Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1908, p. 7

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-- ••5^ f' #4>-- 'Si-** *T*> -<_•- *K- &•/' ».* t / W" ;l :w* Wh'7$ * yv^ ̂ " "• ^..T.:*.-4,-y.*. 1^; .. • * - ---" ••• ... .-...A.!'. .Jw ./<?-•., .* * irvw, ̂ "v «T 7 ^r,?. ^ >* •* i(Si THE: is the time when the model housewife;' replaces her worn^out Carpets, Rugs, Linoletims, Window Shades, Etc., with bright new ones. We' wish to call the attention of such housewf*p^s to the fact r 4 , - > that we have placed a line of such goods itito our store this spring that we are indeed proud 01. We know our lines are such that will please you all. Call in and see w ha^ wt have to offer. - - Undertaking and Embalming is also a part of our business and all calls of this nature are promptly attended to under our pei^rfn-; al supervision. We take complete charge, fur­ nish hearse, and care for Ifxlies when so wished. Jacob Justen WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OP V. . \tt: McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT^ YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. v. Respectfully Yditrs, - F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. Soisine Silks in Black and Colors, 27-inch, per yard. , 47 ic Habntai Silks, White and Cream. 27 inch, per yard. v,„, BOc Habaiai Silk, White, 3(1 inch, per yard #5c Taffeta, Guaranteed SilK, Black, 36 inch, per yard $1 00 Better Qualities, per yard ( fl.tQ fb $1.40 Printed Foulards, nice patterns, 27 inch . -25c Printed Batiste, with borders, SS'inctK :.. -20c . Challis, Dimities and Lawns in plain atld fancy colors ftc to 85c Our line of Wool Suitings is very complete in the u«w weaves ttad shades, per yard 25c to f I 25 Summer Corsets in P. N. and American Lady. Our Shoes and Oxfords are the right Style. In Tan, Bf-own and Black. Call and see them. Men's Hats in the proper shapes and colors for the dressy young man fl.00 to*3 00 Underwear, light and cool for the hot days l®c to $1.00 Qro erles of the best quality always in stock. Try our 25c Coffee, : .4* lbs. for $1*00 Best quality Oatmeal, per pound -.5c A complete line of Pickles in bnlk aud bottles--Sweet, Sour, Dill, Mustard and Relish ..." .5c to 25c Yours truly, « ffl. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. % J- VS » *3 xxxxj?* We have This celebrated ornnil of Flour in stock at the lowest price for ca-*h In 49 and 24* tb. sacks. ...Pre-lnventory Cash Bargains... Comet Catsup, 3 bottles 35c Mince Meat, 3 packages 35c Crown Baking Powder, lb..... 15c Evaporated Apricots, lb 19c Evaportated Peaches, lb ..... 13c Celluloid Starch, 4 pkgs 35c Layer Raisins, lb 15c 1 4 Lighthouse^oap, 6 bars.. . *5C Tomatoes, can... ...... \ 'ok Anchor Oats, family size asc Cal. Crawford Peaches, can-,. *5C Free Peaches, can. •I?c Cal. Apricots, can.... v .... .*9C Qreen Beans 3 cans 35c Stone Jara, nearly all sizes, at per gallon * yc VERY SPECIAL--Columbia Baked Beans, high grade goods, special prioe, 2 cans. 35c West Mc­ Henry, III. JOHN STOFFEL. N^INcI^ W & on OUR ABLE CO/trS OF C&RRESPONDEN , VOtA*. < - , ' ' .r, • » "Ed Liosk tcaa a Olaicago visitor Man da?. Will FUronitnus spent part of last week in Chicago. * Dr. Harry Hull of Nuinda ty'wn one day last week.* / Mi«a Mary Raught wasin Wankegan Tuesday of this Wf'ek.' * C. G Huson of LUHjrt^vino B»ade a busiu<^s ^rip to Voto recently. Misses Ella Moore and Rellen- Rs uiotid were in Wankegan Wednesday! Miss Lida Russell of-Wimkegnn visit-* ed her parents here Saturday and Sun* day Messrs. Kimberly an^d Fisber of Wan- conda were in town one evening Jast week. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Parker entertain' ed relatives from SonJJf* Dakota last week. / . Mrs. Wm. Bironimns ^nd Miss Lucy Dnnnill were in Wan6qtfda one day likst week. L % M iss Elsie Smith has; gone to Chicago where she will visit relatives a few weeks. Mr %ud Mrs. Wheelock of Wauconda were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Snell Sunday. ^ Miss Gertrude Turner of Wauconda was the guest of Mrs- C. G. Husona few days recently. Mr and Mrs. Pete Frost and children of Chicago are visking the former's par­ ents, Mjt and Mrs Jack Frost,1 . " Don't f^rgtt tlie ice creain social at the Volo M. E. church Friday evening, June 12. Come and h$ve a «good .. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Hosing and son,. Harman, Joe Rosing« at^d Miss Kat^ RTosing of Round Lake spent Sunday in Volo. Thp Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs has-ptftced a-newset of-books at. tb(e home of Miss Raught on the Ranght) farm neat ^Vol«. IsEveryone is cordially invited to use the[books.» W. K. Burns and son, Wili]*pent Sqh- day at their cottage. - , tJkV/ Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sniitn^called the former's parents Snndayf. E. Cj)iniskey is attendin||.the^Vfiite Sox series at Chicag# this week. ' Mins Eleanor Larkin of Eigip is spend­ ing this week at R. J. Sutton's. " Chris Smith of Grayst&ke visited hi^ brother, J. R., one day recently. Mrs. John Powers of Elgin is visiting relatives and frien&e in this vicinity this week. hisses Mayme Aylward and Margaret Suttqn of Elgin spent Sunday at R. J. Sutton's. ' ' MiBs Ethel Barbaugh of Huntley'was a gnest of Miss Alice Smith Saturday and Sunday. - < Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hs(xtnn and Jas. Haxton. Sr., (were at th«*Park Sunday and Monday. ' / Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Flarity ,and Thor. FrUhy of Elgin spent Sunday at the latter' shome. Mrs. B. Hayes of' Harvard ai)d Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox called on Ringwood friends Monday. John Aylward of Elgin and Miss Katie and Ftay Corr of Woodstock vis­ ited at E. Knox's Snnday. , „ Mr. and Mrn. Chas. Gibb^ retnrned to Chicago ^Sunday eveuing after spending a few days in this vicinity. Mrs. E Knox aud daughters, Mayme and Katie, were guests at the Gettry- Shcaffer wedding at Wauconda Monday. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and children of Holcombville and Miss Edna, Colby of Barreville visited at J. R: Siiiithe Fri­ day last MeHdames Jno. Powers of Elgin, Wm. Carey, P. Cleary and M. Cobb. Misses Mesdames W. A. Dodge and C. H. Margaret Cleary and Alice Sutton vis- Lfihale* were McHenry callers Friday, ited at EL Knox's Wednesday Messrs. Jaa Berry, Win, Smith, Geo. Krutz and Thor. Larson returned to their homes in Chicago. Monday after a pleasant week's outing at the Home of J. R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs! D. Corr of Woodstock, Mrs. N. Big^y, Messrs. M. Kennealy and J. Murray of Chicajgo, Mrs.' P. Costello and sons, John and James, of Elgiq, were guests at P. Walsh's Saturday and Snn­ day. .. TSBKACOTTA. Mrs. M, A. C011 v?ay was an Elgin vis^ itor Friday. Miss Lizzie Ames of Elgin sjjent Snn­ day with home folks. j Thos. Thompson of BarreviiTS called in thiB vicinily Friday. Jf ^ ~ F. L. Colby and frieOn of fJniida caM- ted in this vicinity Monday. Mrs. L Lock wood and sons spent Sun­ day afternoon in Barr§>ville. A. C. Matthews of McHenry was a caller at Knox's Monday. Miss Delia Conway fef. Elgin was the guest of relatives «aere Saturda'y and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan and granddaughter