mm lie MeHenry WmMa PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. to Bank Building. Telephone, No.87*. ?' • £ TKItM* OF SUBSCRIPTION! Omirear..... ......11.50 tlx month*. TScta. Three months. 40ets. SEASON'S SCHEDULE Of Ktnt* by the Platakee IMM Clab Id Announced. Ttauraday, July 2, 1908. lO TUB REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF M'HKNRY COUNTY. I hereby announce candidacy for £h* office of Coroner of McHenrv conn- •7, rnbjcct to the action of the Republi can voters at the primaries to be held on Aug. 8, 1968, and solicit the support of th« voters at said primaries. JOSEPH S. MAXON. Harvard, 111., June 24, 1908. ANNOUNCEMKNT. I hereby announce myself as candi date for the nomination and election to the office of Coroner of MeHenry coun ty snbject to the decision of the Repub lican primaries to be held August 8, IMS. Soliciting your support. Respectfully, DR. H. W. RICHARDSON. S ' ANNOUNCEMENT, To tfee Republican voters of MeHenry ooanty: I hereby announce myself as » candidate for the nomination and election to the office of Circuit Clerk, •object to your decision at the primaries to be held August 8, 1908. I earnestly solicit your support. THEO. HAMER. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of MeHenry oonnty . I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of state's attorney of MeHenry county, subject, however, to the approval of the Republican voters of aiid county, at the primaries, on the 8th day of August, A. D 1908, and ear nestly request the support of my Repub lican friends thruout said county. V. S. LUMLEY. Woodstock. 111., March 10, 190*. motor boats. O. Cotillion at club The season's schedule of events by the Pistakee Yacht club has been com piled, and is herewith reproduced as taken from the club's 1908 pamphlet: JUI.Y 4. SATURDAY. 10:00 a. m. Special handicap race--cat- p. m. -Special handicap race--sloops. See note 5. 4:00 D. in. Free for all race s 80 p.m. P. Y. L. Y house. • • * JULY 5, SUNDAY. 10:00 a. m. Motor boat race. 2:30 p. m. Special flag parade to Fox Lake. See note 6. \ •1ULV 8, WEDNESDAY. ' Season handicap race, No. 2-- . season handicap race. No. 8-- Ladies' day at club house. JULY 11. SATURDAY. Third regular race--28-foot cat- Third regular race--1H foot cat- Third regular race--sloops. Barn dance at Club dance. !*ee JUI.Y 12. SUNDAY. Motor boat race. Flag parade on bay and lako. JIU.Y 15, WEDNESDAY. . Season handicap race No. a . Season handicap race No. 3-y lOrCO a. m. catboats. >.u0p. ni. sloops. 3:00 p. m. 10:00 a. m. boats. 10:15 a. m. boats. 2:00 p. m. 8:00 p. ni. note 10:00 a. m. 2:% p. m. 10:00 a. DC catboats. 2:00 p. n sloopS. 3:00 p. m. Ladies' day at club house. JULY 16. THURSDAY. 3:00 p."to. Children's day at club house. JULY 18, SATURDAY. , , m. Fourth regular race--22-foot July and August, and up to September 10, the cU»b house will be open to members from «:00 a. m. to'6:00 p. m.. excepting Wednesday afternoons,'Saturdays aud special niebts the club house will be open until 12:00 o'clock. ' is. The Club house rules will be strictly en forced. Only members who have paid their dues for '"senson IW0*" will be permitted to enjoy the privileges of the club. 19. The law requires all sail boats and motor ixiats to carry lights at night- You are requested to comply with the law and urge your neighbors to tlo the sau^e. It Is for your bw'h protection as well as for others. 20. Members can materially help the man agement of the club Id carrying out tills pro gram by seeing to it that every desirable person on the chain of lakes aud river Joins the club. - „ , . . _ 111. For special events see bulletin board at club house. omens. 