Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1908, p. 4

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" \"V. Hair * :r^ - ^ ' * v*. i ..c>i. . -> Jt bfcordis At iny rate, you seem to be §ertto( rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-e!"' Stop-the auction with kypf% Hair Vigor. It ccnaittly cjieeks falling hair; no mjstake about this. It acts ts $ regular medicine; makes iiid scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it's nature's way. Th« beat kind of • testimonial-- " Sold for over sixty year*." t k 1 « ' IT *•**• - , t- , j.. . _ ""»»• AN ORDINANCE • ' i *w ,»a£*«*id * *>* P*«i4*nt ot\ %tIon w in o^jca J^g jejuor*^? nnn 1p ' «safc« of "i ami the ViTMrtfc* that *n y >erf*oo„ or persona, company J Board of Tro«stee$a?*the VfHage of ^ 1 Y\ ' . v A /i u ,. C. lr«r Op.. I,ow«U, snaaraflMtttrwe of i/ers S4RSAPARILLA. pats. CHERRY PECTORAL. that all ii ; A»he last, mc^re so l4«| no referable or He Meiiry PiiiiMr PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. OSeila Bank Building. Telephone, No.JTS. TIRMI OP SUBSCRIPTIONi On* year W-M Six mftstht 75 cU. Three months. 40cto. Tburaday, June n, i TO THE REPUBLICANS ort HE 8TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT: I desire to announce that I shall be a candidate for the Lower House of Rep­ resentatives of the General Assembly, from the 8th Senatorial District, subject to the Republican Primaries to be held August 6, 1908. In the 44th General Assembly, 1905^ and the 45th General Assefnbly, 1907, in substantially fonr sessions, the 8th Sana­ toria? District and McHenry connty have had the honor and the infl«$nce of filling the Speakership of th#S|x>wer House. How fairly or how poorly I hive filled that position I can only leave to the judgment of others, upon fro record, and to the opinion of those who hs^ served in the House. / That there is a very good opportunity lor the 8th Senatorial District and Mc­ Henry County to fill the position of Speaker in the Lower Home-foc^third successive term, and that it^is Jfte re­ quest of many of the present members Who are candidates for re-election, are tu# causes of my candidacy at the pres­ ent time. It elected, I shall" vote upon the question of the United States Senator 4hip as instructed by the Republicans of thi| District, in the primaries of August Sttcr Very respectfully, Edward D. Shurtleff. { ANNOUNCEMENT. To'the Republican voters of McHenry •onnty: I hereby announce myself as • candidate for the nomination and flection to "the office df Circuit Clerk, subject to your decision at the primaries to be held August 8, 1908. I earnestly solicit your support. Theo. Hamer. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of McHenry eotuity: I hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the office of stated attorney of McHenry county, subject, however, to the approval of th« Republican voters of said county, at the primaries, on the 8th day of August, A. D. 1908, and ear- Mstl? request the support of my Repub­ lican friends thruout said county. V. S. LUMLEY. Woodstock, 111., March 10, 1908. TWO PRETTY DOINGS Am SolmBBlud Her* afid at Waoeonda •CM* Oar Lut Publication. (Continued from first page.) * fnl presents speak of the high esteem in which the happy young couple are held and we join with their m^any friends^ wishing them a most itairpy and pros­ perous wedded life. The bride attended the Wanconda school, from which she graduated five years ago, since which she has been teaching school and has been a very successful instructor. She was one of the leading young ladies of her com­ munity, always of a pleasing and jolly imposition, aad her many friends avill he sorry to see her more from nieir gudst bat wish her all the" happiness possible. V -\ The groom is one of McHe^y^Qost exemplary young men, an honest, in­ dustrious young man with an exception­ ally bright future before him. He is employed at the Hunter-Weckler Boat factory, where he has served his em­ ployers in a faithful and satisfactory manner for a number of years. Henry, Coslktf;^ M^mnrMAanji Stmts' of Illinois* as follows,'Jt&witf^j1."' Section 1., That the President and : Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, K'ant a licens^, or a reasonable number- of licenses, to sach pftrdoii o^pergons ^w may applfe thiterefor*• .