Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1908, p. 4

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Tie Mtlieory PltMenler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT F. Q. SCHREINER. OflM i« Bank Building. Telephone, No. 1ft. , TSftM* pi* SUBftCRIPTIONi ^bkiyaai1 •lz months, VBota. Thr®* month*. Mote. Thursday, July 30, 1908. li tBI RGPCBUt'AN VOTERS OF H'HENRV COUNT*. ..'I'hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Coroner of McHenry coun­ ty, subject to the action of the Republi- «fl»« voters at the primaries to be held on Aug. 8, 1908, and solicit the support of tile voters at said primaries. JOSEPH S. MAXON. Harvard, m., jnne 24, 1908. AN N OL' >' V K MK> T. I hereby announce myself as candi­ date for the nomination and election to the office of Coroner of McHenry coun­ ty subject to the decision of the Repub­ lican primaries to be held August 9, 1908. Soliciting your support. Respectfully, DR. H. W. RICHARDSON. Y1M EYE8 CLOSED IN DEATH. feb»lMRtl«M ' Heapcr Claim* *f' Mr*. Jay N. Gilbert. Eight deaths within the past fonr weeks is the sad and heart breaking rec­ ord of McHenry. Thus the uncertainty of life has been borne to our minds for four consecutive weeks. And again has the grim reaper shown that he is no respecter of persons, so often does he strike where least expected OUR WEEKLY PICK-UPS ITEMS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN DURING THE WEEK. ANNOUNCEMENT. fo the Republican voters cf McHenry county: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination and election to the office of Circuit Clerk, subject to your decision at the primaries to be held August 8, 1908. I earnestly solicit your support. THEO. HAMER. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of McHenry oounty: I hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject, however, to the approval of the Republican voters of said county, at the primaries, on the 8th day of August, A. D. 1908, and ear­ nestly request the support of my Repub­ lican friends thruout said county. V. S. LUMLEY. Woodstock, 111., March 10, 1908. <tO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF THE 11TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. I desire to announce that I am a can­ didate for Member of the State Board of Equalization, subject to the Republi­ can' primaries to be held on the 8th day of August, 1908, and I respectfully re­ quest the support of all Republicans in the distrii t for that office. Thanking yon for your support in the past, 1 am, Very truly, GEORGE W. ELDREDGE. STATE'S ATTORNEY. To tiie Republican voters of McHenry Go.: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of State's Attorney of Mc­ Henry oounty, subject to the decision of tile Republican voters at the primaries to be held on Aug. 8, 1908. I respect­ fully solicit the support of my friends and the Republican voters at said pri­ maries, and if elected, I will enforce the local option law as well as the general law of the state, and continue the cus­ tom established by Ira R. Curtiss, A. W. Young and L. D. Lowell of turning over to the school fund all of the money that reaches my hands and that shonld go towards the maintenance of the Aohools. DAVID R. JOSLYN. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF THE 8TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT: lidesire to announce that I shall be a candidate for the Lower House of Rep­ resentatives of the General Assembly, from the 8th Senatorial District, subject to the Republican Primaries to be held August 8, 1908. In the 44th General Assembly, 1905, and the 45th General Assembly, 1907, in substantially four sessions, the 8th Sena­ torial District and McHenry county have had the honor and the influence of filling the Speakership of the Lower House.- How fairly or how poorly I have filled that position I can only leave to the judgment of others, upon the record, and to the opinion of those who have served in the House. That there is a very good opportunity for the 8th Senatorial District and Mc­ Henry County to fill the position of Speaker in the Lower House for a third successive term, and that it is the re­ quest of many of the present members who are candidates for re-election, are the causes of my candidacy at the pres­ ent time. If elected, I shall vote upon the question of the United States Senator ship as instructed by the Republicans of this District, in the primaries of August 8th. Very respectfully. EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF.