Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1908, p. 5

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• > - ' • * ' •J: ""JT- »*>'* f '; TV * F?\ •V*. * • ' * '" J.*fe4 st^v >jt and everything that goes with them. We han­ dle the celebra­ ted WM. C. FREE machine which has no equal. Naedlas, Sautiles and bobbins for use in All rir.kcj of Ocwing Machine®. HcHENRY, ILLINOIS. ' WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF "is McOmber's 1 y.t: if* t • , < Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES > AND GET OUR PRICES. R&peqtfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. -- (r s\ OUR NEW FALL SAMPLES OF THE (0. are now ready. The line consists of all the latest styles in Domestic and Imported Cloths. Style, Fit and Quality at the lowest possible prices. Call and see them. :: Yours truly, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. r^sb^:;. to ST Pillsbury's Best, Early Riser, Purity Flour. Graham, Corn Meal, Whole Wheat Flour. None Such Self Rising Buckwheat Flour. None Such Self Rising Pancake Flour. Guaranteed to please or money refunded. • PUMnO 50AP1 Cleans like a flash. Dirt, Grease and Fruit Stains. Five Cents the bar. : : West Mc- Henry, III. JOHN STOFFEL. j NEIGHBORING NE IVS AS CHRONICLED BY OU%. ABLE CORPS QESORRESPONDENTS ; ' Rll#*lsFlEUJk • .'Mrs. Shalee w*a a caller fore Friday. L. Levey retnfned to the city Tut* d*y- Mr. Lang of Woodstock waft in town Thursday. Mrs. Wagner wa« a Crystal Lake vis itoc Tnewlay. Miss Esther Zenk was a W<x»lRtix-k visitor Friday. P. B. Houghawont was a Wondatock visitor Saturday. * ' Mrs. J. B. Lynch was in Harvard and Janesville Monday. Hngh Parks of Crystal Like was in Ridge field Satnrday. Mrf. Bullock was a Woodstock caller last week Wednesdty. A. Dickey and J F. VMiite were in Crystal Lake Saturday. E W. Merchant was a business caller Saturday in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs.H. Parks were callers here the first of last week. Mrs. W. S. Jay ties returned from the Woodstock hospital Sunday. Mrs A Stephenson entertained com­ pany from McHenry Sunday. Mrs. L. H. Ashton of Ogden, Utah, is visiting with Mrs. W. E. Dike. Mrs. Heeselgrave and little daughter were Dundee visitors Satnrday. Miss Hellen Benson is visiting Mrs. B Johnson of Rivervi«w for a few <1*ys. Mesdatnes Hartiuau and Wille spent Monday with relatives in Woodstock The next Aid Society will ui^et with Mrs. Geo. Wheeler Thursday, Oct 22 Mr. and Mrs. .Tosephenaon enter tained relatives from Woodstock Sun day. Mrs Jacobs and daughter, Miss Glenys, were' in Woodstock Wednes­ day. Mrs. W. E Dike and sister. Miss J. Ashton, were Crystal Lake visitors Fri­ day. August Wille and Lewis Goddard took the train for Woodstock Saturday evening. Jackson and Josiah White were busi­ ness callers in Crystal Lake Saturday morning. Rev. A Dickey, wife and daughter, Edith, were Woodstock callers one day last week. W. S. Jaynes and son, Milton, audi laughter, Mildred, went to Woodstock Satnrday. Mr. and Mrs E. L Kimball were Mc- Heury visitors a part of Friday and Saturday. H. Wille, wife and son, Ray, and Mrs. Wagner were Dundee visitors Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Tom Corklll and two daughters, Bell and Alice, of Cary 'werein Ridge- field Saturday. Geo Doolittle spent Sunday with his family in the city Mr Doolittle is helping Mr. Snyder wi'h carpenter work. . Last week Wednesday Mrs. S. E Oliustead of Woodstock and Mre. E B. Smith spent the day with Mrs. Nash of North Crystal Lake. Mrs. E.. B. Smith entertained Miss Mary Riley of Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday of liytt week. Miss Riley called 011 other friends and neighbors before returning home The young people will give an enter­ tainment in the church parlors Oct 16. A good program, including a play, "The Chafing Dish Tragedy." Admission 25 cents. Supper 10 cents. Come aud help out our home talent. The Ladies' Aid met with Miss Lizzie Furney last week Thursday. The ladies are very busy with their piece work and are planning for their baztar, which will be held some time iu December. About twenty-five ladies were present. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one fnll year for the very low rate ft. 75. A. F. Davis and family have returned to Anstiu, where they will spend the winter, and J. C. Button and sister, Mrs. Hodgkinson, will occupy the Davis home during the winter months. Mr. Button and sister have been on his farm during the summer. SCHOOL. NOTES. The sixth grade is doing reproduction work in language. Mrs. Mabel Merchant spent Friday forenoon at school. Harold Lncas bad the highest average on examination this month. Mrs. Lindsley, Mrs. A. Levey and Agnes Da field were among our recent visitors. The beginners are reading the Snn bonnet Baby primer. They now stay until 11:30 in the forenoon. Mildred French and Rosie Peterson averaged highest in fourth grade; Ger­ trude Houghawout and Charles Emmons in the third grade; Mabel Kline and Rnth Whyte in second grade. The following pupils were neither ab­ sent nor tardy this month; Madalene Lynch, Ruth Kline, Emma Wei land, Jessie Whyte, Olive Hesselgrave, Ethel Thayer, Harold Lncas, Ray Lynch, Walter Reed and George Peterson. A Healthy Family. "Our whole family has enjoyed good health since we began using Dr. King's New Life Pills, three years ago," says L. A. Bartlet, of Rural Route 1, Guil ford, Maine. They cleanse and tone the system in a gentle way that does you good. 95e. fct N. H. Petesch's drug store. Notice! To insure publication in The Plain dealer copy mu9t be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. F. O. Ghins the auctioneer. He gnar- asteM Bsfcia£actton • youi. Rev Jos. Rempe spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Miss Annie Rossdentsch&Tof Waucon- da spent Tuesday in Volo. Mrs. John Walton and daughter. El eie. were recent Wauconda visitors. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Ranght spent Saturday and Sunday in Waukegan. Messrs. Murray and Geary of Wau­ conda were iu Volo one day last week. Misses Maude Walton and Margaret Eger of Libertyville were in Volo over Sunday. Mrs Ed. Lnsk and Hellen Raymond were iu Crystal Lake last Thursday aft­ ernoon. Miss Genevieve Effinger was a visitor in Waucouda Friday and Satnrday of la.** week. Howard Converse of West Fremont and Earl Converse of Plainview, Toxas, were in town Saturday. Mrs. Charity Raught visited friends in Graysiake last week and attended the O. E S; banquet there. Mesdatnes B Rosing and J. Oeffliug were guests of their sister, Mrs. Pitzen, at Pistakee Bay Inst Thursday. Mrs. Carl Atterbury aud son, Cor less, of Waukegan visited the former's par­ ents. Mr aud Mrs. Chas Raught, from Wednesday to Satnrday mm •i •/ we Have Good TERRA COTTA. Miss Annie Buss spent Satnrday at McHenry ' Henry Shales was a McHenr.v caller Saturday. Mrs Wni. McNish was a McHenry visitor Monday Edward and Ray Conway were Chica­ go visitors Saturday. Mrs Templeton of Huntley visited friends here last week. Mrs. Barber of Libertyville was visit­ ing friends here Saturday. Dr. Tallerday of Bel videre was a guest at A. T. McMillan's Sunday. Mrs. Minnie S Granger of Belvidere visited relatives here last week. MM. Jackman of Crystal Lake was calling on friends here recently Dr. D G. Weils of McHenry was a professional caller here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson and chil­ dren visited relatives in Richmond Sun­ day. Mrs. M. J. Rogers returned to her home in Chicago after a pleasant visit with-calatives here. Mrs Ben Buss and Clara Stoffel of McHenry were callers at the home of Jos. Buss last Thursday. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of geuuine news from far and near. •I OHNSBURG H. Christ Blake and family moved on the Sayerg farm Tuesday. John Blake of Aurora made a short call here one day last week. Hubert Neumann of Chicago was seen on our streets one day last week. Miss Catherine Thelen of Chicago at­ tended the funeral of her mother Thurs­ day. Mrs. Josepn Huemann and daughter, Eva, called on Mrs. Catherine May Tuesday. Mrs. Skiffano and children of Chicago are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thiel. Peter Adams and Miss Lizzie Schaefer were married here this Thursday morn­ ing at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Joseph Kattner of Spring Grove called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Deithorn Tuesday afternoon. Robert Boetcher, who had been work ing on the Sayers farm, has moved his family to Graysiake. where he has rented another farm. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered, Try it. M rs. Anna Mary Thelen, who has been sick for about a year with heart dropsy, died here Monday night at about eleven o'clock, and the funeral was held Thursday morning at eight o'clock. OST£NO. Petesch s for drugs. C. E. Jecks spent last Friday in Chi cago. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hunt visited at T. A. Abbott's last Sunday. Alice Richardson of Chicago spent Saturday and Suuday with home folks. Elbert Thomas attended to matters of a business nature in Woodstock Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and little son visited with Chas. Mann and wife Sunday. Mrs. William Thomas and daughter, Hazel, and Mrs. Warren Thomas were Woodstock callers last Saturday. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at onr "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin attended the funeral of Mrs. John Durkee last Thurday, and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrison. Will Noonan, who has been Working for E. H. Thompson, moved his family to Ringwood last week. Will is think­ ing of going to Tennessee. The many friends of Sadie Hobart will be pleased to learn she is recover­ ing from her illness and expects to commcnce teaching again Monday. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant­ age of. Offers this week money saving values in food stuffs and groceries, as follows: Extfa Fancy Fine Brick Cheese , per pound. . \ 2 % C California Ham?, Smoked, per pound l*%c Breakfast Bacon, smoked, in strips, per pound. I3^C Toasted Corn Flakes, per package 7lAc Fancy Mustard Sardines, per can 5c Gal pail pure Syrup. ..35c Fels Naphtha Soap, 10 bars 39c Good Rio Coffee, lb.. I2j^c Gilbert Grocery Co. CENTERVILLE Telephone 691. I Opera L House ricHENRY, ILLINOIS. first Number it Nctleiry Entertainment Course: (Mo Lies A Sextet of Instrumental­ ists--Every Member an Artist, including Pianist, Soprano, Violinist, Reader, Clarinetist, Cornetist A combination of artis­ tic merit, presenting a repertoire of well select­ ed classic, popular and sacred music. SEAT PRICES Season reserved.. .$1.50 Under 14 years -- $1.00 General, 35c; reserve, 35 Under 14 years 15c Seats may be obtained at the follow­ ing places or from the gentlemen named: West McHenry State bank, bank of McHenry, N. H. Petesch, G. W. Besley, West Side postoffice, Prof. Rice, Rev. Roberts, Simon Stoffel, Dr. C. H. Fegers, Jr. Seats to be reserved at Petesch's drug store. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ooean--$1.75 for one year's subscription to both, s Good drugs means more than fresh drugs. It means, that drugs are both high grade and fresh. We are particular about the kind of drugs we offer our customers, so particular that qur stock is an exceptional one in every respect. If you are particular«about quality we should get along well together. W e wish to be your druggist. ^ r- '• X 1 * % ,*!? ' ; g i 5^ i; j . -si .-im :•• N. H. PETESCH, Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 374. . :<?'•; rt/ -CENTERVILLE- Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 542. :: :: :: CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- M c H E N R Y , . . . . I L L I N O I S . % ' v FOR EVERY DAY USE We Advise Good Silver Plated Ware because it is the practical, service giving Silverware to use. :: :: :: The general impression that Plated Ware is only to be had in ordinary designs is a mistaken one. :: :: :: :: We have, at most reasonable prices, very beautiful patterns in full sets aud also odd pieces. :: :: :: :: :: You will be cordially received in our store and given a certain and definite attention, whether you come just to view the beauti­ ful things in our store or to purchase. :: SHOP WITH ROVELSTAD BROS. JEWELERS .•m ELGIN, ILLINOIS. •A •••-j X ' • •' W V -: * ; I PROBATE NEWS [.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Wooastock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, esist side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan ou real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to sutt borrower. Phones 634, 903 and #11.1 REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Walbersa Stegman 4 h to Math las Freund, e pt It 2, blk 12, w side river, M c H en ry $1300.00 Rollin Waite & w to Mildred Keyes. e Its 2-3, blk 13, w side river, Mc­ Henry - • 330.00, Same to Lueila Fisher, e H of back st. of river. Mo­ve of It.s 2-3, blk 13 Henry •ame to same.# H Its 2-3, blk 13. river. McHenry • of 1.00 moo MARRIAGE LICENSES. Edward Boncoeky, 21 Algonquin Metha Henk, 19 " Peter Adame, 38 Spring Grove Lizzie Schaefer, 23. Johnsbnrgh Elmer B. Standieh, 88 Marengo Sylvia E. Woodworth, 28 John Edward Frennd, 24 McHenry Margate! M. Adams, 26. Theodore Holtz. 25..... Emma Nickels, 24 Ray Woodard, 28 Edna Brashier, 18. ... Dundee .Algonquin Woodstock •',4.^5 sV F«ed Grinding. Until further notice we will grind feed mornings only, commencing at 10 o'clock daily. WM. BONSLKTT. Before purchasing that new fall bate consult Mrs. E. W. Howe. Her line and pricee will please yoo. Everything right up to the minute. Where Bullets Flew. > David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y.» i veteran of the civil war, who loet a foot at Gettysburg, says; "The good Elec­ tric Bitters have done is worth more than five huudred dollars to me. I epent much money doctoring (or a bad case of stouiach trouble, to little pnrpoee. I then tried Electric Bitters, awi they cured me. I now take them as a tank*, •ml they keep |ue strong mid well.** 50c at N. H. Peteech Vdiu* stom MM- m & •

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