$M";}yfboj!a\ Pi esidMt Wd J3o»rd of Trtoste^s »i*y deeui Inltabl^proper ^id fit persons to sell, give away or otherwise dispose of intoxicating, malt,. vihons, mixed or fer- •Hmted liqjetbre, Within the. Villa^af McHemry, for a term not"exceeding ^ear, upon such person^, person^p^-:" iug into-tha jaid Village Tra^'ttry;^ advance,/ of five ^hundred' t^.W)-«lolla^; eensee so issued day of April iW'xfmff is.-aed, and provide such licenses sha^F sbe used by or constrtfed to authorize any- other person or persons W jell, give away or otherwise dis^eee of atny intox ieating, maft, vinous, mixed or ferment­ ed liquors in more thai* one place in said Village, and provided also that any license so issued may be revoked by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village at any regular meeting, or at any special meeting, whenever the President or Board of Trustees find that the person or persons having any such license have violated any provision of this ordina^cer -e^ whenever said President at^d Board of Trustees find that any person ar persons having such, license, keep a disorderly or ill governed hoqse or place of resort; for KWp or/ dissolute persons, or all^w ^ersons t^f congregate and'arink 'any of liquors aforesaid on premises adjacent td the saloon so being run^y aMy siiich person or persona ^oldingNau^ license,^ and provided fjurther thW whenever any such licensees so? revoked by aaid Preei- dent and Board of Trust#*!, th^ party or ^art^es to wlidm any gac^ttcen^ wae so granted, shall" forfeit«• W the^aid Village of McHenry all^oney' paii y#' Jwnjt or tUe$ fQ^igoch, license^ and aiid Village shall in ^ case he held liable^b repay to any sucjhi person or persons any part or portiop dt tlie Bum' so paid for such license, and the- clerk o3f said Vil­ lage shall, upon any such, license being so revoked, give thft. party or parties' holding thes^ame, 4miuediat|^ -notice ini^ priti|% of such ̂ eyocation, and aJ[tter« such notice is so given, sucB license shall be deemed^bsolutely void, jand aU righti^ander tbe^saine forfeited. Sf" Section 2. o<,Be it farther Ordained that any person fir persons desirous off, obtaining a license to sell or dispose of any intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquorp %ithin said Village, must ^ake application in writing to the, said President ana Board of Trustee»'8f said Village, at any meeting thereof, designating and describing the bmlding, and particular room^or ^poms wher^ suchp person*^r perloos^fiesire to sell Said liquors; v9bd jjt^shall be unlawful for aiy tra-son or pei-sons to whom any suchl^enMv may be s^ granted, to sell or dispose of said liquorsin any room o^fcbfe liqnor„ mentioned in this ordinaiice rooms 6ther than this oi* or ones> ^ ̂ u£a5e br distracted persoh, Qr specified and designated i^sulph appli catfbn, whi«h sht^ijalso beso specified in said liceMpse. Section 3. Be it further ordained that before any license £hall be issued under the provisions of *thib ordinance,. the person or personsjia lehom the same is to be 80 gtjanted shsHl Execute a good and sufficient ixind with surges to be approved by the President and Bqard of Trustees, payable to -the people of the State of Illinois, in the penal sum Of three thousand (|3000) ..dollars, condi- tionea'ai" provided by the Statute; and any such person or persons shall a]^o execute a good and sufficient bond, with sureties to be approved by the President and Clerk of Board qf Tru&tees, payable to the^ Village Mchenry, & the penal sum "of five^hundred ^|5^0.