i -if Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be In a very bid condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it -- Ayer's Sarsa- pariila. If you doubt, thea | consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. This is the flrtt qnestlon your doctor would junk: "Are your bowels regular?" H«*> knows that daily action of the bowels is absolutely essential to recover*. Keep your liver active atul your bowels regular by taking laxative ' :e« Ayer's Mils. Al»o manufacturers of f HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CUR£. CHERRY PECTOWL i/ers f'operations to New York to the ex elusion of the rest of the country, and Texas in particular. Senator Hopkins, who had listened to the Democratic leader's speech with iimre or lese amazement and impatience, j >\ ;inff in behalf of the finance commit tee, replied to him in terms that are still talked of in Washington. The sen ator had previously read and analyzed and digested $he secretary's report and in- knew how completely it answered all of the critics of the administration. He made it clear that Culberson not | vrly Was talking about something which lie knew nothing about, but that his sole purpose was to create a misappre hension concerning the acts of the ad ministration during the dark days of October and November when the finan cial fabric was iu danger of going down. It was an important service that was • vognized and applauded by Senator Hopkins' colleagues as well as by many his Democratic conferees. We have no seersts ! We publi^il the formulas of all our medicines. Tie McHenry Pldiodeiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. Offlce In Bank Building. Telephone, No.ST* TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS One year Six months 75 ets. Three months. 40 cU. Thursday, April 23,1908. ANN Ol* SCEMKST. To the Republican voters of McHenry county: I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject, however, to the approval of the Republican voters of said county, at the primaries, on the Nth day of August. A. D. 1908, and ear nestly request the support of my Repub lican friends thruout said county. V. S. LUMLEY. Woodstock, 111., March 10, 1908. LOCAL NEWS OhM'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. 1 terns or Interest picked Up About Our Busy Little Burs Thut Mmf Concert} Ton or Your Friends. Fresh lettuce and strawberries at O B. Gilbert's next Saturday. Slaughter houses will now be built in the dry districts to kill blind pigs. The Park hotel now has a first-class bath room with hot and cold water. little your You will live longer by using a of Herdrich'fc Bitters or Tonic in whiskey. W. F. Holtz has again opened his Blast Side barn for the season, with Jos. Diedrich in charge. Will Bishop will bnild a house for himself on one of his mother's lots on North Water street. IT remained for Senator Hopkins to disclose to the senate and the country the mean, despicable, indefensible and totally unwarranted attitude of Demo cratic senators toward Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou. The Democratic minority in congrese his long ceased to be a positive influence upon legislation. The annihilation of the party in the states of the north, and its existence in the states of the Bouth merely in its capacity of opposi tion to so-called "negro domination," has brought it to a deplorable condition of inanity and collapse. It has no lead ers in the sense that leadership is vested in men of initiative and ability. It has no policy and, so far as one can discov er, no ambition other than to register itself opposed to human progress. Senator Culberson of Texas is the Democratic leader. He was selected as the successor of his colleague, Senator Bailey. A witty Washington corre spondent once wrote that Texas was represented in the Senate by a detective and a statesman. Culberson is the de tective. He derived that characteriza tion because 0/ his habit of tracing men's utterances back to the beginnings of their public careers, and being ready under all conditions and circnmstances to bring confusion to them and their friends by directing attention to any back sliding, however trifling, in which they might indulge. That is Culberson's idea of ftatesman- shkp. He introduced a resolution call - ing upon Secretary Cortelyou for an ex planation of the measures which he (tbe secretary) took to save the country from financial cataclysm. The secretary made an explanation. It was in some respects the most remarkable state docu ment that has ever been transmitted by a cabinet officer to tbe senate. It was a vivid bat modest pen picture of the crisis that was met and successfully overcome thru his