Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Sep 1908, p. 4

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Tie Mclfenry Plaindeate PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY JBY f. o. schreiner. OB«c In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 87*. TBRMS OP SUBSCRIPTIONT OM yew •ll IIIM'", 75CU. Three months. Mots. Thursday, September JO, 1908. REPUBLICAN TICKET. President WILLIAM H. TAFT Vice President JAMES S. SHERMAN United States Senator ALBERT J. HOPKIN8 Governor CHARLES S. DENEEN Lientenant Governor JOHN G. OGLESBY Secretary of State JAMES A. ROSE Auditor JAMES S. McCULLOUGH State Treasurer ANDREW RUSSEL Attorney General WILLIAM H. STEAD Clerk of Supreme Court J. MtCAN DAVIS Congressman HOWARD M. SNAPP Board of Equalization JJERBERT S. WILLIAMS State Senator ALBERT J. OLSON Representatives EDWARD D. sfeURTLEFF A. K. STEARNS Clerk Appellate Court CHRISTOPHER C. DUFFY State Central Committeeman WILLIAM GROTE Senatorial Committeeman DAVID T. SMILEY Circuit Clerk THEODORE HAMER State's Attorney D. R. JOSLYN Coroner JOSEPH S. MAXON Surveyor LESTER BARBER from OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND TERRA COTTA. Mrs. S. B. Leisner has returned Chicago. Ml*. Lee Lockwood of Barreville call­ ed on friends here Sunday. Thoe. Thompson of Barreville was a caller here Sunday evening. M. A, Conway and son, Ray, were Crystal Lake callers Friday. Several from here are attending the fair at Woodstock this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and chil­ dren spent Sunday in Ringwood. Misses Minnie and Alice Knox of Mc- Henry visited relatives here Thursday. Mrs. Martin Conway of .McHenry •pent Sunday at the home of Jos. Buss. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Florence Knox are attending school at McHenry. W. Earle and daughter, Alma, of Wisconsin spent Monday at J. H. Oracy's. Miss Mary Burke and brother, Jay, of McHenry visited relatives here the first of the week. Carl Bergman returned to Chicago after spending the summer at the home of his grandparents. 8chooi began here Monday, Sept. 7, with Miss Alice Knox as teacher and an enrollment of fourteen pupils. School Note«. Tuesday was given us for the fair. The first and third rooms have more boys than girls. There are twenty-nine pupils from ontside the district. The ninth year has a record first day enrollment of twenty-one. The fourth room has a larger enroll­ ment than last year, but the dearth of boys noted in the intermediate room two years ago is shown in this room this year. School opens this year with what is probably the largest first day enroll­ ment in its history, there being twenty more pupils enrolled on Monday than on the first day of last year. Sealed Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that the board of trustees of the village of McHenry will receive sealed bids up to eight o'clock on the evening of September 15, for the construction of about 14752 sqnare feet (more or less) of tar or ce­ ment side walks in said village. All grading and filling to be done by con­ tractor. All sidewalks to be built under the supervision of sidewalk committee. Village board reserves right to reject any or all bids. H. E. PRICE, Village Clerk. Notice of Application For Pardon. Public notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 13th day of October, A. D. 1908, the undersigned will present to the board of pardons of the state of Illi­ nois their petition asking his excellency, Charles S. Deneen, Governor of the state of Illinois, to grant a pardon to Newell F. Colby, now serving a sentence in the county jail of McHenry county, Illinois, on the conviction for the crime of assault with a deadly weapon, &c. J. B, PERRY, EUGENE WHEELER, et al. Citbsens of McHenry County, Ills. How to Get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1246 W. Congress St., Chicago, tells of a way to become strong. He Bays . "My mother, is old and was very feeble, is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it. In my mother's case a marked gain in flesh has resulted, insomnia has been overcome, and she is steadily grow­ ing stronger." Electric Bitteris quickly remedy stomach, liver and kidney com­ plaints. Sold under guarantee at N. H. .