flmmM rK***p^ ; ̂ ~^Vx: " - ̂ V - v ; J "*?'~: * "*%>";' f V W ̂ ; tit McHenry PUMnIh *' rOBUSBXD EVERY THURSDAY BT | F. a. SCHRIilNKR. .f.T >t) Am i® Ink BoiWlBC» T4l8pbon6, No. 87S» TSRM* Of* •U»«CRIPTION. n.flo fix moatha. 75 eta. Three month®. Mot*. Tlmraflay, October 39, 1908* HKPraLICAN T1CKKT. President WILLIAM H. TA.FT Vice President JAMBS S. SHERMAN f United States Senator ALBERT J. HOPKINS Governor CHARLES S. DENEEN Lieutenant Governor JOHN G. OGLESBY Secretary of State JAMES A. ROSE Auditor JAMES S. McCULLOUGH State Treasurer ANDREW RUSSEL Attorney General WILLIAM H. STEAD Clerk of Supreme Court J. MtCAN DAVIS Congressman HOWARD M. SNAPP Board of Equalisation HERBERT S. WILLIAMS ' State Senator ALBERT J. OLSON Representatives EDWARD D. SRURTLEFF A. K. STEARNS Clerk Appellate Court CHRISTOPHER C. DUFFY State Central Committeeman WILLIAM GROTE Senatorial Committeeman DAVID T. SMILEY Circuit Clerk THEODORE HAMER •State's Attorney D. R. JOSLYN Coroner JOSEPH S. MAXON Surveyor LESTER BARBER LOCAL NEWS OFM'HENRY AS 8EEN BY THE PLAINDEAUEft REPORTERS., (tout of Intirwt Picked l'p About Oar Busy Little Bare That May Coacara You ar Your Frinidi. Peteech's for drags. The roof of the Central opera bouse block has been retarred. Have your eave troughs fibred before the rush at J. J. Vydtal's. Every legal voter should go to the polls and vote next Tuesday. Herdrich's Bitters and Tonic acts on whisky like cream or milk on coffee. A girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Patzke this (Thursday) morning. The Bijou moving picture show at the Central next Sunday evening, Nov. 1. The pictures are great. The dance at the McHenry House hall last evening was a well attended af fair and all present enjoyed a fine time. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "special d^al" price of $1.75 for the two t 1 PROS A TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and to soit borrower. Phones 634, 903 an ments ill.l 1350 00 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Eva W Howell eta! to M D Ott, It 40. blk 8, eside Fox river. McHenry. ! 'Same to J M McOmber, It 2. blk 8. e side Fox river. McHenry 250 00 .'••jBame to John W Sum a, It 1, blk 8, e side Fox river, McHenry 250 00 pij,' ?Same to Albert Krause, It 3, blk 8, e side Fox river, McHenry... 250 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. JohaB. Conerty, 24 Woodstock ^iEtfrieda F. Senger, 37 Harvard James S. Stuffing, 24... .Muskogee, Okla , Clara M, Ford, 21 Crystal Lake f.ii'i' Axel Carlsen, 21 Genoa Junct., Wis • ;'-o!v Mrs. Anna Carlsen, 33 "• " John Chada, 51 Havana, N. D ||; » Celia Frisby, 24. McHenry, 111 ^ ' Horace W. Johnson, 24 Harvard Lnlon B. Wakeley, 28 Herman Feltz, 38 Seneca Twp Edna Hensei 22 " " Louis Seno, 30 Powers Lake, Wis Cora Tent, 20 Burlington, Wis Joseph Dowell, 21 Wauconda Nellie BeaBley, 18 Wauconda Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at auction on the premises known as the old Monaghan farm, H miles southeast of Volo on the Chicago Telephone road and &i miles north of Wauconda, on Mon day, November 2, 1908, positively at 10 a. m., sharp, the following described property: 40 choice cows, 15 new milch, 15 close springers and 10 due to calve |p,"later; 10 3-year old heifers, all due to I . Calve in February, 1909; 10 2-year-old J * ; heifers and 10 heifer calves, steer and £ ' wo bulls, pair of black geldings, wt. ^000 lbs.; pair geldings, wt. 2500 lbs. brown mare, wt. 1200 lbs.; bay team, ^wt. 2200 lbs.; 4-year-old colt, wt. 1300 lbs.; pair of 3-year-old colts, wt. 1900 lbs.; 1 yearling and 1 weanling colt, 30 ehoats, wt. about 80 lbs.; 5 brood sows to farrow soon, 300 bu. oats, 100 tons of upland hay, 50 tons clear timothy hay, 50 tons alfalfa, some corn in stack, 2 sulky plows, 2 walking plows, 2 corn planters, 2 harrows, 2 pulverizers, grain binder, corn binder, corn shredder, seeder, drill, mower, tedder, fanning mill, property. Lunch at noon. Terms: All sums of $10 and under, cash; 6 months' time given on sains pver $10 at 6 p§r cent, good bankable notes. Kimberly '& Blancfc, auctioneers. Joseph S. Haas, clerk. VINCENT AND FRANK MARTIN, executors, estate Bernard Martin, de ceased. The best collection of moving pictures ever brought to McHenry will be on exhibition at the Central next Sunday evening, Nov. 1. A private wire direct from Chicago will be installed at the McHenry Pleas ure club's room next Tuesday evening, and election returns will be received. Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the store ? The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. In one of our exchanges we find the following startling piece of news: "The Northwestern is asking for bids for a $5,000 depot at McHenry." Now wouldn't that make a handsome struc ture? Socialism will again be discussed by a prominent speaker at the McHenry House hall next Saturday evening. The public is respectfully invited to come out and listen to what the speaker has to say. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, bat The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar rangement von can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate $1.75. The Hille Photo studio wishes to an. uounce that they are taking orders for hand painted china ware. Such articles as fruit bowls, tankards, vases, enps and saucers, plates, hatpin holders etc., are especially suitable for holiday gifts. Samples on sho w. Call and get our prices. Watch the label upon yonr papar, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from our lists since the new postoffice ruling went into effect April 1. If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, bad a marriage in the family or any- other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. J ust at the eve of battle politics are warming up considerably locally and more than one heated argument has taken place within the borders of our quiet little village during the past week. After listening to both sides of the ques tion in McHenry one is led to believe that both Taft and Bryan will be elect: ed. Well, let's wait and see! A Democratic rally will take place at the city hall, Woodstock,, next Saturday afternoon at three o'clock. Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, Democratic candidate for governor: Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis of Chicago, oue of the greatest orators in hay rake, hay west; Coll McNaugkton, candidate milk wagon, 2 for congress; Thos. F. Burns, candidate truck wagons, bob sleighs, double ^or the legislature, and other candidates, buggy, 3 sets double harness and other including Fred Bowers, Ben Throop and . _ Frank Tappeo, will be present. Mc Want Column. AH advertise meats inserted untler tlu» head at the ruijo»iiigrat«>» FiveUjit>»ur lettn, 25 cent* for flrtt HtnerUon, 16 cents fur t-fceh subsequent insertion. five ti'entea line for first Insertion 3 i.-nth a ] tju- for additional insertions. ' SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. A Homesteads located. For further infor mation to or address E. W ~ Henry, II Howe, Me- 17-tf RENT --The farm known as the John . A i farS?' s^uated 2 mi ies north west of McHenry. For further information apply to MKS. NICK BOHR 16-tf F°? SALE:---I have for sale a number of T™. teyR?llk w^on*. Inquire or call on JOS. MAY. Riugwood, IU. 17-3t JpOR RKN1- The M. E. parsonag McHenry. Eight rooms, also , barn. Inquire of or write to Mas. C. E. LAMI HERE, West McHenry In West a good 16-tf O.1BL0 WANTED--Girl for general house- T.. J*0? a?d KiH t0 as,sis' ln taking care of child. Good wages. Apply to or write 18-3 GEO. L. MCRPHY, Woodstock 111 WANTED. To buy or lease lot with or without cottage on lake In the Fox Lake region. What terms? A. P. M«HHEN. 867 S /»; Park Ave., Chicago. l»-2t* ':i pOB SALE CHEAP: An oak extension i table aud oak bedstead. Inquire ot F A F BOHUANDER. West McHenry. Henry expects to send over a good dele gation. TRAVEL WASHERS Arc DESTROYING BMUUH AND WATERS OF Foi River. '•/t-U»OB SALE. -- 1 timothy hay in barn. Twenty tons of choice ' * Inquire at >e Mc- ssy«!gt«'M f The O. B. Gilbert Grocery company and E. C. Jacobs have exchanged rooms in fche Heimer block, the former firm taking the north room, while the jewelry house will hereafter occupy the south side of the block. This moye is a good one and will be of mutual benefit to the "swappers," A plate glass front among the improvements already made on the south room, and when all im provements are completed the block will present a decided improvement. Many a young woman who deserves a good man for a life companion has jumped in at a tender age and married a Charlie, and gone thru life embar rassed the rest of her days. Charlie is all right as an ice cream boy and a slot machine, with which to get chewing gum and bon bona, but when it comes to measuring up, in after years, with the men who do things, and whose wives make up the budget of natisfied ones, he is down