v r vw ANNUAL REPORT Spring Clothing We have a fine line of Men's and Boys' Suits on hand and if in need of a Suit, We * • >>W * V on a «jrUlk a n d g i v e y o u a S u i t e q u a l t o any tailor make. - , I O S . W . F R E U N D , WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Of Mm TrvMnrer of Village of for Tear finding April SO,"j|||i, WOT May I Statement of the "receipts and dU incuts of funds for the village of jhi III., for the year ending ^prll 30, 1906. rkoeiptS. Bal on htvud Ht'iiner Hros, license... B M noser " O L Moore " P B Freund John Beiaoer PH Weber George Snyder Anton Kiigeln Jois Heimer J J HUI-h H D Weber May 18 Johu Stoffel. water tapping ...; " " 'licenses.. f....s.. June ft " water rate*....... tapping lsbutra- Hgury, 4^ * lie July 8 Homer Wattles, .1 I' tfi Aug 6 Delinquent K & B tax. Sept 7 Jcrflu Stoffel. license,.,. •* •• t.nnnlvitr* It Our T reat! We want yon to accept our in vitation to coine to onr store and join as in celebrating. No, it's not onr birthday anniver sary or any event like that. We have just received from Geo. M. Clark & Co., Div., a ship ment of J E W E L Evaporator Gaso line Ranges Talk about beauties' Say, they're so good that they won't last long because there are several newly married couples "off the gas-line" who won't be happy thnngh married, unless they own one of these Ranges. The JEWEL EVAPORATOR RANGES are the very finest in the way of Gas oline rttovaa that have ever been offered to the public--they are the acme of per fection in stove construction--have so many good points that they've got to De seen to be appreciated. Will yon come in and look? J. J. Vycital 1845. T H E H U T U A L B E N E F I T I 90& L I F E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y OF NEWARK, M, J. Paid Policy-Holders Since organization in 1845 $250,476,338.60 MUTUAL BEN EFIT Life and Endowment Poli cies contain spe cial and peculiar advantages which are not combined in the policies of any other Co. C. W. Stenger, - Local Agent, AT WEST McHENRY STATE BANK, i n i M i m t w -- n i M i m m w -- -- m m -- -- Want Column. All advertisement* inserted under tills head at the following rate*: Fi»e linen or lens, 26 cent# (or drat insertion. 1& cent* (or each subsequent Insertion. More than tlve linen, 6 centa a line for ttrst Insertion, and S cents a line for additions Insertions. "pVjR SALE --Dakota ;tn<l Colorado lands. Homesteads Ux-ated. Fur further infor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc- Henry. 111. 17 tf "CVJK SALE--Double strirt* ItulldluR in West x Mclleury, III. For infornr atiou apply to Mas. Ukktrcdk L. Millkh. West McHenry, III. ;i*-tf PENSION LAW IS EXPLAINED. Oaljr Widow* Married PreTloiM to Jane 27, 1890, Are tfllfflble. Sep* 10 Oct 10 Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec 10 11 17 31 wfcter rates. .... sidewalks miscellaneous ... water ral4». tapping '.' sidewalks.. license water rates tappiiiK.. v sidewalks water rattiB license .... tapping sidewalks sidewalks water rates....... sidewal ks^ .. .. wood sold.. sldewall 19C* Jan 18 water rates.. alks V water n ceW Feb Mar April Ito " " sidewalks. 