(W^ dollars, conditioned that such piprty or parties so licenl^d shall Comply vkth all of the terms and provisions of this ordinance, -and pay to the said Village of McHenry any% judgment or judg­ ments, and cdsts that iiftay at Any time be revered against any such person or persons by the said Village of McHenry., Section 4. Be it further ordained that after the President and Boferd of Trus- Chicago & North-Western. Leave OhlcKuo 7.00 a in. Effective May 17, IflOe. WICK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND I p HI. Arrive McHenry. ...10.17 a m 10.17 a m ...10.17 a tn .2.46 p. tn . 2.29 p. ni -- 4.46 p m ..Via Dee PlaTnes....:^ ™ Via Elgin *•« * a Via Des Plaiues,. . «• m..S Via Des Plaines .. ff-^P tQ Via Elfriu J1;"0 V *« Via Des Plalues..! Via Des Plalnes... Via Elgin. SDNDAT TRAINS. ft* M' Via Des Plaiues. #.4S a in Via EIkIu • 10 am Via DeaJ'faines - ' 8.00 p is Via Kigin WXKK DAT TRAINS. pcStlV SOUTHBOUND. - JB.5# a ia»;.«Vla Des Hlatnes... 7.JS a ii. T?Vla Deb Plaina«... tlS a ui ...; Via Eiglu , '<& a n>.« Via Des Plaiitee... *.14 p lit..* .,.*..Vla Deti Plaices.. 4 3 4 p m . - V i a Elgin Vet p m.v*» ... Via Des Plaiues.... fDNDAT TRAINS. f.tft a ib. ........... Via T^6 pm . .....Via Des Plaint*.... {'M p Ui » .....Via Des Plaiuel.... 3* pat Via EigJii,,. '-%«tordSf only, ' ^ fHmtttlmlj. * ar.. tts 8.4S p m B.S7 a m • 11-14 a m •11.14 a m 4.S6 p m Arrive Chicago. a m U.12 a m 9.55 a m U.35 a m 6.20 p qi H.00 p tu .. W.56 a nj . >.25 p m .11.25 p m . 10.20 p m mentioned liquors, and the bonds^re (iquired under the provisions of this^, ordinance have been ^ly executed, ap­ proval and filed with the Clerk of said Village, said Clerk shall thereupon issue to such perfpn or persons a ftcense sub­ stantially in the following form: '-n-O ALL WHOM IT MAY (36j^CKN. "This is "to qertify that the PresfSpnt and Board of Trustees o( the Village'of McHenry, in the County of#eHenry, and State of Illinois, did on^ the day of a. D. i»0-^ft a meeting - thereof, grant a license to to sell, gjve away'or dispose of intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquorfe until the first day of May, A. D. 100--in the following described room ot rooms ---- situated in the tojipwing de­ scribed ^uilding -Xpn Street, in thef jwyd Village of ^ •V'hKJV T v^-' L; gtf6n f»; p|.ifc fi||tjher ordains^ it 'sbaft be -an^t hereby if |I»c*lared to be unlawful for any> person eft* persons to whom any such ;lice&» rnijty be or teds bedn granW- to at. any tijaab alloKv ahy chairs, beaches, we^bs jjr card^-taJW^sof fn^Mnd 'fe'be 'any roflai j^r! r*»oto8 'so use-L by an^, such perso^ or ilqudrs, ana jtehftll"be aw'it h#e^y is de®la«sd;to* be nulawful for any' such peifwn f^ ^p#soU8 td'at'^myi^tli^^allbw a^.^rd', paying ojr shaking of, any di^ "ii»V such rooiipr^i' robms, VldUere the a mention^l^quoKS are so being sold or disposed'of l|y virtue of any license h«re£ ;\ofore or tha| be granted under the provisions ofH.hie ordinance, and it shall be, and it hereby is declared to be un- lawful for any pei^on or persons so holding any snch license to keep his said saloon or place of business open between the tfours of eleven o'clock^ p. m and live <Wloek a. m. between she first, day of May and the first day of October of each year, and between the hours of ten o'clock p. m. and five o'clock*, m. from the first day of October of e^pfe year to the first day of May of the following year, .and .during snch hours it shall be and it hereby is declared to be unlawful tO.suffer, p^Pniit or allow any curtain, screen, partition or other device/to in £ny way'obstruct