own intelligence and courage, with such assistance as was rendered him by patriotic (tankers thru out the country. It made a profound impression upon the senate and the country. The secretary proved that he TAKE NOTICE--No more rubbish to be thrown on the school ground south of the mill pond bridge. WANTED--By young lady, board and room in private family. For fur ther information apply at this office. Barrington Review: Wm. Howarth bas sold his farm consisting of 185 acres, located near McHenry, to Geo. Scheid. John Henry of Fox Lake has recently been appointed deputy fish warden, his appointment coming from Gov. Deneen. It if, expected that the machinery for the new Electric Service company will arrive here this week and work of in stallation be commenced. If the person who borrowed (?) a spray ing pump and hose from my barn last summer will return the same he will save trouble. J. B. PERRY. Excavation for a beautiful new resi dence to be erected by Simon Stoffel just west of his present home has been com menced. Mr. Stoffel proposes to erect one of the most beautiful homes that thuB far adorns our village. Geo, Rothermel is nuising a very sore foot, caused by the chopping end of an axe while be was splitting wood one day recently. The wonnd is caus ing Mr. Rothermel much pain, but his many friends hope for a speedy recov ery. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the* news of all the world. By our special ar rangement von can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate $175. A young man's chief and most valua ble assets as he starts out in life are hon esty, sobriety and push. If a fellow has these traits he will win out under most any circumstances, and if he doesn't he surely has a rocky and disappointing row to hoe. flOOO Fur n Woman. There way be nothing new under the sun, but "When the Mummy Moves" is certainly an original title for a story. It is, of course, a story of mystery and it is so ingenious and interesting a mys tery that the Chicago Record-Herald, in which it appears serially, offers a first prize of $1000 to the woman who makes the best solution, with 115 other cash prizes for women and girls who make the next best solutions. The story be gins in the Record-Herald Thursday, April 28, and the conditions of the con test will be found. accompanying each installment, in that paper. Those who have been unable to get the early in stallments may obtain a reprint of those installments by writing to the Prize Mystery Editor, the Record-Her ald, Chicago. While the masculine sex is not eligible in this competition, it is probable that it will interest the whole family circle and there is no reason why men should not help their wives, daugh ters or friends to a successful solution. The Plaee lour Order Now. government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. Want Column. •PPH AH nivt rUstmeittK inm rtt'd umit«r t his head at the Pol towing rate*: Klw lines or less, lift cents (or flrnt lnNvrtiou; 15 rente for each subsequent Innertion. More than five lines, B eeutx a line fur first insertion, and H oentx a line fur adtfitlona insertions. "CM)R SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. Homesteads located. tuatioii apply to or address E. W. Howe, M Henry. ill. For further hi for ic 17 tf "CV)R SALE-- I>ouble store building in West MoHenry, IU. For lufor.n jitlon a MRS. GKRTKUDE L. MII,I,kr, West Mc Hi. to enry, iW.-t.f "pM)R SALE VERY CHEAP--Incubator, 250- 1 egg capacity, and Brooder. Both Cyph ers' make and good as uew. KINQBI.KV House, Pistakee Bay, 111. TpOR SALE--1< ancy Barred Plymouth Rock *• heus, all laying. Also eggs for hatching. 15 for 7S cents. J. .1. HII,I„E, West McHenry. IU. 41-4t. "CV>R RENT--May 1. to couple or small fam- -1- Ily, four housekeeping rooms in the old (ieo. Owen house, corner FC1 ti• and Maple. For further information apply at this offlce. p()B SALE--Four choice lots In Fegers' ad- x dltion to McHenry. Easy terms and pay ments to suit, purchaser. Inquire or write 42-4t THKO I\^KVERS, McHenry, Ills. T^OR SALE--Several lots at Rosedale and 2 -1- huiidings, one Racine motor launch 1(5 ft.. 2V4 H. I'., canopy top, corduroy.cushions, lantern, tools, canvas; 10-ft. Pearson Boat Const. Co. launch. II. P., both nearly new. Inquire Plaindealer. 44-4* Warning Notice. All parties found or seen huntine, fishing, boating or trespassing, without my permission, on Lake Defiance, with in the lines of the N. W. i of the S. E. i of section 6, township 44, N., range 9, E. 3rd P. M., will be prosecuted to the extent of the law, and all boats found trespassing within the above lines on said lake will be captured and held as hostage. See Illinois statutes, chapter 56, section 7. M. KELTER March 1, 1908. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of. "PvAHLIAS-rLarge selection of named yarle- •L/ ties in nearly all colors of the several var ieties. viz: Show, l>ecoratlve, ('actus or Pom pon. 15 cents each. A few of the rarer sorts 25 cents each. P. R. GOODMAN.' 44-4t* W. McHenry. TpOrND--On streets of McHenry on Sunday, x April 12, a ladies' neck fur. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Call at this office. Five Minutes. One minute to put in your call. One minute to wait on the line. Three minutes, over the telephone toll wires, yon go, you talk, you return. Yet yon remain ready for business at office or store. Time and money saved. Chicago Telephone Company. Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to tak<« particular notice to this effect. E. Lawlns, tailor, has sent 84 ladies' garments to the Grand dyehcuse. Any thing from a kid shoe to an ostrich feather dyed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at tbe store? Read The Plaindealer. r V E x o <0 Vty A Peep at the inside of THE IMPROVED VIKING SUIT Patent applied for Besides double seat and knees it has a patent lining ^ reenforcement throughout Rivefed buttons Extension waist-bands Double seal from seam to seai Double Knee from seam to seam AS! Seams faped, stifched and stayed three times This ncket on atuir is a puaranter of satisfaction \ JfayerGi^ompany Chicago i JL » jaw-CtC hildren 5 lot hi ng K I N G uol ctcitii iu tbe i uteres OH oi any set of banks or of any city or of any num ber of cities, but that the help which he so lavishly and prudently extended from the treasury was in aid of banks from tbe Atlantic to the Pacific. Culberson was overwhelmed by the secretary's report. It was unanswer able. Nevertheless, he quibbled about it because it came to the senate in printed form, and also because he did not present in detail certain records or copies of records which would have re quired months to prepare. He there fore assailed the secretary for alleged discourtesy to the senate. He had pre viously criticised him upon the theory tiiat tbe secretary bad. confined his re- A three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Stoffel, who reside near Digh- ton, passed away last Saturday, the fu neral taking place from the Volo Cath olic church Monday morning. Our peo ple extend their sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents. Mrs. D. G. Wells entertained the La dies' Afternoon Cinch club yesterday afternoon. The day being a delightful one, the ladies were "just a trifle" more jovial than usual. The prize was car ried away by Mrs. Nina Sherman, who won nine out of the ten games played The Ladies' Afternoon Cinch club wat entertained at the home of Mrs. R G, Chamberlin last week Wednesday after noon. The afternoon's honors went to Mrs. W. F. Gallaher after a few social hours had been spent in the fascinating game. Tbe usual refreshments fol lowed the games. Watch the label upon your paper, a; your name may be next to be taken frotn our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from onr lists since the new postoffice ruling went into effect April 1. ^ Mrs. L. C. Gates died at her home in this village about midnight last night. Mrs. Gates, it will be rememberd, fell on the ice last winter, sustaining in juries which kept her confined to her bed ever since. The funeral will be held from her late home tomorrow (Fri day) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Obituary next week. Young man, did you know that a bank account, no matter how small it may be, is one of the beBt recommendations you can have? A young man who spends all he makes and who does not try to lay up money for a"rainy day "is an "un desirable citizen," and one a good busi ness man will not employ if he can help it. The same can be said of land ten ants. A renter who makes money and saves it for himself, usually makes money for bit landlord ai«>. Tbe above ticket 10 sewed on sleeve ol every '"Viking" Suit, label is sewed in tin coat. For etyle and wear tbey excel. PARENTS--Note tbe extra lining at tachment covering parts which are not made double making it double throughout, tbua re lieving a great deal ol the strain attendant upon seams and otber parts. Our Guarantee to give ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION goes with every garment FOR SALE BY Jos. W. Freund, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 1CENT | BELOW any other m.um! M a o M O T B U ILL IT WILL COST YCU ite for our bjg KIU-;K iWCvri.ti catalosmc the mo-t complete line oi hiuh-giatlc W.liS, T1RI<-S and NISNOKIUS at FK1CJS8 IV lurer or di-ak r in the world. DO MOT BUY