Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1908, p. 5

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is the time when the model housewife replaces her worn-out Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc., with bright new ones. We wish to call the attention of such housewives to the fact that we have placed a line of such goods into our store this?" spring that we are indeed proud of. We know our lines are such that will please you all. Call in and see what we have to offer. Undertaking and Embalming is also a part <>f our business and all calls of this nature are promptly attended to under our person­ al supervision. We take complete charge, fur­ nish hearse, and care for bodies when so wished. 3acob3usten (c~ WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. *" Respectfully Yours, - F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. --4 OUR STOCK OF MKi DRESS WMiS Is now nearly complete, we having many new novelties to offer in Dress Goods and Waistings in Silks, Voiles, Panamas, Chiffons and Novelty Weaves. :: :: :: A Fine Line of l>ress Ginghams at per yard only 10c; better grades at 15c, 18e and 25c. Qauze Underwear and hosiery. Our Shoes and Oxfords are of the most up-to- date styles. Be sure and see them. :: Hen's Work Shoes. Extra heavy soles; guaran­ teed Waterproof, at $3.50; just the thing for rough, hard wear. :: :: - :: :: New flats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Ties. Our Line of International Tailoring Samples is ready for your inspection. It's time now to order your Suit for Easter. A perfect fit guaianteed. Over 1OO0 samples to select from. \ :: A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH, PURE GROCER­ IES. McLaughlin's and Chase & Sanborn's Cof­ fees. White and Graham Flour and Corn Meal. M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. riore Snaps in the Grocery Line O UE GROCERIES will give you perfect satisfaction and you need not hesitate to buy of us, as we guar­ antee everything as represented. WE Choice California 0C • A p r i c o t s , l b . . . . L J v Hand Picked Navy C r Beans, lb J{. Choice Sugar Corn I As 3 cans '25c, per can |Ut Our Pie, tor making pies, pkge.. . California Apricots OF* in syrup, can... LJC California Peaches per can 10c 15( OFFER: Cal. Yellow Craw­ ford Peaches, can Blossom Brand T o m a t o e s , c a n . . . Lighthouse Soap special 6 bars Nonesuch Pumpkin special, can Orange Marmalade 20c jar for Green Gage or Egg Plums. . 30C I2( 25c Ilk 15c 18c Touted Corn Fikea, 3 pkg. ,35c JOHN STOFFEL. kiuukmelu, V. StepheuBou was iu Nuhda OHidMjr. Sherman IrWi toft for California last Thursday. E. L. Kimball wag a MeBenrycaller Saturday. J. F White and wife were in Nanda Saturday. Henrv Ortuaby was a Woodstock call­ er ISonday. E. Merchant visited his parents at S tlon Snudti.v. .1. G. Harfuian and wife were Nnnda callers Monday. Muhell Skinner and Mr. Olmsted were in Nunda Friday. Mr« L Skiuner was a Nanda caller HiiH day Iftnt w»*ek. F Mt-rrbant iitHiie a hnsin^ste trip, to Nnnda Wednesday. Rev Dickey iu«de his usual trip out from the city Satnrday. Charley VVhinton and wife 1 were WcfcuWiick vi«itj>rM Sunday. Mrs R Ci'iddnrd an.l dan^hter were Woodstock tellers Monday- Will Jay nen and wife were business caileiH iu NuikIm Saturday. Mrs .1 m. PaykH and son, Hugh, lroveto Slwnm'H Lake Snndarv. Mr. and Mr« Orlando Garrison of Greenwood visited their son Friday. Mrs. E L. Kiuriffil! ww calling on relatives at Elgin Thnradav and Friday. M rs. Warner of Algonquin visited her daughter Mrs. H. Wille, recently. Mrs Jayues of Nnnda was 'nljing on old friend* aud neighbors last week. Mrs. H. Cooper and "rs. Hauson and three children were in Woodstock Thurs­ day Arthur Skinner and Earl Peck rode over to Harvard Sonday on their motor cycles. Miss Grace Cole of Woodstock vifited Saturday and Sunday at Mrs. Etta Reed's. K. L. Dnfield and W. F. White were bnsiuess callers in Nnnda last week Tuesday. Mrs O. Baldwin of Nanda was in town last week looking after her prop erty here. Mr. and Mrs W Ortnsbyare the bap py parent* of a tine boancing baby boy born April 10. Mrs. Rob Kimball and children are visiting at: E L. Kimball's for 6 few days this week. Mr. Weiland and two children. Em ma and Will, were visiting relatives iu the city recently. Mrs. Lillie Thayer and P R. Fryden dall of Woodstock were Chicago \ isitors from Tuesday until Saturday. Mrs. P. E. Bennett of Woodstock vis­ ited at Station Agent Lynch'a Sunday. Mrs. Bennett also visited Tnesday, her mother returning with her. I Channcy Stephenson was a Nnnda caller one day last week. Channcy haa recovered from the ninmpe aud his friends are glad to see him out again Roy Thompson 0/ Dnluth, Minn., who haa beeu visiting his grandfather, Mr Oluisted, also his uucle, Mr. Button, re turned h >me after a two weeks' visit Thursday. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty fiye (tents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time nnlese other wise ordered. Tiyit. N. .1. Garrison and family returned from a few mouths spent iu California last Thursday. Mr. Hartwell, who haa occupied the home of Mr. Garrison for the winter, returned to hia home in Greenwood Friday. PROBA TE NEWS I Furnished by McHeury County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Emily A usItu et al to Henry A Stone, guardian of I'asco Rich Austin. >(*VN8 acres Id sec SI, Richmond, sees 5-8, McHenry. r 8 $4000 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Axel Anderson, 26 Chicago Ruth Buckley, 1H Chicago One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter Ocean; $1 SO a year for The Plain dealer RINGWOOD. Both,to Mr: and Mrs.Fred Bell.abiy April 7. G. L. Bacon of Chicago is thegnest of relatives here. < Ray IWge wa»* McHenry caller Sat iirday evening. + Ray Dodge waa* McHenry caller Sat­ urday evening. Mrs. C. W. Randall wan an Elgin shopi>er Friday. Mrs August Walters Swaa a Chicago passenger Monday. Mrs. A O Whiting of Lamoille is vie- itiug relatives here. Mrs. E. Herbert was a Richmond vis­ itor Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J H. Watson was a McHenry ealler out- day lapt week. S W. Browu is quite sick at this writ­ ing, but is gaining Hlowly. Miss Ada Weetlake of Spring Grove as a caller here Tueeday. Frank Haw ley of Elgin spent Satur­ day and Sunday with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Carr of Green­ wood were recent Ringwood callers, I. Y. Buckland was a business fcaller at Pintakee Bay the first of the week Mesdames Wili Beck and Walter Bradley were McHenry shoppers Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs Charles Bacou were Sunday visitors at Mr. arid Mrs. J Gould's Dr. aud Mrs Hepbnrn and daughter were in Chicago and Elgin Friday and Saturday. Mrs S Beatty and daughters, Vera and Emily, visited relatives at Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Easter day exercises at the M. E. church Sunday at half past one. A cor­ dial invitation is exteuded to all. Mrs Will Beth and children and Mies Leone Kellev were the guests of Lake Geneva relatives Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mae Cnsty returned to her home Monday morning after several days' vis­ it with her graudparente, Mr. and, Mrs. I. Harsh. Mr. and Mrs T. P. Walsh of Grays lake were the guests of .Eddie Whiting and family Sunday. They were accom­ panied home by Marjory and Norma Whiting. There will be Easter services at the Universalist church next Sunday at 2:30 p. m , Rev. Arthur Roberts,pastor Sub­ ject of the sermou, "The Mybtery. " The music is receiving special preparation. Miss Ethel M. Strong of Barre, Yt., will sing a solo. Everybody cordially invit­ ed. TERR^ COTTA. Mrs. A T. McMillan was an Etgin vis­ itor Friday. * Mrs. Henry McMillan was a McHenry caller Friday. Mrs. P. H. Conway was a McHenry visitor Friday. Mrs L. Lockwood visited relatives in Barreville Sunday. Mrs. G Peck of Algonquin is visiting at Henry McMillan's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan spent, Sunday at Spring Grove. Mrs. Frank McMillan was a business caller in McHenry receutly. Miss Florence Welch of Griswold Lake spent Saturday at .J. M. Phalin's. Mr. and Mrs W. Hatch well of Nunda are spending a few days at C. Buck's. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville was a caller iu this viciuity Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. M. (Yunvay and children of McHenry spent Tuesday ©f last .week at J. Buss.' Mrs. E. Buck spent Friday in Elgin. Mt. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughters were the guests of Richmond relatives Sunday. Misses Edna Phalinand Frances Knox were the guests of McHenry relatives Saturday and Sunday. The following are the namee of the pupils of the Terra Cotta school who have been neither abseut nor tardy for the month ending April 3, 190b: Arthur Shales, Eleanor Phalin, Florence Knox, Edua Phaliu, Frances Knox,Hazel Loek- wood, Annie Buss, Lester Lockwood. Eddie Knox, Thomas Phalin and Geo. Phalin Or both bv our recent special Think of what it means! fl.78 for The arrangemeut, fl.75 for tifty-two weeks Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper for of genuine news from far and near. | one year It s a special deal. Specimen Ballot. t o (AllGJS O mm y y BY PKT1TION For Trustees For Trustees I [ MAT WEBER. n WILLIAM STOFFEL. • L. F. NEWMAN. •- • GEORGE MEYERsQ For Village Cl?rk. / • H E . P R I C E . 0 For Police Magistrate. • C. H. PARKS. • For Yillage Clerk. For Police Magistrate. I hereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the official ballot to be voted at the annual Village Elec­ tion, in the Village of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, on Tuesday, the 21st day of Apfil, 1908v JOHN STOFFEL, Village Clerk. Gilbert's TEL. 691 Seed Potatoes Early Rose, per bu. $1.35 Early Ohio, per bu. 1.50 Onion Sets. Red Onion, Sets } 9 ntc White Onion Sets > f L' YellowOnion Sets \ lui if you don't already know what a perfect prescription Mr- vice we provide. Ask your physician or your amghbor. HERE You are sure of accuracy You are sure of purity You are sure of potent drugs You are sure of promptness You are sure of right prices We can till any prescription no matter i,jpon whose blank it is written. Let us put up your physician's pre­ scriptions, valued family recipes, recipes for veterinary remedies, etc. What we compound will be right in every respect. Flower Seeds of all descriptions. Sweet Peas, 7 pkgs. 25c all you want. A full line of Vegetable Seeds Coffee. Try our GOLDEN RIO Coffee at 2 lbs. for 25c. Ground %c per pound extra O. B. Gilbert Tel. 691. LAUNCH MAYFLOWER will run a FREEvEXCURSION from McHenry up the river --^NEXT--- Sunday Morning at ten o'clock. Regular Trip In the afternoon at two o'clock to Pistdkee Bay and Return for 50cts. 0110 SlIIIIHM, --CAPTAIN.-- EAST SIDE 5 lb. and 6 lb. Sugar cured Picnic Hams 9 I-3C iTancy Sugar Cured Bacon 14c Lean small pork Loinl2^c Lean Boston Butts, 101-2C Our Home Made Sausages - IOC J. J. BU(H, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. TEL. 274 N. n. PfTESfll DRUGGIST. :%:4 * Horse Goods! of every description is what we deal in. Everything that goes to makaT up a first-class Harness Establish­ ment may be found here. When you get ready for that new work or driving Harness, if you appreciate quality and good workmanship we will be pleased to give you our prices. & .. 1 i ' V k - ̂ n. A. THELEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. (F WHEN ORDERING A [IPS il do not overlook Frett's as the stock is more,: complete than ever. Here are a few offering's --FOR THIS WEEK:-- 10-lb. Calumet Hams, at per pound.... .x.. -120 12-lb. Diamond C Hams, at per pound 13c Home-made Pork Sausage, at per pound -- 12c Home-made Knack Wurst, at per pound. . .lOC Corn Syrup, per pail -3SO Laurel Brand Molassefe, per can 10© Blossom Brand Tomatoes, per can 12/^Q Pharaoh Brand Tomatoes, per can 10o O. K. Brand Sugar Corn, per can lOc Blosson Brand Sugar Corn, per can Goods Delivered at all times except Sunday*^ Charles G. Frett. 'Phone 542. McHenry, Illinois. If you have entertained ootupar^y from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, uiet with'an accident, have aicknemor death in the family, entertained at a party, bad a marriage -in the family or am other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to thia office for publication. All item* will be thankfully received. P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHM1SSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc.. Butter and Egfs This is the oldest house on thd street Tags and price lists loralelked OS application. COLU STORAGE FREE Stall 1 A 3. F"Hoa St. WkaiMik Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. xsr fr Orcha.rd Beach Sanatorium McHenry. Illinois For the treatment of curable Chraate Diseases (atrvous aftiictlons, dis«iis«?s of the stomach, bowels au<l liver, gout, rheumatism, obesity, catarrh, aueiuta. general debility, etc.) IM) N«taiil MethMte Ar* Eafltytd. Dr. (irl Stfueft, Prop. 100 State street, Satte »4»»- CHICAGO, ILL. tr."' •CT^'7-TTT^:. .

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