^Uteech's drug store. 50c. Notice. All hnnting on my premises strictly ftNrWMkn* ~ Wu, BBITZ. McHenry Kiitortaln* a Large Company of Visitor* During the Week -Whom We Entertain. O. B. Gilbert was a windy city visitor Monday. John Flusky was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss Mildred Hogan of Elgin was a Labor day visitor here. M. J. Walsh attended to business in Chicago Wednesday morning John Claxton was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence martin of W*nconda spent Sunday at J. B. Fris by's. Mrs. Schuete aud daughter of Elgin spent Sunday visiting McHenry rela­ tives. Mrs E. Hunter of Elgin was the guest of McHenry friends a few days this week. Chas. Phalin of Kenosha, Wis., called on McHenry friends the first of the week. F. L. McOmber and daughter, Irene, boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Patcheu aud son were guests of Elgin relatives Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Thelin and son, Leo, were guests of Elgin - relatives the first of the week Mr. and Mrs. A S. Parks of Wood­ stock were guests of relatives here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs H M. Jensen drove over from Woodstock Sunday to visit rela­ tives and friends. M iss Macie Dake of Chicago visited the Misses Anna and Irene Frisby Suu day and Monday. Edward Kenneally and Clyde Ingalls of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of John B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and c hil­ dren were visiting McHenry relatives the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolff of Chica go were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs Lewis Wolff of Chicago were guests at the home of Nick Weber Sunday and Monday. Edward and William Block of Dun dee visited among McHenry relatives Sunday and Monday. Mathias Weber and daughter, Lizzie, were among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Will Claxton and sisters, Pearl and Ruby, spent the latter part of last week with Dundee friends. Misses Etta Powers of North Crystal Lake and Mary Doherty visited the Woodstock school Friday. Mike A. Frisby of Chicago spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frisby. Mrs. Adam Lightner and daughter, Clara, of Elgin spent Sunday and Mon day with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Peter Doherty and Miss Lizzie Turner spent Thursday and Friday with relatives in Woodstock. Mrs. Mary Karges is here from Ken osha, Wis., for an indefinite stay at the home of her sou, F. J. Karges. Peter Grilles of Kenosha, Wis , was a guest at the home of his daughter, Mrs F. J. Karges, Sunday aud Monday. Mr. and Mrs Wilson of Ringwood were welcome visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wheeler oneday last week. Mrs. Thomas McBride and family have returned to their Elgin home after a pleasant season's outing at beautiful Pistakee. Mrs. Walter Tanner returned to her home in Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday morn ing, after a week's visit at the home of Fred J. Karges. Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. Frisby of Chica go spent Sunday and Monday at the home the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. John McNichols and son, Frank, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Frisby from Sat nrday until Tuesday" John Tregay of Chicago spent his week's vacation with E. S. Wheeler and family, before resuming his studies at the Armour institute Misses Ruth and Flora Mansfield of Greenwood were callers at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H Sherburne, one day last week. C. T. Smith and John R. Brents at­ tended the Fourth annual reunion of the 95th regiment of Illinois Volunteers held at Richmond last Fridav. Wm. Detuier, Mrs. Fred Nickels and children and Mr. and Mrs Geo. Buss and children spent a very pleasant day last Sunday at McCo'.l urn's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Olson and children Went to Chicago Sunday evening. John returned the following day while his family remained for a few days' stay. Mrs. Ed. Zimmerman (nee Margaret Osborne) of Casa Grande. Ariz., Miss