1908. Commodore Andrew McAnsh Vice Commodore Edwm Schillo Rear Commodore ... Wm. W, Holmes Fleet Captain '. Geo. Nelson Secretary. w 7. Fred L. WHk Judge Advocate Chas. E. Hamlll Fle*'t Chaplain John C. Heebie Fleet Sjirgeon Oeo. C. Hunt Regatta committee:--Andrew McAnsh, Fred L. Witk. Jr., Edwin Schillo, A. R. Beck, Wm. Holmes, Wm. Lorlmer, Jr., Authouy E. Seyl. Sail Boat Judges:--A. R. Beck, Joseph Haas, Chas. W. Peters. Motor Boat Judges:--(To be appointed later.) Measurer: --R. A. La Points. Board of directors:--Wm. Lorlmer. Sr., A. R. Beck, Henry L. Hertz. Adam Schillo, Joseph Gunther, Fred L. Wllk. Andrew Mc Ansh. Chas. W. Peters, Wm. McRoberts. House Committee:-Fred L. Wllk. Joseph Gunther, Noah H. Pike. Entertainment Committee:--Leonard Lorl mer, Edwaril Baggot. Win. Holmes. Motor Bout Committee:--W. S. Moore, Joseph Gunther, Martin Howell, Oscar Miller. Secretary's Office:---W. S. Moore, 131 South Wat^r St.. Chirac". AFTER THE MINNOWS COMES THE WHALE -18-foot 10:00 a. catboats. , , .10:15 a. ai. Fourth regular race- 2:00 p. m. Fourth regular race--sloops. , s:30 p. m. Commodore's reception and ball at club house. JVLY 1M. SUNDAY. 10:00 a.m. Motor boat, race. , . . s 2"30 D. m. Flag parade on bay and lake. JULY 22. WKDNKSDAY. 10:00 a.m. Season handicap race No. 4-- catboats, 2:00 p m. sloops. 3:00 p. m. 10:00 a. m. boats. 10:15 a. m. boats. 2:00 p. m. n:15 p. ni. ANHOURCENERTS ARE FORCIBLE VOTAE REPUBLICAN VrtTKBS OF THE 11TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT.* I desire to announce that I aui a can didate for Member of the State Board of Equalization, subject to the Republi can primaries to be held on the 8th day of August, 1908, and I respectfully re quest the support of all Republicans in the district for that office. Thanking yon for yonr support in the past, I am, Very truly, GEORGE W. ELDREDGE. season handicap rare No. 4-- Ladles' day at club hftuse. JUL* 25, SATURDAY. Fifth regular race--22-foot cat- Fifth regular race--18-foot cat- Fifth regular race--sloops. Minstrel show at club house for beneflt'P. Y. C. See not e 8. JULY 28. SUNDAY. 10:00 a. m. Motor boat race. 2:30 p. m. Flag parade to Fox Lake. See note 6. P. Y. C.-F. L. C. C. joint regatta. See note JULY 27, MONDAY, FOX LAKE. 10:00 a. m. First race--catboats. 2:30 p. m. First race--sloops. JULY 2s. TUESDAY, *OX LAKE. 10:00 a.m. Second race--catboats. •2:30 p. m. Second race- sloops. JULY 29, WEDNESDAY. PISTAKEE BAY. 10:00 a.m. Third race--catboats. 2:30 p. in. Third race--sloops. 3:00 p. m. Ladies' day at club house. 8:00 p. m. Smoker at club house. JULY 30, THURSDAY, PISTAKEE BAY. 10:00 a. m. Fourth race--catboats. 2:30 p. m. Fourth race--sloops. JULY 31, FRIDAY. PISTAKEE BAY OR WOX LAKE. 10:00 a. m. F ifth race--catboats. 2:30 p. m. Fifth race--sloops. They Tell in a Clear and Plain Way the Wonderlulness of My Magnetic Powers. \ fO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF McHKNRY COUNTY. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of state's attorney of MeHenry oonnty, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries to be held on Aug. 8, 1008. I respectfully solicit the support of my friends and the Republican voters at said primaries, and if elected, I will enforce the local optiop law as well as the general law of the •late, and continue the custom estab lished by Mr. Lowell of turning ovei* to the school fund all' of the money that r«achoc my hands and that should go I the maintenance of the schools DAVID R. JOSLYN. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF THE &TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT: I desire to announce that I shall be a candidate for the Lower House of Rep- zaseiajAtires of the General Assembly, ftom the 8th Senatorial District, subject to the Republican Primaries to be held August 8, 1908. In the 44th General Assembly, 1905, m the 45th General Assembly, 1807, in sabstantially four sessions, the 8th Sena torial District and MeHenry county have had the honor and the influence of filling the Speakership of the Lower House. How fairly er how poorly I have filled that position I can only leave to the judgment of others, upon tbe record, and to the opinion of those who hare aarr«d in the House. That there is a very good opportunity tor the 8th Senatorial District and Me Henry County to fill the position of "Speaker in the Lower House for a third •ncceesire term, and that it is the re quest of many of the present mem tiers who are candidates for re-election, are the causes of my candidacy at the pres jmt time. If elected, I shall rote upon the question of the United States Senator #hip as instructed by the Republicans of this District, in the primaries of August 8th. Very respectfully, EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF. » M 1 NT. AUGUST 1, SATURDAY. 