21 H C Mead, .1 P fines 3 WeRener Bros, license 7 Peter Morlt.z, license 2& John Niesen. K & 8 tax.. 31 J Sutton, license 1 John Stoffel, water rates tapping. .. water rates, idewalks. IceuseA 91017 08 - 50Gflfc, .vx/i# ftfUri 00 500 00 •TOO 00 500 00 500 00 TiOO po 300 00. 500 oo. woof 40 :n 15 00 35 00 38 SCt 30 00 15 00 3 00 78 33 8 00 Ht as 33 50 •15 99 34 98 15 00 20 9$ 2 or 13 30 36 00 ,21. 00 33 68 2 00 15 00 3 Hi 9S54 55 70 22 93 06 56 •38 8R 46 25 10 09 ,11*88 2 00 41 36 40 00 83 79 2a 605 IP 41 66 ??G 1299 B F. Horbesfc laboft.. ,4:100 W lUmAlett.Kruvel. --1:;0! !* Frt".:::d, " vm hiHhbivy&s, ••1 1303 VV Pvltz, labor.. 1304 J \Valsn, police ,iJ6rvit!CL.vV,-w 1305 Thos Powers, cfeinent, A • 1:106 KX McCftnber. sutk^rhSsP.**. t 1307 W Herlm laboi-i I*.. * Sk, .. 1308'.I]Niesen, ialxirf\ t.'.* 1309 Il.I Helium, tV\(iense 1310"'" " labor... .V 1311 W Slinos, " 1312 AN Kelt/., " 1313/Ueo Meyors, "• 1314 I* Enjfeln & Son, lrtoora. .. 1315 Valvoline Oil Co, Rii|iol^ox., 43, 10 . h m m oo " ' - t 17 uo rm '.t oo 52 !W 41 Off 227 00 'i 25 L.S Hi) 4 si; 27 " Total. Order 1907 No. 15 W 32 92 42 72 6 42 «MK4 25 FCXPBNDI May .o,. -- ^ 10ii5 Geo Meyers, storing carts.. 1116 J Walsh, police service. 1117 M M Niesen, police service.. 1119 .1 Evanson.oif 1130 .1 Niesen, cleaning park 1121 Gl+bert Bros, oil !<' 1122 F Thurlwell, labors. r, 11K Herbes Bros, labors... ... 1128 P J Cleary, election Judge... 1127 O T Eldredse, judge elect... 1128 J Niesen, judge election 1129 J Barblan. cierk election... 1130 J Weber, clerk election --x- 1131 J W Freund, clerk election?- 1132 .1 Evanson, services M.. 1133 H F Block, ' .....r... 1134 N E Barblan, •• 1135 W Stoffel, " 1137 M Webtr. 1138 J Stoffel. " 1139 D T Smiley, attorney 1140 D G Weils,, board health 1141 N J .1 usten. board bealili .. 1142 S Reynolds, • " 1143 Plalndealer. pub proAdngs... 1144 Wilbur Lumber (Jo, coal... . 1145 J B Clow & Sons, lead pipe... 1146 Valvoline Oil Co, gasoline... 1147 Geo Meyers, labor 1148 .1 Stoffel, postage, frt., etc.. .Id. judgecaucus... Tot 50 00 . 50 00 1 25 . 2 00 19 3 00 3 00 300 3 00 3 00 10 50 12 00 12 00 4 50 12 00 37 50 25 00 10 00 10490 10 00 3a 80 r0'5H 33 92 29 45 4 59 2 00 2 00 •#0ft, 1 50 6 00 4 60 3 50 16 00 5 00 fsfilj^ry^. .•A.. 1404 Wm^imea 1405 VVm gtjpffei. \. 1411 Geo \rf^yi^. l.'iboi^v. 1413 T .1 W;<]s)). Wvices 1414 Wm Sti)ffeiSiV- «' «»' 1416 T .1 w7tls«r. J|i(i<liK' Of i^M iorl /V May 1,1908 \ y '-5^ I herefey certify that tin, meut. Is true and corrfel. ju knowledge j^nd belief., J A B. i'«|{ M Subscribed And siwty n ii' Id ay •<» f May, A. D.-UkK. ' J&. Z OI.I V E K N. ()\vfNN(HAfv IMiblii •* fb If. 1149 S McDona 1150 W PGallaher, clerk caucus. 