Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1908, p. 5

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i i v - p - i is the time when the model housewife replaces her worn-out Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc., with bright new ones. We wish to call the attention of such housewives to the fact ' that \TC have placcd U liu^ oucu guuus iuLo our store this spring that we are indeec^ proud of. We know our lines are such that will please you all. Call in and see what we have to offer. - - Undertaking and Embalming is also a part of our business and all calls of this nature are promptly attended to under our person­ al supervision. We take complete charge, fur­ nish hearse, and care for. bodies when so wished. 3ac0b3u$!eti l f -- WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store / THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. - =d JV- OUR STOCK OF MM DBS GOODS Is now nearly complete, we having many new novelties to offer in Dress Goods and Waistings in Silks, Voiles, Panamas, Chiffons and Novelty Weaves. :: :: :: :: :: :: A Pine Line of Uress Ginghams at per yard only 10c; better grades at 15c, 18c and 25c. (iauze Underwear and Hosiery. Our Shoes and Oxfords are of the most up-to- date styles. Be sure and see them. :: Hen's Work Shoes. Extra heavy soles; guaran­ teed Waterproof, at $3.50: just the thing for rough, hard wear. :: :: :: :: New Mats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Ties. Our Line of International Tailoring Samples is ready for your inspection. It's time now to order your Suit for Easter. A perfect fit guaianteed. Over 1000 samples to select from. :: A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH, PURE GROCER­ IES. McLaughlin's and Chase & Sanborn's Cof­ fees. White and Graham Flour and Corn Meal. M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. 1 IBIS I EAT Should be fresh, absolutely pure and of the highest qual­ ity. We sell the finest, cleanest and purest Pood Stuffs. Canned Fruits! CHERRIES, red, per can aoc STRAWBERRIES, in syrup, per can... 20c APRICOTS, large, per can 35c GREEN GAGE PLUMS, per can .". ;. 18c PEACHES, Aluirs, per can 25c Canned Vegetables! PEAS, E. J., sifted, usu­ ally sold at 20c, per can '5C SUGAR CORN, 3 cans for a5C LIMA BEANS, WAX &GREEN BEANS per can...." 10c JELL-O, the delicious dessert, is beyond donbt the most delicious yon may try. It ia better than pastry, uiore easy to prepare. No cooking, no standing over the stove on a hot day. It saves time and moneysimply add het water and set aside to cool. All flavors, the package .. ioc JELL O ICE CREAM POWDER, for making Ice Cream, the pack­ age . ..... 15c ZtyX JOHN STOFFEL. Ahi NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS & KMKKALD •How old ia Ann? Where ing? 1 Ed. Comiaky visited at P. Walsh's San day last. Miss Mary Gibbs spent Friday with the Misses Sutton. Mrs. Peterson has moved from the Reid farm to Chicago. M r. and M rs. Jno. Uibbs visited friends in Tnrra Cotta Sunday. E ,T. Cohan of Chicago was a business caller at the Park Friday. Jno. Ay!ward of Elgin visited relatives and friends here Sunday. ' Miss Hattie Welch of Woodstock spent Snnday at her home. Mr and Mrs. Robt. Sohns epenta few days this week in Chit-ago. Rev Father Bonrke was calling in this vicinity Thnrsday last. Mr and Mrs Snl*k of Ringwood vis­ ited at the home of P. Walsh Sniulay. Mis* May me Knox spout Saturday and Sunday with friends in Woodstock. W. K. Barns and daughter, Grace, SpentSnnday at their snumier home. Floyd Thompson of Woodstock was a rat lei* in this vicinity Saturday even­ ing Jno. Schaffer of McHenry was a caller in the vicinity of Griswold Lake San- dav. * , -J ' - M iss Mary Satton is spending this wet-k 'with relatives in Chicago and Elgin. Miss May me Costello of Elgin is visit­ ing relatives in this vicinity for a few weftks. Miss Margaret Ward of McHenry spent Monday and Tuesday evenings in this vicinity. Miss Katie Knox spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Wanconda and Liberty ville. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Colby of Barre ville were gnestsof J. R. Smith and family Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Hughes entertained Mes- dames Comisky, McLaughlin and Pel- nieten Sunday lest. P. Ay!ward of Ostend is bidding his friends goodby this week, preparatory to leaving for Texas. Robert Costello returned to Elgin Snnday evening after spending a few days with his grandparents. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby of Mc- FIenry, Messrs. F. Geary and F. Murray of Wanconda visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cohan and daugh­ ter and Wu. Cohan returned to Chi­ cago Sunday after spending a week at the Park. Miss Celia Frisby of Elgin, Maud Ber­ nard of Chicago and Irene Frisby of McHenry were callers in this vicinity Saturday. TERRA COTTA. Will Lehman spent Tuesday in Chi cago. Miss Hazel Lock wood spent Monday at HolcomLville. Mrs. Will Lehman was ft Chicago visitor last Tuesday Geo. Bryant of Nunda WM a caller in this vicinity Thursday. Miss Mae Scheissle spent Sunday at her home in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Conway were Wanconda visitors Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Colby of Barre .'ille spent Saturday at L. Lock wood 's. Wm. Wingate of barreville was a caller at M. Knox's Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Mrs. W. Leh­ man visited school Thursday. Mrs. S. Knox of Elgin called on her sister, Mrs. M. Knox, Sunday. James Courtuey of Wanconda was a calles in this vicinity Thursday. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville was a caller at L Lockwood's Saturday. Miss Lena Steinsdoerfer spent Snn­ day at her home at Griswold Lake. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry was the guest of relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan visited at A P. Peck's at Holcombville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hatchwellof Nunda were visitors at Chas. Buck's Sunday. Miss Lizzie Ames of Elgin spent Sat nrday and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buss and daugh­ ter, Annie, spent Sunday with relatives in McHenry. M. J. Walsh and daughters Mary and Dorothy of McHenry spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. J. M. Phalin son, Thomas, and daughter Marjorie were GriswoH Lake visitors Sunday. JOHMSBUBOH. Mrs. August Huff visited here Friday. Joe Nstt was a caller in McHenry Saturday. John Oeffling of Volo drove thrn here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray were Mc­ Henry callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May of Ringwood were seen here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller of Zenda, Wis., were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johu Huff visited with friends in Spring Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of Mc­ Henry were visitors here Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. John Freund visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyon Sunday. Mrs. Nick Schmitt visited with her mother, Mrs. Anton Meyers, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Steffes and daugh­ ter, Lauretta, were Volo callers Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. William Tonyon of Spring Grove were visitors here Satur­ day. Memrs. and Mesdames John Meyers, Jos. P. Miller, John S Freund and Simon Michels visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe. S. Michels Sunday. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with* our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken ad van t- RIbOKVIEXtt. Mr. Lindsey was in the city Saturday. Nels Peterson was in Woodstock Mon­ day. Mrs. S. Wakefield was in Nunda Sat­ urday. ^ Mrs. D.-L. Gibson was in Woodstock Wedneedav. Ralph Thayer was a Nunda caller Wednesday. J. Miller was a Chicago visitor Fridaj and Saturday. Mrs. S. Merchant was a Woodstock caller Monday. J. H. Parks made a business trip to the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooper were Nunda shoppers Thnrsday. , D. O Kline made a business trip to Woodstock Monday. Mrs. E. L. Kimball was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. Mrs. Maud Jaynes and Nora Skinner drove to Nunda Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Reed attended chnrch in Nunda Sunday. Mrs. Alien and little daughter were Nunda shoppers Thursday. Mrs. ,T. B. Lynch called at P. Ben­ nett's in Woodstock Thursday. E, Merchant was a bnsiueas caller in Nunda Thursday ahd Saturday. J. H. Parks and family drove over to the farm near McHeury Sunday. Mrs.t? Simmons aud daughter;-. Flor­ ence, were in the city Thursday. Mrs. F W. Hartman was a Wood­ stock caller last week Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Senne visited at Father Wille's Saturday and Sunday. J. C Button took the train for Wood­ stock Saturday, returning in the after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. Du- field visited at G. Skinner's in Nunda Sunday. Miss Bessie Buell and Del Olmsted of Woodstock visited at Mr. Peterson's Snnday. Mrs. H. Wille and mother, Mrs. Wag­ ner, visited relatives at Woodstock Monday. Mr. Kimball went to Elgin Friday afternoon. His wife accompanied him to Nunda. Misses Emma and Clara Eichkoff of Woodstock spent a couple of days at Mrs. S. Merchant's. There were no services held at the chnrch Sunday on account of the sudden illness of the Rev. Dickey. Will Jay nes' mother of Chioago, who has spent several days here, left for Bar rington Wednesday of last weel^. Mrs. Rose Goddard left here Satnr day for northern Wisconsin to visit her brother, who lives near Carter's Siding. The Melborn Show company did not make a great success of their show here on account of the rain. Only a few at­ tended. Mr. and Mrs. White entertained rela­ tives from Seneca Sunday. Mrs. White and two little sons returned with them for a visit. Mr. anu Mrs W. Jay nes, son and daughter, Milton and Mildred, visited with A. Keeter in Barrington from Sat­ urday until Monday. Mrs. Keese ami Mrs. Munroeattended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. W. Ter- willager, who lived ont