Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1908, p. 8

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• •»£ ;:-S COUNCIL PHOCEEOiNGS. Iftaa The Uteri Are by Over-Werk. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. GdimmI Urge Number or Bills Am Al­ lowed mt K«g alftr Muntlily S«MIOO. t«»Wir*S " \h ^, •> ii w» We can save you Sincerity (jofebss. " rr&. ••'•ryprhAfr # sfcte l|V an Overcoat or we guarantee themiifcetter than Tailor-made Garments. '<i>i / J«r m? Call and see the new 3. 01. Freund, -West mcfienry •-- Pj. ; Council KOQUI, Dec. % l'SflB. ¥fee board of trustees met ia regular meeting, with President Frennd presid­ ing. Trustees present: Block, Herbes, Meyers, Slmee, Stoffel and Weber, The minutes of k»t regal*r meeting read and approved. The following bills were tben read and approved by finance committee; J.J. Vycital, gasolene, sundries.? 17.2ft Wilber Lnmber Co., tile, epntwtt IW.2fi Hanly Bros., gravel ... 5.10 W m Bonslett, gravel 4o E. S. W heeler, gray el... ......; «4 P. M. Freuml, gravel 8.8o John NieHen, lab ou pob property 8.(>0 Geo. Beck with, labor on atreete.. 18.00 W. J. Stoffel, labor 18 8o Geo. B. Freund, labor. 4.0o J. F. Winner, Hide walks 180.00 M. M. Niesen. police services.... 50 Oo John Walsh, police services 50;Oo J. B. FriBby, hauling gravel 14 40 P. Worta, lab on water works.... 8 Oo B. E. Herbes, labor and supplies. 10.35 M. Leickem, lab on pab property * 5.00 Wm. Herbes, labor .8.50 Geo. Meyers, Jr.. lab on street... 80.00 H. E. Price, tel., freight, stamps. 4.45 W. J, Stoffel, labor 7.00 Wm. Bomlefct, graveling street.. 42 56 Valvoline Oil Co., gasolene 12.00 James B Clow & Sons, waste.... 11.57 Motion by Herbes. seconded by Block, fcbat the bill ia favor of the .McHenry Electric Co. for $91.00 for lighting streets for month of November be re­ turned for correction and that state­ ment be presented for the actual amount of light furnished for the month of November. Motion carried. Motion by Simes, seconded by Weber, that the bill be paid as approved by finance committee. Motion carried. On motion by Stoffel, seconded by Herbes, the meeting adjourned. P. J. FREUND, Pres. H. IB. PRICE, Clerk. ir̂ \ X' rl h&"., M >• want Belting, Belt Belt Hooks; Machine Set Screws or Machine Bolts; or Husking Pins for jour Milwaukee or McCormick Husker; or a Litter Carrier or Wheelbarrow to clean your barn; or a large wood Stock Pump; or an End Gate for your Wagoit; or a Tank Heater; or a Corn Shelter; or * Manure Spreader; or a Buggy or on; or Twine to tie your stalks; or Fire, Lightning or Tornado Insurance, yon do, we hare them all in stock. CALL AND SEE. William Stoffel ' CENTCKVILLIi, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. =S\ PHILIP- JAEGE GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT: * j,S': > : "/.if*'* SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs " Tliis is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. Stall i A 3, Pulton St. Wfcilmli Market. COLO STORAUB FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Itntt Clipped from The Plalndealtr ot DccemlMr IS, IMS. • p»« i/; ' Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a «MMl BAHKIIW BUSfflf SS. t 4 We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given INSURANCE Companies, at the Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. HORSE GOODSlI of every description is what we deal in. Every­ thing that goes to make up a first-class Harness l^stablishment may be had here. When you get ready for that new work or driv­ ing harness,, if you appre­ ciate, quality uml good workmanship we will be pleased to give you our l,rice!*M M. A. Thelen Tie gymnasium, which has been run­ ning here the past month, has been closed, the teacher, we believe, going to Woodstock, where he intends opening a school of like character. G. T, Eldredge, notwithstanding the open winter, is pushing the poultry business full as extensively as in former yearfe, and is paying the highest market price for turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens. Business around his poultry house presents a lively appearance. A highway robbery was reported in this village on Thursday last as having taken place near Volo, in which a woman was attacked by a man in the road and her pocket book containing |61 taken. It coming to the ears of Marshal Granger, he took the matter in hand and succeeded in tracing it to a uian who was stopping with Peter Weber on the Long farm east of this village. He could not Bpeak English, but told Mr. Weber, who is a German, that be had found a pocket book, and Mr. Weber