1151 F G S<Mirelner, " 1152 A Schneider, labor.. .. June 1153 J Neiss & Sou, '» 1154 A Schneider, " 1155 O L Moore, " 1156 Val voline Oil, gasoline 1157 J J Vycital. oil.. 1158 J Niesen 2 60 1159 Plaindeale^-flMte teeas rept.jg 27 30 1160 Geo Mey^m^mbor.. 55 20 1161 H Zimmerman, graveling 209 70 1162 B E Herbes, laljor 7 00 1163 M M Niesen. police service.™ 50 00 1164 Jno Walsh, police service-- 50 00 1165 Wilbur Lumber Co, plank... 4t"<$ 1166 Geo Engeln, labor. 2 10 July 1167 .1 Walsh, police service 50 00 1168 M M Niesen. police servftjfe... 50 00 1169 Geo Hanly. gravel ; 3 40 1170 N Weber, gravel ' 5 80 1171 P Freund, sand 50 1172 Geo Meyers, labor 24 r0 1173 " " " . 60 30 1174 T Hatpin, " 14 00 1175 W Dettmer, " 10 00 1176 F Thurlwell, ' "I.. ftOtOifc 1177 W Felt*. s •' 00 11 bonds, J100 each 1U0 00 11 coupons, ifti each 66 00 1178 Theo Stock, labor 25 00 11T9 .1 Simon, laljor 9 lWO H Zimmerman, graveling 23 1181 J W Schaffer. sewer screen... 3 1182 Wilbur Lumber Co, cement.. 190 1' Aug . . Aug 1183 Plaindealer. pub ordinaire. 1184 P Freund, gravel 1186 P M Freund, " ... 1186 E 8 Wheeler, " 1185 N Weljer, " 1189 Neptune Meter Co, meters,. 1190 Wm Bonfilett, gravel... 1191 Geo Meyers, labor 119 2 1193 F Thurlwell. " 1194 J .1 Vycital, sundries 1195 Valvoline Oil gasoline.. 1196 Wllmir Lumber Co, cement, 1197 Wm Herbes, btbor 1198 VVm Feltz, laoor 1199 Theo Stock, labor 1200 P A Neiss, painting ladders 1201 Wm Simps, labor 1202 B E Herbes, labor 1203 Jno Heimer, labor 1204 H Zimmerman, graveling,.. 1205 J B Clow & Sons, lead pipe. vice... Sept 11 95 51 77 17 00 1 50 1 45 47 00 17 00 27 0§ 50 00 rmoo 71)4 . 33 «0 79 51 . 13 00 . 42 60 6 5 . 37 . 11 55 4 20 . 112 50 37 5^ . 50 00 . 50 rpolfSALE VERY CHEAP--Incubator. 250- x capacity, and Brooder. Both Cyph ers' make and gof>d as new. KINGKI .ky House. IMst.akee Bay, 111. ;j9-tf Tj^OR SALE--Several lots at Rosedale and 2 buildings, one Racine motor l».iin<-h fl,., 2% H. P.. canopy top, lantern, tools, canvas; Const. Co. launch; 13» II Inquire i'laiudealer. launch 16 corduroy cushions, ltt-ft. Pearson Boat P., l»oth neiirly new. 44-4* T^AHLI AS--Large selection of named dahl- ^ ias In nearly all colors of the several var- ietles._viz: Show, Decorative, Cactus or Pom- pnu. l."> cents each. A few of the rarer sorts 25cents each. I\ R. GOODMAN, 44-4t* W. McHenry "pVJR SALE--A quantity of tame and upland hay in barn. Good horse hay. For further itiformat.ion apply or address H.C, Mkad, West McHenry. 45-2t* PARM HAND WANTED -1- month Will pay Si") f May and f2U per month there after to goow man. Address or call at farm ofOito. J. SAYEK, I'istakee Bay, McHenry, 45-tf 111. "CMJR SALECHF2AP--A good narrow-tired nttitvv fnpm uruffnn Ill/mil heavy farm wagon McHenry, III. Inquire of A. BCHDO, 45-tf XjVJlt SALE --Owe roan liorse, nine years old. perfectly sound; one sorrel mare, six years old; one full-blood .Jersey cow, five years oid. All for sale at a low price. Call at hiNtiSLEY House, I'istakee Bay. 45-lt Have pasturage of