10:00 a. m. Sixth regular race- boats. 10:15 boats. 2:00 p. m. »:00 p. m. -foot cat- &. m. Sixth regular race--IB-foot cat- Sixth regular race--sloop^^ Venetian night. See aote 10. August 2. Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Motor boat race. 2:30 p. m. Flag parade on bay and lake. August 3 to 6. inclusive. Lake Geneva. Northwestern regatta. All classes, A, B, E and F Itoats are eligible to enter this meet. August 11 to 13 inclusive. Oshko^h regatta. August 11, Tuesday. Under the auspices of tbe Lake Butte des Morts Yacht club for Sawyer and Clark-Hol- lister challenge and trophy cups. August 12, Wednesday. » Neenah-Nodaway Yacht club for challenge aud trophy cups. August 13. Thursday. Oshkosh Yacht club for Felker and Bray challeuge cups and trophy cups. August 17 to 21 inclusive. Inland Lake regatta, olinnetonka. Only champions of classes A. Band E will eli gible to enter this meet. August H, Saturday. 3:00 p. m. Free for ail handicap. Sail yachtf. , , . 8:00 p. m. Entertainment at club bouse. See note II. August«, Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Motor boat race. 2:30 p. m. Flag parade on bay and lake. August 10-14. P. Y. C. and F. L. C. C. motor boat regatta. See note 12. 1 hare always said that the many inquiries I receive daily from ailing per sons is due to the truthfulness of the statements I make. My announcements never fail to be read with interest. To say that I could cure erery thing would be endeavoring to obtain money under false pretenses. The person who can cure everything has not yet been born. couldn't make a blind person see or a person who has been born deaf hear. But I have given perfect sight to patients who were fast becoming blind through illness, and have restored to perfect hearing patients who were quickly growing deaf. I hare made cures of erery known ailment, as m> testimon ial booklet will show. You are wel come to it. I make no charge for diagnosis nor for an opinion of your case if you will write me and tell me with what you believe yon are suffer ing. Calls made away from Elgin even* ings, Saturday afternoons and Sundays. PROF. F. A. LEACH, No 2, Spurling Building, Elgin, 111. IF A PERSONAL NATURE August 12, Wednesday. Ladies' club FiOUSe. August 13. Thursday. 3:00 p.m. Children's day at club house 3:00 p. m. :30 p. m note 13. s:00 p. m. See note 11. August 15, Saturday. Father's race--catboats. See Entertainment at club house. August 16, Sunday. 10:00 a. m. Motor boat race. 2:30 p. m. Flag parade on bay and lake. August 19, Wednesday. 3:00 p. m. Ladies' day at club house. August 22, Saturday. 10:00 a. m. Seventh regular race--28-foot catboats. 2:00 p. m. Seventh regular race--18-foot catboats. H:00 p. m. Daily News Fresh Air Fund entertainment. See note 14. « Augusts, Sunday. 10:00 a. m. Motor boat race. 2:30 p. m. Flag parade on bay and lake. August 26, Wednesday. 3:00 p. m. Ladies' day at cli*b house. August 27, Thursday. 3:00 p. m. Childreu's day at clubhouse. August 29, Saturday. 10:00 a. m. Special race--22-foot catboats. Special race--l«-foot catboats. Special race--sloops. P. Y. L. V". C. leap year party at Presentation of cups. See note 10:15 a. m, 2:00 p. m. 8:00 p. in. club house. 15. 10:00 a. m. August30, Sunday. Motor boat race. I hereby aimuanct r self a Demo- candidate Btpresentative of the Eighth Senatorial District, subject t fo the decision of the primaries of *AugnstS, and will be very thankful for the support of my friends. Very respectfully, • THOMAS F. BURNS. Q. Tb* Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- jf ye cents, and will be discontinued at fbe expiration of that time unless other jri#« ordered Try it 2:30 p. m. Flag parade ou bay and lake. September 2, Wednesday. 