t^ free open * view of an^ #indow or glaes lioor opening*rom | any^Mich pqom rooms out to any street orvother, place, where a-view of the iatei^or^>^n^'rofom or rooms could be obtained.;A ̂ • " jSec^on turthsr ordained that -it hereby is declared^to be unlawful for liny person or persons to allow,,suffer Qf permit tin^ minor to at any tim^'be in an^'Toom or rooms" the aforesaid liquors are St? abld, giv^n away qj dis- poaed of ttnl^ss spch. minor is accom­ panied by his \parent or guardian, and it is hereby de^ared to be unlawful for any persoO ox pef^ba at any time with- in theVillage of MeHenry, to sell, give t» ga; aJlow any minor'to have or pro­ cure any of the aforesaid liquors to be drank >np iti said p/emises, or to be car­ ried therefnvn. 11 - Section 7, ,Be it further ordained that it Bhall be and it hereby is declared to be qnlawful for any person or per­ sons to at any time sell or give to, any intoxicated person, habitual drunkard, ipr person in the hahit of getting infcoxi-" Stated, any intoxicating liquor of any kind, and any {Person holding a license to sell any of .the liquor^, mentioned ii^ this ordinance who slbiall at an-y -tiiue permit any such person to ^rfnk any o6 the aforesaid liquors in theirteid saloon, shall be held to be guilty of a violation nf t.hia Bwiian 6 ' tiq»e? who, either by xthem^lyes,';;iflMr 'servants or,employees, sk^liaf;. ;wj-^iipe;.T^I«itA^any .proviskin' bf Ipe ^t€«^<M»ce,:'-«i(^H fined in. any' sain not,.less thaii, l^nty^fiye. {|85 ) dollars, a»d not ^exceeding one ^hundred ($100.) dollars, 4nu thjj .Justice of the Peace or Polite Magistrate before tsfcota such convictioh is had, shall, as a part of the judgment of wnyietibn, order apd di­ rect that the • person so .found g$»ilty, shall fe« committed to the County McHiliry Qkmty until such j^dgiweWt and costs 'fee paid,: '.|^vidit»^:«ii!«h inj-; prisonment shall j^oi exceed a^period of six months, and provided further that any i>erfeoti so committed to safd County j«il iliall be aljowed the sum of one' aol)aj and fifty ceght m a credit upon ror< It further oMained or partd of ot'di- ofi this section. Secti^i 8, Be it farther ordained that it slrall be and jf hereby is declared to be unlawful fax any person or per­ sons, at any time, <to sell or give any of person thai is generally supposed to be of onsound mind. * *£ >• Section 9. Be it further ordained that it Blaalt be and It hereby^is declarwl to be unlawful for apy person ir persons, company or companies, corporation or corporations to sell any of the liquors d%j»ntioned in this ordinance on the first day of the week, commonly called Sun­ day, which sHall include the time^rom mid-night Saturday night to twelve o'clock StfHtlfty nighf. Section 10. Be it further ordained that it shall be^nk it hereby is declare<J to be .unlawful ifojr.any person qr per­ sons, ; company or companies, corpora­ tion or corporations, "^either by them­ selves, their age^a or servants to at any time s^ll any intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors Jn ahy^ quantity less than one gallon within th^^H®M corporate limits of the Village of Mc­ Henry, without first having obtained a license so to do, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, provided thai .any person or persons at any time running fedrug store in said Village of McHenry, may lind shall be granted a license to sell any such liquors solely for chen^pal, medicinal or sacramental ' The said Village Policemsft s «eive the sum of fifty dollars par month from May 1, 1908. ' , " Passed this first day of Jnne, Aft);^ 1908. w •. I Approved this first day ofJSone, A. D. 1908. , Peter J. Freund, Pres. Published this 11th day of June, A. D. 1908. Attest: H. E. Price, Village Clerk. OF A PERSONAL NATURE tees shall grant a liceps$ t6 sell, Wy^yQurpoae*, in any quantity whatever,^up- RWay, Or diBpO06 of &ny of th6 ftforBflftUi nn naumanf in o/lusnno nf ili/i «««. 