Bess Osborne and Master Donald ( 'amp- bell of Chicago were recent callers at the Wheeler home. Mr. and Mrs. John McNichols and son, Frank, Miss Macie Dake, and Rob ert Sutton of Chicago, and Misses Mary Doherty, Anna and Irene Frisby spent Monday evening at David Powers.' Hinton Wheeler of Elburu, 111., at­ tended the reunion of his regiment, the 95tn 111., at Richmond on Friday of lant week, and spent a couple of days with hie brother, E. S. Wheeler, in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Main a and chil­ dren, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clausen, Mr and Mrs. August Mold and children, all of Chicago, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schiessle here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. J listen. Misses Christina Meyers, Lena Miller, Rose .Jnsten and John Duffy of Pistakee Bay, Mr. aud Mrs. Jacob Justen of Ringwood made a trip to Lake Geneva by auto last Thursday. Miss Bertha Felti of Woodstock spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Katie Long of Woodstock ia» yia* iting friends here this week. Lewis Miller of Woodstock is spend­ ing the week with his parents here. Joseph Holly left Tuesday evening for Barre, Vermont, Wedding bells. C. W. Stenger spent Sunday and Labor day at his old home, Green Bay, Wis. Johu Krause and Emil Wolff were Genoa Junction visitors Monday after­ noon. Peter Wasnoski of Chicago was the guest of his parents here the first of the week. Miss Mayme Granger of Elgin spent Suuday with McHeury relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Watts of Chicago visited relatives in McHenry the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs U. A. Barker of Wood­ stock were recent guests of McHeury relatives. Miss Maggie Schreiuer is spending to day as a guest of Mrs. G. A. Barker at Woodstock. Miss Marie LaMoitt of Chicago spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with her mother here. Mrs Will C. Feltz and daughter via ited with relatives at West Chicago aad Aurora last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spaulding of Chi ••ago were guests of McHenry relatives the first of the week. ** ' Miss Dorlisea Granger ' is visiting friends at Fox Lake, Libertyville and Waukegan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoewer aud son, Hubert, were guests of Chicago relatives last. Thursday. Miss Mabel Granger is eu joy ing a week s vacation from her duties at the Bank of McHenry this week. Mesdames H. F. and Sylvia Fuller of Wauconda were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. C. E. Lamphere. Mrs. F. G. Spurling and Miss Lora Krause visited among relatives at West Chicago and Aurora last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie*1 Smith and daughter, Marion, of Chicago were recent guests of McHenry relatives. Misses Edna Van Patten and Tollie Renmer of Elgin spent Sunday and Mon­ day at the home of W. -D. Wentworth. Will Kimball, Fred Wolff,, Feltz aud Will Thurlwell, Jr., were Lake Geneva visitors Monday after­ noon . Clifford and Dorothy Buss spent a few days iast week with their grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bnss, of Terra Cotta. jMrs. Simon Stoffel and children, Mr. and Mrs. Will Spencer and children took in the sights at Lake Geneva last Sunday. Mr and Mrs. H. C Hankermeyer and son, Roy, Robert Miller and Misses Myrtilla Stewart and Blanche Loomis were North Crystal Lake visitors last Sunday. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. M'HENRY'S NEW LIBRARY PORTION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL'S LIBRARY TO BE USED. Several Hundred Interacting andInstruc­ tive Book. Now at Disposal of General Public Residing In School District. (Continued Prom First Page.) Wigwam Stories OMIU «.». Mary Catherine Judd Wittlam the Conqueror. History of. Jacob Abbott nam .40710 .45330 Items of Interest Picked Up About Our Busy Uti le Burg That May Coucern Vou or Yi>or Friends. "Fly Shy"at Wilbur Lumber Co. Herdrich's Bitters and Tonic tone up the system. It is expected that operations will be­ gin at the canning factory today (Thurs­ day 1. Up to date nearly 8,500 bushels of cucumbers have been received at the pickle factory here. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two p Watch the label upon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names, have been taken from our lists since the new postoffice ruling went into effect April 1 If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with aii accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. A11 items will be thankfnlly received. Are Hook Reviews News? There seems to be a difference of opinion among editors as to whether tllfe appearance of an important new book is an event deserving of any mention in a crowded newspaper. Is the review of a good novel or a great history a matter of real public interest? The Chicago Record-Herald is one of the compara­ tively few newspapers that answers this question in the affirmative by printing reviews and news of the latest books every day in the week. It believes that its readers are intelligent men and women, who wish to keep up with the world's literary events, as well as with other important news. Its literary de­ partment, under the editorship of Ed­ win L. Shuman, is generally acknowl­ edged to be the most ably conducted in the West. Mr. Shuman's reviews are sought and quoted all over the country, and so are those of his brilliant corps of assistants. Walter Littlefield's news letter from New York every Satuday keeps The Record-Herald's readers in­ formed on all the forthcoming books of importance, and a cable dispatch from London every Sunday gives the latest book news of the English capital. Thus by covering the literary events of the world as thoroly as those of every other field The Record-Herald has become the leading authority in that line west of New York. It is not strange that people of literary taste prefer it. 45210 45211 .45212 ..4537| .4502 .45321 . 45328 FICTION. Abbot8ford, etc Washington Irving Adam Bede.. 45385 George Eliot Awakening of Kohath Sloane, The, 45249 Julia McNair Wright Baruaby Kudge 43313 Charles Dickens Beautiful Uates, The W24 Caroline tihesebro Beu Hur 45018 Lewis Wallace Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. 45343 Dr. John Watson Black Rock.. 45231) Ralph Connor Bleak House 45323 Charles Dickens Bllthedale Romance, The 4521 Nathaniel Hawthorne Bride of the Nile, The 45022 Georg Ebers Burlesques, etc 4532» William M. Thackeray By Right of Conquest 45011 O. A. Heuty Canoe and the Saddle, The 45221 Theodore Win lb-rob Carleton's Prose Works, Vol. 1, 2 copies " 11,3 " .. .. •• III. 3 Win Carleton Cast Up By the Sea Slr.Samue! W. Baker Chaplet of Pearls, The .. Charlotte M. Yonge Christmas Stories. Charles Dickens Coming Race, The Bulwer LyttOu • Danger .. . .. ...45233 T. 8. Arthur Daughters of the Revolution and Their Times ..45015 C. C. Coffin David Copperfleld, 2 copies 45312 Charles Dickens Days of Abdel Kader 45035 Mary E. Ireland Days of Mohammed 45030 Anna May Wilson Deerslayer, The 45218 James Pen 1 more Cooper Devotee aud a Darling, A 45256 Becca Mlddleton Sampson Dombey and Sou 45311 Charles Dickens Double Story, A 45344 George Macdonald Dove in the Eagle's Nest, The 45026 Charlotte M. Yonge Egyptian Princess, An 45020 Ueorg Ebers Eight Stories and Sketches 45200 Eric's Vacation 45342 Mary E. Ireland, from the German Far From the Madding Crowd 45331 Thomas Hardy Father and Daughter 45327 Frederlka Bremer Forging the Fetters 4526 Mrs. Alexander For the Sake of A Name 45241 Elizabeth Griunell friends and Neighbors 45225 h T. S. Arthuu. Glrl Warriors, The 45238 Adeue Williams Great Expectations 45322 Charles .Dickens Grandfather's Chair 4505 Nathaniel Hawthorne Grappling with the Mobster 45227 T. S. Arth Gulliver's Travels 453U&'45340 Johnathan Swift Hand of Ethelberta, The 45334 Thomas Hardy House of Seven Cables, The 4522 Nathaniel Hawthorne In Black and White 4538 Rudyard Kipling lu Freedom's Cause 4504 G. A. Henty In Her Father's Place 45234 Carl Louis Kingsbury In His Steps 48244 Charles M. Sheldon In League with the Powerful.. 