West. They returned home Wednesday. SCHOOL, NOTES. The interest is kept up, especially among the little ones. Chas. Emmons and Caroline Nymann had the highest averages in the second grade. The children were very brave this rainy weather, aB the attendance will testify. roiA Arthur Frost of Chicago was in Volo recently. Miss Ella Moore spent several days last week in Wauconda. Mrs. Will Tonyon of Ringwood was in town Sunday morning. C. G. HUHOII of Lihertyville made a buniness trip to Volo Saturday. MiHH Emma Hanson of McHenry was the guest of her parents here Sunday. Messrs. Will Frost and Harvey Han­ son were in Grayslake Sunday forenoon. Wellie Moore of Libertyville was the guest of his mother and sister here Snn­ day. Miss Elida Russell of Waukegan spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Meadames Ben Rosing and A. J. Ray­ mond • were Wauconda callers Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and Miss Lucy Dunnill were Wanconda callesa Satur­ day afternoon. Miss Gertrude Schaefer of McHenry visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable, a few days this week. Take advantage of our specially low rate of $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter-Ocean for one year, Miss Anna Rossdeutscher, who is em­ ployed by Harry Fuller at Wauconda, was at home Satudray night and Sun­ day . 3 Word was received here of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson of North Adams, Mass. Mrs. Jepson was formerly Miss Rose Huson. The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate affections, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and in­ somnia. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Price 60c. Fresh corn meal for family use and plenty granular meal for chickens at Spencer's mill. T«> die Beit Beam Once and Know Hcrif Good Beans Can Be,' i* Van(|inp*s>i" Fork "Beans For Sale at the 20Mntiiry Store 10 pounds Fresh Corn M e a l . . . . . . . • 25c 3 pounds Extra Fancy Prunes 25c Kellog's Toasted Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs... 25c Shred'd Whole Wheat Biscuit, 2 pkgs.. 25c 3 10c cans Peerless Soup 25c 3 cans Clam Bouillon. 25c 2 pounds Evaporated Peaches... 25c 2 pounds pitted Plums (something new).. 25C 2 pounds Fancy Apri­ cots 35c Fancy Chocolates, as­ sorted flavors, fresh a n d w h o l e s o m e , l b 2 5 c Heinz's Preserves, lb. 23c 0. B. ttMt 'Phone 6 q i . WKy Don't Yo\i Take a Torvic u You need one (f your appetite is poor or fickle; if you are unaccountably tired, if you are nervous or pass* sleepless nights. You may not be exactly ill, but you will be if y o u r p r e s e n t c o n d i t i o n c o n t i n u e s . O u r . . . . ----DANDELION YELLOW DOCK AND IRON is the remedy that will most speedily re­ store your appetite, strength and vigor. It vstimulates the digestive organs and all other vital organs and makes the blood rich, red, vitalizing fluid it should be. Money back if you are not satisfied with the effects in your case. -- Price. $lOO N. H. Petesch, Druggist, McHetiry, HI. - 'Phone 274. HORSE (lOODSlI of every description is what we deal in. Every­ thing that goes to make up a first-class Harness Establishment may be had here. When you get ready for that new work or driv­ ing harness, if you appre­ ciate quality and good workmanship we will be pleased to give you our p r i c e s . : : : : : : M. A. Thelen FOR MEATS AND (MS CHARLES G. FRETT, 'Phone 542. I --mmmmmmm Morvt d'ore Ossog\ie : BELGIAN STALLION i The National Pickle & Canning Company are now- contracting for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushel for v a t r u n p i c k l e s . S e e d w i l l be ready about June 1. Contracts may be made at Block & Bethke's or F. A. Bohlander's; or J. C. De- brecht's, Johnsburgh. MAy w National Pickle- Canning Co. Notice. Having gone into business for myself I wish to announce that I am now pre­ pared to do all kinds of teaming, ex­ cavating and grading. All business en­ trusted to me will receive prompt at terition. <ieo. Meyers, Jr. Read The Plaindsaler. Color--Dark Bay; Height--18 Hands; Weight--2000 lbs.; j Age--6 years. Will make the season of 1908 at the follow- j ing places: Mondays, at Nunda; Tuesdays, at Algonquin; j Wednesdays, at farm of Chas. Knaack; balance of week in ] McHenry and vicinity. All mares parted with before the ] usual time of foaling will be considered in foal. For further. 1 information as to terms, etc., address :: :: :: :: J McHenry Belgian Horse Co. i • \ McHenry, . - - Ill inois. | MMMin«iiii>imi»»iiiiiiinn»ii>miiim> P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and pries lists furnished as application. COLD STORAOE FREE SSU&tES" CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry* Illinois For the treatment of curable Chrouie Diseases (nervous afflictions, dtscsases of the stomach, bowls aud itrer. stout, rheumatism, obesity, catarrh, *neuila, irenwral debility, etp) Oaly Natoral Methods Arc Ho,ployed. Dr. Ctrl Struel, Prip. 100 State Street, Suite 1409. CtllCAOO, ILL a&» "*V4 r'bi

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