£ ANNOl' N r. KM ENT. been especially true of the majority of the twelve who have so recently passed away. Our friends and relatives are taken from our midst and we look upon their departure with sorrowing hearts. It teaches us that we, too, should be ready at any time to answer to that voice that never can be stilled. But how many are there who fail to heed the continued warnings! The last of this number to join the great majority was Mrs. Jay N. Gilbert, whose death occurred at the Lakeside hospital in Chicago at about the mid­ night hour on Wednesday, July 32, 1908, her death following an operation that was performed during the after­ noon of thfe same day. Miss Susie Barbian was born in Chi­ cago November 18, 1870. When but a year old her parents, with the family, moved to MfcHenry, which place she has continually called her home np to the time of her death. She was the ninth child of a family of eleven chil­ dren, four of whom, with the father, have preceded her in death. Those Of the family, besides the grief stricken mother and husband, who are left to mourn are as follows: Frank J., John J., Anton G., Nichoals E., of this place; Mrs. E. C. Mullen of Oak Park, 111., and Sister Vincentia, who is now at St. Clara's orphanage at Denver, Col. Two years ago the 25th day of last April the deceased became the wife of Jay N. Gilbert, the ceremony having been performed at St. Mary's Catholic church, and now that death has followed so closely, the shock to the much be­ reaved husband came as a heart rending one, and the sympathy of our entire people is extended to him, as well as to her family. Mrs. Gilbert was possessed of a sunny disposition, loving and kind at heart, and was the joy of all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Being brought up under the roof of Christian parents, she in early childhood was best-owed the teachings of the Roman Catholic church, in which faith she has al#ays lived. The fnneral was held from St. Mary's Catholic church on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Both conrts of Lady Foresters as well as the men's court turned out in a body to pay their last tribute and respects to a dear sister worker. The nephews and nieces acted as flower carriers, the display evidenc­ ing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. After the ceremony at the church the remains, followed by an unusually large gathering, were taken to St. Mary's cemetery, where interment took place. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the many kind friends who assisted ns during our recent sad bereavement J. N. GILBERT. MRS. BARBIAN AND FAMILY. What People are Doing In Our ttuay Uttlt City--News IUSeen by TH* PltindMln ReprM»nl*tlTM. Butter Market. For the fourth consecutive week, but­ ter maintained its price of 22 cents on This has j the E|gin borad of trade Monday. LUMLEY'S CANDIDACY LOOKS LIKE SURE WINNER-PEO­ PLE ARE WITH HIM. Ice Cream Soda at Petesch's. •' The sale of seats for Old Arkansaw is now on at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Herdrich'S Bitters or Touic should al­ ways be used when drinking whiskey. Come out Sunday nignt to the stere- opticon entertainment at the M. E. church. . _ Wauted- A good girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs C. W. Stenger, McHenry, 111. For secretar> of state vote for James A. Rose, the best qualified man the state has ever had for the office. Old Arkansaw..ia^j* sujrte1 cure bines. At the Central next Sunday evening, Aug. 2. Prices, 35c, 35c and 50c. If you don't want to laugh, titay away from the Central opera house next Sun­ day evening when Old Arkansaw plays there. Special! Special! Ten per cent dis­ count on every gasoline stove purchased at J. J. Vycital's during the month of Angust. A carload of brewery-men came out from Chicago last Sunday morning and spent the day at Brewers' Grove down the river. "Shadows of a Great City," a stereop- ticon entertainment, will be held next Sunday night, Aug. 2, at the M. E. church. Everybody invited. The first summer dance of the season at Stoffel'e ball last Saturday evening drew out sixty couples. A pleasant time was had by all present. A band Of real gypsies passed thru town Monday. They -were of the greasy variety and kept many of our natives, especially the women and children, on the anxipns seat during their stay here. The many friends of Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter of Elgin will be pleased to learn that she has entirely recovered from her recent attack of smallpox, the fam­ ily home, having been released from quarantine last Saturday morning. The dance at the Columbia Park pavilion last Wednesday evening was attended by one of the most jolly crowds of young people that ever con­ gregated at this popular resort. The next one takes place Wednesday even­ ing, Aug. 5. A meeting of the Cemetery Aid soci­ ety will take place at the home of Mrs. James B. Perry next Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 4, at 2:30 o'clock. Those who have not as yet paid their dollar are urgently requested to do so at their earliest convenience. VENETIAN NIGHT I hereby announce myself a Demo cratic candidate for Representative of the Eighth Senatorial District, subject to the