7M«peaw, siibject to a^|of the provisions of an ordinance ^ th^ Village crf Mc- KquarreuoK, itiBgiiig, ioua caiKiyag. or Henry in relation to regelating toi sale other disorderly and boisterous conduct of intoxicating l|qtaors, an^ tffe rnn.ning<:in or about any such saloon. 6f Dram Shops. g This lipase lA accepted^y the li usee , sub^t 'to all of fch® pro- sions of the aboye rmentionafl ordin­ ance, with the right of said IMdeflt and Board of Trustees /to revoke (he same as therein prdvide ,̂ aijd With {the nnderstanding^that iii case the samte is 80 reIoke4 the lkeoseey--, shall hjave "o ri«llt whatever to reftpver from laid Village any part or portionof the money *ojttid_for «aid license, andalso^vitb / ^ on the payment in advance of the sum of ten dollars, which license shall ex- Hire on the last day of the following Apil; «nd fl|K:h druggist shall i^ive a bond in the sum of two hundred dollars, with surety to be approved by said Board, payable to the Village of Mc- Herityf, that he will nqt during said time sell, give away or dispose of any intoxicating liquors except for chemj-< eal, uSedicinal or sacramental purposes J Section ll.14" Be it further ordained that it shall be and hereby is declared to be unlawful for any person qr persons holding a license, to sell any of the liquors mentioned in this prdinance, to at any time permit or allow any slot machine or other gambling device of any kind whatsoever, to be kept, oper­ ated or run in or about any snch saloon qr place where said llqnors are so sold; and it is also declared to be unlawful for |ny such per^pn or persons to at any time permilor allow any fighting, ^quarreling, eiagin|, loud " Section J2. yJ3e it further ordained that it staaU4*landit1s hereby declared to be unlavs^lnl fffK^any person or per­ sons at anytime holding-a license from said Village for the sale 6f any of the liquor^ specified in this ordinance, to at any time permit any., pool playing or billiard playing, or any other game of afty kind or character, to be carried on, or take place in'&wd saloon, or any room adjacent thereto, nnlesa the samet is dulif^ct^aed by said President and said fins and costs fbr every, twenty-fonr hours he may be so imprison&a in said ^ "i ;' •" " \ - \J' Section 14. that all nances that inany way conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance )t)e and the same are hereby repealed. Section IS. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect at the expiration of ten days from and after its passage and publication according to law. Passed this first day e# June, A Da 1908. Approved this first day of Jnne, A. D. 1908. J. Freund, Pres. Published this 11th %ayof June, A. p. |908. • .' '.»^jt:'-a E., Price, Village Clerk. Ai| ordinance making tht> annual ap- propriation for vhe Viilage of -McHenry for^the cnrrent^fi^cal y^u* ending May 1, 1908. Be it ordained by the President and Bbard of Trustees ot lh« Village of Mc- Hpnry, in the bounty of McHenry and States of Illinois, as follows, tS|wit: Section 1. That it is deemed tifecessary in.order to defray all necessary expense and liabilities that will be incurred by the said Village of McHenry for the current fiscal year ending May 1, A D. 1909, that there shallxbe mud there hereby is appropriated .to be provided for by the revenues of said Village ac­ cording to law, for the cur re at fiscal year ending May 1st? A". 0. 1909, the aggregate snrn -of (f14,285) fourfcpen thousand, two hundred abd eighty five dollars, and that the object and purpose for which said Appropriation is made/ and the amounts hereby appropriated for the same are as follows, toWit: For salary fund... \ :|1585tW For sidewalk fund 800.00 to* aweeie. aiieys and light fnnd 'iOOO UO For public property fund, .vk,.. 