A BICYCLE or on any kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free Cnta- ' ' ' ' ' ' hi/ of our remarkable ioguea illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade learn of our remarkable LOW possible by selling liom factory bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn I'KICES and vroisderfu! new oftem made possit direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP ON APPROVAL without a cent deposit. Pay the Freight and allow IO I»avs Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything aud get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a RltfQF Ag&nt in every town and can offer an opportunity to malte money to suitable young men who apply at once. .50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ? .80 U rEK PAIR depends largely upon tbe selection of your Groceries and Table Delicacies. Impure and unclean groceries are often the unsuspected causes of many minor diseases. Be sure to use goodpuregroceries at all times and if you will permit us to be your guide we will help you choose gro ceries which will be just right in everyway We have a nice, clean stock of good pure gro ceries at Right Prices Call and be Convinced Wm. Simes 'PHONE 694 Helmer Block, - flcHenry Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic • Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to -collections INSURANCE ill First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yonrs Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. "=0 WEST SIDE Neat Market is the place to leaveyour order FOR Oysters and Fisli Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S £. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. . . . E A S T S I D E . . . Miut M)rknt I'lCIll r 5 lb. and 6 lb. Sugar cured Picnic Hams 9 i-ac Fancy Sugar Cured Bacon 14c Lean small pork Loinl2^c Lean Boston Butts, 10 i-ac Our Home Made Sausages - 10c J. J. BU(H, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. (F Notice the thick rubber tread " V' and puuoturo strips "U" ami "1>," alio rim strip "H" jirevent rim cutting. Thin tire will outlast any other make--SOFT, KLA8TIC and EASV KlLtlNo. Itogu/ai* Prioo t m $8.50 per pair. i To Introduce f| - W O W i l l S o l i £ • N A I L S You st Sant&lo WON T LET Pa/f* fot* Only • OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH OhDER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLAS x Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, c. be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual USA. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year. DESCRIPTIONS Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined inside with a special quality of rubber, which uc«ci becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They weii'h no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being givea, by several lavers of' thin specially tnKrir Ati *v»*. That *4Holding iJack** s^nsatintv/Ammr>*!i.> ,^.1 -i. 1: 1 prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding I5ack" sensaUotvcamtnonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" which prevents all air from being squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The re^rflar price of these tires is $H so per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only $4>o per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C O D. on approval You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented We will allow a eash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price S4.55 per pniri if vou send FULL CASH WITH OltllEB and enclose this advertisement. We will also sl-nd one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OIK expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bunk. Ask your Postmaster Banker. Kxpress or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, Isst longer and look finer than any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We knew that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicvcle you will give us your order. We want you to stud us a small trial order at one*, h»t>ce tbi« remarkable tire offer. C1T0 K9&M Ifm built-up-wheels, Had dies, pedals, parts and repairs, and IrUAO I everything in the bicycle line .ire sold by us at half the usual prices charged by dvuk r;. u ml tvpair men. f nrt unr 1,U' WRU- US A R^TAI TOOAY. NOT THINK OF BUYING a mMlr n%0 B VWM»1 Ueyclt ..I J pair o! urn troin anyone until vou know the new and wonderful oSers we ;,ri making J; ouly costb .1 postal to learn everything. Write it MOW. » INIEW.... HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop in the old Sc-hiessle Build ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt ness and dispatch. : : : R. MM & (0. West McHenry. Chicago & North-western. Effective November 10,1007. WBH DAT tRAIMS. NORTH BOC ND ufeo. NOBTH BOUND McHenry. 