decision of the primaries of Angust 8, and will be very thankful for Hie support of my friends. Very respectfully, THOMAS F. BURNS. Plalndealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty. Otnts, fiye and will be discontinued a| espiration of that time unless toher iris# ordered, Try it. Remember That He Made aa Oood a State's Attorney as McHenry Comity Ever Had. From Woodstock Republican, July 24, '08: From present indications it looks as if Attorney V. S. Lumley would sure­ ly be nominated for state's attorney on Saturday, August 8. All things considered, it is certain that he is the best man for the place He is a vigorous, fearless prosecutor, who never wavered in his dnty as state's attorney. He believes in the observance of and the enforcement of law. He was born and raised a tfue-blue Republican and has always supported the nominees and platform of his party. He stumped this county for the late President McKinley and the other noui inees of the Republican party, while his opponent (Mr. Joslyn) was speaking in favor of the election of W. J. Bryan and for free silver. The political ring of McHenry county is now and always has been opposed to Mr. Lumley's running for or holding any office, because he will not permit any political boss to dictate to him and say whom he shall support for office Nearly every member of the county political machine is working strenu ously for the election of Mr. Joslyn, and it is always safe for the people to be against ring candidates. Mr. Lumley does not advertise what he is going to do, but does it. Above all, Mr. Lumley is a high minded, con­ scientious, Christian gentleman, a man whose habits and lite are so correct that not one word is said by his enemies againt them. Let there be a thoro awakening by the voters of this county to the fact that the office of state's attorney is a very important office and that it is the duty of every Republican to raise the standard of his party by nominating the best man for every office to be filled. Politicians in the past have made many poor nominations. Now it is up to the people, aud unless the voters go to the polls and assert their rights, the politicians will yet continue to nomi­ nate members of their clique and fac­ tions. We believe Mr. Lumley will have the solid support of nine-tenths of the farmers of McHenry county, and we also believe that h$ will receive the sup­ port of a large majority of the business men of the county, and that all who favor law and order and believe that public officers should be men whose lives and habits are a good example for the young men of our county to emulate will give Mr. Lumley their honest sup- port in thj> canvass for state's attorney. Everyone enjoys a good, hearty langh nature requires it, the doctor pre­ scribes it. It is worth a bowl of drugs. Good, clean, honest comedy pervades Old Arkansaw, adding much to the en­ joyment of the production. It is billed to appear at the Central opera house next Sunday evening, Aug. 2. Ever in Arkansas, with its mountains and. moonshine whisky; its clay jugs and its "hill-billies;" its honest hearts and laughing eyes? You don't have to travel to it, it's traveling to you. A true portrayal of Arkansas life will be seen when the play, Old Arkansaw, arrives at the Central next Sunday even­ ing, Aug. 2. Hon. A. K. Stearns, Lake county's Republican candidate for the legisla­ ture, will be in McHenry next Satur­ day afternoon and evening and will ad­ dress the voters of McHenry and vicin­ ity at 8 o'clock in the evening. Just where the address will take place has not as yet been decided, but it is ex­ pected that it will be held in the central part of town. STANDS ON HIS RECORD HOWARD M. SNAPP ASKS RENOM- INATION BECAUSE OF FAITH­ FUL SERVICE. HOWARD M. SNAPP Republican Candidate for Nomination for Repreitentatlve In Congress, ThankN. We hereby desire to express our thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who composed the choir at St. Mary 'sjQatho- lic church for the good music and sing­ ing at the mass held Sunday, July 26, 1908, at 8 o'clock a. m., on the fifteenth anniversary of our marriage, and also thank our many friends who attended mass. Very respectfully, MR. AND MRS/ JOHN SCHERMANN, Rosedale. Obearved at PUtaka* Bay W*xt . f-' • Saturday Evening. Miss Florence Carr of Chicago return­ ed Tuesday morning, after spending several days at the Schau cottage at Rosedaie. Mrs. H. G Morean, eon, Dudley, and daughter, Blanche, of Chicago, spent a few days the latter part of last week at Pistakee Bay. Commodore Krognrd and Captain Nel- spn of Elgin have launched a new gaso­ line flyer at Elgin and intend to make a voyage to McHenry soon. The Pistakee and Fox Lake Yacht clubs are holding their annual joint re­ gatta this week. The regatta started on Monday and will close tomorrow, Fri­ day. Ever hear a mocking bird? Ever bear them sing? There