500.00 For water works fund.!.. ;-.v\ .. " 400.00 For contingent fund. ,v.,.. : 2QOO.DO Jor building and fnrning'a vil- |age hall fu*d.» 7000.00 ^Section 2. This ordinance shall be in foil force and effect from and after its ptteage'-and publication accord|jug to MY Tf STIMONIAL BOOKLET EX PLAINS All EVERY READ iROOT PLAINDEALER ? > - i IAN I1AVCII » l laj^netism as Healing Ageiit You will know me f better "by having my testimofliai booklet. It contains the unsolicited teptimoui^le of North­ eastern IllinojB people aud\ ojtfeersa who were happily cured by, tm Magnetic Powers. I will gladly send it to per­ sons suffering from any ailment what­ ever .wbo are interested in knowing how easily they can be restored to per feet hMlth. In writing for it, if you will tell me with what you believe you are suffering I will mail you letter copy pf testimonials of patient* I have cuYed of trouble similar to yours. There is no charge for the booklet, no charge for my opinion of your case, or no charge for diagnosis at the office. My time against yoftrs. Proof qf what I have done'I want you toshave. The mode of treatment deals entirely With the blood. ^Disease is Almost in­ variably caused by impure blood and poor circulation. My treatment causes good, wholesome nourishment to be carried to the weak nerves. No med­ icine is tised, nothing but vital magne­ tism, as no artificial power is equal to "natural power, simply because the lat­ ter is the power of natural life, which restores, and sustains. Calls made away from Elgip nights and Sundays. Long distance phone in ,office and res idence. PROF. F. M LEACH, 2 Spurling Bldg,, Elgin, III. NEWS OF M'HENRY m 6een BY lilE PLAIN DEALER REPORTERS.X law. Resolved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenr^ that the salary or compensation bt the Village Marshal and Village Policeman of said Village,. to be ' appointed in accordance with the ordinance hereto­ fore passed for the year ending May 1, 1909, shall be aia follows: The saidtVillage Marshal shall receive the sum of ftlty dollars par moitth- flram May 1, 1908 \ ^ WE ENTERTAIN WHE^E WE QO. AND •-»••• J»>- H' \ /• >A * •». •r ^ MoHanry Rakartaia* a Coinpujr of VUitora Darln| the <Waak--Whom Wa Entertain. Mrs. S. H. Freund was a Chicago vis­ itor Wednesday. -f Mrs. F. A. Bohlander attended to busi­ ness in Chicago Wednesday. Mrsf Chas. C. Colby boarded the- Chi­ cago train Wednesday morning.' Roy Hankermeyer is the guest of Chi­ cago relatives and friends this week. Miss Elizabeth Buss of Chicago is spending the we^kLAithe home of her mother here. A Misses Clara Rampp and Teas Braun of Chicago are spending a week's vaca­ tion at the Orchard Beach hot^l. ' Mrs. John J. Brown of Wauconda has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, at Pistakse Bay. Leonard Phillips wsnt to Chicago Sunday evening, where he will attend >the Success Shorthand college this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Gso. Hnnt were over from Woodstock last Saturday, the former's visit being in the interest of the McHenry connty fair. Mr. Huut appeared more enthusiastic thin ever and hinted that this year's faft wonld surpass all previous effort^ With snch a man at tbe head the association need have no fear as to the outcome. Your Order-Now. • < The Svernias&^t. postal author!ties-i havetwusSd to b^/posted in every post- office in, the ^Onntry a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to bsa en­ velop^ with a 'return card printed thereon. "E^ery business 'armer or person'Of any occupation shouldjiavb ,his name and address printed qn his envelopes, thus insuring their .return ta the sender if any mistake is m&d* in tha address. Call at TIjb ^iaindealer o^se and leave orders for tb«s stationary and It wit^ha pat np to fliit-class ma^|«rf lami of Interest Picked Vp Ahont Our Bnij Little Burs That May Concern\*ou or YttufTrlondf. Onis dollar a y^ear for T^e Weekly In- ter-Oceap; $1.50 a year for ThePlain- uealet. |>r both by our recent special arrangement, $1.