and ont before the race starts. Girls, if you Mjast marry, and you must, if you would be happy, be Bure and marry a man, or at least what is going to be a man. Feed Grinding. Until further notice we will grind feed mornings only, commencing at 10 o'clock W*. BOJfSUPTT. Cryatal Lake Herald: Efforts to prst* serve the (natural beauties of Fox riveh as well as the usefulnesH of its waters as the home for game fish, are being exerted. Dangers unknown to the average resident of JFox river valley are becoming more prominent yearly and threaten the pollution of the stream. War on gravel washers, along the banks of the streams will be declared. This industry, as at present conducted extensively at Carpentersville, Algon quin, Cary and other poiuts, is chiefly responsible, it is said, for the unclean water aud muddy river bottom that is becoming more noticeable each summer. A letter from D. H. Anderson, editor of the Irrigation Age and an authority on the subject, follows: 1 consider a matter of great impor tance to the citizens of the Fox river valley the pollution of tnat stream by the tailings froua gravel washers and the filling up of the stream bed with slicken and other foreign matter which will eventually lead, as has been the case in mahy western streams where similar work is being done in the form of placer mining, so that during flood time (fcnd floods occur in Fox river as well as in the western streams), that river will eventually be forced out of its bed and do irreparable damage to good farming land along its banks, I have tried for several years past to interest dome of the citizens of Algon- quin£ln the subject of compelling the owners of gravel washers near that town to build dykes and form seepage basins which would hold all of the tail ings and water coming from the washers and eventually permit the water to reach its natural level ip a purified state. To one who has fished in Fox river for many years the outlook is disconr aging, to say the least. The men who are conducting the gravel washing plants along the upper reaches of the Fox are men who have gone out there from the city with a purely commercial object in view; that is to say, they are there to get all the money that can be had at the least expense to themselves, and this is done regardless of the in terests and protests of those who desire to see Fox river a clear sparkling stream, such as it was in our boyhood days. 1 One gentleman who is running a washer at Algonquin informed me that they have already filled.jip the bed with slicken, which forms in bars and is shifted from place to place during high water. ThiB creates a s&ft, sticky bar at every angle of the stream. It also forms a moderately thick layer over the long, straight reaches of the river bot tom and by and by the current is re duced by these conditions, becomes sluggish and thiB matter being of the character of cement, gradually hardens, raises the water plane of the river and brings about the results suggested in the early lines of this letter, There Is another important feature in connection with this which is over looked by the citizens of Algonquin and other cities along the upper Fox, viz., the beauty of the stream as an asuet. The people have been attracted to Al gonquin for years by tbe beauty of Fox river, and it would be difficult to find a more delightful stream thau was the Fox fifteen or twenty years ago. This has been changed, however, and tbe water is now ̂ rarely, if ever clear. It seems to me that some steps should be taken to stir op the citizens of the upper river towns and impress them with the harm that is being done to them as property holders along the stream by the avariciousness of a few foreign concerns. It is hardly fair to ruin as beautiful a stream as the Fox by dumping refuse from all of the gravel washing and other commercial plants into it. It is, moreover, a simple matter to arrange a seepage basin which will hold all of the solids and allow the water to percolate thru to its natural level. It is safe to say that an expendi ture of $200 on the part of tbe two gravel washers at Algonquin would have done away with all of the trouble against which we protest. Another feature in connection with this matter is that some of this sedi ment, clay, fine t-and, etc., is gradually being washed down tream and will eventually fill the storage basins above the dams and I predict that the first trouble from this cause will develop above the Carpentersville