is a mocking bird quartette in Old Arkansaw. At the Central opera house, McHenry, Sun­ day evening, August 2. Prices 25c, 35c and 50 cents. Miss Florence Sohinberg has been a guest at the Dr. Bnettner cottage on the river during the past two weeks. She, in company with several friends, attend, ed the dance at the Columbia Park pa­ vilion last Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. Buettner of Chicago spent the first of the week at fcha Buettner cottage on the river. She was accompanied to the city Tuesday afternoon by her daughter, Lillian, who remained in the metropolitan city for a few days' visit. The Northwestern regatta will take place on Lake Geneva next week from August 3 to 6. The Pistakee and Fox Lake Yacht clubs hope to make a good showing at this event this year. The date for the Oshkosh regatta is Angust 11 to 13. The Ladies' club of Pistakee Bay very pleasantly entertained the visiting ladies from the Fox Lake Country club attend­ ing the regatta, at the pavilion yester­ day (Wednesday) afternoon. In the evening the visiting yachtsmen were entertained at a smoker by the gentle­ men of the Pistakee Yacht club. Both events proved social successes. Yacht owners of Fdx Lake are taking steps to compel the commissioner, who pnt in the Fox river bridge on the Richmond road some time ago, to take out piles which were left from the old bridge. The piles stick up under the water so there is not much room to pass under the bridge, Unless it is done voluntarily, it is said they may be pros­ ecuted on the charge of blocking a nav­ igable stream of water. When the bridge was built, instead of removing the old piles, they cut them off under the water, thus making the passage way very dangerous. On Sunday there will be a free for all motor boat race for the Kingsley House trophy cup, one of the handsomest cups offered on the Bay this year. The race- will start from the Kingsley Honse pier at 2:30 p. m. sharp. All boats must have their handicap time determined be­ fore 2:15 p. m., Sunday. Judges will be on hand after 9:00 a. m., Sunday, for that purpose. Remember that for this race 2:30 p. m. means 2:30 p. m. The promoters hope to see every motor boat on the river and chain of lakes entered in this event. The cup can be seen any day at the Kingsley House. Alt arrangements are now complete for the observance of Venetian night among the resorts along the river and at Pistakee Bay next Saturday evening. All members of the Pistakee Yacht club are urged to decorate their boats and meet at the club house no later than 8:30 p.m. The launches will tow the row boats. After the parade all the boats will assemble in front of the club house and listen to the musical program furnished by our enterprising entertain­ ment committee. Those who do not join in the parade are urged to light the shore with red fire during this part of the entertainment. As the result of "fooling" his friends while in bathing, Clarence Jenson, of Logan Square, Chicago, a boy 18 years old, was drowned Monday morning in Bang's lake, near Wauconda. He had been in swimming with four young men with whom he bad gone to the B. Dners resort for a week. The crowd was hav­ ing a good time and Jensen kept making believe he was' drowning, by shoving himsely under the water and crying for help when he came up. He did thiB once too often for he was evidently seized with cramps, for he went down and when be came up, cried for help again in earnest. His friends still believed he was fooling them and altho they werfbao close they could have saved him easily had they known his plight, they made no effort to help him and when they saw be failed to couie up they real­ ized what had happened. They went to the spot at once and the body was re­ covered in about eight feet of water. The first week of Mrs. Thomas Burke's reign as hostess at the Honey IJHW Gun club house was an unquali­ fied success. While not numerically as Htrong as in former weeks, the party made up in gaiety what it lacked in mtinber. A motor boat excursion to i'l stakee Bay on Thursday added to the week's pleasure. Saturday evening the party was entertained by Miss Katbryn Mannon, one of the most popular of Chicago's younger vocalists, who ren­ dered a program wherein the popular songs of the day were interspersed with the classic. Miss Helen Brazil of River­ side, 111., was one of the guests. It was her first visit and to say she was en­ thusiastic over McHenry and the "Fox, "is putting it mildly. The smil­ ing face of Mr. Burke was noticeable by its absence, Mr. Burke being detained in the city-by business, but Tom will undoubtedly be here to add to the gaiety of next week. The guests of the week were Messrs. and Mesdauies A. D. Laumann, James Egan; Mesdauies Peyton and Conboy; Misses Helen Brazil, Cora Egan and Florence Peyton; Messrs. Matthew W«ary, F. A. Ryan Matthew Peyton and AUeu and