^5 for fifty-two^weekg of genuine news from far and near. ^ the cheapest and most econom- ical dngines that has yet been put upon thft,msirket is a little pumping engine for fartn use. Win. Bacon has the local agency for the hdpdy little contrivance and it retailing thbm at $87 50. See Mr. Bacon before purchasing an engine qf t h i s o r d e r / 4 8 t f The fortieth annual reunion of the early'settlers of the^ESok river valley Will be held at Lord's PArJt, Elgip, 111 , on Saturday, June 20, 1908 At 1 o clock p. m. |he meeting will be called to order, ^When the business of tbe associi- Itibn' will be transacted, after which mate, short speeches and sociability will be the order of the day. " Paq[J D. IJowse, general manrtger, an Alberts, publicity manager of th| Whiy^City Aprasemeut t3o of Chi cago, will please accept our tbanjts for a book of complimentary tickets^ Tue White City this year is greater than ever Many new attractions have been added nntil ft has become one of the most won derful places of its kind in tbe world. P. C. Qoing of Chicago spent Wed nee day wit^i McHenry frienda. While here several of the members of the old Mc­ Henry Dramatic club approached him npon the ajjfcject of putting on another play iu McHenry some time in the fu­ ture. Frank is considering the question and if all the old members of the club can be induced to take part, a play will undoubtedly be presented some time (luring the snmiAer. kj 1 --: -- -- We notice thrn exchanges that Chris­ topher Kyriss, formerly a resident of McHenry and who moved t*T Spokane, Wash., a few years ago, was found dead on the shore of Lake Coenr d'Alene, Coetfi* 4'Alene, Idaho, May 22. It is evident that be had been murdered as his skull was crushed in several places, and the absence of water in bis lungs is con­ clusive evidence that he was dealfi before be was thrown into tbe lake, No motive for the deed can be ascertained. . PROBA TE NEWS -Li *v 'I .v>. IMMMM [Furnished by McHenry County Abstrac OompSny, Wo<)dstock,HlMuols.l REAL. ESTATE TKANSFER^. Charles H. Fetters. Sr. U) Jarob Lelckem. It 5blk a Fegew ad McUeory . ,f75 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Otto Lndtke, 24 Woodstock Mary White, 30 •• Xa Herman Housman, 18 Hebron Cora Van Alpben, 18 «• Edward J. Dolan, 29... ,T. .... Harvard Mayme J. Bdodk*, 25. " Paul L Werth, 82 Frankfort, S D. Jessie A. Norris, 24 Marengo, 111 Palal Krspel, S5 Crystal Lake Carrie B. Wyzard, 10 * " 'fiterman Schmidt, 2&..f.. ... Woodstock Anna Selchow, 20 . Franklinville Joseph Ober, 26 Oenoa Junction Vina Sarbacker, 2flrSla|d*8 Corners, Wis Hprman Sohult, 24.. .v.Jy'i' Elgin Emma Behm, >. Huntley Thomas Leonaird, 26, Hartlsnd Twp MaryOostella, 24 " Jott£#l Mair, 41.. -- .*...."... Ifon^a Mrs. Ha'ttie Y. Pingry, 41 . "/ ^ --°7 - I' Bring or send your news items to thi% office. We will be only - too pleased so publish tbeni for yon. ' ^Ea«4 Tlia Piaindealar. ' • * 'V' «» '* ' ' *" xh -»'x% m r Age, 5 Vears ; Weight, i400 Poun^fs Cplor, Iron Qra^ Will season at ,tue uulu UI J US. <n! Mis tCii, % mile; sotftii 'of s-; Corners, " near jRingwood. T6rm«/"^|ve^ 'Qtf- a^iica- "tifenv ^.'K Considered one of the finest young S|^lllons° ki either JV^Heni*y or Lake Counties.^ -- -- , -- Terms, $10.00. JOS. ^U5TEN, Owner. 1|Ptdi^sisicma4,^0it€rt!^ v " , e^nd Bvisinesss C&fds - •• I.' r'U . UAVutti. wFLi.?, to, rvr and r residence corner Elm and .^ '"TT iireen streetst McHenry. Teleoione No. Slitf pBtjfsrOlANa.AND SURGEONS, - 111*. Oflifee at $esldence,cprnSrQottfSao^~ - Elm streets, Tele^hoae 338. tl* ?