were Griswold Lake callers Sunday. Gilbert Landgren and Arver Burg of Crystal Lake visited Eddie Knox the first of the wdekv ^ Mr. and B£rs. J. W. ConwayNuuL children attended th^. Welcti-Martia wedding at Griswold Lake last Thurs­ day. Anate Buss' nafce -frastvpmitted tiy mista*vin the list of those whoreceived diplomas for three years' attendance at s^XOol, " ^ 1 If yon ^fve entertained company from a distance, gone on & visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickjaess or death ii^he family, entertained at a party, had a marriage- in the 'family or any other Joit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfnUy received. ¥> . • £2 -Y The Paliudealet wauts a correspond­ ent at Ostend and Spring Grove, Wi»o will help na otit In this respect? v Mra K.' Gdddarct waa in W ,l^ies^ay.;_ r «" Mirs. Bell Dufield 1vas. in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. MalVenberg of Nqnda is a Ridjge- field visltpr., * * f t, Mr. Bnfton aml nephew were<^ryst|l Lake callers Friday. Mr^ Jbhn .1 oh n stone _waa i4 the city last jveek Wednesday." . Mrs. A. Hanson andtwo children were Woodstock callers Satnrday. Mro. Zeut^aiud daughter, Estft^r, wetkt to the^city one day last week, . ,;flfra. W. Dike an$ Mrs^A.^Briggs were Crystal Lake visitors Monday. Mrs. J. F-* White was a business caller at Nnnda last week Wednesday. . Mrsl D. Gibson visited her mother, Mrs. J. Kline, of Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Hodgekinson and son visited at Minor Lock wood'a in Woodstock Mon- day.^ ' Mrs. V. Stephenson •nd daughter, Arliae, were Nends shoppers Wednes­ day. ~ ^ 1 Chas. Anderson, who ̂ was nnder Dr. Windmueller's oare laSt weeV, is ont again. f C, A. Hodgekinson'KJif Glen wood, la., is Visiting his mother and uncle, S. C. Button, for a few days. Think of what it means! $1.75 for Thp /Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper for one yjpar. It's a special deal. Mrs Eleanor jBerg^of Stevens' Point, Wis., risifed ber brothers, E. W. and S. Merchant, last wftek Tuesday and Wed­ nesday. .. Mrs. J. B. Lynch" accompanied her' ibother, Mrs. H. Fanning, to her home in Pottage last Wednesday, returning Saturday. a , SCHOOL." NOTES. 0 «-• Mrs. Frank Morris, Mrs. IS. Jofmson and Jjkirs. Benson ^isi%d school? Frida^. Those having the highest avenge in the third grade for the past three weeks are Mildred French, Elsie Anderson, Willie Weiland, Burton Collins and Rosj,^ Peterson. Second grjade: •• Marfcie French and . Gertrnde Hanghawnut. Firsf||r»de: Edward Lucas and Mabel KUotT • The following perils have be^nei^ker absent nor tardy this month: Mad^ne Lynch, Oscar Bartz, Harold Lucas, Cora Lockwood, Pearl Zenk, Rbsa Pet­ erson,, Edna Stephenson, Sigrid Munson, Vernon Collen, Edward Lucas, Xlen« vieve Goddard, Lucy Benson, Etniua. Weiland, (Jeorge Peterson, Lois White, Joseph McArdljjjh Markie French, Carj Munson, Dorothy Balloek and Jackson White.^ l___ The Best Pills Ever Sold. "After doctoring 15 years for chronic indigestion, and spending over two hun­ dred dollars, nothing has done me as much good as Dr. Ring's New Life Pills. I consider them the best pills ever so|d," writes B. F. Ayscue, of Ingleside, N. C. Sold under guarantee at N. &. Petesch - drug store.' RINOWUOll. U. If Carr spent Monday in the windy city. J. C. Ladd was a county seat caller Monday. C. W. Harrison was a Chicago passen ger last Friday. Mrs. *J. C. Ladd was a McHenry caller one day last week. Miss Bertha Bell is waiting on ens tomers at S,. W. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson were Autioch visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrsv Will McCannon were Richmond visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Corey is entertaining company from Chicago this week. vMrs. C. H^ Ca^rand children fpent Saturday with the former's mother, Mrs. Roberts, at Genoa, 111. Tffe Weekly Inter-Ocean^ and this paper delivered for one year at onr "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two. Mrs. F. Lowell and children returned to their home in Algonquin Tuesday evening, after several days' visit w1*11 relatives here. If you are contemplating an auction sal«i this spripg^F. O. Gans is tba right man to cry ^par sale. - Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or^J. W, Frennd at West McHenry, where, they Will recteive prompt attention. Mr.. Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phone or telegraph. The annual township exercises-given by the Harrison, Sherman Hill and Ringwood -schools, will be held in the B|. W. A. hall-Wednesday evening, Jtfne 17, 1908. The program will consist o^f recitations, songs and solos, and will end with a cantata entitled, "A Trip to Europe " Come and bring your friends. A 0rand Fam/ly Hedicine. "It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Bitters, " Writes Mr* Frank Conlan of IjTo. 436 Houston St., New York. "It's a grand family medi cinfe for dyspepsia and liver complica­ tions,'while tor ^lame \ack I'nd weak itidneys it cannot be too highly recom- i^fetdted." Electric Bitters regulate the digestive functions, purify the blood, a&djmpart renewed vigor, and vitality to tnfrs«g)ik and debilitated of b^it^i sexes. Sold under guarantee at N.' H. Petesch's drug store. 60c, . . W"atch the label itipon your paper, as your ttame may be nextto be takeu f^oui our list, ^e positively cannot forward papers unle^ they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names" have been taken from pur lists since the new pbetofflce ruling went into effect April 1. ' - - Xo anyone giving us a con- tracfr fbr Electric Lighting in t&e Village of McHenry for year we will install the necessary interior wiring at otir cost. This offer is good for 9{f days from date. We Respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us m making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: : :: Hectrk ServkeCo. Geo. K. Paige, Hgr. NOTICE • (OH every week in June. Tln uout the whole month of June, .). a-PEBHECHT will have his " FIRST JUNE SALB! A t)ig sal-e. We will make our .lune Sale a regular Clearing Hal*. We want to -empty our shelves, clean our store of 'everything bought previous4.0 Jjtfifiiary, 190H. Wo give you bargains--real bargai-ns ^ on. ail Woolen Dress Goods, res, Embroidery, L^twns and .Slices. Also on Tinware, Crockery and other lines of goods. :: :: J.C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgfi, III. EAST SIDE A COMPLETE LINK (>F Fresh and Salt MEATS \ of every description. J. J. BU(H. PROP. Tel. 841 •' McHenry, Illinois. Want Column. AII'tulvertiBernentH ini*ertf«i nmler HilwheH'l «l Uie followlngntei* Five ItnfH or le^,rent* f«»r flint lae^rtion; 16 cents ft>r Hubf«M|tn'nt inNfr^mn. Ave line», 5 eentu a llist im and S cent* a Itnr for addition* ertiortG. F°5, E. Lawlns, "tailor, h&s sfeht 84 ladies' garments to the (Grand dyehouse. -Any­ thing from a ykid shoe to an ostrich ""Seed buckwheat for sale atfSpencer's . .... mZ-A. -HI . a, feather dy^d. Satieftiijtion guaranteed, ~F „ SALE Dakota and Colcrado lands. Homesteails 1IX-.II.MI. Fur ffirlfit-r Infor­ mation apply to or add na>>* K. W Howf,_M<-- Heucy. 111. . '• ,f T3H)H SALK:- Two I-.u-Im r .-hairs) ./up " tniwhl.'