mistrusting that all was not right, got possession of the money, and notified parties in this village, which brought out the facts. Granger went oyer and arrested him on Thursday night and delivered him to the author­ ities at Volo, bnt on investigation it was shown that be was a half-witted, cranky sort of a tramp, and he was set at liberty on condition that he leave the country, which be proceeded to do at once. After Jannary 1 those of oar sub­ scribers In this village, who are now re­ ceiving their papers by carrier, will re­ ceive them thru the post office. The reason for this change is that it takes a good deal of valuable time on the most busy day of the week for us, and as all go to the post office at least once a day it will be no inconvenience to them. We trust this will be satisfactory to all and will certainly be a great help to us. There will be an entertainment in the public school building, Friday night, December 21, consisting of music, songs, recitations, dialogues, etc. Miss Annie M. Andrus will appear before the Mc­ Henry people for the first time. The proceeds will be used toward the pur­ chase of an oil painting of the late S. D. Baldwin, to be hung in the room where he rendered feuch valuable services for the past eight yean. Our attention was called on Monday to some very fine oil paintings from the band of Earl Mead, son of H. C. Mead, which would, indeed, be a credit to an older and more experienced artist. They represent various landscape and other scenes, and to our eye, at least, seem almost perfect. Master Earl has taken but few lessons in (Minting, but seems to be a natural artist, and we predict In the future is sure to make his mark in this line. Official Publication Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank at West McHenry, State of Illinois, before the commence­ ment of business on the 28th day of November, 1908, as made to the Aud­ itor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .. .$89,044.83 Other Bonds and Securities, including Premiums 14,500.00 Furniture and Fixtures 746.44 Due from National Banks .... 4,579,80 Checks and other cash itetoa.. 804.20 Cash on hand a. Gold Coin '"M80 " Treas. Certificates 290.00 b. Silver Coin 487.00 " Treas. Certificates 586.00 e. National Bank Currency 2100.00 d. Legal Tender and Trees. Notes .1480600 e. Fractional Currency, nlckr els and cents ....... ..... total .$£14,809 49 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in.......$85,000. oo Undivided profits ..........i 4,688 77 Time Deposits, Savings. . ; ..*.v?fe5,312 Certificates... 6,738.19 Demand Deposits, Individual.. .22,501.64 i " " Certificates 573.50 fbtal... STATE OP ILLINOIS, ) . t .... $114,809.49 County of McHenry, f I, CARL W. STENGER, Cashier of West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the itbove statement is true, to the beijt of my knowledge and belief. CARL W. STENGBB, Cashier. Harked For Death, •fferee years ago I y?aa marked for death. A grave-yard cough was tear­ ing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope had fled, when my husband got Dr. Kihg's New Discov­ ery," says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac, Kj. "The first dose helped me and im­ provement kept on until I had gained 58 pounds in weight and my health was folly restored." This medicine holds the world's healing record for coughs and colds and lung and threat diseases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as yon can buy the blank envelopes at tbe store? Medicine That Is Medicine^ « "I have suffered a good deal with ma laria and stomach complaints, bnt ] have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that remedy is Electric Bitters, a medicine that is medicine for stomach and liver troubles, and for run down conditions," says W. C. Kiestler, of Halliday, Ark. Electric Bitters pnri- fy and enrich the blood, tone up the nerves, and impart vigor and energy to tbe weak, Your money will be refund­ ed if it fails to help you. 50c. at N. H Petesch's drug store. If you have entertained eonqptoy from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, baud or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys bnt now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have'their beginning in the disorder oi these uiost important organs. ; The; kidneys filter and purify the blood-- _ that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, yoii can understand now quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seeuis to fail ta do IU If you are rick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidney are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis­ take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr, Kilmer s Swaihp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for it* wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar siae bottles. You may have a sample bottle Home ot Bwamp-Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble, Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- haiiiton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the naihe, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ahd the ad­ dress, Binghamton, N. Y., ou every bottle. Place Tour Order No*. • ^ The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every . posi- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to Ase en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed en his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner This Is Worth Reading. Leo F. Zelinski, of 68 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cbred the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I applied this salve once a day for. two d&ys, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. 25c. ' F. O. Ganp the auctioneer. He {guar an tees satisfaction. KILL™* COUGH AND CURE THE LUNC8 WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C8L&1* HJBLEIL OTOB1 GUARANTEED SATI87A< OB MONEY REFUNDED. IS FllhC I UK J s. : - Z'mgp JV ; / 'MM Highest market r e­ prices paid for- •<'Vv '•,;¥urs of every de- r. J .^script-ion. Bring^%^J| em to us. Tel- a \||ephone No. 222.1: * -'If - if! CS.M&S011 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, _ s already begintiing to think of ^ u what to get for the many rel- ; ;^tives and friends for Christ- ;. ' ^^;^a^,;".v^hich, by the way, is "not far off, As a reminder we t'A&onld affc, What would make C * more Pleasi"g giit than some ; ' sort of wearing apparel? We K ^ v^Jiaye: an elegant line of the ser- ^ .^iceable gifts and want the 3&r*v i'-v^ ? -cH s: ... '• ri . . • *> waul LUC^ public to see the assortment. •c ^-'.V ifVe have stHtable gifts for all. $ fe-l'.y'""" f : "i WiBSt McMfiNRV, ILLINOIS. jpMie WHY DON'T YOU T, i .VV li " w.rm J* flake this IMsW Sesssfl a memorable Ofie by opening an account with Our D^p^rt- ment, deposit nil you can afford from your earnings, and add to the amount regularly? * * Do thls^ and you'll have niore '|o b| thankful for-ncxt Thanksgiving day. spend all Is, something to be sorry for, 'Tis better to save and be thankful. T^fe peicent Interest allowed on, savings WEST McHENRY STATE BANK ^i i i when he sees our wagon back up with A LOAD OF LUMBER for he knows he can do a good job and do it quickly. A good Carpenter is as much p-eased with such a job as you would be. It means reputation for him, money saved for you. The moral, of cour^^j^g^^ and get the BEST. • * ' *1 > * • 0 . .V YOURS TRULY, , / Slilbur Cumber 0o. N'- (?• HEADQUARTERS FOR ^ HOLIDAY QOODS1 ToyM Toys! Toys! He H EN RY• _ J^LI NOIS. Telephone, 541. FOR RIGHT OOODS AT RIG HT PRICES- ^ TRY THIS STORE i ^sc--DOLLS-- age ^ull kid body doll, full 12 inches long, closing eyes» jointed* Choice.. • • • . . . . . . 2 5 c DOLL SUPPLIES Doll Wigs......,25c, 50c Doll Slippers, Doll Gloves, pr. . 25c D o l l N u r s e S e t . . . . . . . 2 5 c Doll Pur Sets.... ..25c, 50c Sweaters, Caps and Shirts GAMES--BOOKS Horn's Scroll Saws, Magic Lanterns, Doll Hammocks, Rubber Balls, Tree Orna-. " nients. Bags, Wagons »nd Buggies. :: :: PETTICOATS ^ Xkdies' Underskirts lit* 1 Sateen at..98c, $1.29 Heather bloom at $1.98. • $2.50, 2.75 50C VALUE 1%11 fine ki^ body doH^ lorfg flowing fiair, joint­ ed, full IS inches Ion#, a snap, only. 50c M TOY HORSES --Full Harnessed Horses-- 9x10 indies, each*. 25c 13x15 inches, each.C....50c 16x16 inches, each.... $1.00, Pony and Cart--a large as­ sortment--choice.. .25c, 50c FUR VALUES We are showing a large variety of all skins at prices that look good to tis . 69c, $1.00 to $12 SUIT CASES in all sizes at $1.29, $1.50, $1.75 up to all leather at $5. Tfav- eling bags at unheard of prices. See them. Nothing Better Large, full 22 in. long/ fine kid 'body doll, move­ able eyes, long flowing hair, blonde or brunette. While they last..$1.00 Medianical Toys Dancing Lady, Auto­ mobiles, Elevators, Hill , Climbing Toys, Trains, Steam Engines, Chutes, in fact, a regular White City in Toyland is here. $2.50 Value for $1.00 Our entire line of Lawn, Mull and heavier Indies' Waists have been placed in one lot tp close at..$l Fancy China Vases Tea Sets, Smoker Sets, " in fact, everything to make a suitable gift for anyone.

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