dam, which, if no effort is made to stop the practice, will eventual^ become a waterfall in stead of a storage dam. The interests are not heavy enough aloug this stream to warrant tbe building of wing dams, and the only remedy I can see is to com pel the gravel washers to build dykes and form seepage basins. Tbe farmers along the stream should also be interested in this subject, as all of their stock watered in the stream is drinking muddy water, and it is Bafe to say that milk taken from cattle who drink water of this character cannot be as good as from those who drink spring or clear river water. -D. H. Anderson, editor of Tbe Irrigation Age. Pan CLEARING J '•>/$ BEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED AT J. C. Debrecht's Store Tennis Flannel Remnants, per yd.. ,£)C Shaker Flannel Remnants, per yd.. 7c Tennis Flannel, best grade, per yd.. So 1000 yds beat pr in t Ca l i co , per yd . . . 5C Cal i co Remnants , per yd . . . . . . . . . . . . l c Regular X2c Gingham, Mght, yd... .S© Regular 20c, 22c Lawn now 12c Regular 15c, 12c Lawn now Be Regular 10c Lawn now.... 5c Regular 50c Embroidery now.,..,. 40c Regular 40c Embro idery now. . . . . . 29c Regular 30c Embro idery now . . . . 17c Regular 20c Embroidery now 12c » Regular 10c Embroidery now 5c Al l l aces a t reduced pr ices . 9-4 Blankets below cost. Wboleri Dress Goods. Black Cassimere, old stock, 65c, now 25c Gray dress goods, regular 55c, how 25c Black & white checked, ivg 50c 85c Fancy plaids,"blue, 05c goods, now . .25c Fancy jaliids, redr 70c good**, i-, fields Pants. Men'f? Working Pants, reg$l .iWno^ 50c O v e ralls, 50c, now.. .. . i.. ........ . . 40b Overalls, 65c, now.. .; .... .4%J Don't fail to take a look at our red hot as sor tment . Our fu l l line of plain and fancy dishes. Come one aud all. Do not miss this opportunity. We still have Men's and Ladies'^Shoes at <11.00 per pair. We also have a full supply of Ladies' and Gents' and Children's Fhie Shoes at reasonable prices. N . B . Al l gpods on spec ia l sa l e must bo paid for in-cash. Eggs accepted. J. C. Debrec JOHNSBURGH, ILLINOIS . B0 ....NEW.... HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop in the old Schiesgle Build ing in West McH^i y, where we maybe found times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage . Our a im shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt ness and dispatch. : : R. Patzke & (o. West McHenry. AIR MOTOR purip UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTH WESTRRN -- A Healthy Family. "Our whole family h^e enjoyed good health since we began using Dr. King 's New Life Pills, three years ago," eays L. A. Bartlet, of Enral Eonte 1, Guil ford, Maine. They cleanse and tone the ey»tem in a gentle way that does yon good. 25c. at N. H. Pe teach'a drag store. Notice! To lotare publication in The Plain- dealer copy nmet be In the ofiBoe no later than Wednesday iioon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are aaked to take particular notice to this effect. F. O. Oan? the auctioneer. He guar antees satisfaction. Our hot water bottles are t! robber tod. At Pttwcb't, nuine That's what our patrons say about our groceries and fruits. Are we sup plying you in this line? If not, why can we not receive a trial orcter? Our goods will satisfy, wc know. Wm. Simes 'PHONE 694 Heimer Block, - flcHenry China Pa int ing! Classes Wednesdays and Saturdays. Afternoons at 2, Evenings at 7 4*clock. Order* For Decorated China Promptly tilled. Jnst the thing for Xmafl presents, Card Clnb Prizes, Etc. :: :: ;; China and Glass Firing F«ir particulars telephone or write MRS. V N. PATCHEN, WEST rtcHBNKV, . ILL. Ths Pl*lod«»l«r I'fgmt" (iuaranteed to operate any pump Best of natisfaction always. We sull on trial. Why pay $1^5 when yon ran buy pump complin for $37«5$ Wm. Bacon, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. tention, Mies! To the ladies of McHenry and vicinity I wish to announce that my new Pa l l and Winter stock of millinery is now cost p le te and ready for your in spection. The display, we are proud to inform you, con sists of the latest and newest Fa l l crea t ions , and we inv i to your inspection. :: :: Mis s L . Hi l l er , West McHenry, III, •S f t 'um I lea l . Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All homecooking. Rate*; $1. r>o per day. M0.SiMS5LE.Piip. WKST McHWNRY. Ktortlon KfturiiH. As a practical demonstration of its long distance service, and as a favor to its many subscribers, the Chicago Tele phone company hax arranged to provide half-hourly election &bul!etous ou the evening of Nov. 