3:00 p. m. Ladles' day at club house. September 5, Saturday. 10:00 a. m. Special race--22-foot catboats. 10:15 a. m. Special race -18-foot catboats. 2:00 p. m. Special race- -sloops. 8:00 p. m. In formal at club house. September e, Sunday. 10:00 a. rn. Last regular motor boat mce. 2:30 p. m. Flag parade on bay and laU >. September 7, Monday, Labor Day. 10:00 a. m. Special handicap r^pe--i at- boats. 2:00 p. m. Special handicap race--gloops. 3:30 p. m. Special motor boat race. NOTES. 1. All races start from club house pier (un less otherwise noli tied). 2. Sail yachts and motor boats shall be amenable to the rules after the preparatory signal has been given. 3. Three (3) guns will be fired 20 minutes before preparatory signal for yachts to as semble at club house pier. 4. The start shall be a one (1) gun rtylnj; start with a five minute preparatory signa I two(2) guns. 5. The Hertz challenge cup, also a specla. trophy cup, will be awaited as prizes fyr sloops on July 4. ti. Flag parade ou Sunday afternoons. All members should try and make this event a special feature of the club and "turnout.' The 1J. Y. C. colors should fly from all motor boats and sail yachts. Arrangements will be made with the motor boats to tow the sail yachts through the channel on parade days to Fox Lake. Harn dauce at the club house, July 11th everybody attending- Is expected to come dressed as farmers. 8. Minstrel show. This show is given by home talent aud is for the benefit of the 1\ Y. C. fl. The P. Y. C.-F. L. C. C. Joint regatta for sail yachts will be managed by the regatta ommittees of the clubs. Special notices will be sent out by these committees. 10. Venetian night. All cottages and grounds should be illuminated. Special pro gram will be issued by the committee. 11. Special notice will be sent out relative to this eutertalnment. 12. P. Y. C.-F. L. C. C. joint motor boat regatta will be managed by a joint committee of the clubs. Special program will be sent out. 13. Father's race. It's up to you, pa, to show what kind of a sailor you are on this day. Handsome prizes. » 14. Daily News Fresh Air- Fund entertain ment. All the money made at this enter tainment Is turned over to the above men tioned fund. 15. All prizes for "seasou 1908" will be on exhibition at the club house after June 20, and so far as decided will be awarded at the club house at K:00 p. m., August 2#, unless previously awarded. 16. All members qf the Yacht club have the privilege of wintering their sail boats and row l)oats lu t he boat house, a charge of f 1.00 a winter being made for each row boat,. I5.00 per winter for sail boats, 22 feet long and under, flO.OO per winter for all sail boats over « feet. Charges all payable in advance. Arrangements for space are made with secretary. 17. From June 16 and during the months of 4e WMe World Interested PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEY GO. AND A Or 1st of Personal News Gathered Up by the Wsytld* by The Plaindealer Repre sentatives 20 Years-The Everlasting Success-20 Years ? TERRY'S BIQ UNCLE TOfl 'S CABIN TENT SHOWS The King and Monarch of Them All Forever Foremost Newest Edition of the Oldest Hit i & To anyone giving ua a con tract for Electyic Lighting in "the Village of MeHenry for onfk vppt wo will install t.V»A necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: :: :: M c H E N R Y , T U E S D A Y . J U L Y 1 4 Exhibiting in monster waterproof canvas tents, seating 2,000 people. Two Bands. 40 Actors, Singers, Dancers, Specialty people, 15 Colored people. Grand Cake Walk 15 Head of Shetland Ponies vand Donkeys. Pack of Cuban Bloodhounds. GORGEOUS SCENIC AND ELECTRICAL EFFECTS COWBOYS' QUARTETTE The Ice Choked Ohio River. The Home of Phineas Fletcher. The Rocky Pass. The Slave Market of New Orleans. The Grand Transformation Scene. The Legree Red River Plantation. H E A R The Great Military Band. The Soloist Orchestra. Tbe Louisiana Quartette. The Sonthern Songs. . The Jnbilee Singers. The Angtnented Cboras. The Concert Band. The Plantation Melodies. EtodncServkxCi Geo. K. Paige, flgr. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - NORTHWESTERN -- Parade at 12 o'clock, noon. Band Concert at 7 p. ni. Performance at Night Only Doors open at 7:30 p. m. Performance at 8:00 p. m. General Admission, 35c. Children Under Ten, 25c. WANTED:--15 bdys to be at show cars at 11 a. m. show day. Also want three good working men. Steady work all summer, Miss Rosa J as ten spent ifa^day in Chicago. * H. M. Chnbaroff spent Tuesday in the windy city. Rev. A, Royer spent Tuesday in the windy city. * Henry Miller was a metropolitan visi tor Tuesday. John P. Smith attended to bnsiness in Chicago Tuesday. F. J. Herbes attended to bnsiness *in Chicago Tuesday. E. Hunter was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Wm. Burke of Chicago spent Sunday with his children here. Wm. H. Harrison boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Jos. W. Freund attended to business in Chicago Wednesday. T. Kimball of Palatine was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Warren Rich of Lake Geneva was a recent MeHenry visitor. Oliver Moore of West Chicago spent Sunday with friends here. James B. Perry boarded the Chicago train Wednesday moaning. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherburne wereNnn- da visitor# one day last week. Mrs. F. Li. McOmber and son, Lewis, spent Wednesday in Chicago. Clayton Ross of Nunda was a Me Henry caller Tuesday evening. Alfred Beal and family of Greenwood are in MeHenry for the summer. H. J. Klapperich and son were Chica go passengers Wednesday morning. Miss DorHsca Granger is spending the week with relatives near Wauconda Roy Hankermeyer was the guest of Chicago relatives Tuesday and Wednw day. Chas. S. Owen of Moline, 111., spent Sunday with bis brother, O. N. Owen, here. Will Becker of Chicago passed the Sabbath at the home of Mra. Bernard Buss. Isaac Wentworth left Tuesday morn ing for Athens, N. Y., for an indefinite stay. Chas. Auld of Lake Geneva was recent ghest at the home of C. W. Stenger. Wm. Althoff of Johnsburgh boarded the Chicago train at this station Tues day morning. Luther Beal of Chicago was the guest of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. H Beal, Sunday. Mrs. Frank Ward spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fris- by and family. Mies Agnes and Master Werner Doll ing of Chicago are visiting at tbe home of John Claxton. Geo. Stenger of Green Bay# Wis., is spending the week at the home of his son, C. W. Stenger. B. J. Schaefer apent Sunday Mid Mxm day with relatives and friends in Me Henry and vicinity, Miss Maude Lyons of Broadbead, Wis., spent Sunday and Monday as a guest of Miss May Spencer. Miss Lenora Mentzer of Woodstock is spending her vacation at the home of her aunt, Mrs. John Niesen. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lamphere and son, Edwin, and Isaac Wentworth spent Thursday night last in Wauconda. Mrs. A. Carpenter of (Belvidere was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen, several days last week. Rolla Churchill and family and Miss Lester of Grays lake were guests of R. Sherburne and family one day last week. Misses Gertrude and Lillie..Neiss are guests of relatives and friends in Mil waukee and Madison, Wis., this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stenger and sons spent Sunday with Lake Gene va friends. Stephen Dempsy returned to his home in Chicago Tuesday morning, after a two weeks' visit at the home of Frank Masquelet. Miss May Spencer is home for the summer vacation, having just closed a successful course in domestic science at the Lewis institute in Chicago. Miss Julia Beal, instructor in a Bible school in New York City, is spending her summer vacation at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Beal. Miss Mary Beal of Price, Utah, is home for the summer, having just closed a very successful year at teach ing in tbe public school in the Utah city. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dowe of Ingleside spent Sunday with MeHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Hoefle, Mr. and Mrs. & Link and sons, L. Scherer, Henry Meyer and E. G. Maina, all of Chicago, passed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Schiessle. J. G. McCoy came out from Chicago Saturday evening to spend Sunday at the home of John Claxton. He was accompanied home in the evening by his wife who had been a guest at the Clax ton home during the week. Dr. H. H. Hanly of Havana. 111., was the guest of relatives here Sunday and Monday. He returned Tuesday morn ing, accompanied by his wife and daugh ter, who have been the guests of rela tives here during the past two weeks. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS 8&EN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Picked Up About Our Busy Little Burs That May Concern You or Yonr Friends. Henry Meyers, Sr., is laid up at his home with a broken collar bone, sus tained last Saturday afternoon. Joseph Rothermel and family are again occupying the John Justen cottage just west of the Dr. Wells residence. The merry-go-round pulled up stakes and moved on to Richmond last Sun day. The owners did not get rich wtyle here. . Tbe Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "special deal" price of |1.75 for the two. Tbe postoffice building at Spring Grove was struck by lightning during the storm of June 20, but wiys very slightly damaged. Barn social, under auspices of Ladies' Aid society of M. E. church, at E. Bas se tt's new barn next Wednesday even ing, July 8. Dr. Mueller, who hails from Milwau kee, Wis., has hung out his shingle and is now located on the second floor of the Mrs. J. H. Spaulding building on the West Side. All the Sporting Mews. The Bteady reliability with which the Chicago Record-Herald presents the sporting news of the whole country each day has made it an authority in this field. It has a large staff of editors and reporters to handle the telegraphic matter and gather tbe local news in this important department alone. In the Sunday Record-Herald this depart* ment has a separate supplement of four full pages--a newspaper in itself -in which all the latest sporting news is presented with numerous illustrations. All that is of interest in baseball, foot ball, racing, athletics, automobiling, yachting, golf, tennis, pdgiliwiu, aquatics and other sports can always be found here, along with many special articles by experts of national reputatidn. The lieaenl-Herald is a favorite among lovers of sport because its sporting columns are written by "sen who know." Gnava- phoe, a delicious new drink, is being served at tbe Besley soda foun tain. The drink has blready become a favorite among the patrons of the West Side ice cream parlor. Robert Schaefer, who has during the past several years worked upon farms in and around Johnsburgh, was taken to Woodstock Tuesday afternoon by Mai- shal Walsh where before Judge Smiley he was adjudged insane and on Wednes day morning was taken to the Elgin asylum. A. J. Olson and V. S. Lumley have been engaged to speak at the Columbia Park celebration next Saturday. Tbe speaking will take place at 4 p. m. Boats leave MeHenry for Columbia Park at 12:80 p. m. Boats will also leave 'Stilliug's and Mertes' hotel at Pistakee Bay at the same hour. The Lambert Hayes Co. is holdfng forth under canvas here all this week and is giving some very creditable per formances. Besides presenting their plays in faultless style they are also winning the admiration of the public thru their good behavior, each and every member of the company carrying them selves as perfect ladies and gentlemen. The attractions are w orthy of a good patronage. Low Hates to Paetfle Coast V»a Chtc«*o, ^Unlon Pacific A North Western Line. Very low rates for the round trip, in effect to San Franci^o, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma* Seattle and North Pacific Coast points, daily, June 1st to September 15th. Liberal return limits, variable routes, favorable stop-over arrangements. ily to any ticket agent, The North Western Line, for full particular*. Steam