45247 Eugenia D. Blghatn In the Laud of the Mirage 45252 Johu H. VVhltson Intra Muros 45253 Rebecca Ruter Springer Isle of the Lake, The. 45237 Wlllard Goss I van hoe 45026 Sir Walter Scott John Eax Mamelon 4529 Albion W. Tour gee John Halifax, Gentleman ,..45341 Miss Mulock Kenll worth 45024 • Sir Walter Scott Knight of the Nineteenth Century, A--45222 E F Hoe Lamplighter, The 45240 Maria S. Cuumlns Laodicean. A 45336 Thomas Hardy Last Days of Pompeii, The 45010 Edward Bulwer Lytton Last of the Mohicans, The 4523 James Fenlmore Cooper Lion of the North, The 45030 G. A. Henty Little Dorrlt ..45320 Charles Dickens Lorn a Doone 45324 R. D. Blackmore Luck of Roaring Camp. The-. 4528 Man Without A Country 45220 E. E. Hale Martin I'huzzlewit.. 45310 Charles Dickens Mayor of Casterbridge, Th«i.. 45332 Thomas Hardy Mill on the Floss, The 45326 George Eliot Mosses From an Old Manse 45215 Nathaniel Hawthorne Mother's Rule 45224 T. S. Arthur Nicholas Nickleby, 2 copies 45317 Charles Dickeus Oddities in Southern Life and Character. .45213 Henry Watterson Old Creole Days, Part Two 45214 George W. Cable Old Curiosity Shop 45314 Oliver Twist 45315 Charles Dickens On the Mountain Ton 45230 Belle Kellogg Towne Orange and Greeu .4509 G. A. Henty Our Homes 45223 T. S. Arthur Our Mutual Friend 45318 Charles Dickens Out. of the Triangle-- 45031 Mary E. Hum ford Paula Clyde . Kate W. Hamilton Peasant Prince, The Harriet Martlneau Phantom 'rickshaw, The .498996 Rudyard Kipling Pickwick Papers, 2 copies Charles Dickens Pillar of Fire, The J. H. Ingraham Pilot, The. Come and see year fall suit. Miss Hillebrand for ... 45248 45014 .4536 .. 45318 .. 45028 45217 James bent more Cooper Prince of the House of David, The 45020 J. H. Ingraham Psait-cop-ta's Moccasins 45257 Annie Maria Barnes Ral> and His Friends 4533 Dr. John Browu Kaltaut and Brldalue . 45017 ' L. L. F. Hungeuer Red Badge of Courage, The... 4fl00 Stephen Crane Reveries of a Bachelor 4527 Donald G. Mitchell Robert Hardy's Seven Days.. . 45242 Charles M. Sheleon Rob Nixon, The Old White Trapper . .. 4507 Kingston Kouiola 450B3 George Eliot Kubv ; A Heart of Gold 45250 A LUa Riley Saved as By Fire 45231 T. 8. Arthur Scottish Chiefs, The 45010 Jane Porter Silas Marner 4532 George Elliot Six Short Stories and Sketches 45258 Soldiers Three 4535 Rudyard Kipling Spy, The 46210 James Fenlmore Cooper Stkr in a Prison, A 45255 Anna May Wilson Steppiug Heavenward. 4S840 Elizabeth Prentiss Tale of Two Cities 45316 Charles Dickens Ten Nights in a Bar-room. 45254 T. S. Arthur Thaddeus of Warsaw Jane Porter Thre* Men in a Boat.. .45337 Jerome K. Jerome Three Years In a Man Trap 45230 T. 8. Arthur 1 brone of David, The 4M27 A u J- H. Ingraham Tl: A Story of San Francisco's China­ town 45245 , Mury E. It a in ford Titus: A Story of the t lirlst 45032 T. * . Florence M. Klugsley Tour of the World in so Days, 3 copies.. . .45338 Jules Verne Transformation of Job, The 45843 Frederick Vlnlng Fisher Treasure Island. 4584 Robert Louts Stevenson True to the Old rlag.. .. tl. .40OB G. A. Beat j "" True Path, The. JgR®. m , T. 8. Artbo* Trumpet Major, TKe... -....;.. • ThmrtsHj Hkttfy *' Twelve Stories and Sketches 45259 Twenty-five Stories-', by Tweotjr-iBve Authors. idmMA.- * 45235 Tweuty Thousand nder tlie Seas W. '.. ....45838 Jules Verne Twice-told Tales 45218 Nathaniel Hawthorne Two on a Tower 45335 - , Thomas Hardy Uarda 45021 Georg Ebers j Under Drake's Flag 45013 G. A. Henty Vicar of Wakefield 4531 Ollyer Goldsmith Wedding Guest 45228 T. S. Arthur With Clive lu India 45010 G. A. Henty Woman's Evangel, A 4525 Eva Kinney ttriffith Woman to the Rescue 452:i2 Words of Cheer 45228 T. S. Arthur Wrestler of Phlllppl, A 45033 Fannie E. Newberry Young Colonists, The 4508 G. A. Henty Young Captives, The 45034 E. W. Jgnes Young Carthaginian. The 45012 G. A. Heuty \oung Ditch-rider, The 45251 John H. Whttson UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - NORTHWESTERN -- Professional. Society and Businesss Cards V DAVlI>GvWKLLfir,M. U. i PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND oOULittT 1 1 Office and residence corner Elin and Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. >11 FEGERS &' FEGfilkg PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. McHa^cy III. Office at Residence., corner Court»nC ,Elm streets Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care wlll'be properly aud promptly attended