-tJ>p wash M and :nid clia Irs. i ;iIIi "a^ of 0KO.4'K|iiTNi>. MclltTiry. IH. WANTKi,^ About forty hi a<l of stJt.'k to pasture. Kx.'-.'llent pasture an<i i£<*>d runnliiK water Kor further in forma ad­ dress or apply^o N III. • ' K. ('oi.iiy. W est M' poK %A I.K P •Henry heavy fwtn <v;i M<'Heriry. A K i mi I I u i r. '16i>OKN^jX LK; Staiidanl hif. mare. AIso bfo'trsiv and h.irn la i n iw-tired ,1 A. lil'KKO. 4.i-t f U'elille hay Here I « bargain. hays all. Mi-Henry. TJHIK SALK rHKAl' ^ boiler and one •< engine , l - 'or fur l h . - r i n ad dress (». \V. mi tn \i a n Henry. III. SAI.K Oil IfcKNT; ar tiree address John Jtstkn. M. ALK Tj^OK! " on Elm near FOK i'ALE: « room lion shade trees. Kasv p:i ANTON SCHNKIltKB'S stJire FOI'N U: --On : the highway ladies oravenette <'« in hy proviiifr pri notice. I'K. *.'• 111. EtM|iiire of Fhkii One l'M^rse power Iiiiim' imwer steam f. ii--mat ion apply or II. I . I). No J. Me­ al St* A roinfortatile home ii -.1 reet. Apply , or •Henry. 111. .M-tf friift and Apply at ."WNiit y 1111 -ill - iperty ami H I 'KG Kits ist of town, a an have sauie paying for Ihis Sii.. M.-lleitry. Banebitll'^xt Sunday. JJ.ext Sunday aftW;iv»on promptly at 2:45 'o'clock the Carj>entersvHle, Reds and McHenry Blties will cIhhIi for hopors- the baseball" diamond here. The Carpent^Hvilfe team is a strong one aud thus far 'this season has giveu an excel­ lent account df theuiseJves wlinMvef they have appeared. -'^Hifey are no iinittei-s having the distimAi'it) of H^hting every' minute of play, 'pe Bines arte in splen­ did shape for this}.mntest and will put up their usual strong game. The f jin starts at 2:45'ft. shifrp. UsnaUpricea.' tnill. West McHenry. 49-tf / Syringes There is no good variety of syrjnge that we do not carry and the quality of all *' t> is reliable 9s the Assortment .«is complete. We ha\re various grades^--the poorest being of excellent qual­ ity and all are sold for just the Q U A L I T Y T H E Y A R E . Fountain Syringes, Bulb and Combination Syringes, Ear, Ulcer and Veterinarian Syrin­ ges, Etc. Prices low because our buying is large H. H. PETES0H, Druggist... '.Phone 274. McHBNRY, ILL. : / ...-sfili •it , '^3 •S; • \€f r • A -•: SEE: CHARLES Q. FRETT, 'Phone 54a. , .^1# £ r , IIIIIIIIIMHIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHHIIHIIIII I Monte d'or Ossag\ie I " i' : BELGIAN STALLION '. .' ; Color--Dark Bay; Height--18 Hands; "Weight--2000 lbs.; Age--6 years. Will make the season of 1908 at the follow­ ing places: Mondays, at Nunda; Tuesdays, at Algonquin; Wednesdays, at farm of Chas. Knaack; balance of week in McHenry and vicinity. Ail mares parted with before the usual tin»<? of foaling will be considered in foal. For further information as to terms, etc., address :: :: McHenry Belgian. Horse Co. McHenry, Illinois. 4i •jA- A ^ % P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COTlMISSION MERCnANT - SPECIAL, ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALB OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter andTEggs This in the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists fnrniahad on application. COLD STORAGE FREE / CHICAGO, H-LINOIS. Stall 1 A 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. ,rV " • ' ir t-ljllif..-' ' • - . I Orclia^rd Beach Sanatorium P#' ' McU«nry. Illinois • " , ' * . . . • • - - ,. Vorthe tretMieiitof cunbl^ Cbnuiic » (iMrvoiM ajIbAtoiks. of the sUiiuttf ailid (font. Hit-(miatisEa, obesity, X^n«ru.l Ability, t>U'.> Only Mc(M( Ajr* U. (ar! Strueli, Prop. #00 »Stst# Stmt Suit® i4«y- CHICAUO, ill "S* *3rr-« J". r m" • ]• , i . f^,T r . . I j i.. 'tJL. Vfife. 1.1-tSi

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