'A. Patrons may secure returnii by calling the local operator at each half hour thereafter. Ulnhs, or ganisations or individuals who desire con tin nous bulletins may arrange for this service by making application to the manager before 1 o'clock, Saturday, Oct. in. Piano Kurte lust rue tlon. Leechtitisky method. Evangeline H. Johns, graduate of Potsdam State Nor mal school of music, director, F. E. Hawthorne, pupil of Theodore Leeche- tisky and Marie Prentner. Termc easy. Call or phone at W. I> Went worth'a, West McHenry. Thin paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean- |1.75 for one year's subscription to botbf j . EAST SIDE. .. IM Hifket A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS of every descr ip t ion . Have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. BITCH, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. Chicago & North-Weston. Le»ve OhlPftfro. 7.txt am. 8.45 a ru .. 9.00 a ni. . 12.30 p m. Effective May 17, IMM. WKKK DAT TRAINS. > NORTHBOUND Via KlK'M. ,,v». . Vlu iJfs Plaiitfi,.,,. . ..Via Plaint# ...", («.OMU IU... Via Klfflti.. 3.4ft p ni . .. Des l'latniii-- 3.48 p m..... V • Via Kltfiu-- 5.12 |» ui .......Via Den Plalm*.-.. .. f, ft'NKAV THAI*|. 8.45 a ui.... , Z• • Via KJltlu• : •. v' #.10a ui. v.*la Dw Pla»ne»..... S.00p nr. rf... s»- • • VlaLlglu. .. ; KK DAT TRAINI, LEA** ?• • HOPTHBOIJND. 7,1* a ui..via lies rlaiuos t'Ba n. ........ Via Ehtin ..o.iiVla Des Plaiutw..,_. .^«vla De* Plaint*.. ., . . . . . . . . Via Klt f ln i . ' . . . . V i a f i e s P h i l l i e s SUNUAT TRAINS. 7.t6am Via El«lu 7.48 pm .: V ia Des 1'laiutMi ' 7.46pm... .Via Elgin... 8.32 a m 4.14 p tii 4.14 p in 6.87 p m Arrive Ate Hear;. .... 10.tT a in 10.17 a ru 10.17 a m v. ,2.4fl p. tu *•% P m ... .0.45 p w . . .8 .4fip ID .. 11.14 a ui r.. 11.14 a Hi . 4.5fi p m Arrive Chicago. . . tt.12 a m .... W.5*> a m .. ,9,3ft am ,.. U.20 p ru .... 7.10 p in 8.00 p ui ......SSaiu --p m .. 10.SO p tn Bnn4 Th* piflB'lftltt. J.ft-:is: Professional, Society V and B\isii\esss Cards DAVID G. WELLS. M. I». 8 OHYBIOIAN, SURGEON ANU viOOLIhT , ,; Office and residence corner Elm aud Oreen*treete, McHenry. Telepheee NH. FEOERS A FEGEK8 -i PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, MeHwr^ _ III. Office at Residence, corner OnurtAnff^ K!mstreets .Telephone333. |». T. SMILEY A TTOKNKY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All busiuess intrusted to his care wilt bk properly aod promptly attended to. I>R. R. 0. CHAM BERLIN BKNTIST. otto RMWMH* over n. J. WIM'I Stat*, Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. W*«T MoH INRY. Iu„ Telephone No. if| | SIMON STOFrfcfc, Ituraranoe Agent for all clmseaof property in the beet Companies. West McHenry, Illinois. •John J. Vyoital •V • DEALER IK Gener&l Hti.rdware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kindB. 'Phone 548' McHENRY, - . ILLINOIS. Well-drllltng a Specialty. 'Phone 791. WM. BACON Itosler In Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings Well Supplies. First-class Work < ' guaranteed at all Times. McHlfN RY, ILLINOIS. H . C . . M E A D JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. 1 am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock Insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. John D. L_odtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST-CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODKRATK PRICKS. McHENRY, * ILLINOIS KILL the COUGH liUfD CURE the LUNGS Dr. King's New Discovery FOR Csrsi'8 I AND ALL THROAT AND LUN6 TROUflLES. I ftTttPAWBOTn SATISFAO^QBY I OB MOHEY MSFTJNPBD7"' Tel. Male 1714. WHY do people of Mc Henry, Lake ai>d other couut>s Irop iu at Lambert Qt Seng's W Fifth Aye. CHICAGO? Hecause It Is *•> home like. PHOTO STUDIO. PortSaits All shapes :ui'i si/.t's Sev eral proofs to select from. KaoU dOB- «n finished in different styles. Price, t2.00 mid upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group ptctures. views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozeu hand some Photos aud a 16-20 enlargement finished neatly and ' 9 W artistically in nat ural colore. :: :: Waukegan St., near the Stapdpipe. WEST MeHENRV, ILL. T*1o»HO«M», 491 WEST SIDE Fresh, Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. £. F; Matthews, Wm McHenry, 111. B- i *>i. • 'iis « , ' » •&v 1 * 1 . .. J • • - * * . , >•* '*" \ri'.