about am prepared to take •QA j-TIJ RAGE--nave pas * thirt y five acres and at.. on atxiut twenty head of live stock. Terms- Horses, 40 cents per week ; cows 30 cents per week Apply to N. 1'ETKHS, on Miss Maggie deary s farm, south of McHenry. JjK)UND: On highway near Howell's Villas '...in8 1 «hain. Owner cari have same V>y calling at Jos. J. Mlchels. .lohnsburgh, prov ing property aud payiug for this notice. pvt)R >ALE: A new ten-room house and one lot located on banks of Fox river a Short distance south of Fox river bridge For further Information address or anriJv to JAMKH B. PEKRY, Bank o^ McHenry Mc- ii«nry, 111. * According to advices from Washing ton the widow's pension bill has passed the senate and honse and is now await ing the signature of the President. Many McHenry women will be inter ested to know that only widows who married previous to June 27, 1890, are entitled to a pension with the increase as provided by the new law, which went into effect on April 19. This effects all persons whose pension is under f 12. "Under the new law," says Charles Bent, United States pension agent, "the pension of all widows, mino^tfid helpless children now on the rolls at a less rate is increased to #12 a month, and they will be paid at the increased rate at the next quarterly payment on July 4. "It will not be necessary for them to mabe a new application for the increase. The vouchers now in their possession should be held and executed as usual July 4 next, and the increase will be added by the pension agency. There after the quarterly vouchers sent will be for $86. "Those not already on the rolls who are pensionable under the uew law should make their application direct to the commissioner of pension? at Wash ington, D. C." Valued Same as Gold. ^ B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Miss., says: "I tell my customers when they buy a box of Dr. Ring's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or biliousness." Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. 25c. 50 00 6 ar> 17. 60 50 00 50 00J 23 J5 13 00 58 92 27 40 20 00 28 40 47 70 9 40 20 00 10 00 101 28 .10 07 25 50 51 00 17 00 132 20 58 88 » 90 2 BO 13J0 M Weber, expense. .Jt. 1317 P B KreunfT; H>r vrir persons. '^00 00 '" 13l9tM M NfeA^^olIc^sotyRrcs," f>0^0(^ , ' 1320 Chicago X«! vmessiiigps...'. 40 1321 A Miller,«ahor ...*• 0O 132U W Slmes,-expense.. : . ;» 33 1323 J Niesen, labor 1& .50 i 1324 W Felt/., 10 00. Irf25 AniericawSteel Wire 25 1326 Geo Meyers, labor., i.. .TOT.v. 28 20 1327 M Thelen, " 700 i:j28 J Walsh, services -f>0 00 1329 M M Niesen, " lv;« .^,*-5^.^. 1330 J J Vycital, fundft-reg,.! J'rf 4,^ 1331 N F. Hnrhinii. e^»ien>;.> . MTb ims ftatidard Uill^t.te Ijttt iikK 1333 F A BohlaiiUtrt-: oi.lf'T^A'^«£. A' 0. 1^34 Theo ltlcklfcr, liCU>r. . . 83(9 1335 Plaindealer, printing, ...•&?»,?»SB 1336 B F. Ilerbes, labor .. .. '15 50* 13:17 J Leickem, " K 's(! 40 13:18 W F Holtz, livery .* "3,00 13:® F J Herbes, expenses...... 