to. LIIICOIII 'H Favorite Vernen. (By Request.) Ob, wby «bould tbe spirit of mortal be proad ¥ Like a fast falliog meteor, a fast flying cloud, A flash of the ligbtning, a break of the wave, He paaseth from life to his rest la tbe grave. The leaves of the oak and the w'illpw shall fade, Be scattered around and together, be laid; And the young and the old, and the low aud the high, Shall tuolder to dust and together shall lie. The child that a mother attended and loved, The mother that infant's, affection who proved, The husband that mother and infant who blessed-- Each, all, are away to their dwellings of rest. The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow, in whose eye, Shone beauty aud pleasure- her tri uiuphs are by; Aud the memory of those who have loved her and praised, Are alike from the miuds of tbe living erased. The hand of the king that tbe sceptre bath borue, Tbe brow of tbe priest that the mitre hath worn, Tbe eye of the sage, and the heart of tbe brave, Are hidden and lost in tbe depths of the grave. The peasant whose lot was to,sow and to reap, The herdsman who climbed with his goats to the steep, The beggar who wandered in search of his bread, Have faded away like tbe grass that we tread. The saint who enjoyed the eommonion of heaven, Tbe sinner who dared to remain uufor- given, Tbe wise and the foolish, tbe guilty and just, Have quietly mingled tbelt bones in the dust. So the multitude goes, like the flower and tbe weed That wither away to let others suc­ ceed; So the multitude comes, eveu those we behold, To repeat every tale that hath often been told. For we are the same things our fatheis have been; We see the same sights that our fatheis have seen-- We drink the same stream, And we feel the same sun And run the same course that our fathers have run. The thoughts we are thinking onr fathers would think; From the death we are shrinking from, they, too, would shrink; To tbe life we are clinging to, they, too, would cling; But it speeds from the earth like a bird on tbe wing. They loved, but their story we cannot unfold; They scorned, but the heart of the haughty is cold; Tbey grieved, but no wail from their slumbers will come; Tbey joyed, but tbe voice of their glad­ ness is dumb. They died-- ay! tbey died; and we things that are now, Who walk on the turf that lies over their' brow, Wbo make in their dwellings a tran­ sient abode. Meet tbe changes they met on their pil; grimage road. Yea, hope and despondence, and pleas­ ure and pain, Are mingled together in sunshine and rain; And the smile and tbe tear, tbe song and the dirge, Still follow each other, like surge upon surge. 'Tis tbe twink of an eye, 'tis tbe draught of a breath, From tbe blossom of health to the pale­ ness of death, From tbe gilded saloon to tbe bier and tbe shroud-- Ob, wby should tbe spirit of mortal be proudY -William Knox (1780 1825). Steam iJeat, Hot and (Joid Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1.T»0 per day. TI0, SCHIESSLE, Prop. WEST McHKNRY. EAST SIDE... BR. I?. O. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST. Offlcc and Residence over n. J. Walsh's Stor«i Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WBST MOHSNMR. ILL, Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the beet Companies. West McHenry. Illbtola. A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS of e v Rery description . Have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. BUGI, PROP. Tel. 8 4 1 McIIenrv, I l l inois . ..IME1W.... HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build­ ing in West Me Henry, whore we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt netfs and dispatch. : : : R. PdtzKe & (0. West McHenry. John J. Vyoital DEALER IN GenereJ Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Pbone 648 McHENttY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'Phone 791. WM. BACON I>PHler In Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop­ erty against. Fire. Ligbtning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, p = 111. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS K I L L ™ COUCH AND CURE THE L U N C 8 WITH Dr. King's New Discovery PRICE FORnaPSi18 «oe A lioa I Ull ^rOLDS Trial Bottle Frw AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES, GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OH MONEY REFUNDED. Banting Mtrictly I'rohlblted. Notice is hereby given tbat huutiugia strictly prohibited on my premises after this date. Those not complying with said notice will be obliged to suffer con­ sequences. Dated Angus* 27-08. JOHN CLAXTON. The Plaindealer will be sent to any addrew on trial three months for t wenty- ftye cento, and will be discontinued at Che expiration of that time unless toher jriM ordered, Try it. Chicago 6t North-Western. I' (Tei-l lve May 17. 1WK WEEK HAY TRAINS. NOKTHBOUND Via IClKiu V la Itrs I'lrtm^s . . ..Via I'us i'laiunM • • Via Elpiu Via I>es I'luiues.... 3.4I> p uto Via Des I'laines 4.45 pm 3.4f> p ai Via tt.45 p ru 5.12 p m ...Via lies Flalues 8.4fi p rn SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.00 a m .Via l)es Plalnes W.37 a m 8.45a en Via BIRIII 11.14 a ID 9.10 a in y ia I>es I'I aines 11.14 a is Leave Ohicaxo. 7.00 a LU . . 8.45 a in 9.00 a in... 12. H0 p 111. 1.00 p ni Arrive McHeury. 10.17 a in , I'l. IT :i 111 ... 10.17 a in . .2.40 p. tu 2.2SI p. 111 8.00 p ui . Via KIrIh WEEK IIAY TRAINS m '. HOITTH BOUND. McHenry. +0.59 am Via l>es I'laln^s. 7.15 a m Via Des Flalues. 7.15 am Via ElKln 8.,i2 a m Via Des Plalues. 4.14 p 111 Via l»es i'lutiies. 4.14 p in Via Klplu fl.27 p mi Via lies I'laiues.. UUNUAY TRAINS. 7.15 am Via ElKln 9.55 a ni 7.0K p UI Via !>«M PI allien >-.25 p 111 7.4H p in Via l»es Plaint's 9.25 p m 7.4b pni Via EIrIu 10.20 p 111 •Saturday only. + Mom1ay only. 4 55 p m A rrl ve Chicago. 8.30 a 111 .9 12 a ui .9.55 a 111 .9.:t5 a 111 .8.20 p 111 . 7.10 p 111 . H.00 p in Want Column. AIJ Advert iheioentc- inweitt'tl under thin at the following rates Fly*? lines* or le*H, 26 rente for flrwt insertion, 16 centN for nut)*e<juerit iinterlion. More thau five linen, 6 rente 6L line f«»r tti'M inani tion, and 3 rent* a line for additlona i(iB«rtluni. SALK and t'oloriulo (amis. Homesteads lix-at.ed. For further lufor Tel. Main 1714. V^HY do people of Mc­ Henry, Lake and other counties Irop iu at Lambert Q. Seng's 98 Fifth Ave. CHICAQOP Because It is *0 borne like. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes ati'! si/i ri. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en finished in different styles. Price, 12.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, rattle, machinery, etc. for a dozeu baud some Photos aud a 16-20 enlargement finished neatly and artistically in nat­ ural colors. Waukegan St. , near the Standplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. o f buildings, en fi.00 TtUphona, 493 lua t ion apply t.< Henry , 111. or address E. W. ree-ye •alves'liy their sides ami HANI.Y BROS., West Mi-- H-tf heifers with nearby sprluxers . H e n r y . I I I . IJV)KHALE: Five sows with pi«S. o f PKTEH HIEDHIC.H McHeury . III. 1'-2t' LOSt: - Last Monday foreiition, presumably on s t r ee t s of McHeury . an overcoa t o f black , unf in ished cloth . Kinder please l eave at , t his off ice . SALE OR TRADE: Ten roll . lanney st 1 Lake, III., or phone Inquire "C>OR SALE OR TRADE: -1 -T corn shredder, almost new. Address LUSK BROS.. Gray's Round Lake No. 135- T>OR RENT ON SHARES, for a term of " years .the old Mosgrove farm . Wi l l build a modern barn aud furnish cows. Address or cal l on W. J. KITTI.K. 3TT! South 2nd Ave . , LL-2t 15 2t May-wood , III. UU)RTJRIL'K CASH OR TRADE: Automo- -T bile , 4-cyUnder Preuieir l igh t touring car , seat ing Ave people . Detachable tonneau . Thoroly overhauled. Air cool; will not freeze In winter . Makes good car for farmer . S i m p l e to opera te . Wi l l s e l l fo r £500 cash o r t ra i fe for cottage or vacant lot- f ront Ing Pis­ takee Bay or Fox r iver near McHenry . Cal l for demonstrat ion , ( HAS. A. SI-H<"IKS8<>W, 111 Canalport Ave . , Chicago . WEST SIDE Fresh, Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. Feed Grimtiug. Until farther notice we will grind feed uiorninga ouly, commencing at 10 o'clock daily. WM BONSLETT. Bwd The Plaindealer "want' *&». E. F. Matthews, We»I McMenry, III.

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