Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1908, p. 5

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Spring time is the time when the model housewife replaces her worn-out Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc., with bright new ones. We wish to call the attention of such housewives to the fact that we jiave placed a line of such goods into our store this spring that we are indeed proud 01. We know our lines are such that will please you all. Call in and see what we have to offer. Undertaking and Embalming: is also a part of our business and all calls of this nature are promptly attended to under our person­ al supervision. We take complete charge, fur­ nish hearse, and care for bodied when so wished. WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's ^ Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. We have inaugurated a special sale for the displacement from our shelves of all summer goods. We mean to clean out our entire stock. Scarcity of- room to store them thru the winter forces us to do this. Come while the selections are good and avail yourself of this opportuni­ ty to secure some extra special bargains in all lines of summer merchandise. :: :: Yours truly, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. fifoceries FLOUR! Pillsbury's Best, finest on the market, i bbl ,. .$1.50 i bbl * 7»c EARLY RISER, \ barrel sack - 4 ° Plums, Green Gage or Egg, tQ* large size IOC Laundry Soap, Lighthouse, to close oat, lObars for «JJl. Boston Baked Beans, Colmu-lPf bia Braml, none better. No. iS. .IjC Choice Sugar Corn, per canOE^ 9c; 3 cans L Jl. Japan lea, snn dried, 60c JOr grade, per lb 40C Our Fie, a new preparationpr^ for pies, per pkg, 9^5 3 for... Ljl Starch, Defiance Brand, coldtfls w ater starch, fnll 16-oz pkg... WL Royal Seal Oats, in air tight|^ Early June Peas, per cauOCi. 13c; 2 cans .L Peanut Butter, Royal Brand,ir^ ilbjar "A Pepper, gronnd, pnre;ltt» can,j^ or nonr, per |JĴ 35c; |lb can... Onions, sweet bottle Mustard, prepared, large jarC* 10c; h in all A Coffee, low* Brand, epecialOre­ combination, 4 lbs 95c; per lbLA HOT WEATHER FOODS! Toasted Corn Flakes, Hoyt's, 8 packages for...... 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 2 pbgs for •• .35C drape Nuts. 2 packages 35c Petiijoiin's Breakfast Food, per package . = ,ljf Kellog's Corn Flakes 10c West Mc­ Henry, III. JOHN STOFFEL. KlimfeFIKUX Mrs. D O. Kline was in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. Yanke and wife were Chicago visitors recently. Miss Lizzie Forney was in Woodstock one day last week. L. Gibson and wife spent the Sabbath with Father Gibson. Mrs. White made a business call at the dentist's Monday. Mrs. F. Wille of Crystal Lake called at Fred Wille's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone and two sons went to the city Sauday. Mrs. Lolo Bennett of Woodstock was a Ridgefield caller Monday. The Ladies' Aid society meet with Mrs. D, O. Kline today, .Tnly 30. Miss Lnra Davis was calling on friends in the city Thursday and Friday. Floyd Thayer was down from Wood­ stock Snnday calling on friends, Ed. Ford and family of Crystal Lake visited at Father Reed's Sunday. Sidney Reed and wife visited at W. W. Wilcox's in Greenwood Sunday. Miss Gertrude Fay of Ring wood is visiting relatives and friends for a few Mrs. Watson of Tampa, Ariz., is vis­ iting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lock wood. Mrs. Jayoes and children and Mrs. Bort drove to Crystal Lake for ice cream Wednesday. Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Sarah Wakefield's brother, returned to his home in Rock- ford Saturday. Mrs. F. Jackman called on her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Monroe, Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Lynch, son, Rav, and daughter, Madalene, were Lincoln Park visitors Thursday. C. A. Bort and wife of Cedar Rapids. Iowa, visited with Will Jaynes' family from Tuesday until Thursday. Mrs A. Stephenson and two dangh ters. Arlene and Edna, were Ringwood visitors a^o^ple of days last week. Miss EMifti Jenks of Elgin is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Wakefield. Marvin Keeler of Crystal Lake is also visiting with Grandma Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. John Kline and two children, Melvin and Clover, of-Chicago visited the former's brother. Ban Kline, and family Friday and part of Satnr day. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith went to the city Thursday. Mrs. Smith has gone to the hospital for treatment. Her many friends hope she will be greatly bene­ fited. Thursday the Royal Neighbors of Ridgefield held a general picnic at the lake. In counting heads at the ltincheon it was discovered there were ninety-nine, a few arriving too late to be numbered. Rev. A. Dickey will take his vacation daring the month of August, and will attend the Winona Lake chautauqua There will be no services duriug hit- absence. Mrs. Dickey wil) not accotn pany her hnsband farther than the city. The milk express car, which is left on the,side track here at 3:30, jumped the track, owing to a defective brake and an absence of a bumper. It was a Incky accident, as it crossed the sidewalk and the road, and on account of the rain no one was passing at the time. TERKA COITA. Carl Bergman is visiting relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Foester spent Monday in Chicago. Miss Katie Bass was a McHenry call­ er Thursday. Mrs. L. Lock wood was a McHenry caller Saturday. G. P. Bay Jr, of Chicago spent Sunday at S. B. Leianer's. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago is visiting relatives here. Miss Florence Knox is visiting rela- itves at Emerald Park. Mr. Blish of Chicago spent Snnday with bis wife and son here. Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago spent Sunday at Henry McMiilan's. Gov. Deneen of Springfield called on his numerous friends here Monday. Several from here attended the funer al of Mrs. J. N. Gilbert at McHenry Snnday. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry spent Wednesday at the home of her brother, M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Snnday at the home of David Powers near MoHenry. Mrs. E. Perkins and daughters of Mc Henry spent last Wednesday at the home of G. W. Ames. George Miller returned to his home in the city after a pleasant visit at the home of G. W. Ames. RINOWOOU. Irving Herbert took the train for Chi cago Saturday morning. Misses Florence and Agnes Carey and Phil Kane spent Monday in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hawley and family are entertaining company from Elgin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard are the happy parents of a baby boy, bora Sun­ day, July, 19. Miss Lora Smith spent a couple of days with relatives at Williams Bay, Wis , last week. Charles Tuttle and daughter, Edith, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tuttle spent Sunday in Chicago. Misses Grace Harrison and Agnes Dodge spent from Friday until Monday visiting friends in Bristol, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Bishop, Mr. and Vlrs. James Rainey and Miss Callie Thomas spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Mre. Charles Tuttle, who underwent an operation for a cancer in Chicago last Friday, is getting along nicely. Her many friends hope to see her home soon '•Fly Sbr"st W:!bsr Lo^bcr Cc. EMKRALD PARK. B. M. Fleming oi Nunda called at E. Knox's Sunday. ^ Mrs. P. Walsh is visiting relatives in Elgin this week. E. Comisky is spending a few weeks with friends in Chicago. T. J. Cleary of Elgin is visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville visited at J. R. Smith'fl Thursday. Miss Florence Knox of Terra Cotta is visiting at E Knox's this week. Mrs. T. O'Neil of Chicago visited at W. Mahoney's a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago were guests of relatives here Sunday. Thos. Frisby of Elgin is spending a two weeks' vacation at his home here Messrs. H. Carlson aud J. Larsen are guests at the home of J. R. Smith this week. Jno. Gibbs, Jr., and friend, Mr. Guinane, of Chicago spent Sunday at his home. Mrs. W. D. Van Gorder and children of St. Petersburg, Fia.. are visiting at R. J. Sutton's. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby and Mary Gibbs of MoHenry called in this yicinity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Piegel, Sr., and daughter of Chicago are occupying the Piegel camp this week. Mrs P. Costello aud daughter, Miss Maynie, of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs H. Kirk, ,Tas. Haxton, W. K. Burns and daughter, Grace, spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. and Mrs J. R. Day and daugh­ ter, Dorothy, are visiting at C. A. Cohan's cottage this week. Rev. Father Bonrke, W. Bonslett aud children and Mr. and Mrs. P. Doherty called in this vicinity Saturday. Messrs. Ray Corr, Clareuoe Whiting and Worth Dewey of Woodstock were Cillers at Emerald Park Sunday. Messrs. Chas. and Henry Berkircher are entertaining their mother, Mrs. Berkircher, and sister, Mrs. Broiller, and family of Ohio for a few weeks. JOHNSBl'RUH. Harry Moritz drove thru here Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. William Blake visited here Saturday. Charles Heimerand Peter Rothermel were seen here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund are the happy parents of a baby boy. Messrs. Mike Worts and Frank Bar- bian were seen here Monday. Quite a few from here attended the ball game at Long Lake Sunday. Many relatives and friends spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Christ Blake. Quite a few from Nunda attended the dance at Nell's last Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Jus ten Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deithorn and Joe Kattner of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen, Mrs. Jacob A. Miller and Mrs. Mary Thelen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. A happy gathering took place at the home of Mrs. Anton Meyers Sunday those present were: Messrs. and Mes- dames Fred Meyers, William Freund, Frank Schumacher Hubert Frennd John Meyers Joe P. Miller. VOlA>. Jake Sexton of Elgin visited friends in town last week. Arthur J. Frost of Chicago was in Volo over Snnday. Joe Rosing of Wpuk^an was at bis home here Sunday. Miss Ella Moore was at Wauconda several days last week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stone, Monday. July 27, a son. Mrs. Gardner and children of Wau­ conda were in town Snnday. Mrs. Chas. Raught visited relatives at Wankegan last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Elida Russell of Waukegau was a guest at the houie of her pareuta last week. Mtb. George Rosing of Round Lake was the guest of relatives here one aft­ ernoon last week. Miss Kate Frost was awarded the dia­ mond ring given by the Mnlve.v Comedy company to the most popular young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Wtu. Hironimns are eutertaining the former's sister, Miss Kate Hironimns, of Fremont Center this week. SNAI'P'S WORK FOR DISTRICT. Whatever else may be said of Mr. Shapp, no one that is familiar with his record in congress will accuse him of being lazy or neglectful of the interests of his constituents. He is a worker rather than a talker. He is sponsor for the postal savings bank measure. He has been instrumental in giving his dis­ trict a complete net work of rural deliv­ ery routes. He obtained an appropria­ tion of $50,000 to improve the postofiice building in Aurora and a like sum to enlarge the one in Elgin. He has ever bad his eyes open to the best interests of his district. The records show that during the five years he has served in congress he has been present at the dis­ cussion of nearly all important measures and voted on the same without dodging. At other times he has been absent from roll call as any sensible man would if be could escape the sergeant-at arms when there was nothing doing except the efforts of the Democrats to kill time or inject silliness into legislation. For his legislative efforts Mr. Snapp has much to his credit and the News be­ lieves it is a good thing to permit him to finish the work already begun --El­ gin Daily News. PfMMl OrilHlillff. Until farther notice we will grind feed mornings only, commencing at 10 0 'clock daii AND FRUITS! If quality aud price are inducements this store should be your trading place when it comes to buying Groceries and Fruits. Our line is al­ ways PURE, PALA­ TABLE' and FRESH. Let us supply you. Wm. Sitnes 'PHONE 694 Heimer Block, - fl'cHenry Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to Our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. COUNTY FAIR. Executive find Home-Canting Committee Meet at County Seat. A meeting of the Executive and Home-Coming committees of the fair was held at the court house, Woodstock, Friday, July 24, 1908. The foliowiug members were present: Win. Desmond, Fremont Hoy, C. F. Dike, Fred Hatch, J. H. Turner, R. E. Haeger, Geo. W. Corin, Jr., A. S. Wright, C. E. Rowley, E. G. Turner, Leslie Wakeley, Chas. Stephenson, C. W. Thompson, Geo. A. (Jay, C. A. Dunham, C. W. Colton, R. R. Seward, BenThroop, H. E. Whipple, L. B. Covell, Geo. A. Hunt. Among the most important actions taken by tjiis meeting were those pro­ viding for a clasB for Brown Swiss cattle, an addition to the poultry house, and an extension to front of grand stand for two or three rows of chairs to be used as reserved seats. The arrange­ ments for banquet, music, attractions, automobile display, judging of horses anu cattle in front of grand stand, build­ ing additional stalls for live stock ex­ hibits, and preparations for the Home­ coming festival were all given careful consideration and referred to the proper committees. The large attendance at this meeting shows an active interest in the success of the fair and Home-Coming festival which is fast approaching. Before ad­ journment it was decided to call a meet­ ing of the superintendents of depart­ ments and executive committee some time during the second week in August. GOVERNOR DENEEN IN TOWN AildreKftes Voters Here Monday Afternoon While on Tour Thru Country. Governor Charles S. Deneen visited McHenry Monday afternoon while on his tour thru the county. The governor was due to arrive here at noon, but owing to several unavoid­ able delays, the distinguished visitor was two hours late, arriving here at three o'clock. A good crowd was on hand to greet the governor at noon, but many, espe­ cially th^ working class, were obliged to return to their work when the expected visitor failed to put in his appearance at the appointed hour. In his speech the governor outlined bis platform of four years ago and showed what he hid accomplished. He spoke briefly of the constitutional amendment, allowing special legislation for the city of Chicago. Also did he ex­ plain the so much talked of "asylum scandal, "aud brief mention was made of the new primary law and the part he cook in putting it thru. Space will "not permit us to go into details concerning his visit here, but we earnestly believe that the governor left many friends behind when bis car pulled out for his next stopping place, Crystal Lake. Read Tfce Piaiadsalei. ^ * "hat we sell you in 2 line of Druggists' indries will have quality clear through, not just on the sur­ face. The hidden quality is often of great­ er importance than the visible. It is cer­ tainly so with hair brushes, tooth brushes and similar goods. The" length of service and satisfaction in using depend wholly upott what kind of materials are used and how they are put together. Solid, substantial qualities are characteristic of this store. It doesn't mean that you have to pay more here; our prices are as tow as where quality is a secondary importance. There is a way to verify our statements--test our goods. N. H. Petesch Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 374. Fre GIVEN AWAY Free! Free! A beautiful 16x20 enamel water color pastel in a 1,16x20 two-inch gold portrait frame at CHAS. G. FRETT'S New Orocery and Meat Market This is positively the very latest thing out in this line of high class art pictures bearing such a close resemblance as it does to an oil painting that experts have often mistaken, them for the genuine paintings. This extraordinary offer is made for the purpose of introducing into the homes of this community the peerless QUAKER BAKING POWDER, guaran­ teed under the Pure Food and Drug Act. We give away absolutely free with every can sold one of these beautiful pictures/ framed ready to hang up. Call while the pictures last. All kinds of fruit pictures tor the dining room and copies of the world's famous paintings to select from. :: :: :: :: P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL CO/IMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE 8ALK OP Dressed Beef, ilutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished aa application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 ft 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry* Illinois For the treatment of curable ChirmfC Diseases (nervous afflictions, diseases of the stomach, bowels and ltver, gout, rheumatism, obesity, catarrh, aueatla, (feneral debility, etc.) (My Nrtwl Method* Are Ewptoyed. Dr. (arl Strueh, Prop. 100 State Street. Suite 1409. CHICAGO, ILL 'Wjipsw , % t t h e C e n t r a l . A great many people stay away from the theater when a really first-class play is on, because they have been fooled sq often, and the next day they are sorry they missed it. The wise man investigates every question for himself and then acts. Why flot inves­ tigate whether Old Arkansaw is worthy your patronage? "Is the author a rec­ ognized one?" "Is the company a fly- by-night?" "Has it an established posi­ tion in the theatrical world?" "How many years has the manager been pre­ senting attractions for the pubilcT" "What is his personal standing; his financial standing?" "Who is he, any­ way? Who knows him, or knows of him?" "What is his reputation?" "What kind of companies has he had in the past?" "What actors are^ in the cast?" "Who are they? what are they; what is their reputation, antf whom have they been with heretofore?" In­ vestigate. At the Central opera house next Sunday evening, Aug. 2. Usual prices. r O^T is petl ears. A white hull terrier dog w Suitable reward will ith clip- K - be Riven if returned to A. KLEIN. German Village, phone 612. MoHenry. tAorNO-- On streets of MeHeury, L watch. Owner may have same by prov iug property ami ut Buch's hotel, Mcl Mug for this notice, lenry. gold rov- Cail Now ready lor third season painting in McHenry. Prices reasonable, Satis­ faction guaranteed. Give nle a triaL a. Gl figel, West McHenry Phone 456 HORSE GOODS! of every description is what we deal in. Every­ thing that goes to make up a first-class Harness Establishment may be had here. When you get ready for that new work or driv­ ing harness, if yon appre­ ciate quality and good workmanship we will be pleased to give yon ojur p r i c e s . : : : : : : M. A. Thelen

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