4 00 Fsli 1340 F L McOmber, sundries 21 0* 1341 M Leickem, labor.; 3 20 „ -1.J42 J J Vycital, sundries v 2 10s 1343 J Lmcke.in, labor ^ ' 3 Chi Tel Co, messages . '1:«i Barker Lumber Co. cement. iKfrw i:}40 Valvoline Ol'. Co, gasoline... 1.1 00 4ji 1347 C H Tryon, surveying 9 00 134$ Geo Meyers, labor, 1.- . 11 50 .* e 1349 P ,1 Freund, tel & carfare^. <> 10 1350 H BUx-U, wSpense.. 1 00 1351 J Walsh, services..'.. . , 50 00 1352 M M Niesen, .. 50 00 1355 P J' Schoewer, labor . 1 00 1356 B E Herbes. '7 '.I 00 1?J57 John C Stoffel, 15 75 1358 John Walsh, police services. *50 00 1359 M M Niesen, *' • " 1 . 50 00 1360 Standard Gillette Co, globes and mantels. .. 1361 Peter Neiss 1362 W J Stoffel, labor : 1363 P J Freund, " 1365 Vaivollne Oil Co, gasoline. 1366 Win Siines. paid for labor .. 1367C H Harmsen F Thurl vveii,4br * i:«B M Engeln & Son. bal t^yes. 1369 Wilbur Lumber Co, i-enien M70 A Schneider, lalxiiR^i .jji 1371 Geo Meyers, " .. ( E C .Jacob, pot ire st.^rs... 1373 A Schneider. iMdser 1376 Wm IlArpHs.'." /x. .. _v. . 1379 M M NMfsein.p>»Hfe.serviiiR..'J 5!> 04 * . 1380 John Whlt^XV - FfjssW-W 1381 John Niesetf, - / • • i:#8 Leg-al/.A<l^i{ifH'<Jo, sjippl&sA . l-:!o 1383 Win ^piPs,'G„.|^j^rtrti,'Jft.B?»r. » - a&tiO 1384 B FMn^i,es. Jaftor... . 10 (»4 1385• StaiufftrS Gl&itt^xp,' glooesi' and mH.itels. ft. f-'f i:i86 J & Cldw^ Soiii.,^Gpn}ies».,. 1389 John ^police serwi«e^. 1392 Geo Meyers, taboj-tp**';. 11,00 •i:«« " . " r " 10 75 42 00 15 00 pTroalile and'Ieifei Susiql * dq, m>t' ^ali2|.jhf^alarm- -w 11 ile kidnf.^dis- or4P-t* the TO.p.it^.ctfni'inyn, d^easeS that pre' v.avl,/tTw;y arc alpiolt the s re.t: ed paftent aW^ phy sicians, toho coji- tent thepnHelvet '•witH,' doctvwngefht effect's*, whilp jne orijf-. inal dt«^ftriftdertnin.esat!i«. syste|ris ? . ' (• - '• Wbfit T0 B0. / There is comfort iu tlijfc knowledge 80 expressed, tkat StfT ,KilS«r's ( RV#ip-Kbt%,tl>^,gr^af ' remSfiy, pain in the line};, ki<lneysj 'iv^cr, bludUer and ey€r>,j^f of the"uxinary ,-fiisg^t ft co>rec#^fi*abitit^ "to. hold;jurats and sdildinW-passing' it* or bad effects follo-witig usfe.fcf liquor, wine or beer, and ovejrjeomes 41iat unpleasant ne cessity of bein^ compelled to go often , du^fig the day, and ^o get up jnany ^tinies during the night.' Th$ niild and f the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon reaUzed. w. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing, cases. If yott need a medicine you shltld haye the be#t. Sold bv drug gists itf fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. y > J^ou may have a sample bott le and book, (hat tells all Rboul it.^oth sent free 1 by nip.il. AtMress I)n MatKrMM|,| •Kilmer & Co., Eing- hamtop, N. Y. When 8w»wp-Kd«. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. V. --1 * S u m m e r G o o d s Spring KTC.,;ETC. ^ iol ic^vriii^T of 'I* Cl<:R*KSOTA"'-:T>IJvLSBURY BES.T ANff^.SP^NCER'Sf I - . : A . B O H L A N D E R i , WEST MciiliNRYv ILLINOIS. r- r #0 7>ti941l ^0 00 5 HO i»n WgiHIIf TRTAISU RCI'.:V OF A PEOPLE TH^r Y^U^KNOi1 WHERE tHEY^CaO. A Grist of PemonAl New* the Wayalde by The I'lalud^ai MDtotlvet, , Mrflft Frank Cbfek is vis ^gj^tives and ftrends. Mathia^ Leickem boarded ^le Chi l |> by go train Wednesday morning?* KTft- ?• Mrs. L. F. Bending spen,t the first -of With Chicago r^fetw^g. ^ lliaiu Stoffel left ^i« ("Tkursday) morning for tfki,n|^l trip to Europe. Mrs. Willian^te.^ Holma^of Milwau kee called on friends? and old tome ac quaintances laet week KVe<ln^day. Miss Pearjl Bending retnrrfeC^ tocher home in Chicago Monday, aftefayW^ek's One dollar a year for The Weekly In- le^-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- detler Or both by onr receht special arrangement, fl.75 for fifty-two weeks tor And ffftr Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By one, special ar rangement von nan secure both papers for one fnli year for the very low rate $1.75. Nov Dee 1206 Jno Walsh, police service 1207 M M Niesen. 'I " 1208 M Engeln & Son, repairs, etc 1209 Valvol ine Oil, sasopne 1210 Jno Walsh, police service. . . 1311 M M Niesen, " " " . . . 1212 W Davis, graveling 1213 W Herbes, labor 1214 W SI cues, " 1215 J Niesen, " i.. 1210 Wi lbu r LumberCo, tile 1217 Del Noonan, labor 1218 W FELTI, V F .. 1219 F Cobb, " 1220 M Leickem, " -- 1221 Geo Meyers, cleaning park.. 122S? .1 Stoffe l , street lamps , f r t . . . 1223 W Bonslett, gravel, 1224 H Xlmmerman. graveling -- 1225 PURINI#4H L'av Co, BFTCK 1228 Geo Meyers, labor. 1227 '• R' " 1228 Jno Pint, village share walk. 1229 Feter Mil te r , " " .. 1230 I* Meyers, labor 1231 Geo Bishop " •232 J Meyers, " . .• 1233 J Niesen,' " 1234 " " " 1235 J Meyers, " 1236 " FL 1237 Plaindealer, adv 1238 Gilbert Bros,OIL . 1239 Geo Meyers, labor. .. 1340 " '• 1241-W F e l t j* lalmr 1242 1243 M Engeln , " "7 00 1244 G Engeln , " 14 00 1245 '• " '« V 6 00 1246 W Mimes, " 82 :>0 1247 " " " 7 50 1248 " " " 6 SI 1249 F Cobb, •' 3-00 1250 W id BEIÎ I tch : 49 40 1251 N Meyfcrs, labor 9 00 1252 M Engeln & Son, whlbarrow. 2 10 125:1 J Stoffel, freight 11 MS 1254 W U Gas & Electric Co, tar.. 131 HI 1255 W Davis , gravel. 27 50 1250 Wilbur Lumber Co, cement.. 54 33 125< M M Niesen, services SO 00 IR>H J n o Walsh, •' ,R50 00 1259 P Freund. gravel ' 2 80 1260 W Bonslett, - S 30 1261-"' " " JB 50 1262 WL' Gas I Electric, Tar. . . . 2» 90 126:1 DVoung, labor 1 40 1264 H Block, expense 3 50 1265 M M Niesen, police service. . . 50 00 1266 Jno Walsh , police service.. 50 00 1267 Geo Meyers, labor 35 80 1268 " " , labor on walks. 100 00 1SBS) H Atchison, bury'g skeleton. 3 00 1270 .1 Stoffel, f r t . 011 tar. B 40 1271 Valvoline Oil, gasoline 16 28 1272 feieo Meyers, graveling A. 47 50 1273 J Meyers, labor. .1.. 2 00 1274 Nlc Colby, " :... .?... 100 1275 J Niesen, " 1276 " " on sldewallM 127? Geo Hanly , sod for walks 1278 W Feltz, labor 1279 " '• on walks UNO Ed Hanly , sod for walks 1881 F E Cobb, labor on walks. . . VHI K Nordquist , labor,. 