/\ ;.. ' -X'5 ®-T- BMILEY;1 . v- ^TT^RNEY AT tAW, WeeAitock, tUlkofll ^#rJ,i^bu8in®8S tohts properiy^an^ promptly attenaed tflT\ ' ̂ K HORSE 000DS! • i / IS of every description what wi dealv in. thing that• £6es to make up a firSt-class Harness Estal^i^hmehit may be ha*l here. When yoii get ready for tfaajtnew work^ty driv- • ' -a- ing harness^ if you appre- ciatev quality and good workmanship jve will be pleasecl to give you prices; *:• : : : : our ; OHAMBKRJLJN L' a>ENTre»T. .." ^. tiff Ice and Residence «y«r fl. J. WalahV itiri, „ ^ - Hours: 8:06i4'|o;ijr:3o. v- • . "wB8T MjaHawfe ̂ u. ' ^ ., "-r-^r Telspkon* N|». aj>3'» Insurance Agent forall classefof property in the best Oompan^e. y West MclJennr, liUaoU. "John «J. Vycltal DEALER IN General Hft.rdwart3 * Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and m- chine repairing of all kindo. 'PhoneW McHEN^y, • • .T7 ILtJNOISl ; Well-drilling a Specialty. 'Phone 791. WM. B/^CON Dealer In Windmills, PlpesTPumpS, Pit*lngs, .c ell Supplies. Flrst-ctass Work , 4" w Kuaranteed at aH Times. McHENRT^ ILLINOIS. H.C.MEAD justice of the peAce AND INSURANCE AOBNT. 0 r a m n o w p r e p a r e d t o I n s u r e a l l k i n d s o f p r o p - ertyaaainst Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Al^S have a special line of Iqsiirance on Live Stock insuring against cteatji from any cause; West McHenry, 111. Joh0 D. L-odtz MERCHANT TAILOR ̂ - Flt^ST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODjafSTE PRICES. ^ • . » " ' ' " k • "McHENRY, - ItLINois UNI»5?R NEW MANAGEMENT -- ^ORTHWESTEt?^ KILLth! COUCH AND' CURE THI LUNC8 wi™ Dr. King's Now Discovery FOR COLD!18 AND ALL THRC»T AND LUWO THOUBLEt. GUABANTSBD SATISFACTOBY OR MONET REFUNDED. Stella Heat, and 0vl<l Water. Commercial aad fam-^ ily trade solicited. All home cooking. Rates,r$l. 50 per d^iy. THEO.SdilfSSLE.Prsp WEST MeHENRY. .--NEW.... I ^ |J AVING^pene^a IJar- * • ness ahd jRepair Shop in the old Schiessle'BuiW- ffi^inj West? MefH^nry, wh^re we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a ^hafe of your patronage. Oyr %im shall at all times be to please our customers, giving jthem full value for igoney receiv­ ed and executing the wbrk left in our cark with prompt­ ness and dispatch. /. : - R. Patzket (o. West McHenry^ « \*l. Mala 17J4. WHY . .V «r " do people ot Me- H«nry, Lake ai>d other nount'.es irop In at Lambert , & Q. Se«g'i Fifth Ave. i CHICAOOr Because it Is » bj^aae like. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits A l l s h a p e s a m i s i z e s . S e v - , eral proofs t o select from. Each doi- en finished in different styles. Price, 32.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have exteuttive apparatus for al\ kinds of outdoor \z ,wprk, such as group pictures, views m'buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand­ some Pbotoa and a 16-20 enlargement finibh«d neatly and artistically in nat* nral colors. :: : : WaukegaA St., near the Htand|rfpe. K «^WEST McHJSNRY, TelepKon*, 493 - asmtammmmammmmmmmmmummmmmmmmrnmm WEST'SibE Meat M We have arrangetl with -The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr -patronfl can se-.'f ^Snre that sterling pdpet, togelber with '.O^bHtn, ^>be exceedingly law rate of *1.75 for one ye^r. Tliis- is a l-are :o^; portnnity and sh"ocUd be taken advatit- y*e ofl ^ ',->v 5 to N«tk«| * " • To inanre mblication in The Plain- diealer copy tnnst be^tn the office no later than 'Wedneaday noon of each wepk, Advtsrfcisere, ewpeyially, are asked •take particular notice to thia effect * - --* l »>t'; » •* * (. Umd fh* Plaladaalar - « ' > 8 . k* 1. 1 ,<s> •r •; ̂ •'"1'"*" .N' • i I \ • • v Meats owli, Ve^etable^ and ^^anned Goods. E.rF. Matthews, What Mclleary, III. •4*y *k # .•... . t f -jfc- . jo, ~ : *r«?- .V 'K

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