Heat, Ho# and Gold Water. Commercial and fam ily trade solicited. All home cooking. Rates, $1.50 per day THEO. SCHIESSLE, Prop! WEST McHENRY. . . . E A S T S I D E . . . A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS of every description. Have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. Tel. 841 MeHenry, Illinois. ....ISIEW. HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build ing in West MeHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aiui shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them fulL value for money receiv ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt ness* and dispatch. : : : R. Patzke k (0. West MeHenry. Chicago & North*-Western. Leave Effective May 17, 190)y Will DAT TBAINS.' KOBTHBOUKD* a~5f. . Via Elfcin $45 am Via !>•* Plitines • .. .Via l>os Plaines ... .ViuKijrtn Via I>os I'talnes .Via lies l'lalne9 ... „ Via Eltfn 5! 12 pm Via Des Plalnes ... gOHHAT TRAINS. ^ Via l'laines.... Via El^ln . ..Via l>es Plalnes Via Klftin Will DAT TRA1HS. BOOTHBODWD. .. ..Via Dos i'laines .. Via Dos IMainns Via Elgin ... .".Via Des Plalnes Vra Des Plalnes.. . 9.00 am... 12.30 p m.. *1.00 p m .. 3.4.Vp m -- 3.45 p m... K.00 am. 8.4ft am. 9.10am. 1.00 p m. Arrive MeHenry. ...10.17 a m ...10.17 a m ...10.17 a m . .2.4<t p. m .. 2.29 p. m ,...4.45 p m *.45 p m . . .6.45 p m ...9.37 a m ...11.14 a m ..11.14 am ... 4.65 p m Leave MeHenry. +ti.5U a m. 7.15 am-- 7.15am... 8.32 am... 4.14 p m... 4.14 p m Via Elgin 6.27 p ni Via Des Plaines SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.15 am Via Elgin 7.0* p m Via Des P ialnee 7.48 p m Via Des Plaines 7.48 pm ..Via£lglo •Saturday only. tMonday only. Arrive Chicago. ..8.3(1 a 111 . .9.12 n in .. .9.55 a m .9.35 a m . .•.20 p m ..7.10p m ..8.00 p m .9.55 a UJ ..8.25 p m ...9.25 p ni ttwSOp m Professional, Society V a.nd Bvisirvesss Cards DAVII) G. WELLS, M. I». PH YB td AN, 8 U KG EON AND oCOLlbT Office and residence corner E1u> and Ureen streets, MeHenry. Teleahone No. 31 J FEUEK8& FEUER8 PHX?I9i^NS AND SURGEONS. McHefev D. T. SMILEY A TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois «M«rJ.»^.a8ine8S intrusted to his care will be property &Qd promptly attended to. DR. H. <t. CHAMBERLIN DKTSTTIST. ow,c* entf R«aMei»c« over fl. J. Walsh1* Stor*. Hoiirs: 8:00 to 5:30. WBOMP MeHamrr. III. Tfhpbow N«. SIMON STOFFEL Iunnnoe Agent (or all clamesor property in the best Companies. West MeHenry, lllinoi*. John J. -Vycit i t l DEALER IN General Hardware Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin ana ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 648 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'Phone 791. WM. BACON De»ler in Windmills, Pipes. Pumps. Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD * JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. >; I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop erty agaiust Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring agaiust death from any cause. West MeHenry, - 111. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST-CLASS WORK ONLY AT -MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS KILL THE COUGH WD CURE -THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CSLDS8 PRICE OLDS TflaJ15Bottle^Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUN6 TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. Tel. Main 1714. WHY do people of Me Henry. Lake ai.d other count'es drop In kt r Lambert Q. SENG** 91 Flftb^ve. CHICAOOr Because It Is *o home like. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes an'l sloes. Sev eral proofs to select from.: Each doe- eti finished in different styles. Price, 13 .00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand- eouie Photoe and a 1«-20 enlargement finished neatly aud artistically in nat ural colors. : of buildings, ca Waakegan St., near the Standplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone. 493 * L WEST SIDE Meat Market Fresh, Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and . Canned Goods. x £. F. Matthews, WMt MeHenry, HI.