1*3 B E Herbes, " .' TTM4 Standard Oil Co, gasoline. . , . 1285 W Si cries, labor on walks WW " " 1287 G Engeln, labor on walks...:. 1288 J J Vycital, sundries 1280 P J Freund. services 1290 H Block, L»L N E Barblan, 1292 F J Herbes. services 1293 W Simes, 1294 WStoffel. 1295 M Weber 1290 C P Barnes,« 1297 J Stoffel, Vm Andrew Miller, visit at the home of htsr ^rdthelf^ L. F. Bending. T1 Mr. and Mp. P/'-W^Blafce (if t.it$re Falls, Minn., ti^feviaiting revives and friends in McJ4«|n'fc>abd thttHurronnding vicinity. I Mr. and Mrs. Bending are out from ChUga&o tfeis Week, pr«pari|jg!iheir unuimer hjouie 9^ Emattfld "park for-the summer. I < r J Messrs? Patrick jhjytoft, Vimothy Murphy" and Edward Ray Hp At list week in McHenry^ They returned to th«r homes in Chicago TuesdaV, Gas Moritz arrived here from Chlpff: go last Friday -eveiJing and-will spend a fivift-months' farlough with hjs parents here. Gas is a member 6f t^e Chicago police forc^, . Jjf - » ' ^Misses Katie lieiiner, Amy Yager, Mamie Hei&er, Lena^ Stoffel and Flor^ enceilowewitneHsed ttd^pi^tiuction of "MtrfdoonV^Picnic4" at the"Woodstock <|pera house Mpndjity evenirig. # ? E. Lawlus. tailor, h4s Hent ,84 ladies' garments to the Grand dyehcuHe.' Any thing fr4«n a kjd sho#- to an ostrich„ feather dyed. Satisfaction guaranteed., QUARTER OF A CE#ITURY.V Plalnd^lMr >>t •P«3T ». , -,t 1 v tteiQp '• ,-JT ~ It said -that th^ cOming |eason pxo'uiifs to t* the liveliest ever at Fox^LajfeeU ^chnorr^* |ee Bliss Mary j L. Owen, *tHfted onwMond^y morning, to 30^ het husbandtrat Ath«*t. Bakota. It is easier fbr a camel to pass through the eye <5f a nehdl|» fchau ftt is fopa uian who borrows his .tieighbor's pa^er to sleep -^eilnightH. ^ It halyust arrived at the season *phe ^«r when "<the mnaH boy \vhdk can'( lift/a spade full of dirt in the garden, np^i ten aere lot htwiting f(»r bait.^ ,• \ .. 'Matbias Blakl" ant Old resident -*af i# town, «died at the residence of his >n, Piter Blake, at iiifeh Prairi^, M^B- nesota, April ^|0th. He went-to Muui»*- so|a vismng, about six weeks ago,,where he was ckku%: si&k, -and/died as above. Sonsumpfion, we Iwlievl, was fcjie cause. He was about 67 yejits of age, apd had resided in this town for over 30 years. The, heps~s4ra,ve again opened the strife oS big eggs^and the revolt is that Mrs. Ward has left one on our table, ^ produced by a hen of the cou^mon vari- <>hic#^o ^ty t^ia^ jiieas«fes 8Jfx6i inches a little thje largest of anyjpfe have seen yaar. vWe have another one- ^)n onr table, handed us Ijy M. T^-fell, .which, alt-hungh a^ little smaller, may ^ruths fully be called a large egg,,as it measures HxQi-* If there ai;e any larmier eggfi pr^- duced thi^ seariob we^|iave failed .tfi lee /hem. OF. WEST McMENRV, ILLINOIS. , $25,000. OFHICpRS: ' • .. % President. ^ r * • PAKKKR' S." #KT!STER, Vice-President. ^ :8MildN STOFFEL,"Vic^President. -© • • • ; J