if you can beat them elsewhere. :: s elling good goods at low prices is something for which we are noted. :: :: N. H. Petesch, - Druggist. •Phone 374. - - McHenry, 111. fr SPECIAL PRICES ON Harness! All next week from Monday until Satur day. « «t H. A. THELEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. frctft (iroccry & Market is the place for the best, cleanest and freshest stock of GROCER IES AND MEATS in McHenry county. If cleanliness, courteous service and just prices are what you are looking for, we are at your service. We are not pursuing the policy of wading out into the stream and stopping there, but are con stantly pushing on towards the goal of our ambition, namely: to sell the best Meats and Groceries in this part of the country and to enjoy the confidence and esteem of all the people. :: :: :: Jf PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THJE SALE OP Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 ft 3, Fulton St. WbotoMte Market. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry* Illinois For tbe treatment of curable Chronic diseases (nervous afflictions, diseases of the stomach, bowt>ls and llrer, gout, rheumatism, obesity, catarrh, tuiewtn. _.!»«rul debility, etc.) 4Mjr Natural Methods Arc Eaph>y«d. Dr. (dfl Mruel, Prop. too State Street, Suite 1409- CHICAQO, ILL. \t %' sL #