Charles OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEY GO. AiNO Egan. AGrtet of Personal News Gitthettiri Up by the Wayside by The Plaludeaier Repre­ sentatives Peter B. Freund spent Wednesday in the windy city. Mrs. Jacob Bonslett was a Chicago visitor yesiterday. L. F. Block was a business visitor in Chicago yesterday. B. Mueser was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. E. C. Wester man of Greenwood called on friends here Sunday. Will Laughlin of Union, 111., spent Sunday with home folks. Frank Miller of Elgin is enjoying his vacation at Pistakee Bay. Dr. F. C. Ross of Nunda was a visitor in town Tuesday evening. Jesse A. Simpson spent Sunday with Volo relatives and friends. Mrs. Mary Anhalt of Chicago is visit­ ing with Mrs. J. J. Buch. Fred Schnorr of Council Bluffs, la., is the guest of bis father here. M. J. Walsh was a business visitor at the county seat Wednesday. Miss Norma Whiting is spending the week with Richmond friends. T. F. Ryan of Emmett, Mich., was a McHenry visitor Wednesday. , H. C. Hankermeyer was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Mrs. Wm. Koeppe boarded the Chi­ cago train Wednesday morning. J. F. McLaughlin and wife of Solon spent Sunday with relatives here. Theo. H. Bethke was a business vis­ itor in the windy city last Friday. Mrs. Mary. Lanjghlin is spending the week with Solon and Richmond friends. Miss Bessie Stone of Woodstock was the guest of Miss Kate Howe last week. Miss Annie Zimmermann of Chicago was the guest of relatives here last week. Mrs. Emma Phillips was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morn­ ing. Robt. H. Miller of Austin is visiting at the hotne of his nncle, H. C Hanker­ meyer. Chas. Trappe of Chicago is spending a two weeks' vacation with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Block of Dundee are spending the week with McHenry relatives. Miss Katie .and Lewis Freund of Chi­ cago spent Sunday at the home of Johu Huemauur Mrs. Michael J. Roeser and son, Jos­ eph, of Chicago are visiting with Mrs. J. J. Buch. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund and son, Walter, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Mr. Ganey of Chicago were recent guests at the Dr. Buettner cottage. Leonard Phillips, who is attending school in Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday at his home here. Albert M. Frett of Chicago spent the first of the week at the home of his brother, John, and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Block were guests of relatives and friends at Elgin and Algonquin Sunday and Monday. Mrs. C. E. Travis and daughter, Estelo, of Chenoa came to Pistakee Bay last Friday to spend the summer, Claude Poole and Frank Miller^have returned to their homes in Elgin after an enjoyable outing at Fox Lake. Mrs. Ed. Dalton and children of Hampshire are guests at the home of Postmaster and Mrs. H. C. Mead. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Jensen aud chil­ dren of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Frisby, Mrs. E. D. Spikes of Oshkosii, Wis., came Tuesday for a short visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Wheeler. Mrs. H. H. Fay and little son of Chi­ cago are spending a week or two at the home of Mrs. Fay's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frisby and children of Chicago were over Sunday guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frisby. Miss Mary Grady and Master Frank are spending a couple of weeks with the Goldthwaite children at the home of Samuel McDonald. Mrs. J. W. Pendergast of Springfield, Wis , and Mrs. H. S. Wilkinson and son of Burlington, Wis., spent a few days the past week at the Laughlin home. Chas. Wright returned last week from his trip to the coast. Chas. went out there for the express purpose of see ing the Western country and is now kept quite busy relating his experiences Peter M. Justen returned from Den­ ver, Colo., last Saturday where he had been sojourning during the past two months. Peter has nothing but words of praise for the beautiful Western city and the surrounding country. Phil Kane of Tuscaloosa, Ala., arrived in town last Friday evening for a short visit among relatives and friends. Phil is now employed as purchasing agent for the Bliss Lumber company in the Southern city and iB meeting with fine success, a fact his many friends here will be pleased to learu. Misses Eva Miller, May and "Lizzie Wegener of Lily Lake boarded the train here Sunday morning for Ringwood, where they spent the day as guests of MiBS Eva Lawrence. They were accoiu panied home Sunday evening by Miss Lawrence, who spent the first of the week among relatives and friends here. ADMINISTRATOR 'S NOTICE OK FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT. STATE OF IL LI NOIS, ) ^ McHenry Comity 1 Estate of Patrick M. O'Neill..deceased. To all whom It may Ami are hereby notified that on Monday, the third day of Hept«nil>er. I«0«. '• Administrator. with will annexed of siuo Estate, will present to tht" 'mintv Court of McHenry Count y, at the Court. House In Woodstock. Illinois, my fln il renort of my acts and doings as such Administrator, and ask the Court to l>e ( l is charged from anv and all further duties and resnonsiblllties connected with said Estate fuX iy Hdmiulstration thereof at whirl, time and place you may be present and resist such application, If you cfaooje so To anyone giving us a con­ tract for Electric Lighting jn the Village of McHenry for one year we "will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: :: :: letuit Geo. K. Paige, Hgr. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTHWESTERN -- ̂̂ • >1̂ ' T'i-is Steam Heat, Ho I and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecoolfing. Rates $1.50 per day. into. SCtllESSLE, Prop. WEST McHKNRY. EAST SIDE. A COMPLETE LINE OK Fresh and Salt MEATS of every description. Have you tried our home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. BOQL PROP. M. Tel. 841' •Henry, Illinois. ....IMEW.... HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build­ ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at al I times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall atall times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : : R. Pat ik & (0. West McHenry. Chicago & North-Western. Effective May IV, 1'•*>*• WKRK DAY T R A I H 8 . NOHTHnODNP Via Kluin Via 1»es I'lalnes . . .Via I>es IMalnes " Via Klv'in Via 1 ics I'lalnes-- Via |)es i'lalnes Via Kltfiu yiupin Via Pes l'lalnns. .. SUNDAY TWAINS. . .Via I>es I'laines. . Via Kltfin ..Via 1>es I'lalnes... VlaElKln...... WKEK DAY TRAINS. I,eave Ohlea ifo. V.00 a in .. K.4"> a in . 9.4HI am., iri-io p m. M.oo p m 3.*!» p m.. p m 8.00 a m a m 9.10 a m 2.00 p m Leave McM«nry. am . 7.15 a m-- 7.1'> -- 8.a" am.. 4.14 p m ... 4.14 p rn 6.27 p in 7.15 a m 7.0K P M. . . 4S p m. SOTTTH BOUND. .. Via l>es I 'laines.. Via lies I'lalnes .. .. . .Via FClKln .. V+a I Hlalnes.. ..Via lies I'lalnes.. Via Kinin^ Via I >os I'la ines... SUNDAY TRAIN8. Via Klirln . Via lies l'lalnew Via 1 >es I'lalnes... 7.4H p M Via EIKIU., •Saturday only. Arrive McHenry. 10.17 a in .... MM7 a ni 10.17 a m .. .2.46 p. IU 2.3H p. m 4.4f> p m 0.4.1 p HI .. ..6.4Apm 9.37 H ni ...11.14 a nj --11.14 a tn .. 4.65 p m Arrive Chicago. N.J9S a ni 9.12 a ni 9.ft!i a m .. a ni - ,&f0 ptn 7.10 p m 8.60 p ro 9.55 a in C.85 p m 9.23' p m ... 10.20 p ui I Professional, Society a.nd Bxjsinesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. 1». PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND UOULUST Office and residence corner Elm and Oreen streets, McHenry. TeleDhone No. 3U FEC1ERS & FEGEKS PBX?I9^nh ANI) SURGEONS. McHeary 1'1- Office at Residence, corner Court and Kim streets Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY ^TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois bosiuess intrusted to bis care will be properly and promptly attended to. BR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST. Office and Residence over n. J. Welsh's Stere, Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WB8T MOHunry, IIX, Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL InssMmce Agent for all clansen of prtfJPy in thiB best Companies. West McHenry, llltaels. \John J. Vyoital DEALEE IN General Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds, 'Phone S48 MCHENRY, - . ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'Phone 791. WM. BACON Deilerin Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McllENRY, ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AOENT. Iain now prepared tolnsureall kinds of prop- ert.y against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance On Live Stock insuring against death from auy cause. West McHenry, III. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHRNRY, - ILLINOIS jj£ 11 fl IV I IM mm AND CUE COUCH LUNGS WITH D i> 1 g| r. King $ New Discovery PRICE CFID ROUGHS KOn Jk fl.Ofc run V#OLDS TrlaJ Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONET REFUNDED. m Tel. Main 1714. WHY do people of Mc­ Henry, Lake and other counties Irop in at Lambert Q. Seng's 02 Fifth Ave. CNICAOO? Because it Is so home like. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits AH shapes awl sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en finished iu different styles. Price, $2.00 nud upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand some Photos and a 10-20 enlargement finished neatly and ' § V/ V artistically in nat­ ural colors. :: :: Waukegan St., near the Standplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. T«I«ph«M> 493 WEST SIDE Fresh, Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. E. F. Matthews, West McMesiry, !!!.

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