y « *.1 # » CASL .W, Cashier. . . • ? ' - .V ' CHnCKINO ^CCOUNTg.' SAVINGS Afc- COUNTS, CIjRI IFlCATKS QF DEPOSIT, »Onj0ST|G^4N^PORElQN EXCHANGE, ,2* ' isf COLt-EettQNS, NOTARY PUBLIC,, s : ,'-V • f , J ^ - ̂ ^>aid oit Savings Ac counts and Time Cer. tificates of Deposit, A Callfc^-jpiah's Luck. "The liickiest <^,y of my life was when I.bonght a box of Backlen's Ar- pfca SaJve';" „writ»f Charles F; Bndahn, of Tracy;'^California. Two - 25c. boxes, cured infe of an annoying cais^l itching piles; which had troubled me for years andthat yielded to rib other treatment.' Sold uude^gtmraptee at N. -HT Petesch's"' dru^ store. r . ' & • laical'Option Beer.., The famed ^on-alcoholic 'beer, aflver- tised by several Of the larger" brewing concerj^s'of the country to^be offered for s'ale in strictly dry territories, has reached the antfi-Kaloon territory.^ A sample of the bt&erafjfe, made bj^tbe "Anheqser-feusch company of Si Louip, has arrived at Geneva, 111., wbereJ>»v- erai local pattfonrt of the conipahy have "Tttready place<l tiiw fluid goods On sale. " The imitation of the r«al"article is called "Eno," and is put np in the same form as be«r. The drink foams up in the glass-when opened and looks Jfttp "fire water," tleing of a sWeet taste, hOw^Ver, and containing less than one per cent alcohol. The drink premises to become very popular jn the dry districts. ': " Read The PlSSndj»aler "want" *d« ;T ^H#^UART^R5 POR^. -V ^ Lumber^ ^ime, ^ |^ement, Brick, Sewer Goal, FTbur and Feed. We hav|i a ^complefe stock of all kinds ^qf Building Material and #kon^r ^upplies^^ftd can fill esti- ifnrt^ proinptly. !|^Let us figure „ 91* )!pur estitnates. , :: W i l b u r L u m b e r C o . ricHenry, 111. -Phone 432. P. O. West McHenry. . (. ' 40 > :. 1 ®. »s 1ft ,")»! ::v.v.V.v: K SPECIALS! - . j • . We showing many new goods in Dress Materia]?/, Linens, Swisses, Poplins, French Ginghams, Percale and Lawn at prices that will make you buy. :: :: , CaffiR), }H)r yard Apron Ciinghams, yd ... .7c N«mo Corset... $3.tK) W. B.^Cc^sets . ..-,. .. . ^ ^1.39, |2.()0- Ladies' tan urt^ W^ick Hase, Be^pr/. . 1,5®, 25cfc 49c We have h^'dnltsmy ̂ ood tilings* to o^r^^ti#'iii^ the,Waist Line", buj. fi^rer before have we shown &uch big values ^,we are displaying this season. Ladies' Waists, made of good quality Lawn vvith eyelet embroidery fronts ner^tly trucked an^ stitchetl, many different pait^rns - • • •98c White Waists made of a fin^ she^r jto€?rcerized M-ull^ front worked with mercerized thread in many different designs,-a handsome Waist, worth 25 per cent, more than we areiiskjng, on sale ^.t.. • . • • •»• • • $1.25 Black ̂ Lawn Waist with em.brbM^red«and twpked fronts- at . • 98c, ̂ >1.3Q ©Jack Sateen Wai&t^iaiJed aiifl trimn^l^alsb l)]ack and white check, at ^ ^ • - * -98p, $1.16 an^ $1.26 / , . - \ ; | AlLtfver embroidered Waist Mat|y otlj^er Waists at*. r • at.. $1 Jf $1^9a|i:75, '• A-K' 52.98 52.25 TELKPllONE, NtJMteR 54'