7.00 am Via Elgin. 10.17 a in it.00 a m ...Via Dus Plainea 10.17 a iu 3.26 p m Via Des Plainea 5.04 pm H.45 p in • Via Elgin A.40 p ta 4.97 pm Via Des Flalnes fl.40pm SUNDAT T HA INS. 8.45 am Via Elgin .11.14 a m 9.10a m Via Des Plainea 11.14 a Via Elgin 4.S6 p WHI DAY THAINS. SOUTHBOUND. OhfcigO. 8.00 p m.. p cu Write for our big SUNUKY catalog! a postal today. I>0 NOT TH INI lir o! tnvs from anyone until vou \ ostb .1 postal to leara everything, w HEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Dept. "41" CHICAGO, ILL. Leave McHenry. 7.20 am... 8.17 a in... 4.23 p m... 4.23 p m... 7.20 a m, 5.00 p m. Via Elgin 11 "Q Via Des I'latna* fMK a UJ ....Via Des I'lainea •.*> p m Via Elgin 7.10 p m SUNDAY TKAIN8. Via Elgin ».Mam ...Via Dea Plainee ....«.»0p u> 5.00 p m Via Elgin.... .7.50 p m Tfeink of what it nleans! $1.75 for Th« Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper for one 7*NT, It's a special 4ML OUR To anyone giving us a con tract for Electric Lighting in the Village of McHenry for one year we will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with ifs in making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: :: :: fl«trkServic0(o. Geo. K. Paige, Hgr. WEST SIDE ai)DH 4J1IVL UlUALi An elegent new line oi' new spring styles for men, women and children. Our prices are correct. Let us fit you out. Repairing neatly executed. L.E. WEST McHENRY. Men's Rockford Socks, Be, fancy.• 1&* Men's red, white aud blue handker chiefs fic. Be, Hk; Men '6 Suspenders, 50c quality... .25c Men's and Boys' Collars 5c, 7c,8c, 12c Shoe Laces, brown and black .1, 2, 3c Ladies', Boys' and Children's Hose.. 7c, 8c, IQc, 15c Linen Thread, black aud white.8, 10c Overcoat, Vest or Pants Bnttons, per dozen 4c, 5c, 8c, 12c Mending Tissue, perpackage fW- 4-oz. bottle Horse Radish.. 9c 4 oa. bar glycerine Soap 4c, 5c 5 OB. package Lily White Starch.. 4c Cinnamon, Allspice, Pepper, can 7c Lots of others at your own price. E. Lawless, Near Riverside House, McHenry. Professional, Society V> a.nd Bvist|\es9s Cards l)A VI DO. WELLS. M. 1). 11Y Wl CI A N, SIJ KG EON AM) OCULIST OfllW! una residence earner Kim an< t»roen street#, Mclleury. Tuleuhoue No. till FEGEUB & FEGERS pnysiciANH AND SUHGEON8. McHenry 111. Office at IUtsldence,corner Oourt»n£ blin streets Telephone 333. D. T.SWltEY A TTOHNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care will b« properly and promptly attemted to. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST. Office and Residence over n. J. Waish't Stere. Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. W«ST MCHBNKY. IRAU Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOfFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry. Illinois. John J. Vyoital . DEALER IN General Hardware Stoves, Paints and Qiis. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Well -dr i l l ing a Specia l ty . 'Phone 70i. WM. BACON Dealer iu Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AQENT. 1 am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop erty against. Eire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock Insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. John D. Lodtz * MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST-CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS K I L L t h e C O U C H AND CURE THE LUNGS w,tm Sir. King's New Discovery FORCaPSi's WOLDS Tflal Bottle Free AHS ALL THROAT ANB L'JfJG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. Tel. Main 1714. WHY 1I0 people of Mi Henry. Lake an .>1 her counti 11 op in at Lambert Q. Seng's 92 Fifth Aye. CHICAOO? Hecause it is so home like. CLOSING OUT Take ad vantage of our specially low rate of fl.75 for this paper and Tbe W«0ttp4nter-Ooeaa for one year. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits A l l s h a p e s a n d s i z e s . S e v eral proofs t.o select from. Each doz en finished in differentstyles. Price, !£2.(K) mid upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive npparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand- nouie Photos »nd a Hi-20 enlargement finished neatly and ' 9 W artistically in nat ural colors. :: Waukegan St., near the Standplpe. WEST McllENKY, ILL. TelepKone, 495 The National Pickle & Canning Co, are now con tracting for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushel for vat run pickles. They expect to secure a large acreage at this high price. Con tracts may be made at Block & Bethke's or F. A. Hollander's; or J. C. De- brecht's, Johnsburgh. ^*.20 F. O. Gans tbe auctioneer. He gnar- antee* aaitafaction. •